8 YW Sanawa vMes, Tewadey, Somber 19; 130) |Universily Women | TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH 'Plan Club Tea : -- RICHARD HUDNUT | The University Women's Club of Oshawa and district is| planning now for its coming season. This year, as every year, there will be a fall tea to reunite members and to get acquainted with prospective members. This tea is i be 7 pr 9 i > § 7 held at the home of one of the| - gp" a 1 i ; ' past presidents, Mrs. H. F.| 7 1 : i ; : ome Permanent Millen, Masson street, and being convened by Mrs. Wil- liam Stirling and her commit- / wd ; : ¥ J v tee for next Wednesday. ; . A ¢ As members prepare to start : ' = Fl a new season, they recall past|: Teh ts. | and accomp One of the achievements of which they are most proud is the increase they have made in their annual scholarships. One ; : J ; of the main purposes of She club . phe with crystal-clear waving lotion is to promote higher education | among women. To this end they . ! for deep take curls raise monies for and grant annual scholarships. In 1957 they gave $150; 1958, $200; 1959, $250; 1960, $400; 1961, $500. This 2 - y increase is due to larger mem- y : Bh aii bi : bership, greater general inter-| The forthcoming marriage is | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry | The ceremony will take place . est and varied projects, which| announced today of Miss Bet- | Dowton of Oshawa and the | in Christ Memorial Church, include sponsoring art contests,| ty Louise Dowton and Mr. | prospective bridegroom is the | Oshawa, on Saturday, Octo- UGS (OSHAWA) Xa LIMITED travelogues, and even a theatre| William Donald Manning. The | son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred | ber 14. {night. They also feel that be-| pride-to-be is the daughter of | James Manning of Hampton. | --Photos by Ireland 9 SIMCOE TELEPHONE [sizes raising funds or this ---- i ST N 353 saa] most worthwhile cause of assist-| . pias at i : : 5 N. > ling in higher education, they Fruit Dessert COSTLY PENCIL pensive diamond into graphite, |are establishing a feeling of co- Jo 1799, Guyton de Morveau the jor of carbon used in lead |operation and fellowship within - 3 0 'rance converted an ex-|pencils. oper: ranks. a Plums mn Port -- -- . PERRI AR They have a good time, inter- : . esting speakers, educational Delights Dieters and instructive study groups Beautiful plums, so plentiful and lots of fun at their socially markets now, will be an events. They welcome neWlespecially welcomed dessert . \members. For details on the whan served in this memorable 1 fall tea, contact Mrs. K. H.|tashion. Simply poach the fresh Wooster, 723-7353. University|oyyme jn a mixture of port women are invited not only 10| ine water and sucaryl, the support the club, but to enjoy it. non-caloric sweetner. Then chill before serving. You'll find that TO LIVE IN HAMPTON Mire. Douglas Sth eps Ss isc Married recently at St. | Chamberlain of Oshawa and Feted By Friends ation Tesulting ik a exciting 9 George's ' Memorial Church | the brid 4 . new taste experience. This des : a » : - the bridegroom is the son of sert is just right for the many 4 were Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunt Prior To Marriage Se Ta find 8 E ig Arthur Hunt. The bride, the of Westerolt. Somerset. Eng Prior to her marriage in KnoX (hat is both delectable to eat former Miss Vivian Mary esterolt, : erset, Eng- (preghyterian Church, several|. 4 1ow in calories Chamberlain, is the daughter | land. {showers were held in honor oflys ole fresh plums RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth --Photo by Mary's studio | Mrs. Douglas Smith, the former; ns water {Y52 Lorene Mepousld. | T 4 tablespoons Sucaryl solution OPEN | vend nas one ys on ° 34 cup (6 ounces) port wine GROUPS CLUBS A ILIARIES {ron 0, le maid ol honor, gave Wash plums. Combine remain- {] J] UX Y | |a miscellaneous shower at the. too Cole Sn ree sauce ; FRIDAY NIGHT (home of her mother on Patricia ani bring to a boil, . Redue ST. STEPHEN'S MC [Canadian Legion Branch 43, met|3%enUe. Guests Were publie| Pa. OF plums and oes The September meeting of St.|on Tuesday, September 12, with| SGA00 A lub gently about 5 minutes. Re- > {2 uU ° . Stephen's United Mission Circle Mrs. Edward Bouckley presid- e bride's knitting ciuh en. move from heat. Drain. Chill . 0 : reclin tertained at a miscellaneous re was held at the home of Miss|Ing. 4/ shower at the Home of Mrs. liquid and fruit separately. Sylvia Rundle, president, who Bazaar goods were shown and." a " Makes 6 servings. Each serv- yh; P sewing and knitting given out to| Keith Gibson, Greenbank. ing contains nt a \ BABY BLANKET -- Save 23%! T1 ) BE presided. of " : . ? ._'be done. A neighborhood party was ar | ° pir. tram an . . at Miss Carol Alexander led in, poppy fund meeting will be ranged by Mrs. Everitt Elliott Sram protein; trace of fat; 1¢ EY 6 : Soft, fluffy flannelette; bunny'n the worship service. The Scrip- held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sep-|When many bathroom and pan- grams carbohydrate. oa ; aE \ ball print; 30 x 40". Doller Value! ture was read by Mrs. Marilyn yo per 17 "at 2 pm. and any|try shelf gifts were presented. Jackson. ] interested member was asked to/ Mrs. Elliott was assisted by her The treasurer's report was attend. It concerns a "Poppy| daughters, the Misses Mary and given by Miss Dorothy Fish. It|Bjit;" which will be held in No-|Barbara Elliott. MAX FACTOR & J 1 ; was decided to read chaptersivember and many helpers willl Many kitchen gifts were pre- creates a.rew eran ysil fashion b / & : 1 and 2 of Ruth and discuss it|be needed. sented at a shower given by a i vie Ly oh i A at the next meeting to be held] The catering convener for the Mrs. A. H. Dancey and her 7 3 ; at the home of Mrs. David/next three weeks will be rs, daughter, Miss Freda Dancey. shy MEN'S SPORTS SHIRT -- Reg. Duchemin October 9 at 7:30!James Anderson. Mrs. Herbert|Miss Joel Nichols assisted the G ii v 1.99. Cotton flannel in sporty Aut- pm. | Bathe gave a catering report at|bride in opening her gifts. Sf Be urn prinis; long ssleevesrushomns A miscellaneous shower fol- last week's meeting. Her co-workers in the office b ! ; " at General Motors honored the : 1 point collar with permanent stays. bride with a cup and saucer : 4 \ Wash'n'wear. Sizes S,M,L. Special Wallace on the occasion of her for September 26 with Mrs.| GQ Lo "org "the "staff of the THE [NEW orth i arriage. Matthew Bell as convener. Fol-|* ly : forthcoming marriage lowing onto tain Ion: card| Pay Toll tabulating made a pres- i wl BOYS' SPORT SHIRT--Sizes 8-14, ST. GEORGE'S GUILD bingo will be played entation of a set of Melmac din- S a es / Knitted cotton in attractive honey- _The Women's Guild of St. Business meeting will be held ner ware. igh { the bride SMART AUTUMN WOOLS i | comb pattern: long sleeves with George's Memorial Church held|next week at 7.30 p.m. and hope ne ner i e rae p ff: its first meeting of the fall sea-|was expressed for a better at- place settings of her chosen The new tapered shape: an exclusive SAVE 2.05! -- Flattering styles in eo Dumioned cuffs. Red, green, gold. ! peci hieved --so easily son in the Parish Hall. Mrs.|tendance of members. china creation from Max Factor to lend slender F. C. Piper opened the meeting ial t A : . ; ' y a The rehearsal party was held : . High - Fashion colors at Special Will the Lot s Praver; Mrs. SOCIAL NOTICES at the home of the bridegroom's ~*" two exciting polish g p i MEN'S BOXER SHORTS -- Dollar + E. Baker read the minutes mother, Mrs. Hugh Smith, Les- *"%°°® Savings, too. 8.99 Values! Sizes 9 « Values -- Special! Choice of fine in the absence of Mrs. Donald lie street. 'New. Fingertips" booklet at your favorite : rs Fox. Mrs. Lionel Hind gave the ENGAGEMENT --- smetic counter 15, 14 -*20, 162 - 22V4. quality cottons -- many wash'n treasurer's report. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Henry ENGAGEMENT wear. "Sanforized". Stripes and _ The Deanery dinner and meet- Dowton ' of Oshawa announce| Mr- and Mrs. John Hayes prints. Sizes S, M, L ing is to be held in the Parish|the engagement of their daugh- Toronto, announce the engage-' : , MA, L. Hall on Wednesday, September|ter Betty Louise, to Mr. William| Ment Of their daughter, Nancy 20. Donald Manning. son of Mr. and Plane, to Mr. John Alexander Plans were made for the Fall Mrs. Wilfred James Manning icolson, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' luncheon to be held in the Paro "The marriage. Sei| Alexander Nicolson o Oshawa. , v ; SPECIAL ! js» Bau oh WednesdeY. Seplem. take place on Saturday, October Saturday. A ren a ed 3p on . : . Mrs. e ckenson, at 2 3 het a Ligh oy Sei Sy: fasion RYE. Will be tre os 4 2 3pm, in Christ Memor- in : Rosedale United Church, | speaker. Mrs. Donald Fox and|---- Toronto. : Mrs. William Bellingham are to be conveners. The next meeting to be held SHH NE IRIS on Monday, October 2. Mrs. W. FUINSU ERD) J. Marshall's group served tea ST, GERTRUDE'S CWL The executive meeting of the St. Gertrude's Catholic Wom- en's League was held recently in the Parish Hall. Plans for the two main events this fall were completed: "The Tenth Anniversary Parish Sup- per" to be held on Sunday, Sep- tember 24, from 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. in the church base- ment, and the annual bazaar on November 8, commencing at 4 ' ; : : 0 7.30 pm. in the church base- il . 100 % NYLON STOCKING ment. The convener, Mrs. I. Taylor, and co-convener, Mrs / 2 J. Noonan, stated that the vari- : ; TIGHTS! R 1 29 & 1 49 : 13 F ! Reg. 1. : lowed in honor of Miss Kay| A social evening is planned ous booths had been assigned to the following members, who s 3 i Fashion's in turn will solicit their own . i help: draw tickets, Mrs, C. § SIZES 1 To 3 -- White and pastels. Sizes 3 to éx and Cunningham; home baking RL a 7 t0 14 -- red | ; Mrs. Robert Wilson; aprons: ' i : PLASTIC WARE ! red, royal, navy, beige, green, black. Warm Mrs. James Kraemer; mystery a ; The butter-soft i and comfortable. Practical A 3 : i table: Mrs. J. E. Jarrell; dolls: " ; rt ; ; ; ! : = ME Johr Dusabie: comity : glovey" leather . / REG. 1.00 T0 1.29 too, they wash in a wing store: Mrs. Johannes Polman; A J lat. Gracefuily taper- | i 4 ' 13 " tea tables: Mrs. Fred Baron,| 7, d at the t d set 1 SPECIAL! SAVINGS on colorful dry in a flash, 1 : BUYS FOR KIDDIES! Kitchen: Mrs. A. Bouckley: ad.| f ed at the top ana set upon bowl sets, utility pails, cutlery trays, vertising: Mrs. Sidney Sheridan; a shaped stacked heel. o M : : waste baskets. Special! Savings up decorations: Mrs. Michael Rud- J Looks and feels like it should i to 40%. RAYON SCARVES -- Water repel- LONG kn; Severs] ideas and sugges cost so riftich more mE awe 3 "y Reg. 4%. .. .... fall meeting for approval by the . 12.99 | ; we 9 ; SIZES 2 TO 6X in the asosrtment. members. The president remind-| : A | C 36.INCH FLETTE. Attractive A A* Sturdy pinwale cotton corduroy in at- ed the executive that a special Black and ; ; ! i evening had been planned for Widths AA 3d Brown to 10 prints and colors. Reg. 59c. tractive outdoor colors. Washable. Big this meeting, with a special fea- " Volue ture of flower demonstration by Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother. ; 11 1) DUSTER -- 549% Savings! Sculptur- The Severed John Myers) 4 ; SKIRT BUY ed flannelette, daintily satin-piped 3 3 closed the mepling with the and bowed. S,M,L. Reg. 3.99. ® \s League Prayer and refresh- ments were served by: Mrs. . E Cleophas Oullette Operated by E. A, Southwell BUY NOW! NO DOWN PAYMENT The 'Ladies usary, Royal "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY navy: nt § 2 7 USE ZELLER'S CONVENIENT GIRLS' SLIMS -- 47% Off ! Sturdy ingham, lined for extra warmth; ga REFUNDED" ls] 30-DAY CHARGE ACCOUNT i a uy HOUSEHOLD HINT CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY WITH OPTION TERMS Reg. 2.99 aed 1.57 5 I dampened clothes are to 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725.3312 8KING STE 530 SIMCOE ST. S 2 e left unironed for any long AE aa HLT 8 BRUSHED RAYON -- Pencil slim period during humid weather, OSS WILKIN = TI84eE8 DOWNTOWN C : 12 humid : : Bey? stvliva Autre ade 4 ' SHOPPING CENTRE SRETEEE cone | NR te |e TELVER'S LIMITED SEES mildew. ay fo: PHONE 723-2294 PHONE 723-2209