THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 13, 1961 28 TELEVISION LOG TT -- 2 SOUR CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto SOLINA -- The Women's In WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buftalo stitute pid vi Tuusday WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester Blackstock WI ladies will be CFTO-TV Channel $---Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie guests, WEDNESDAY EVE. THURSDAY 4--The Brighter Day 5:00 P.M. . 4:15 P.M. TE mm ---- Pat Davis was at the organ for the church service, Sunday H 8:00 AM, morning. Pat and Ken Knox fa- 11 -Family Theatre 7---News, Sports 4--Secret storm 4--News Roundup 4:30 P.M. nr vored with a lovely vocal duet. 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 2-Dave Garroway 6-3--Junior Roundup Constable Ross Kossats, 3~The Big Rascals Sho! 5-2--Comedy Carnival i i RCMP, who recently graduated Ro bi . 4-rdse Oi Sum from Regina School of basic &3_Huc Hound | 4--Captain K 6--Juni training, spent several days Fhuhouse Fe | "9:00 AM. THURSDAY EVE. : 2 / dN [with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis Felix The Cat T=Rocky and His 5:00 P.M. i : : and Pat before leaving for Hall 6:00 P.M. Friends U---Family Theatre -- AE ------------------------------------------eee |fay, Nova Scotia, where he will $---Walrly Binds §-Lolies Break $--Bozo -- be posted for the next year. 3-Highway Patrol 3--Consult Dr. Brothers| §=7he Miser el | ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, ot at ny 3A LL : ( - Sharon and Paul, Blackstock, 6:30 P.M. Show &3-Roy Rogers | ND FRY TP S THE POLICEMAN QUESTIONS | YEAH Vished Judrsday evening With n-News 330 AM 5--Playhouss Five Y : A HIM, TUBBY FLICKS ip 77 YOU A ?. and Mrs, Harvey . Ni 11--Movie 4--Theatre i ph : \ sw lees and family. John and Da- 833 News: Weathers Thea | TGR PM 7 HIDDEN SW CHP : vid Larmer returned home with poste $--Whirlybirds / T_YOu Ns WHY, T DONT THINK _SO/ a 2 SN their parents after holidaying News, Sports 53.-Say When § Three Stoofes - / X ) Na | LE Son FOE ne - with Sheiz Soutial, Cogan, Bres - S~Hunkiey prinxiey 4&1 Love ie 2--Highway Patrol § | VILE ZONE, ISNT ITS Ls -- 3 4, Jaze a Deus 2 M. H M. r. a Is. Thompson, rani. 7M .and Mrs. North | 8--The World of Giants Norman and Beverley, Courtice, Movie §ochlay: Seu Huneh | 3-Moving visited Sunday afternoon wi . i Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees. 4--Video Vill 10:45 A.M. 11--News 11:00 AM Weather: Sports Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn and 4--News: Weather: y no 6:45 P.M, family, Peterborough, Mr. and Sports S---Runtley- Brinkley CROSSWORD . Mrs. L- Preston and children, 3--Loretta Young Report ORL v777) 3---Royal Canadian 52--Price Is Right Bowmanyille, Mr. and Mrs. Mounted Police 4~Double Exposure 7:00 P.M. | L y Roy McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Keith 7:15 P.M, 11:30 AM. U~Family Theatre ACROSS 49. Support 21, Se~ IE] IN ) = ~ McGill and sons, Enniskillen, T-News. Weather | T-love That Bob |, Hoje, , 1. Beaver cluded AHL ; \ : Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, ML | our Surprise SevenoOne or mink DOWN comer. vi 3B . Courtice, M. and Mrs. Charles 9--Brothers Brannagan Package lg L T0 Seaver 4 Exclama- 1 Quick 22. Sport Langmaid and family were Sun- 7--Hong Kong 12:00 NOON Nowy eather tion 2. Ancient 23, Five- 211 IN DE ' day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R 6--Wheelspin . Andy and FI ST 7. Miss Roman pointed [Ei ERIALY Langmaid. FT LC EE Se Mitts' means hgwe |[TRECCHNRCY angmald. { 1--Camoufiage 7:15 P.M. 10. Constel- 3. Shower 24. Mili- WEE WeNE enmssiags UNL THE WAY TO fi or ! hoi by on iP $--Bacheior Father | 52 Truth or 7:45 Hannon, visited Mr. and Mrs. BUZ SAWYER © 1961, King Features Syndicate, Ine, World rights reserved. «ML. JANE ARDEN P.M Consequences 7--News: Weather lation 4, Grow old tary NI TIERIEE MTF Rights LEGRAPH | 4=News: Weather 7:30 P.M, 11. Chicle 5. European life : CHEF, HOW CAN I ae psn Sports | t1~Wanted Dead or 1 SEND HOME A 3 3 , , Wes Hill and family. is | 12:15 P.M, | Alive 12, Force (L.) cayalry- 25, Affirm [ H / 11-6-3--Disordered Mind | . | 2 G3 ye Now ESSAGE : a SR | Sot toe rey | Sha 6Pama hoier BREET EN TN AS : Omawa, vised ai" the. West 7--Ozzie and Harriet I--Number Please i 3 Dace Fotser © summit to be 29. Siamese 38. Impediment AY ( ==. 3 A f ag ¥ 8 e esis 52--The Price Is Right| 5-2--It Could Be You | 4 g Sports {opi 7. Hail! cof 39. Elevator 4 Danger Man » 4--Search For eT 16. Ethiopian HE BE oy -- Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr., 0 ad le TR A LN Question plentiful 40. Japaness visted Mr. and Mrs Tom 116-332 Kraft Mystery | ¢--Guiding Light 9~ Theatre i 14, Hudson 33. Pronoun sash Westlake, Millbrook, Mr. and Theatre 1:00 P.M Mrs. Percy Westlake and fam- ily. --- hz Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and ] ] 7 Donna Reed ¥ river cliffs 36. Doctor's 41, Simpleton $---Footbail 11-Movie Matinee | 8:30 P.M. 15. Spring prescrip 43. Pikelike : . > |X Dy / 2 7 a od SZ Do 2 E 3 . bE nici 3 LA) k A 4 & ¢ NA < Douglas, Taunton, visited Mr. we ) w. 3 Sue = 2 em TTR - and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr. 1:30 P.M. in SEI er I ) - -"y gil and family and Mrs. Frank 10:00 P.M. V 1--Our Miss 9:00 P.M. p s [3 Bs J) Wa, Ar \ a 4 BEA ly . 4583---The Superior Sex | 4-01" te World furas "i230 iS, 0 ny giv =. zal _ ; Na Abi. Loxty Yow Jim Backus Show 3--Movie | 5-2--Bachelor Father Fragrance r, an rs. ITY Dewel $-2--It Could Be You | 2:00 P.M. | Gunslinger . Frag children, Bowmanville, visited 7--Naked City Flat-topped 9--Tt : PP Circle Theatre Ir court 9:30 P.M, hill Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome 2 9--The Rebel oN 1:30 pu a $2. Jan Murray Show | ,_fhe Untouchables . Furnace and sons. 1163 Explorations | Contest | 32-Great Gost Stories tender Tn - Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and TR Le 2:30 P.M. | 10:00 P.M. , Foretells =2L 7 OK..GRANDMA | |NOW, LET'S SEE,WHERE 1 GOTTA FIND OUT IF family visited at Mr. Charlie 2-Tightrope 11--Jane Gray Show |!1--Bob McLean 34. Outcast . ONE PAIR O' WAS THAT PUDDLE THEY LEAK,DON'T 17 Westlake's, Peterborough. 11:00 P.M. i--Seven Keys 9~-}an and the class (Jap.) ' #/| GALOSHES,AN' | | SAW THIS MORNIN' » a : 11-97.6-5-4-3.2--News s2-_Lofelia Sony oF en. 85. Epic ' 7 ' HERE'S YOUR Dean Knox holidayed with his Weather: Sports ar oy 52_The Groucho Show " poetry £1 oe a . grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. : .M. 3: : 2 i d 7 \ » . 11:15 P.M 3:00 P.M. 4-News $9. Sounds, , i i i } il Hilton Tink, Ebenezer $--Sports '61 -- Joe \1--Romper Room 3--Country Junction a doYed d ] ZG / 2th cof i] | We are pleased to know Mr. Crysdale | 7--Queen For A Day | 10:30 P.M. nove / / : . " / Jd IN. C. Wotten is feeling better 7--Late Show | 6---Movie Matinee 11--This Week In 42. Relinquish, : FLY 2 carry In . : mr hi tll 6-- Viewpoint | 33:00 Malone Football as an office ! ) g . . Ty i. . Sl after his recen ness. 4--Starlight Theatre The Millionaire | 9--Lou Agase Show 44. Arab i > 2 : A = Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday 1: M. News, Sports | 7~The Third Mas . * A Bl E. q . , 3 ML Dh 3:30 P.M. | 6--Intercom garment . =A i \ / / and daughters enjoyed a oto) 11-Late Show 7-Who Do You Trust | S--Man Hunt 45, Playing ; ' [pps . wp ® amilton, Niagara an card 2] } i t = : and. 6--Mystery Theatre 4--The Verdict Is Yours eter Cutib x : <F \ : $3--From [hese Roots | HER 48. Meadow j ; ' : 3 fA IS EP gy fide Evelyn Hockaday spent a day :00 P.M. {1--Popeys with Capt. |1-976:5-4-3-2--Newst 47. Yugoslav : . 7 ASA] i =e SIT at the CNE with Mr. and Mrs: #---News: Weather: Andy Sports P.M. measure : Za = . 943 Sus : (J 3 we rE: § Ivan Ellicott, and Sandra Sports Se ea ty avant | weather. h hr . = EAE i. ou 4d yt Peterborough, and Miss Carel 12:30 P.M. | $2--~Make Room For |9--Sports '61 -- Yellowlees, Oshawa. 3-Xvilegie _ _nady Joe Crystals ' Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Georgetown visited at Messrs, Pre-Fall SPECIALS Only At The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS! RT, FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT BRAKE ADJUST T i - the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 9.95 USTMENT including park LUBRICATE UNIVERSAL 5.95 ROTATE TIRES FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS 1 95 eave, : LJ FRONT WHEEL BALANCE. ... ing brake -- Check Fluid Level 1 50 JOINTS (Pontise & Chevrolet) (5 Wheels) Repack and inspect bearings A Malcolm family picnic was Report Brake Lining condition Hw : eld Bo Bool Mr. and Mrs: John Knox on Sunday. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD Those present 'were Mr." nd . Mrs. Howard Malcolm Sr., Mr. 266 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 723-4634 and Mrs. Bob Malcolm and fam- ily, Mr. and ME Howard Mal Im Jr., Mr. an rs. Rol (-7LL MAINTAYN : go ' i vous icy. FS INSIDE, IVE mmr [5 fram a simi wroinors TS (ir ind rs. Gras Glover and ("HERE COMES MY OLD # yg or ALWAYS LOVED : SHERIFF] a children, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Rhee, ' PLAC is Fo sc [2 4 U, FOSDICK.Y / 7 Tom Anderson and family, Ze- STAGC, 2) ) phyr; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crawford and sons, Whitby, and Mr. Grant Down, tice. Janet Large, Bowmanville, holidayed for several days with her grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. W. Parrinder. Carol, Marilyn and Ronnie Knox enjoyed holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Stark- ville. . Mrs. S. E. Werry spent the weekend with Mrs. A. J. Short, Courtice. 6--Stan Leonard Golf 3:00 P.M. Yesterday's Answer 7--1he tHawatian Eye 9--Free and Easy {11-6-3--Dang i i 3 Kraft Musie Hall 7--Sherlock Holmes Then McCors . Sturgeon flowers tion fish 4--Angel | 5--Movie 5-2- Bat Masterson roe 18. Roman 4 87. S-shaped 45, Jewish 9:30 P.M. i Non the dum 4--Frontier Justice =-- , Castle 20. Consume molding month 4--I've Got A Secret 5 ; rama i protection MICKEY MOUSE PARTS EXTRA © GOOD UNTIL SEPT. 30, 1961 THE LONE RANGER as THE NEXT SHOCK = ONE SECOND LATER -- ac, 2.50 I SNEAKED OUT AND PUT UP g "NO TRESPASSING "SIGN ON 8 ES z Co LT PON HE SREEY C anal Could Qi Si Ea E8110 5 | Have Affect On Seaway | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana. \ ES) ) a i i A oy, A {|dian government should act \ eel)! [1 Or Al qd WLS ¢/" Msi "21 |Inow to head off possible deep- 7 [fA J AC ANIR | i v y ening of the New York state <BR Tr] barge canal which would have a serious effect on St. Lawrence Seaway traffic, Lionel Chevrier IM REAL GLAD y ne a. ; < : (L. -- Montreal Laurier) said in YOU WORE THAT LS ZIM VERY FOND OF WELL, TOWHAT DOT | CURIOSITY Y | I DON'T THINK ? & - the Commons Monday night. HAT TODAY! ky \ ON ) THIS HAT! IT'S CHIC AN' IT CURED OWE THE HONOR OF / MR. SABINE, | | I UNDERSTAND = 1 [ 0 The former transport minister NY (Mere |, MY Hiccups / THIS UNEXPECTED JUST PLAIN, > : ; said United States shipping in- FASHIONABLE PLEASURE? UNVARNISHED,| Sie / h BM |terests are considering either a iF FEMALE ; aN bi CROOKS, \ deeper canal between New York NOSINESS, (&/ % . and Lake Erie or a waterway ; along Lake Champlain and the Richelieu River to Montreal. The canal would bypass the' St. Lawrence Seaway while the cheaper Champlain - Richelieu route would bring the eastern seaboard vessels directly to the Seaway entrance. MARKET NOW; THERE'S n A SOOD PROP FOR IA SAGGING BUDGET! P= = MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES RENAN PEE] Prt » | N : //| | SALLY'S SALLIES LTT y U] I'D HATE TO THINK THAT Tm] ech Ld i ARES ely MEMBER OF MY 2 I CARELESS +H IRGLAR MILY WAS SO CARELESS PERSON LEFT THE LIGHT ON IN THE LARRY BRANNON CASES WERE LEFT ON THE PLANE . ----- Ze SS SSI SS GE SF Se Fa i an SD Sp