25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 20--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 8, 1961 15 FOUR-ROOM ent, re nie plece bath, Telephone 725-3938. e $73 INCLUDES utilities. Five -room apartment, private entrance and bath , TV outlet and range, off Simcoe Street North. 728-2675. DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment, self-contained, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, heavy ising, heat and water, adults only, $60. THREE Jatee rooms, stove, refriger- ator, LARGE furnished room, newly decor- ated, close to diwntown, with cooking private near 'entre. Available Colones 4 4. i Te chil. 108 AJAX -- Five-room, m, three: solid brick bungalow, de corated nice! alumin-|¥ LARGE lot on Taunton road east, one 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne four door mile. outside city limits. Close to school. low hardtop, A-l . 728-19986. Apply 306 Muriel Ave. wy) aceept older car and take over facilities, TV outlet. Apply 213 Albert Street for further information. dren 25-8267, THREE, four and six-room apart. ments, conveniences, separate en- rances, north-east Oshawa, Tele- shone CO 3.2395 for further details. "HREE-ROOM apartment in apartment nilding, ONE furnished room, in private home for gentleman, private bath and en- trance. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd. 723-7070 ON ATHOL Street East near town, Large room suitable for single lady or a Apply 260 Athol East. iren, please. Apply 103 Cy © and | TW North, Apartment 3. rooms, with private entrance, builtin cupboards, gas stove. um storm doors Centrally located A DODGE, two-door hardtop, 8 yebuilt shopping, 2-4073 | motor, mew clutch. All schools, WH after 3. $12,900 full price, four years old, five-| stone room brick bungalow with place, nice lot, running into . re Asking only $1,500 down. Contact Mr. Siblock now at 725-6544. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Ritr. payments. 728-9222 stoves, ete. tact 19 Prince Street. PI SELLING fushitire? We'll buy 5 Re "8, For top cash i con. hone 728-1131. anos, 32__ Articles for Sale JLINeR ( Electric, TV, bisa AUDLEY good tires, {tom radio. Sacrifice. Telephone 75.1160 {after 6. fire. PORT Perry, der, 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel $1,200 or nearest offer modern (hres bedroom (728.1176, 59 ZEPHY! four-door 6 eylin- (CHESTERFIELD, green, 3 Ford) also Westinghouse refrige: seg with mal chair; 8 cubic foot; panel door, 6' 6" Telephone 723-9649. | finish, new picture tube, one year, $115. Telephone 725-7488. DINETTE suite, six-piece with cabin- et, tawny oak dey. A yo | one continen- AUDLEY ~ Church service a garage, '|large lof, excellent condition. Near ~kurches, schools and shopping. $11,500. Ist mortgage arranged. Telephone 1954 MERCURY four-door automatic, extras, green and white, good running car, $350 or best offer. 22 McLaughlin, evenings. JENS, camp cots, bags, oi tal bed. 1862 after 7 p.m. terns, pienis Jicts in town. Domini Street West, 725-6511. Terms to . Sunday school will fol FOR SALE -- eli Fiano in good charge. Telephone MO 8-4775 for fur-|low at 10:50. condition, ther rent for ladies. 756 Gitford| TT CAPILLAG. Four Give, - walt you. FETE CERATOr i The community club will have 1UST SEE to appre] New modern partment, five large rooms, wall to $5 MONTHLY and up. Moders one Jwo-hedroom vall JSolored bath, beauti- apartments, mew ROOM or room and board for two 10 walk from South beautifully decorated, centrally located 728-5282. fully excel 725.6674 or ont location. he 5282. |COUNTRY living, mear Ashburn, pees five-room bungalow, on Dean acre, four rooms and bath, fruit trees, live stock shed, $7000 terms. Call 655- 3122 for information. No agents please. Avenue. ing, power brake, wonder bar 3 182.000. Aluminum storms, screens, iron|excellent condition, $895. Phone ) |raiiing, 725-9417. 84517. GM or three - room apartment, self- 728-2387. SPACIOUS f BRIGHT two-bedroom apartments in apartment hul'ding, stove, refrigerator, yer; on Russett Avenue Jew home, private Bath and entrance. Located one block from King Street West. Apply 112 Stevenson Road North, APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath, suitable for couple, private entrance. -Immediate possession. Tele phone 728-8240 for further information. tment, vicinity of self-contained, private entrance. Telephone 723-2066. BACHELOR and three-room apartment, private, three piece bath, refrigerator, |/ 2 Reasonable. 39 Simcoe North, Street North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 a.m. 0 5 p.m. FOUR large room apartment for rent, partially heated. Telephone 985-7078 Port Perry. THREE - room unfurnished apartment large pgs living-room, in North dis triet garage, central, laundry cilities. ould suit school teacher. 725-2992. MUST BE SEEN to be Two- or -room furnished apart. ment in quiet home, newly decorated, private baths, close to North GM, adults. 725-2540. THREE-room apartment for pent, stairs, heated, heavy duty wiring, id for couple, child welcome, near Shop- ping Cent Telephone 725-1846. $50 MONTHLY, completely private three room apartment, furnished or un- furnished. Apply 271 Simcoe Street North. Telephone 725-0575. ONE and two bedroom apartments, re frigerator, stove, TV aerial, use of washer and dryer, parking, $90 and $75. 839. SELF - CONTAINED four - room un furnished apartment with heavy wir- ing, central, suitable for business cou. THREE-RROM self-contained apartment | Pie. Telephone 725-4837. private bath, $65 monthly, Telephone [HREE furnished rooms suitable for 728-5123. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Lid.,|two or three private bathroom. Reason: Realtor. | 2, Apply 207 Court Street | or 725-1239. | TWO - bedroom apartment, heavy "wir-| 0 or three "bedroom apartments| ing, laundry room, self-contained, con-|available, private bath and entrance, tinuous hot water. Located between Osh- |quadees welcome. Apply 322 King St. awa and Whitby, $50. Telephone 725-5004 | West for further particulars, THREE unfurnished | built-in | THREE-ROOM apartment with bath in cupboards, heavy duty wiring, three business building block, central, very| blocks east of Shopping Centre, park-| clean. 725-4277 or 725-3911 ine. 950 mopthly, Adults, 72586117 | COMPLE furnished two - room | THREE - ROOM basement apartment, | apartment modern kitchen, refrigerator, for October 1, close to buses, schools, radio, hydro, laundry facilities, TV an- parking, garage. 273 Baldwin. 725-6320 |tenna, use of telephone, parking, ab- r 6. | stainers Telephone 725-1588. THREE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty | wiring, hot water heating, private bath |26~~Rooms for Rent and entrance, 10 minutes to downtown. - Apply 157 Banting Avenue. NICELY furnished front large ho A keeping room, near hospital, clean ani FURNISHED apartment, three rooms, 728-440; close 10,063 Bon: Str end, Newly Or. quiet, Telephone 728-5984 or 1. rooms, TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe |. | privileges, two blocks from north Gen LARGE, bright furnished housekeeping room, with studio, eouch, refrigerator, large closet, close to hospital and down town, girl preferred. 725.5228. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping room for gentleman, close to hospital, north GM, stores, bus. Betriferator, shes, goes supplied. Apply 12 Elgin Street Ea ot large furnished room, en- trance and bath, in private home. Gen- tleman. Apply 444 Fernhill Boulevard or telephone 723-7070. SEVEN - room brick ¢ 1% storey, $12,500 with $1000 down. Mortgage to suit. | Sell or 'trade for smaller house. 145 Adelaide East. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, sin-| gle beds, television, parking, hom grat Motors, $6 week. Telephone 728. SINGLE or double room very trally "|located, private kitchen, frigerator and washing machine, free parking. 'Telephone 725-8150 for further details. ROOM -- Central, separate entrance, furnished, stove and frig, suitable for one or two girls, Phone 723-2764 or ap-| ply 97 Park Road North after 6 p.m. SHED room, suit one or two gen- tlemen, parking, . laundry, breakfast, Bus Sop by door. 356 Park Road South 0 pk bed-sitting room with hot plate and refrigerator, on bus route, | {North Simcoe Street, suitable for single girl. Telephone 728-6925. ONE furnished light |room with refrigerator, parking fac- ilities, five minite walk from four |corners. Apply 1635 Simcoe Street [South Housekeeping | | | TWO rooms on ground floor, sink and | cupboards, semi-private entrance. Also large, bright room, furnished or unfur- nished on second floor, two blocks south | of Regent Theatre. 97 Albert Street after| corated, $15 weekly. Telephone 725-8352 ROOM for rent, suitable for teacher 2 for further information. or business man, Near hospital, OCVI ONE and two bedroom apartments,| [and _bus line, Telephone 725-4678. for rent in new apartment building, re- ONE furnished bedroom, suit respec- frigerator and stove supplied, laundry table man or lady, quiet district, $7 facilities. Telephone MO 8-8349 weekly Jeleplione 100 Buckingham Av- " --- enue, 728-2758. heat, hydro, beautiful | spotless, four-room unfurnished up-|TWO ~Feraioiad "rooms, bedroom and stairs apartment, separate entrance, {kitchen with refrigerator, built-in cup three - piece bath, tile and hardwood [boards and sink. All conveniences, park- floors, builtin cupboards, three closets, |ing space. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. stove supplied. Adults 223 Fina of lagu housekeeping room, suitable for Ritson_South). two, bus at the door. Apply 573 Olive FUR) apartme Avenue Telephone 723-1832 for particu- central, conveniences, heat, lights, lars parking, children welcome, Telephone |g 0 - 728-4386 or 723-9180. id > ONE single furnished room, suitable for one, rent $50 per week, parking fa- PRIVATE three -room apartment, cilities, centrally jocated. Apply 163 Sim- fully furnished, freshly decorated, pri-/coe Street South for particulars vate bath, Apply 325 Simeoe Street | 7m e ght housekeeping South or telephone 725-3243. room , newly decorated, pri- THREE - ROOM unfurnished "basement | vate entrance, no parking. 162 King apartment, heavy duty wiring. Close [Street East or 728-3977, to South GM. Excellent for working in pri. | couple, Teleph 23.9742. soon | vate home, for gentleman, private bath. THREE-ROOM apartment in apartment [room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern. building, ground floor, bright, elean, hill Blvd. 723-7070 washer, aerial, parking, adults, near 0 ni Shopping Centre. Apply 212 Steve TWO nice rooms and bathroom for light | Road Sout MSON |} ousekeeping, in a quiet widow's home. Close to Centre and d BACHELOR Capa, two rooms, un- two roo ICELY furnished large room, 8-0682. furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, cup- | Fags END unfurnished -- two- room boards, . private entrance, TV outlet, |p, 00 ant apartment, private bath, suit business couple or single person, $53 monthly inclusive. 124 Park Road' North , An L FURNISHED apartment, two rooms, A BRIGHT Furmished bedroom In cuit Parking Space, for eouple with Jo hil. {hot water, five minutes to down town. | n. Apply reet for fur- ther information. | Telephone 725-0393. outlet. Ample cupboard space. 728-3985. [BRIGHT room for refined lady in pri- | NICELY furnished bright clean room |,.is home on Wilson Road North near | for gentlemen, suit one or two. APPLY coronation School. Reasonable, Tele. | 8 Park Road South or telephone 728-| {phone 725-2033 for particulars, | CLEAN furnished room with kitchen, in Fours apartment, al convent | quiet home, central, suit gentleman. Hees aun i. Y, Stparale om ey 165 Continuous hot water, parking faell-| pie Had one 723-3096. Ewer fom nu | UR- unfurnished apartment, | on); Suit one or two gentlemen. Apply | with to foo pleco private pat ial { heavy | {5 {106 Elgin Street East after 6 p.m. for Telephone 725-7763. further_partieujen ¥WO heated apartments, second and| floor, private entrance. Apply 74| Bond Street East or telephone 725-9303) for further information. FOUR Corners area. Available now | q self-contained first floor suite, two ™WO furnished pooms, refrigerator, rooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and re- Pigg Flom close to North| frigerator, heat and water. Pr SUIS Were Oe ork $07 2achtlor, Speltment > Johnston's, | | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | 8 Simcoe North. | Available in private home. | FURNISHED apartment with stove 82 PARK ROAD N. refrigerator, central, Also nicely ana! Call between 5 and 7 p.m. pished room with cooking privileges. | 728-8671 {TWO - ROOM unfurnished apartment, | |bright and newly decorated, kitchen equipped with builtin cupboards and sink, Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant- --|ing Avenue. stove, Suitable | ng" Reasonable rates. Telephone 728-8402. MODERN three-room apartment, two bedroom, kitchen, dining, three-piece bathroom, continous hot water, rea- sonable rent. Telephone 725-6856 Town- line East. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Semi-detached five room |SPAC 10US modern two-bedroom apart house, immediate possession. Apply 116/ ments for rent, from $85. Call J, A Centre Street North, Whitby, for fur- ther informatio room basement |= iat _|STU super value, approxi mately B30 et of letter size ind paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap FURNISHED three apartment for rent, mewly decorated, central location, all Sonyenionees, park- {oy Oshawa Times Office, Whitby ainers, MO 8-3242 1111 Dundas Street West, plece ry "for sale, in|FOR SALE: Beautiful six room bunga- good condition. Reasonable. Also one|low. built on 56' x 300° lot. Close to electric table ironer, in perfect condi- fachoot. C Oil heated. Phone MO 8-4560. tion. Phone MO 8-2171 anytime. LADY would like to do cleaning, by YOUNG lady with 1% years experience the day For information telephone MO would like apprenticeship in good | E-4770 beauty salon. MO 8-5973. |MODERN "new triplex, APARTMENTS for rent. APPLY 708 Dun. |veniences, on paved road, bus at door, lop Street "West, Whitby. Phone MO near public school and church. 12 per 4174, cent gross income on investment. $6000 down. Owner will take first mortgage. UNDERWOOD Leader Jortable type. |72 725-3090. Sherwood 9-8341 Ottawa, writer for sale, very g condition. -- Only $35, Phone evenings, MO 8-5780. |DRESSMAKING -- Lady's and echil- coats and altera- {dren's wear, suits, TWO rooms, self contained apartment iio » for rent, stove and refrigerator, private |Lons: Mrs, M. Bradford. MO 8-866. entrance, adults only. Phone MO 8-2780 A ARTMENT for rent. Apply 708 Dun- after 4.30 p.m. top Street Wet Whitby. Telephone MO TOMATOES $1.00 a bushel or 25 cents | oor' : a basket, pick your own. Phone OL| FOR RENT: Three bedroom unfurnish 5-4659. ed apartment, centrally located in Whit. y. A TWO - bedroom apartment for rent, pri- enema rt Ritson Road South or vate bath and entrance. Centrally lo-| ---- cated. Phone MO 8-5674 any time. |i Teams Dice bungalow for sale, - corate andscaped, attached garage. | FOR RENT -- Two large furnished Ded-sitting rooms, with ® kitchenette, |ceoniriss reer, Ye Phone MO 84665 suitable for two ladies in each room.) cor P. Central. Phone MO 8-3151 after 6 p.m. GROUND "floor, FOR RENT: Small apartment, upstairs, place. sir" stove and frig. supplied. Very centrally | aundry fac located. Suitable for business couple. | wa. MO 8 Phone MO 8-3518. : FOR RENT: Apartment, four room unfurnished, upstairs. Centrally located: | Heat, hydro, phone and water inclu for $65. MO 8-5738 after 5. FOR RENT: Two room unfurnished pen apartment, second floor, private bath. | jor One child welcome. $55 monthly in- | Sludes heat, hydro. Telgphote MO [FOR RENT -- Small apartment, up- up- jstairs, | stove and frig supplied. Very oe FHIVE room in Foivels 'home for | co rally located, Stilale for business vefined lady, better district, kitchen (2UPIe: Phone MO 8-351 pHulleges, parking facilities; at rol WILL give furnished room to reliable % ephone 2658, {woman for part time care of one child. -| Telephone MO 8-4762 mornings, for fur- ' | ther information in | three-room apartment, | pleasant location; fire. refrigerator, parking and | ities 305 St. John Street | -- TWO a fg rooms for rent, very suitable for a couple, total abstain- | ers, Telephone MO 8-32 | DAILY transportation ET for two sons, from Whitby to Toronto Teach- College. Commencing September . Phone MO 8-2183. pi E! AKING, suits, dre; alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- -- ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO For RENT -- two-bedroom apartments, 82372. $90 end $100, in modern building, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary ove: refrigerators. MO 8-391. way, Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut West, BC ERVICES. Complete bookkeeping Phone MO 8-2563. service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- FOR SALE |pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252. Modern New Triplex $1,500 DOWN or best offer. $12,500 full price. Three year, six-room brick, split |level bungalow, decorated, storms, Fine Income Investment Rent $3,360 annually. Small down payment, screens, sodded, . MO 8. PHONE MO 8-2786 ling b rus, swing, dang) WHITBY FOR RENT transportation. Heavy duty iy i] 'with all con- | Ps ROOM apartment, furnished, with | refrigerator, stove, kitchen cupboards | and sink. Available immediately, Close | to down town. Apply 199 King Street | West 27 Real Estate For Sale MODERN bungalow, "near Shopping | Centre and schools, excellent location, | three bedrooms, recreation room, down | payment $4,500. NHA mortgage, per month will carry including inter. st and taxes. Tel. 728-6896. 799 Glenfor- - Street PRIVATE | Six-room custom built home, | storms ond screens two fin- ished rooms in basement, two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhaust fans, near all schools, wall-to-wall carpet throughout house. | 725-3993 | . Bowman & Gibson) 111 Dundas Street West Whitby - Ontario | MO 8-3521 | Apartment Sit (corner lot) in General Residence South and East exposure, two blocks from shopping, Post Office, etc. The property olso con- toins a six-room dwelling which would readily convert fo two apartments. Priced to sell. Attractive six-room storey | and half, close to shopping ond downtown area. Three bedrooms, dining room, large living room, fireplace. Nice kitchen. House in immacu- | late condition. Separate gar- | age. frome house on 3% ocres of lond. Good well. Some fruit | trees. One mile from school. | Good open road Country Property. Five-room Commercial lot, with cement block bui'ding, 40 x 60, on main str et $100| | 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, WHITBY $400.00 down to one mqrtgage FULL PRICE 065750. 00 508 PERRY STREET MO 8-5923 or Toronto HU 7-4783 S. MACKO Realtor RANCH BUNGALOW S5-room, large modern kit- chen, attached garage. Lerge recreation room. Extra shower and stool. Only $13,300 for all this and more to follow. An outstanding buy. 728-4661 FOR SALE OR RENT NEW STORE WITH Modern Apartment Would consider a three-bed- room bungalow as trade. For information-- 374 WILSON RD. SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-026¢ 0266 VIEW LAKE COTTAGE $600 down, Immediate pos- session. $2,500 full price 3 bedroom, large kitchen and living room, toilet, com- pletely furnished, a nice clean cottage. Marvin Nes- bitt, Nestleton, call Black- stock 44R11, Fred Cook Real Estate Ltd., 59 Main St., 'Markham, call 815 or AX 3-7922, "Beautiful Southwood Park subdivision, south of High- way 401 at Ajox -- all ser- vices in ond paid for, 50' ond 65' 'frontages -- priced to sell quickly. Schools, shop- ping centre, industries in the area. Sell model homes. For further information come direct to our sales office ~-- turn south at Ajox on Har- wood Avenue past the shop- ping -- centre, follow signs south to subdivision, or call WH 2-5800 and ask for Mr. Gardiner, A. E. LePage Lud, Realtors?" OPEN HOUSE This Saturday 2to6 p.m. COLLEGE HILL Park Road and Johnston Two Storey, 6 rooms, large. Now vacant This two storey brick home is located close to G.M.C. South plant. An attractive buy at $11,700. with fair down payment and easy terms for the balance, For further inoformtion on this ideal family home contact S. MACKO, Realtor 728- 4661. 360 KING ST. WEST REG. AKER PRES. Excellently constructed all brick city. 2 floors, veyor to 2nd floor. | cludes 2 five-room apartment, call Bill McFeeters, evenings 72 steel beams throughout. Elevator, hot water heating oil. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 723-2265 BILL McFEETERS VICE-PRES. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -- APPROX. 52,000 SQUARE FEET building, located in centre of Loading docks, con- Also in- For further information, please 5-1726. Real 40 King St. E. METCALF Estate Limited Dial 728-4678 SHERWOOD AVENUE A fine home in choice location, 6 rooms, entrance to basement, sized lot. Must be seen to be a Balance on one 5% mortgage. fireplace, outside flagstone patio off dining room, good ppreciated. Full price $13,900. ADELAIDE ST. E. 7 room -- 4 bedroom 134 story home ,in good neighborhood -- close to schools, shopping, etc, Home in excellent condition ond includes storms, screens, $12,500 with $1, 000 down AFTER 5: John Kemp 8-2392 Marion Drew 5-7610 WHITBY PLAZA ... ... OPEN 9 AM. -- WHITBY MO 8-5868 Beautiful brick bungalow with terms. Call Bill Goverde WHI room 11 x 8; living room 18 x included. Londscaped. Only $1 Boats, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, camping, garden and lawn equipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITBY = MO 8-3226 |FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto. GRAVEL - LOAM {matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. {ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravei ond Fill 38-8509, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 WRECKIN TV aerial, 6-room brick bungalow with attached garage tile floors. Completely decorated. Kitchen 12 x 10; dining garage. Asking only 30 CALL Dick Barriage Joe Maga 5.6243 5-9191 Everett Elliott 3- 9290. oo D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR 313 BROCK ST. S. 9 P.M. DAILY TORONTO EM 3-9603 PEEL STREET 3 bedrooms. Living room 24 x 13: kitchen 13 x 14. Completely decorated and landscaped. Size of lot 60 x 136. Reasonably priced ot $13,600.00 with TBY Hardwood and 12; master bedroom 14 x 12; finished recreation room with bar 18 x 25. Storms and screens 7,500.00. Call W. Goverde, G YARD 50 acres in Pickering Township with township wrecking license Corner location with 2940 feet rood frontage barn. $7,500.00 with terms RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES 7-room residence, Mr. Goverde TROUT STREAMS Call FARMS -- LOTS -- INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- BUSINESSES _| Close =| brown, white - opposite bil | WHITBY, bungalow, $10,000 full p price. 59 EDSEL Towne sedan, one owner. Three bedrooms, sewers, garage, near |All accessories. Best offer or trade for |schools. Immediate possession. 'ele-|small car. Telephone 728-7182. {phone 655-3000 "57 PONTIAC hydromatic hardtop, Dew PRIVATE sale, t tires, in black. Tele. plus garage and driveway, with base- phone 725-6690 for further details. ment apartment, on Wilson Road South |S Sonia in running order, cheap near King Street. $10,700 with $500 down. Consider rent with one year|ioF, cast; 728-0942." May be seen 338 LARGE mirror; Moffat Jange, 2 42 inch, $40; refrigerator $70; table tennis, $30; |, Gendron baby carriage, $10; deep freeze; gas range, $25; girl's bicycle,| $25. 728-5206. CASH register with tax control but. ton, 10-kes Slactrle dder, defrosting Norge, medium, . Lig in perfect P| priced, Please call Yorba after 5. TWO wheel utility car trailer, four Apply 97 Stevenson 's Road North or BICYOLE, boys: OC He 26" wheel, in bly priced. 1150 Street, 725-5196. ie FOOT Elgin boat, gne year old, with . | controls paddies In excellent con. dition, $175. Telephotie 725-4047. adder, new, snap. Also equip! Seivies, Bin alas, Ashburn, {lease. Children 1725-5225. 51 CHEVEOLEY, dajuxe, alr condition | FoUs line €d heater, signals, new Tr, FOUR room brick bungalow, town line © ' {anats large lot, hardwood floors through- zl. PHvate Fer information. Tele- out, colored bath. '393 Simeoe South. pes HEY amr y 1 . ? " . eoa 'wo-tone blue, out- 25 ACRES of land for sale mear Mad. King Street West a roa Terms. 822 |dock. Full price $320 cash, Apply at| ng Stree hs Jo 1000, [1036 Cedar Street, Oshawa. 5% CHEVROLET half- ton Suk, Jao |SMALL four-room house four acres of System, excellent condition, C0 land, three miles east of Newcastle No Plyw 90d Bo oy Spare sei of Wheels with |2 highway Phone Newcastle En snow s, $395. 7: LOT on Elizabeth Street, 66 x 135.05 DODGE, twodoor hardiop, rebuilt motor, new clutch, all good tires, Cus- sb. at 462 Stevenson, Road North "tom radio. Sacrifice. Telephone 728-1160 181,500 DOWN, six-room ranch bunga. |low, spacious rooms, fully modern, at- tached garage, large treed lot, north 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal- lic green, four door, automatic, 7,000 miles. Very 725. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, apartment size, in good condition. Price $35. Tele phone 723-4120 for more information. OM suite, walnut, bookcase bed with Beverley box oring and mattress, double and single dressers, frame mir- ror, oy two years old, $145. 502] Rogers Street. MODEL Aircraft, Super Combat Streak 42" wing span, Yor combat Special fuel, line 728-6746 TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, geuials, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723.7624. BUYING or of used appliances, ue Call ZLmer, 30 years' |experience. COlfax 3-2294. GURNEY electric ne also Gurney washer for sale; both in good working condition, very reasonable. Apply 58 Avenue, Oshawa. 15 FOOT moulded plywood boat, com- ;|a corn roast this Saturday even- ing at the home of the president, Bert and Mrs. Guthrie. The ladies are asked to bring a Dle, Cangratulations to Mr. Mrs. Bob Pardon on the born of their daughter on Thursday of last week at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dugan and three girls of Lochin, visited 3s the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Guthrie on Sunday. Bob McHugh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Featherstone Ford of Omagh. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Brian and Karen, of Chapleau, spent last week with Mr. Smith's plete, Teenee trailer, 1958 35 HP John. | © son motor, Telephone 725-709. BUFFET a teh, red maple Colonial styling, brand new, reasonably priced. 1013 Willowdale Avenue. 723-2481 after CHESTERFIELD suite, three piece, 2| 6. a i pieces wine with one green chair, $25 BED id with matching chair.|APPly 320 Colborne Street East WELDER, 350 amps. DC; trailer, two- after 6 or Saturdays. in suburban, one monthly payient Call L. 8 Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-98 PRIVATE, two blocks from Shoppini |Centre on Elmgrove, storey and half, six rooms, oil heating, nicely land-|1960 FRONTE: |scaped, good income home. Small down |wagon, private. | payment. Call 728-8630. | payntent and take over payments or $500 DOWN, four bedroom brick. k. $9 9,400 |take older car as part payment. Must full price, Taxes $118, Oil heating, full |Sell. MO 82406. basement, kitchen and garage. 1750 CHEVROLET "dump truck, "good con- {Call Douglas L. wer Realjor, 728-4651 | dition. Terms can be arranged with no or Ossie Martin 1215 {down payment if credit is satisfactory. | PRIVATE -- Three-bedroom bungalow |105 Agnes Street. large ki hed garage, alum-!1956 PONTIAC, automatic, V8 hardtop, | inum stor: nd screens, corner lot,|radio, body good and solid. Forced to fully lands. decorated, near sell, Cash. Call after 4, 723-4712. school, bus 8 LLMAN deluxe sedan, two-tone, FOUR ion, radio, lady owner, mile. | large m ern 23-7694, 946 Mohawk Street. | tie floars, Full 1/1954 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, | Mr. Swarbrick, jl condition, all new tires, radio, many | John A. J. Bola xtras. Reasonable, Telephone for in- {formation 725-7118, J's CHEV LET til Ti FOR REAL ESTATE | phone HEYROL 655- 2167 after 5 p.m. |'35 PLYMOUTH. good condition, 6 cv. = DON S. SMITH Hinder, two-tone green, . 0792. Telephone 728. Most dependable. The leader on She road and {JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE | 58 GMC Truck, stake, 9500 series, ex- cellent condition, heavy licence. Tele phone 725-9528. C four door station Will sell for small down kitchen, hardwood and age 22, ull asking price only $12,900. Call 42. Estate 728-6228 728-4879 BUYING OR SELLING Vickery Real Business Res. | ' {USED Jires, most all sizes, $3 and up. GOLDEN Retriever, male, light color, | "EDWARD DRUMM" | FINA SERVICE B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543, | answers to "Indy", weight about 78 Tbs, LIST WITH LLOYD 49 Ritson: S. 728-092) { THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., 101 Simcoe Street North 728-5123 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) 96 GIBBONS ST. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 JOSEPH BOSCO Restor | THE HOME OF | 725-9870 {GOOD USED CARS --| | OPEN EVENINGS BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOME | "Before You Buy -- Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4741 30--Automobiles Wanted BUNGALOW | TWO CAR GARAGE and BREEZEWAY | | | | $13,100 -- Is the full price | for this beautiful bungalow, located on a quiet street, with all conveniences just '| Whitby. unused, Original cost $280, will sell for n $150, Telephone Newcastle 3186 for de-|PRIVET hedge for sale. Apply 763 tails. 8 ___|King Street West. WHEEL chair for sale, very good con. USEP furniture and appliances cost dition, has only been used slightly.|less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe eleplioe 795.0734 for further particu- [Steet South. 728-4873. We buy and sell. ONE Singer slant needle with cabinet pair paper on sale, letter | o stool, new condition, save $120; | white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and {one singer portable, $68; one D wheel, home made. Telephone 985-7546 and ther-in-law and sister, Mr. Mrs. James Davidson. Eileen Guthrie began her training as a nurse at the Sick »| Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday of this week. Harvesting is still continu- ing on some farms at a slow and difficult pace. Some of the grain has to be cleaned of green weed seeds before it can be stored. |save, 4% Ib pkg $100, 9.1b pkg. $200 |portable, $49.50; one Singer treadle | Circulation Devartment. Oshawa Times $22.50; one new portable, na Elna SINGER portable sewing machine, re-|SeWing Machine (Oshawa), 165 Simcoe conditioned and guaranteed. Sews beau- | Street Son, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone tifully, full price $40. Ajax Sewing Cen. | 728-239 {tre. WH' 26561 and MO 8-5467. I Si tubs, cement construction, |PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gal. |With stand. Will sell reasonably. Apply |All colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh.|123 Switzer Drive or telephone 725-5286, |awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church | | UTILITY furniture, twin and double |Street, 723-7624. |beds, dresser, tables, desk, rocking Prompt service, | chair, wardrobe, piano bench, bookcase, | | AWNINGS, canvas, |free estimates. Chair, table rentals. in range. 151 King Street East, Friday on. {Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- |E NG ISH bulldog puppies for sale, 9 eral trade-in allowance old, registered, championship Free demon-|weeks stration, 'Telephone 728-4683. |strain, For further information phone . (COLEMAN space heater, d siz MO £3971 with drum, rangette, in good condition. KROEHLER bed chesterfield, taupe, Treadle sewing machine, reasonably mohair, with two matching chairs, dark priced. Telephone 725-8753 after 6. |wood trim, very good condition. Tele- TELEVISION 17-inch RCA console, re. | Phone 725-3737 for Other details. ; cently reconditioned $65. Also one bed-| TWO chesterfields, step side tables, | chair, $15. Telephone 728-2956. | glass tops, good as new. Telephone "FG |for informatoin, 725-0879. |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. | {teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- 34 Lost & Found vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. , girl's, $17.50; bathtub, ps, $17.50; Thor washing hing 3805. IS your cash register equipped with sales tax button? If not call Bil) Hamil ton, Ashburn. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. Kx, Lost probably north end Oshawa. Tele- so phone 723-9567. | SPANIEL, Black with brown markings -- lon face, lost near 401 Highway between {Whitby and Oshawa. Telephone 723-9981. | Reward offered. YOUR service business will ith a daily ad in "Business Services" the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, low commercial rates, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates pe BUDGIE, green and yellow, lost Mon- free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989, day evening. No. 28205, in Hillsdale WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car |Manor area. Reward. Telephone , 918 Same 725. 3496. radios only at Parkway TV Street North. Your aut! orized RCA Y saat | Micon tor service depot for Oshawa. ® | os, , wallet on Ritson Road, south off Yh I at? King Street, containing sum of money USED parts and repairs for all makes|and valuable papers. Reward, Telephone of wringer type Washers, 1% hp motors, 725-4584. $5 to $8, was 0 £HILDY 8 tricycle and wagon lost viein- 3 sd sloves: Paddy' » Market, Hamp- y of Golf and Adelaide. Would finder FIR TEA hie Kindly return to 230 Golf, 723-3912, coat, size , very reasonable, worn once or twice. Must sell, Will LIGHT ginger colored, part a! take $75. Telephone 725-8901. male cat, lost in the vicinity of Fruits EE Road, Courtice. Reward to finder. Tele- phone 723-3128. YOUR business profits will climb when FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar- antee. $2.25 per week, no down pay- SPEEDY POLICE LONDON (CP)--Smash-and- grab crooks soon may be in for a rough time. London's police force has been equipped with sports cars capable of 130 miles an hour to chase getaway cars. 35--Legal In the County Court of the County of Ontario In the Matter ot The Change of Name Act R.S.0. 1960, Chapter 47 and Amendments thereto. TAKE NOTICE that the application of PAUL ADAMOWICZ of 374 Athol Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, to change his nome to PAUL ADAMS, and the name of his wife CAROL ADAMOWICZ, to CAROL ADAMS, and the name of his infant daughter VIENNA ADAMCWICZ to VIENNA ADAMS, will be heard by His Honour Judge A. C. Hall at the County Court Judges' Chambers in the Court House in the Town of Whitby on Friday the 20th day of October, A.D. 1961, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon. DATED this 30th day of August, A.D. 1961 MANNING F. SWARTZ RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers & Solicitors, n feat, Package deal $130. Telephone sou Tt ea lling. Othavs Te Ads take your sales message au over town. Dial 723-3492 for an ex- perienced Ad Writer today. EXCHANGE 28" post band saw for bench model. New and used sash and steel doors for sale. WH 25131, Ajax, 26V2 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. Saicos Jor the Apel n Smith, 41 Windsor Avenue. GOOD quality | ece yellow chrome | suite, in | condition, $35. Tele-| steps away. Fully landscaped » GM 3 | corner lot. Solid rug brick, avr good used car, GM preferred, | | |for one karat diamond and some cash {Phone 725- 8132. |LAKE SHORE Auto Wreckers want ears d wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-118. $ ALL CASH $ or with breezeway and two-car garage. Oil heat with divid- ed basement. Separate en- trance makes it ideal for | apartment. Large open kit- | chen with adjoining dining room. Be sure to see this one | | | For clean cars we deal up 725-1 186 down. Liens paid off. 725-0104 | NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY |W. T. Lamson Real Estate LU mson Real Estate Ltd. | MO 8-800] |29--Automobiles for Sale |'60 VANGUARD, four door, phone 725-4955 or 332 Highland Avenue. MERRY MENAGERIE STOVE, 40 inch table-top electric stove, very good condition, will sell for best offer. Telephone 723-4994 for details. BEACH combination gas range, , with coal annex, in good condition, $35 or best offer. Telephone 725.1882 for fur- ther information. YOUTHS suit, size 16, trench coat size 10 to 20. Lorie lady's wrist watch. One tri-light lamp. MO 18-4225. Distributed by King TENT 9 x 12 one year old and two camp cots, $60 or will trade for recent | model typewriter or outboard. Tele-| phone 725- 8782. COAL stove white enamel, good condi- tion. Also full length Muskrat coat, size 20. Very reasonable, Telephone | 725-3641. GOOD RE-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North WH 2-6410 AJAX T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD. "His ambition is to beaw a waiter at an Alpine skating 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 SALE HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK NOW ON 1958 FORD sedan, automatic, one . er, low mileage, reasonable, good con- dition. Call after 6 p.m., 536 Centre Street North, Whitby. Open evenings or weekends nice A '52 CHEV. SEDAN. Refin- walls and two new snow | Sell your used Car to "Ted". {763 DODGE Regent, four door, must see 1955 DODGE for sale, halfton pick up| TED CAMPIN MOTORS CU 'oM (in the dash) transistor car TUMBLER. FREE with $3 worth of PAID FCR CENTRALLY loc DODD MOTOR SALES borne East. 725-7687. automatic, radio, white walls, power|3]--Automobile Repairs el-Air, © holstery. Telephone 725-4935 for further BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- radio, extra tires, windshield washers, GENERAL REPAIRS. 1957 PONTIAC for sale, two-tone, in ther information. 32---Articles for Sale eed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. New or Used COMPLETE SALE OF North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. windows and doors only $40. RA reasonable price. Call Your AUSTIN Dealer ized, guaranteed 1 year. 725-0331 29-- Automobiles for Sole 20 GALS. FINA GAS FREE! ! Bargain ot $595. Walls. No Rust, $595. ished and in top shape. $175 Chev's. an Olds. Six. ofical CARS WANTED | tires $150 or trade, and take over pay- Buying a New Cor? | ments. MO 8-228, I Talk "Cash" to the New to appreciate. $295 or best offer. 1016) A Cor Dealer and "SAVE". {Sure Avenue, off Grandview South, Ban a ly a Bloor Street| 723.4494 Res, 725-5574 Has, Wher pope ae) SPOT CASH BTS Sr Oo og suitable for young gentlemen, friendly {home, good cooking, TV. Apply 51 Col-| 314 PARK RD. S. ign 723-9421 1956 BUICK Super, 4-door + hardtop, equipped, 2 Apply 289 Malaga Road Par fd CHEVROLE one owner,/ HOUSTON'S GARAGE p shape, radio, good tires, clean up- and SERVICE STATION information. eR 1960 RAMBLER In perfect condition,| PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. standard shift, cheap for quick sale. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND Apply 307 Annapolis Avenue, 67 KING ST. W. perfect condition throughout, low mile. 723.7822 age, Telephone 725-7186 anytime for fur. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, aftachments, brushes, guaran- Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vige. 728-0591 anytime. Trade your boat on a car-- SMITHS SPORTS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS SUPERTEST Storm Windows and Prime 8-5912 Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 TAUNTON RD EAST 40-ft. structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- We have a good assortment Ee Js TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 ' STEW'S WEEK END SPECIALS SALES TAX, PAID! $25 DOWN '55 CHEV. COACH, '54 OLDS 98 HARDTOP clean car, good tires. Radio, Full Power, White $20 DOWN $5 PER WEEK Your choice several good 822 KING ST. W. (at Thornton 725-1667 Anytime FOOD & FREEZER SWAP COLUMN: Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products ~~ obtain- able. Reid Installations 725-4344 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery ma- SCHOOL AND Books For Sale SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS! LIST YOUR NAME -- ONE INSERTION 50c PHONE NO. -- GRADE HERE Books Wanted terials -- 79¢c a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons . , . 1.49 ond up Kitchen drapery materials. . 69c up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 GRADE IX Douglas Simkins Tel. 728-6628 Donevan Collegiate Institute Text Books Robert Twaites 723-2008 GRADE X GRADE XI Commercial and French Jean Zybala 725-5941 PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Coll now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. GRADE Xi} GRADE Xi GRADE IX GRADE Xi ae a a -- --