The Oshawa Times, 12 Sep 1961, p. 12

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Z§2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 12, 196) Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS AA gd OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.\ 5 P.M Monday to F Soranior 3 to 1 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY - Accountants Cartage [Money to Loan MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL _Ce., Chartered Accountants, an 725 8 "135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, | WH 2.0890 WILSON and BURROWS. Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, G. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-2571. Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, . H. E., DEWAR and Co., and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg. 11 tario Street, Oshawa, Accountants On- , Ontario. 728- 2221 MOVING? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgoges at 7% per annum without bonus Monies also available Second Mortgages. on Mortgages ond Agreements 2--Personal 13--Business Opportunitie: p.m. GENTLEMAN driving to Toronto, leav- ing 7.45 a.m. arriving vicinity of Shep. pard Avenue, Telephone 725-1566 after | | Please call 723-2054 after CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 # not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to origina orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions ordered at © later date constitute o new original | ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Sept, 19th and 20th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. {YOUNG lady in Rossland Road area \would like transportation to Toronto. 5 p.m. | BETTER places to rent are offered to you daily In the Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ads, Check Classification 25 now. | 3--Pets & Livestock EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE For thi: crea. Profitable new business with tremendous all- year demand. $7,500.00 cov- ers new machinery ond equipment, factory training, stock, local and national advertising, established accounts, etc. Practical man only. include phone number. Box 423, Oshawa Times. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent [25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 18--Maule or Female Help nted Wa FOUR-R00M unfurnished two-piece private bath and NEWLY d, two-room with builtin cul Nut BIO food supplement for entire family. Full or part-time distributors, Unlimited income, Orlin Lint, 747 Bessborough Drive, Oshawa. WANTED married couple to Tie for jence, small public Dutlding. Apply to Oshawa Times Box 15 and sink, close to downtown, Telephone 725-5418 for FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conveni- ,» laundry, te entrance, hot ater free, bus at the door, Apply 'erdun Road. 723 and hea' Sty wiring, near bus and South G! Telephone 725-7763. TWO heated apartments, second and third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 165 Bond Street East or telephone 725.9303 for further Information. 20--Room and Board PRIVATE room, suitable for man or meals lady, per day, close to seven day week, town and uses. 173, Ritson Roal South, | 1 4--Employment Wanted cing willing to share, single beds, General Motors and se to hospi CLEANING lady desires work. by day oe Collegiate Jocational Aastitute, 728-1070 weekly. Telephone or week. ings. {CARE for Ke in my hom: or He week, good need yard. Telephone for details, 728-3840, eve --~ |ROOM and hoard, suit gentlemen, nice ¢, by day references, g Pha sale | clean, quiet home, first class home meals, Toncher packed. Close to rywhere, free parking, 82 Park Road North, DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment, self-contained, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, | heat and water, adults only. $60. 728- 8175. i 'FOUR-ROOM apartment, CENTRAL, Drivate entrance, furnish- ed living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchane te, eléciicaiy sauipped Jaan. acilities and par! e 254 Athol Street East, ag, ho A Jo SELF - CONTAINED four - room un- stove and| three. furnisned apartmen! with heavy wire ing, central, suitable for business cou. _|ple. Telephone 725-4837. built-in cupboard, plece bath. Telephone 725-3938. NEWLY decorated, three large nished rooms, im built-in sink and cup- .| THREE furnished rooms suitable for TV aerial, close to Shon. two or three private bathroom. Reason. Phone 723-3568. able. Apply 207 Court Street or 725-1239, SHOPPING CENTRE -- spacious mod. THREE-ROOM downstairs apartment on dern, two bedroom apartments. deco. ravine lot. heavy duly wiring, park- rated (your choice) from $85. Paved ing, laundry Dressmaking FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations Remodelling. LOW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 Driving School MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars. Gov't, Licenced instructors Day or evenings appoint: ments DIAL 725-4773 Be ed by Geo. B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars. Standard and Automatic ao 1. X Day ond Evening Lessons NHA mort- 728-0091 narrister| Fuel and Wood cet East. Resl- FACTORY hardwood cuttings. for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, phone 728-8535. _ EXPERIENCED medical certificate Sashes. 33 Haury spaniel, eight chiropodist pedicure, masseur, foot spe $10. Telephone |cialist, Dutch, desires employment, a sistant, has own instruments. Tele. " || BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown Phone 728-5736, dogs, guaranteed thoroughbreds; also DUTCH lady willing to do housework 7 McGREGOR Street, room and board |Albinos; from $25. Small crossed pets,lor baby sitting Monday to Friday, for gentleman, to share, single beds, $10. Hollywood Motel, 800 Brock North, Telephone 725-5738 for further informa. yalel private home, lunches if desired. urnished or unfurnished, newly decor.|three large rooms and bath, private en- tion. 6721. H farm very central, available October 1. trance, parking facilities, television "baby budgies ready for WOMAN will care for children in her [LARGE rooms, close to downtown, 1 training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. own home. Monday to Friday. Fenced suitable for two ladies willing to share, Telephone MO 82396, Fr Ay SH ed Squire | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East yard. 725-7771 or 310 French. kitchen privileges or board, Mrs. Hewis g5o MONTHLY, ground "floor, two. qemu apartment, TWO - bedroom apartment, heavy w wir 'at MO 8-4 se! AMEKICAN cocke les, registered [titter, black and oi ile = fe 16--Female Help Wanted (oETRALLY "Tocated, room and board, ample busking, ai conveniences, chil, ng, 1aundry oom. self-contained, Son. {male, three months old. Telephone WH | suitable for young gentlemen, friendly |dren welcome. Telephone MA 3.5309. | 'uuous hot water, located betw 2.6428 for more information 8. cooking, TV. Apply 51 Col: |[ARGE three - roomed self-contained Cinawa and Whitby, $50. 725-3004. GERMAN Shepherd puppies for 725-7687. apartment for rent, Very central. Avail 9 MONTHLY and up, modern one or registered. yg Brea Ke nnels, "Pi ie E clean, quiet European home for able October 1. For more particulars two bedroom apartments, new apart ing. Telephone WH 2-1607 for further " thy p d first class home- telephone MO 8-2308. fei buildings, all conveniences, beau. particulars. te eviews oy Je arrange cooked meals. Lunches packed, free ygpEg RROM self-contained apartment Hiully decorated, centrally located. 723. FPG Pr AGENTS. clubs, ete. Sell Canada's|parking. Close to everywhere. 81 Park private bath, $65 monthly, Telephone 6674 04 728-5282. DL aia Shepherd, "mre finest Christmas cards. Over 300 items Road South. 728.3123, Lloyd Realty Oshawa 1d FOUR Corners Available now ctered, $15 ench. Telephone 726.0-73| houding religious, everyday and ver | you cooked meals with rooms, gen: | Realtor, self-contained fire floor suite, two for further particulars. h a i joi Bon SrSities. tlemen, Apply 235 Eulalie or telephone ruRyE unfurnished rooms, builtin sim, Fitehenaite, uve Suitable . 9 8-177: | ' 'y v' wir) Ld r, hea rater, GERMAN Shepherd, female, and pups, and samples on, appr val, Jeandron | 251773 Supboards, heavy Suty wirlag. three for bachelor apartment or downtown weeks old puppies, half German Greeting Card King Street| FOR young working girl or woman, blocks east of Shopvin: Centre. park ;ffice See Mr. Kozak at Johnston's, herd, half Labrador Retriever. 316 East. Hamilton, | 200d home cooked meals, hunches if de. ing, $30 monthly. Adults. 7256117. |g Simeoe North. assau., 728-6746 RELIABLE sired, reasonable, On bus line. Tele: TREE . ROOM basement apartment, | yo N ihree. mother woshs, live in or out. Liberal {Phone 723-1390 anytime, [for October 1, close to buses, schools, bedtoom, hrce room apartment, $we FOR SALE -- Registered female beagle ais e in or o |parking, garage. 273 Baldwin, 725-6320 el room, chen, dining, three-plece with papers, $25 and one male Ger. time off, Tele "phone 725-7057 4 |EOOMERS or boarders, clean room | ater » throom, continuous hot water, rea- man, Shepherd, soven Tonths, £00d NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 and more single bets, alse use of ly. room Er ROH wyarimcet Hesvy duly sonable rent Telephone 725-6856 Town- watch dog. Port Perry 985-2635. can easily be earned by showing ouy - tn Gorm d {fabulous Christmas eard fts, toys. to| FOR French cooking, | wiring, hot water heating, private bath' ypp, n oder. spa 4--Market Basket friends and neighbors ih grinch ig 80. | lunches packed, laundry and entrance, 10 minutes to downtown. APPLE mii district. modern, wpa page, catalogue makes it|done if desired, Tele- Apply 157 Banting Avenue. _|duty wiring, private bath, private en- 25 cents basket, $1.00 bu- easy to get plenty of orders. No experi-|phone 728-4763. THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, brance, use of washer, dryer, Spanish onions 5 sents sack pick ence necessary Send no money. Write noon 20d hoard or room only clean|TV aerial, parking. Adults only. Ap- dren. 725-7789 FW rE coniainers, taro' joday for samples, 98 Approval, > love | ome close to North General Motors, ply 31 Albany Street. 725-3760, | WREE-ROOM downstairs apartment on [east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go |Monareh Card Co. Dente 160 47 Bagi|hospital and four corners. Apply 0 |Two- bedroom apartment in new build. (ravine lot. heavy duty wiring, park. north to first corner Ave.. Hamilton. 4 "0 | Divison. ling, stove, refrigerator, drapes, washer, IE, | ayidsy Jiellittes 575 Harmony , 3 es ------ - FOR lady who would appreciate a wood |drver, parking: close to shopping cen- Hoa Outh, 725.2708, POTATOES, large quantity, fresh, dug WOMAN, willing to do light house. t | tre. 285 Montrave, 725 769. an daily, Cobblers Sehegos. Whole | keeping and care for children while home, bright, pleasant room, close to] 157 sale and retail able. Apoly 1% | mother works, Live in. Liberal time} rave, 4 {FURNISHED bedsitting room, kitchen, uc, reasonable rates. Telephone 725 FURNISHED apartment _ single private bath, 1% miles north of Brooke miles west of Brooklin on No: 7 High: | off Telephone MO 8-2436. 4402 for particulars. di Fred Buldvke [SHORT order cook with experience, or and | housekeeping rooms, private entrance, fin lin on Highway 12, $15 weekly. 655-3541, central, parking, reasonable. Apply FOUR - room apartment, hot water, w YOU WANT {woman willing to train short order 21--Room & Board Wanted simran closet in each room, near bus route. SERVICE ig ol | |cook. Apply Genosha Hotel. WANTED home for going Jo THREE. -ROOM apartment in apartment $40 monthly. North Oshawa. 728-2267 for . DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. WANTED a housekeeper to live-ln and so rv and RADIO [Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. care for three pre-school children. Re- CALL 728 5286 {Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ltd. 115. |jiable person desired. Telephone. 728-3418 | r TOP MONEY for dead and disabled |for further particulars. All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA Iding, ground floor, bright, clean,|Particulars, farm stock: R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, (WILL give room and board, some re- ELECTRONICS for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mort- gages ot reasonable rotes. 26Y2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Co. Accountants and Auditors. Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 Street East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm. CPA. T. HOPKINS and Company, Sort roa Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725- 3500, BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723-7608. Auto Ports KENT'S WESTERN TIRE ~-- Guaran- teed, automotive parts and accesso- ries, 145 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-1607.8-9. Five bays to serve you. ROOM and board available at the Pon. Parking. John J. Bolahood, Ltd., 725.|Road South. tiac Inn, home cooked meals, lunches 6544. REE - room unfurnished basement - packed, have TV lounge. T 725- | 580 and apartment, with plywood floor, panell- unfurnished, heated, central ed living room, built-in kitchen ecup~ location, main floor, one child wel /boards, heavy duty wiring, separate come. Telephone 728-6434, facilities. 725-7836. | mre noon self-contained apartment BASEMENT apartment, unfurnished, order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 month, Each Initial jetter abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure. counts as © word, Box charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cards of Thanks which will be occepted until 9 em, Deadline for Lost end Founa and Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office Hours: Daily 8 5 Soturday 8 12 REGULA 1 HONS The Oshawa [imes will not be 'esponsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement nor beyona the orice charged tur © single wsertion of tw advertisement in which error t And also reserve the right os rmify advertising according to its own classification in the case of display cdvertie ments The Times will not be hela -esponsible for more space thar that in which the actual! error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability oft advertisement are contained i any inaccuracies in ary form therein. DOG, male, "part months old, all shots, | 725-6395. [7 FUL SL ADY to train as manager "Tor rae R progressive specialty shops alifications and expe 316 Oshawa borne East. C nada's epls ng Box ili Barristers GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- Simcoe Street South, Residence phone s: Greer, BA, Se, 738 3368: Ter- Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-58 HALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas I.| GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli-| tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans availab BRUCE V_ MACKEY, BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, No Public, 36% Jing | Res, YU 5-2127. Street East 7 4 : THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- eitor and Not P 26% King Street Fast. Pt 1763 Ca] CREIC FRASER, DRYNAN and | Barristers, Solicitors, No- Bank of Commerce Bldg.. 3346; T. K.| rea. six Lt A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW.COST LIFE.INSURED Ontario, girl for baby sitting while | one gentleman, parking space. 103 Mill Street. > od »* HOHNER x x x 3 Maes KINNN xx ox x x KH FOOOKR x »* x x HIM » MHNK: x x x x x x MKHNHKN street Q( 1 MUHMN MRM TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO , car radio repairs, makes. Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) Creighton « DONALD BLAKE poop, and or, 26 ng Str Suitable | Tele | THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA dence 728-5373 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. Solicitor N loan King Stree Oshawa Res MANNING F SWARTZ 5--Farmers Column Barristers Office | 's0252 Food Freezer Services | HOMARKET FOOD & FREEZER CO. Red ond Blue Brand Only A All Nome Brand Groceries ois 123 BROCK N., WHITBY BOWMAN avid 1 Soliel- to 3 . 7259592. Resi |MO 8-5875--MO 8-5876 dence HUMPHREYS MAN. ste dence sw ARTZ and RONALD Mortgages FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| agreements purchased and sold, Hen. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 72 FIRST AND Rest: , Soliel- ZT SECOND mortgages, ranged. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage| Broker, 101 Dundas | West. MO 83-3338. | MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. | awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi. cinity. Residential, acreage, apart- ments, business, Members of Ontario | Mortgage Brokers Association. Sum- merland Securities Limited. 112 Simcoe | Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725-3568. like same os {723-3511 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. {Shopping Centre. Apply 212 Stevenson Available October 1. Apply 496 Sim. i C ad South. [coe Street North or telephone 728-3948 y arages BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, un. an inquire. 2 Store Space 9 furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, €up- | FOUR . room g self-contain- Ie g 1boy, while mother works. 723-1300 after itable for ear or boat. Eight min- (suit business couple or single person, | INTERNATIONAL combine for sale, 6! sul iece bath. Appl tree! foot pull type. In good running order. > utes walk from downtown. Telephone | $53 monthly inclusive. 124 Park Road {telephone 728-6070. Ayam Rodd Appleby, Ashburn, Phone Clare. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at|/20-9396 for further particulars rth. NORTH OSHAWA in apartment mont 846R3 after six. R. J. N. Restaurant, Whitby Plaza! WAREHOUSE, 24 ft by 40 ft Suitable Li LUDES heat, hydro, beautiful| building, four-room apartment, stove, : RELIABLE girl for genera] office work | Jevel loading. Apply Box 322 Oshawa salts apartment, ssparate Snirance; parking, TV outlet, washer, dryer. Because we give real service |WaNTED with typing capabilities, 5% day week. | imes. {iiiree y builtin br boards, "hres closets, | va5:30%: fast . . . same day . . . et up to 12 men. Guides, lodging and dogs| cP in own handwriting, stating age| {OFFICE space, suitable for store, bar- {Hoors, Dull in ® Adulte 223 Etna off | CEN NTRALLY located furnished room ficient 20ve InOney {furnished. For rates apply. Jack Me and qualifications to Box No. 318 Osh: ber shop, real estate etc., approximate. | ia. y Tetiog Clure, Turriffe, Ontario I experience . . . satisfied, Deer hunters. Can handle snd HILL jeitors; R. O. chyn, B. King Street 17 Re 61: 725. 5203, washer, aerial, parking, adults, near (ONE bedroom ¢ went, furnished, collect. 24-hour, service muneration to lady, for looking after & GARAGE, private driveway, central, boards, private entrance, TV outlet, o orn Roviids Bg fn . T ? Lf a WHY Telephone MO 8-9061 for boat or, furniture storage. Truck spotless, four-room unfurnished wup- refrigerator, three-piece bath, ample Try 8--Hunting : BOY C ny N 3 | Gardening and Suppli ] Times ly 20° % 16", In excellent location. Tele.| Ritson South). with use of kitchen and washing ma. CEDAR TREES for hedges, (etc.), any size, choloe quality guaranteed, free de. livery, For estimates, telephone MA 3-3935, Bowmanville, YN'S TREE REMOVAL service. ~Soiici BROWN' § TRE Over 20 years' experience, Telephone |655-3166, Brooklin. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Foll Sale of Nursery Stock, Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-1721 55 GLOVER RD, E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE a io-- "grrr chine in clean, quiet home. Telephone {A GRADUATE nurse, interested in| Phone 728-0529, |FURNISHED apartments, central lo-| [725 8150 for her particulars. Previous| BARBER Shop for rent, on Ritson Roa . | n hop cation, with all furniture including tele. Rarvie 9---Summer Properties working in a Doctor's office, d | ision set. One four-room, $95; two-room APARTMENT three rooms and bath, Serv expe ce and references preferred. (South, good location, Reasonable rent, apartment, $50, 728-1203, in quiet home, private entrance, on for Sale or Rent Please apply to Box 219 Oshawa Times, (Apply 333 Ritson South 725-0349. parmel us line, refrigerator, stove supplied. $1800 OR OFFER, four-room furnished LADY for company and light house-|STORE or office for rent, 12 Prince 10 a t00N tursished_dpariment Widow or business woman preferred. | cottage, 26* sailboat, % hour from Osh- Hark, live wm, ii pe 43 further Street, west Side gear fr main floor, parking facilities, centrally 197 Huro: Write W. R , 1029 i} R d, information elephone J even- or sooner. 'elephone 728- 5. Pe bon Credit, Ontario, Dixis Road, | os after 5 = | located. 218 Celina 728-5253, |THREE-room apartment for rent, up- PROFESSIONAL |LADIES! Farn extra money for Chriat | 570 MONTHLY "Four-room |stairs, heated, heavy duty wiring, ideal CAMPERS OFFICE SPACE upstairs {for ouple, child welcome, near Sho) y » p- mas demonstrating exclusive ne | apartment, sink, cupboards, heavy wir. lephone 725.1846. 25-0822 or apply or 75 ACRES--COTTAGES Simcoe St, N., convenient to downtown, 3-room suite, 275 boats for rent, excellent fish- ing, two children welcome, fenced yard. amt 777 Rowena 728-4437. newly decorated sq. ft., heat, light, water ond ing, sandy beach, pony rides, parking included. $75 Qt MAN wanted to supply Rawleigh pre ewcastle, $50 MONTHLY, three-room fiaf, newly Apartment, Haoloom and Hie. foots monthly. PIONEER VILLAGE ucts to consumers in Oshawa and other | 1475 sq. ft., air conditioned, |decorated, heated, heavy wiring, mear|'lrt€ piece bath, separate meter. $40 BUCKHORN LAKE districts. Good time to start. Write! ochl decorated, alterations Shopping Centre, ideal for small fam. 0nthly. Telephone Newcastle 4256. i Dial 725- 1846. {GROUND floor, three-room partment, Rawleigh's, Dept. 1-310-28, 4005 Riche- + + 728- 2301 lieu, Montreal | to your requirements. Will a divide with communal! waiting AE private entrance and bath; also two- - SELL ; room, large porking areo. (and save) 2.50 Tubes checked, glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture. A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Some day! | Repairs? As good as new! TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 278-678) Drive In 1504 or ,» MO 8-27 Money LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, , Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King Street 723-4943. Mortgage monies avail. to loan If you're longing for a cozy, charming place to live, look in the for-rent columns of | THE OSHAWA TIMES thot's where they are , . . rooms, houses, apartments! Optometrists F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Goto] etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. | Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. | e Cx TUCK, | ®0, ), Optometrist, Please | JOHN A. tor and East, 723-2269. mortgages arranged RICHARD H, DONALD, BA | Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe North 1. Res. 728-2765 MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrister Solicitors. C1 unds available for| first mort roe Street North, | 725.3566. McGibben, QC; | Edgar F Qc. | JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pu al Building, 286 King tie. The Com West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | "CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl- Notary Public, 18% King Street| NHA and private plastic. Telephone Park Lan venue |17--Maole Help Wanted {TWO men required to work, 5 to § | p.m. daily, for $50 per week. Write Box | 1219, Oshawa Times. |THREE, four and six-room apart: room apartment, Telephone 723-2318. ments, conveniences, ou. 730 Simcoe th |trances, north-east of Oshaw: jee {phone CO 3-2395 for further details, niral, "self contained, | ree | (WO and toilet. Apply room ink IMUST SEE to appreciate! New modern | James ll 149 Celina Street, Tele- |apartment, five large rooms, wall to phone 723-7663. |wall broadioom, colored bath, Bank or 74 Burk. Street. Invalids exam. | ined at home. Dial 725-4587. beaut "| THREE - room apartment with § private fully decorated, all conveneinces, excel: {entrance, three-piece bath, telephone | lent location. 728-5282. and TV outlet, stove and refrigerator. Canada's newest product, made n Oshawa, full or part-time, Make 2100 Painting and Decorating week BA. LLB, Street 1 7 and Oshawa MURPHY Solicitor, 6 Ontari Bookkeeping L COMPLETE Top soil ond sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 SCHAPELHOUMAN BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE, INC RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 OME HOME LANDSCAPING| OSHAWA Landscaping designing, sod- ding, seeding,( weed killing, Complete garden service, PAPER HANGIN painting ice. Discuss the decorating of home with 728-28: ou Allan Van Hora. Phone PAINTING by tradesmen, work guar- anteed, free estimates, exterior and in Tele terior work, reasonable rates, | ill 728-2558 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBCNS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. [ | | LAKE FRONT COTTAGE 3 bedrooms, 24-ft. liv- ing room, kitchen area. 8 ft. picture window-- nicely furnished, in- cluding range, refrig- erator and oil Space heater. Will consider any reasonable cash offer CALL WHITBY MO 8-4088 i or |W jer lary be INVENTORY appliances da | |K | LINOTYPE operator wanted, one with Telephone 728-4001. more pe ATKINS quality ew men at once. No deliveries, sal- or commission, plus bonus. neat and Aggressive. Call 728.2383 Experienced preferred, ry week. Apply ing Street East, | floor experience preferred for progress. N | Good two-thirders ac- to right hospitalization, 3 John |Deyell Limited, 20 Lindsay Street v employment surance, Write or phone orth, Lindsay, Ontario. XPERI CED grocery ; help Ww wan "products needs two Must clerk for furniture and 5% Bad Boy Appliances $275 monthly 1-BEDROOM MODERN APT, modern ground floor, heat, hot and cold water, stove, refrigerator and parking in- cluded. $75 monthly. Aveil- able Oct. 1st FOR FULL R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE INFORMATION TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe Apply 623 Olive Avenue for further in- Street North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 a.m. formation. 3 p.m. WONDERFUL two-bedroom apartment ment, |for rent, all conveniences, children we! eat, ligh come, $50 monthly, Telephone 725-500! Telephone for a ntments. SPACIOUS five-room apartment, sink, apartment, kitchen cupboards, share bath, parking fully freshly Pp! TV outlet, north Oshawa dis- vate bath, Apply 325 Simcoe Street | Itriet Telephone 725-6648, South or telephone 725-3243. | UNFURNISHED apartment, near hos. THREE . ROOM unfurnished basement pital, ground floor, private entrance, apartment, heavy duty wiring. Close | newly decorated, heat, light and water, to South GM. Excellent for working laundry facilities, business lady or cou- couple. Telephone 723-9742. ple. Abstainers. 84 Adelaide East. NICELY furnished bright clean room [BRIGHT attractive apartment, "down- for gentlemen, suit one or two. Apply town location, three rooms and bath, , conveniences, he, parking, children welcome. 728-4386 or 723-918 80. PRIVATE three room OSHAWA TV, Free ns Park Road South or telephone 728- Tefnigerator, stove. Reasonable rent, 0146. {for good tenant, Mr, Michael Clayton. | FTO RNISHED "apartment, Two rooms, |725-3301. 8 to 8 p.m. | experience prefe: "pd ip = room n apartment "for "rent, | sporting Goods jor. {THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland |dren. Apply 105 Albert Street for tur. {heavy duty wiring, complete with stove FULL or part time dealers wanted | oad district, east of Simcoe Street. |ther information. {and 'refrigerator, farage, private en- in your area. A steady repeat income | {1745 ase reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post|[ARGE housekeeping room with pri- oT Arthur Breet. location. Apply 230 oroducts, mostly household necessi. vate entrance for rent on main floor, 27% TTTTTF PH |ties. High commission, bonus, 30-day Telephone 728-5233 or apply 218 Celina BRIGHT two-bedroom apartments, in trial, Familex Dept. 8.14, 1600 Delorim-| 24--Houses for Rent Street. partment building, stove, 'relriger. fier, Montreal Eva "room house, consisting TWO or three bedroom apartments ator, washer and dryer, on Russet | CHRISTIAN man needed. Full or part. five room and a three: Sonsieting of 4 available, private bath and entrance, jveiue. For further details telephone ; in. |£as stove and automatic washer. Tele. |children welcome, Apply 322 King St., {time, lifetime security. Experience Sun- | ic sher. Tel | hone 725-9101. West for further particulars. THREE roo day School, ministry helpful. Earn $100 Phone 723 Sh bi ik near Park | THREE-ROON apartment with bath in| basemel {weekly and up. No competition. Write NICE seven room hou ] 1, very range, rag! |John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison St.,|Road and Adelaide, TV antenna, olf business, Dullding Dock Fal "also three room oS gag ormad [Chi ago 2, IL. | heated, Bewly Qeorated, h we Al artment, Te | FUEL OIL & » Steady (come, available September 15, $80 APARTMENT for rent, three *| employment, full time. 'Apply | monthly 728-1203. {and bath, suitable for couple, oe FOUR - 1 room n_ apartment, a all co conven: {Jack Perry. Perry Lid, |BUNGALOW new, modern, three bed. entrance. -Immediate possession. Tele fiences, ee vi Rs vers - -- (rooms, south end, oil heating, [phone 728-8240 for further information. {Road. Telephone 723-3096. COLLECTOR PART TIME |jiotms and screens. Telephone [SPACIOUS four-room apartment in ---- 7009 for further particulars. {new home, private bath and entrance. {Located one block from King Street| MODERN 2 BEDROOM Man for route work, col- West, Apply 11 112 Stevenson Road North. | APARTMENTS {IN BROOKLIN two-bedroom house, all 1 & 2 BEDROOM Free washer and dryer, wall | conveniences, oil furnace, TV outlet, APARTMENTS to wall broadloom. Paved | garage, avallable September 25. Refer- |ences. Abst rs 655-4848. parking. Close to Simcoe St. LA SALLE COURT Apply Supt. Apt. 14 TELEPHONE | $450 DOWN, three-bedroom spacious 20 AVENUE ST. 725-3815 | brick bungalow, gas heat, large fenced lot north Whitby, NHA. MO 8-8352. or 728-6485 TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT TWO-BEDROOM house suitable for couple or. couple with one child. Cen- Fridge, stove, paved parking, T.V. outlet, |tral. Telephone 725- -3968 for particulars. | |CHADBURN STREET, six-room brick 941 SIMCOE ST. N. CALL 728-3506 bungalow, with garage, six years old, (furnished or unfurnished. Immediate | |26--Rooms for Rent |possession. Call Russ Reeve at Scho- | tield Real | Estate. 723. 23-2265 or 725-4840, (iAwGE furnished housekeeping room (newly decorated with private entrance, | L {SEVEN - room house, close to schools | {ana bus, could sublet, Available Oe-| {robes 1. 630 Albert Street, Oshawa. Co| refrigertor and stove, for one or two gentlemen. Car parking. Apply 248 Adelaide West. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, close to Duplate, Malleable and Ped- lars. Telephone 723-2625. LOW rent for quiet business couple, | central, sink, cupboards, heavy wiring TV outlet, two large, unfurnished rooms. 728-3243, 6 to 8. WANTED -- Girl to share large bed- sitting room, picture windows, twin Hollywood beds, private bath, cooking privileges, near hospital. Telephone 725-3093, 107 BYRON ST. 5., WHITBY DAYS MO 8.5231 NIGHTS 725.7426 anager Bassin's Food Mar | Apply the for further information. | 728-6366 Building Trades Tr gesiing by encores mo sams. NUMBER ONE Bens bull TOP SOIL 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723-3162 Apply the 728-6228 46 KING W. | YOUNG man for retail store, sales 23---Wanted to Rent d. Co Surve and estimates. Personal Service |TV--Rentals FELECIFC Day Nursery ry now in of re ation, Official opening in September Cal) 728-2 2412 for | interview, SOUTH MAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac-| commodation for private and semi-| private patients, lounge TV. Fully I-| | | | [1i--sicles fo for Rent | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, also roli-away beds and slenderizing machines. Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, 725-1644, | 12--Articles Wanted WANTED old guns, powder flasks, | swords, knives, metals and Indian re. les. Fest prices paid. Telephone Purchase your de-humidifier $10 down ~-- $7 per month, Remove the dampness from your basement. Rent a tele- vision -- only $7 per week from m HOME flat roofs ation caulk. | MO 8-45 and re modeling. | 3-2413, | remodel. | erials. Reason free. Dial censed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates. Ph Newcastle 4441, PETER PAN Day Nursery, a or ha rooms and bath, furnished one apartment, . refrigerator, garage optional ALL lung, abla 728.60 ALL eavestr sidewal of and u Est types new MEAGHER'S 5 King St. 723-3425 Well Drilling-Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Telephone 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3-3528 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED | TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates | DIAL 725-2156 [Plumbing | Heating ! ry d remodelling, | | nstruction PLAS TERING | BULKY Knit sw | any size or pattern ilable. Put your o order in early, 1 Telephone 728-4280. airs, roofing, fireplac rs Gordon Harry O. 725- SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought, Open Saturday ell day, Phone 725231189 BLOORE._ WANTED SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE CRAP IRON POULTRY WHITBY, ONTARIO AND FEATHER TICKS MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 I. TURNER 204 CHESTNUT ST. Ww. 723-2043 - 723-3374 P.O. 30x 329 (collect) CERAMIC, pla w tile, woodwork ing, all floor r ee estimates. Work guaranteed DRIVEWAYS , ._ TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER -- 725-3887 small current lecting monthly accounts Must be good car, and be able to married, have » PAVING CO. 28.4801 work some evenings and Saturdays. $100. month- ly. Write The Manager, P.O. Box 162, Main Post Office, Toronto |, Ont. psd iL SET 1, executive's| (large four bedroom home, Simcoe | '18--Male or Female Help |North, near high and public schools. | Wanted als. free. Dial 728-6031. J. [LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, |F0leY. D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro- |ALL plumbing and heating yupplies. | i batie. Friday and Saturday. Masonic/ Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Temple, Centre street 723-7253. % Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, In: 255 Simcoe Street South, tap, RAD ballet, Highland, Register | BEATTY APPLIANCES now, 424 King Street West. 725-6122. | Barn, equipment, pumps ESSO Available Now Large. three-room apartment. 'Frig. heavy duty stove, pri- vate bath, $70.00 monthly Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart- ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT |SEVEN-ROOM house with garage, io | | monthly. Suitable for family and sub-| |letting. Possession October 1. Tele- | {CERAMIC classes afternoons and even- ven.| ings. Learn a fascinating and profit a able hobby, making beautiful and C( WN TRY jiusual gifts. Telephone Don Davenport oil burners, hot water ond 4 725-2959. d LI forced air furnaces, bathroom K : Insurance fixtures, parts and service ( ALLSTA -- PARTNER to 20 per cent, six months to pay. PLUMBING AND HEATING | personal service at ORONO 1782 Day or Night | HA 725-1625. Rug and Upholstery STERF DS re-upholstered an dq re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate. rial for recovering. Dalton Yguotsterinti| | 75 Charles Street, 723.7212. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for le Guaranteed Water {13--Business Opportunities | | FOR SALE -- Restarant in Orono do {ing year round business, For further {particulars apply R. J. Thomas, Orono, jor telephone 1081 |A RARE opportunity! Old established | grocery store and living quarters, cen-| {tral, good velume, small. amount of . For appointment to dis wonderful opportunity con- EXPERIENCED hairdresser Horner at 7 2 Lloyd for The Mayfair Oshawa Ltd,, 728-0662 for further PROSPEROUS HOTEL BUSINESS WESTERN ONTARIO We offer one of the most AJAX REPA under contract Phone R. Schofield, Schofield Insurance | {Associates Ltd., 723-2265, -[$658 DOWN buys this five-room brick ome, carries for $82 monthly, interest and *princip: renting for we guararitee to obtain water 110 PART TIME or "full "time help requir. {ed for Nutri-B10. Easy to sell, For com- plete detalls on this fast growing in- dustry, 725-910 or there will be no charge. . Room in basement now 2 monthly. Why pay rent? Live in your own home and save. Call Irwin Cruikshanks, 728.5123, LV eoyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) Realtor. | FIVE room house, modern fences: four room house, all fences; also three-room flat, veniences, All very central. 723-3078. THREE-bedroom split level, rec. room, close to south GM, available October 1. to reliable tenants. Fulton Well Drilling MPTON CO 3-2790 | cuss tact Realty NEW BUSINESS | | Unlisted Numbers | required | Telephone | articulars A. JAMES ALLEN Building Contractor Rea -t 'conven. conven- all con- Phone CASTLE IE Require an energetic Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- 142 Sime Repairs Remoc Additions Alter Garages, Kitchens Remodelled N ORNS MOVING Whitby. Reasonab! Wd and insured 725-6126 2lling STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. 723-3224 at Modern Upholstering, t! Call 728-6451 for a free EERIE re-built, rece like new. Why pay more? ations Recreation Rooms Cottages gage [purchased HA and Custe m Hom -- OSHAWA TV al vacane and St Phon Money to Loan 12000 AVAILABLE for a second mort. gage, repay $30 monthly. Private 635. 4471, 610 9 pm Mortgage and agreement of sa NHA mortgage arranged. ghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- es Classified Ads fil] rent es fast and inexpensively. To | built find the reliable tenants. you want fust | Oshawa Times 'dial 723-3402 te got Four ad staried. co: 10 Bond Street West. Dial 0311 Surveyors A. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land CLIENTS' money Yo 1088 on first mort. | Surveyors, 218 Adelaide Avenue East. "hone 725 688 A FLEISHMAN, fo Land Surveyor, Comme printing. 11 Ontario Street SUCCESSFUL on the businesses have strength of Classified Ads sow io boost your profit. i Blue | OPEN NOW recovers Kingsway Beauty Salon) Our rates | {are reasonable Satisfaction guaranteed re-built. Oshawa Upholstery | 725 | V4 mile east of Town Line on King Street, OPENING SPECIAL COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 EARN Make been Eas inexpensive cellent Dial ie 1--Women's Column mone be to do profits colored Satalagne d Co. Dept. autifol a 0 lends free whole G Ex L Murga- | 40. Agincourt, Omt.| prosperous Hotel buinesses in Western Ont., showing a gross picture of approximately $230,000.00 app 100 rooms, Fabulous food busi- ness, Large gallonage show- ing increase yearly, Sale in cludes all real estate, Equip- ment and furnishings, etc. Audited book available for sincere party to check. Ow ner offering. | t por full particular pointment 1 Bernard Babkirk Realtor, Chatham, Ont. man or woman to as- sist © with their fall rates promotion. Must have good re- ferences and be bondable. Excellent renumeration may be earned on a com mission basis CALL MR, McMULLEN 725-1186 Reasonable rent 728-2794, S EVEN ROOM HOUSE two bathrooms, two kitchens, immediate possession; also apart- ment, ground floor, 725-6184 or 728-2017 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent! DACHITLOR and ( apartment, three piece bath, refrigerator, stove, downtown. Available immediate. Le ants Reasonable. 39 Simcoe North, | clean furnished sar the hospital, men. Telephone tails housekeeping 4 rooms -- free use of auto- matic washer ond dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt, NEWLY DECORATED 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS $85-395 2nd floor near Ample EXTRA large nice | housekeeping room, suit one or two ger 60 for further Lh furnished light | room with refrigerator, parking fae- flities, five minite walk from four corners, Apply 1635 Simcoe Street South. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in 4 ate home 82 PARK RCAD N. | Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 728-8671 basement -- apt. building Centre in Shopping rking. CALL 728-6795

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