|27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale ei MF AIAN NET 29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 6, 1961 17 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rem 26 Rooms for Rent SIX-ROOM apartment, also five-room TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe COMPLETELY furnished housekee , parking very cen |Street North. Telephone 25.6383, 9 a.m. room for gentleman, close to hospit: tral location, 725-0081 or 725-9544. to 5 p.m. north GM, stores, bus. Refrigerator, | ™ - |dishes, linen supplied. Apply 12 Elgin BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, un- | FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent] {Street East. rator, stove, sink, cup-|Heavy duty wiring, complete with stove boards, private entrance, TV outlet, suit|and refrigerator, garage, private en- PRIVATE business couple or e person. $53 trance, very central location. Apply 214 trance and bath, in private home. Gen- monthly inclusive, 124 Park Road North. | Arthur Street. | eman. Aoply, 2 eenil Boulevard FOUR-room apartment. including stove $75 INCLUDES utilities. Fi ym |OF_telephone and refrigera fitin cupboard, apartment, private entrance and bath- |SEVEN - room brick 1% storey, $1 2,500 three piece bath, bute Jaciities, room, TV outlet and range, off Simcoe|with $1000 down. Mortgage to suit. Bort. Street North. 728-2675. Sel] or trade for smaller house. (NORTH OSHAWA -- in apartment Adelaide East. CPETATRS » stove, TWO unfurnished rooms _ with stove, | frigerator, stove, cupboards in HT re ample | refrigerator and sink in kitchen, private private bathroom, separate entrance, parking, dryer. {two-piece bath, suitable for one or two near bus stop. No children please. 725-3938. | people. Apply 93 Wilson North. 25-8473. | FOUR-ROOM ap apartment in a o quiet home, | VERY CENTRAL room, wi Jorking three-piece bath, outlet, washer, FURNISHED basement apartment | {an BIL convenien,ea, prefer pire lg refrigerator, range, de. | monthly Telep! snidifier, three | DESIRABLE Er ~-aid share bath. Tetephone apartment, self-contained, three rooms PRIVATE {wo furnished rooms, "with einer ---- {and , unfurnished, heavy wiring, path, parking, heat, lights, water sup- YHREE-ROOM self-contained apartment [heat i "water, adults only, $60. 728 plied. Apply 43 Nassau Street. Tele- panelled living room, willis kitchen | 8175. {Phone 725-5617 for particulars. Subboards, separate fa 5, heavy JrTRACTIVE large four-room unfur-| FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, Quly wiring. Telephone 725.7636. [nished apartment, with bath, newly de-|gie beds, {elevision, parking, home el FOUR -roomed apartment, stove re-|corated, close to bus. Telephone 725-2243 privileges, two blocks from nerth hot water, parking, ter 6 p.m, eral Motors, $6 week. Telephone 728. Tv! 412 Simcoe! THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, suit. |6697 $65 hoards, and = refrigerator. bu couple or single person. Apply 200 Xing cond floor downtown Street West. couple, 25-9297. Apply PRIVATE sale, two-bedroom Duingalow, 1% ACRES seven-room trame, small , | Plus garage and driveway, with base- parn, furnace, conveniences, fruit, t apartment, on Wilson Road ol dh road, two miles 1 THREE bedroom bungalow, two years old, with built-in garage, built-in stove 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, in good condition, and oven, living room radio, selling for $650, A men from Teas King Street. $10,700 with $500 private Hugh Smith. RR 3 Uxbridge. Consider rent with one year | UL 2. 3310. : Chlldren welcome. Telephone $1,500 DOWN, six-room ranch bunga- BLE |low, spacious rooms, fully modern, at- PORT Party: modern n three-bedroom | |tached garage, large treed lot, north|-, all garage, | Call {large Sxeellent condition. Php s "Snélgrove Co. | Ld. , 123-9810. churches, schools and shopping. FAY [tat mortgage arranged. Telephone | BROOKLIN six room n three bedroom 3 partially "finished, rec-room, landscap- | | FOR SALE "OR RENT NEW STORE WITH Modern Apartment fpriee. Will accept late model car as all or part down payment. 655-4969. I'53 "DODGE, two-door hardtop, rebuilt motor, new clutch, All gi cu tom radio. Sacrifice. Telephone 728-1160" | after PRIVATE, two "blocks from Shopping Centre on Elmgrove, storey and half, six rooms, ofl heating, nicely land-| scaped, good income home. Small down | sb Call 728-8630. APARTMENT sites -- 6, 8 and 10-suite,| Would consider a three-bed-~ room bungalow as trade. For information-- 1.374 WILSON RD. SOUTH ed, decorated, $2300 down. $12,400 full eco! .\out, colored bath. 333° Simcoe South. 28-4391. treet, x all services paid, close to King Street Apply at 462 Stevenson Road North or West, can build immediately, Calj Mr. 728-3018. drapes, , large ' lot, College, Boys' Dor- mitory, after 6. many other extras, Will $10,000 house or equity in trade. Balance $100 per month including taxes. Write Box 149 Osh Times. on town line road east, one | mile, outside city limits. Close to school, 181,400. 728-1968, . Apply 306 Muriel Ave. LOT 75° x 200° situated at 16 Garrard Road. For more information apply house on east side of Garrard; Road. FOUR room brick bungalow, town line east, large lot, hardwood floors through- | jas pe near Mad- . Apply at 25 ACRES of land for s dock. Full price $320 ¢ 1036 Cedar Street, Oshaws . |SMALL four-room house four acres 5 of {Lama three miles east of Newcastle No. highway Phone Newcastle 3561, a on Elizabeth Si 6 iSiblock 725-6544. John A. Ltd., Ritr, | FOR SALE or rent -- New three-bed- room house, garage, fully decorated, TELEPHONE 725-0266 "Beautiful Southwood Park aerial. Adults. North. Telephone 723-2414. #55 MONTHLY -- Tor oom apartment unfurnished, three-piece bath, immedi-| ate possession. Private entrance. Apply | Apartment 1, 332 Elgin Street West (off | Park Road North). THREE-ROOM downstairs apartment on ravine lot, heavy duty wiring, park.|7 ing, laundry facilities 575 Harmony Road South. 723-2754. LARGE bright private three - room apartment, natural fireplace, picture window with lovely view, separate en- trance and bath, furnished or unfur-| nished, suit Dusan couple or school teacher. 725-53 CLEAN a private apartment and bath, will care for children while mother works if desired. Telephone 723-7101 for details FURNISHED bedsitting room, kitchen, ble for quiet married couple, sles. rically equipped with refrigerator a te Box 246 Oshawa Ti 5 $79 MONTHLY and up. Modern one- two-bedroom apartments, new apartment buildings, all conveniences, {peautifutly decorated, centrally located |725.6674 or 728-5262 __ | North Simcoe Street, y. Private, ™WO ) furnished housekeeping rooms, bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator, sink and cupboards, private toiletroom, parking facilities. Apply 156 Agnes Street for details, FURNISHED bed- sitting ro room with hot plate and refrigerator, on bus route, suitable for single 6925. pave 260 Huron St Street, 723-3765. $500 DOWN, four bedroom brick. $9,400 full price, Taxes $118, Oi] heating, full |basement, large kitchen and garage. |Call Douglas L. Gower Realtor, 728-4651 or Ossie Martin, 725-1215, subdivision, south of High= way 401 at Ajox -- all ser= vices in ond paid for, 50' ond 65' 'frontages -- priced to seil quickly. Schools, shop- ping centre, industries in the area. Sell model homes. For girl. BACHELOR and thre A (private, three piece bath, refrigerator, |stov -- 'Reasonable, 39 Simcoe North, 725-3352. |IMUST BE BEEN to be PRIVATE Six-room custom built home, storms and screens. two fin- ished rooms in basement, further information come direct to our sales office -- turn south at Ajox on Har- wood Avenue past the shop- ONE furnished light housekeeping room with refrigerator, parking fac- ilities, five minite walk from four corners, Apply 1635 Simcde Street South. | Two- or three-room furnished apart. ment ih quiet home, newly decorated, private baths, close to North GM, adults, 725-2540. THREE-room a and hydro two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhaust fons, near all schools, wall-to-wall corpet throughout house. 725-3993 ping centre, follow signs south to subdivision, or call WH 2-5800 and ask for Mr. Gardiner, A. E. LePage Ltd., Realtors." NICELY furnished large room, in pri- | vate home, for gentleman, private bath-| room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern-| hill Blvd. 723-7070. WO nice roo housekeeping, in d bathroom for light | quiet widow's home. su con veniences. Reasonable. 5 fist. "After 6 (jose to Shopping Centre and downtown, private bath, 1% miles north of Brook-|P.m.. 725-1423 [728-0682 lin on Highway 12, $15 weekly, 655-3541. THREE-room apartment for rent, Up: EAST END, unfurnished -- two-room | MODERN basement apartment, refrig. | stairs, heated, heavy duty wiring, ideal hacement apartment, private bath, near | erator, stove, washer and dryer, gar. for couple, child welcome, near Shop- | transportation. Heavy duty wiring, age, paved driveway, TV outlet, near Ping Centre. Telephone 725-1846 {outlet. Ample cupboard space. 728-3985. Shopping Centre. 349 Frontenac Avenué CLEAN modern three-room apartment, A BRIGHT furnished bedroom in quiet | stove optional, reasonable rent, vacant n,n.e very centra) location, continuous | FOUR - room apartment, hot water, October 1. Can be seen now. Will mind hot water, five minutes to down town. closet in each room, near bus route, One child if desired. 728-8664. | Telephone 725-0393 $10 monthly, North Oshawa. 728-2267 for TWo.bedroom apartment in new bulld-| BRIGHT room for refined lady in pri- particulars, a ing, stove, refrigerator, drapes, washer, vate home on Wilson Road North near ONE bedroom apartment, furnished, dryer, parking: close to shopping cen- Coronation School. Reasonable, Available October 1. Apply 49 Sim. tre. 285 Montrave, 725 8769 phone 725-2933 for particulars coe Street North or telephone 728-3945 BRIGHT two-bedroom apartments and inquire. apartment building, stove, refrigerator, | quiet home, central, FOUR - room apartment, self-contain. Washer and dryer; on Russett Avenue. Continuous hot water, od with private entrance and three. For further information telephone ties, Telephone 723-9225. piece bath, Aunty 539 Albert Street or 725-9341 pm------ telephone 728-6070 a FOUR-room self-contained and private entrance and bath, heat, heavy jarge three. duty wiring, TV outlet, ang cupboards. Gentlemen only. Telephone 723-7460. 468 Apply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa. |Simcoe Street North. CENTRALLY located furnished room |THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, it [ARGE furnished bedroom, abstainers with use of kitchen and washing ma. business building block, central, very ony Suit one or two gentlemen, Apply | chine in clean, quiet home. Telephone clean. 725-4277 or 725-3911 106 Elgin Street East after 6 p.m, for 723-8150 for further particulars THREE-ROOM apartment, vicinity of | further particulars. NICELY furnished bright clean room |South Simcoe, self-contained, private NICELY furnished front large house- for gentlemen, suit one or two. Apply entrance. Telephone 723-2066 |keeping room, near hospital; clean and 3 ark Road South or telephone 723- TWO-room self-contained spartment, quiet. Telephone 728-5984 or 728-4401, Oe al unfurnished, private bathroom, ground gyNGLE or double room, very centrally FOUR-ROOM all conveni- floor, see to. appreciate. 242 Elizabeth || .ated, private kitchen, refrigerator ences, laundry, parate entrance, hot Street. 725-8106. Adults preferred. d washing machine, free parking. yay free, bus A the door, Apply 165 Tw0 bedrooms, on ground floor, stove 'Telephone 725-8150 for further details ferdun Road. Telephone 733. YM and refrigerator, broadloom throughout. |ONE furnished bedroom, suit respec FOUR-ROOM unfurnished "apartment, Five minutes from South General|isnie man or lady, quiet district, $7 with two-piece private bath and heavy Motors. Available September 1. 725-|geekly. Telephone 100 Buckingham Av duty wiring, near bus and South GM. 6924 or apply 157 Bloor Fast. Business one 728-2758 Telephone 725-7763 souple prefeifed or ane TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and THREE-room Frey $60 per month THREE-ROOM apartment in apartment | |kitchen with refrigerator, built-in cup furnished or unfurnished ; also room building, immediate possession. No chil- [p00 ay ang sink. All conveniences, park and board $15 weekly, washing done. dren, please, apply 103 Wilson Road ing space. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. 728-0394 or 468 Park Road South North, Apartment : _ | CENTRAL, two 1arge unfurnished vo heated apartments, second and MUST SEE to appreciate! New modern | ms, sink, cupboards, heavy wiring, | floor, private entrance. Apply 74 apartment, five large rooms, wall to| Tv outlet, low rent for quiet business] Bond Street East or telephone 725-9303 ou broadicom, Soiored bath, yeaan: | couple. 7 728.3243, 6 - 8 p.m {fully d all conveneinces, e a. - for further information. ALY Gecora ef 2 |TWO - ROOM unfurnished apartment, MODERN _ four.room (two-bedroom) | .1t location. 728-5282 " {bright and newly decorated, kitchen apartment in apartment building, south SPACIOUS "four-room "apartment "in| equipped with builtin cupboards and west area, washer, dryer facilities. new home, private bath and entrance. | sink, Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant- Ample parking. Available now! 723-4368. | Located one block from King Street ing "4 Avenue. eh ------ 12 St Road North. APARTMENT with modern equipped o>. APPIY 112 Stevenson | EIGHT housekeeping room, suitable for kitchen, TV outlet, washer and dryer, APARTMENT for rent, "three TOOMS two bus at the door. Apply $73 Olive available, good parking facilities, close and bath, suitable for couple, Pe rele | Avenue. Telephone 723-1832 for particu- to shopping. Telephone 725.3652. entrance, -Immediate possession. Tele FIRE Beated basement a - | phone 728-8240 for further information. ment, private bath and entrance, heavy THREE large rooms, stove, refriger- wiring, laundry facilities, Centra] loca-|ator, private entrance, near shopping tion. Apply 210 Chadburn Street, |centre. Available October 4. No chil LARGE housekeeping room with pri |dren 108 Westmount Street 725-8267. vate entrance rent on , | THERE'S more, family fun ahead when Telephone or apply boat. Find the one for you 'Boats for Sale" ified Section now. six-room apart: suit gentleman parking elephone 728-60 partment, | ment, stove, refrigerator and sink; also FOUR-ROOM furnished housekeeping room refrigerator, a built. ment, stove cupboard, ATTRACT! VELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. | 728-8671 |27--Real Estate For Sale |NEW ~ five-room bungalow, on Dea Avenue. Reasonable. Down pay -- $2,000. Aluminum storms, screens, iron railing 725- 9417 WHITBY, bungalow, $10,000 full price. | {Three bedrooms, sewers, garage, near schools. Immediate possession. Tele- phone 635-3090 . Street. SHOPPING CENTRE -- spaciou four and mod: , two - bedroom apartments, deco- THREE, rated (your Sholee) from $85. Paved ments, convanieices; separate en. Joba J. Bolahood, Itd., 725-|trances, north- of Oshawa. Tele. | phone CO 32305 or further details, PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments paved parking, T.V. outlet FROM $85.00 Inquire about our special offer at $82.50. FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787 WHITBY CLASSIFIED MODERN mew triplex, with all con-|1956 MONARCH tudor hardtop, veniences, on paved road, bus at door, automatic, power steering, power near public school and church. 12 per brakes, whitewall tires, radio, rear seat cent gross income on investment, $6000 speaker, continental] wheel. Terms ar- down, Owner will take first mortgage. ranged. $1,095. MO 8-4741. iutl Ottawa, 65 x 135 -- CHOICE RAV- INE LOT. Sewer ond water, on Riverside Drive, south of King Street. Excellent view. Ideal lot for split level. Terms. Call S. Mccko, 728- 4661. 75 x 200 GRANDVIEW. Overlooking City of Oshawa. Scenic view. Sewer and wat- ter. Price $3,500 with terms. Ya ACRES OF LAND. Zoned os R-3. Suitable for multipie dwellings, at Bloor and Wil- son Road, next to Oshawa Industrial Centre. This val- uable property must be sold, owner leaving for Florida. For price ond: details celi S. Macko, Realtor, 728-4661, Fridge, stove, For Friendly Dependable Service 728-4661 S. MACKO, REALTOR JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m N.H.A. DUPLEX 1-year-old, perfect condition, two 5;room apts. with baths, fully "rented. Income $195 month, easy terms on mort- gage, asking only $20,900, Call now to inspect, Mr. Appleby, 725-6544 or 723- 3398 vs, rwe _|1950 CHEVROLET coach for sale, re- TOM. $1. hel or 25 cents |liable transportation, good tires, Needs a basket, pick a own. Phone OL body work. Best offer. Phone MO 83-4007. | 3 |GROUND floor, three-room apartment, | . apartment for rent, pri- (in convenient, pleasant location; fire. vate bath and entrance. Centrally lo- place, stove, refrigerator, parking re] cated, Phone MO 8-5674 any time, jaundry Jachities, 305 St, John Street | SPACIOUS modern two-bedroom apart. ost: MO 8 ments for rent, from $85. Call J. A.|TWO i rn rooms for rent, | Daly, MO 84775. very suitable for a sougle: total abstain. FOR RENT -- T Two. ge furnished |°™ . Telephone MO 8-321 bed-sitting rooms, kitchenette, FOR RENT -- a four rooms, suitable for two \adies in each room. unfurnished, upstairs. Centrally Joeat- Central. Phone MO 8-315] after 6 p.m. ed, heat, hydro, phone and water 1538 PONTIAC, two door, gleam. Clusive for $65. MO 8.5738 after 5. | ing green finish, 6 cylinder coach with DAILY transportation wanted, for two low mileage, $795. Telephone MO 8-4741 persons, from Whitby to Toronto Teach- for information, ers' College. Commencing September 2 LOST green budgie in the vicinity of Phone MO 8-213. Dundas Street East and Bowman Av- -- Small apartment, "up- enue. Will answer to name of Bubl. stairs, stove and frig supplied. Phone MO 8-8459. centrally located. Suitable for business FOR RENT: Small apartment, upstairs, Couple. Phone MO 8§-3513. stove and frig. supplied. Very centrally WILL give furnished room to reliable located. 'Suitable for business couple. woman for part time care of one child. | Phone MO 8-3518. Telephone MO 82-4762 mornings, for fur- FOR RENT: Apartment, four rooms, her information. unfurnished, upstairs, Centrally located. FOR RENT -- two bedroom apartments, Heat, hydro, phone and water included $90 end $100, in modern building, for 365. MO 8-5738 ater 5. stoves, refrigerators. MO 83391. TWO dogs lost, vicinity ; Whitby and BC SERVICES, Complet Brooklin. Sus lue tick with tan collar service for small name tag. female beagle 728-8685. LIKE NEW Asking only $1,500 dowr 5-rooms, 3 bedrooms, extra large living room and kit- chen, House completely re- modelled, Will sell for $8,- 400. Call Mr. Ratcliffe, 725-6544 MUST SELL NOW 8-room 3 family home near King and Ritson with 3 mod- ern kitchens, garage, patio, all in good condition. Asking only $12,900.; not bad for on income of $190, month- ly. For more information call Mr. Siblock now ot 725- 6544 $600 DOWN $600 6-room 1Va-storey with gar- age, very clean home ta show, Close to downtown, corries for cheaper than rent; balance on one mort- gage. You be the first to in- spect; call Mr. Zurba 725- 6544 or 728-0569. Members O. D. RE B Mortgages Arranged, Bought end Sold. al pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252. WOULD give day ¢ care to baby or small $1,500 DOWN or best offer, $12,500 full child, pre-school age, five days a week. price. Three year, six-room brick, split For information phone MO 8-4454. level bungalow, decorated, storms, FOR RENT: Two room unfurnished 'Créens, sodded, shrubs, swing, dang- apartment, second floor, private bath, DE bar. MO 8-5428. | One child welcome. $55 monthly in- FOR SALI Late model Ci cludes hydro. Telephone MO matic defrosting refrigerator; fo 85709. ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO ATTRACTIVE room m in | private home for 8-8509. par a-- refined lady, better district, Xitchen STUDENTS! A super value, approxi parking facilities; at bus mately 630 sheets of letter size typing one MO 8-2658 | paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ING. sul ply Oshaw Times Office, Whitby, OSEEEMARING. suits, coats, "dresses, | 11 Dund das Street West. alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. os ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO DRESSMAKING -- Lady's and chil: 8-2372. dren's wear, suits, coats and altera- 66. a ETS ---- SEPYIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary | Hons. Bradford. MO | way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 heat, FOR RENT Boats, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, camping, garden and lawn equipment, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East | WHITBY == MO 8-3226 Tele- | in| OLEAN furnished room with kitchen, in| TWO-ROOM furnished bachelor apart-| D. W. McQUAY, Realtor WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. § OPEN 9 AM.--9 P.M. DAILY WHITBY MO 8-5868 TORONTO EM 3-9603 BUILDING LOT north of Beech. Size Asking $3,000.00 | | 59"4" x 165, Moke an offer, On Cochrane Street, Zoned RI Residential Call Keith Lunney, BROCK STREET NORTH insul-brick home on lot 50 140° Only $10,000.00 with $3,000.00 down. facil- | Six-room, 1Va-storey x Zoned commercial, Call Keith Lunney. | | | | HENRY STREET Lovely six-room split-level home with private paved drive Large living room, Youngstown kitchen cupboards, etc. Fully sodded and landscoped lot. Asking $13,200.00, carries for $91.00 monthly, principal, interest and taxes. Call Keith Lunney RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES -- TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS LOTS INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- . -- BUSINESSES. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 $1,200.00 DOWN SUSSEX ST 5 room ranch bungalow, 3 bedrooms, on large ravine lot with walkout basement and patio, ceramic tiled bathroom, large living room overlooking a beautiful ravine, Asking only $14,500.00. GRANDVIEW BLVD. S. An executive 7 room home set amid some towering pine trees on a large lot. Double attached gorage, paved drive, natural fireplace, 2 baths, large rooms, etc. Phone for appointment te inspect this modern gem. AFTER 5:30 CALL MARION DREW 725-7610 JOE MAGA 725-9191 EVERETT ELLIOTT 723-9290 JOHN KEMP 728-2392 DICK BARRIAGE 725-6243 a) d | HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 GARRARD RD. & ROSSLAND Spacious split level with attached garage, three large bedrooms, living room, dining room, beautifully finished family kitchen, Lot 75 x 200 with lovely garden fenced, paved drive. $18,500 with $3,000 down. Call Charles Smith, 728-8254, HIGHLAND AVE. -- $11,750.00 Inside you will find it spotlessly clean and consisting of a very large living-room dining-room area. Good kitchen, loads of cupboards, 2 nice bedrooms. Oil heating with rec. room. The drive is paved and the grounds well londscaped. Substantial down payment will give you a home thot carries for $50.00 per month including your taxes. To inspect eall Loreen Kellett, 723-3770. | i | | | | | CADILLAC AVE. $12,900 -- Three-bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, nicely decorated, beautifully landscaped, 4-pc. bath, close to all schools. To inspect call John Field, 723-2874, LARGE FAMILY? $2,000.00 DOWN -- ARTHUR ST Older 7-room brick home .in quiet area, oil heating, garage. Excellent home for a large family (could be used as five bed- rooms) or con be duplexed. Asking price of $12,200.00 and open to offers. Call Charles Smith, 728-8254. BUCKINGHAM AVE. -- $2,000.00 DOWN Older 2-storey home in desirable area, must be seen inside to be appreciated, modern kitchen, living-room, dining-room, 3 bed- rooms and bath, oil heated,, garage, secluded grounds. Asking price $11,000. 00. Call John Field, 723-2874, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST. WEST -- 723-2265 REG. AKER BILL McFEETERS Pres. Vice-Pres $9,950.00 -- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $1,500 down -- 6 room brick bungalow plus extra room in attic, high dry basement, Oil heated monthly $75.00 or less if necessary. Open for offers 5% MORTGAGE 5 room brick bungalow with carport, located in Southmead. Could be used as either a 3 bedroom home or 2 bedrooms with dining area. 4 pc. tiled bath, recreation area, Interior is taste- fully decorated, outside is neatly landscaped. Bus service ot door, school 1 block. Payments principal, interest and taxes $74.00 monthly i | | | ' 1} | | | { ATHOL ST. EAST 8 room brick 2/2 storey home with garage, located on a large well landscaped lot, Could be used either as a single residence or for income purposes. Has a kitchen upstairs, property has been rented before. Oil heated MARY STREET NORTH Ranch bungalow in this desirable location, featuring large living room, with fireplace and broadloom, dining area, lorge modern kitchen and 3 bright bedrooms. Attached garage, oil heating, nicely hedged lot, this property just listed and priced to sell TOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OF ABOVE PLEASE CALL DAYTIME 723-2265 EVENINGS 725-0243 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Stradeski 728-8423 Russ Reeve 725-4840 MEMBER OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | | | Henry Stinson Don FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 Business Res. 1956 PONTIAC coach, standard, me. chanically, A-1, radio, two-tone yellow, ply | 32--Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale CASH register with tax control but. fon, : 10-Ke y electric adder, and Also AWNINGS, canvas, subtracts | free Cleve Prompt stable 412 Simcoe North, multipiles, Like new, snap. 723-4434. one owner. Apply 701 after 6 p.m. -|{OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant sell, trade PRIVATE ig Ford agon pow- 3 automatic, ood condi- low ion. Lak MO HOME - cooked meals will rooms, gen- | 235 Eulalie o) FILTER Queen Sales and Ser eral trade-in Siration. Telephote 735.4683, New, used, buy, Services Bill Hamilton. Ashburn, Brook: h ENTS, tarpauling, camp e cots, round vision. Thrifty Church Street. 723-7624. tlemen. Apply 233 728-1773. am 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, light metal lic green, four doer, automatic, 7.000 | &% miles. Very reasonable. 725-7809. "54 GMC Truck, stake, 5500 Hey exe cellent condition, heavy licence. Tele-|P 9528, bed, phone 725. samistild k nRRAE S, {tw 1960 FRONTENAC four door station wagon, private. Will sell for small down |g; payment and take over payments or 125, | take Jide? car as part payment. Must 08-2406. |sell, 59 Tih dump "truck, ick, good c con. " URED, tire, most al and up. er VT Ree BUYING or of used appliances, etc, Call Elmer, 30 years' experience. COlfax 3-2204. ra Thor washing H girl's, $17.50; sink, $10, boat, 14% MAHOGANY a parang SINGER portable a sewing X dra-| conditioned and guaranteed, zt titatyy, dull pa full jittes $4 $40, a] niture Mart, 2° ) Church Stre "Street, dition. Terms can th no down payment If bok is oo Bg 105 Agnes Street, Lo 1936 PONTIAC, automatic, V8 hardtop, radio, body good and solid. Forced to sell. Cash. Cal} after 4, 723 A712. 1958 FORD sedan, automatic, one own-|m ler, low mileage, reasonable, good con- {ditlon. Call after 6 p.m., 536 Centre {Street North, Whitby. MILLMAN deluxe sedan, two-t T savings tor and trade-in prio Two - Shesterfield Ln, Sits double "|18 your Eh -- (sales tax button? Ashburn. LE EE erties chairs $5. See these Ed Wilson Mart, 20 Chur 20 Church Street. QUAKER space heater for sale, equip- ped with pipes and two drums, in per- 728-6448 for 57 A- BUYING OR SELLING "EDWARD DRUMM" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, 101 Simcoe Street North 728-5123 OPEN EVENINGS BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOME 96 GIBBONS ST. JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 725-9870 | LLOYD REALTY | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $95.00 A MONTH Yes for $95.00 a month in- cluding taxes you can move right in to o six room brick home, semi-detached. Two left full down payment $560.00. Call Irwin Cruik shanks ot 728-5123 OFF ROSSLAND 6-room, attached garage You nome the terms for this fine ranch style home. Trade | your present home, real | good value for this quiet residential area. Do phone {Bill Millar at 728-5123 { VALUE LIST $8,900.00 | Tresane street, 6 rooms, bath, garage, recreation room. | DOWN $1,000. DOWN Gibbons St. 4 rooms, bath, garage, $8,300.00 full price Park Road South, 4 room | bungalow $7,000. $500 Down Call Bill Horner at 728-5123, LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD., REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N |29--Automobiles for Sale 1959 FORD sedan V8 auton automatic, fully equipped, private, good condition. Tele. phone MO 8-5270 after 5.30 p.m 1954 MERCURY "four-door |extras, green and white, good ru car, $350 or best offer. 22 McLaughlin evenings. 193 PONTIAC Parisi { | | | | | automate, four door radio, lady owner, mile.| age 22,000. 723-7694, 946 Mohawk § Street. 1955 VANGUARD, in good condi tion. Well sell for $150. May be seen at 608 Clarence Drive, , Whitby, anyti 1954 4 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, A-1 condition, all new tires, radio, many extras. Reasonable. Telephone for in- |g formation 725-7118. ORDERS taken for wood No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. early. 723-4989. Order {further information. 15 FOOT moulded plywood boat, com son motor, Telephone 7: 725-7 BUFFET and hutch, red maple Colonial styling, brand new, reasonably priced. '55 PLYMOUTH, good condition, 6 cy. linder, two-tone green, 728. BED with chair, |= unused. Original cost $280, i sell for $150. 3186 0792. for de- tails. ~|'%1 FORD Fairlane 8, standard, white | walls, washers, two-tone blue, 242 Elgin Street West, 1960 RAMBLER in perfect condition, radio, extra tires, windshield washers, | standard shift, cheap for quick sale. | | Apply 307 Annapolis Avenue. | {1957 PONTIAC for sale, two-tone, in! perfect condition throughout, low mile. | age, Telephone 725-7186 anytime for fur- ther information 57 CHEVROLF jphone Brooklin { |30--Automobiles Wanted lw ASNTED good used car, G) preferred, | for one karat diamond and some cash. | Phone 725-8132, \ ORE Auto convertible. Tel le: | 467 after § p.m i Wreckers want gars Sor wrecking. Highest prices paid. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 01 | CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 5, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 31--Automobile Repairs | | NATIONAL cash register, perfect condition, will sell for $500. Glecoff S Sateen] --. [WHOLESALE - {radios only at plete, Teenee trailer, 1958 8. HP -- Street North, Yi OIL furnace with hair clipper set, man' uum cleaner, garden hedge trimmer, electric ol 0 RCA Vietor eas arkway TV, 918 authorized RCA for Oshawa. Vie: 1013 Willowdale Avenue. 723-2481 after $5 mat b! rl tool lock, Apply 1765 Rowena. | VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. WHEEL chair for. sale, very good co! Kk dition, has only been used slightly. -- | Rentals. vice. 728-0591 anytime. parts, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates frea Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. Belephone 7250734 for further particu- a BABY carriage, grey Thistle, converts WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator for sale, in excellent condition. Price $60. Tels phone 723- -2138. {to car bed. Purchased year and a half FUR coat, size 20%, ve very ry reasonable. Excellent condition. -7083 for particulars, REFRIGERATOR -- nine "euble Joot:| Gibson, with 40-pound freezer, $60, good condition. Telephone 725-4460 for | further details, {TYPING paper on sale, letter size, |white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 414 Ib pkg. $1.00, § Ib pkg. $2.00 Circulation Department. 'Oshawa Tin Times. TENTS, eamp cots, sleeping b terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 |Bond Street West, 725-6511. {suit you. |SINGER "portable "sewing machine, re- conditioned and guaranteed. Sews beau- i tifully, ful] price $40, Ajax Sewing Cen- tre. WH 2-6561 and MO 8-5467. SPACE heater, Coleman, 50,000, |new, with Pied Cost $145. Will sell MoO ago. 725 Terms to, | . = king range; 1960 wringer washer, double rinse tubs; older refrig- erator. Telephone 728-0196. MOFFAT electric range with four plate burners, in good clean condition. Will sell reasonably. Telephone 725-2313 for further details, | WASHING machine for sale, Thor auto- {matic, has been completely recondition. ed. Telephone MO 8-8631 for more in- formation. THISTLE carriage for sale, used only || two months, color bronze and beige. Telephone 725-2316 for further particu- lars. | ap eam Sac |GURNEY electric stove; also Gurney washer for sale; both in good working | condition, very reason Apply | | Buckingham Avenue, Osha REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, 13 cuble foot, two years old. Very good condi. tion. Telephone 725-0078, ik for Marcel, for- information. DRAPES, wall = wall, TV Sten, « Sr radio (Chevrol car), ars coat size 12, Tikes new, quantity of iris, | HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 size 14. 728-2760. Telephone worn once or twice, Must take $75. Telephone 725-8901, sell. Win USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 34--Lost & Found PLEASE call Markham 914W3 (collect) if you found lady's gold lapel Natal in Oshawa Sho tre family keepsake. Reward. WATCH lost, lady's gold lapel Oshawa Shopping Centre Thursday, Very 3 cious to owner, reward Markham 914 {oollect). YOUR service busine will prosper hig) a daily ad in Business Services" in the Oshawa Times Classified Dial 723-3492 Joiay te learn about the ow 5. BUDGIE, green and yellow, lost Mob day evening, No. 28205, in Hillsdale Telephone Manor ares, Reward. 725-3496. LOST, wallet on Ritson Road, south off King Street, containing sum of money {ana valuable papers. Reward, Terephoms 3 -- we heirloom, in Oshawa. Reward. Write Box 408, awa Times, 35--Legal ry = COLEMAN space heater, medium size with drum, rangette, in good condition. Treadle sewing machine, reasonably priced. Telephone after 6. TV. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structure with |32--Articles for Sale hardtop, A-1 condition, low mileage. | will accept older car and take over | payments. 728-9222. "59 AUSTIN Sprite, good condition! throughout. Buyer must be willing to take over payments. Telephone 728-3927 for further details. (Ford) four-door 6 eylin- der, 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel Jent condition, $1,200 or nearest offer. TN (In_the dash) transistor car| radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of | gasoline at The Hilltop, Open from | 10 a.m, until midnight. 1052 HILLMAN sedan, good condition, | new paint, good tires. Good second car, 728-8247 from 4 to 7. | CENTRALLY located, room and board, | suitable for young gentlemen, friendly home, good cooking, TV. Apply 51 Cot. {borne East, 725-7687. 11956 B BUICK Super, s-door gad rdiop, automatic, radio, white wall equipped, $845. Apply 289 Malaga FRoad {opposite "Parts* '58 CREVROLET Bel-Air, one owner, top shape, radio, good tires, clean up. |holstery, Telephone 725-4933 for further | |information. -- (SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- V's. s, washers, pianos, etc. For top cash offer con. dt Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. ANGE, electric; refrigerator, tab! EARS set, pair drapes, dths; large mirror, baby carriage, piece chesterfield, deep freeze, boat, trailer, gas range. Call 728-5206, CHESTERFIELD, green, with matching chair; also Westinghouse ToingaTaton 8 cubic foot; panel door, 6 x2' | Telephone 723-9649. [stov es TELEVISION 17-inch RCA console, re-| cently reconditioned $65. Also one bed- chair, 5 $15. Telephone 728- 2956. | Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain ble. Reid Installations 725-4344 | Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd RA 12 Open evenings or weekends BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 VOLVO Most dependable The leader on the road and track, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S 728-0921 o>. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy -- Give Bill Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N WHITBY MO 8-4741 | GOOD RE-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE | AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North WH 2-6410 AJAX COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows ond Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery mao- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons . , . 1.49 ond up Kitchen drapery materials. 69¢c up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices. | | | 'M & C DRYGOODS | 74 Celina Street 723-7827 FOOD & FREEZER | PLAN You may have tried the rest Now try the best. Eat better for less, B0% groceries sup plied, all well-known pro. ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty . freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration tion, no obligae- Zenith 9-6100, three. | all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD 361 GIBBONS STREET 7 80 | T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD- HENRY STACEY, DE~ CEASED. ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said Richard Henry Stacey, late of ~ the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Re-" tired Bricklayer, feceonds.. who died on or about the 1 day of June, 1961, ore Io quired to file proof of the - some with the undersigned solicitors for the Executors of the estate of the said de- ceased on or before the 20th day of September, 1961, after which date the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have - notice. DATED ot Oshawo this 28th day of August, 1961. All kinds of dress material, fur fabrics, leatherette up- holstery, skirts, children's dresses, remnants. Everything must be sold Reasonable BARGAIN STORE | 12 PRINCE ST. Next to Bus Station CREIGHTON, FRASER DRYNAN & MUR H, 5 Simcoe Street North, © .. Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for Gladys Kent and Howard Stacey, Executors of the said Estate, HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK SWAP COLUMN LIST YOUR NAME SCHOOL AND Books For Sale SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS ! ONE INSERTION 50c ~ PHONE NO. -- GRADE HERE Books Wanted GRADE IX Regular and Spaerun: ty 728-070 SRADE X Douglas Simkins Tel. 728-6628 GRADE XI GRADE Xi! The Modern Age Elements of Chemistry Basic Bookkeepin A Latin Reader for Canadian Schools Conteurs Modernes Dorothy~Lawless 725-6405 GRADE Xin GRADE IX GRADE X Douglas Simkins Tel. 728-6628 GRADE XI GRADE XI!