12 THE OSHAWA TE, Persistent Garbage Business MONTREAL (CP)--When a telephone call about refuse col- lection held up Mrs. Franco Consiglio en route to a son's wedding, her good-humored hys- band was heard to explain: "We can't get out of the garbage business." Mrs. Consiglio was recently re-elected for a third term as mayor of Piedmont, 42 miles north of Montreal. She acknowl- edges her office is a round-the- clock one. "If someone's water tap goes off for five minutes; call the mayor- If someone's garbage doesn't get collected on time; call the mayor." But Mrs. Consiglio is dis- tressed no* at all. Of Irish an- cestry, she thrives on politics-- even municipal politics. Her breakfast reading during Par- liament sittings is Hansard, the official record of proceedings in the House of Commons, and her ambition is to be Liberal candidate for Terrebonne in the next federal election. First elected mayor of the resort town of Piedmont four years ago, she has grown used to fighting opposition. "Every two years they wake up to the fact that I'm a woman," she says. 'What goes on in the interim, I couldn't guess." Some charges are made about her on one occasion. "At the first meeting last year, I invited them to repeat the charges." Silence followed. "I'm telling you, a cemetery was hilarious by comparison." DUMP WAS PROBLEM Her biggest campaign in- volved the Piedmont dump, lo- cated in the middle of the mu- nicipality some 1,600 feet closer to habitation that allowed by law. "Never get involved in dumps," she said later. 'They say a needle in a haystack is hard to find; that's nothing com- pared to looking for a location for a dump." But despite strong oppositi she succeeded in having the dump closed and, with the aid of a provincial cabinet minister she telephoned for advice, found a suitable location for a new one. Another of her accomplish- ments was the organization of a playground for the children of Piedmont. "It's a myth that the country is & marvellous place for chil- dren. It's an environment adults find restful but in which children get restless" Since the town's financial con- dition did not permit the pur- chase of playground equipment, she donated the 'playground equipment her architect hus- band had thoughtfully provided her for her birthday. Her hus- band also lent the land for the playground, and an association was organized to run it. Police Object To Film Shots LONDON (CP)--Canadian film producer Ronald Kelly tangled with police when he tried to shoot a film about teen-age mo- torcyclists, knows here as '"cof- fee-bar cowboys." Kelly, 32-year-old brother of television actress Barbara Kelly of Vancouver, spent a month dressed in a black-leather jacket and jeans winning the confid- ence of a gang of young riders. Then when he started to take movies of policemen talking to members of the gang he was arrested and charged with ob- structing constables in the per- formance of their duty. He was fined £2. The movie had been com- missioned by the BBC. "To make a film like this it is es. sential to establish close con- tact with your subject," Kelly said. "The boys have finally ac- cepted me as one of them." A police constable said Kelly had thrust a camera in his face while he was cautioning one of the youths. Although told to go away, the Canadian kept on taking pictures while the youths shouted and ridiculed the police, he said. Boat Drinkers Now Broblem VANCOUVER (CP)--The Al coholism Foundation of British Columbia says a new problem faces society -- the drinking small-boat operator. And with the increase in pleasure boating the problem could become se- rious. A movement has begun to have boat operators licensed like auto drivers. Some author- jties point out that while the drinking boat operator is open to a fine or imprisonment--as high as $500 or six months in jail--there is no way in which he can be ruled off the water like the car driver can be ruled off the road. The foundation issued a mid- summer warning asking boat owners to avoid carnage by staying sober at the controls of their vessels. Piloting a boat in crowded waters, it said, re- quires as much skill and alert gess as driving a car on a busy wighway. MSO Se, ae Se Eo Ci eo 2 RL anid rs 2-pc. Davenport Suite Brown end Tangerine, Striped. Reguler velve 169.95-- TODAY 2-pc. Chesterfield Suite 100% Reyes! Blue. Nylon faced sever. Foam rubber cushions. Lovely styling. Save 60.00. TODAY ONLY .. 188.00 3-pc. Bedroom Suite by Sterling -- add quality end dis- tinction te your bedroom, at terrific savings. 319. vooar oni .. 269.00 Gossip Benches DRAW WILL BE HELD AT 6 P.M. Here's your opportunity to get a Free Gift. 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