tember 14, 1961 I "It is clear from an analysis | NEW GOVERNOR | ' ar "WHITBY And DISTRICT [:oiin= Expect No | ryirho tems ano Jeachers Collage ffi in Ontario that rat f |Sir Frederick Crawford, gover- R d Wi M 4 h | $8 oietes n Daioh ates | Te [nor_of Uganda, retires in Oc. Enrolment Less : or : tober to be succeeded by Sir] e ng a C 3 [er municipalities which are ad-| Recruiting | Walter Coutts, chief secretary PETE RBOROUGH oR) in the Kenya colonial office. P eterborough Teachers' | Ld hd jacent to larger municipalities | Wednesd le] A C 11 tion Awar it Oo 1Ce =: vely Zech fluenced by the| od 8 fod | royment of 4s, 'S7 fewer than Taws ance d |rate.of Jay paul in the higher Difficult volunteers between the ages of|last year's record. The college : in 'Whith Dalilies, iu 18 and 50 to take six-week mil-|serves an area bounded by By CLIFF GORDON game would be here in Whitby From an examination of the itia courses in national survival Kingston, Oshawa and Halibur i : \ " ifth game of the OLA Jr.|on Friday night. 2 relative rates of pay between) OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|operations. MLL A for last night| Should the game tonight bel eqar ncreas {Oshawa and Whitby, said Mr. dian Army expects no difficulty : om in Mimico between the Whitby rained out and played on Friday { Dubin, it appears that over the in recruiting the men it needs Red Wings and the Mimico night and the Mimico team win, 5 latter years the Whitby Police to meet its new manpower ceil- A ineers was called off. |then the sixth game would have ast. "Than i 4 : Mags CO : tho Were succeeding by voluntary |ing of 60,000 a spokesman said Mountainee: to be played in Brooklin on Sat-| The salary of a First Class| The differential between First Class Constable in Whitby) eaining to reduce the differ-| Wednesday night. The reason being that the i can| Police Officer will be in-| Police salaries and the weekly had increased by 50 per cent|'® 590 : Lass Sad management of the Mimico os oR to- oy by $200, bringing the per| wages and salaries in manufac: |during the same time. ential in Ae between them-| 'The number of inquiries at t did not feel they wanted to 8 € | 1961 to $4,700, a, turing in the Whitby area also An attendant supervisor at the selves and Oshawa. jour recruiting centres across ean th e night as the|MOTTOW night. | year pay for up A yi00, ait Board { 8 Pp fd Canada has j u m p e d consider- play on the Same | re rt Credit | Anyway as manager Ivan|three-man Board of Arbitration influenced the oard. {Ontario Hospital and a chief COMMISSION WISDOM? lably since the government an- ee so close to.|Davie told us last night before|ryled recently. | The Whitby Police Commis- Turnkey at the County Jail re-| «Because this was achieved nounced it is increasing the size sether and the keen interest that he left for the game in Port| Other ranks, the board de-|sion and the Whitby Police Asso- ceive $4,050 and $4,320 respect- by bargaining, it would appear of the armed forces," he said. has been built up around the|Credit between Vancouver and cided, will have their salaries ciation both presented strong|ively, he said. ; that the Board of Police Com-| Prime Minister Diefenbaker has been Do it could hurt| Hastings, "there should not bejy. . ced at the same percent-|arguments. | Also a Fourth Year Constable missioners recognize the wisdom (told the Commons last Thurs- MADE T0 MEASURE their crowd. any sixth game'. Ve SIT Nope a e -- 4.44 per cent. The in-| Basis of the Police Associa-|in the OPP at Whitby receives/of such a course." day that Canada's forces wonld «fU- Whitby currently leads the he J Higm ne Sooud it would crease is retroactive to January, tion's request for an increase $4,600. The agreements drawn up by be increased bv 15,000. Of th series three games to one. | mu 'ho 20 C OTATY B cham. |1961- |was that increases granted 10) pp pp yogis both the Oshawa and Whitby new recruits the army would SUIT 2 S ALE The game has been resched-|pionship and the right to meet The decision of the Board fH EL er mumic-1 eles advanced by. the Police Forces reduced the dif-|get 11,000, the air force and i - i not unanimous. One member, ] . : . PHM . ~~ |ference in the two pay sched- navy each 2,000. bo por digg ade re bo ily Js fhe E3stery Canada appointed by the Whitby Police! Council for the Police Associa- Police Commission listed ne ules from $250 in 1957 to $150 in| The army spokesman said in- , the } . : | { : |and cities divided on basis of pes : i jana. |Association, said the pay should tion -- R. D. Humphreys of Osh-| : ; ' quiries at some army recruit In the event of rain the game pesos) 75. He was out- awa -- pointed out that the Osh-| Population and showed compari- itbiina ries ling centres increased as much g led for Frida {be hiked to $4,775. He i The differential w sed, | : a would be schedgied lor frida) ica [voted awa Police Force was granted Son of monies expended on| "UC i ES poreaset, [45°10 times. This was especially For The Man night at the Mimico 2. Quadros On Cruise voted. A iati tered into an increase of $250 per annum |Pokce services with total indy. owever, said Mr. Doni when true in Western Canada. No of- or The Yo Should the two teams play to-| { The Association entered into © te thi ar. A First trial assessment. {the Whitby rate in Was|c ial figures would be il. ight and the Mimics ig ixth| In Uru ua Star | Ariitration asking fof 35.200 for 2 oe hails now| Mr. Mcintyre attempted to $1,500 and ; He 5 Oshawa rate| pie before the end of the gran Cd Whe Prefers (perish the thought) the sixt g Y {a First Calss Constable. The Seis 35.925 le said. show from the schedules that Went up to $4,675 in 1960. thus ™ op. "po regular army posed : His Suits Tailored eee Whitby Police Commission could 8€tS 332,929, Whitby spends a larger percent-|21ving a differential of $175. no problem, the spokesman said di | ROTTERDAM, The Nether-| i « ' He i [=e A : ; : | (Reuters)--Police threw a not agree to this figure pre- yGypR METRO PAY age of its budget on police work| "In 1961, the Oshawa Police difficulty was expected in re- : To His 14 g und the viously. ; | Metro Toronto Police were re- than ihe average of either group|salaries were increased to $4,925 cruiting the 100,000 civilian male : Clergyman {I Se Er oe The Board of Arbitration said cently granted an increase of|of towns, large or small, even and the award of the majority spl nSadinnddaiinnngy Individual Taste Brazil's ex - president Janio/it arrived at this decision of 3.003" per cent over their 1960 though its percentage of indus- of the Board (of Arbitration) ® | i Quadros remained incommuni-|$4,700 after weighing the qual-\yage schedule. This amounts to trial assessment is lower than here seis the rate of the Whithy pe ; ; Dover's Offer LJ ?! of 3 : lifications, duties, responsibilities $150 -- bringing a First Class the average of either group. | Police at $4,700, thereby increas- < he . Leadership |cade J jis cabin sioerd Thee position of a police officer. |Constable's pay up to $4,950. Only three towns paid more ing the differential to $225. con- hy 9. This Special Value |British steam ship line said Also taken into account by the, Mr, Humphreys maintained than Whitby to First Class Con- trary to the trend of the volun- 4 of British Wooll 1 Quadros, on a world cruise with|Board were the salaries and in- that the work and responsibility stable, the Commission said. tary bargaining between the 0 ritis oollens an 1 ate his family, had not left his ca-|creases of Police Forces in other of a Whitby Constable were the, The Board of Arbitration, narties reducing the differen- That N 1] bin since the ship left Lisbon. |municipalities. same as a Toronto Officer; handing down its decision, tial." : ormally = - ~ |therefore, the Whitby Officer stated: He concluded his report by & Sell From should be paid accordingly. "We are of the opinion that saying that any award should i ? (Wally) Downer, 57, member of | ° ° | : the legislature for Dufferin A formula of 17 per cent/favorable to the submissions of not have increased the differen- 79.50 to (Simcoe) since 1937, Wednesday | 1Xe OW 11 above the average paid to male the {rolice) Association is the tial between Oshawa and Whit- : Wi announced he will seek the lead-| ' and female labor in manufac-|fact that Whitby lies in the rich|by already established in 1959. 43 : 89.50 ership of the Ontario Progres-| turing and industry was used to| industrial belt betwe#n Oshawa ---- sive Conservative party. fix the Metro Toronto Police sal-|and Toronto; on the other hand, Mr. Downer, an Anglican min- aries, Mr. Humphreys pointed Whitby is a relatively small ' fr 9 ister, told a press conference his| ar ~ al I 1 out to the Board. centre and the salaries being 2 : decision to run for leader at the Applied to Whitby, the Police|paid compare favorably with , NOW ON SALE AT party convention Oct. 23-25 was) would receive over $5,400. {many other similar centres." LJ 3 not made with a view to any| ppe Whitby Mixed Bowling|(233); Thelma Bemis 619 (236); A Concluding their decision, the . 3 personal honor or prestige. League got off to a flying start Don Grant 619 (247); Merv|GM POLICE HIGHER Board said "it must be kept in LOOK TO 68 00 |} "'Recognizing there is no sub-|ipic"ceason on Monday night. [Bemis 617 (259); Carl Pascoe Another aspect advanced by|mind too in any comparison with ' . Ld stitute for experienced maturity| Aq it turned out some of the/614 (263); Isobel Mothersill 604 the Police Association's Council|jndystrial wages paid in the THE LEADER in the effective direction and co-/y iors were as hot as the (216). {was the fact that General whithe district that the Police ordination of responsible govern: woather especially Ron Childs| Singles over 200 -- Gord Jo-|Motors security police, without|are on a yearly basis and have ment," he said, "I feel that I) op" hoq's single game of 393. (hansen 268, Jenny Fowler 256, overtime, got $5,306.88 in 1960. greater job security." i have a duty to serve my party|s,y challengers? Millie Peggs 252, Clara Rowden Many other wages for semi-| . LIST WITH ; J and my province particularly" rs connors, treasurer, is con-|246, Roa Pascoe 246, John Mc- skilled labor in the area were MiMBER DISAGREES THE LEADER » 1 when called upon by s0 many sn.q to bed and was unable to/Ivor 242, Esther Anthony 241,|getting a higher hourly wage| C.L. Dubin QC, representative 4 3 Ae 4 to do so." : |start the season. |Fern Wick 240, Barb Gill 237,/than the Whitby Police, he con-|of the Police Association on the Je: 24 n He said he had received a| "cy... Rowden was asked to|Larry Batherson 234, Rita Han-|tinued. {Arbitration Board disagreed LLOYD 9 large number of messages from |," wor the treasurer's duties|sen 231, Harvey Roberts 228,| The cost of living in Whitby, (with his colleagues on their i TORONTO (CP) -- A. W. 2-PCE. SUIT EXTRA PANTS AVAILABLE IF DESIRED fellow legislators and urban and| ntil Lil returns. {Clem Hewett 225, Lil Riley 225,|Mr. Humphreys said, showed alaward of wages. rural party members for him to] "Triples of 600 -- Monty Jor-|Wendy Wotherspoon 224, Tr rvearly budget for a family of| He points out that the Whitby | B E A L T Y i seek the leadership since Pre-lq.. g17" (309). Wilf Anthony 784|McCarroll 223, Joyce Johansen four to be $4,745.88 per year. |Police serve. a community of (OSHAWA) LIMITED PLAIN mier Leslie Frost announced his| 341); Ron Childs 741 (393); Ted!223, Vi Jordan 213, Rose Mclvor| Council for the Whithy Police taxpayers who are among the | resignation as leader last month. ye "nig (954). 'Vie Igglesden 211. Eileen Hewett 209, Jack Commission -- D. B. McIntyre highest paid in the Province of DIAL 728-5123 or FILTER TIP Hollis Beckett, member of the gag 975). "youn Nueckle 649|Veilenhimer 209, Harold Gordon |of Whitby -- told the Board that|Ontario. "List with Lloyd legislature for York Bast; Xe (276); Jim Kirk 640 (247), Fred|207, Chuck Gill 206, Ron Black| although the cost of living from| Also to be considered, he says, Then Cell Your Mover" CIGARETTES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Bev. Lewis, member for York|o 1 oh "6eg (950): Al Young|206, Bill Giddings 206, Nellie|1953 to December 1960 increased is the fact that Whitby is ad- Humber, EDA A Sei 5 (248); Tom MclIvor 629/McCarroll 203. 12.8 per cent, the salary of a'jacent to the City of Oshawa. | 1e ly y -------- mr -------- - te - - - -- ------------------------------------ present at the conference to of fer their support. Provincial T re a s urer Allan| and Highways Minister Cass are § E expected to announce their can- didacy within the next few days. ko the better the vinegar... the finer the pickled! Only the very purest of vinegar can bring out the full flavour of your favourite pickling recipes. Use Canada Vinegar for uaranteed purity, full- odied strength and aged- in-wood flavour. Costs less, too, because it's made in your own region! White Apple Cider Malt in Bulk, Bottles << Result...CFTO-TV is top station! After only 6 months on the air, we're very happy indeed to HERE ARE THE FIGURES: TORONTO report that the latest rating figures show that CFTO-TV has Average Total CFTO-TV. Toronto Hamilton gained top 'position over all Canadian TV stations in the Homes Reached®* Channel 9 Station "A" Station "B" Toronto area. 4:30 p.m. to midnight For dialing Channel 9 as often as you do, we say "Thank you" Monday to Sunday 41,200 31,000 23,400 to all you folks up front. We're glad you like our programmes *Total audience by station averaged hy quarter-hour periods, and we promise we'll keep them up front, too. as reported by the Nielsen Broadcast Index, July, 1961. : CHANNEL