The Oshawa Times, 15 Sep 1961, p. 5

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GREET NEW STUDENT nurses (far left), and Dr W. H. Weber, superintendent (far right). Shown are Miss Lynda Potts of Bowmanville, New nurses at the Ontario Hospital in Whithy get a friendly greeting from Miss Helen Whitman, supervisor of WHITBY SPORTS - PARADE By GERRY BLAIR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 15, 1961 § 'Ruth Group To Visit 'Evening WA St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA held its first meeting | a first year student nurse at | Hospital. who is affiliating at the hospital and Miss Mary ' the Ontario Hospital : Ton Y nay Scott of the Toronto General --(Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY And DISTRICT Install Officers At Kinette Club 45 Actions List Supreme Court One criminal case, 15 jury|/Boychyn and Hillman for the actions and 29 non-jury actions plaintiff, Greer and Kelly for L are listed on the docket for the Marko, contested divorce, alien- Fall Assizes of the Supreme ation of affection and criminal Court of Ontario, opening at| conversation Whitby on Monday, Sept. 18. Mr.' : 2 Justice Parker is presiding NON-JURY LIST Joseph Rodden faces a charge Following is the of criminal negligence in thelincluding the names of the only criminal case on the list plaintiff, defendant and solici- Following is the jury list: In-|tors as well as the cause of ac- cluded in each case is the cause lion of the action Potter et al vs Trend Pools Stubbert vs Henning. Greer [imited, Ogden and Brudnicki, and Kelly for the plaintiff, Hen-|Daley Sutherland and Robson nick and Hennick for the de. for the plaintiff, Fasken, Robert- fendant, auto accident son, Aitchison, Pickup and Cal- Corporation of the City of Vin for the defendant, in regard Oshawa and Lavender vs Bell, (0 swimming pools. E. G. McNeely for the plaintiff, Vickery vs Zajac, McGibbon Greer and Kelly for the de. and Bastedo for the plaintiff, fendant, auto accident Caudwell, Symes and Smith for Parkin vs Appleton, Hughes the defendant, damages for Agar, Amys and Steen for the breach of contract plaintiff, Phelan. O'Brien, Phe. McMahon vs Yourkevich and lan and Rutherford for the de- Bouckley, Greer and Kelly for fendant, auto accident. the plaintiff, McGibbon and Bas- Schubert vs Dehart and Man- (edo for the official guardian for chester Auto Dealers, Greer and | ew William Yourkevich, Hum- non-jury list 3 hreys, Boychyn and Hillman for the plaintiff, E. H. ph 24 ychy jdant, ubrey B. Bouckley, " auto Auto! accident Murphy for Manchester Dealers, auto accident. Hrytzak vs McLean, Greer Prentice vs James, W. FE. and Kelly for the plaintiff, Kerr, Horkins for the plaintiff, Thomp-|McElderry, Howell, Fleming, son, Tooze and Muir for the de. Bark, Crook and Murphy for the fendant, auto accident, defendant, auto accident. Falkowski vs Zielinski, Hum-, LeBlanc vs Pickering, Greer phreys, Boychyn and Hillman and Kelly for the plaintiff, Park- for the plaintiff, Jones and |inson, Gardiner, Roberts, Ander- Greer for the defendant, libel son, Conlin and Fitzpatric for and slander. the defendant, personal injuries. MacKinnon vs Major, Greer Knight vs Knight, Joseph P, and Kelly for the plaintiff, Rich-|Mangan, QC, for the plaintiff, ardson, MacMillan, Rooke and |uncontested divorce MacLennan for the defendant, auto accident. and Rosen for the plaintiff, un. Stender vs Worsley, Hum. contested divorce phreys, Boychyn and Hillman Grant vs Grant, Greer and for the plaintiff, Haines, Thom. Kelly for the plaintiff, uncon- son, Rogers, Howie and Free. tested divorce man for the defendant, auto ac- _ Estok vs Andress, Russel J cident Murphy for the plaintiff. Shear Carter vs Dominion Mush. ®r and Coo for the defendant room Company Limited, Levin. auto accident ter, Grossberg, Shapiro and Jollow vs Jollow, Greer and Dryden for the plaintiff, Borden| Kelly for the plaintiff, uncon Elliot, Kelly and Palmer for the ested divorce defendant, auto accident Sutton vs Sutton, J. P. Man- Dumas vs Irving, Rutherford £an QC for the plaintiff. Hum- Limited and Hicks, Humphreys, Phrevs, Boychyn and Hillman Boychyn and Hillman for the for the defendant Douglas C plaintiff, Benson and McMurtry Sutton, contested divorce for William J. Irving, Bassel, King vs King. Joseph P. Man Sullivan, Holland and Tawson|8an for the plaintiff, uncontest. for Rutherford and Hicks, auto ©d divorce accident 4 Butterill vs Butterill, Greer Sheriff vs Graham, Hum- and Kelly for the plaintiff, Mur- phreys, Boychyn and Hillman TY M. Lipton for the defendant, for the plaintiff, Greer and Kelly contested divorce for the defendant, auto accident. Wood vs Wood, Joseph Fronczek vs Graudins, James Mangan, QC for the A. Macdonald for the plaintiff, uncontested divorce Thompson, Tooze and Muir for Shearer vs Shearer the defendant, auto accident Kelly for the Wiatrowski vs Niemiec, z. T. tested divorce Salmers for the plaintiff, Hum- Roman vs Carter, Greer and phreys, Boychyn and Hillman Kelly for the plaintiff, Levinter, for the defendant, alienations of | (rossberg, Shapiro and Dryden affections for the defendant, fatal acci- Evenden and Irving vs Ruth- dents act. erford et al, Benson and Mec- Head vs Head, James A, Mac- Murtry for the plaintiff, Bassel, Donald for the plaintiff. uncon- Sullivan, Holland. Lawson and lested divorce Hardisty for the defendant, auto. Hughes vs John Foley Plumb. accident ing and Heating and Andrew Torok vs Torok, Humphreys, 'James A. MacDonald for the BROC Whitby The screen has never known a love story to compare with this! DAVID 0 SELZNICKS / * MARGARET MITCHELLS "yy PROGR TOK OF 2r0mY OF THE OUD SOU GONE WITH THE WIND CLR GRE WEN 6 LEH | i Yv Pr plaintiff Greer and plaintiff, uncon- ONE COMPLETE SHOW EACH EVENING AT 7:30 -- FEATURE STARTS AT 7:40 P.M. * PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT eo ADULTS 75¢ STUDENTS 60c CHILDREN 25¢ SATURDAY MATINEE Feature Attraction--""THE HUNTERS" with Bob Mitchem -- May Britt + ALSO: Movie Stunt Pilot and Cartoons d Murphy vs Murphy. Goldstein I The first meeting of the 1961- 62 season for Kinettes was held Wednesday evening at Spruce Villa, The meeting opened in regular form and after the min utes of the last meetings were read the balloting for the Joy Rich Trophy was done This trophy is presented to the Kinette who has done the most to help her club during the year Kinette 'Anita Hampson won this trophy Kinsmen president Howard Jeffery was welcomed by the president Jinny Jeffery and he presided over the installation of the following executive for the year President Ruth Hewson president Jinny Jeffery, secre- tary Marjorie Gartshore, treas- urer Joyce Carr, registrar Doris Spellen, director Donna Robert uncon- | 50M bulletin editor Sheila Gor don. Following the installation of new officers Past President Jinny Je. fery presented a cheque for $125 to President Howard oseffery to further the ork of the Kinsmen Club. ed On Docket plaintiff, Haines Thomson, Rogers, Howie and Freeman for the defendant, personal dam- ages Lynn vs Lynn, Duncan B. Mc- Intyre for the plaintiff, uncon- tested divorce Hewison vs Spencer, R. D. Ruddy, QC for the plaintiff, W. H. J. Thompson for the de- fendant, damages for trespass. ing Suggitt vs Suggiit, Greer and! Kelly for the plaintiff, tested divorce Mahaffy vs Malda, phreys, Boychyn and Hillman for the plaintiff, E. Richard Lovekin for the defendant, per- sonal injuries Howell vs Howell, Greer and Kelly for the plaintiff, uncon President Ruth Hewson then tested divorce picked and named commitiees Verdonk vs Verdonk, Creigh- for the following months and a ton. Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| work program was drawn up doch for the plaintiff, uncontest-| The next executive meeting {ed divorce. {will be held Oct, 4, 1961 at the| | Lawrence vs Lawrence, Rus- home of Kinette Ruth Hewson. [sel J. Murphy, for the defen-|All the new executive are asked uncontested divorce. to attend. Girard vs Girard, R. M. Hef- -- fer for the plaintiff, Manning F.| Swartz for the defendant Bar- bara Arlene Girard, Greer and Kelly for the defendant Harry| Roznaczuk, contested divorce. Rickman vs Rickman. Hum-| phreys, Boychvn and Hillman| for the plaintiff, uncontested di- vorce. i Browlee et al vs Registrar of | Motor Vehicles, Russel J. Mur-| phy for the plaintiff, E. H. Silk| for the defendant, personal in- uries Taylor vs Taylor, George E. Carter for the plaintiff, uncon- tested divorce. WHITBY PERSONALS and Mrs. I. and children, Wayne, and Jimmy, during weeks' vacation visited in Jonnechere as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Latursky Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lawrence and their sons Hugh and Scott during their two weeks' vacation visited in the Maritimes. They also attended the wedding of their niece, the former Miss Pamela Cone, now Mrs. William K. Wakefield of Montclair, New Jersey. past Hum- Mr Latursky/| | Debbie | their two! SHOW CHAIRMAN Mrs. Dennis Ullyett is the chairman of the St. John The Evangelist CWL Fashion Show titled '"'Focus on Fash ion" to be held on Wednesday Sept. 27, at the Henry Street High School. The show operis at 8.15 p.m. and will highlight autumn fashions for ladies and children. Rally Day At United Church Home and School Association executive members entertained at an afternoon tea on Wednesday at the school for the mothers of the kindergarten pupils and all staff. The president of the asso- ciation, Mrs. G. Marshall, wel- ' comed all present and intro-| Che Lorg's : Ini duced the principal, Mr. Dwight tinued In the Whithy United a i y y Church on Sunday when Rev Swerdseger, who in turn intro- YH. Smi . : : duced the teachers J. JH. Smith had as his theme ; "The Testing Evils." The choir Guests at the home of Mrs, A. sang the anthem "Praise The Barnett, Vicioria street, Par t/Name of the Lord." Whithy, were. Mr. and Mrs.! The Sunday School Milton Stone, of Seagrave, Mr. (were resumed and it was an and Mrs. Hugh Strong, of Man. Kathleen Rowe Prayer was con- A series of sermons based on 16 sessions duce {nounced that Rally Day serv- work starting Oct. 1 By Gerry Blair What a strange occupation 'sports writing can be! Its the only profession we've ever been associated with, where we were fired from a job before we even had it. The other Tuesday without telling fans to stay away from the turnstiles we suggested that the manager of the Whitby Junior Hockey Club was employing some rather unusual tactics to obtain play~ ers for the coming season. The paper no sooner hit the street that the telephone started to jangle. If both our readers paid as much attention to all of our columns as they did that one, the Whitby arena couldn't begin to hold the crowds. We were surprised to find that many people agreed with our views Tuesday, but naturally there were some in disagreement, which proves that we "are" living in a democracy. One of the first to call was Manager Ivan Davie who promis- ed us many repercussions for writing the column, but among the "repercussing" was the statement that we now wouldn't get the job of Public Relations man for the team, a post as we said earlier we didn't have anyway but were now being removed from because we hadn't been nice to Manager Davie. Of course this smells a little of imiditation (curses what is that big word) Anyway lets continue. VOU'LL GET YOURS In fact he was so upset that he never once cited an instance where our column was wrong in any respect. He did not forget this part of the conversation be- cause we made a special point of inviting him to tell where we were wrong and would print it here for him, right or wrong! Just before writing our farewell note and turning on the gas in the oven to get away from all this wrath, we heard Davie choke "You'll get yours." We presume he meant a full- length mirror invitation to this fall's train- us or an ing camp so we can find out as much about Whitby's club as reported by him to the big city sports scribes. While we were drying our tears and trying to find out where we got the bum steer about Davie, some- one else called in to say that a sportscaster at radio station CKLB (they mentioned our name and we'll mention their's--one pat deserves another you know) had also lambasted us for roasting the Juniors before they get going. We did not hear the broadcast and our caller. was not too sure just what was said. So we don't know how we fared on the air. In any event, if there was anything in that column last Tuesday telling fans to stay away from Junior games this winter, we'll take that back right now! THIN SKIN TABOO IN HOCKEY We have no intention of roasting Mr. Davie, mainly because he probably does not deserve it, and also because we didn't realize he had such thin skin. But again we claim that his methods of rounding up players for the coming season smacks of the old round up. Everything that's not tied to the pasture fence seems to be open property but we also point out again that those days are gone. Hockey is organized for which Mr. Davie is probably as happy as anyone, and when it's organized you have to follow the rules. Again we invite Mr, Davie to tell us where we were all wet and we will be delighted to eat crow and pub- lish his reply. Aw come on fellows! Where is all that sportsmanship vou are promoting? You can't win all the time and let's not get too sore because someone pointed out your mistakes. We'll bet a purty no one bothered to call Jack Humphreys in Guelph over his remarks. After all we have no axe to grind with the Junior Hockey Club here, As an avid hockey fan we're all in favor of it, but right is right and wrong is wrong, and most solid experienced hockey men agree that methods employed were not in accordance with hockey protocol. One of our phone calls was even from a member of the Whitby Junior Hockey Club executive saying that he agreed that the proper procedure was not being followed. Egads, could it be we'll get that public relations job with them yet. Only starvation is ahead for us if we don't =o if vou are asked for an opinion on all this, Please, please put in a word for us! The Town and Country . Congratulations are extended from this corner to Boh Cherry on his ap- pointment as coach of the Whitby Junior hockey club . . . Tonight at the Whithy Town Park, Abner's Esso's and Bathurst Paper resume their best-of-three chal- lenge series for the softball championship of Whitby. Abner's took the opener on Wedneseday night with a 6-2 decision, decided by a four-run rally in the eighth inning. Bill Stacey, who has seen limited action on the pitching staff of Abners, hurled hitless ball for five innings before Bill Giddings took over in the sixth mainly to loosen up after a three-week lay-off. Game time tonight is 8:15 p.m, : ices for all classes will be held | next Sunday. Children, nine| vears and over, convene at 9.45] a.m. and those under nine years| at 11 a.m. A congregational and Sunday School picnic is to be held -on Saturday, September DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murals The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism will be observed next Sunday. EARL ON TV The Earl of Harewood, cousin of Queen Elizabeth, will intro the "Tempn' series on Britain's commercial TV net. chester, Mr. and Mrs, James of the season on Wednesday afternoon at the church hall The president, Mrs. Stan Atkin- son, opeaed the meeting with prayer. Various reports were § {read and approved. During the business meeting, {Mrs. Atkinson read an invita- {tion to attend the Oshawa Dean- |ery Conference to be held Sept. 20 at St. George's Church, Osh-|& awa. Canned goods were collect |&. ed to be donated at this meet-[F"" ing. 4 Another invitation was re- ceived to attend the Si. John's|E Evening WA meeting to be held | Sept. 27 when Mrs. Normand Gower, Curator of the Henry House Museum of Oshawa, will|f be the guest speaker. |B Plans were made for the No-|E vember Bazaar {o be held at the church hall when all church groups will participate. One of| the group's projects is the sel ing of Christmas and miscel-| laneous cards by the members. | A committee was formed to|f make arrangements for aj "Games Night" to be held in|g October. There were 10 children present at the meeting under the supervision of Miss Mary # Barnett. The meeting closed with pray er and refreshments were served by Mrs. S. Atkinson and Mrs. P. Bird. The next meeting will be held Oct. 11 | | ADDITIONAL WHITBY | ON PAGE 16 NEWS Pictured following wedding, which took place on Saturday, August 19, in All Saints' Anglican Church, Whitby, are Mr. and Mrs | Wayne Thomas King. The | bride is the former Judy | Kathleen FElizabeth Hender- H. Marshall 'Ruxiliary WMS Fall Meeting | _ Acconoion saxns St. Andrews Presbyterian aly have about seven pieces, end Marshal 2usil (white professional units average {of the season on Sept. 12 at the !/- church hall. Mrs, John Robson, | president, was in the chair; Mrs, F. Lawrence and Miss M. Ross were in charge of the devotional, Mrs. G. C. Dalgleish was in {charge of the study book on {British Guinea dealing with {their church, yesterday and to- day. The churches of all de- {nominations at the present time are working together to give to] ithe people Faith and Hope for the future. A question 30g answer posi followed. Mrs. Robson close the meeting with prayer. | 101 Dundas St. W., Whitby Toy Lod will convene Octo-| Brack Bldg. -- MO 8.3381 {ber 10. ACCORDION BANDS their "WED IN ALL SAINTS' CHURCH son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson of Whitby and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Alec ! King of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sele at . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times argest stocks of rum * ay Monga blends these four great brands Stephenson and family, of Rex- dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bradley, of Oshawa Sidewalk Slabs ® Immediate Delivery From Factory Cured Stock ® Steel Reinforced ® Made From The Highest ™ If You Have a Car, A Home, A Family One man can solve all of your insurance problema, He is your friendly State Farm agent. See him soon. Quality Materials Available ® Low Slump, Vibrated, Air-entrained Concrete ® Guaranteed Minimum Strength 4,000 p.s.i. Captain Morgan 1240 By | BLACK LABEL---Dark in colour with a smooth and delightful flavour in: rum & cola, hot rum toddy, rum old-fashioned, planter's punch, hot buttered rum, rum egg nog, rum flip, Tom & Jerry DE LUXE---A superb rum of unexcelled quality. GOLD LABEL--A robust rum--giving a rich and full-bodied taste to your favourite rum drinks. Golden in colour. WM. H. (BILL) | MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. 8. Head OffisosTorents. Bat. WHITE LABEL -- An extra-light rum, for a delicious rum & tonic, daiquiri and rum highball Gold WB. Sobol Captain Morgan RUM Rich and Puti-Rodind Ay "RATHI with cola, 'soda, ginger ale or water. sonra SMS £570 ' Wg | Blast CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, "=== Tite 2 Label Captain Morgan EXTRA LIGHT Se RUM 24 **CAPTAIN MORGAN HAS THE LARGESs STOCKS OF RUM IN THE WORLD

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