TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie TUESDAY EVE. | WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. J--News, Sports a boi Theattn Pals | 4--~News Roundup 3--Bozo The Clown 2---Today Show ~The Mischief Maker 8:15 AM. 7-Buffalo A.M Captain Kangaroo i 9:00 AM. 7--The Lone Ranger | 5--Coffee Break | 4=Popeye's 4=Theatre 2---McGraw 9:15 A.M. 6:00 $= Whirlybirds 9:30 AN 's Bn) « Three Sooses | Sa ig 6:15 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 4-1 Love Lucy 5.2--Say When 10:30 AM. b 6 6:30 P.M. 11-5-3--News #-News: Weather: Sports 6:45 PM. 3:3 News 10:45 AM. $--Huntley Brinkley 3--Christian Science a P.M 11:00 AM. . 11--Bot Lea SE amily Theatre 9-Free nd Baty #--The Outdoor fT exam o. Sortaman | 4--Double Exposure $--Real McCoys 11:30 AM. 4--News-Weather-Sports v 3----Wanted Dead or Alive $=Jim Backus Show 7:15 P.M. T--News: Weather 7:30 P-M, 11--The Rifleman $-Wyatt Earp 7--Bugs Bunny Show 8--Directors Choice 8-3--Laramie 4--The Californians $--All Star Theatre 8:00 P.M. 11-8-3--Summer Circuit $--Theatre Right ackage 2--Concentration 12:00 NOON Playhouse Party 2--Consult Dr. Brothers 6-3--Huckleberry Hound 2-Debbie Drake Show and Mrs. North Your Hunch | | 4--Edge of Night | 5.2--Comedy Carnival | 6--Junior Roundup | VEDNESDAY EVE. i 5:00 P.M. (1 -Familv Theatre | 7-5--Popeye | 4--Popeye's Playhouse 3--The Big Rascals | 5:30 P.M. | 7--Early Show 3--Playhouse Five 4--Theatre 2--Felix The Cat 6:00 P.M. 9--WhirlyBirds 6-3--News 2- Yankee Doodle Time | 335 SNE oir | 6:15 2M. | 6=Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M, 11--News 9--News: Weather: Sports | 8-3-2--News: Weather: | Sports | 6:45 P.M, 6---News, Sports 5--Huntley-Brinkley 11=Family Theatre Movie 9---Jane Wyman Theatre | 8--Seven-o-One 5---The Rebel t--News: Weather Sports 3--Loretta Young ws: Weather 7:30 P.M. 11--Cannonball | 9--Brothers Brannagan 7-Hong Kong 6--Wheelspin 4--Malibu Run 52-Wagon Train #~Bachelor Father 7:45 P.M. Wnth eign omnes ACROSS 1, Food fish 5. Branchlike 11, Letter clos- ing 12. Arm joints 13. Copies 14. Music note 15, Transgress ' CROSSWORD 2. ---- springs 22, eternal 23. Worth- 3. Birds less 4. Impover 24. Not a ished copy 5. Eliminate 25. 8- 6. Excuse shaped 7. Bachelor mold- of ing BUZ SAWYER TURN OUT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, September 19, 1961 13 LY MY FRIENDS, WE ARE FACED WITH UNEXPECTED DISASTE RESERVE AMM 10 85 CABES OF ROCKS, COKMUNIST SABOTAGE ex © 1091, King Pentures Syndicate, Ine, World rights reserved. JANE HARDEN TOOK ) BERT RES Hin = Tg Medicine 27, Bitter (abbr.) vetch 8. Hawaiian Conflict birds Shade of 9. Defrauds red 10. Serf 33. Areas 20. Mrs, Smith, 34, Sun 7. Set of boxes 16. Setting-sun direction . 17. Siberian 77 Sunset Strip | If 8:30 P.M. Eu 7---0zzie and Harriet 5-2--The Price Is Right | 4--Project Hope 1-6-3--~My Three Sons 9:00 P.M, 1-85-32 Kraft Mystery | Theatre 1 tage 9 Drama 7--The Hawanan rye 3--Kraft Music Hall 4--Angel 9:30 P.M, 4--1've Gol A Secret 10:00 P.M. 11-6-3--The Superior Sex 5-2--It Could Be You r Tomorrow 5 P.M, M. 4-The 4m Sothern ding Light 11-6-3--Distorted Mind o 1:00 P.M, y- 8:30 P.M. 1 inee 11-8-3--Jake and The Kid and Easy 7----Wyatt Earp $-3--Alfred Hitchcock 4--Doble Gillis 9:00 P.M. 11-83--Front Page Challenge 7--Stagecoach West 3-2--Thriller 4--Comedy Spotlight : Thea 9:30 P.M. Day | Court t153-Man Hunt : n Murray Show oute 65 the Fact Playhouse 3 PM 10:00 P.M. Jane Gray Show 7--The Rifleman Preview 8--Stan Leonard Golf 3:00 P.M Yesterday's Answer 38, Pierce 39. Stockings 41. Combat filer 45. Music note 18. Compass poin (abbr) 19, Tempted 23. Baby's shoe 21.) 26. Robust 28, Quibble 29, More prudent 30. Lose weight 31. Pet 32,01d fellows (slang) MICKEY MOUSE World Turns 9-8 "3:00 P.M. OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE Scores were down on our night of bowling. Was it the 13th jinx?? Jinx or not, it didn't stop "our" Mary Gilkts, who had a lovely triple again this week of 725 (323, 201, 201), topping her high single of last week, 320. That the only high triple of the night, Come, come, girls! Only four other two hundred games, fed by Helen Brown with a 222, Joan Wall 217, Marg. Ferguson 214, Ann Proskin 202. Let's see some more 200 scores! Points taken were: Atoms 3, The Flintstones 3, Starliters 3, Dixies 1, Oddballs 1, Pixies 1, Teams Standing -- Atoms 6, The Flintstones and Pixies tied $5 points each, Starliters 4, Oddballs 3, Dixles 1. Sorry to hear Mary Parks is unable to continue bowling with us at present, due to illness. Get well soon, Mary! re were six little Lemons led Edith Fraser 95, Jill Whitely 95, 79, Dot Starkey 89, Irene Kehoe 87, Diane Duncan 86, 60, and Shirley Pringle 74. So worry! WESTMOUNT CHURCH MIXED LEAGUE Team No. 1 -- Alex Sinclair, captain) Alex Sinclair 313, 226; Irene Rahme 259, 0. Team No. 2 -- Harry Bennett, cap tain: Harry Bennett 213; Thelma Owen ald 207; Muriel Sinclair 260; Ab Armi. age 208, Team No, 3 -- Ken Cobb, captain: Ken Cobb 355, 224; Jean Harris 236) Judy Holbrook 228. Team No. 4 Morris Love, captains Morris Love 218; Annabelle Cobb 283. Team No. 5 -- Irv. Estabrook, ep- tain: Mary Slator 255; Bruce Stewart 244, Team No. 6 -- Gord Wherry, captain: Jim Childerhose 252; Hilda Shearer 230; Bert Calvert 222. Team No. 7 -- Howard MacLeod, cap tain: Helen Doughty 210. Team No. 8--- Doris Stuart, captain: Percy Neal 224; Joe Weeks 212. Lemon League -- Ella MacPherson, Alma Shearer, Joe Weeks, Tanny Esta- brook, Evelyn Brown, Murray Mac Pherson and Joe Ward with a good old UAW NO. 27 AUXILARY We have started our 25th season of five - pin bowling and our oldest mem- ber, Ann Forster, who was 80-years-old in' June, seemed to be the only bowler who "weathered" the holidays, as she came up with the highest two-game score, of 327, Ann Gwilliam had the high single of 183 but we had 17 members whe weren't named "Amn" -- they wound up in the Lemon League. Two of the games resulted in clean sweeps with Six Bells and Milkmaids taking three points from Nuts-and-Bolts and Lucky 27's respectively while Farmerettes and Flowerettes each took 2-1 wins over their opponents, Union Maids and Gay Nineties. VALUABLE PLANT Medicinal castor oil is pre pared from the first pressing of seeds of the castor bean, in- i--Naked City 4 US Steel Hour measure 10:30 P.M. 35. C °c {icknames of Fame CoRjume. 11-6-3-- Explorations ' ; THERE GOES HOW CAN YOU TELL?) 5--Miami Undercover La 11-8-3--Close-up 34. Chinese 7--"Close Up" 2-Cain's 100 10:30 P.M, $--Barris Beat $--Royal Canadian 11--Romper 'Room Mounted Police 7---Queen For A Day . 6--Movie Matinee para PMS oor alone 4--Millionaire 11:15 P.M 3--News and Sports #-Sports '61 -- Joe 3:30 P.M. Crysdale » Do You Trust f--Late Show 4 Verdict Is Yours $--Viewpoint 5-2--From [hese Roots 11:30 P-M. 4:00 P.M. Late Show {1--Popeye With Capt. $---Better Late Andy 8--Night Metro 5-2--Jack Paar 4--Starlight Theatre Special 3:00 P.M, SHE ALWAYS HAS ONE O' TH' BOYS HAUL HER TO TOWN Se Miah WHEN SHE WANTS T' SAVE HER ENERGY FOR ACTUAL ghtrope BARGAIN: COUNTER BATTLES" 11:00 P.M. A. Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 9-Sporis '61 -- Jos Crysdale T--Late Show | 8=Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 9--Better Late 11--Late Show 6--~Mystery Theatre 5-2--Jack Paar 4----Starlight Theatre | 3=Not For Hire | 12:15 P.M, | 9--News: Weather: Sports | 12:30 P.M. s--Epilogue 42. Nickel (sym.) 43. Preposition 44. Twin crystals 46. E 47. Polite word 48, Caesar's tunic DOWN 1. Cabbage walad 9-The Hideaway 7--American Bandstand §5-2--~Make Room For Daddy 4~The Brighter Day 4:15 P.M, 4--S8ecret Storm 4:50 P.M. 6-3-Junior Roundup #--News: Weather: | 12:30 P.M. | dustrial oil from later press- ings. SALLY'S SALLIES Pre-Fall SPECIALS Only At The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS! FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT 9 95 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT including park- LUBRICATE UNIVERSAL 5 95 ROTATE TIRES 1 95 FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS FRONT WHEEL BALANCE . ing brake -- Check Fluid Level 1 50 JOINTS (Pontiac & Chevrolet) We (5 Wheels) A | Repack and inspect bearings - Report Broke Lining condition THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 723-4634 1.95 PARTS EXTRA ® GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 30, 1961 AT LAST, FEAR- =AN:THAR'S SUMPTHIN' | BARGAINS MY SAFE |8 FULL OF COUNTERFE/T MONEY, AND YOUR LARKIN. | GOT IT BEFORE YOU SMASHED My MUSBANDS GANG / LESS FOSDICK WILL GIT WHUT == YOU CAN PAY MY PRICE BUT, THEY'S GONNA HONOR FOR THESE LATTERS. HIM 7? THEY CAIN'T DOUBLE-CROSS NASTY IN TH'GRINS O° OSD! LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER 1 PRICE TM LIKE (BETTER LET ME TAKE 1 FEEL, PAL... BETIERLE OVER, BLS... §( YOU'VE LOST, THE MOOD! --d THANKS! ILL TAKE) (Epry Ee) : JUST WHAT , NE ois R : 5 T FORE : DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER | TAM WHAT 1S KNOWN IN THIS TOWN AS A SENTIMENTAL SLOB. THAT MEANS I'VE GOT MORE HEART THAN IS GOOD | FOR ME. HENCE THE BUILT-IN SNEER, I FEATURE,., BX ...IT'S My PROTECTION. S0...50 ID LIKE TO PLAY GALAHAD TO YOU AND YOUR g JULIETJONES | MUG World rights reserv YOUR BABY LOOKS WONDERFUL--HE HAS SUCH A FINE "a LARRY BRANNON . AT THE KLAUS BELA HOME .. EITHER YOU WILL HAVE SEEN YOUR FATHER] Hd WHERE OR [WiLL | HAVE FOUND OUT | WHERE HE WENT RELATIVES, THE AZAVS BELAS. TOMORROW RETURN HERE TO MALTON AND WATCH FOR YOUR FATHER WHAT BAS NAPPENED TO YOUR FATHER MAY ARRIVE NERE TOMOEROW cai SOME PEOPLE DON'T | : KNOW HOW TO TAKE | . : A COMPLIMENT! ,..~/ ' ia % - f | | | FOR YOUR KITCHEN VISIT Our 2nd Floor SHOWROOM SEE The Rich Beauty and Practical Features {at money saving prices) of the COMPLETE GURNEY- TAPPAN Built-In Line of OVENS & SURFACE UNITS and the smart, modern styling of the famous Norden Kitchen Cabinets You'll be thrilled ot both quel- ity price! See them today! CASH & CARRY MILLWORK 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m Friday ¢ll 9 p.m. 728-6291 RARE i he ea ER ce snr ------ TIENEN