2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 30, 1961 Frost Tuesday night told a con- vention of municipal officials to give careful problems arising from conflict of interest. : 1,000 delegates at the annual conference of the Ontario Mu- nicipal Association, delegates should refer frequen- OMA Votes Down Tax Exemptions WINDSOR (CP) -- Premier consideration to Mr. Frost, speaking to nearly said the chases. At present, only equip- ment and materials for capital constructions by municipalities are exempt. The resolutions committee rec- ommended also that a Sudbury- sponsored resolution calling for exemptions for fallout shelters from property tax not be adopted. The committee said it did not feel the cost of shelters OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Diefenbaker Tuesday de- # [scribed new Western disarma- i iment proposals, to be put be- fore Russia soon, as "complete and comprehensive." y They will be put forward by the United States after I Complete have been attempts to get conference going again, either inside or outside the machinery of the United Nations. DIDN'T SAY The prime minister did not say what was the main topic at' Tuesday's cabinet tation with all interested West- ern nations, including Canada, Z |Mr. Diefenbaker said. another in a series of almost daily meetings over the past two weeks. Cabinet meets again "RESCUE IN ALPS DISASTER Passenger on one of cable cars left dangling after disas- ter in French Alps at Chami- nox today is rescued with use of ropes. Two other cable cars | sending a group of persons to death. ~--(AP Wirephoto via from Rome) crashed to the snow-covered ground in the White Valley below the mountains. French jet plane severed a cable radio 24-Hour Watches Won't Cross To Check Fire GANDER, Nfld. (CP)--About 1,000 troops and as many more civilians stand ready today to make sure 1,500 square miles of Newfoundland forest already burned out doesn't increase. Freighter | minute. Each pump is tied P k t with 1,500 feet of hose: 1C e S Where fire threatens a town, PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Union the pumps are manned by Crews jongshoremen refused Tuesday of 10 during the daytime hoursito cross a picket line thrown up of peak danger. At night thei t the loading position of the tly to a newly-published Side for elected municipal officials. He said the 24-page booklet, distributed at the conventios, is an abridgement of existing rules and laws. "No policeman in the form of department of municipal affairs can police 1,000 municipalities . . . I doubt that any attempt at such should ever be made," Mr. Frost said. "I think, however, that rea-| sonable, workable rules can be| laid down which allow the peo-| ple themselves to pass a judg-| ment," he added. | DEFEAT RESOLUTIONS { Earlier, delegates voted 75 to] 70 defeat three resolutions call- ing for exemption from the pro- vincial three-per - cent retail sales tax on all municipal pur- chases. A resolutions committee, headed by mayor Garnet New: kirk of Chatham, said it opposed the resolutions because the tax effective Sept. 1, was being lev- ied to raise needed funds fiat would be returned to municipal- ities in general grants. Mayor Leo Del Villano of Timmins, arguing for the reso- lutions, said if municipalities paid the sales tax on purchases it would mean the mill rate would have to be increased, placing a heavier burden on property owners. The resolutions--sponsored by the city of Niagara Falls, Wei- land County and Thorold Town- ship, and supported by 10 other municipalities -- called for ex- emptions on all municipal pur- ' Homicide Charge 'For Two Youths NEW YORK (AP)--Police ar- rested two youths Tuesday and charged them with homicide in the death of a bystander who was injured fatally by a brick thrown from a rooftop at two would have any effect on whether people would build them. WANT INDUCEMENT However, delegates carried a motion that the committee should draft a resolution ap- proving in principle the need for some inducements for the con-| ® struction of shelters. This will be presented to the Ontario gov-| ernment this fall. A resolution was passed call- ing for the Ontario government to launch a study directed tow- ards reorganization of counties with a view to creating a new form of regional government. Catholics Back Right To Organize OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian Catholic Conference said Tues- day that society in Canada has not fully accepted the idea that workers have a right to unite in unions "Too many workers, rural and urban, still do not belong to or- ganizations of their own," said the conference, a voluntary as- sociation of Roman Catholic bishops in Canada, in a Labor Day message. The statement said that the direct action of unions is slowed by the fact that not all workers are in unions, which prevents unions from "playing the role which belongs to them, that of helping to solve the many com- plex problems of our economic society." The statement also noted that the need to establish just eco- nomic and social policies de- mands an "ever-increasing in- tervention on the part of public authority." S today. GOOD FOOD NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH 55 SNACK ROOM BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, DINING ROOM EVENING DINNER-- The precise nature of the ma- chinery to be used was not spelled out by the prime minis-| ter when he talked of disarma-| ment with reporters after aj morning cabinet meeting. { The formal disarmament con- ference of 10 powers, equally divided between East and West, broke down after the celebrated U2 spy plane incident. There OLD NEWFOUNDLAND Newfoundland became Brit: ain's first overseas possession when Sir Humphrey Gilbert proclaimed sovereignty on his| arrival in 1583, | 3 COURSE ur HOTEL LANCASTER (Dining Room Air Conditioned) WAR MINISTER DENYS Brazilian War Minister Gen. | walks | Odilio Denys, right, with an unidentified aide as they leave house of acting Brazilian President Ranieri Mazzilli today. Brazil's three | top military chiefs were re- ported holding firm last night against any move that would allow leftist vice-president Joao Goulart to take over the presidency. --(AP Wirephoto via radio New Food That Can't Fatten You! | What are the facts about | Avicel? -- the new "non-food" | that may enable you to eat | almost anything you want and still not gain weight! Read in | September Reader's Digest how a laboratory accident with a | cousin of sawdust may soon | have dieters eating one-calorie HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS If you plan to attend one of the Oshawa Secondary Schools during the coming year, but have not yet regis- | tered, you should do so at once by letter or by calling in person at the office of the school which you will attend. | ! SCHOOL OFFICES ARE OPEN DAILY FROM MON, to FRI. Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe St. South, 723-4678. O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute, 301 Simcoe St. N. 723-3411 F. J, Donevan Collegiate Institute, Harmony Rd. S., 725-1402, SCHOOL RE-OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1961 Students going into Grades 10, 11, 12 or 13, are asked to report promptly at 9:00 a.m. Students going into Grade 9 will not report until 10:30 a.m. Dr. from Rio de Janeiro) May Restrict -- | cookies -- even low-calorie | chocolate cake! Reader's Digest today | articles of lasting S. G. Saeywell, Get Chairman your ----- 34 J. Ross Backus, Business Administrator Niagara Area WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. Army engineers are considering] declaring part of the Niagara| River above Niagara Falls a re-| stricted area because of the tragedies and near tragedies] that have occurred there. HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. Last 2 Days Of Our crews are usually reduced tolfreighter Wheat King by men policemen. two men who stay on the alert/yhy described themselves as| They were identified as Jose for major outbreaks. unemployed Canadian seamen. |(Pepito) Santiago, 17, and Gil- "The church rejects both a suffocating statism and an indi- vidualism which leads to anar- Since soldiers from Camp Gagetown, N.B., and Valcartier, This would prevent boats from | sailing on the river downstream Que., started arriving here Fri- day eastern Newfoundland has received more than two inches of rain, enough to keep the fires| in check temporarily. This has given civilian fire: fighters a breathing spell from the gruelling pace of chasing blazes around the countryside for the last 11 weeks. While com munities were threatened, residents and volun- teers from other towns joined with prof e s sional firefighters towns are not paid for their services. The law provides that anyone can be conscripted in a national Union (Ind.) in viola- fire emergency. Most of them|tjon of an Ontario Supreme have been loggers, except foriCourt order: The pickets, who 120 transport department and|woylq not give their names, and RCAF personnel who went said they were not sponsored by to work when fire threatened| Jit imernational airport town of| The picket line was estab- LOGGERS BEST Volunteers used in saving A spokesman for a shipping |company said the picketing was |ordered by the Seafarers Inter- any union. {lished early Tuesday before {longshoremen reported for work Mr. Ralph says the loggers into load the Bermuda-registered| bert Caraballo, 18. The victim was Ramon Rojas, 43, who was among a crowd that gathered Monday night as the officers questioned Nicholas Caccheus, 19, about reports that someone had been shooting at children with a rifle. Police said Santiago threw two bricks and Caraballo one in an attempt "to help the man from Gill Creek. chy. Neither state absolutism nor unre strained competition] In a letter to Senator Ken- can be considered as the basis neth Keating (Rep. N.Y.), the of a social order that will be in (engineers said they had fixed keeping with the demands of|Sept. 11 as a deadline to re-| our human nature." |ceive views of any public body The statement said that the or individual on the advisabil- state must encourage 'its citi-|ity of creating the zone. | zens to accept their responsibil-| A report then will be sent to ities and to provide them with|the secretary of the army for the ins'itutions that are favor-|gecision. get away." THURSDAY -- LAST DAY Lower Than Discount House Prices Thursda able to joint actions. "It is understood," the engin- jeers' letter said, 'Canada is | is the BRAND NEW FRIGIDAIRE Large Selection many ways are the best type of vessel. The ship has been the firefighters to be found any-|centre of a dispute between the where, "They know the bush; (powerful independent SIU and they've usually had experience{the 1,000 - member Canadian with fires and they own their Brotherhood of Railway Trans- own tools, warm clothes, and|port and General Workers Un- sleeping bags." lion (CLC). The man taken off logging op-| An injunction against SIU erations -- he estimates there pickets was issued by the Su- have been up to 1,500 at any|preme Court of Ontario order- |considering promulgation of a| regulation which will have the | effect of prohibiting unauthor- ized vessels from using Cana- dian waters three miles above | the Falls." | Mayor Calvin L. Keller of Ni-| agara Falls, N.Y., and that| city's council had suggested] and RCMP officers to build fire- breaks and man fire lines 24 hours a day. USE PUMPS Newfoundland's basic fire fighting tools are mobile water] pumps mounted in pairs on a fleet of 46 half-ton trucks. These are kept ready in the danger Last Chance To Save 3% INTERPRETING THE NEWS Results Here ORANGES oWASHERS o DRYERS o FREEZERS oREFRIGERATORS of Used Ap- area at all times. Chief Forester Ed Ralph started out this year with 108 of the pumps and has since added another 120. The province also has a stock of 2,000 portable back tanks. These are for use on fire patrol to extinguish fire in the ground. The back packs consist of a five-gallon water tank with hose and manually - operated hand pump. The motor-driven pumps de-| liver 76 cubic feet of water a one time--are paid $10 a day|ing removal of pickets at Ha- for fighting fires in bush areas. They are considered volunteers if fighting fire around commu- nities. milton after the ship had been picketed in Montreal and Tor- onto. The SIU has denied the right of the railway union to act as bargaining agent for the] crew. | One picket said they were| picketing the ship because it employs a Greek crew at sub- standarc. wages. A shipping spokesman said the ship employs Canadian sea- men at the same rate as other Canadiau carriers. Mr. Ralph feels the problem of discipline and co-ordination in the face of fires is one of the chief problems. "If you get 10 people who can't work together on a hose line you're lost. You have no choice but to trust them and hope they will do the right thing." A LITTLE WARMER THURSDAY WEATHER FORECAST i| partners that it will be prepared {iby mid - September to inform j{them what kind of deal it will 1lseek in negotiating terms of Bri- ! |tish entry to the Common Mar- 1 ket, : | |VITAL INTERESTS 4|out at a meeting in London of By ALAN DONNELLY The fog of uncertainty as to how Canadian trade might be affected by British membership in the European Common Mar- ket may be cleared away--in part at least--by this time next month. By then, Canada should know whether or not to press for the conference of Commonwealth prime ministers that has been repeatedly suggested by Prime Minister Diefenbaker. The United Kingdom has quietly told its Commonwealth This information, it was learned in Ottawa, will be set Commonwealth government of- ficials--but not cabinet minis: ters. U.K. negotiations with the six-nation Common Market are expected to start in October at Brussels. Britain has said it wouldn't] to protect the of Common- in the UK. arrangements 'vital interests" wealth countries market. Canada has a big stake in the, U.K. market, which takes about one-sixth of all Canadian ex- ports. British membership in the Common Market would en- evitably mean some changes for the worse in U.K. tariff treat- day. Mainly clear with fog Sunny, Warmer : For Thursday Forecasts issued by the Tor- 'onto weather office at 4 am. EDT: Synopsis: Fog patches re- ported at a number of points will dissipate before noon, giv- ing southern and northeastern Ontario sections another fine y. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, southern Georgian Bay Niagara, Haliburton regions, Windsor, London, Toronto, Ha- milton: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals today and Thursday, a little warmer. Winds light to- day, southwest 15 Thursday. Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami, Cochrane regions, patches tonight, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron: West to southwest winds 12 knots. Mainly clear with fog patches tonight. Northern Lake Huron, Georg- ian Bay: West to southwest winds 15 knots increasing to 20 tonight, Partly cloudy today: North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with cloudy periods today with a chance of an isolated thunder- shower: Mostly cloudy with scat- tered thundershowers tonight and Thursday, a little warmer. Winds southwest 15. White River, Algoma regions, Sault Ste. Marie: Cloudy with a few sunny periods and scattered showers or thundershowers to- day and Thursday, a little Scattered thundershowers and fog patches tonight. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Thursday: Windsor . 65 90 St. Thomas London .... Kitchener . Wingham . Hamilton St. Catharines .... Toronto warmer, Winds southeast 15, be- Marine forecasts valid 11 a.m. Thursday: Lake Ontario: Westerly winds, 12 knots shifting to southwest to-| until Peterborough coming northerly 15 Thursday.|Trenton .... {Killaloe Muskoka North Bay . Sudbury ... Earlton «veeveee wes 60 85 wes 60 8 ment of Canadian goods. | So far, however, Canada has {been in the dark as to just how |far Britain would go in bargain- ling with the Common Market | for protection of Commonwealth interests. COMMONWEALTH TALKS The issue is certain to be in the forefront of discussions (when Commonwealth finance |and trade ministers meet in two Ghana, eir annual conference. | Because this conference will {precede the London consulta- tions, however, it is not likely that the Commonwealth minis- [ters at Accra will be able to {carry discussions with the UK. much farther than they have al- ready gone. Mr. Diefenbaker said Monday senior Canadian officials al- ready have held bilateral talks |with U.K. government officers. He said if further talks aren't successful in removing the threat of serious harm to' Ca- {weeks at Accra, for [th Clearer Soon products, '"'then a prime minis: ters' conference would be neces: | sary." CANADIAN CONCERN | Canada's concern over the ful ture of her British market for | farm products is shared by Aus- tralia and New Zealand. But Canada has a larger stake tuan those countries in the fu- ture of the British market for manufactured goods. Sales of Canadian manufactured goods there expanded greatly year, and this is regarded as a promising growth market. Tt is pointed out in Ottawa that Britain's proposals for ne- gotiating entry to the Common Market may not be entirely ac- ceptable to the powerful Euro- pean trade bloc. The U.K. has set out the prin- ciples it wil! follow in seeking to protect not only Common- wealth trade interests but also the British agricultural industry and its partners in the seven- member European Free Trade Association. Whether it' can get these ac- cepted will depend, in large measure, on the strength of the Sale To China Details Today OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Hamilton will an- nounce details today of a new sale of Canadian wheat to Com- munist China, informed sources says the announcement ex- pected at 4:30 p.m. EDT. The latest Chinese grain deal --the fourth this year -- is ex- pected to be about 6,000,000 bushels of wheat. chortly, sources said, from St. Lawrence ports. Whether it will be sent to China directly or pos- sibly to an eastern European country will not be known until | the shipping is booked. Red China made two pur-| chases, one small, worth $64. 000,000 in wheat, wheat flour and barley before signing a 2};- | vear general agreement under which Canada would provide 186,700,000 bushels of wheat and 46,700,000 bushels of barley. The Chinese bought another $60,000,000 worth -- on credit-- under this agreement and a fur- ther large order is expected to he placed after a visit next month of grain and trade dele- nadian exports of agricultural gates. Jost] The order will be shipped | imposing restrictions for private | boats on the river. TALLER GIRLS A survey of 135 Japanese |girls born and raised in the United States showed they aver- , FACTORY CRATED Sales Tax pliances Store 'will be closed from 6 p.m. Thurs. 90 SIMCOE ST. S. Aug 31 to Sept. 5 7125-5332 aged 1.6 inches taller than girls in Japan, | WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC THURS. TILL é P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 6 P.M, OPEN | feel free to enter the Common|{ K's bargaining position when | Market unless it secured speciallit sits down with the Common | | Market at Brussels in October. | JUST A FEW TENTS & COOLERS Left that will be sold BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES this week so come in and beat the tax early Thursday. Proctor-Silex TOASTERS TOPS IN TOASTERS Proctor-Silex -- Re- Mary Proctor Master tails at 10.90 plece--Guaranteed 5 16.95--For iid Proctor -- Retails at nly. ne 1289 Proctor Self-Lowering For Pop-up Automatic -- = 76,80 for WESTINGHOUSE HAND MIXERS--Milk shake attachment, stand and bowls Retoil 34.45. WHOLESALE = SUNBEAM Steam & Dry IRONS -- Waigh BELOW 'WHOLESALE 15.95 ° MEN'S NYLON FLITE BAGS Hang them in the closet with- out unpacking at all your stops. Lightweight too! RETAIL ot $29.95 BELOW WHOLESALE 14.97 OSHAWA DISCOUNT 290 ALBERT STREET. New General Electric FRY PAN With probe thermostat so it can be romeved and the pon sub- merged in water for cleaning. Retails Model 522 91 Q7 29.95. WHOLESALE COFFEE PERKS 6-cup unit that retail nation. ally at 11.95. 8 95 1] NO WHERE ELSE NO WHERE ELSE Life-Saving Equipment will be sold at COST THIS WEEK to make room for Hunting Supplies BINOCULARS 7 x 50 IF complete with 2 straps and Pigskin Carrying Case. REPEAT OFFER. ONLY 15.95 New Model Schick Compact Men's Electric Shaver, with the only hable, fully adjustabl shaving head! Only at "THE DISCOUNT 10 50 LJ fai NO WHERE oe FILM 127, 620, 120 BLACK & WHITE ANSCO, roll K135-20 KODACHROME . KR135-20 HIGH SPEED KODACHROME KR135-36 HIGH SPEED KODACHROME AT THESE LOW, LOW PRICES 8 MM MOVIE CHROME 8 MM KODACHROME, 50' . 8 MM HIGH SPEED KODACHROME . INE 3.99 All Kedachrome Film & Movie Chrome includes developing. HOUSE". .. HOUSE (Between Gibb & Olive) 728-0311