1 SQUAD ers this season, tallest was six- SHORT MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont-|foot Ken Leek from Leicester real Concordia is the shortest City, and shortest was Jose San. team in the International Soc-|chez of Brazil, five feet five cer League. Of 18 regular play-'inches. AVALON PAVILION SHOW and DANCE Featuring the new singing sensation GARY HOLIDAY & THE VALIANTS Sunday, Sept. 3rd -8 P.M. ADMISSION $1.00 PHONE 725.0059 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 1, 1961 Meet Despite Red Decision GENEVA (Reuters)--Britain, the United States and Russia agreed today to hold another meeting of their nuclear test- ban conference Monday despite: Russia's announcement that it plans to resume tests. Deputy U.S. delegate Charles Stelle will be chairman. Today's announcement fol- lowed the departure from Ge- neva Thursday of Arthur Dean, the chief United States delegate, and David Ormsby-Gore: the chief British delegate, for con- sultations in Washington and London. Before they left, the two West- ern delegates announced that the session of the conference scheduled for this afternoon had been "postponed until further notice." Western sources said that the three delegations discussed the situation Thursday night and this morning and agreed to fix the next meeting for Monday. Mystic Mountain | Scores Fourth Win | FORT ERIE (CP) -- Mystic Mountain, ridden by Ronnie Be- BANK STAFF AT HAVELOCK hrens, scored his fourth win] HAVELOCK, Ont. The | four armed men robbed the | Left to right are: Keith Scott, in a total of five starts when| staff of the Teronto-Dominion | hank today of about.$85,000 in | Bill Lindup, Doug Webb and he defeated Rose Dawn by 3%| Bank in Havelock, Ont., was | cash and $100, a securities, | Jim Bush. (CP Wirephoto) AIR-COOLED Fhauins Thiol FEATURE TODAY AT 2:00--4:20--6:50--9:20 @ doreon deliGh for everybody! ann: UUv i DAIRY PRINCESS calf after capturing the title from 41 entrants in the week- long contest. On left is Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, On- tario's minister of health. AH yo Co ATINE AAS COPE othe wander of Brersoohonic Sound BLACKSTOCK ~-- Following Burritt are the results of the Blackstock Fair, August 26: HORSES Clydes, light and draft, halter: Brood mare an A. Toll, Blythe, Ont. : Two-year-old gelding or fill -- 1st, A. Toll One-year old g f -- 1st, Robert Robertson, Lind-| say; 2nd, A. Toll Foal by mother i 20th Century-Fox presents CLARK, JANE ROBERT GABLE RUSSELL RYAN lengths at Fort Erie Race track| lined up against the wall while | : lengths behind the winner | : : Di H S Mystic Mountain, which « P1ckeri: 1g 1st. . S. ystem Mrs. Catharine South, 24- | Ont., and representing Peel was heavy, the three - year-| the Canadian National Exhi- | right. The victory entitles her The daily Gouble paid 35.10 PICKERING (Staff) -- Thejof Pickering, with a combined and one half acres and will have Bluth eon Bibs dl mists quinella cf Page Service andmarkable improvement {School will accommodate ap-|ics and electronics will be made |} . Aged ram -- 1st, Boyd Ayre, | 1S O85 & of a new high school in Dun-|scholar load from the other|ment's new technical training | |J. Snowden | AAAAA ; \serve the entire district of the High School Board anticipates CIRC LTMOR 2% PLAYING ALL WEEK 13 | oC! {26 - year - old Kingston pilot {three schools Tuesda morn-|a composite school and will |4th, 1. Cochrane; 5th, Ram, lamb -- 1st, pil ee § on y { p Es 4th, J. Snowden. on a lake near Sonderstrom, Yickeri High Sc vi win, Peterborough; 2nd, R. Pickering High School willl, , composite schools under] d foal -- 1st, [hands -- 1st, I. Cochrane; and, | Hh, J. Snowden. {burns to his entire body Tues 500. At the present time the cost |" Roadster, single, over 15t[den: {not injured. Engineer Harris/§ {morning from 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. approximately $900. However, | Southdown i i . . Cochrane; 5th, Garnet Coch-| S nesday for special plastic sur-| stores are open during the day can offer the same technical Thursday. , i -- Jolly Molly finished third, six ins iN ie ---- - - - I ithe way, paid $14.10 to win CROWNED Despite the fact that the track . 2-ALL TIME GREATS - BOTH IN COLOR! year-old mother of two, was | County, was crowned by Agri- od gelding Ion the mile and nm) Undergoes A Big Overhaul | crowned Dairy Princess at | culture Minister Goodfellow, «3. | | : : as Sun Island and Quick Shore| ; n 4 bition in Toronto Thursday. | to a trip 10 England. She was " | ; ill see a re-Population of 24,000. 14 rooms. Such technical courses! Mrs. South, of Brampton, | also presented with a Holstein won the first two races. The| forthcoming year wi A The new Dunbarton Hig hlas machine shop, auto mechan Suffolk ergy od in the sixth race Pickering and district hi g bi proximately 375 students this|available to the students in the] | | an school system with the opening|year and will certainly ease the district as part of the govern: | {Hampton; 2nd, Joe Snowden, : |Enniskillen; 3rd, B. Ayre; 4th, | Severely Bumed | barton. Formerly the Pickering] schools. ou __|program. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ! ° ¢ | and Ajax high schools had to] The Pickering and District] y i | 'Shearling ram -- 1st. B Ri Cc "in 1 | pon completion of the new Blackstoc air |Ayre; 2nd, R. H. Down, Bow-| irman Critica town of Ajax and the township|that a total of 1435 students addition _the Dunbarton High |stanville; 3rd, J. Snowden; 4th, TORONTO (CP)--Jim Rowe,| ---------------------- |will enroll for classes in the School will assume the status of . Ayre. | Mann, Peterborough B. Ayre; whose amphibious Otter ing, an increase of 200 over last| have made use of the encour-! 3 3 4 2nd, J. Snowden; 3rd, B. i i i ; Xia | Carriage team -- 1st, F. Bald- r Ayre; craft caught fire after landin year. aging governmental grants af-' : : Aged ewe -- 1st, Boyd Ayre; |G land, is in critical condi- ist on! Sadler, Nestleton; 3rd, B. Mann. : yd Ayre; | Green y 18 ical condi expect 560 students to register| Roadster, single, under 15% 2nd, J. Snowden; 3rd, B. Ayre; [tion here. He suffered severe f and Ajax High School anticipates|the new program. : ioht. Shearling ewe -- 1st and 3rd--|d i inn j i : {L. Hoskin; 3rd, L. Blight; 4th, a jaay. | The registraticn in the schools of sending a student for tech-| yII. Cochrane. {B. Ayre; 2nd and 4th, J. Snow-| Four Danish passengers were|f {will take place on Tuesday|nical training in Toronto is | . 3 | Ewe lamb -- 1st and 3rd, B.|Robinson was slightly burned 4 | i i elding or filly/hands -- 1st, I. Cochrane; 2nd, , to." pn 270 27 0 on' , TY bl ' There will be no school during|when the new addition is com-| 20th Century-Fox present l Blight; 3rd, L. Hoskin; ith, |g, h, J. Snowden.| Rowe was flown here Wed-| jth afternoon. The schools' book-|pleted the high school system gmk DOUGLAS » BELLA DARV + GLBERT ROLANI Aged -- b. | + : A. raje, Port Perry. eg Tam Ist and 2nd, L gery treatment. land will be open until 9.00 p.m. [training at a cost of $600, which! CinemaScoPE 1st, Toll. Yeld mare or ge and 2nd, Heber Down, 3rd and 4th, A. Toll Commercial and Percheron on halter. Brood mare and foal -- lst, Elmer Lee, Burketon; 2nd, Les Cochrane and Sons, Burketon. | Two-year-uld gelding or filly| = 1st, Les Cochrane and Sons. | One-year-old gelding or filly| --- 1st, Les Cochrane and Sons. | Foal by mother -- 1st, Les] lding -- 1st Brooklin; hands -- 1st, R Mann; 2nd, R. I Saddler; 3rd, F. Baldwin. Carriage, single, over hands -- 1st, R. Saddler; F. Baldwin; 3rd, B. Mann. Gents' turnout -- 1st, L. Hos-| kin; 2nd, L. Blight; 3rd, Gor- don Brent, Bowmanville. Lady driver -- 1st, L. Blight; | ond, N. R.. Whytock, Madoc; | 3rd, F. Baldwin. Single 3-year-old, in harness --1st, R. Saddler; 15% 2nd, single, under 15% | Avre. Shearling ram -- 1st and 2nd, . Ayre. Ram lamb -- 1st and 3rd --L. Ayre; 2nd, R. H. Dow. Aged ewe -- 1st and 2nd -- L. {Ayre; 3rd and 4th, R. H. Dow.| Shearling ewe -- 1st and 3rd, L. Ayre; 2nd and 4th, R. Dow. Ewe lamb--1st and 4th, R. H. Dow; 2nd and 3rd, L. Ayre. Oxfords Aged ram -- 1st and 3rd, H. 2nd, David|Skinner; 2nd and 4th, R. H. { Dow. Market lamb shown by girl or boy, 10 years or under -- 1st, Wendy Ayre; 2nd, Cindy Ayre.| Best flock of sheep on the] grounds -- 1st, R. H. Dow; 2nd, IN. R. Green and Sons; 3rd, J. Snowden; 4th, H. Skinner. | | SWINE | Yorkshires | Boar, over one year -- 1st, |{Larmer Bros. and Merrill Van|} |Camp, Nestleton | | Boar, under six months -- 1st, {€ M | Provincial governments and the #1 Department {tonight. Henceforth the stores|to the taxpayer is a remarkable {will be open from 8.30 to 9.00 saving. a.m. rrr The official opening of the! Dunbarton High School is being | planned for some time in Oc-| [tober and even now the district! high school board has greater| plans in- store for the $750,000] {school. { Recently the board secured Beat the new Tax {approval from the Federal and on Dinners... Bill, ot the BROOKLIN of Education to Cochrane and Sons; 2nd, Elmer |Brent. {Merrill Van Camp. 1 Lee. | Single horse, under 15% hands,| Shearling ram -- 1st and 2nd,| Sow, under two years -- 1st Yeld mare or gelding, |in harness road race -- 1st, B.|H. Skinner; 3rd and 4th, R. H./and 2nd, M. Van Camp; 3rd and g Percheron -- 1st, Les Cochrane|Mann; 2nd, F Baldwin; 3rd, G.|Dow. {4th, Larmer Bros. | MR. AND MRS. RONALD and Sons. Cochrane; 4th, I. Cochrane. Ram lamb -- 1st and 2nd --H.| Sow, one and two years --| Franklin Arthur Webb are Belgian on halter: Single road race, over 15% Skinner; 3rd and 4th, R. H.|1st and 2nd, M. Van Camp. | seen here following their mar- Brood mare and foal -- 1st,|hands--I1st, B. Mann; 2nd, Wm. Dow. Sow, six months to one year--| riage in Audley Uni ted Aubrey Hickson, Lindsay; 2nd,|Reid, Orono; 3rd, L. Hoskin;| Aged ewe -- 1st and 3rd, H.|Ist and 2nd, Donald Bradburn;| Church, by the Rey. Mel- Len Stephenson, Burketon. {4th, 1. Cochrane; 5th, G. Coch-|Skinner; 2nd and 4th, R. H.|3rd and 4th, M. Van Camp. ville Buttars. The bride is the Ballet I Two-year-old gelding or filly--|rane. Dow. Sow under six months -- 1st| daughter of Mrs. S. Wonnacott : ] I Highland, | construct a $710,510 wing on the | |south side of the building for the purpose of instructing tech. | nical subjects. Th wing will stand HOUSE, Brooklin, Ont., says don't beat the Government out of the 39% tax on dinners. Our LOW, LOW prices will compensate for the "Extra Tox" . . . 9 visit THE BROOKLIN HOUSE this weekend for STEAK, CHICKEN ond «.+ PORK CHOPS . , . at old prices . . . OSHAWA 12 Minutes Drive WHITBY 6 Minutes Drive For Reservations phone 655-4551 al on four| BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8.00 SHOW STARTS AT 8:25 JAMES STEWART - ARTHUR KENNEDY OF THE Ye 2 | a TEMOU OR © OR SHOW! Pre Piture Triple Feature MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY ! TONIGH 1 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents No. 7 Hwy., 3.2 miles west of Brooklin Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Mon. Sat. and Mon. Matinee at 2:30 p.m. CHILDREN 50c ADULTS 1.00 A Wonderful Show For the Whole Family COLOR and CINEMASCOPE NAVAR STANLEY BAKER: ANTHONY QUAYLE IRENE PAPAS- GIA SCALA ws JAMES DARREN 2 THE GUNS OF FOR THE FULLEST ENJOYMENT OF 'THE GUNS OF NAVARONE', WE RESPECTFULLY URGE YOU TO SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING FREE LIST SUSPENDED fa Loza 2nd, Harvey Graham, Nestle-| {3rd, H. Graham. | Heifer calf, under one year-- ¢ |1st and 2nd, Larmer Bros; 3rd, | S. Buma. Bull calf under one year --| 1st, S. Buma. | Herd -- S. Buma. SHEEP | Leicesters | All prizes taken by N. R. Green and Sons, except 2nd on ewe lamb to H. Skinner and Son, | Tyrone. Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR ® TROMBONE ® VIOLA eo CELLO ® ACCORDION ® SAXOPHONE ® VIOLIN ® SPANISH GUITAR ® POPULAR PIANO ® TRUMPET ton. Foal by mother -- 1st, B. Lawson; 2nd, Dorrell Bros.; 3rd, L. Atchison. Roadster team -- 1st, L. Hos-|Hampshires kin; 2nd, I. Cochrane, Nestle-| All prizes ton; 3rd, L. Blight, Brooklin; Bowmanville. < to Lloyd Ayre, |S Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice, 1st, A. Hickson | Roadster team race -- 1st, I.| Shearling ewe -- 1st and 3rd,| and 3rd, D. Bradburn; 2nd, Jim| and the late Mr. Sydney Won- One-year-old gelding or filly|Cochrane; 2nd, B. Mann. {H. Skinner; 2nd and 4th, R. H Byers, Burketon; 4th, M. Van nacott, Pickering, and the Y -- 1st, A. Hickson; 2nd, Keith CATTLE | Dow. | Camp. groom is the son of Mr. and an, Baton Twirling REGISTER Yeld mare or gelding -- 1st,| Herefords Market lamb, any breed | All prizes taken by Leslie Tay | L. Stephenson; 2nd, Verdin| Bull, 2 years and up -- E. S.|1st, Donald Bradburn; 2nd, L.{lor, Burketon. Mdérk, Cameron; 3rd, K. Hob- Cobbledick, Newcastle. {Ayre; 3rd, H. Skinner; 4th,| Rest of prize | | Weekend Accu, | Harness Classes {two -- Donald Bradburn, Burke. FEATURE TIMES -- 1:00--3:40--6:20--9:10 THE CANADIAN | Heavy draft team -- 1st, H.|ton. | Down; 2nd and 3rd, A. Toll. Heifer calf, under one year--| PUPPET Percheron team 1st, Best fat steer 1st, Ron Hobden; 2nd, Les. Cochrane gaker, Hampton; 2nd, G. Rick- and Sons. lard; 3rd, John Allin, Bowman- Lezier, Port Hope; 4th, E. Lee. |Holsteins | Commercial single horse,| All prizes taken by Walter| heavy--Ist, A. Mark; 2nd, R.| Halliday, Oshawa. | ® 1] Lezier; 4th, K. Hobden, A.| Bull, one year and under -- | Hickson, L. Stephenson, Les!S. Buma. Cochrane, E. Lee. Cow giving milk or in calf -- {ton; 3rd, S. Buma. [ ° eo, ® ® Single on rein, Percheron, Heifer, two years or over --| { And Air Conditioning | draft, commercial or Belgian-- 1st, H. Graham; 2nd and 3rd, | WILSON & LEE If ] 1st, H. Down; 2nd, L. Stephen-\1armer Bros. | son; 3rd, A. Mark. : Heifer, one year and under LIMITED { Best group of commercialitwo -- ist and 2nd, S. Buma; | as Brood mare and foal -- 1st, S d Bruce Lawson, Janetville; 2nd, Dorrell Bros., Nestleton; 3rd, IN THE OSHAWA-WHITBY AREA eo 24 HOUR SERVICE eo OIL BURNER INSTALLATION Hobden, Brooklin. Shorthorns Ewe lamb -- 1st and 3rd, H.| Herd -- 1st, Larmer Bros; | Mrs. Frank Webb, Locust Hill. Thursday, Sept. 7 den; 4th, A. Hickson. Cow giving milk or in calf--|R. H. Dow. "next week. Belgian team -- 1st, V. Markijst John Heeringa, Pontypool; a ar Commercial team--1st, Russ|yijie; 4th, K. Wilson, Janetville. Lezier; 3rd, E. Lee. | Guernseys Commercial single horse, |1st, Larmer Bros. Nestleton; horses -- Russ Cochrane. for Lloyd Atchison, Newtonville, eo ESTIMATES, NO OBLIGATION Foal by mother -- 1st, Hick-| All prizes were taken by Gar-|Skinner; 2nd and 4th, R. H.|2nd, M. Van Camp. --Photo from Grace Mills son; 2nd, Len Stephenson. {net Rickard, Bowmanville. | Dow. | Tamworths e-- | . . || 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. for Fall Term ust to be ready | Special Holiday IRENE HARVEY | Best Belgian horse on grounds|C, S. Cobbledick. | MT. | -- L. Stephenson. Heifer, one year and under 8nd, L. Stephenson; 3rd, Kind, E. Cobbledick. Hobden. K Bull calf -- E. Cobbledick. Cochrane, Burketon; 2nd, Alvin Best beef herd 1st, G. Mark, Cameron; 3rd, Roy|Rickard; 2nd, E. Cobbledick. Four-horse team -- 1st, H.| Bull, two years and up -- Ist, Down; 2nd, A. Toll; 3rd, R./Sam Buma, Bowmanville. light -- 1st, Russ Cochrane; 2nd, | A. Mark; 3rd, R. Cochrane Light Horses Road or carriage on halter: One-year-old colt -- 1st, L. Atchison; 2nd, L. Hoskin, Burke LL KE) A TELEPHONE 725-4729 a I i a a A A MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET