27--Real Estate for Sale 27 Rel Estate for Sale 127 --Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale LB Auiomeiies for Sale THR OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 12, 1961 13 rt -- ae p-- [SMALL four-room house four acres of COUNTRY living, near Ashburn, 1954 HILLMAN deluxe sedan. good sec- P d car, in good running order. 22 La-| TWO spacious "furnished rooms, equipp-| near land. three miles east of Newcastle No | acre, four rooms and bath, fruit trees, ces, on ed ith Or Slevin i EE TA oi REE BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE ? highway Phone Newcastle 3561 51d Tor information. No. agents miease.| - ia bide after 5. io MERRY MENAGERIE nd private bathr ree , Et m= i Dhoeal Park Boulevard South for fur- payment $4,500. NHA rtgage, 25 ACRES of 1 land for sale mear Mad-|-- =| bower. Apply Soyer Shell Station, th will carry including inter. dock. Full price $320 cash, Apply at PRIVATE -- Three-bedroom bungalow thy A. iB only. pa ETT for "ea 43 and taxes. Tel. 728-6896. 721 Glenfor- {1036 Cedar Street, Oshawa. __|large Kitchen, attached garage, Sh Doane esi. ay 8: =-330 Pai unturnished, suitable for two, in geod est Street wg Tv" |PRIVATE, two blocks trom Fin Tl bn sels sl vn ge Benz, 57 - 190 gas model, location, close to bus. Apply = Chad- (sas DOWN, Modern three- "bedroom | Centre on Elmgrove, storey and half, | pcs bus, 725-8438. ly d, excellent best ' . pe burn Street, Oshawa, anytim rick bungalow, possession Qetober ix rooms, oil heating, nicely land. ---- offer over $1,100. 723-3223. CLASS 7 a [ond mortgage. gid Wd ele: : |scaped, good income home. Small down LARGE lot on town line road east, One| jor "Bu ive™ chaviolet sedan, autor $1300 DOWN buys lovely five: -room (Phone 728-3452 for appointment. _ rr your neighbourhood: realtors payment. Call 728-8630. aa mile outside rit clogs ol matie, new transmission, in good condi- briek bungalow, (hese bet e a ar. ia DOWN with one open $4 2er Carl 725.4701 [SUGGEST your own down payment on jel Avenue tion. Telephone 7280870 tor further in. less condition, 7 "mo 1 - {this attractive rug bricl . ---- wana vow, Broker. 725- wi |of 370, monthly, burs this 'bungalow for 67 King St. E. 25-4 |mentuiy payments to suit your budget. |waiTaY, bungalow. 9.000 fu full TO in good mechanical con. ONE furnished room, in private hom It wo rooms eal for smal ree berooms, sewers, Sara; 28-5770 from 9 a.m. % for gentiemas, private | Paths. nl - Lioyd Realty Oshawa Ltd, Realtor. HEAR HOWE & PETERS HOME NEWS in mie or couple Nicely 1and A a hie om ho Jet aie trance. Apply 44 444 Fernhi vy | i NI S AFTER 11 AM. NEWS wi ept home 80} ealtor. {phone 635-3 SRR REN UT CADILAC "four-door power steer PRIVATE large furnished room, en- PRIVATE | CK.L.B. WED. MORNING Charles Hankin 723-6368 or 728-3083. |. room bungalow. on. Desh ing, wonder bar radio, excellent condi. is d bath, in private home. Gen-! tom built home, | ICE REDUCED ga on, five-room bung own $895. MO 84517. trance an y Six-room custom bul ome, | wp . SS a o tleman. Apply 444 Fernhill Bouleva storms and screens two fin- | BROWNING ST. R FOR REAL ESTATE {$2,000. Aluminum storms, i iron, "ZEPHYR (Ford) four-door § promo 070. A oo 1% storey, sigs! ished rooms in basement, $11,900, owner anxious to move, 5 year old bungalow, 3 bed- | {railing 725-9417. ~~ |der, 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel 8 ' with $1000 down, Mortgage to suit.| two fireplaces, built-in stove, rooms, finished recreation room, close to bus service, a real | DON S. SMITH PORT Perry, modern th font, soi $1200 or nearest offer sell or trade, for smaller house. W8| . ., oyhqust fons, near all bargain, come see for yourself. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. bungalow. "al conv iences, garage, 28.1176. dl ast schools, wall-to- wall corpet | Buil " located dn Woods Vickery Rea! Estate churches, schools and shopping. $11,500. ok CHEVEOL EE Sal, one Tyas nouse, $19,800.00. Builder's own home, many extras, mortgage arranged. Telephone; ji "relephone 725-4935 for further ed lot in north end, modern kitchen with built-in stove and Business ...... 728-6228 EE A Soar tion, 26--Rooms for Rent 127 --Real Estate for Sale LE or double room, very centrally svc Orivate kitchen, refrigerator throughout hi; achive, free parking. | . % niorma Ind ephone. 125.8150 f for further details. | 725-3993 | oven, broodloom and drapes included. Call Bob Jhonson 728 Res 728.4879 |ATAX -- Frvesoom. re beiroom id 50 EDEL Towts tela sos Sher FURNISHED room, suit one or two gen- 2548. | : {solid brick gain, de"corated| All accessories. Best offer or trade for tiemen, parking, laundry, breakfast OPEN EVENINGS alumin-| small car. Telephone 728-7182. } -- hi um storm -- Centrally Jocated Jol; Heme oo by door. 356 Park Road South BEAUTIFUL INCOME HOME located in east end, large 3 storey home |(YNIF BLOCK FROM im. orm Ra Cou WH 2407 A vier Da 13 ew 0146 with washroom on each floor, selling as going concern, monthly A. NICELY fumished Iarge Toom I Ny MODEL HOME | income $267.00 Only $16,900, call 725-5207 SHOPPING 2 = pho, TE uk Suries setmles, Ls vate oes BO Ar ly 44 Perr. | 96 GIBBONS ST. CENTRE BUYING OR SELLING system, excellent condition, closed in Foom V.L.A. Home -- located on Trulls Road, 7 room home with Ivd. 723-7070 ' plywaod box, spare set of wheels with TG ios Toms | JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor | [57% 0 "of landscaped grounds, many shade trees, 4 bedrooms of Mr ond | "EDWARD DRUMM [orton som sarees: "ee i and bathroom for light | Former home TN ening, In a quiet Widow's hom, | 725-9870 excellent condition, buy now before your credits expire. Call rs CA. Ferguson -- LIST WITH LLOYD "5 DOPRE, Teo toor hardtop, rebuilt an GTR SH : 3 0 , 1 aii rn Soh Joleen 28 2S te. living room, kitchen, large | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ELT TT BT hree piece bath. | Ltd., after 6. CLEAN "furnished r room yom with kitchen, hen, in| bedroom, t : Liovd Realty (Oshawa) Lt F_| s -- quiet home, central, suit gentlema DOUGLAS L. Water conditioner system. 101 Simcoe Streer North 1960 FRONTENAC four door station Continuous hot. 175-0235 packing Yash gown, Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. | Beautifully landscaped 728 5123 f wagon. private, Will sell tor swat down 'T'm not one to le or Ji less than vu, LARGE furnished bedroom, abstainers REALT 60 KING STREET WEST Lo 73088 3 -- lake older cur as pA payment. Must only, Suit one or two gentlemen, Apply et East after 6 p.m. for NE AVE. fosther particulars, 41 GLADSTONE MUST BE SOLD JOHN A. J ON ATHOL Street East near Pow $990.00 down -- well kept é room brick bungalow located o Large room suitable lor single East! $9,500 full price. 2 acres of few blocks from King St. East. Close to school, shopping end or gentleman. Apply 260 CHEVROLET dump truck, good con- Li S, Snelgrove |down payment i credit 1" saustuctory. | |32--Atticles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale 0 CO. LTD oT EEF er, SE th Spay, be JI. AER Syee, Site Seg A es 3 3 - convertible. 'ele [tern Plenie Jugs, camp stoves. Best rade-in allowance ree demon To Torished oom, bedroom and land, 5 rooms, large garage bus. Oil heated, immediate possession. Open mortgage Realtor LTD Insuronce . . phone Brooklin, 633 3467 after § p.m prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 | stration. ° Telephone 728-4683, .in cup- 0 on Highwa BEL 8 kitchen with refrigerator, Jailtin cups Close to Teunten Shway: ROSSLYNN ESTATE 167" SIMCOE § REALTORS "33 DODGE, two-door hardtop, ret ui you. West, 725-6511. Terms 10 GEFICE, store, butcher, restaurant boards and sink. All conveniences, Patk-| Long term mortgage, 0 $3.000.00 down, large 6 room brick ranch bungalow with i OE 5 motor, new clutch, All good tires, cus erin {equipment. New, used, buy, sell, trade ing space. Apply 887 Ritson of ov. close 10. schools 3, o ' brick d ji OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m.-9 p.m 725-8761 tom radio. Sacrifice. Telephone 728.1160 COLEMAN space heater, medium size Service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- LIGHT oe An "553 Olive Low down payment. Coll ottached garage Stone ireplace in Jing Io, separate Jin after {with drum, rangette, in good condition. | in. TIT two, bus at the door. Api 7 ol M ing arega, facilities for rec. room e landscape 0 x CUSTOM Gin the dash) transist readle sewing machine, reasonably | |TENTS, ta tarpaulins, camp cots, ground nue Thiet pone 73318 for paris. Sally Walloce Es a en ONLY $8,900 43 PARK RD. SOUTH [CUSTOM 'in tre dsby tramsisar car [NAG Je bine™$5007s0 ater 5." [shoeay Seba Onbawe' Raiwirts 3 as io $12,900 3-bedroom brick oe N T $1,000 down, 5 room bunga 728-8761 Stores, 48 Bond Sireet West USED parts and repairs for all makes |Church Street 723.7624 TWO partly or unfurnished rooms, pr vt AA SIMCOE NORTH low with: garage, very nice TUMBLER.FREE with $3 worth of of wringer type washers, '4 hp motors, BUYING or disposing of used furniture, vate bath, parking facilities, Slose yo bungalow features: Of $ i a hd GRIERSON STREET gasoline at The Hilllop. Open from |$3 to $8, guaranteed re. wash- | 8p iiances, ete. Call Elmer, 30 years' shopping and buses. Couple preferre ond screens, natural fireplace Fos well fo wall brocdioom throughout." 3 bedrooms (master | condition, central location [10 a.m. until midnight, ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- | . COlfax 3-2204. 725.1804. ------1| landscaping, nicely decorated oom 12 x22). S dini 9 livi or ord coves for 375 monthly For comfort and economy, |CENTRALLY located, room and board,|'on CO 32M. =~ XG paper on sale, letter size. ONE "furnished bedroom. silt_zespec| Low down poyment, 5¢ bedroom x i ). Separate ining, area, living 'oom with na Don't pass this one by, call here is a 5-room, 2-bedroom [suitable for young gentlemen, friendly GOODRICH Stores Tires bat | white JSwepri, buy bulk lots and 18d | ' Ho 5 ; A 4 3 3 A A . eekly. Telephone 100 Buckingham Av-| N.HA. financing. A terrific ural fusplace 2 x 22. Extro stool in basement, owner tron tonight ond ask for Mr "Sib brick bungalow, clean condi- tome, good cooking: TV." Apiy 1 Col | series, Thrifty Bod refrigerators, tele- |Cireutation Devartment. ta buy for those who want the ferred: Must se lock at 725-6544 tion, oil fumace, complete | per, ¥-door hardtop juaion: Plrify Budeet Pian: YH-AiaY:, SINGER portable : furnished room, "newly decor best. Call Vic Hulatt for AFTER 5.30 CALL SUMMER COTTAGE storms and screens, paved fan BIC Plt exile, power | BEACH simbination gas, range, with conditioned and Sysrasteed. Sews bax gd lose to diwntow " y AR . . A OWr e 3 coal annex, in 001 condition, or | tifully, full ce ax wing a Hees. TV outlet, Apply 213 Albert] more information tinson 725-0243 Russ Reeve 725-4840 ; drive, $3,000 down gives |equipped, $645 Apply 289 Malaga Road iio offer. Telephone 725-1882 for fur- re. WH 2.4361 and MO 8.5407. Street for further information $9,800 full price. 'Six lerge Stradeski 728-8423 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Close to Oshawa Creak, 4 possession. . (ther information. erior, exter hed, with | d 3 hall 1960 RAMBLER in perfect o PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gal. TWOROOM apartment, furmshed. ¥ rooms, Arlington Avenue, all DAYTIME 723-2265 19s oy Ringo rn y DUPLEX radio, extra tires, R perteet ondition, | GOAL stove white enamel, good condi- |All colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh- or, stove, r sto . and sink. Available immediately, Close decorated, oil heat new oi ---------------------- urnished, stove a ge standard shift, cheap for quick sale. fiom, api length Musierat soa, awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church - o 9 K Street A Asking just $1,500 for every just a few years old, brick Apply 307 Annapolis Avenue. |size 20, Very reasonable. Telephone |S 624. to down town. Apply 1 ng floors, As low os $1,000 9 ' u 725-3641. 3 3 "canvas, Prompt West down: Immediate pussession AT THE CENTRE thing, that's right, $1,500 and stone, 3 bedrooms, large (1057 PONTIAC for sale, two-fone, in| TaGUTM cleaner Ti repairs, all FR esti Chair, $4,000.00 down. A 6 room 2 storey brick 'with garage, home ee eee - dust mates. table a TWO rooms, ith ad Poggi Call Ossie Marten ful price! Will take low down modern kitchen, living rors [perfect condition, throughout, low mile- ge [Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. Reasonable rent for ladies. 136 Gifford |-- -- - CASTLE HOM ES payment. Call Mr. Rotcliffe ond bath on main floor, mod- Ither information. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. GILSON Snowbird, 16 cuble foot, chest Stree 2 | 600 DOWN ot 725-6544 em and self contained : 1956 PONTIAC, automatic, V8 hardtop, |vice. 728-0591 anytime. ype freeiar, must sell. Owhers Jeaving room apartment up, goo radio, body good and solid, Forced fo| = -- | country. r etalls tele od Rr ge LUCAS 3 UNBELIEVABLE! rental district close to G.M. |sell. Cash. Calj after 4, 723-4712. {LINE Seno) Soatne, TV. blond 1233-9797, ! sauipped with builtin cupboards and ONE MORTGAGE Plant. Asking $3,500 ['s? WILLMAN deluxe sedan, two-tone, one year W picture tl EA ras. | | WE pay highest prices in the city for sink, Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant- $14,500 full price for this its ' |A-1 condition, radio, lady owner, mile. yearn, S005. phone |used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture ing Avenue. PEACOCK $71 MONTHLY split level home with double down |age 22,000. 723.7694. 946 Mohawk Street. GAS furnace in Blower, ry Sond |Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. NICE furnished room with double bed, garage, only 3 years old. Ow FOR. RETIREMENT | 1961 PONTIAC Strato.Chief, light metal: | gute. Telephone Bil ash for quick yYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add- suitable for ladies or gentlemen, 36 per YES, AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT | ' \ {lic green, four door, automatie, 7,000 Hobos, bs ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill week. 728.0764 or 105 Mary Street realtor 3 ner must sell, Desireable lo- Country home of 6 rooms on {mis . Very reasonable. 725-7809, BICYOLE, boy's, CCM, 28" wheel, in Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin, tie- | , : ag cation close to schools and ; SUN : y priced. 1130 WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car Sg iE Tou fo bs oF footie 725-4330--728-5109 $600 is your full down payment for the 6 room brick shopping. Substantial down one floor, 3-piece both, fur. ly oT. 35% hig pe. : oh Somerville Street, 725-5196. | radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcos Apply 29 Elgin Street East or tele bungalows, complete with storms and screens and | payment required. For par nace, Sen garage and work 0792 in Foor Bigin oat, ote year od, with or ative dene for OMawE: RCA Vie n. ; BUSINESS storm doors. There are no second mortgages and | ticulors ask for Mr. Zuba shop, V2 acre nicely land: |." SERCURY, four-door, automatic. dition, $175. Telephone 7254087. ~g GH on room, furnished, ; . -- | | « for Mi i coped lot. iNtany ext t 0 SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re CH trigerator, also single room, fur. OPPORTUNITIES nothing extra to buy. Visit our model home on the | 725-6544 or 728-0569 . ically, 20s. 2 Melangnin Boulevard, | OSET furniture and appliances cost |(rigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, nished, ample parking. Apply 163 Sim-| : : WHITBY 728-3206 less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe|stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact prasig IgA FOR SALE ONLY North parking lot of the Oshawa Shopping Centre. | $900 DOWN $900 TET wr AL Soni TI Ta Ie buy and sell. |19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131, eet Sou : ' y x . hei eBbdctii abi, a bond BR NICELY furnished front large Restouront. snack bor, and Completely serviced area. No pioneering and no | $1,500 down, large S-room, ives, Tecent brake Job, good bods, very | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cuble foot, | {ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, keeping room, near hospital, clean and| Restaurant, ' mad | 5 room brick bungalow, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, |clean, $295 or offer. 728.0558. freezer across top. In excellent condi. NO. 1 quality, Measurements, estimates duet. Telephone 728.9984 or TI4W0L( gifst shop about six years | Greenwood Ave., convenient a hors oid vo 3 MGA well equipped. Secrifise. #1| ION; APPLY 231 Burk Street afler § p.m. {tree. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. ROOM or room and board for_two| old. Well established business 725-1186 location, terms arranged. To modern, oil heating, large |Warren Avenue. for further information. [FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar- lemen, 10 minutes walk from south with cious living Quarters 1 & 4 : ih FOR BALE "hospital bed and mattress, |antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- Zend omen, 19 ps Spge i op! inspect call Mr. Appleby garage, one mortgage with |'60 NASH Metropolitan, 15,000 miles used one year, also wheelchair and ment. Package deal $130. Telephone contained, children welcome. . enty - ink Foal Pai EVENINGS CALL 725-6544 or 723-3398. one monthly payment of prin- ovnea by nurse, $1.250. Telephone commode chair on casters. Telephone 725-4729, ARGE. bright furnishe keeping] room for on, : dha 0080 for a | DINETTE set, attractive walnut finish, LARGE, bright furnished Tis sepiay financing. Located on o main MR. McMULLEN -- 725-0104 Members O.D.RE.B gigs) ond mgrests do it well NAVION 205, 300 SMOH, VHF, ADF, Sonsisting vf Duncan Fhyile tab le, four . airs, abinel large wlosst, gos fo Hospital and down) thoroughfare. MRS. HANDSON -- 728-5075 Mortgages Arranged, call Snelgrove, 723-9810 | V O L V Oo 3 Lmacalaty, orn | Telephone 7283765, o- - J _ Bou ht ond Sold. or 725-8761. Trail, Ont. MOFFAT electric range and Phillips 27 --Real Estate for Sele Centrally located one Io W. T. LAMSON ought ong Most dependable. oh Sr bt ood Bg iota 0 Tn ig perty, Downtown oa REAL ESTATE LIMITED The leader on the road ond h and carry dinette suite, bedroom suite and four MONE Re en plus seven Toor Retoil store and office orea. | eet ----_------r track | $20; 1 cribs, spring Piece bedroom suite. 439 Albert Street. tionery and wh neh tage, ware GPPFOX. 1400 sq, ft. Shop $950 -- NORTHWEST AREA JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE [dropside, on casters, cash and carry, | TENT 9 x 12 one year old and we Joute a ond warehouse approx. 1600 FINA SERVICE $17} baby Aglare, jolt easily; strong camp cots, bid or will trade for recent 118, Call Don| gq ft. Lond area approx. : and sturdy, discount pi ee, 1% Play 1 typewriter or outboard. Tele- Stradeski, at Schofle 5000 ft. Owner's busi- Amazing, but true, only $950 down puts you in @ new 3 bed- 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 ns, $8.88, Some gn halts. Lau. phone : facts, Evenings 728-8423, 3 per eent ta. ' ¢ ness expansion at this lo- room brick bungelow. This home is completely landscaped, on arten sets, walkers, carseats, _-- cation necessitates moving to 187 KING ST. E. has forced air oil heating, laundry tubs, and large rooms through- THE HOME OF Soeker Sommode chairs, 3 all, discount LATEST Sorry, mn LLOYD lorger premises 728-4661 out. See this one, new, but on a fully settled, quiet street with GOOD USED CARS delivery Farsi fems. oe SEs MODERN DESIGNS bus and school two blocks away One-storey concrete block, ELECTRIC range, "Gurney" 25" width In living room drapery mo 514% N.H.A, RESALE, $67.00 monthly, principal, interest and " Beatty washing, both in good working i Before You Buy -- on Te yo imet TI0150 fox] terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. | stucco building on main thor | : i REALTY oughfare near Downtown | taxes. This clean-as-a-pin five-room brick bungalow with beauti- i : or a | Bedroom drapery in: soting Osh. Zoned C2 ond ful grounds is locoted on Highland Avenue close to all schools. | Give Bill A Try furtt J on LIST WITH LLOYD Sesh partitioned for Re- Very comfortable three-bedroom home. Aluminum storms end | e a O I BABY carrias ke, grii; Daihinette, potty | yar or 1.49 and ui rHEN CALL YOUR MOVER toil store and office. Nearly | Sréons Sh venetian bins, Priced fo wl 8, 51],900 with a | BILL WHITTICK clothes. All in good and clean oy Te up 2 #. of floor space | Substantial down payment. ner transferred. his is a real jon, Telephone 12 id P NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW 500 =. building buy. To inspect, please call 728-4661. Oshawa Shopping Centre Open 'til 9 725-6588 MOTORS LTD. 18 FT.cabin cruiser with er without Dropes made fo order by ex 1,000 DOWN $1,000 in a fist clos 18 Frewiin cruiser with 92 20 perts at. nominal cost. Also a We value for $13,900. availoble for immediate 5 ROOM SPACIOUS MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW, close to St Ken Honn 723.7963 Charlie Ronkine 728-3682 | ° 44 BROCK ST. N Jackets, and water 'skis. Must sell,| selection of ready-made Custom built, all mahogany occupancy. | Gertrude's, Donevan and Public Schools. Spotless condition, Large Doug Wilson 725-5625 WHITBY MO 8-4741 728-4914. drapes at discount prices. trim with built-in china cabi- Price has been considerably bright modern family kitchen, four-piece tiled bathroom with |= mommm-------- net and drawers. Kitchen ha ; THY j Dat | GOOD RE-CONDITIONED mM 3C DRYGOODS | | built-in vanity. This is an ideal home for a fomily with school [30--A n 1 utomobiles Wanted = Chie | MOLL | MERE WD EEE STII | STOW & OLSEN REALTORS [Tocris Wemtd | womens wars (M & &, CLYEC joining dining a ft. of vocant land. Zoned | compare this price with that of the brand-new homes in thi {cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. ALL PARTS AND SERVICE | | | | | | ote possession, top terms. M-1A ond M-1B, with a vicinity. For appointment, call 728-4661. | 725-1181, 723-7827 Phone Bill Millar ot 728- frontage of approx, 440 ft i : REALTORS | WANTED good used car, GM preferred, AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE 5123 extending from Simcoe St. in ROSSLAND AND STEVENSON AREA, Better buiit 6-rom ranch 50 ACRES for one karat diamond and some cash. Horwood Avenue North {34--Lost & Found " t | a rapidly developing section | i : . one pun | BUDGIE, gre d yellow, 1 4 Lloyd Realty (Oshiows) Ltd, of Oshawa," Lorge living room with stone fireplace, L-shaped dining room, Vacant land with 15 acres valuable bush, also two spring-fed WH 2-6410 AJAX day BIE Be 28305, a on | | | 728-5123 Members Oshawa ond valance boxes and more than ample cupboard ond closet space. ponds renting for Fall duck hunting ot $100.00 a season. $ ALL CASH $ - | Manor area, Reward. Telephone | : | | bungalow "with attached garage in this. fine residential area 101 Simcoe St. N District Real Estate Boord Tivse SPacious bedrooms, This home is now reduced to $16, Frontage on paved road 12 miles north of Oshawa. Listed at T.V. TOWERS HT Figs 1, part | with fair down payment, Truly @ good buy for a home of $4,500 with easy terms. Coll Howsrd Forder ot 728-5107 | For clean cars we deal up or $55 | male cat, lost in the vicinity of Trull's this type, several extras, Immediate possession. For appointment, or evenings 728-2155. |Road, Courtice. Reward to finder. Tele- : ; down. Liens paid off. hone 723-3128. plese call 728-4661, 40-ft. tower structure with |P WHI | B y CLASSII TIED Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board GRANDVIEW GARDENS NICOLS MOTOR SALES all-channel head, hot-dip gal- i a - | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | vonized. Guaranteed one | Ranch-style bungalow in popular Grandview Gardens where all | MO 8-8001 year. | WwW t-Ad D 't ' | the homes are individual and well-maintained. Six rooms and an S on Rr red Ay hr Berg ri Mpeg D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR | rscrection room ricely decorates and combining ail the ameni- SPOT CASH OSHAWA TV. jon phone MO 8-549. mall child, 5 days weekly. Telephone ties for modern family living. This is an excellent buy requir- SUPPLY LTD EACIOTE modes two hedropn apart: | MO. 89382 after 5 p.m WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S ing a substantial down payment. For further information coll PAID FCR 161 Glggons STREET | Cost-They Pay 80 i ments f t, trom $85. Call J. A.|pUTCH lad Id do hor Hilda Risto: t 728-5107 or 725-3605 evenings. Daly. MO 8.4775. nu Dowseeating by the do guaswork or OPEN 9 AM. & 9 PM. DAILY ; ow 2 Good clean cars. Jade up /28- - paid of formation telephone Whitby, MO 82500. apartment, private ath second fiom | Valuable farm land with house ond barns. Located 12 miles 3 3 ' 3 : : 14 PARK RD. S. FOR SALE: Vik 5 HP outboard one child welcome, includes heat, hy- h f wa. Listed t 23,00 Es ie ot call | " motor, iL good 08 adition. Price $40. dro. Telephone MO 38-5709. | BUSINESS LOCATION | ot ore 728.5107 a IO, 728-2155. fon t 723-9421 HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK : for rent, newly decorated, oll heated, pri. of BOWLING shirts and crests for your 0 ed, pri-] with paved rive ond large detached gorage. Large corner lof MOVE IN AND RELAX Buying @ New Car? cantile Dept. Store, 105 Brock Street formation phone MO 8.2426 i : : ET 5 d, ho "huas" with. Se Sel "Ted" North, Whitby FOR SALE: Beautiful six room bunga location. Many extras. Asking only $14,700.00. Call Keith o lowns fo seec, no new house gs.' 10 cope pig { your vied Car 15 "Ted | Ww p COLUMN Paately 630 sheets of letter size typing | school. Oil heated. Phone MO 8-4560 ner transferred offers early possession ot market price, Stone | Car Dealer and "SAVE". f paper (news print) for only $1.00 APlyongax new triplex, with all con HILLCREST DRIVE ree ord ra or he. aix racious. tamil Somer, JOU, Ama. | TED CAMPIN MOTORS ELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS ! 5 ! | 723.4494 Res, 725-5574 LIST YOUR NAME -- PHONE NO. -- 31--Automobile Repairs SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE ROOM and board for two to share |tion phone MO 8-5930 after 4 p.m x 2 ACRE or down. Liens ROOM snd board for fro, ln, sare lon phone MO ive ster 4 om | WHITBY MO 8-5868 TORONTO EM 3.9603 00 ACRES | 'DODD MOTGR SALES Telephone MO 8-3623, | FIVE-ROOM semi.detached duplex for| Six-room, |Va-storey clapboard residence, perfect in every way, CARS WANTED bowling team. Special club prices. Mer. vate' entrance. Parking spaces. For in| yor" 1900 commercially zoned. Ideal for home and business STUDENTS! A super value, approxi low, built on 56' x 300° lot. Close to] Lunney rooms (fomily room) aweit your inspection in Beau Valley. Ow- Talk "Cash" to the New Whit! " 1 " ply Oshawa Times Office WUDY | eniences, on paved road, bus at door. drive and one of the most gracious family homes you'll find. ii) Dubias Street Wes near public school and church, 12 per Lovely ranch bungalow with carport and paved drive in Whitby N.H.A. financing at $21,900. Call Poul Ristow aot 728-5107 or APARTMENTS for rent. Apply 708 Dun-|cent gross income on investment. $6000) Six well decorated rooms ond recreation room facilities. Large ) lop Street West, Whitby. Phone MO down. Owner will take first mortgage.| peoutifully londscaed lot and many ext Poe Arge | 725-8152 evenings 84174 3000. Sherwood 9-8541 Ottawa 3 4 scaped and many extras. ced to sell a WHITBY Econowash, announcing open: DRESSMAKING -- Lady's and chil | $14,900.00. Coll Keith Lunney. 50 ACRES , in, of Skyline Cleaners an ustom h . N I 1 Tajlors with a two for one sale on all Home. Mrs. M. Bradford. NO 2 nt NORTH WHITBY : 3 miles east of Oshawa city limits. S50-ocre form with house | Sg as] SeRaat ONE INSERTION 50c ry © {Cash and Carry). Clean. MEN . Apply 708 Dun livia ; ; and barn. Land all workable and located between No. 2 and and SERVICE STATION a Whitby 10p Street West, Whitby. Telephone MO 2 acres of industrial land with approximately 800° frontage 401 highways. Close to residential area. For appointment to BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- Boras. Dunn. Your dry cleasingiidnid. 7 ivi on C.P.R. Asking $2,500.00 per acre. Call Keith Lunney, inspect contact Howard Forder ot 728-5107 or evenings PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. ete, to either location {FOR R NT: Three bedroom unfurnish SECIEELT int 28.21 MOTOR TUNE-UP AND | ect er a Ce Ry Tits MOLL YUU | RESIDENTIAL ~~ ACREAGES ~~ TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS | 726-2155 MOTOR TUNE Books For Sale Books Wanted 2 basket, pick sour own. Phone OL|b%, ABplY, Tit Ritson Road South or! (OTS -- INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- BUSINESSES. 19 Athol St. W., Oshawa 67 KING ST, W. FOR WENT -- Large bedroom with GROUND floor, three-room apartment, Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. 723-7822 GRADE IX GRADE 1X kitchen privileges. Abstainer only, in convenient, pleasant location; fire. | Phone MO 3.2086 after 3 p.m (Discs, wove; retigeraion, pariang and 29--Automobiles for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale {32--Articles for Sale Donevan Collegiate DRESSMAKING, wilts, coats, dresses, West, MO #2080. ; ~T|' FORD in very good shape, with LARGE mirror; Moifat range, 43 inch, Institute Text Books alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. | -------------- | BUYING OR SELLING SEE [custom radio and signal lights. Tele. $40; refrigerator $70; table tennis, $30; Robert Twaites t FOR RENT -- Small apartment, up- pan specialty. Mra. Toms, M6 stairs, stove and frig supplied. Very phone 723-7043. {pendron baby carriage, $10; deep 723-2008 i -- reeze; gas range, $25; girl's bleyele, | centrally located. Suitable for business 5 " C 1960 TR 3 A sports 'coupe, "radio, heat : SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary couph e MO 8-3518, Real Estate Limited TED AMPIN er, whitewalls, new car condition, red = T2:5206, way. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut West, oo a - ih white tops. May be financed. Tele- Usen tires, most all GRADE X GRADE X Phone MO 8-2563. OR two-bedroom apartments " y M R oll 723-9797 |B. F. Goodrich Sto ---- tm -- 890 end $100, in modern building 40 Kin St E Dial 728-4678 i S-------------- ht ol Bot | g ot. § |stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. : {cas H register with tax control but. | GRAVEL - LOAM [5c sERviCES. Complete bookkeepir | 607 KING ST. ~-- OSHAWA Trade your boat on a car-- (ton. 10-key electric adder, subtracts Cement Gravel |seryise for Smal], usneses, waekly, ARLINGTON AVE. | (Just East of Wilson Road) | New or Used |e abre entire jaz, Als € ¥ vel, on d d nents pre | Driveway Gravel and Fill pared, or Fo poy "MO 3 8252, | 6-room, 1Va-storey home, 3 bedrooms, weil decorated, new | 723- 4494 °F Res. 725-5! 5574 SMITH'S SPORTS | Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon | i.o DOWN or best offer. $12,500 full | gorege with Svaitiesd door, rostelully landscaped with forge | -- cu SUPERTEST | COMPLETE SALE OF GRADE XI GRADE XI ce. Three year, six-room brick, split] ade trees at reor ose to Simcoe St. North public school, | i : ERIC C. BRANTON flevel" bungaiow. rated, storm high school and bus. An excellent buy at only $10,500.00 with | TUESDAY SPECIALS North Simcoe at Conlin Rd ALUMINUM PRODUCTS MO 8-2660 ling bar. MO 93-3428 : : | down payment t¥ be arranged on one mortgage OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. RA 8-5912 | form indows end Prime ----e - | windows and doors only $40. FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auio (pen evenings or weekends | s only $40 FOR SALE: L odel Crosley auto-| '55 BUICK Sedan, refinished. |= Install Canada's finest awn- G 1 - HOUSEWIVES ments rt Rig Cig Hid io ] SUBURBAN LIVING 5 Excellent. Local car ing and Porch railing. Very | GRADE XII GRADE Xi 8-850. pas - Bedutiful ranch bungalow on No. 2 highway -- Extra large Only .. $480.58 WI L L | S | reasonable price. Call O.C.V.L "| landscaped lot, attoched garage, breezeway, laundry room, 3 Tax: ines 14.42 ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 : A. Foy | FOR RENT large bedrooms, natural stone fireplace, dining room, finished Total ...... $495.00 MOTORS Telephone 728-3108 | Boats, motors, boat box and | recreation room. Truly a beautiful home in a choice setting 3 3 1 TV TOWERS successful in a business | cabin trallers, shotguns, rifles, . | Asking $18.000.00. Shown by appointment only. '53 CHEV. Bel Air Conver. TAUNTON RD EAST i i | decoys, power tools, camping, FOR RENT -- Large modem 2-bedroom apartment, stove, fridge, tible, radio $295.00 ii £55 GRADE Xiil GRADE XIII of your own. More infor- gorden and lawn equipment washer, dryer. $100.00 month, October 1st occupancy i 6.70 15 Tire Your AUSTIN Dealer GE Y mn > ed 6.70 x ires 40. ft Learn how you con be WILDE RENTA TED ® * ssortment structure with all. mation. Call Toronto RU iD Sa rr AFTER 5:30 CA 3.00 ant up a 5540 } channel antenna, all galvan iD : Maga, 725-9191 Everett Elliott, 723:9290 c / YR ; > ized, ¢ nieed 1 year 2-4782 collect. 1415 Dundas Street East John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 STEWART MOTOR SALES 795. 0331' TRIO TELEVISION WHITBY -- MO 8.3226 Marion Drew, 725-7610 $22 King West 725-1667 | | 171 Bond St. East, 728-678)