The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 12, 1961 SAILBOAT BLOWN ONTO PIER Christi Bay. The boat was | hurricane winds that accom- blown on the pier during the | panied Hurricane Carla. This sail boal rests on its side on a T-Head in Corpus H F Action OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's many of the things which ought affairs spokesman,. said at last House of Commons has lined up|to be said have not been said." Thursday's resumption of the solidly behind a proposal to send| 'While we debate that stand parliamentary session that UN the United Nations into Berlin.| Khrushchev continues to) action might help to bring about Prime Minister Diefenbaker|push forward inch by inch and a Berlin solution, sad Moray the Hue has comer uije by mile all over the world."| He urged the government to itive: Bo of Berlin OPPOSITION URGES consider "promoting the idea of "under the UN and that its sta:| Proposals for a UN role in bringing West Berlin under the tus continue under UN pres-|Berlin were expressed by the jurisdiction and control of the ence." {two opposition parties in the United Nations as one method Liberal and CCF spokesmen House last week. of neutralizing this danger spot made similar suggestions ear- H. W. Herridge, CCF externallin Western Europe." lier in the Commons foreign af-|~-- or 3 Ea fairs debate and there is specu- > lation that Canada will press for | a UN move into Berlin at the Interest In Aid | General Assembly session which opens in New York a week from | today. . . hd Mr. Diefenbaker coupled his O 1P ul 1ng statement with a warning that ee giang Am OTTAWA (CP) Canadian, + The federal treasury will pay sis. shipowners and shipbuilders are 40 per cent of the approved cost "It is a question of whether showing a "tremendous amount of building self-propelled ships we shall allow Khrushchev with|0f interest" in the government's of 100 gross tons or more, tugs intimidation and threats to push|new program of ship construc-iof 50 gross tons or more, and us back and back to a point|tion aid, a reliable source said barges of 200 gross tons or where we have nothing but our| Monday. more past to look back on," he said. He said it is too early yet to The government hopes the put a price tag on the interest subsidies will double the present NEEDS AGREEMENT generated by Transport Minis-|10,000-man work force in Cana- He said there are several/ter Balcer's subsidy plan for|dian shipyards. roles the UN can play in Berlin|made-in-Canada cargo and fish-| The 40-per-cent subsidy will to neutralize the dangerous si-|ing ships, aimed at boosting em-/be cut to 35 per cent after tuation there but stressed that ployment in Canada's 16 major march 31, 1963. The higher fig- Big Four agreement would be|and 30 minor shipbuilding yards. ure at the start is aimed at needed first. The government has ear-| pushing ship construction imme- Mr. Diefenbaker entered a marked $10,000,000 in the cur- diately late stage of the three-day de-|rent estimates for the subsidy -------------------- -------- bate to put the government program announced last May. - . stamp of approval on the UN-|Regulations spelling out how the Hospitality Ple in Bellin idea. ted it {subsidies are to be paid were HA e Commons completed its/tabled Monday in the Commons study of the external affairs de-/by Mr. Balcer. For Visitors Here partment's spending estimates| "The new rules place the pro- OTTAWA (CP) -- Frank Mc- Monday night and moves on to| gram under the Canadian mari-/Gee (PC--York - Scarborough) | the defence department' s spend- time commis sion, working pleaded with Canadians Mon-! ing program today. through a special interdepart- day to take into their commun- The prime minister said that/mental committee manned by|ities and homes the 5,000 stu- even at the worst the UN could officials from the departments|dents attending university here bring an East-West agreementiof transport, finance, defence from Africa, Asia and The West nearer LJ Jocusing world opiy. production and fisheries. Indies. ion on Berlin. Such action cou t impel the major powers to set- MUST DECIDE cause Pople, he pig he tle the problem by negotiation.| However, they leave it up toi ome tne leaders of their "Only if direct (Big Four) ne-|the transport minister to decide| hiries and. the impressions gotiations succeed might there what proportion of any ship|yooone pack will mean much be a, possibility for providing a|built with federal help will be 10 GETIOCTHCY role for the UN, perhaps as|Canadian in content Mr McGee told of a young guarantor of the agreement] Canadian'materials and equip A iro P: K Yio: attend reached." {ment will be used as the minis- | 811 rom. =a kistan who 3 = i The prime minister said the|ter decides is "practicable after ed a Canadian university or free world has been put on the|considering the cost .nd avail- three years and was never once defensive and "unfortunately,|ability of those materials and|in that time invited into a Ca- because of our desire for peace,|lequipmept." inadian home. EXPECTED TO BE MUCH COOLER I {northeast Tuesday evening | Cloudy. Showers ending this aft- {Cloudy Synopsis: Cooler air spread onto: Partly cloudy and much Forecast Temperatures into Southern Ontario during the cooler today. Mainly cloudy with ay ne | ,|Wingham ... 70 Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie re-| White River, Cochrane regions, Hamilton gions, Windsor: Mainly cloudy North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste Lake Erie, Lake Ontario: | Winds north to northwest 10 to . {15 knots, becoming north to C 1 Air Mass [northeast 15 to 20 Tuesday aft- . |ernoon. ver ntario | Lake Huron, Georgian Bay Winds north to northwest 15 to Forecasts issued by the Tor-| Lake Huon, Niagara, Lake|2? knots, becoming east to onto weather office at five a.m.|Ontario, southern Georgian Bay Low tonight, High Wednesday night accompanied by some|little change in temperature Windsor 70 showers. The cool mass covers| Wdenesday. Winds northerly 15|St. Thomas . 70 all of Ontario. Mainly cloudy|today, east 15 Wednesday. London ... 70 skies will persist across the| Northern Georgian Bay, Hali .|St. Catharines and 'cooler today. Wednesday Marie: Partly cloudy, cool to- Toronto cloudy with showers late in the day and Wednesday, winds light. Peterborough . day. Winds northerly 15 today, Marine forecasts valid until Killaloe lernoon and shifting to east to {northeast Tuesday evening. EDT: regions, London, Hamilton, Tor- -| Kitchener . 70 province today and Wednesday. burton, Algoma, Timagami east 20 Wednesday. /11 a.m. Wednesday: Muskoka +essessees ER ---------- an 3 | New Dwelling | Building Up | OTTAWA (CP) -- Starts on x | construction of new dwellings ince concerned should be in- in urban areas of 5,000 popula- volved, and indicated it has the(tion and over edged upwards backing of Manitoba and Sas-|0.5 per cent in July to 9,009 units kalcnéwan in this argument. from 8,966 in the same month f this in fact was the out-|last year, the bureau statis- standing issue, it would indicate! tics reported today. that Saskatchewan has yielded! with an increase of 31 per on the other major issue -- en-|cent in the first half of the year, trenchment of parts of Section | starts in the January - JuJly pe- 92 of the BNA Act which list the | riod advanced 26.9 per cent to Basic provincial constitutional 4g 889 units from 38,521 in the] Figs. same 1960 period. Entrenchment in the confer- a oh Aug rts increased ence sense means that these 18! A «x. completions for July were down rights could not be amended e i ! cept by unanimous consent of|4.7 per cent to 6,257 units from the 10 provincial legislatures 6 564 a year earlier. Comple- and Parliament. Saskatchewan| oo in the seven-month period had stood alone in saying that : the provinces' jurisdiction over Were down 18.3 per cent to 40,- property and civil rights should|819 units from 49,987 in the like not be entrenched. 1960 period. Charged Police Worked On Home Progress At Talk On Constitution By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA (CP) -- Hopes for agreement were high today as the Dominion-provincial consti- tutional conference entered the second and final day of its fourth meeting in less than a year. Progress and "a lot of new thinking' was reported by some delegates and Justice Minister Fulton, although remaining se- cretive on details, said only one major issue remained to be set- tled. If that could be done today, the attorneys-general would be able to leave the meeting with firm recommendations to their governments. In turn this could lead to legislative action by the 11 governments next year. Approval of such measures|- would give Canada the neces- sary agreement and the right--| certain to be accorded by the| United Kingdom Parliament--to make all amendments to the British North America Act in | Canada instead of pleading each {time for Westminster's okay. WON'T DISCUSS QUEBEC (CP)--Rosario Le- paid with false expenses ap-| | Downtown Corpus Christi can | Although all de le gates de- mire, 73, former Quebec city dis-|proved by the late Willie Cote, | clined to discuss the outstand-|trict chief of the now-disbanded assistant director of the force. be s in th kg d. : or ow iis we omoio) ing issue for reporters, it ap-/Quebec Liquor Police, Monday| Another man awaiting trial is - peared that it was the question|was sent to trial at the fall as-| Dell - Ray Laforest, Lemire's of delegation of authority|sizes, charged with having work|stepson carried on the force for Too Many whereby a province can shift its|qone on his home and summer eight years as a "special agent." jurisdiction in some field such|cottage by members of the 'I cannot say I ever gave as natural resources to Ottawa iorce. anything to Lemire," Mercier for a stated period. The charge is the second of said. The federal government has|gy jaid against him. He said he did no work for OTTAWA (CP) -- The corner service station operator would like to handle more 'lines of automotive items but the big FINEST NORTH LOCATION Choice Of 4-Brand New PRESTIGE HOMES i WA A 806 GLENRUSH ST. L-shaped living room and dining room. Hollywood kitchen with built-in cabinets and extra cupboard area. Double entry divid- ed bathroom with double vanities and extra basin. Entire home tastefully decorated. Raised hearth fireplace in recreation room area. Built-in garage. TOTAL PRICE $20,700, FEATURE HOME OF THE YEAR! contended that three provinces pioliminary hearing in an- Lemire after Cote's death in| besides the one affected should| sper is scheduled for Thursday. November, 1959. However, he concur before any such delega-| yo ire was committed to|said he saw members of the tion. Ontario said at the outset ia) after Rene Mercier, 47, for-|force mowing the lawn or sho- of the meeting Monday that it|, ... member of the force, tes-|velling snow at Lemire's home. | feels only Ottawa and the prov-/ seq ho received between $50 Defence lawyer Rene Letarte| {and $125 a week through ficti- said Mercier was suspended lous expense accounts while|from the force fordrinking| HAVE BANG-UP working on Lemire's home. While Jusied in Portenest. Le- gasoline companies won't let Mercier, now a private inves- !arie aiso quote ercier as him, the Bk or trade prac-| REUNION FETE figator in Montreal, said he and|telling another member of the tices commission was told Mon- up to 10 members of the force force: I Il get Lemire's head day. AMERSHAM (AP) -- Two |worked on finishing the base. |for this. " The Ne tional Automotive English cousins admitted, Mon- iment of Lemire"s suburban, ge AE rades Association -- much of| day that for a real get - to- |Charleshourg home. | | whose testimony was conceded, gether there's nothing like a They also helped build a wharf | Unnecessary to be hearsay--alleged that the| head - on collision. at Lemire's summer cottage a major oil firms "by the use off Here's what happened: nearby Ste. Therese, Mercier| strong-arm tactics, threatening Charlie Crook, 28, lives in |said. Dru Usa e ; to cancel leases, raise rents| Jslington, a London suburb. Mercier said the men were g wr aay : and foreclose mortgages are| His 29 - year - old first cou | ---- " , B----, : Sble st ai Hime tw impose a sin, John Barker, lives in the B 1 Of T Condemned 839 GLENBRAE ST. tires, batteries and accessories! oy OL Siovcsster, Rach de. alance error | A SPACIOUS, ULTRA-MODERN FAMILY : : tic: BANFF, Alta. (CP) -- The Method Criticized board of directors of the Cana HOME--YOU HAVE TO SEE TO BELIEVE 1900 sq. ft. "Front-to-Back" Split Level home with 3 bed- rooms, den or fourth bedroom ond finished recreation room. Note covered porch area! products." A 4 : Castrol Oils (Canada) Lim- a visit. They hadn't met in ited, subsidiary of a British| eight years. firm, said it took only three| But when they reached their years to set up a national sales| destinations they each found system but in 30 years efforts| the other was away have been unavailing in getting] Disappointed, both started a substantial share of service, pack to their respective homes station business for its lubri-| Both stopped in Abersham cants | 3 acoA ts NS, t a pub. While inside they The commission hearing, con al "a 4 tinuing today, is the product of Sign See one suoter hei a. Combines Investigation Act| + Outsi e, they starte their inquiry which found "clear| ¢ars, chugged ahead for a few grounds for public concern" in| feet and crashed into each other. After untangling their the relationship between oil : companies and their retail out-| Cars, they headed back into the pub to celebrate. lets. { Two practices were cited--one whereby 'the company makes] the operator or dealer handle] =, 54 Si Ed INTERPRETING THE NEWS cud Soil Biting The Hand That Feeds You of automotive supply products By HAROLD MORRISON shall be stocked -- restricting choice and competition on the service station shelves. James Kinneard, secretary of Canadian Press Staff Writer Kick the American cow in the(lin had fired up the Berlin flank and you may get no milk. | crisis, slammed down the East That, in essence, may be the|Berlin gates and set off a series SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--John|dian Veterinary Medical Associ- |J. McCloy, President Kennedy's| ation Monday unanimously con-| special adviser on disarmament, demned "indiscriminate use of said Monday that the world can-| wonder drugs." ; not "indefinitely move from one| At the closing session of the crisis to another, always avert-|annual convention a statement ing disaster through , . . a nice|issued by the association said balance of terror." '"'unnecessary use of antibiotics "We mgy slide by Berlin and is leading to bacterial diseases the Gernfn problem by means thie Do, longer respond 2. the not yet tdo clear," McCloy told| pooh for the ice h treated business lpaders of 60 countries, but, possibly, also for humans |'but what about the next crisis, | .onsuming animal products." for these things have a danger- pr George Fisher of Peter- {ous habit of following one an-iphopough, a CVMA past presi-| iother?" dent, said Ontario could get into 24 trouble because a change in the provincial Pharmacy Act has made it possible to sell anti- biotics in many more outlets manned by untrained person- MAIN LEVEL -- A fabulous. self-contained kitchen with ex- clusive built-ins . . . stove, oven, custom cabinets, etc. Sep- orate dining area with furniture finished built-in china cab inets. An extra spacious living room, UPPER LEVEL -- Ist bedroom has double closets and wall- wide storage orea. 2nd bedroom has large double closets. Access to. double bathroom from master bedroom which hes THREE double closets, each with built-in chests of drawers. GROUND LEVEL -- Plostered walls and tiled floors through- out. Den or 4th bedroom. Loundry room adjoining 3 piece bath. Storage cupboard. Fully finished recreation room with beautiful fireplace, picture window and built-ins, BASEMENT -- Spacious enough for @ play room or second recreation room. ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF A 3 STOREY HOME , , . WITHOUT THE STEPS! TOTAL PRICE -- $25,500 showed little desire to criticize] |Russia even though the Krem- Ro Sie RUGS! Wall-to-Wall Broadloom! Choose from the largest selection in Oshawa Discounts up to 50% NU-WAY RUG CO. 174 Mary St. Siam 860 GLENBRAE ST. Terrazzo entranceway. Sunken living room. Covered patio off of the dining room which features furniture finished built- ins. Large Hollywood kitchen with built-in range end oven, custom cupboards. Extra 2 piece bath at back entrance. Double, slant-mirror, sliding medicine chest in main bath. Nicely treed lot, front and back. Chocolate brick with wood and stone trim, TOTAL PRICE -- $21,900, S Save on Quality Meats ES : 845 GLENBRAE ST. Four bedrooms. Large living room and dining room. Covered patio at back. Modern kitchen with built-in range, oven and furniture finished cabinets. Extra luxurious fixtures. Completely decorated with a masters touch. Natural stone exterior trim. Built-in garage. A true luxury home in an exclusive aree. TOTAL PRICE -- $21,800. DIAL 728-1679 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION g 9 n . / REAL ESTATE CHARLES SMITH 728.8254 LOREEN KELLETT 723-3770 Specials! Wed. Only! Blade Steaks u 49° 2 1.00 Pork Chops . 30° «1,00 | Try To Organize 'Rid To Caribbean SHOULDER Lamb Chops MEATY Chicken Wings 7 the Automotive Retailers' Asso- ciation of British Columbia, said his allegations are based on| conversations with service sta- tion operators Thinks K Testing new policy of the United States|of atomic blasts C Mi il government as it reviews the| American diplomats and leg- nt - anti-Western decisions of the islators complained that if the ounter 15511e5 Belgrade conference of 25 neu-| United States had done this, OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- tral or non-aligned countries. |there would have been a tre- fer Disjoubaker Bimed Molidgy Cash, credit and gifts of food, (mendous outcry from the neu- 2 ves urre . ni 3 i .|trals. ries of Russian nuclear tests is the United States finds, 2ppar {e y' nm di atic associated with Soviet develop- ently don t provide Americans| In Kennedy's own diplomatic ment of a counter missile sys. | With new friends. As a result the headquarters, there was glum tem policy of providing economic reflection on the slim friend-| Why did Russian Premier aid for neutral countries is un-iship returns of the more than Khrushchev announce resump-|der review. {$8,000,000,000 in American aid tion of nuclear testing on the A qualified U authority (given to the neutrals in post: eve of the Belgrade conference|says: war years. on neutral nations? Mr. Diefen-| "The United States is not like] "Aid must be related to per- baker asked in a Commons for-|the placid cow that continues formance," was the new word eign affairs debate. to give milk however hard it is|heard in the state department. mar paps hii purpose was i0igieked in the flank. "Otherwise it is a waste of if they were critical of the| "Countries which seek Amer-| money." U.S.S.R. they would be in dan.|ican aid should be concerned ------ ger... {what Americans think of them. | " Some countries seem little con- Is he about to announce the production of an anti - missile | cerned Shout ma 1 they goto missile following a short period| Moscow for politics, then they| of testing?" {should go to Moscow for aid. _U.S. Air Force Gen. Laurence CHANGE IN VIEW : AT a Rr ven d ada-U.5. I 4 rom views expressed by Presi- Defence Command, has said | gent Kennedy preg his YR RB U E that development of a counter-| {hat a country does not nec-| missile system would give either cc. ily have to think along Side In the cod war a tremend-|wociorn lines to get U.S. help. | ait Indeed, both he and State Sec- retary Dean Rusk had seemed to suggest in the early months {of their tenure that they would |support neutral countries and {even concentrate on their needs. | OTTAW (ACP) -- Canada is|, rhe long-range American dip-| trying to organize a program of| 0matic policy, shown also by aid for the Caribbean region on|Previous administrations, was to the same style as the Colombo|!ry to contain the Communist plan, External Affairs Minister(area of influence and perhaps| Green told the Commons Mon-|€ven reduce it by weaning away day night Soviet followers. The Colombo plan is a joint] Most of the Belgrade neutrals, aid program for Southeast Asia. which have been getting a lot of He gave no other details. thelp from the United States, YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED - HIGH SCHOOL are invited to write for FREE booklet earn your High School Diploma AT HOME IN SPARE TIME AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 DUNDAS ST. DESERONTO, ONTARIO Send Me Your FREE 55-page High School Booklet Sample Lesson, All Books and Tuition Included. Tells how you can HARRY MILLEN 723-2524 JOHN FIELD 723.2874 ond Name Address " MEER nnOURG3d YEAR m § § swmve | --

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