The Oshawa Times, 1 Sep 1961, p. 12

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amt ini w a gag a fio fi oe 4 i fs - soyit foe WB Sn rd 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 1, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 3 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Friday Saturday 8 te 12 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSIN Accountants Cartage MONTEITH, MONTEITH, 1 RIERY, and|Jom MOVING » and "Storage, ( oO aw wa Co., Chartered Accountants, 725.3527, Whitby. Reasonable rates y = Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, equipped and insured Phone 728. 2081 | 2-0890 MOVING? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Li S[hO%8 Movers ST ---- CLASSIFIED AD RATES WE SHARPEN AND RENT 25 words or less ALMOST EVERYTHING Cash Charge Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. 723-3224 Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to oan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale _purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. doch MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus Monies also available Second Mortgage Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ and Builder" Mort- at reasonable rotes, Next 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.13 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to eriginai orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at ao later date constitute a new original order Professional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 per month, Eoch Initial letier obbraviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure counts as © word. Box charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m the day be- fore publication except Births Memoriams Cards eof Thanks which will be accepted until 9 em, Deadline for Lost end Feuna and Concellations 8:30 a.m Otfice Hours: Daily 8 5 Soturday 8 12 REGULA 1 HONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be esponsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise then in writing, nor for more then one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement. nor beyona the price charged tor o single insertion ef the advertisement in which error occurs And olso reserve the right to classify advertising according te its own classification In the cuse of display advertize. ments The limes will not be hela esponsible for more space 'hor that in which the actuo! error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes' no liability MORTGAGE SF [Zaviswment ets ssnipineg LOANS therein NO BONDS Rug and Upholstery TO PAY OFF YOUR CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re BILLS covered like new, Get (he best for less at Modern Upholstering 142 Simeoe We buy exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city 22% 248 p12 CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping Service, 184 Bond Street West, 725.0397. Res., 605. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE| ., Accountants and Auditors. | aT Trustee in Baskruptey, King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. "A; F. Friedlander, B Comm., cea a riment, somiirnished, nd hot water, Tele- OPEN NOW 'Kingsway Beauty Salon ¥2 mile east of Town Line on King Street, OPENING COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 Accountants, 172 King| Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. Jy WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, Ei dmond Burrows, CA. 728-2571 FU RRIER wn E pEwAE ana Co, Accounins and DRESSMAKER fario 'Street. Oshawa. Otani 728.3231 New, Alterations Remodelling. LOW PRICES Awe ? Party TIRE -- Guaran 22 ROWE STREET on 728-6706 teed, automotive parts ries. 145 King Street West, 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve TT Driving School MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars Gov't, licenced instructors Day or evening appointments DIAL 725-4773 Operated by Geo, B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI Solicitors, No LEARN TO DRIVE Henry Block, ot the 722.4697. Resi Oshawa Drjving School Professional Instructors 2--Personal on FEL ECIFIC Day Nursery now in aper ation. Official opening in September Call 728-2412 for interview ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawo, Sept, 19th and 20th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment 3--Pets & Livestock BEA ITIFU % baby budgies ready training. talking strain, Apply d, 114 Elgin Street Kast accesso: or Oshawa you on Barristers Z. T. SALMERS, BA. Barrister, Solici tor, etc., 132 Simcoe treet North Office 725-3741; Residence, 725-5542 BOWMAN. David L. Barrister, Solici tor, 3'%a Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi de 728-0264 HREYS, BOYCHYN and ans MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA: W. A Hillman, LLB: 36% King Street ¥ast. Phones: Office 725-1177; Res, 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203 Money to loan MANNING F 1. SWARTZ, Bairisters, taries. Money to loan 26% King Street Fast dence, Dial 723-4029. LOUIS 8, HYMAN, QC. Barrister, Solici | m tor. Notary, Alger Bldg. 37 King street. Dual Controlled Cars East. 723.4943. Mortgage monies avail >tandard and Automatic . Doy ond Evening Lessons GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Soliel 728-0091 tors, ete., 7% Simcoe Street South * Fuel and Wood Short term gages 264 King St. East Oshowa, Ontario 723-4697 Under Me Registration Registered Brokers' rtgage Act Pen BOARDING kennels, new modern fire. Bond SWARTZ and RONALD » spacious runs. Phone ight months, house. ; dog house supplied, Good with children. Must sell. MA 3-3988 Monday through Wednesday or Friday after 7 AMERICAN cocker puppies, registered litter, black and blondes, male and fe- male, three months old. Telephone WH 2-6428 for more information GERMAN Shepherd puppies registered, Jo Brea Kennels, ing. Telephone WH 12-1607 for particulars | THREE part Persian given away, all male, lelephone 725-8503 for lars, REGISTERED female Daschund puppy affectionate, four months old, black and On. tan. Telephone 723.3456 for further par- Blue ticulars 725.5632 4--Market Basket . Ontario Avenue HOLIDAY weekend grade Melba apples. 55c. a basket Pollock Orchard, first orchard north of drd concession on Highway 12 TV. RAI RADIO, car radio repairs, all VRANSPARENT apples and other early lovely Just show Frocks to investment, ex for wearing dresses given you ax bonus North American Fashion friends. No canvassing, perience necessary North American Fashion Frocks Ltd., 3425 Industrial Blva., Dept. H 2516 Montreal 39, AGENTS, clubs, ete Sell « anada's finest Christmas cards. Over 300 items including religious, everyday and per sonal cards. Wraps, toys and novelties Prompt service. For colored catalogue and approval, .Jeandron G + 1253 King Street Hamilton, Ontario NEED EXTRA MONEY? "$50 and 'more | can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80 | page, full-color catalogue makes it easy fo get plenty of orders. No experi | ence necessary. Send na money. . Write | today for samples, on approval, of love ly Christmas cards and free catalogue Monarch Card Co.. Dept 18, 47 East Ave., Hamilton OPERATING ROOM registered nurse immediately. small active OR five-day week, call back service, Apply Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge require for sale, Picker- further Suitable Tele kittens, to be house broken further particu Immed. Surveyors DONEVAN _ AND FLEISHMA tario Land Surveyor, Commerci printing, 12 Bloor Street East H. FLIM and Surveyors, 216 Phone 725-6881 TV . Radio Repairs APPLY. PERSONNEL OFFICE T. EATONCO LTD OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ESTABLISHED SALES DIVISION Interested in meeting men with intiative between ages 21 to 45. Land East Trollope Adelaide EN to be appreciated. or three-room furnished apart. - ment in quiet home, newly decorated, for rent, private baths, close to North GM, furnace, | adults 725-2540. further | xoUR Corners area, Available July i, special fancy call far do light children Liberal house. while time RDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, ! tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bids. 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3346; T. EK Creighton, QC: N Fraser, QC: G Drynan, G. L More NHA Se gages arranged YHOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli eitor and Notary Public, 26% King Phone 728-1763 DONALD, BA Barrister Solicitor, DE Public, 52% Simcoe North, 728-2891. Res. 728-2765 MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North 725-3566. Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; ¥dgar ¥, Bastedo, QC. Free and Mo ortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ranged. W. Schatzmann, Broker, 101 Dundas West. MORTGAGE loans, awa, Whitby, Ajax, cinity, Residential, 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ltd. 115 TOP MONEY for dead and disabled | farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service INTERNATIONAL SERVICE IT WHEN YOU WANT - DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SAMSON . ar Mortgage MO 83-3338 "Bowmanville, Osh Pickering and vi acreage, apartments, business. Members of Ontario Mort gage Brokers Association. Summer land Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 3568 |FIRST and second mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen nick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723.7232 kes. Tho on Electronics, 157 Yarietie Reasonable prices. Algoma Eliot Avenner 103.9798 (Ferien 137i Orchards, Thickson's Road North. bs mile north of Taunton Road T V TOWERS cents basket, $1.00 bushel, Spanish! MIDDLE-AGED woman, cooking, light . . onions 5 cents each. Pick your own, duties, school age children, while moth pring containers, carrots 75 cents er works. Live in, private room, week ' bushel. W. Eyman, half mile east of 0632 728-8180 PERN GE lrg EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap Terms. Open evenings. ply at Rose Bowl Grill, 24 Bond Street OSHAWA T va POTATOES, large quantity, fresh. dug West daily, Cobblers and Sebegos. Whole wooo a irvey Ding | viles west of B N estimates. les est 90 Cruoklin on No, High: mother works, Live in off. Telephone MO 83-2436 STENOGRAPHER wanted for amall of . fice, good working conditions with bene ment One of Canada's leading Food Organizations loca- ted in Ajax requires com- CORN 25 cents dozen, tomatoes 36] GIBBONS ST. ends off Nicholls Garage, Courtice. Go north to Sur sale and ta R b. LE] id Setar Reasonable. Apply | keeping and care for fits. Please call 725.4731 for appoint petent secretary, age 25- WE OFFER Weekly c ee drawing account pkey Qualified leads | rate to suit. Call Steve Zurba, Top sales material or 728-0569. John A. J. Bola combine for sale, 6 foot pull type. In good running order. Rodd Appleby, Ashburn. Phone Clare mont 856R3 after six W BUSINESS |13--Business Opportunities 17--Male Help Wanted |22--Sto e Space & Garages | 24--Houses for Rent NE WANTED: Manufacturer and distribu: | MARRIED couple to manage ll-plex {sone or office for rent, 12 Sone TEEN apartment with bath, . tor o aitomobils and Jephone 125.3670 Aner tment building in Whitby, live in Street, 'west ear King. November| steel sink. heavy wiring. No ehlidren, ets. Patent pendizg. Telephone | llowance. Write Box 14 {1 or sooner phone parate entrance, close fo J [ RVI CE D RE ( | & RY Unlisted Numbers Has t |Danawa Times belli ral Motors. Telephone 723.915. tare | Be { ---- " . HAIR! for rent. Op- ith Famk| 4 FURNISHED basement apartment, portunity for ambitious hairdresser to A GREATER opportunity w | OFFICE Very central. separate bathroom, eup- urroundings household and | FURNITURE fires dryers, ofie basin Jsite Boz 15, farm profuctas ins vitamins, tonics. (fler. insulated. Garage option Oshawa 'Times for appointment, ~| cosmetics, ete. Full time Sealership | AND PARKING further details, telephone 723-9128. {brings repeat profits, Familex Dep THREE-ROOM apartment, vielnity of 145 KING W. TEXACO CANADA S13. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, ot South EROON Sel contained. private to Western Tire LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North entrance. Telephone 723- © essential. Fuller Brush Company, 844 728-4401 Eighty Street West, Toronto, or phone Telephone 728 8 | newly decorated, al "tebe nes 5 w Close to Shopping Centre. Suital r sell, hos o modern established ver- | | oi "needed. Full or part- |23--Wanted to Rent quiet couple, Telephone 725 coe Street North in Oshowo. |imexylietime security. Experience Sun. FHEEE | house |TWO-ROOM furnished basement apart: An excellent opportunity for | weekly and up. No competition. Write Pleas veply to Box 100, Oshawa Post|pathroom. Close tn. bus service. and ' t., « the right man to enter into Chicago 2. TI. 3 West Madison Sh. Offive Ritcon Road School. Telephone 728. business_for himself . . . We | ou i iceman, full or parttime. |24--Houses for Rent IVE Toon invite inquiries from aggres- Commission basis, Apply Jack Perry. - rage. TV ae {AVAILABLE September 1, sxecutive's fon 4 ious to become - independent North, near high and public schools. {Phone 725-1343. business men, B KKEEPER Phone R. Schofield, Schofield Insurance |FOUR-ROOM apartment in quiet home, 1 Associates Lid. 723-2265. tan Sonyeniefing » with private ntrance, fer working couple, ia |STX-ROOM house on Rossland Road Would pre ment 'course is offered to suc- Permanent position. Re- | West, close to school and bus, double Monthly Telephone 725-9297. cesful applicant. $3,500 ply Box No. 238, Osh- marae Healey, Port Perry. private entrance, bath: also twe room copital required Writa --- awa Times, Hotng qual- {935 SENECA STREET NORTH -- new apartment Telephone 723-2315, 730 Sim- i ti references. |bungalow, three bedrooms, living room, x . - TEXACO CANADA LTD. itications ond re {kitchen, and bathroom. $80 monthly. DESIRABLE second floor downtown ¢/o J). F TALBOTT Available immediately. 836 Simcoe apartment, self-contained, three rooms [NEW three-bedroom brick bungalow heat and water, adults only, $60. H {with fenced-in yard, all modern conveni- = Phone 728-4231 SERVICE MAN ences, close to South GM. Reasonable. SELF-CONTAINED, three - room apart Oshowo Telephone 728-2896 ment, private bath, heat, lights, hol REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY {APARTMENTS -- four and six large Vater included, TV outlet, use of bach 14--Employment Wanted Young man 24-35 years of | Soop Loi er, all modern conveni. 'THREE room basement apartment, TYPING done at home, Telephone 00° Must be experienced in lences. Direct dial CO 3-239. bath, laundry (facilities, private ene 985-2907 Port Perry, Ontario the repair and maintenance ATTRACTIVE snack bar for rent or 0 heavy Joy wiring. Telephone sale, with four large rooms, bath, for op Hd larmony South. commission All employee responsible party: or an large four-room wunfur- é Bh y 4 nished apartment, VOMEN ene f Appl : . WOMEN yaad to do Jart time gitice benefits pply FURNISHED, unfurnished, partly Jr. Sorated close fo bus. Telephone 725.3243 Seaning, evel a weekends. Apply BF Goodrich nished, three - bedroom, new low er Fr : : duplex, automatic hot water heating, THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, sult- DINING room waitress (experienced), Store washer, dryer, TV, large paved drive; able for quiet married couple, elee- full or part time. Good working condi 88 Ww utilities paid. Near all schools and shop. in h sand Write Box 246 Oshawa Times, Mrs. ager, Hotel L ncaster, Oshawa King St : Os awa | box. Children welcome Mo 8.5670. $19 MONTHLY and up Modern one. - |EXPERIENC "salesgirl, Apply | SIX ROOM new bric house, semi- or two-bedroom apartments, few nyworth's Department Store. 21 |detached, includes aluminum storms apartment buildings, all conveniences, Street West and screens, $80 monthly. Available beautifully d. orated, centrally located. PART-TIME experienced cafeteria as October 1. Telephone MO 8-8015. 725.6674 or 728.5: star eed. yi AVAILABLE immediately in Whitby, BACHELOR re apartment, afeteria or telephone 725-1322 for fur. ther T particulars galow, completely decorated. Modern stove, downtown. Available immediate. $23 WEEKLY IN OSHAWA conveniences. Will lease for $85 month- (ly. Reasonable. 39 Simcoe North, : lv or sell with low down payment. 725-3352 128 8349 or after 9 p.m. 723.9866. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment on » Simeos |TWO - storey residence, seven rooms, |Street North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 a.m. all conveniences, large lot in the village [lo 5 p.m ae an experienced furni- of Leskard, $30 monthly. Appreciate; FURNISHED three . room "apartment, p.m. Hamilton's Insurance Service. |\aundry facilities. Suitable for cotiple, ture salesman, salary Phone Orono 1 R 16 u For appointment and details, \eleprons ak} ON STEVENSON ROAD SOUT 725 and commission bas- Six-room brick bungalow for pent, TWO-BEDROOM furnished to Shopping Centre and hus, available jp Doone "RENEE fits. south door. --.. |washer-dryer, janitor service. FIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent, on iate occupancy. 725-1215. Burk Street North. modern conveni- ences. two bedrooms. Possession Sep- THREE-ROON. unfurnished apastment tember 13. Telephone 725-4365 for de-|i, 'ovorvihing. adults only, suit quist FOUR bedrooms, fenced in Jot, close monthly. 723.7530 to school, shopping, bus, very reason able rent, furnished if desired. No extra Must BE S| charge. Telephone 723-7463 TWO-BEDROOM bungalow arewell Avenue South, for particulars telephone 725-4580 1961, self-contained first floor suite, twe FIVE-ROOM house for vent, centrally rooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and re- located. Available Sept. 1. Telephone frigerator, heat and water. Suitable for 723-9889, bachelor apartment or downtown office. home, carries for $82 monthly, interest "th and principal. Room in basement now BACHELOR apartment, two 1 rooms, 1 un- renting for $32 monthly. Why pay rent? | furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, etp: Live in your own home and save. Call boards, private entrance, TV outlet, nik Irwin Cruikshanks, 728-5123. L1 oy d business couple or single person. [SEVEN-ROOM house on Oshawa - Port BRIGHT, two-bedroom apartment | for Perry highway, water on tap, oil Be {rent on Russett Avenue, Siasanvanl nace, three-piece bath. T 5-| ences. |3596 for further information. 9341 for farther particula 5. Must be of neat appearance Five ROOMED house on Taunton Road NICELY furnished, warm basement including electric - mantel, people. A challenging and re oe bedrooms. Near bus and school. |automatic washer and dryer, central, * |Telephone 728-6158 warding future for those FOUR-BEDROOM home in hamlet, Va. for further particulars. described cant. With option of buying. Close to TWO-ROOM furnished bachelor apart |115 Highway. % acre garden. Good ment, stove, refrigerator and sinks well and cistern, . Telephone Orono 17116. | also large furnished housekeeping room. | n new ssction of the | Gentlemen only, Telephone 723.7460. 488 Four-bedroom, Owner will z . 725-6544 THREE-ROOM apartment, in apartmen) 2 Limit- | building, bright, clean, washer, ab Advertising in radio, T.V. ed. Realtors. parking. Available September 8, neaf newspapers A FIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent, all Shopping centre. No children. 312 Ste Te d. Sell VALLEY CREEK work for herself. Two operator booth x! It's time for You lo fo ahea FOR RENT boards, refrigerator, range, Je-humidi. or | FOUR delivery men, $1.50 per hour. | HREE-ROOM unfurnished avarimiont; vice station to lease on Sim- day School, ministry helpful. Earn $100 | Road district east of es Street. | ment, with built-in cupboards, epi H - Harry O, Perry Ltd. sive individuals who are anx ry Perry . ~liige or hemor rome eon Available on' nd 1 SPECIAL A service stotion manage garage. Available September 1. Write GROUND floor, three room apartment, TIRE North. 728- 5209. ané bath, unfurnished. heavy wiring, Box 233, Whitby, Ontario = |rooms, private bathrooms, heavy duty lawn. Available September 1 1. 728-4263. of Truck Tires. Salary plus 16--Femal, WwW vent living quar- ATTRACTIVE e Help anted ters only, reasonable. Newcastle 2146 with bath, newly de- trically equipped with refrigerator and "for tions: No late night work. Apply Man ping plaza. Swings and roofed sistants required. Apply to the YWCA EA | 0 N S new three bedroom semi-detached bun-|private, three piece bath, refrigerator, references, Phone between 6 and 9)... private bathroom, TV outlet, and is, all employee bene- |immedatery. Apply 31° Celina | Street, | he Jools. 10s tails business couple. Available now. $83 immediate occupancy, oil 5658 DOWN buys this five-room brick [see Mr. Kozak at Johnston's, 8 Simeoe $53 | Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) Realtor. monthly inclusive. 124 Park Road North. ond able to meet and talk to st, near Five Points, kitchen, apartment, teachers preferred. Telephone 725-1563 NEW bungalow deco. | Simcoe Street North. decorated, available now, with private |Yenson Road South 6--Auction Bookkeeping L SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades ALL types of repairs and ling, new and used materials able rates Estimates free 723-6931 Foley Opto etrists , K, KO, Optometrist "Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex amined at home. Dial 725-4587 F. RICHARD BLACK. Doctor of Optom etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne Evenings by appointment, 723.4191 Painting and Decorating PAPER HANGING and painting serv ice, Discuss the decorating of your home with Allan Van Horn. Phone "1728-2822, EXPERT painting by Don, at reason e rates. Telephone CO 3-2780 or 723 325 PAINTING by tradesman, work guar anteed, free estimates, exterior and inte rior work, reasonable rates. Telephone 728.2558 remodel. Reason Dial imate on digging basements b; TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728.5804 ? 7? ? WHY Because tast ficient service ef- we give regl some day save money experience satisfied ond save) Servic $2.50 checked tuner cleaned, picture Drive In and best Tubes glass set up for COMMENCING THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES be held ot the wil| DURHAM COUNTY SALES ARENA, ORONO - 7.30 PM EVERY THURSDAY J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Mgr. HOUSE pletely 7--Trailers trailer, 10 feet x 41 feet equipped and furnished. com two 35 for the manager be of oll work, Must proficient in phases secretarial able to handie flow of inter departmental material and work on own initiative essen tial A good educctian, ability te work efficiently with people ond a pleasing personality prime requisites Please apply stating qualifications perience and solary required to: in writing ex MR, ROSE Nabob Food Division of drive and Managerial position open in ply 758 Ritson Road South neor future to a go-getter. Call ond discuss your future with us 333 SIMCOE ST. S. 9.5 Lovely house of 9 rooms at 44 ELGIN EAST $150 MONTHLY. CONTACT 18--Male or Female Help Wanted PART-TIME woman or elderly man 728-1679 ge. Reliable tenants. Ap: TWO four-room spacious HARRY MILLEN Real Estate required to run punch press on piece work basis. Telephone 728. 1658. EXPERIENCED tobacco tiers, want ed. Can have room and board if neces. SIX-ROOM = apartment, sary. Apply Peter Lamers, RR 1,|APartment, 'astleton, Telephone Grafton 6 R 2. ('ral location, 725-0081 or 725-9544. FOUR-ROOM _ artment, stove 20--Room and Board built-in cupboard, $12.50 WEEKLY -- suitable for refrigerator, lady in home of young couple, close |piece bath, Telephone 725-3938. "also five-room | parking facilities, very cen. TWO bedrooms, [ three. YOUng | Two large rooms sompletely, "furnish. | light, water supplied, two laundry, parking facilities. 1 7088. { heat, Iw ooms, Montrave Avenue, Executive Hove. VERY CENTRAL, unfurnished thres room apartment, newly decorated, vate bath, and entrance, built-in boards. Immediate possession. | phone 723-3078, rtments, or house, ath LL] pri cup: Tele APARTMENT -- two rooms with three- piece bath, furnished or unfurnished, as desired, available immediately, central, near North GM and shopping. 19 borne East | TWO-room self-contained 725-8106. Adults preferred. | Street. Col. ned cot? iment unfurnished, private bathroom, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent| fio ping Baton JRC on ground floor, stove and refrigerator, broadloom throughout, Five minutes from South Motors. Available September 1. 6924 or apply 157 Bloor East, couple preferred or one child. General 725- Business DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting good. as 107 BYRON ST. 5., WHITBY nt. | TRIO THEVISION 278-6781 Well Drilling-Digging : 9--Summer Properties TED VEENHOF for Sale or Rent Simcoe Street FRG Soa - - & oa Ta er, . DIGGING oL foot, new condition. CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESS50R WORK 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO B.2563 MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 10|ad for light [THREE-ROOM apartment in a artment Kelly Douglas and Co Ltd 359 STATIOIN STREET AJAX, ONTARIO {ROOM "and bath on ground floor, with | 17 7 --Male Help Wanted kitchen privileges, in comfortable nada's newest product, "made | friendly home for lady. Reasonable, | in "Oshawa, full or part-time. Make £100 nea Pi shopping centre. Abstainer. | or more per week. Telephone 728-4091, | 72 FUEL OIL Moomes wovaes ave TRUCK DRIVER close to South GM. 728-2817 Preferably With ON ATHOL Street East near fown. room and hoard, suitable for a single man or girl. Apply 260 Athol Street BURNER SERVICE Tat EXPERIENCE Reply Box 238 Oshawa Times vears old. Reasonably priced. Ralph Jones, Newtonvilie, on No. 2 Highway. bus. all conveniences. Telephone 728-|,0ctrie refrigerator, use of washing | 281s machine and dryer, centra) to dow ROOM and board for girl in "widow's [town and shopping centre. Adults, home. Close to bus, Shopping Centre, | weekly. 725.5227. schools, Laundry, lunches packed. 723- I 7687 after 5. dren, please Apply 103 Wilson Road 44 North, Apartment 3. [MUST SEE to appreciate! New modern apartment, five large rooms, wall te |wall broadioom, colored bath, beaui- fully decorated, all conveneinces, excel lent location. 728 -5282. MODERN, quiet two bedroom base ment apartment on 15 Gibbon Street. Adults or with children over 12. Avail able September 1st. TRALLY | A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Repairs? As BUY NOW AND SAVE ' See Our Display of GLENDETTE TRAVEL TRAILERS AWNINGS IN STOCK Parts ond Service ot Cooks Trailer Sales Highway 2, East of Oshawa TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms -- free use of auto- matic washer and dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt Same da new! J. M. Greer, BA, Sc.. 725.3368: Te 1 mate Jesies V. Nelly; PA; BCL, 735832 FACTORY Moegoreery MORTGAGE : CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered JOBN A. CAMERON, Barrister. Solici- in ardwood cuttings. FOR ANY WORTH- [like new Why pay more? Our rates Fast. 723.2269. NHA and priv ate|phone 728-8535 WHILE PURPOSE Mattresses re-built Oshawa Upholstery . £ | EC . "4 " 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister. Food Freezer Services EXAMPLES OF ONE OF OUR oti Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King PLANS AVAILABLE Street East 728-2381. Res, YU3-2127 HOMARKET You Poy Loan. Bol. GREER, Associate Barriers ad Son FOOD & FREEZER co $1600 $37.65P.1 Y vitors, 130 King Street ast 37. > Yr Mortgage loans available : 2000 7.12P1. SY. RUSSELL J. MURPHY. BA, LLB. 2500 S9.89P.1 5Yr Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street All Name Brand Groceries MONTHLY PAYMENTS 123 BROCK N., WHITBY d 4 JAMES A. MacDONALD, 8B INCLUDE ALL COSTS Barrister and Solicitor and Notary [23 MO 8-5875---MO 8-5876 Other plans with lower lie. The Commercial Bulldih, x West, Oshawa, Ontario. lent par ins | Nast: oanaw Gardening and Supplies Oshawa residents op DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister CEDAR TREES for hedges, (ste), any and ash ZE 7-6540 (no and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. size, choice quality guaranteed, free de toll charge Others coll 3-3935, Bowmanville ; 5 2 |BROWN'S TREE REMOVAL BARFRIED Solicitor. Money to loan Office 1444 2 experience, Telephone Kin ce. East, Oshawa, 728-8232.555 3:66, Brooklin ENTERPRISES 1 (a OSHAWA Member of Ontario Landscaping designing, sod- ding, seeding,( weed killing, Complete garden service, 6-YD. LOAD--%8.00 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE GRAVEL -- STONE RA 3-3528 CEMENT GRAVEL fuidug | mosses. | SAND AND FILLING UR mney cleaner. Chim. E NS | mevs built and repaired, gas linings in EVANS LOAM AND 2997 ALL "types building repairs, "roofing, 725- 5279 eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, 728-0384, Gordon May CERAMIC, plastic wall tile. woodwork LOAM. GRAVEL i fl verings. Free estimates Wark guaranteed. 728-0850 SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL YOU sell your boat and other marine tin a hurry in the action vonered Oshawa Times Clasiried ads TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725- 2156 Dial 723.27. Residences phone TO PAY OFF A South. Call 728-6451 for a free esti tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street for are reasonable Satisfaction guaranteed mortgages arranged 0, RALPH JONES, BA. and THOMAS H Borrow Monthly Term Owir Red ond Blue Brond Only East, Oshawa, Ontario, 728.2071. monthly payments available. Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi: livery, For estimates, telephone MA Guelph TA 2.9062 collect AN. QC, Barrister, i Over 20 years HOME L DSC p G Mortgage Brokers Asin, 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est GRAVEL SUPPLIES. 5. 723 sidewalks, stoops Work guaranteed 728- LOTS LEVELLED Dial 723-3492 today te get yours started DRIVEWAYS First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Price UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 PLASTERING Satistac Personal Service - SPECIALIST in permanent waving Is E. R. KNOWLTON faith ibuiie, ies "eso 75 waves at budget prices. Telephone 723 LANDSCAPING SERVICE located furnished room with use of kitchen and washing ma- chine in clean, quiet home. Telephons ! 150 for further particulars. NICELY furnished bright clean room for gentlemen, suit one or two, Apply 36 Park Road South or telephone 728. 146. 1632 for further particulars PETER PAN Day Nursery, an or half day, 8.30 to 5.30. 581 North. 728-2604 WELL Available Now Large three-room apartment. Top soil end sod Repairing ond lawn maintenance patio ond sidewalk slabs. 725- 6047 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh doily, sod for truck- ers in the field, Special con- tractor rates 725- 8504 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Oshawa A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling. Now is the time to kill crab grass end chick- weed. Seeding, sodding, sery stock 725-1721 Instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School Ballet. p Tap, Pre School. Registration Saturdly Morn., Sept. 9, Masonic Tem ple. Centre Street 3-7253 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton. tap, RAD ballet Highland Register now. 424 King Street West. 725.6122 Telepho Phone FOUR-ROOM apartment, al | conveni- ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot water free, bus at the door, Apply 168 Verdun Road. Telephone 723- 3096. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, with two-piece private bath and heavy duty wiring, near bus and South GM. Telephone 7 725-7! 763. APARTMENTS in modern building. Avail- able now. Laundry, parking, hardwood floors, 'frig, stove, TV outlet, locker. Call MO 8-3092 after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd, Apt. 5, Whitby. TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER 725-3887 White Washing Stables and Pumping Septic Tanks BERT TOMKINS Newtonville, Ontario TELEPHONE CLARKE 4721 'Frig, heavy-duty stove, pri- vote bath. $70.00 monthly. Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK 'RD CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet For information Coll 723-2563 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments paved parking, T.V. outlet. FROM $85.00 Inquire about our special offer at $82 50. FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787 COTTAGE New in 1957, Gores Land ing, Rice Lake. Walnut finish (furnish ed). Boat house with sun deck. Flow ing well, $6500 with $2000 down. Phone Franklin 27942. Box 144 Cobourg CAMPERS 75 ACRES---COTTAGES boats for ing at PIONEER VILLAGE BUCKHORN LAKE 728-2301 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- Model train locomotive, preferably Canadian type. Telephone 723-3441 between 8.30 a.m. - 5 p.m p- oF there will be. no. oF WANT a better job? It may be waiting ~ Candidates should have at ph 2 33 Eulalie Avenue or telephone . n arge under "Help Wanted" in the Classified least senior matriculation section today. Look now CENTRALLY located, room and hoard. suitable for young gentlemen, friendly home, good cooking, TV. Apply 51 Col horne East. 725-7687 AT 79 MecGREGOR Street -- room and board for gentlemen, to share, single beds, quiet private home, lunches if desired. 725-6721 ROOM 8 board optional, in clean, quiet home, centrally -located. Apply 11 Rowe Street or telephone 728-3350 for more particulars 21--Room & Board Wanted | LADY teacher desires room and board in North West section of Oshawa Please address replies to Box 248 Oshawa Times 22--Store Space & Garages COMMERCIAL huilding for vent As oroximately 50° x 80° on main artery Ampls parking for 25 to 30 cars. Writs Baw 042 Oahaws Tessas gentleman nice! first class home lunches packed. Close to parking 81 Park Road | Room and board for 'clean quiet home, cooked meals, everywhere; South PRIVATE room -- Suitable for young man or lady. close fo town and buses, se 516 PER WEEK -- Willing to share, | single beds, clean home, TV privileges, laundry done. Central. Telephone 725- OPORTUNITY ven day week, lunches packed. Ap ply 173 Ritson Road South, ! One of Canada's leading ROOM "and board, suit gentiemen, niee | clean, quiel home, first class home| Food organizations re- | cooked meals, lunches packed. Close to quires salesman tp con- everywhere, free parking. 82 Park tact food wholesalers and |" North C ; q 131 PARK ROAD NORTH -- Room and grocery chain organiza- tions in the Toronto area. Chicken Telephone Prompt Service ---- tion Guaranteed New Worle or Repairs Nothing too large, Nothing too smell The Price is night - AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 King Street East 728-5103 THE PARROT PAINT CO. is the only Paint Manufacturer in Oshawa rent, excellent fish rides, call sandy beacn TILE pony hoard available, close to bus, suitable for two gentlemen. Telephone 725-0312 for information PRIVATE home. room and board, for his . - - This position offers an out AURGry ne. patkiay. 21v t r standing opportunity to grow with on exponding sales or- ganization Guaranteed Water under ntract SINGLE and double rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. home cooked mi Plumbing Heating ALL plumbing Phone 725-3521, Harold H Ltd., plumbing, heating and ing, 255 Simcoe Street South ALL new rates Foley nur- - we guarantee to obtain wate and heating supplies v r Stark engineer and 0 minimum of five years experience selling to the prescribed sales Fulton Well Drilling HAMPTON CO 3-2790 OSHAWA types of repairs and remodelling, and used materials. Reasonable Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO for for sale, also and metals Open Saturday all day. Phone TIMES 725-2311 89 BLOOR E WANT ADS | wanec SCRAP AND F CHESTERFIELDS re.uphoisterad an 4 | stimates Ses 7 ir meee Betis Tiere, MOST ANYTHING: 72 Commerce or business admin- istration degree an osset paint for prices Wants Parts Get top-quality manufacturing from the factory. Latex Exterior White $5.60 gal. Latex Interior White $5.00 ga! Other Sales office open 4.6 pm eat 1051 NELSON ST, wrecking scrap iron bought. BEATTY APPLIANCES right Barn equipment ESSO irners, hot pumps Liberal starting salary company car, expense account and a full range of benefits plc Fridge, stove, Insurance il bt ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save torcec air furnace to 20 per t, six months to pay ports ond personal service at your home, PARTNER 725-1625 28-16 PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night water and bethroorr service ompany up For eall fixtures Applications, which will be held in confidence, should give full details of education experience, present salary and be addressed io- BOX 450 OSHAWA TIMES IRON, POULTRY EATHER TICKS TURNER 3.2043 . 723- (collact) If you're longing for a cozy, Inok prices similar from charming place to live in the THE OSHAWA whera they ars houses, spartmants! Rug--Upholstery Service columns of TIMES® for rent that's iy 3374 rooms,

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