buds: "To Russell Evans omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 South Wales, solemnized Treharris, marriage was cently of Catherine E and Russell Maddox Ev bride is the daughter of Mr./Thomas. _jand Mrs. J Stanley Locke of] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 7, 1961 7 Oshawa and the bridegroom is parish {the son of Mrs. D. W. Evans,------ re- § a Locke man and ushering were ans. The|Geoffrey Locke and Mr. James The maid of honor wore a 1 dress of blue figured brocade wey ? i og In Treharris, Wales with a blue rose headdress. She Weymouth. J op going awa' the i ate ess. {bride wore a pink linen suit with!wish to announce the engage- In St. Mathias Parish Church, carried a posy of carnations and patural-beige accessories. the rosebuds. Mr. Roy Billinghurst was best make their home at Treharris. Mr. A reception was held in the hall. For the occasion m | Eva Locke Married pian vei md he carried a brocade and the bridegroom's] SOCIAL NOTICES | | shower bouquet of pink rose-! ENGAGEMENT The engagement js announce led of Helen Maybelle, daughter lof Mr. Harold Freeburn of Osh- M ENGAGENEN _ |awa and the late Mrs. Free- r. and Mrs. Albert Wallace burn, to Mr. Robert James _|ment of their youngest daugh-|Bartlett, son of Mrs, James will ter, Katherine Mary, to Mr.|Bartlett of Whitevale, and the _(B 2, 30 Richois, son Tl i late Mr. Bartlett. The wedding and Mrs. Norman Nichols, alllis to take place on Saturday, HOUSEHOLD HINT of Oshawa The marriage isle. ort." 15 at 2 o'cl ul Y To thaw meat in a hirry,|to take place on Saturday, Oc.|SePlember 16, al 2 o'cioc leave it unwrapped on the warm|tober 7, at 2 o'clock in St. Ste-{Knox United Church, Peter- working surface of your range. |phen's United Church, Oshawa.|borough. mother, turquoise blue moire ilk. The honeymoon was spent at Mr. and Mrs. FEvans The Reverend Cyril James of- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ft" ™ d at the fully choral ser-| |vice conducted by Mr. Ted Hill- on bourne, and the bride was ciation and has accepted the re-/given in marriage by her fa-! i |with President Mrs. Edward sponsibility of folding the Christ- ther. : |Bouckley, presiding. mas seals as well as choosing] Attended by Miss Marion i The charter was draped and and wrapping gift articles for|Evans, the bride wore a dress i la minute's silence observed in|/Ontario County patients in the of white witchcraft lace over : Imemory of the late Comrade, Sanitoriums. oyster satin. A headdress of Mrs. Malcolm Smith. m---- pe rer use LEGION AUXILIARY The local club has offered ficiate | The Ladies Auxiliary, Royalto help the Ontario TB Asso- | {Canadian Legion Branch 43, : /lmet on Tuesday, September 5, .The fall bazaar will be held on November 28 and work was given out to be done. More hel| is needed and donations for any booth gladly accepted. A con vener is also needed for the tea room. The auditor's report was given by Mrs. Harry King. Mrs. Ross Westlake tendered her resigna- tion as auditor. This was ac- cepted. A social evening will be held on September 26 with Mrs. Mat- thew Bell as convener. A business meeting will be held next Tuesday, September 12, at 7.30 p.m. It was announc- ed there was much to be done this fall and winter so a good at- tendance of members was re-| quested and that every member should take her share of the work to be done and by so doing give encouragement to the presi- dent and officers SOROPTIMIST CLUB The Soroptimist Club of Osh-| awa held its first business meet-| ing of the season at the home of the president, Miss Evelyn Moore, on Tuesday, September 5 Mrs. Donald Black of International Goodwill and # Pied "A BOY WITH A BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Bathurst, New Oshawa, and Arthur Pitre, Brunswick. One year old today is Terry Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pitre, Banff avenue. Terry is the grandson of Mr and Mrs. John Albert Byrns, Fisher-Broomfield Nuptials Solemnized In Cobourg Cobourg United Church was|cummerbund and headdress Understanding reported that the setting for a wedding re-'and white gloves. : Rotarian Mr. Maurice Hart de- cently when Marjorie Broom She carried a basket of white Jivered personally the Canadian field, daughter of Mr. and and pink carnations and red flag to Mrs. Sue Jakenchi,| Mrs. Donald Broomfield of Co-'rose petals president of the newly formed| bourg and Delton Fisher, elder Mr. Laurence McLaughlin of Soroptimist Club of Tokyo, Ja.) son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nestleton was best man and pan. Fisher, Caesarea, were united/the ushers were Messrs. Barry, plans for an inter-club dinner in marriage. Fisher and Neil Broomfield. were finalized. Clubs from Pe- The double ring ceremony The reception, followed by a terborough, Cobourg, Port Hope, was performed by the Rever- hot turkey dinner for 94 guests Scarborough and Oshawa wlil end E. C. Helloway. The wed- was held at the Cobourg Golf meet at The Flying Dutchman, ding music was played by Mr. and Country Club, where the Bowmanville, September 27, to William Ramsey and the solo- bride's mother received in deep hear a tape recording of the In | ist was Mrs. William Ramsey mauve silk lace over taffeta ternational Conference of Sorop- who sang, "The Wedding Pray-|with white accessories and alfimists held in Paris, France, er" and "The Wedding Hymn". corsage of white carnations. To/this past summer. Given in marriage by her fa- assist the Lridegrooin's Mofher - ther, the bride wore a floor chose embossed pale blue or- UE, AN lerigth gown of white organza ganza over blue t affeta with : MEXKC AN FANS with lace bodice and trim over|a pink hat and gloves and a Official statistics show attend- whiet satin with floating train. corsage of pink carnations. ance of more than 78,000,000, Her full elbow length veil was As the couple left on their yy $16 800,000, at movie the- held by a jewelled crown and honeymoon trip to Quebec, the| aires in Mexico during 1960 she carried a bouquet of pink bride was wearing a printed _ re ---------- sweetheart roses with stream- golden colored sheath dress with ers on a white Bible. matehing three-quarter-| Miss Sandra Ling was maid length jacket, golden colored, of honor. The Misses Margaret|/ gloves, a velvet hat and aj Aird and Lois Rye were the wrist-band corsage of bronze bridesmaids. They wore identi- baby chrysanthemums. cal cocktail length dresses of The bridegroom is a gradu- pale pink organza over pink ate of Blackstock High School satin with matching cummer- and the bride of . Cobourg bunds, matching headdresses High School. Both are gradu- and white gloves and carried ates of Peterborough Teach-| SPECTACULAR bouquets of white and pink car- ers' College, also both are em- nations. The flower girl, little ployed by the Scarborough Starts Tuesday, September 5th Miss Connie McCullough, wore Board of Education. They are SFR i a short dress of white organza residing at Fleminton Park, over white satin with pink satin/Don Mills. --Aldsworth Photography chairman SINGER | OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK *30 OFF! March 1,1961 price (including intermediate reductions) SLANT-0-MATIC* Reduced fo s7950 YOUNG | BUDGET MACHINE BUDGET Aetnetio consoLe $9 G50 SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT TULL POWER Reduced fo CANISTER s4 gal CLEANER Reductions of $20, to $50. {trom regular price If new) ON FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS TRADE-INS FROM $19.50 (various makes) SINGER ISEWINGC CENTERS Listed in your phone book under SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, USE OUR CONVENIENT | LAY AWAY PLAN Look what Fall has brought beautiful new dresses for informal weddings . . . The modern bride chooses o gown that will be wegrable long after her wedding day If you're planning an informal wedding, them now. Priced from 45.00, 14-16 ONTARIO ST. 725-5443 , A Tondemart of TIS SINGER MIG. CO come in ond see 2 for 1 special DESERT FLOWER cream deodorant by SHULTON LIMITED TIME OFFER! TWIN-PASK | only 125 < (Regular Price) 2.50 This velvety-smooth cream deodorant, with added anti- perspirant action, melts instantly into your skin--gives you all-day deodorant protection! Safe for your skin --safe for your clothes because it's famous Desert Flower quality. Pick up your "twin-pack" today, while this special offer lasts! MITCHELL'S DRUGS (OSHAWA) ATO LIMITED oa 9 SIMCOE TELEPHONE STN. ; 723-3431 LADIES' WOOL PLAID SLIMS So very light yet warm enough for the cool evenings that will soon be with us. 4 assorted plaids. Sizes - 3.08 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KRESGE'S SPECIAL PRICE J L FINE VALUES 2ycreoir BURNS JEWELLERS THE RINGS THE BRIDE WILL WEAR with PRIDE & DIAMOND RINGS for HAPPINESS A Magnificent --is he word for this $ 63750 Bluebird duetie. 8. sap ie wilh this lovely 10. $2620 C. Gracad by 12 sparking Bushing $200 Diamonds! A spacial! D. Featured value in 3 matched sol. $ 14350 y | Six diamonds. They're Fyfect! PAY AS LITTLE AS DOWN WEEK BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST 723-7022 GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY SHOP & SAVE AT GLECOFF'S EE) \\ 2 -- Boned & Rolled Pot Roast | of Beef b. 3Ye WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING--FRESH Shouder Pork Roasts - 39° Peameal Back Bacon - 59° Fresh Minced Beef 2 - 75° Ze L \ VV vr / DELICIOUS Seedless Grapes 2 .. 29° 163 SIZE -- SWEET Sunkist Oranges 3 ... 1.00 SUCCULENT New Carrols 15* CUCUMBERS, SILVERSKIN ONIONS AND TOMATOES ARRIVING DAILY FOR YOUR PICKLING NEEDS. 3-18. POLY BAG HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR .....79* WELCH'S REG. 2 for 43¢c Frozen Grape Juice 2 . 39° DOLE'S ABC SPECIAL Breakfast Juice os 39° TINS BIRDS EYE REG. 49¢ -- SPECIAL Peas & Carrols Orr ob 2.18. 4 1 ¢ WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FROZEN FOODS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Specials in Our Drugette, School Supplies Clothing and Dry Goods Department JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER " 7* SPECIAL 55¢ GOLD MEDAL PETROLATU 2 in 25° MILK OF MAGNESIA / 49 -- PLUS = 6 INSTANTIN PACKAGE OF Sok WE CARRY CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, SWEATERS, JEANS PHILLIPS 26 TABLETS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS TO 'AGE 13 TAX FREE, REG. 15¢ SPECIAL WE ALSO HAVE DILL, SWEET AND HOT PEPPERS, GARLIC, CHRISTIE'S--FULL 24.0Z. LOAVES First Grade Buiter + 64° Shredded Wheat REG. 21¢ SPECIAL w 39%] Ice Cream Bricks PKG. FOR Cheese Spread" ,..... 99* 2 dD Cigarettes "" cioro 3.09 Floor Wax ""* a 2... 45° Cheese Slices "™"* ,, .. 29* SHOP & SAVE AT GLECOFF'S -- OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. Sifto Sali Brookside Bread 2....37° CARTON PLUS TAX 17+ 1-LB. FRONTENAC PABLUM '..' Q TIPS °... 69* MAPLE LEAF -- CHEDDAR