The Oshawa Times, 1 Sep 1961, p. 13

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Co. £ pa 5 . = / « IETS ey Er Bo dl TY Pm RT Te . : ¥ 5 oy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 1, 1961 13 ™wo. ROO t t N . it o APARTMENT ; ites -- 6, 8 nd 10.suite, THREE bedroom ym bungalow in the de- "ss PLYMOUTH. good condition, § cy. |BEPRIGERATOR -- le cuble | foot, 3 M apartment for rent with ONE furnished room. mm near all services ey . ore In King Street sirable north west area, hes dining linder. two-tone green, Telephone 125. | Gibson, with 40-pound r, n and Mrs. Orr Jeffery's, Port| Pay } t 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Re 127--Real Estate For Sale Le | Estate for Sale [29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale ENNISKILLEN | built in cupboards and sink, unf h- t th Parking spa ed, convaly Jocated. Aoply '163 Banting 336 Park "Road South. pase West, can build immediately, Calj Mr. room. Must be sold! Owner transferred 0792 good condition, "felephone 7 7254480 for IN -- M «| Pe Avenue Siblock 725-6544. John A. J. Bolahood and home vacant. Will consider all|------ reim---- further details. ENNISKILLEN -- Mrs. W, C.|Perry. : Tre [FURNISHED bedroom, in private home Lis. Rit offers. Wilson Realtor, Charles Rankine a BUICK Super, hd door hardtop, | SINGER portable sewing machine, re.| Murray, Toronto, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, FE room "heated basement - quiet district, $7 weekly. 100 Buck- --- - at 728-3682. ul 3 hy portal 3 : ment, private bath and entrance. heavy ingham Avenue 728.2758 or 728-0101 12 ACRES seven-room frame, sm all | oe] m------------ -------- |equipped, $845. Apply 289 Malaga Road Sonditinned and Fusratived. Fiiid pas: weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R . Toronto, were Friday evening wiring, laundry facilities. Centraj loca- (barn, oil furnace, conveniences, fruit, $12,400 six-room brick bungalow, py - |ovposite Parts" Zo oily 1 rice $40, MO 8: wing J. Ormiston, and along with the|callers 'at Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 ice tion. Apply 210 210 Cf n § t 27--Real Estate For Sale good road, two miles from Uxbridge. |inum storms and screens, partially in. |'s3 popGE Wo dOOF nardiop, *o 2-656] 5467. -- |Ormistons attended the Hoar Ormiston's. Private Hugh Smith. RR 3 Uxbridge. [ished recreation room, | FURNACES, forced alr, ten guar ? i : FURNISHED basement apartment, bus. UL 2.3310. [52.300 down. Will accept iate model car|motor, mew clitch 4% ys antes, S235 por een ma denn "pay |Jet-together on Mr. and Mrs. E.| wigses Louise and Marjorie Seas "is Preferred. Available Sep. FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAIN special! Must be sold! Large|38 all or part of down payment. 655-4869 {om rac' 1160 ater § or 4 Keewstin. mest. Package dea $130. Telephone V. Hoar's spacious lawn, Bow-|njointosh Whitby, were Satur- Recrui iting tember 1, Located in choice Rossland 4 ; i j Road West district. Telephone 725-4154. 1 orey_SavenToom dome: ow ne ar 20 stusted at 16 Garrard 0 ENVOY (or sale. while, with red : < manville and enjoyed renewing|qay tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. hoppi: Askin a 1 i 's THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, DON S SMITH Schools. aNd shopping. Shing Make (second house on east side of Garrard|leather seats, in very good Sono CONTINENTAL bed, 36 inches. In very old friendships. They then en- Geo. Irwin. $7900 but all offers considered. d : 1 . throughout, gear shift. Telephone 723 150 oth bed, of A Reasonable: Telephone 735.8801 tor fur Viiiare: Rect Ector | Wiisan "Reattor Ken Hams. Gol 755650) [ross ACRES oi Timber and wood with 104 for further deta. : dark | wood, 36. Telephone $55: 3 joyes the lespitadly of Mn Mrs. Ed Werry, Solina, spent: . » 1 Hetire Hood or Sarticulbis. ickery Real Estate FOR SALE or rent -- New three-bed- furnished hunting amp, sleeping 1ive, lin CHEVROLET Be Air. Jone owner, er, CHINA cabiner. rant + ve "with Hoar at a bountiful dinner at pe Jeckend with Mr. and Mrs.| pec: Oshawa Times D lower du; lex, een- bo hy A , fully decorated, near Madoc. Ontario. Apply to Box 4 h : ' ¥ 728-6228 [100 deed paved driveway. Private [Oshawa Times. holstery. Telephone 725-4935 for further|tion. Apply 88 Scott Road. Telephome|the Flying Dutchman Restau- " ig Cail Feijuooh hast, water, electric stove, refrigerator Res 728-4879 260 Huron Street, 723-3 __ FINEST selection of summer property information. -- a, rene FAI dh : d M E i an parking. Telephone 723-4583. : - TAREE bedroom ipl two years|in Kawartha and Haliburton. Free cat, [59 CHEVROLET Sump ruck, in ood BICYCLE. gixt , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stunden, were with Mr. an 1s. i bringing forward a rush of new FOUR - room apartment, self-contained old, with built-in garage, built-in stove (log of listings, maps. Newell and Mec: condition and fully licenced. poly taps, $17.50; Thor | Columb M Charles Stun.|Sandercock, Orono. recruits to the police forces of with private entrance and three-piece 0) BI k F and oven, living room broadloomed,|Inerney, Minden or Bobcaygeon, Gliddon Avenue, Oshawa, for further|65.2805. ~~ ~~ umbus, rs. arles Stun- Bs Lo Ww Branson|Britain. 'Si the h bath. Apply 339 Albert Street or 'tele: ne bloc FOM drapes, twindows, fireplace, large 09% [EXCELLENT buy. nearly new five. Poricuiar® BOAT runabout, 1-f00f 2 inch custom den, Lucknow, were Saturday] Miss Lorna Wearn. Brans itain. Since the higher pay, phone 728-6070. Sh . Centr many other extras. Will consider $10,000 (cor = Lt, VE BEET Oi ated, 1956 MERCURY four-door aulomatic,| made including all accessories, trailer| evening guests of E. W. Begley|Hospital, Toronto. is visiting bringing policemen into the THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, in opping entre house or Jquity in trade. Balsnde s100/ 5, aved drive. $1030, $1000 down. exiras. green and white, good running|and 33 hp Elto outboard exceptional buy| 4" ra ity with her parents, Mr. and Mrs-33000.a-year bracket, was an- ng block, central, very Former home of Mr. ond Pig Shanth including taxes, Gerald Barrow Broker, 725-3852 sar, 3350 or vest olfer eLaughlin, at $1000. 7283189, M d Mrs. H. W. G A. L. Wearn {nounced some 10 months ago. Slean om, C " i MAHOGANY boat, 14% foot, Teenee| Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gregg|" * ' : : , M vi FR 50! PICKERING Beach, five rooms and 4 ; 1OW rent, one-bedroom apartment on | fe. room us or es JFRIVATE ale, : fwo-bedroom bungalow, {cain Jur ished or unfurnished, lot "00 '58 AUSTIN A55 Cambridg Al i- trailer and Elto motor, 22 hp all in good |and Donald, Glen Burnie, Mary-| Master Bob Scoll, Kedron. | the number of policemen on the pa Teter nT aanitor bed 7 three piece bath er a Yn Rand south bY 770 40. ADVIS 884. Shoal. Poin Roud, Suck vale. Ton ans " arsain. $750 for|condition. Apply 203 Ritson Road South. |, = ore visiting at Mr. and|spent holidays with Master Rod- beat in Britain had increased ce 'elephone 725.5132 for appoint room, r i Pi ering each sewing h re- ' 'y i Woter conditioner system. heat King treet AOI ne vear|$8ss0 FULL PRICE, six-room brick 1955 PONTIAC -- radio and heater, in|conditioned ana guaranteed, sews beau. |MrS. A. Sharp's. ney, Jrwin, Mrs. Floyd Pethick by over 2000. And the rush of housekeeping room with pri. Beoutifully landscaped. lease. Children welcome. Telephone! with double detached e. Low down fair condition, $225, or nearest offer. 723 titulty, ful ll price $40. Af Alex Sewing Cen-| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin, and r. an y recruiting goes on steadily. entrance for rent on main floor 7 725.5225 {payment required, pay only $60 per 2802 after 6 p.m ici and Robin, when returning i . Telephone 726.5233 or apply 218 Celina 23-2288 $3500 DOWN. Tour bedroom brick, 39,400| Month principal and interest. A £0od igs AUSTIN four-door sedan, in good (iS your cash register equ ST} with a Rodney were Sunday visitors " home from Kingston, called on Saiq 2 Home Office Official: Streat No ry "Om heating, fun |W. Call Bob Stevenson at 7284286. shape, Wrecking 50 Austin. paris (or sales tax bution? If not call BU) Ham: | MT. and Mrs E. Irwin's and J.| iNOS "pO%, 3) lor It shows no sign of falling SHOPPING CENTRE pacious mod. LLOYD REALTY Bavement, large Miche and Eaiage Is. B Hyman, R i sale. 1265 Simcoe Street South. Ashb: ae Irwin's, Bobcaygeon. Misses Leowna and Kvelyn|off, and it will not be long ern, two room Apartments. deco Call Doug! 1.. Gower Realtor, 728-4651 [FOUR room brick bungalow, town line '54 BUICK dan, A-1 mechanically, NIAGARA heat a nd assage "m 4 " od rated (your choice) from $85. Paved -- -- Martin, 725. 1215 east, large Jot, hardwood floors through- | good shape ngan round, Anal Nesl hand unit in fore witsiet ax; sib; igh | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Ferguson are holidaying at Bert before many of the county and parking John J. Bolahood, Ltd. 725 LIST WITH LLOYD ; r- out, colored bath. 333 Simcoe South.'er. 1212 Cedar Street, 728.5680. chair, yg on in goed Lloyd iy Satle, Slackatock, Hunter's. borough police forces will be up ee p-- by dan V8 automatic, full on phone 1 (were wit r. an rs . 3 ,\to full strength for the first FOR RENT -- In quiet home, self THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BUYING OR SELLING SMALL four-room house four meres of 1358 JORD Sedan 2 automatic, uty] [Bas] bath with table top. | In "good Trewin. | Mr, and Mrs. Gran, erty, ti in 20 ng A few notably contained, four-room apartment, unfurn "EDWARD DRUMM/ land, three miles east of Newcastle No | hone MO 8.5270 after 5.30 p.m. tion. Make an offer. telephone and Susan, were sund y e time n years. ished, use of cellar. 545 monthly includ $95.00 A MONTH 2 highway Phone Newcastle 3561 PRIVATE 5 Nitto , very P01 S for further particu Miss Alice and Harold Steven-| guests of Herbert Leighton's.'in seaside resort towns, are up ------._ 321 ; Yes for $95.00 @ month in- LIST WITH LLOYD 9.900 FULL PRICE, ~sixroom (Wo- condition, mew. fires. extras. Privale|WE pay highest prices in | or (son, Thornhill, Miss Barbara Bowmanville [to strength now, and are start- , M. unfurnish elf contain r Aa ym TEN . f storev with paved drive and garage. niles 4 1 1) 72 Cadilla, ed furnit Pretty's Used a i 3 i o i i of apaTLInt ih ed eH rian. cluding taxes you Can move THEN CALL YOUR MOVER store ith pare nye ee Ton he: miles. 4g miles per gallon e used | itu. Pre y's Used Pus and Allan Yeo, Port Loring,| Mr. and Mrs. 5. Lamb, ad ing to compile waiting lists. reasonable, children welcome. Tele. right in to a six-room brick Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, main, patio in nicely landscaped back-|, == Co lo Lo ot A were with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Donna were visitors af Mr. andi Now the police chiefs will be phone MA 3.5308 for further particu: home, semi-detached. Two 101 Simcoe Street North Yard, Excellent value, Call Bop Sleven- OL 5.4659 (An colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osk.|LAMb. Miss Sharon Stevenson, |Mrs. Ed Weeks', Toronto. able to put a lot more men : Hardware and Electric, 3 Chureh Bear Lake, who has been oni Mrs. W. C. Murray, Toronto, | on the beat, what they have left full down payment wa y . . ; Se 1950 TRIUMPH TR 3A sports - over. A FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent. .¢540 00. Coll Irwin. Cruik 728-5123 PRIVATE six-room brick. two storey RIUM TR A on Street, 723.7 {holidays with the R. Lambs is|Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, |p0 ~ fo war a. Be tral, three rooms and bath, includes DUSINess Heavy duty wiring, complete with stove deep lot. will accept late model car drive a ee and A ol pig private en shanks at 728-5123 as down payment. Apply 605 Somerville, fe. Reasonable. Telep MO 82501 | 8 os for wood storm now holidaying with her auntiwere last Sunday Lu guests t h tin, trance, very central location. Apply 214 : TWO BEDROOM rr NE --_ or MO 8.3707 No 1 gual, Order earls. TE 4080 % and uncle 2t Thornhill. of Mr. and Mrs. Liovd Ashton, only answer o the mounting Arthur Street OWNER GOING TO ' 29--Automobiles for Sale 76 CHEVROLET BelAir, two door, auto.|T%®:_"€rms. Of y |" "Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Jackson, Haydo; i i ' crime wave, THREE-BEDROOM aparfment, private HOUSE - matic transmission, radio. fair condi- WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car| aydon ; THREE-BEDROOM apartment, private. HOLLAND--$600 DOWN "57 CHEVROLET convertible, Tele tion. Best offer. Telephone 725-4308 radios only at Parkway TV. 918 Simeoe and Stanley, Toronto. who have! Mr, and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, pvp OF RECRUITS three children welcome. Immediate Buys this 6 room brick home, ! WHITBY phone Brookiin, 653-3467 after 3 p.m yu," poNTIAC, radia, in fair running Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie-|hoon holidaying through to the|Lois and Charles, were with Mr.| "py 8 00 © 00m ming into Possession. 723-1390. 322 King West 3 years old. Close to schools $400 down, two one mort 5 PONTIAC Laurentian, white, four-order, $65. Apply 77 Elgin Street, Bow: or Tp {East Coast. spent a few days|and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Provi-| . APARTMENT with modern equipped and buses, tastefully decorat gage. Full price $5750 door 'sedal, 3utematie, whitewalls,|manville. Telephotie MA 33617 USED baris and repairs for all makes) cf". cok with the R. J. Ormis-|dence the police forces. are mostly ay oy 203, 3S y or ag u ric - p % . y " Wichen. TV outlet, washer and dr¥er. oj ong well andscaped. Easy 508 PERRY STREET Chanieally excellent Telephone 721.4127 1) AUSTIN. Sprite, good condition £5 1553. guaranteed reconditioned wash. {ons Voc. Allan McGill. Winnipeg,|Y0Ung men, 19 to 20 years of RODEIE Tele hone 725.3055 terms on 6% mortgage. Ask MO 8.5923 1950 MG SPORTS car, never raced, take over payments. Telephone 728-3927 cra "Co Sones. Paddy's Market, Hamp-| "a. ang Mrs, F. Dorland were Mrs, S. McGill, Hartney, Mani-| age. Sos o them eat hi "INCLUDES utilities. Five-room for Bill Horner at 728-5123 whitewalls, radio, extras excellent con- for further details = ; - with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. | [toba, Mrs. Johnson, Springville, | secondary modern schoo iis Dg ag Bw OPEN EVENINGS Yelethone 725 are | wi fNACe: has one vROLET outstanding 'mod alr okies Set" mans blevele. wae. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt were|were Friday callers at R. Mc. since they left at 15 have been room, putlet and range, off Simcoe ® » 0-814 tion, excellent tires, motor an y, ; . Street North. 728-2675 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD BEAUTIFUL 1955 CHEVROLET Belair convertible, custom radio and signals "Stew". (pore Cleaner, garden 1001, electric Saturday evening visitors at Mr |Gill's. a Yorng Wiliets un un NORTH OSHAWA -- In apartment REALTOR n good condition, Best cash offer, Tele: [Telephone 723-1667 . {765 Rowena. Misses Beth and Barbara Ash-| dustry 'ew of them a d building. apartment stove, 728-5123 MODEL HOME phone Mo a _-- 4 00 ZEPHYR (Ford) four-door § evlin|spaCE heaters, one large. one small, 32----Articles for Sale ton, Haydon, spent holidays with|ly went through the Teddy boy refrigerator ree-piece 101 © - 1 C 205 JYS 5 evrolet in very good der. 30.35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel | | patking, TV outlet, washer, dryer 01 SIMCOE ST. 96 GIBBONS ST. running order. $25 down to reliable lent condition. $1200 or nearest offer | gion conn Gein, to S00 salion olf tank. GOOD quality five-piece yellow chrome thelr aunt, Me R J. Jemision, Sage, 2 it is interesting 1a 725-3938 SEPH BOSCO Real adults. "Stew" 725.1667 728.1176 = |suite, in excellent condition, £35. Tele. r. am rs. Russ - note at more e - JD Realtor - - 3 VTON Chevrolet pick-up truck, CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor gp LR i fox | mone 725-4955 or 332 Highland Avemvue. on spent Sunday with Mr. and comers are from the rural areas 26--Rooms for Rent H 0 F | E L D 725-9870 good condition, priced at $325, Tele radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire| faq rebuilt machines Estimates fres.| UPRIGHT piano for sale, in splendid Mrs Arthur Tamblyn. Cam-|{han from towns and cities. PARTLY FURNISHED flat, phone MO 8.5110 for further details Stores, 48 Bond Street West | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sor "| condition. Telephone 728.3041 or 728.8587 use of washing machine. Adults. Ap Insurance Associotes: Ltd 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, in good condition, 61 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan auto.|vice. 728-0591 anytime. {for further information a --| London used to secure mosi ply 48 Drew Street hetween 5 and 8 160 KI Ne ST WEST WHITBY includes radio, selling for $630. Apply matic. transmission, radio, other ex:|yypiNG paper on sale, letier size, REFRIGERATOR 7 cube feet, ran- of its outside recruits from tig p.m Oshawa Missionary College, Boys' Dor. tras, 4000 miles. Like new, 723-3924 white newsprint, buy tn bulk lots and Sette, five piece chrome suite, all in SEVEN - room brick 13 storey, $12,500 723-2265 WEST END mitory, after 6 60 CHEVROLET, two door. only 6,000|save, 44 Ib pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $200 | excellent condition; 10 hp outboard mo- Several. Shots north of Scotland. Young Sons with $1000 down Mortgage to wit A FINE HOME 1930 PONTIAC coach, standard, me. miles, two fone conper and beige, load- Circulation Devartment. Oshawa "Times | tor. new. 725-2288. a men were yor acceptapie i Sell or trade for smaller house | Thies. bedrobim by lo chanically 1, radio. two-tone yellow, ed with extras. 130 Warren Avenue AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, CASH register with tax contro L. the Metropjolitan force. Now, Adelaide Fast ungolow ne owner. Apply 701 Westdale Court .... a - - ts dder, subtracts 2 i if nr th ~stove,. On Simcoe St. North, in o finished in mahogany, with rer 6 pl dd Mea: tion FONTIAL tor ale, Hy Tele Jovy Creve Fox 03 a Nn verry ou multipties. Like new. snap. Also 1 however, fewer are coming from TO en) prose! quiet. tres.shaded: residential beautiful kitchen, large bath- PRIVATE 1959 Ford stationwagon pow. 195.288 ior further particulars, - - {portable typewriter 723-4434 i |there, and the majority of he two-piece bath. suitable for one or twn r Close to h publi room storms and screer er steering, power brakes, automatic, BE CROSLEY refrigerator for sale, ale ! R (CP)--Po ice| from the people. Apply 93 Wilson North areo ose to both public ! iii radio. low mileage, very good condi. |UMBLER-FREE with 2, wath af GOOD RE-CONDITIONED | four-burner gas stove, both in good ei PORT ARTHY 4 1 shots" young men are coming im : and high sc Just a short tion. Telephone MO 8-3006 gasoline at The Hilltop. Open from TORS & WASHERS Tel e Whitby MO 8.4641 fort said Thursday 'several shols" west Country districts of Eng- YERY TENTRAL room, romplelely hop: io downtown "shopping $13 695.00 P 1p am. ati among REFRIGERATORS ja vs from a heavy-calibre pistol were|janq furnished, includes sink. stove, eup- 0 wn °s pin N 2 CENTRALLY located, room and board, ... -- a . hoards, and refrigerator. . Ideal for A, well-kept older $1 69500 DOWN suitable for young gentlemen. friendly 1% MORRIS Minor, window washers, ALL PARTS AND SERVICE |GFFICE, store," Galchir. restaurant fired in the early-morning Slay. Police chiefs all over the ouple or single person. Apply 200 King } ' . home, good cooking, TV. Apply 51 Col. A | ent. New, used, buy, sell, trade 2 inl Ta pome with, wall - 19. wall JAMES O'MALLEY borne East. 725.7687 ' side itke now. Has other extras, Tele. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE er Bi Hamilton. Ashburs. Brook eather. a prominent intry have been surprised by ONE furnished light housekeeping Ee fort a 723.7122 HOME - cooked meals with rooms, gen. wed in the number of men, mostly XE furs or. parking fae. bedrooms (master bedroom 2 TO Er rE: om [19 MONARCH hardtop, Mitomatie, Harwood Avenue North TENTS, tarpauiing, cam eola, ground Police Chief Bill Allen re- I their mid-twenties, ities, . five walk. fom foar,., 12°. 22' with. twin. closels PRIVATE 723.1773 Telephone 7281230 after 3 p.m. for far-| WH 2- 6410 AJAX sheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware. 8 fused to release details on the/married, in their t 1635 Simcoe Street ation. {Church Street. 723.7624 |slaying of Dr. Stephen A. Mor- who have applied for positions + Sorners Apply separate dining room ----- A : '53 PONTIAC coach, 2011 series, me. ther information ere Str : | ! good working kitchen . »x-room custom built home, chanically body Al. black, new paint joie gyri MaAN sedan, good condition TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, jan {ton. 44, father of four children|on their police forces. They be- h 1 hed f 3 r . . , ' 3 nt Tadies ar gentlemen. Close io South Modern bathroom with show ake Ta i De gi Bids Dew paint, £008 Les. Good sneond ear. COMPLETE SALE OF ar Ties Siore 43 Who was fatally wounded and |lieve that the wives, uncertain and many other features broadloom throughout {sist in the investigation. ing up their strength. h oms in | 247 fro 7 Im ic § General Motors. Apply 249 Malaga er, separote toilet in base- Jihed Toure in Dosement, $495, 728.1890 bi a 07 Tm - | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS | Band Street West, 725-6511. Terms to died in his bed at 5:30 a.m. [about the future in industry, : ary 3 ' oven Sd . tor, ly' econo ra torm Windows and Prime olice describe and impresse bis = : hed rooms, middle-aged / or ce aven, exhaust fans, near oll BUYING OR SELLING SEE or. 'ruly economical \ranuportation. 5 Wind d P ir c "strip boat, year old; Police described the shooting|and imp d by the new wage unfurnis room 1 22 with nature ireplac ven, 5 , 3 G ELLING SEE oy ars "7a yprus year 3 " lady preferred. Bus stop at door. Tele basement partitioned hool ~vall-to-wall carpet Only $205. TOTS PSO oD 667. windows and doors only $40. |15 horsepower; "35 Evinrude. $300, Ex.|35 aN obvious case of murder." scales, have encouraged them phone 723-2393 for further particulars ha Somes ' throughout nouse TED CAMPIN 5 MORRIS 1000 new car condition Install Canada's finest awn- | cetient condition. 725-4047 | They said public announce-lys join the force. - WC & r work oom J - J he ak 0 y r i " " Nn 2 NICELY furnished large yoom. in pri. 0, SPORES MOTE OOM 725-3993 FE in a Doieios | ing ond Porch oiing. Very | USED tires. most all sizes, $3 and up, | ment of a detailed account ofl gor police chiefs, this is a wel- vate home, for gentleman, private bath 9 4 MOT RS Terms. "Stew" 725-1667 y reasonable price. Call F. Goodrich Stores, 725454 the murder would upset the in- me cha In the t. wives room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern. room, ond ploy area with re x ALEX VAJDA, DA, 723- 9851 rere oe b come nge. pas . 4 hill Blvd. 723-7079 . cessed lighting installed. And IDEAL 5! CHEVROLET Seluxe Xnodoor, mw. LE - - [Roi mag a oxi ves gaton being sonducied do [have revolted against police TWO attractively furnished rooms. there's o paved drive to ol- 607 KING ST. ---- OSHAWA Tolor and good tires. body in pe | experience, Eine 2094, {the main part of the city's de-l, ope night work, the near bus and shopping, parking facili t 0 FAMILY HOME ( / -- -- gay ; |tective force. Inspector Bob dut; But w it ties, girl's preferred. Apply 468 Albert MOS! new garage wer Just East of Wilson Road) si MONARCH good condition. mew SN GOODRICH BIR an |M f the provincial po- weekends on duty. ne Nick Suvi 04 bain or ght| All this for an exceptionally mond St. Eost. Close to Sy ny Drew peel Mier AD FILTER Queen Sales and Service, ib kd in Toronto, arrived at|have worked a complete Change. Close to Shopping Centre and downtown. 900d price, contact Bill Me- school, transportation, shop f x NOW ON eral trade-in allowance. Fres demon .|and the police forces are build- Clase to Shopping Centre Feeters, evenings 725-1726 ping, consisting squore-plon TAX PAID | | Trade your boot on a car ; ping Refeshons T28-4683 {the Lakehead Thursday to as EAST ). unfurnished -- two-room two-storey rug brick Six New or Used ¢ Now 1s the time to replace |FREEZER. ge upright, in excell basement apartment, private bath, near . . rooms, large living room PLUS 50 GALS SMITH'S SPORTS [7 | those draughty wooden doors |condition, $00 in. capacity; Whee! er transportation. Heavy duty ng, 4 * . he or | | 8 y T 725-073 outlet, Ample cupboard space. 728:3985. | Ajax Finest paved drive, landscaped, oil SUPERTEST ®* | and windows with the best | evenings. MERRY MENAGERIE LARGE, clean room--furnished, options! pour peu dpee pe oy heoted. List price $13,000 FINA GAS FREE! North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. 1 Aluminum-products obtain | WRECKING house on 35 Bioor Street al, near bus, Ritson, school aud sore, > 0 Reasonable terms arranged. . RA 8.5912 able. | East, oo Enerying must be sd. lum ge -- © 161 lor, le. 728-3 : 4 2 : bi oors, windows. y Distributed by King Features Syndies main floor, reasona i : $1,195 down for. this _ six For information cell WITH THESE Open evenings or weekends Reid Installations bes, | "492 Wilson Road North. 3 4 -- PS pent A BRIGHT Tursiahed Bedroom In quiet room brick detached bung. WES ELLIOTT FINE CARS A -------------- 725-4344 4344 | DISCOUNT prices on store sample tur | home, very centra) location, continuous alow, one mortgage for the with : : niture, some slightly marked. Three | hot water, five minutes to down toWn.| halonce. Carries for $87 Telephone 728-0581 WwW | L L | S i {pices adrvom Suite neous ice na 9 35-0393. 3 r ly SC e i Telephone E000 T.V. TOWERS {wo-piece friene sofa bed vet with wwivel - me monthly ERNIE HOLMES REAL ESTAT 4 CLEAN furnished room with kitchen, ' E continuous hot water. Would be very Ultra modern throughout Telephone 725-2363 35 CHEVS $599 M O T O R S $55 pie ™. . dacount price" Sit: suitable for gentleman. central. Tele. large living-dining combina Refinished and reconditioned |peries $5.99; floor cove s, 25¢ phone 723-9225 for details. a Kv ie, lied C dio, ok . TAUNTON RD EAST 40.ft. tower structure with sais Hog. Met ihs, Gucbmer GROUND FLOOR -- one-room or room| oo. (ooo 0° 1019 "08 TRY YOUR DOWN Ustem rodin, skey in every > all-channel head, hot-dip gal- |price $12.88. Ed. Wilson's Discount Fur- and kitchen, furnished or unfurnished ®d9¢ counter top --- double PAYMENT way Your AUSTIN Dealer vanized. Guaranteed one |niture Mari, 20 Church "street. with private entrance, clean, 728-0429. stainless steel sink - lots 4 vear ings on demenstra- NICE clean, furnished rooms, very] ©f cupboards, stove hood Ti i | 54 CHEVS $299 We have a good assortment aden furniture. Two - piece central, parking space. available im- ond exhaust fan. Will take his 10-year-oid brick bun of Used Cars OSHAWA TV. chesterfield set, $10; double bed, 35; mediately. Breakfast if desired Li] ony sized breakiast suite. galow, in nice area, is cleor. Refinished, in sound mechani SUPPLY LTD Ne UL iW, siz; drop Osh, Boulevard South. Telephone ' 4 Oshawa oulevar ou Pp Three well planned > Vendor wi hols one open cal shape, good tires 725-0331 361 GIBBONS STREET $19.85; Hollywood divan $29; odd ches- TWO or three unfurnished rooms also nicely sized bedrooms mortgage 'Y poy rent '52 CHEVS $199 . 728.8180 terfield chairs 35. Ses these and many ane or two furnished or unfurnished 4 piece colored tile bathe {Mart, 20 Church Street TE ty M6 room -- colored fixtures -- | YWILION REALTOR | popinished, in certified rood VOLVO |TOOB --coul and gus range ios five CENTRALLY located, two attractively, YONity and mirror CHARLES RANKINE worthy condition : T.V. TOWERS maby. Telephone. 725.8350 for: furiner furnished housekeeping rooms consis: Home is wired throughout 725-6588 or 728-3682 Most dependable 55 Tonably elephone 725-9350 for further ing of kitchen and bedroom with refrig for Hi-Fi stereo, 100 om $25 DOWN TO The leader on the road and erator and iaundry facilites. Apply 283 © °° hi re iv BACK-TO-SCHOOL RELIABLE ADULTS IAKE 3 BIL GARAGE A0-ft. structure with all COMPLETE set of Books of K of Knowledge TWO BLOCKS from King and Ritson, lot private drive to car- SPECIAL . ; J BLL chonnel antenna, all galvan- {ih ood condition; also case. D eiemnans furnished _ bedroom, continuous hoi, port many other features Fost block SELLING OR BUYING ° a NA SERVICE 092) ized, guaranteed 1° year. |i e- heater for sale, equi t king e. Abstainers only. Just one oC away, this < = " 44 ts < - ) | space ater for | sale, eq p- | 31 Rowe Street, ToS. too numerous to mention delightful * three = bedroom STEW IS WORTH TRYING Ison : TRIO TELEVISION |ped with pipes and two drums, in per. | Price only $14,795 30--Automobiles Wanted {an Bond St. East, 728-6781 heset eomdilion. - Telovhone 728-8448 for | ATTRACTIVELY | for futher ini | a Er or further information ca wealth of convenience and STEWART ee T .f -- -- W. G. Gardiner WH 2-5800 comfortable living for ne WANTED Sood ured car. GM preferred, R SACRIFICE wir pi Mv a me FURNISHED ROOMS g for a i : arom rt oo Phone 7 ome direct to our soles average family Plenty of 725-8132 4 SE top, well padded chairs, price $39. Tele. | Available in private home office turn south at extras, lovely garden and spa MOTOR SALES LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want PLAN pliote 725.6146. 82 PARK ROAD N Ave rs for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 15 FOOT moulded plywood boat, com- Ajax on Harwood - cious grounds. All for only ; ] < y (725-1181 Y vy hav. t plete, Teenee trailer, 1958 35 HP Ji ' 2 : post Shopping Centre $12,900 with excellent terms 822 KING STW a ee tied the wit son motor, Telephone 725-7036. °" "Pm go proud! Junior took his first step today!" w try the bes - Call between 5 and 7 pm . follow signs south to sub Coll (AT THORNTON) [BUFFET and hutch, red » Colonial 728-8671 division K H 0 E ALL ( ASH 4 for less. 80% groceries sup- styling, brand new ER priced. | enn ann anytime 725- 1667 ANYTIME plied, oll well-known Sg Willowdale Avenue. 723-2481 after! 725-6588 pro- WHITBY CLASSIFIED V2 RAR Zi--Reol ote for Sot "pis Godmail ol | im" vara tese mmc mon | HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK {tion. Telephone 723-2331 for further de. LES tails. BE IN YOUR OWN HOME WHEN NICOLS MOTOR SA the only one guaranteed by [talls. Sih q 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Good Housekeeping. No Lend shesteficle with Snateling chair, SC HOOL COMMENCES MO 8.8001 -- a { down payment. Call now for AT Telephone. £20 3, NE a for SWAP COLUMN ROOM and board available for gentle- [HOUSE for rent, new. ranch stvie men. Apply' at 91 Walnut Street, two-bedroom, oil heated. Phone MO Whithy, for further particulars. 8.2426 for information. Evenings after 5 WANTED demonstration -- no obliga- FOR RENT -- two rooms, private bath. ® Pm: MO 83645 N H CARS ' Zenith 9-6100. 4 x HOOL BOOKS ! room, centrally located. Available im: ywo.BEDROOM apartment for rent A Buying 0 New Car? Yon nih 3 -Lost & Fo Found SELL THOSE SURPLUS SC L KS mediately. Telephone MO 8-279 living room. kitchen, bathroom. 817 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Sell your used Cor to "Téd" LATEST MONEY jost, 550, on Prince Street. LIST YOUR NAME -- PHONE NO. -- M it 1 Je, Centre Street North, Whith: fi f vesterday by old age pensioner. Finder FOUR burner Moffatt range for sa ithy, for fur Talk "Cash" to the New please return to 122 Prince SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE llent condition. Telephone MO ther particulars. So Tor enor price on nes $395 8 Deore and SAE" MODERN DESIGNS Revere FOR RENT -- two-bedroom apartments WANTED to rent, two completely fur-/590 end $100, 1 i p ~ wANTED ora. fom UL re Baa TER Sieiy MOTORS | is J hog, [iene ONE INSERTION 50c west end. Telephone MO 8-8084 rol Bhs aden fefigls -- 79¢ o yord ad Op. "RENT: T AVAILABLE immediately in Whitby No secona mortgages, no loans, no extras, just one NH A 23.4494 Res 5-5574 COL RSET eg Tg AR Ei ER CB | Bedroom drapery in setms | In the County Court of } 3 " > e th ro or a x v 7 "or y oh r ns nd ul . One child welcome. $35 monthly in. S2OW. completely decorated. Modern 9 SPOT CASH y Pp the County of Ontario conveniences. Will lease for $835 month brick bungalows with three bedrooms, oil heat, right here in Kitchen drapery materials bungalows with three o e t here PE Tn io In the Matter ot The Books For Sale Books Wanted cludes heat, hydro. Telephone MO | = "Cl, with low d > + 735 So Ba ah (7 Sous pysroen tie 2iry woe snl -cweiences, Orly two lef a thos rice PAID FCR : in Me Moper ot The EE ey Tn sale, part FOR RENT One large furnished Good clean cars Trade up { rapes made io order by ex R 5 ne 196 ame C males and one male Teler Mo light h ping room on main floor 725-1186 or down. Liens paid off 7 Pens of nomingl cost, Also 8 0, Chapter GRADE 1X GRADE IX £8453 suitable for lady, laundry privileges DODD MOTOR SALES selection of ready-made 47 ond Amendments ATTRACTIVE room in private home for ad jaore information. Telephone MO W. T. LAMSON 314 PARK RD. § drapes at discount prices thereto ed lady, better district, kit -- a -- . I ining tackitien; at gi + BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping REAL ESTATE LIMITED t 723-9421 IM & C DRYGOODS TAKE NOTICE thet atop. Telephone MO 8-2658 service for small businesses, weekly, ACTIVE, a (monthly or as desired. Statements pre 31--Automobile Repairs | 74 Celina Street application of PAUL ment, modern 'building, $8 monthly, Pared. income tax returns. MO 88252 ts lui Sree ADAMOWICZ of 374 Athol all conveniences. Telephone MO 8-4174 $1,300 DOWN or best offer. $12,500 full HOUSTON'S GARAGE 723-7827 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, GRADE ¥ days: evenings MO 8.8089. price. Three year, six-room. brick, split . ; ; boii io ; rea ane 1 dog, Teens, 300d. shrubs, swine, dank and SERVICE STATION ADAMS. and the mame ot Hi Tor q an ns OR A mol at door, screens, sodded shrubs, swing. dang RE P AR Te 4 eniences. on paved road, bus at door, Joe; MO Kiet . REAL ESTATE LIMITED | BRAKE speciaLists, coM- | PRIVATE SALE | wife CAROL ADAMOWICZ, 725.3453 cent gross income on investment. $6000 FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auf 40 KING ST. E DIAL 728-4678 LETE BRAKE SERVICE OF to CAROL ADAMS, and the down. Owner will take first mortgage. matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele MOTOR TUNE -UP AND name of hi fant h 725-3090. Sherwood 9-8541 Ottawa ment. heavy duty Gurney stove. MO HARMONY HEIGHTS GENERAL REPAIRS FINE FURNITURE ame i Jian doug ar DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, © ee -- er . : 67 K S i terations. slip covers. Gowns and fit. STUDENTS! A super value. approx (Eastmount St.) NG AL w, at the home of VIENNA ADAMS, will be GRADE. XI GRADE XI ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms. MO mateiv 630 sheets of letter size typing 3 bedroom brick veneer bungalow, well decorated, landscaped {avn ' IM C WwW heard by His Honour Judge $2372 bly Oshawa "Times Office. 'Whip | Laundry room, TV antenna, complete with aluminum screens, |32-- Articles for Sale fs... . Slemon | AC Hell at the County OE er, reise. High 04 111) Dundas Street West storm windows and doors, large kitchen with dinette, close to 106 CHURCH STREET Court Judges' Chambers in heated, $100 monthly. Possession Sep- DRESSMAKING -- Lady's and chil public and high school ~~ only $14,200 with $3,400 dowr SELLING furniture Nell buy i Ra BOWMANVILLE the Court House in the Town tember 1. 425 Dundas East dren's wear. suits, coats and altera-' balance on one N.H.A. mortgage stoves, otc. For top cash offer com. of Whitby on Friday the 20th SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary HOTS. Mrs. M. Bradford. MO 8.8666 y tact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-111 Aug 29 to Aug 31! doy of October, AD. 1961, GRADE XII 3 may, Rew tanks installed. Walter Ward SIMCOE ST. NORTH RANGE, electric; refrigerator, tale : ; at the hour of 10:30 o'clock his GRADE XN 304 Chestnut West, Phone MO 32363 FOR RENT Executive 2 'storey family home 8 extro I tennis set, pair drapes, 6 widtha; from 2 to 5 p.m. and in the forenoon ' ack i ut ' ° -- x © larg , baby © , thre. I RAVE LOAM B a motors, boat box and natura! fireplace in gracious large living room. Chestnut trim ee Re tiels, y Tightly Soar, 7199 pm DATED this 30th G L J cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, large entrance foyer, hot water oil 'heated, high divided hase trailer, gas range. Call 728-5206 Early Canadian and Jackes August, A.D. 196] decoys, power tools, camping, ment, large treed lot' Shown by appointment only RILLTOP'S annual renta) sale. An ond Hay Period Furniture-- MANNING F. SWARTZ x garden and lawn equipment camping equipment tor Sale at Jive Circa 1830 to 1860, includ- and GRADE XII GRADE XIN x away prices Pl a AFTER 5.30 CAL hn ie eam tht, Vo83, Ing Sideboard, Walnut Solo RONALD L SWARTZ AND SALES ; ru . . : terns, coolers, ete, Two 1961 5 hp Gale Secretaire, Prayer Chair, Din- | Barristers & Sclicitors, ERIC C BRANTON ys \ k Bare 5 ADA Evereti' Ellinkt 1 1 nuthoard motors Also one 10 hp Sept ing room Furniture, Electric | 26%, King St. Fast 415 Dundas Strest Fast 10 5.7610 Ishn Kemp 8.23% Brand new cleeping bags io clear at Stove, Werk Table and many Oshawa Ontario 8.2 WHITBY -- MO 2 ° 32.95 each. Hurry our stock won't last MO 83-2660 BY MO 2.3228 Joa Mago 35-2191 long. Hilllop Motors. 728-6891. other items Solicitors for the Applicant. lorge room doy of Cement Grave Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon | WILDE RENTAL SERVICE

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