Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Page 6 Friday, September 1, 1961 By-Elections Necessary For Two Vacant Seats The Legislative Assembly Act of On- tario provides that, if a seat is left vacant for more than a stipulated time, the Speaker must, on written request of two members of the Legislature, issue writs for a by-election. This is what happened last week when the attention of the Speaker was drawn to the con- tinuing vacancies in Toronto-Eglinton and Toronto-Beaches. The Speaker's action did not budge Premier Frost, however, Mr. Frost has insisted that the two Toronto seats be left vacant, because they will probably be affected by the forthcoming redistri- bution of constituencies. The Speaker's action, he said, was a technicality in his view it would be absurd to hold by- elections in constituencies which might virtually disappear with redistribution. There is a superficial air of sweet reason about Mr, Frost's argument. But the fact is that Toronto-Eglinton and Toronto-Beaches have been without representation in the Legislature since early this year, and now face the pros- pect of continuing without representa- tion for some time, In the meantime, the voters continue to pay their taxes. This is a flagrant and unnecessary example of taxation without represen- tation. Mr. Frost may be trying to save the province some money and avoid come plications, But money is not as impor- tant as principle, and a fundamental principle of responsible government is being violated as long as he blocks the by-elections which should be held to fill the two Toronto vacancies, Moreover, these are not the only two constituencies which will be affected by the redistri- bution -- and incidentally, by thus drawing attention to the redistribution, Mr. Frost is also drawing attention to the methods of redistribution, which are badly in need of reform and which have been used all too often in the past to favor the party in power. The Legislative Assembly Act grew out of the scandalous action of the Ross government, more than a half century ago, in keeping the North Renfrew seat vacant through several ses- sions. Mr. Frost should be reminded of that. Nasser's Revolution Events in Laos, Berlin and other trouble spots have tended in recent months to draw attention away from that other perennial headline-maker, the Middle East. But significant news is being made there, by what Egyptian propagandists call President Nasser's "second revolution," which is being pushed hard in Egypt and to a lesser degree in the Syrian segment of the United Arab Republic. The revolution is a sweeping mixture of nationalization of industry and trade, tax revision, and social and land reform. No foreign businesses have been taken over, but the indirect impact upon their markets and their way of doing business will be tremendous, Trade with Egyp- tian companies, for example, will all have to be carried on through the gov- ernment or government owned firms. In succession, these have been the major steps: Abolition of the Alexandria cotton futures market and its replacement with a government cotton commission. Reor- ganization of all big cotton exporting firms, with the government "buying" a half interest with 15 year, 4% bonds. Nationalization of the last big shipping line, banks and insurance companies, and some 150 "national industries" (transport, cement, chemicals, fertiliz- ers, etc.). Partial nationalization of 250 other companies. Income tax schedules that graduate swiftly to 90% on annual income in excess of 10,000 Egyptian pounds ($28,800 at the official rate of exchange, $14,000 at the free rate). Required use by companies of 25% of their profits in higher wages or social benefits for workers. Shorter work weeks to increase employment. Reduction in land ownership from a maximum of 200 acres to 100 acres. The results of all this are far from certain. Administrative problems are complex. Tax avoidance is a way of life in the Middle East. The Egyptian-Syrian economy is far from healthy and could be further hurt if there is a fall-off in productivity, which many observers think likely. Oddly, the bitterest criticism has come not from the business community, but from Communist sources. And should the Soviet Union slack off in meeting its aid commitments to Nasser, Egyptian development could be para- lyzed. The situation prompted the Econo- mist of London to remarks: "If the west, resenting the nationalization measures, sits back to enjoy a coming economic muddle, it may find itself sharing its smirk with the Communist world. The reaction of the Arab Communist parties, together with earlier warning grumbles from Moscow, indicates that the Com- munists, at least, have recognized Presi- dent Nasser's brand of socialism as one of the more formidable barriers to the Soviet Union's political penetration of the Arab world, and possibly of the African world, too." Japs And Low Prices It is generally accepted that cheap labor and sweatshop working conditions enable the Japanese to invade foreign markets with low-price goods. But now comes a U.S. industrial consultant, Wallace L. Higgins, to claim that such charges are largely without foundation and are the result of superficial surveys, a lack of knowledge or a deliberate dis- tortion of facts. We do not know enough about Mr. Higgins to judge whether or not he is an entirely impartial and dis- interested observer, but his argument is interesting. The Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager C. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times {established 1871) and the itby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), is published dally (Sundays ang satul ory hehdays excepted), 'Members. © di P Association, The Canodion Press, Audit Bureou of the Ontario Provincial Dailies Asso- Canadian Press is exclusively entitled fo the use for of all news despatched in the poper credited to It or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and the local news published therein. All rights of special despoiches core alse reserved. Offices: Thomson Bullding, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario; 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshowa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, Port Perry, Prince , Frenchman's le , Dunbarton, Enniskillen, , , Burketon, laremont, Columbus, Gr Kinsale, R Manchester, Pontypool ond Newco: per week. By mail (in Province of carriers' delivery areas 12.00 per year. Other Provinces end Commonwealth Countries 15.00. USA. ond Foreign 24.00. Circulation for the issue of March 30, 1961 17,363 A figure frequently used by many in referring to low Japanese wages is 20 cents an hour, says the industrial con- sultant. But he points out, a visitor to Tokyo or Hiroshima or any other Jap- anese city would find it hard to recon- cile the 20 cents an hour wage and the implied low living standard when it comes to watch the Japanese people at play. The night clubs are crowded along with the golf courses and there is a maze of TV aerials atop the houses in the "low income" areas. An average income of 20 cents an hour, points out Mr. Higgins, seems in- consistent with the thousands of hot spring resorts requiring reservations months in advance the year round, the overloaded transportation system like- wise requiring reservations weeks in ad- vance and 400,000 to 800,000 customers on a single shopping day crowding into leading department stores. Taking into consideration the relative purchasing power, the Japanese worker is quite well off, Mr, Higgins claims. The yen equivalent of $1 in Japan will buy $4 of transportation, $3 in medical service, $2 in shoes and clothing and $3.30 in fruits and vegetables, The value proportions, however, drop to 55 cents in sugar, 45 cents in alcoholic beverages and 35 cents in household appliances, but rises again to $10 in housing and $12 in domestic service. With a continuation of the present stable labor situation, modernization of equipment and rationalization of man- agement resulting in greater product- ivity, Japanese industry will become more and more competitive, Mr. Hig- gins warns. ESLER ak Wh A "ry OTTAWA REPORT Why Diefenbaker Didn't Call Vote By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- This column op- posed the predominant expecta- tions three months ago, and ad- vised readers that there would not be a general election' this year. Despite continuous cock-a- hoop predictions of a fall elec- tion, this column held to its be- lief. It was like the awkward squad reported upon by the re- cruit's proud mother: "Every- one was out of step except my Johnny." Today they have all got into step with Johnny. I reasoned the situation this way: 1. The results of four byelec- tions on May 29 confirmed pub- lic opinion polls that the Diefen- baker government was saucer- ing out of its slump in public favour, and seemed set on a gradual rise, 2. Indicators predicted an ap- preciable economic upswing in the U.S. in the second half of this year. This should be re- flected by more prosperity and less unemployment here by 1962. 3. Ontario, the main bastion of steady Tory support, is likely to be seriously disaffected by the provincial sales tax beginning on Sept. 1; this will undermine all Tory popularity in the province for perhaps six months. 4. The CCF-New Party would generate sufficient momentum at its big July convention to pick up a considerable number of votes, mostly from former Lib- eral voters. But it will take at least three months to create and prime constituency organiza- tions capable of maximum ef- fectiveness. These factors all ted to a deferment of the election until next year in the Conservative in- terest. Thus I concluded my col- umn three months ago: "These factors indicate that the Prime Minister will not satisfy the speculators by calling an elec- tion this year." REPORT FROM U.K. Traffic Wardens Anger Motorists By M. McINTYRE HOOD HIJACKERS INSIDE YOU Mimics Attacks Of Appendicitis By BURTON H. FERN, MD All five surgeons agreed -- appendicitis! But they were wrong! Ileitis -- inflammation of the jleum, the small intestine near the appendix mimics the fever, pain and cramps of ap- pendicitis. Only a magician can tell the difference. The physi- cian can't! : Allergy and anxious tension probably cause ileitis. So far, no germ can be blamed. Bulging like a red-hot over- stuffed sausage, the inflamed ileum fouls up intestinal action. You double up with cramps as rivers of food gush through sev- eral times a day. Too slow to ab- sorb nourishment from these in- testinal rapids, your body be- gins to waste, NARROW PASSAGE Repeated bouts of ileitis scar and narrow the passage to a fine string. As food dams back, bloating magnifies cramps and @ queasy stomach makes you retch. Infection complicates matters when germs creep in. A tender lump near the ap- pendix and X-rays showing the string-like narrowing help your doctor pinpoint ileitis. The surgeon can cut out or bypass the blocked ileum and drain complicating infections. Otherwise, the scalpel never touches ileitis until medicines and diet have been tried. Each Swimmer Has Lifeguard PURI, India (AP)--This east- ern Indian city may have the only beach in the world where every swimmer has his individ- ual life guard. And be the only place where a maharaja is the town tosspot. Puri is an ancient city, south- west of Calcutta on the Bay of Bengal, noted for the festival of Jagannath (lord of the world), and a long curving bathing beach where the breakers are so rough and the undertow so swift it is against the law to go bathing without a licensed life- guard. Each bather has to have one and the usual pay is about the equivalent of 25 cents. Puri also is afflicted with the incredible poverty that stalks this entire region, the state of Orissa, where 60 per cent of the population of almost 15,000,000 is officially rated "backward." Naked children, filthy hair matted, stunted women and men with blackened teeth, hud- dle in rags in doorways and sleep a dozen and more to a tiny room at night. SPLENDOR FADED There is no poverty on the beach, only vistas reminiscent of the bygone splendor of this once-noted resort. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of now empty Victorian - style beach homes scattered about the beach area, abandoned now by their former British owners, who spent the sticky Calcutta summers here in the days of the British Raj. A rambling, turn-of-the-cen- tury hotel is still operating, however, and inside it, it is dif- ficult to realize that Queen Vic. toria is dead. Wandering amiably and aim- lessly about the hotel, from party to party, is one of the more than 600 former maha- rajas of India, now unemployed and a familiar local character. FEW UNEMPLOYED Norway had 3,442 registered unemployed on July 31, 1961, a decrease of 860 in a month. Creamy unspiced foods calm ileitis. Season lightly if you can't stand this bland diet. You have to eat something! Vitamin capsules and injec- tions help, too. Your doctor can prescribe atropine-like drugs to relax in. testinal spasm, slow passage and relieve cramps. Tranquil izers also help. REST IMPORTANT A rested mind can rest your intestine. Lie down and relax! Overfatigue and emotional up- sets trigger new flare-ups. Cortisone - medicines magic. ally melt most painful swollen inflammation and cool fevers. Wheat-gluten allergy may lie behind an inflamed ileum. Crampy pains disappear until you eat buckwheat cakes or bread and butter. PEANUTS HELP HER One woman eats a daily bag of boiled peanuts to control her 1leitis. If she doesn't--cramps! You ileitis - sufferers might try substituting peanuts for wheat! If these elephant tidbits work, you'll soon be able to eat like a horse -- everything from soup to nuts! BYGONE DAYS 35 YEARS AGO Oshawa Rotary Club held a giant open-air bazaar on King street east to raise funds for its Red Cross cottage. Archie Hare, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hare, won the First Edward Blake Scholarship at the University of Toronto. John Hare, his brother, won the Nickle Memorial Scholarship at Queen's University. L. 0. Clifford, ex MP, acted as one of the judges of cattle at Ottawa Fair. A party of 98 boys took pos- session for several days of the Fresh Air Camp at Heyden- shore Park, Whitby. R. D. Beaton, Pickering town- ship clerk, was tendered a ban- quet and presented with an ad- dress and gift of a club bag for efficient service for 43 years. Frank S. Ebbs, a graduate of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, former- ly associated with W. E. N. Sin- glair, KC, opened a law office ere. An Oshawa-Toronto bus went out of control and snapped a hydro pole on Kingston road near Toronto, causing consid- erable damage to the bus. For- tunately, none of the passengers was injured. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of Militia and Defence, address- ed an election meeting at Port Perry. D. A. Hubbell, city sanitary inspector, made a survey of health departments during a trip to the Middle States. Inclement weather marred the field day which was planned for the afternoon at Community Park, Brooklin. A concert and tea was a success and at the baby show contest, Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Soanes of Oshawa, was award- ed first prize. Oshawa police seized a Wind- sor automobile carrying over 600 bottles of liquor ia | at $6000, when the car caught fire on the Kingston road, just inside the city limits. Its occupants were charged with illegal transport of liquor in Ontario. PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The * optimist often quotes Pope's, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast," but he never completes the sentence which ends thus: "Man never is, but always to be blest." "My wife hasn't spoken to me for three weeks. Should I take her to a psychiatrist?" Query to medical column. Our sugges- tion would be that he take her to a physician for examination, for possible lockjaw. Authorities who are looking for a 20-year-old girl with a rose tattooed above her right knee are emphatic in stating they do not wish any volunteer help. Can you, dear reader--an hon- est person of course -- ask for cash on a personal cheque where you're not known with. out feeling that your manner makes you appear to be an out- right crook? "Space is shrinking," says a relativitist who has probably been eating in a breakfast nook and putting on weight. What do you suppose the girl in the television comnercial ate or drank before blowing her breath on a man who instantly disintegrates? Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON -- The Automobile Association, a large and power- ful organization of British motorists, has come out with a most belligerent stand against the persecution of the motoring public by petty officials. In a statement which is remarkable as coming from a body of this kind, it protects against the "officiousness and petty tyran- ny on the part of London traffic wardens". Complaints regard- ing the attitude of these war- dens are still reaching the asso" ciation's headquarters in scores, and it calls "on all members who feel they have a reason- able grievance about the be- havor of traffic wardens to let their cases go to court." This, says the association, seems to be the only way in which some control may be exerted on the over-zealousness which was continually being drawn to its attention. WOULD CAUSE COLLAPSE If this appeal to motorists from their association were to be fully answered, the result could well be the collapse of the whole traffic warden scheme. The courts could never handle more than a small fraction of the cases. Records of the Metropolitan police district show that be- tween 40,000 and 50,000 sum- monses are issued every year against motorists on charges of obstruction. Although only a small percentage of these cases are defended in court,' the courts are over-burdened with the hearings, Since the traffic warden scheme started last year, the courts have been even more congested because of motor parking cases. WARDENS' RECORDS At the present time, the Cen- tral London area is covered by some 70 traffic wardens. The records show that on an aver- age, each of these 70 wardens writes out tickets charging motorists at the rate of five a day. This would mean 350 a day in all, or 10,500 in a 30-day Since a high proportion of the motor car drivers in London are members of the Automobile Association, the impact of its appeal can be assessed. It is succeeded in getting all mem- bers with a grievance against a traffic warden to fight the case in court, dozens of special courts would be needed to cope with the congestion. And, as has been stated, this might mean the collapse of the whole traf- fic warden system. CASES ARE CITED The A.A. statement cites some cases of what it considers hounding of motorists. Here is one instance: "A driver was given a ten shilling ($1.50) excess ticket for overstaying his time by two minutes at a meter near his office. On beginning to move off down the road, he remem- bered some papers he had left in his office, and stopped, in full view of the warden, to go and fetch them. Only one other car was parked in the metered stretch of the road at the time. "Yet when he got back to his vehicle, he found a warden 'gleefully' writing out another ticket on the grounds that he had returned to the same metered place within an hour, contrary to the regulations." Since then there has been further cause to postpone any election in the announced resig- nation of Premier Frost of On- tario. The choice and installation of his successor will inevitably weaken the Tory effort in this . Bioyinee at any time before next looks has the sole right to fix the date, could postpone it until the end March 1963 at latest. The political timetable now looks like this: The House of Commons will reassemble on Sept. 7, and will swing straight into the overtime tees and other work; the working week is a five-day, 25% hour job in the Commons, plus committees and office work. LEADING TO ELECTION The unfinished work. of this session could be cleared up in as little as 14 sitting days. But the pace has been un slow this year. For example last year the housc completed its study of the spending tes of 18 departments in 50 days; this year it has already spent 44 days on 11 departmenst. So six weeks added to an already rec- ord long session is not an over- estimate of what probably lies ahead. Then comes another session, the important curtain-raiser to an election in all probability. Aiming at 'an election possibly in early June, the government should prepare by opening the new session in mid-November, thus being ready for any eventu- ality, We may expect an im- aginative throne speech; at least four major pieces of legislation to be put through urgently; and a prosperity budget. , plus the d e p a r t mental estimates, should be put through by mid- April. But with perhaps six arduous weeks of Parliament ahead, it is doubtful if the Government could be ready to swing into the new session in mid-November. Par- liament is frankly hind schedule; many experi. enced politicians and political workers here believe the hour has certainly struck when Par liament should establish for it- self a definite annual timetable, with fixed annual dates for the meeting of Parliament and fixed dates for the latest adjourn- ments. Jerusalem Ridges Being Excavated AMMAN, Jordan (Reuters)-- British and French archeolo- gists are excavating slopes on the fouth side of modern Jerusalem in an effort to unm- cover new knowledge about the early history of that ancient city. Most of earliest Jerusalem lies buried beneath the present old city, and therefore cannot ig the eho At tend further south. Running south from the pres. ent walls are two ridges, de. fended by deep valleys to the east and west, and divided in the centre by another deep val- ley which is now partly filled with debris. It is believed that the earliest town lay on the eastern ridge. This Is to cerlify that Dow Ale is brewed by the exclusive Cool Control process. This process DOW INGS OUT THE BEST IN BEER foy QO: ( is continually tested, thereby ensuring uniform high quality. Fitratlon, PLD DR. R. H. WALLACE, DIRECTOR, QUALITY CONTROL Only one brewery guarantees COOL wv ONTROL © , BREWED that its beer is Cool Control Brewed. That beer is Dow! Cool Control Brewing produces full-bodied beer by eliminating all adverse temperature variations throughout the brewing process. That's how Dow brings out the best in beer. Rigid quality controls check'every step in the brewing of this fine ale to maintain the most uniform flavour in beer today. Have a Dow . . . beer at its easy-drinking best! DOW BRINGS OUT THE BEST... BIG FOUR FOOTBALL ON TV WATCH IT ON CF TO -TV CHANNEL Montreal at Ottawa at 2 Saturday, September 2nd p.m.