cli a lS ls S10 TR SER ES SS i A rE 19. LL UAN Phone 725.737, Boys' Lined Corded Cotton SLACKS Smart styling combined with warmth Good-looking slacks of sturdy corded cotton; styl- ed with half-boxer waist, self-belt, 2 slanted side pockets, one back pocket. Cuffed ready-to-wear; and lined throughout with cosy cotton flannel. Colours of black, green, charcoal, grey or ante- lope; sizes 8 to 12, Plain waist, sizes 8 to 16. Special, each ZATON Opportunity Bay Special, each ... 5, TEAMSTER EMPIRE | Believe Canada Ripe For Organizing Drive mutual aid pact, announced late EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 PHONE 725.7373 Specially Priced, Monday ! AUTOMATIC FRYING PANS This charge has not been ad- By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON (CP)--Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters believe Can- ada is ripe for a big organiza- tional drive They hope to attract mem- bership by holding out the bait of fatter work contracts and higher wages for truckers "We're going to concentrate on Canada as soon as we com. | plete our consolidation here," said Harold J. Gibbons, 51-year-| old executive vice-president of the 1,500,000 - member interna-| tional union and a buddy of! Hoffa, the union chief vanced against the Canadian Teamster leadership but the union was put out of he Cana- dian Labor Congress last year for raiding membership of a CLC affiliate. Some behind the-scenes man- oeuvring aimed at gelting the union back into the CLC has been inconclusive. Expulsion hasn't slowed Hoffa's drive for increased union power in the United States and his aides figure it won't slow the drive in Can- ada. in August, with the Interna- tional Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers in Canada and the United States. The Canadian Mine-Mill union has also been expelled from the CLC and is in the midst of a fight in Northern Ontario's nickel belt with the United Steelworkers. FEAR RAILWAYS While Gibbons talks of bigger and better things for Canadian truckers, he also harbors con- cern over the Canadian trans- portation pattern -- of the in- Vinyl Folding Doors Handsome folding doors for use in single or double door openings . . . fer closets, or as room dividers. Fashioned from durable plastic, they wipe clean easily. Finished in grey or beige. Sizes approx. EATON Opportunity Day Special: 99 32 x 78 or 80" Each .... 32x78 or 80" 0.99 Seconds' in finish only EATON Opportunity Day Special, each Much below usual price! Handy frying pan in the large 10%2" x 1012" size; square shape to accommodate more food. Made of heavy cast aluminum, it heats quickly and evenly. Cool 'Bakelite' handle and feet; 1,150-watt ele- ment with thermostatic control in the handle. Comes complete with lid and cord. "We're going to make every effort to bring trucker wages in Canada into line with those in the United Staes. creased moves by railways into the trucking business "The Canadian railways are getting more and more into the trucking business. We can't stop that. It is not illegal. But by getting into trucking, the railway management pushes truckers into railway unions, often at wage scales inferior to what a trucker should get. "No railway down here would PACT WITH MINE-MILL PHONE 725-7373 A veteran Canadian labor observer, suggesting many bi is no jusification for Canadian truckers may doubt ce re a getting Jess| whether they should link up than Americans. Drivers from With Hoffa's crew in: view of the two countries pass each|the notoriety around him, es-| other at border points. The timated the Teamsters may economies of the two coun- have got only about one-fifth of tries are well integrated." the total membership potential available in Canada. BLACKMAIL CHARGED The international headquart- Gibbons' words are usually ers hungers for power and pres-| dare do a thing like that, They backed by Hoffa's forcefulltige. A big and effective mem-|wouldnt' try to bypass he ways. Hors told a Toronto au- [bership drive in Canada' might| Teamsters." dience early this year that in pe useful in argument for read. That seems to be part of the 1961 the Canadian trucking in-|mittance to the main houses of root of the Teamsters' worry-- dustry would have to deal with jabor in the two countries. that the rail unions may dig him in negotiating Another apparent effort to|deeper into Teamsters' mem- "ant fact Jenewals. The Quebec| strengthen its hand was helbership. provincia amber om- merce retorted that Hoffa was| trying to apply methods of dis crimination, interference and blackmail on the Canadian economy. Teamster Canadian director 1. M. (Casey) Dodds of Toronto| says he hopes to see the union with an organizing fund of $1,000,000 for Canada before long. | Recently, Hoffa 500.000) the creation' of a $3,000, . : T program, being plotted ud Sor organizing in North, provincial government engi- "would expect we would neers, will be followed by con- get at least a third of this for| struction of a pilot tunnel as Canada," Dodds said. first steps in the big Peace a River hydro-electric power pro- He was unable to provide |ject tasks, says Dr, proved and its bridges strength- clear-cut comparison of Cana- o- i Ini States Team- hese two A dian and United States Team Gordon Shrum, head of. the ened, then access roads will be | built from Hudson Hope to the sters' pay rates but said Cana-{ 1B.C. Electric C R > .[Crown-owned .C. Electric Com- dian rates generally are some basin site. Clearing at the site also must what lower. The differential|pany, will carry work into the are well under|be carried out and a span will varies regionally and through| middle of 1962. the many types of Teamster When they : renin way, remaining steps in thelbe constructed across the Peace long-term construction program |just upstream from the actual OUSTED FROM CLC will be worked out in detail and dam location. Tom Flynn, eastern vice-pres- employment opportunities might! Dr. Shrum said this would be ident of the Teamsters and alhecome clear, needed to take men and ma- man who keeps a close eye on Meanwhile, no jobs are open|terials across the river and to the project because the permit midstream work on the EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 1/3 Off Usual Price! "Craftmaster" Paint-by-Number Sets New Artist--Series 30. Ordinarily 5.95, 2 panels 16 x 20". 3051--The Huntsman and Full Cry 3053--Cockatoos and Flamingos 3054---Shepherd Family, Collie Family 3055--Quiet Waters Find Peaceful Shadows 3056--Lone Tree Rocks and Lighthouse Point 3057---In a Japanese Garden and Oriental Beauty EATON September Feature Special, set PHONE 725-7373 Huge special purchase ! Treat yourself -- or the youngsters -- to this popular and reward- ing pastime. Each set includes two numbered panels, brushes and oils. Please order by num- ber. New Artist--Series 18. Ordinarily 2.95. 2 panels, 10 x 14", 3058--Church at the Bridge and In The Valley 3059-Brookside Fountain and Mirror Lake 3060--The Bow and Arabesque 3061---Sleepy Hollow and Mill Pond 3062--Mountain Hideaway ond Angler's Secret New Artist--Series 24. Ordinarily 3.95. 2 panels, 12 x 16", 2401--Balcony Ballet 2402--Blue Grass Beouties 2403--0Id Sadface 2405--Barn at the Bend; Covered Bridge 2406---Lighthouse and Clipper ship EATON September Feature Special, set 2407--Country Scenes 2408---Swans and Herons 2410--Coral Sunset 2411--Hunters' Pals 2412--0ld Homestead ... 2.64 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 1807--Ballet Moods 1808--Shepherd and Collie 1809--Thoroughbreds 1811--Winter in the Hills 1812-----Desert Sanctuary 1801--Roses in Bloom 1802--Home by the Brook 1803--A Bit of Japan 1804--Parisian Beauties 1805--The Light & the Cove 1806--Kittens and Mother Big Construction Project Planned By JIM PEACOCK VANCOUVER (CP) -- A mil- |Railway, but Chetwynd is 75 EATON September Feature Special, set EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 PHONE 725-7373 PHONE 725-7373 Sheet Glass Mirrors As an added decorator touch to your living room, dining room, bedroom or hall . . . choose this clear reflecting sheet glass mir- ror. Its sparkle is highlighted by a delicate cornflower design in one corner. Comes with bevelled edges, ready to hang, with clips attached. All sizes approx. owned Pacific Great Eastern ction | miles by the rail route closer to| now | Vancouver than Fort St. John.| If the Chetwynd route is selected, a new road will be| carved out of the hilly and heavily-wooded region. If the Fort St. John route is chosen, the existing road will be im- lion-dollar highway constru | Canadian activities, says the gn EATON Opportunity Day Special Prices: 7.95 .. 9.95 Si | J EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 276 PHONE 725.7373 For that last-minute head-to-toe check be- fore you go out, place this mirror in the hall, or on the back of the closet door. It is clear reflecting sheet glass, and comes complete with plastic clips and screws for easy instal- lation. Approx. 16 x 54", 6.95 PHONE 725.7373 18 x 24", each 20 x 30", each EATON Opportunity Day Special, each ............. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 276 Special value in the Hostess Shop! From England . . . Moorehouse's Jams Four delicious flavours to pamper your palcte . . . specially priced to pamper your purse! Strawberry, Raspberry, Apricot, Apple jelly . . . these for breakfast toast . . . on English muffins . . . for lunchbox sand- wiches. Timely Special Offer! Flowering Shrubs Plant now . . . for beautiful outdoor surroundings next season Beautify your landscape at very moderate cost! Choose one or more of the flowering shrubs offered at this low special price, Monday . . . all are healthy stock, which should offer years of charm and good looks in your garden. Included are: Mock Orange, Quince, Hyrangea, Red Barberry, Green Bar- berry, Forsythia, Pink Spirea, White Spirea, Tamarix, Flowering Crab, etc. 59 PHONE 725-7373 EATON Opportunity Day Special, four 12-o0z. jars EATON Opportunity Day Special, each la EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 280 Teamsters in Canada "run their|actyal building has not begun dam during construction. Even- Americans are not trying to in-| The B.C. Electric Company,| T ; i n A on B.C. E ompany,| Tenders for the bridge, to cost terfere with Canada's sover a by the provincial{about $250,000, have been called. the Teamsters are not as welll rr | : .|responsibility for power develop- be a pilot or work tunnel about organized as they should be injy one on the Peace, is pressing|12 feet in diameter and 3,000! C 71 'eamsters have: BCG Ma gin tion of the $882,000000 power of the river, which makes a y scheme in northeastern British broad curve through a deep all provinces but Prince Ed- Al ward Island. They are a lone- 1 09.000 FOR ROAD taln site, U.S. They were thrown out of : i z > ; : . hey gram is construction and re- From this, engineers would the AFL-CIO in 1957 for COM yp iding of road facilities into|learn the earth's structure and - 11 miles west of Hudson Hope, plot two diversion tunnels 50 Mother Of Four which lies 60 miles west of Fort feet in diameter and 3,000 feet River block. J ) nel would be enlarged as a Dr. Shrum said the provincial third diversion tunnel, MEDICINE HAT, Alta. (CP)-- taken to handle the road con-|through the tunnels to bypass! A mother of four will enter the struction program because there the dam site, allowing workmen University of Alberta this fall|public tenders on the work and water problems although it is 23 years since she Still have it completed in time| The dam is to be a rock and Mrs. G. B. Alexander of Medi- Winter at the dam site. across the top and 600 feet cine Hat is going back to school| B.C. Electric, through a §73.. above the present river level at thing useful" with her spare the Royal Bank of Canada, will] Behind it, lying in the Rocky time. pay the bills. Mountain Trench, a reservoir forward to seven months of sep-|lardi said these will amount to|four miles across eventually will aration, my husband and family|about $1,000,000 for the roadibe filled up, creating a lake didn't look on Calgary as being| Highways engineers have gone containing 88,000,000 acre-feet of fairly close to home, maybe I|into the Hudson Hope area to| water. away. _ {which of two routes will be de-|dam along the Peace Riv Besides her husband, she will| veloped. Adequate highways and (route, north along the Finlay a teen-age daughter and another porting heavy construction|Parsnip River to McLeod Lake son of 10. She will live in Cal-lequipment to the dam project. 63 miles north of Prince George. She was hesitant when the = 1% mE idea of taking a course of edu-| One route would be along the| TRY FOR JUMP TITLE north side of the Peace River| CAP de MADELEINE university officials encouraging. : She also found that her school|Winding, narrow gravel and dirt|across Canada and the United sufficient to enable her to take | Hudson Hope has with outside Canadian . parachuting champ- a degree course. points and rail terminals. The ionships Saturday and Sunday. just take one year and any and 40 miles south to Chetwynd. from 4.500 feet with a 15-sec- decision to go further will have Both Fort St. John and Chet-|ond delay and from 7.000 feet own show pretty well" andion highways or at the dam site. [tually it would be flooded out. eignty. But he said tha maybe|g,vernment on Aug. 1 and given| First project on the river will Canada. ahead with plans for construc-|{eet long beneath the north bank bers in 41 locals spread through|o on vo gorge near the Portage Moun- wolf outfit in Canada, as in the "prt requirement in the pro- PLAN THREE TUNNELS ruption at the top. _ the Portage Mountain dam site, other secrets to enable them to St. John in the B.C. Peace|long. Eventually, the pilot tun- Goes To School highways department has under-| River flow will be diverted faculty of education at the is not sufficient time to call|to construct the dam without was a student for tunnel work to begin this earth - fill structure 7,000 feet] because she wants "to do some-|000,000 credit established with|its highest point. "Although none of us looks, Highways Minister P. A. Gag-|200 miles long and averaging are all for it," she said. "If we|work with 900-square-mile surface and wouldn't be going." It's 170 mile|make surveys -and determine| It will stretch west from the leave at home a son nearly 20, |bridges are needed for trans-|River path and south along the gary with a married daughter |y,crinNG ROAD POOR cation occurred to her but found from Fort St. John, where a|Que., (CP) Entries from credits obtained years ago are road now is the only land link |States will participate in the "But for the time being I'll|other would be across the river/The featured jumps will be to wait for the future." 'wynd are on the governmentwith a 30 - second delay, EE EN ws