16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 12, 1961 Resolution The Economy Reading Plan Is Discussed BROUGHAM -- Peel County's request for endorsation of its resolution to legalize a National Hospital Sweepstake under government control, with profit going to hospitals, was discuss- ed this week by Township coun- cil. | Lively discussion ensued, in| which members were divided in| their opinions. Deputy Reeve Edgar James immediately moved a motion that no action be taken on the| endorsation of this resolution, with Councillor Milton Mowbray | seconding it. : "There is much money going put of the country for sweep- stakes for other countries," said Mr. Laycox contended that the 248 organizations which de-| rive benefit from the United] Appeal appeared to him to be| seeking funds even after the appeal has been fulfilled. "It would be one way of slow- | ing down the door knockers," | said Councillor Laycox. Reeve Scott felt that it was| not the proper way to finance hospitals. He was of the opin-| jon that publicly subscribed funds should not be confined to those who wish to gamble on sweepstake tickets, but that| everyone should share in the fi-| nancing of such projects. He, | and other members of Council, | felt that it was not a municipal] problem -- although Councillor Laycox noted that it had to] start somewhere. | The resolution to take no ac-| tion was passed -- but not un-| animously. Councillor Ross Deakin ad-| vised members of Council that| on and prior to this meeting day, the first day of the fall] school term, that parents were] complaining about the discrep-| ancies in the distances their children had to go to school and was interested in when the LO 4 \ ; ; f ¢ school for Bay Ridges (Bayview WHAT bs AR Son Coke pr" Ey p Heights School) would be com- bi ) & / ; or LOOK WHAT pleted. He suggested a report from the Area 2 school board. 0 4 h , J He reminded Council that the| nO iS = £ / ; Chairman of the Area 2 Board : ; 4 : had suggested more liaison be- { : tween the Board and Council. J "oY 7 kis i "We have no jurisdiction over schools," said Councillor Mow- bray. "It is not our business." WEEK Reeve Scott frowned upon any interference. "We don't Ww | L L Ef: by 3 $ . A W 3 E kK want to be public relations body | Y re a 2 i : td for the school board," he said. Lp ow ; -- 4 Ww | L L B U | "I think", said Councillor| Mowbray, "that we would be most unwise to get in the mid-| dle and let people think that we| have anything to do with blamed for collecting the taxes." Sim Thie GREAT BARGAIN OFFER avanasie now BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE -- Mr. and Mrs. K. Maguire and Donna ® have moved to Picton. : LAW Evelyn Luxton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Luxton, has left for Metz, France, | where she is stationed with the| RCAF. | Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Mann and children have returned from! holidaying at Pigeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Me- Cready, Lethbridge, Alberta, + are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B Vanstone and family. Mrs. Fred Holden, Blackburn, Lancashire, : England, is visiting her son and| : wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard| Holden. Mr. Holden is admini- + strator at Memorial Hospital. | Mrs. John Hopps, Sacramen- to, California, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hocking and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 1. Bant- ing and sons have taken up s s . residence in Ottawa, where Mr. Banting will join the Trade and , Commerce Department. Res week Miss Janice Black has re- * turned to Sudbury, after a visit . with Miss Jill Ames. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Green, Richard and Ronda, Graven « hurst, Mrs. B. A. Green, Barrie, . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey and attended the + Hooey-Best wedding in rono - 7 : I FILL ouT (ofe]1]:]e]\ MAIL 1010): NO (1734 o0ww/ PRINCE ALBERT -- ; De oy Bion coon CHOOSE ANY 4 MAGAZINES from this GREAT LIST -- or LIFE and ° other MAGAZINE from this fist oo nor vrie ver Sle, Worship Service as usual at Magazine Magazine jer' , and Sunday School No agazine Nagi Carrier's Nome ...ceoesecscsssesscccnsevees * will commence again 11 o'clock. REDBOOK [7 INGENUE (Teen Age Girls) A yrs. Mrs. B. Jeits, Mrs. Les Bea] HERES HOW THE ECONOMY READING TRUE STORY ..... 4 CJ MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY yrs. cock, Mr. E. Martyn each took| LOOK (every other week) ........ [] CHILDREN'S DIGEST (ages 5-12) yrs. Carriers Route No ersssnarenenl . thelr turn managing the junior | PLAN COMES TO YOUR HOME CHATELAINE es HUNTING & FISHING . 5 yrs. . asses. McCALL'S FREE PRESS WEEKLY yrs. | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subs ; ne Saturday night recently a . g GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MOODY MONTHLY yrs. : several couples pertaining to ® Your newspaper will be delivered by your carrier and US. CAMERA . TRUE ROMANCE... .. 3 yrs. scription at the present rates to THE OSHAWA TIMES for . the Bible Class were graciously] : : Ns : ARGOSY (The Man's Mag.) POPULAR SCIENCE yrs. entertained at the home of Mr. the magazines by your mailman. Your order will be LIBERTY SATURDAY NIGHT . 36 months and the magazines chosen for the term as indi- and Mrs. R. Butson. acknowledged with a postcard showing first and last HI FI/STEREO REVIEW FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE Several clilidren were gaily magazine payments. AMERICAN GIRL CHRISTIAN HERALD cal . cated. | agree to pay 60c weekly for 36 months with the entertained at Valerie Heayn's GOLF DIGEST CANADIAN PHOTOGRAPHER .... . 2 birthday party on Saturday. FLOWER GROWER HUMPTY DUMPTY (Ages 3-7) ... % understanding that this amount represents full payment at Beller heallh bs won. Mie The small payment shown below, at your carrier's regu- POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY INSIDE DETECTIVE sees : Sager who is confined to Osh lar collection period, covers the cost of both this news. SPORT . ATLANTIC ADVOCATE . present rates for not only the magazines but also for the 2 A PHOTOPLAY FIELD & STREAM . awa Hospital. paper and the magazines. GLAMOUR . . HOUSE & GARDEN .... . newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and| . B Wy a ar MADEMOISELLE ~ AMERICAN" HOME .. ruce accompanied Mr. an hi : ES ANADIAN HOME Mrs. Jas. Rodd, Oshawa, when| If you are already subscribing to any of the magazines QUIRE N HOMES : | 1 yo. OUTDOOR LIFE LIVING FOR YOUNG all enjoyed being at Mr. and| you have checked, simply mark an "X" in the renewal PARENT'S MAGAZINE HOMEMAKERS Jie iE G. Miller's cottage, near column, so this subscription can be added on to the time TODAY'S HEALTH BETTER HOMES & GARDENS .... rillia. hs ill hav . SPORTS AFIELD POPULAR BOATING Alan Murphy spent last week | you still have coming. CAR AND DRIVER ROD & GUN in CANADA with Toronto cousin, Judy Dick-| 00 100000000000000 000000 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL LE SAMEDI (Every (every other wk.) LA REVUE POPULAIRE (Fr. 5 LA REVUE MODERNE, Pp CHATELAINE (French) (Monthly) + "PROVINCE ,.. EA en LE MAGAZINE MACLEAN"S LLING ALL GIRLS (Ages 7-14) French) (Monthly) y ed a few days with his Beacock| MACLEAN'S (every other week) '0 [OO LIFE (Weelly) ORDER TAKEN BY .......... { nd Mrs. R. Butson ati) 'Please Note: If you choose LIFE--select only 1 other magazine from he above list. ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS tended the Puckett re-union at PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE Please let us have your renewal today so that you will not miss any copies. the "Maples" Uxbridge. POPULAR GARDENING WEEKLY SCOTSMAN inson. Please allow i i 3 30%. nd Mrs, George Webb, 4 to 8 weeks for first magazines to arrive. WEEKLY SCOTSMAN " n : : ++ 3 3 5 Ottawa, are holidaying with You may make a few payments before receiving first Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. | copies; however, full and continuous service is guaran- Neal Devitt, Oshawa, enjoy-| teed, 0 000000 000000000000000000 0 000000 00000000000000000 CATHOLIC DIGEST 0000000000 Pee ss sess sess ssn ssse