| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 19, 1961 5 | | ' | WHITBY And DISTRICT Faith WMS ime: mie eco Re-elected president Mrs, L, y Meader, vice president Mrs. G. . ttended tt christenin hd Baker, secretary Mrs. B, Mac- Receives $5000 lic, ih re RE - and | Many Friends Fete Election Donald, treasurer Mrs, D. Mil- burn, social conveners Mrs. L. Mrs. Edmond Le Blanc, of Ham-| 'Donna L. McLuhan IMiddleton and Mrs. K. Kirk ilton. Mrs. Finan attended the 5 ? STI i In Settlement Sunday afternoon session of the Miss Donna Lee McLuhan,| Of Officers fan, friends CIITEners Mu | A Pickering village resident, CWL Provincial Convention held| {of Whitby, whose marriage to] Holmes. Missionarv.. convener y at the Royal Capnaught Hotel. |Mr. Fred Michael Borchuk took] : : Mrs. C. Milburn Sr. piagi | Victor Hrytzak, of 100 Kingston, place in Whitby United Church] Faith Baptist Church WMS Mrs. C. Milburn Sr., pianist Mrs. Jroud, i rec Rive BW ik Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Baron Sept. 2, has been feted at held its first meeting of the sea: f., Rauws, pless correspond. hi Supreme Court of| cite; of Valleyfield, Quebec, many pre-nuptial eevnts. json on Thursday evening at the| J meeting closed with ray. |Ontario at the Fall Assizes in| Were callers over the weekend| A miscellaneous shower was! church auditorium. The meeting or Ted by Mis. pig Miltary Re. {Whitby on Monday. The settle-|at the home of Mrs. Barrette s|civen by Mrs C. Bridge, 1112|wag opened with prayer by Mrs |freshments were served by M: vent wis approved by Mr Jus, (brother and sister-in-law, Mr.|Green street, Whitby. Assisting], Meader. Rev. E. Corbett gave eens we od D Yd Ts. Hee Packer. who presided. "land Mrs. Herve Carriere, of|the hostess in serving a de-tthe devotional. Various reports| auWs and Mrs. MacDonald. | "The damages were awarded Beech street. They left for Wind-licious lunch were Mrs.|were read and approved A work meeting was held on | iuainst: Walter 7. McLean of | SOT where they are attending aj 'owther, Toronto and Mrs. Rev. Corbett presided over the | Monday, Sept. 18 to prepare a [195 Hickory Riot. Whitby "The pwedding. They will be guests for|Jeanne Hughes who poured tea.| { ood parcel to he sent to Mr. and ne ON t of 1 |a few days at the Carriere resi-|Donna's aunts and grandmother Mrs. J. Hicks, missionaries in claim arose out of a two-cariy.,.. yafore returning to their|Mrs. Michael Anderson, 609 miscellaneous shower. Donne| Africa . crash on Dundas street in W hit- {home and will also visit in Osh-|from Lindsay were present received many lovely and usefu'| A combined meeting will be [D3 on Noy 14, 1960. As a result] awa at the home of Mr. and/Newman street, and Mrs R.|gifts. A lovely lunch was servec| 'eld on Oct, 2. at Calvary Bap- ou hg ni Tl calm Mrs. Adrien Carriere Borchuk were co- hostesses at a'by both hostesses tist Church, Oshawa. {whiplash injury The plaintift was represented iby Terence V. Kelly, of Greer land Kelly, Oshawa, and the de PY INTRODUCTORY OFFER! WHITBY PERSONALS ¥ : : Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wolfs cele-| % 4 i --- 4 brated their 25th wedding anni-| J 7 versary. On Sunday Rev. 1.. J : ; '. Austin blessed them at the 10.30 Mass. On Saturday evening their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Jack Heynemans, en tertained at their home, 604 WNSHIP PEE WEE CHAMPIONS eT WHITBY TO and Mrs. Leo Tigglers, Mr, and PeeWee softball champions | front row (left to right) Rob- | bell. Back row (left - right) | Team members ahsent from Mis. S. Neve, Mr. and Mrs. H for Whithy Township this. ert Allan, Tom Parker, cap Mrs. B. Parker, manager the picture are Pat Murdock, Vander Horst, Mr. and Mrs. J vear are the Willow tain. Ronnie Lofthouse. Centre | Wayne Bouckley, Peter Neck Bruce Craigie and Jeff Patter- Goemans, Mr, and Mrs. 1 Big K's. There are four teams | row (left - right) Howard Bel- = ers, Barry Sytnyk, Tom Doyle | son Derks and Mr. and Mrs. J in t leag Shov p I Carl MacRae, Don Camp- and ert Parker coach Oshawa Times Photo Knegie, all of Whithy: also Mr ; f iii iy n the league hown are | bin, Ca I and Mrs. T- Vaneveld of To egu ar ¢ can 0 ronto. During the evening danc brating her first birthday today Friends of the family wishe Les 4 4 lie many happy returns of the Barracks, London, a member of, Decrees nisi were granted in day I the RCR's, ch ed with crimin- the following actions i SKATERAMA 61 al negligence. This was the only M1 Grace Anne Wood, of Mr. and Mrs. E. Finan and| on ri criminal charge to be consider- 222 Grenwood avenue, Oshawa, family spent the weekend in| 1 The Oshawa and District Roller Skating club are ed by the seven-man jury laintiff, against Clayton Fran.| Hamilton, the guests of Mr, and| § : ing was enjoyed and movies i : ury rue 1 vere shown by Mr. Knegje NH iit ww tasty lunch was served by the I id Fatt 1 ee ee > . hostess including a nicely decor-| I i 111 iit Mr. Justice Parker, presid- cis Wood, formerly of Whitby. Mrs. K. J. Craddock. They also | " ated 25th wedding anniversary nn TiV1l 1g O1 1 | 1 cake cut by the celebrants : heir annual show this Saturday night. Sep- holding their a al show Is Sa 1g F ng for the first time in the Acting for the plaintiff was it PARADE ; 2 ; Leslie, daughter of Mr. and A grand jury in Whitby on While awaiting the return of Mrs. Walter Hawkins. is cele-| § Monday brought in a true bill the grand jury, His Lordship . gr , in the indictment of Joseph! ruled on a number of uncontest By GERRY BLAIR I'rancis Rodden, 20, of Wolsley ed divorces . : g fir 2 rth plaintiff - - - tember 23, at the Oshawa Children's Arena, starting Supreme Court of Ontario sit- J. P. Mangan, QC, of Oshawa extra-rich instant lather at 8:30 p.m. Skaterama 1961 is the second st ich affair tings at Whitby, was welcomed! Mrs. Camila Shearer, 7 York M . held by the club, initiated last year in conjunction to the county by R. D. Hum- street, Ajax, plaintiff, against Friday Night with the Miss Roller Skating Queen contest There phreys, QC; on behalf of the'James Shearer. 51 St. James . wil be no contest with this season's spectacular, Ontario County Law Society. avenue, Toronto. Acting for the Bowling League Bruce Laverty, in charge of publicity has appealed to 'lI know vyour distinguished plaintiff was John Greer, of . i . a career at the bar augurs well Greer and Kelly, Oshawa H | the public to attend this roller skating secial, present- | "v0 Bench * he told His Lord Ronald Gordon Knight, 203 Will Re-open Having REAM ed by top notch skaters in Whitby, Ajax and Osh- ship, "and we wish you well in/Montrave avenue, Oshawa, Friday Sept 22 y - awa, which features 'dance numbers, precision drills |vour new duties as a member plaintiff, against Marie A. Me- . with urchase of and the appearance of professional skaters from To- of the Supreme Court." Knight, of Oshawa. Acting for . ronto. Last year's show was received by a near sell- Addressing the grand jury, the plaintiff was J. P. Mangan, AT 7:00 P.M. - i x before delivering the Rodden QC, of Oshawa 3t crowd. and ti shaw strict club are ho » i out erowd, and the Oshawa and Dist Lig : u op- indictment, His Lordship said - - - a e ispenser (0) equally good turnout for this year's fine that they were part of the demo- It is the type of performance that appeals to cratic process in that it is their members of a family. voung or old. role to make certain that the é@ 2 administration of justice 8 PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY ED WESTFALL IMPRESSIVE properly carried out | Recalling the history of Brit | Wren Blair dropped in on Saturday afternoon ish justice, His Lordship said WEDNESDAY P 1 before continuing on to his new home in Kingston, that at one time justice was a y SE 1. 27th the opening of the Frontenacs 1961-62 EPHI. |Very private matter, with the ing camp, which began yesterday. Wren had fosusers Bid the accused meet. 8 P.M. Lt 1 ' g a due cot veek's vigilance at the Bosto In later years. the comiy : 1in's ssion, of his players to be dispatched nity took an interest In these ROCHESTER gstor He took in .the exhibition encounter matters but this brought about Ki gsto hetween the Boston Bruins and Toronto Male Leafs such justice as ordeals by fire ; AM A N a vlaved betdre a vecord crowd gt Nizgard Falls We or boiling water bi { ERIC S first stint ir Eventually, he said, the jury : : : . " "Bad . ' : svstem came into being, when pro company, to whi 1e replied «adie 100Kec 12 men who resided in the 3 ; vs exceptionally good « ie N 1aving seen hin accused's neighborhood were too ofte on with the Flyers, we weren't aware picked out to sit on his trial be. 3 ¢ , of the extent his talents. He can really move, and This did not work out too well 3 7, KINGSTON 5 a splendid puck handler." Ed may be called upor either, he said, for the 12 invari- : Bp ably h: kK vd g { to fill in for the injured Ted Green until he recovers. crime 1d some knowledge of the 4 FRONTENACS Green smashed his har d against the goal post while Later, 12 were chosen who {Eastarn Pro League) into Frank Mahovlich in a pier six brawl had no knowledge of the crime around the Boston net. Wren was a little concerned and this developed into the See Bob Attersley, Harry Sinden, Alf Treen and with a defence problem which awaited him upon his accusing jury, which is now the Long John Henderson formerly of Whitby Dunlops return to Kingston. He is starting his camp with 8rand jury, and the trying jury play for Kingston Frontenacs. which is now the petit jury The grand jury, he said. now de Harry Sinden. Barry Ashbee is currently recuper- ided if there is enough evi sting from an apendicitis operation. But one con- dence to warrant placing the WHITBY golation is, Lynn Patrick may still send Westfall to accused on trial before the petit Ki ngston, and find. other means of solving the va. IU e Get acquainted with wonderful new Tc ras means 20% 20 i | COMMUNITY ARENA [i Gis osm Stein Crom to be sidelir ed for six weeks. aid, Is peculiar to the Eng lish-speaking races and as a » Creamy rich lather at the f al 4 Bitters result he 5h Er 5 8 : 1 ) press of a valve, § 7 RINGSTON-ROCHESTER HERE NEXT WEEK result has helped preserve some | ADULTS 1.50 CHILDREN 75¢ And it stays moist the whole shave through. / woes" '1,00 nation's freedom by ¥ ras . ag y rs exerting a control over the TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Whitby, Oshawa 5 r th + : £3 administrat stie : . '":. i and district hockey followers have an opportunity of stration of justice, . : - . Wonder fully refreshing. Gives you pro previewing pro hockey action, one week from Wed- tection of K-34 facial antiseptic, too. .nesdav September 27, 7, here at the Whitby Com- Dl Tr Teil i ave toodt or LAWN ® Man, when you team up Foamy with the Rochester Americans on that date . ... United Hockey new Gillette Super Blue Blade you'll hardly league executives have moved their games from Port MOWERS helieve you're shaving! . ' Perrv tao the Bowmanville Community arena, for the coming seaszon Their schedule opens Wednesday, asked him how Ed Westfall fared in his (American Hockey League) falling only two healthy defence recruits. Alf Treen and October 4 The league decided against expansion RPENED - REP El for this season. and are operating again with the All Makes ond Maodels " original four clubs: defending cha ) vy Hall, portaman S NIGHT GARAGE SERVICE Electricians, Plumbers and Public Utilities . , . . Corner [TIE ee My oumy caves FREE World Series Encyclopedia! Whithy Feature Starts at 7 & 9:25 WHITE MONDAY TO FRIDAY gs ol when you buy the famous Yip rasan PACE || NEWSPRINT || All mechanical work done Ji <r | Grillette Arjustabie | RAZOR SET approximately 630 || @ Licensed Mechanics at the regular price sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in : . 9-1b. pkgs. ® You get razor, dispenser of i ¥ A ® 256 pages of facls, figures, Gillette Super Blue Blades, : IDEAL FOR TYPING records -- paper-back edition and travel case ETURN 10 PADS: CARBON COPIES of new $5 1961 Encyclopedia » Just set the dial and you're in INNER OFF ICE | . me-bhy-game highlights all set for exact blade exposure MEMOS, ETC | since 1908 lifetime statis and angle for your beard On. Sols ot : 3 tics of all 1136 Series players ® And the new Gillette Super Cras : : WHITBY OFFICE ry ® World Series all-time records Blue Blades give shaves so "COLOR by DE LUXE 1961 Major League Roster smooth you'll hardly believe CIRCULATION BRUCE, R. KING, Proprietor (Supply Limited) there's a blade in the razor DEPT. 311 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY - MO 8-5828 . * CAROL LYNLEY » STARRING; JEFF CHANDLER PTERTAINMENS Oshawa Times WU EN EN UN NSW RN EER SW SE SEE EW