The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1961, p. 19

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25---Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Resl Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles for Sele oD Avice for Sele ROOM apartment on Simeoe wi North. Telephone 725-8343. % a.m. p.m. SAREE racist Mout, raished clean, quiet, close 728-5984 - room apartment, tlet, and entrance, a : close to South General Motors and [ Two-pEDROON furnished a; APRIL suit four Seopls. ldoat for schoo Si SR on 3 "Rapied, paring bathioes est. "adie FT partment, near transporeation. He p> A FINEST selection of summer property Haliburton. two-room [38,556 alt bath, aves ample cupboard eace. Tk |? ] PARTLY VURNISHED two-room fist, use of washing machine, Adults. Ap | 48 Drew Lg L] nds s SEVEN ood in brick, 19 siorey, VIAS08 oF. or trade i for MO. Adel 1alde 27 --Real Totate for Sale LARGE double brick, two baths, oo. ard Landscaped on {Wo or Tour a oll furnace :. 'tos two miles from oy dru, gr Smith. RR 3 Uxbridge, yard, Arafe. | pRYVATE 28 acres of son at 728-6286, 5. D, Hyman Realtor alow, oAluminm Pligg second. value, Call Bob Slovety per gent NHA 728-4385. 900 ACRES of timber and neds Magoc. TT rr Oshawa, 500 aun ao ply 242 Elgin Street | West, TWO large commercial properties, zoned . King treet East, be- "Ritson ily Genosha, with , | tween since, ley of parking sees sid ce tainly an ideal location with full Sotals contact §, To et Newall and Me. Tnernes, Minden oF Bobcaygeon. ¢ PER CENT NHA brick bungalow, ecorated, fenced and jand- 738-4390. BUYING OR SELLING "EDWARD DRUMM" |= LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Live Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, 101 Simcoe Street North 728-5123 1 . D. Hyman, Re: FOUR Corners area. July suite, two , self-contained ¢ first floor ms, bath, kitchenette, stove and re- om. > itor, heat and water, Suitanle for or downto 5 See Mr. Kozak rg ho awn. "= Simcoe North. BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, une furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, eu boards, private entrance, TV outlet, nt business couple or single person, monthly inclusive. 144 Park North, BRIGHT, two-bedroom 3 apartment "for Ro on Russet Avenue, all If you have $900, try an offer on this immaculate brick bungalow just off Ki St. Eost, newly decorot natural fireplace, Jaros ond private drive. $11,» 500. Costs Ebi to look. Call Howe & Peters, Realtors, _725- 4701, a reasonable rent, Telephone 725- #341 for further particulars, NICELY furnished, warm basement apartment, including electric mantel, automatic washer and dryer, central, FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH referred. Telephone 725-1 for further particulars. TWO-ROOM furnished bachelor apart. | ment, stove, refrigerator and sink; also large furnished housekeeping room. Gentlemen only Selerhone 723-7460. 468 Simcoe Street PIRES Roo 5 cd , in apartment | building, bright, clean, washer, Rar iody] centre. No children. 2 "Ste. venson oad South TWO four-room rT or house, heat, t, water supplied, two bath- rooms, lsundry, parking faeclities. 480 Montrave Avenue. 723-7088. VERY CENTRAL, unfurnished "three foom apartment, newly decors vate bath, and Roa By built-in boards. Immediate possession. phone , pris cup- Tele- | APARTMENT -- ive fwo rooms with three. bath, furnished or unfurnished, as | available immediately, central, aber North GM and shopping. 19 Col. et Soif-conisined ay floor Sires. 725 $108 Aduts only. 26--Rooms for Rent NICELY furnished room, su two gentlemen. 338 Park Road VERY OENTRAL room, it one or Raking space. Apply South. m, completely couple or single person. Apply 200 King Street West. FURNISHED bedroom, in private home quiet distri $7 weekly. 100 Buck. ingham Avene. 723.3738 or 7 or 7230101. BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished, suit ladies or gentlemen. Close to South General Motors. ed 249 Malaga Road TWO unfurnished ms, middle-aged lady preferred. Bus yop at door. Tele: 2393 for further particulars. ONE furnished bedroom with kitchen, suitable for couple or two ladies. Cen. frally located. Telephone 728-0863 even- ings for further particulars, OLEAN, furnished room with kitchen, | continuous hot water, would be very suitable for gentleman, Lot ally locat- od, 723-9225 for details, foo wm Fong eg aid, bey LY Fmished large room, Solin y Sentieny san, private bath a hill Blvd. 723-7070. ONE single nicely furnished room, ab- Central location, telephone 728- atmosphere. Use of washing ma- Fa 119 Agnes Street, 725-3751. ToBoou Vi Artment, cupboards and Vickery Real Estate Business 728-6228 Res. 728-4879 $13,175--$1175 DOWN | | $12,700--$975 DOWN These are for custom-built homes only, featuring the highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the lotest in new homes for easy ond | comfortable living ! JAMES O'MALLEY 2 723-7122 © FARM 75 acres, paved road, bam 30° x 80', dwelling has con- | veniences. $15,000.00 with | $6,000 Blackstock | crea. BUSINESS BLOCK Bowmanville, main corer, Five business establishments and five apartments. To close estate WE HAVE OTHERS, CALL AND TALK IT OVER. J. VANNEST REAL ESTATE BROKER | 118 KING ST. EAST PHI MA 3.3230 | sperimant,| | i 2x42 Elzaveth | cosh | IDEAL FAMILY HOME Good central location, Rich- mond St. East, Close to school, transportation, shop. ping, eonsisting square-plon two-storey rug brick, Six rooms, large living room, paved drive, 'landscoped, oil heated, List price $13,000. Reasonable terms arranged. For information calle WES ELLIOTT Telephone 728-0581 ERNIE HOLMES REAL ESTATE | Telephone 725- 2363 a | Parking 1 facilities. Telephone 738- 1415 for fu details. pod apartment with stove and itor, eentral. Also double roem with beds and cooking privileges. FURNISHED - sitting re room with hotplate and ar bus route. North Simcoe Street, suitable for single girl. Telephone 728-8925. TWO attractively furnished rooms, pear bus and shopping, parking facili- ties, i 5 Preferred. Apply 466 Albert Street. Telephone 728-0669. pod Sie rooms TET bathroom for light , in a quiet widow's home. Close to Centre and X 723-0682 ATTRACTIVE clean furnished bedroom suitable for refined person in private adult home, central, pr space Svatlable. Telephone 723-3519 for de- ~ light room with Teliigeraior, flitles, five minite walk corners. 163 South, SINGLE furnished room, also two rooms, light cooking privil- eges, use of tele central loca. tion, Apply 180 Bruce Street for fur. ther particulars, Mpa sng fae- from four Simeoe Street ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 7 7 SCHOFIELD | Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST, WEST 723-2265 A FINE HOME On Simcoe St. North, in quiet, tree-shaded residential orea. Close to both public and high schools. Just a short hop to downtown A 6-room, well-kept older home with wall - to - wall broadioom throughout. 3 bedrooms (master bedroom 12" x 22' with twin closets) . + +» separate dining room -- good working kitchen . . modem bathroom: with show- er, separate toilet in base- ment . . . living room 12' x 22' with natural fireplace . . . basement partitioned, has separate work room, cold storage room, laundry room, and play area with re- cessed lighting installed. And there's a paved drive to ol- most new garage. Owner transferred. All this for an exceptionally good price, contact Bill Mc- Feeters, evenings 725-1726 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ATTRACTIVE one . bedroom apart. ment, modern building, $830 monthly, all conveniences. ole ione MO 841 days; evenings MO 38-8089. FURNISHED, three - room basement |g it for rent, ADewiy decorated. |For RENT -- two-bedroom wwastmente |. iB end $100, in modern building, refrigerators. MO 8-359], wave to rent -- Single or obs Phone. 'MO location, Parking. A Abstainers. Phone MO 8-3243. SALESLADY required, must be exper in selling ladies wear. A Breslins', 121 Brock Street MODERN new triplex. with all con- veniences, on paved tad, bus at Soar, sear public school and Shureh. 12 per eent gross income on investment. $8000 down. Owner will take first a 725-3090. Shérwood 98541 Ottawa, 999% FULL price, three-bedroom bun galow, garage, oil heating, sewers, close to school. Immediate possession. Tele. phone MO 8-5179. FOR RENT -- Self-contained apa ment, three rooms and bath, central, heated, available immediately. Jack Wilson MO 83-3718. DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers. and fi dng our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO TOWER duplex for rent, five very large rooms, refrigerator, range, hot water heated, $100 monthly. Possession Sep- tember 1, 425 Dundas East. FOR RENT -- two-room unfurnished apartment, second floor, private bath, one child heat, hydro. Phone MO 3-5709. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks Waler Ward, 304 Chestnut West, Phone MO $2563. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8.2660 | |DRESSMAKING Lady's 8 AVAILABLE TRY in Whitby, | new three-bedroom semi-detached bun. galow, completely decorated. Modern conveniences. Will lease for $85 month- ly or fog with low down payiient. 725 8349 9 p.m. 723 723- FOR PS -- One large fur Tried light housekeeping room on main floor, suitable for lady, laundry privileges. For more information. 'Telephone Mo BC SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping service for smal] Donan. weekly, monthly or as faired, $1,500 DOWN or Hn offer. $13,500 full price, Three year, six-room brick, mit SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 King Street W. 723-2265 REG. AKER == Pres BILL McFEETERS --Vice-Pres. RANCH BUNGALOW WEST Qutstonding brick and stone bungalow, 4 years old, Feo- turing large family room 18 x 23', Beautifully finished with fireplace and many ex- tras. Hos large living room, dining room with built-in china cobinet. Modern kit- chen, 3 bedrooms, 1 4-pc. bath en main floor, 2-pc. bath ond rec-room in base- ment. Attached garage, land- scaped grounds, hedged lot, Asking $19,000, terms. Call Henry Stinson for further in- formation, evenings 725- 0243. JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD Realtor Ltd 167 Simcoe S Office Hrs. 9 am. - 9 p.m, BEYOND COMPARE $14,500 full price -- 52. room brick bungalow with attached garage, Hollywood kitchen and mahogany trim. North-east district, bronde new and ready for occupancy. To see this one call Mr. Sib- lock now at 725-6544, KINGSDALE Mary St. North area, 2-storey brick, good - looking house with garage. Very quiet, peaceful area, Call Mr. Rat- cliffe, 725-6544 8 ROOM BRICK Could be used as 5-bedroom or 2-family home. Close to schools, end 2 modern kit. chens. 1 4.pc. bath and 1 2-pc. bath, Well landscoped with high hedge around pro- perty for complete privacy. Full price $13,900. Call Mr, Zurba; 725-6544 or 728- 0569. Members O.D.R.E.B Mortgages Arranged, Bought "and Sold. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $95.00 A MONTH Yes, for $95.00 @ month in- cluding taxes, you con move right in to a six-room brick home, semi-detached. Two left, full down payment $560.00. Coll Irwin Cruik- shanks ot 728-5123, $500 DOWN $500 $7,000 full price, one mort. gage for . the balance ot 6% 9%. This bungalow car- ries for $70.00 per month, interest and pmicipal. Hurry for this one. Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 Insurance $8,900 GOOD LOCATION 3-bedroom 1Va-storey home itn garage, new forced air oil furnace, recreation room. Taxes $133.00. Low down payment ond balance af $70.00 @ month. Act quick! Call Bill Homer ot 728-5123, ON GIBBON ST. $7500 -- $7500 $900 down buys this bun. galow with attached garage. orced air oil heating, low taxes. Good start for young or old. Phone for Bill Millar 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Realtor, 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. ten, por Macko, Realtor 728-4861 id LOT 7% x 200, 18 Ti Garter Rosd, For OE nlarmation, on, apply second house on \ the east side of Garrard Road. PRIVATE six-room brick, two Somerville, IF YOU LIKE Brick siding, shabby hard- wood floors, poor decorating, old style kitchen, coal fur- nace; but can live rent free from the income on one side, this is it. 10 room semi-de- tached duplex, full price only $9,500 Seeing is Believing -- Call Mr. Swarbrick 725-6544 JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD. | DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 41 GLADSTONE AVE. 728-4651 $12,300 full price, 5 roomed brick bungalow, 2 years old Nice lot with excellent view Good value, Call Vic Hulatt. $12,900, 6 roomed brick bungalow. Good lot fully landscaped. Close to schools, buses and shopping. Good value. Call Ossie Martin $12,900, 5S roomed brick bungalow in north east s-c- tion, Good district with fine landscaped lot. Paved drive Good value. Call Doug Gow- er. Insurance LUCAS PEACOCK 2 REALTOR PRICE REDUCED TO $9,900 V.LA. APPROVED Two acres, and a five-room stone and frome alow, with garage. Taunton Rd. E. convenient to school. Oil heating, large kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bathroom. Call us for further particulors ond to inspect. NEED FIVE BEDROOMS? Brick exterior. This fine home has two fireplaces, 142 bathrooms, two-car garage, paved drive. Exceptional value for ao family home. Priced at $12,900. McLAUGHLIN BLVD. 0 ' EXCELLENT BUY -- Six room brick, living room, din ing room, kitchen ond bed- room on first floor, two bed- rooms and bathroom on sec- ond floor. Oll heat, gorage, ond nicely treed yard. Dont' miss seeing this home, Call onytime to inspect, Owner will carry the mortgage NEAR ST. GREGORYS Six-room bungalow in immace ulate condition, ample cupe rd space. New oil fure nace, new roof, private drive, garage. Priced at $7,995. $2,000 cosh, $40 a month, Phyllis Jubb .... 723-3240 Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 Lucos Flintoff . 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS YOUR OWN BUSINESS $2000 -- DOWN -- $2000 Or trade your equity in house, lot or cottage for this well established restaurant in downtown Oshawa. Full price includes oll fixtures at $8,900, No details will be given over the phone, Please call for appointment, terested in some. or drop in at the office if in. 725-6544 JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LTD. 167 SIMCOE § REALTOR | % INSURANCE a nodded, poh screens, shrubs, sw ling bar. MO 8.3423. a, FoR SALE: Late model Crosley auto- ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO| 3.8506, (STUDENTS! 4 @ A par vl Talus, 3 wp | mal paper (news print) wy X. nF, roo Ar Av ply Oshawa Times Office. Whitby 1111 Dundas Street West. and chil. coats and ae | ord, MO 8666. | FOR RENT Boats, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, eamping, | gorden and lawn equipment, | WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITBY -- MO 8-322¢ |dren's wear, suits, BE IN YOUR OWN HOME WHEN SCHOOL COMMENCES N.HA. FULL DOWN PAYMENT $395 No second mortgages, no loans, no extras, mortgoge that carries for approximotely $73 monthly brick bungalows with three bedrooms, oil heat, the city with all conveniences. 725- just one N.H.A. Solid right hers in Only two left at this price 1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED fruit, | phone Broo shape. - rr . 1265 Simeoe Street South. will pt late Se deen lot, accept late mi ei as down payment, Apply 605 '7 "HEVROLET munis d convertible. Tele-|'s1 klin, 653-3467 after § p.m. hr iin So he), wll, 242 Elgin | a rh 1951 on four-door sedan, in good Wrecking '50 Austin, parts for 1953 CHEVROLET Belair convertible, tion, Best 15TON Chevrolet pick-up truck, good condition, priced at $323, Tele. phone MO 8-5110 for further details. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, in Sood a condition, includes radio, aeiiog_ for Oshawa Missicnary ore mitory, after 6 1056 PONTIAC "conch, i. standard, me. chanicaily, A-1, radio, wetons yellow, one owner. Apply 701 Westlake Court after 6 p.m. PRIVATE 1059 Ford | siationwagon "pow- er steering, power bri , automatic, radio, low ery good condi ton. . Telephone MO CENTRALLY located, room and board, suitable for young gentlemen, ftendly bome, good cooking, TV. Apply 51 Col- borne East. 725-7687, HOME - cooked meals with rooms, gen- ig Apply 235 Eulalie or telephone 728 954 GMC. truck, stake, 9500 series, cellent yaondition, heavy licence. "tele phone 725-9528. enh offer, Tele: | Drew after oma Ce it 5 For more particulars dial 725-2002, Ee » 4% Ib, pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib save, pkg. (AWNINGS, canvas, Prom $2.00. Oshawa Times 30. privatise Prot -- CHESTERFIELD suite, baby 7 all good condition, Telephone servics, free estimates. 30--Automobiles Wanted Chair, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. BABY Ange, Wier vue § x & ¥7 | (0 500d used cur, GM WANTED § fox one, kaiat diamond' and Log gh EakesnoRE Auto Wreckers want Highest prices paid. CH $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up. or down, Liens pold off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 Buying a New Cor? | Sell your used Cor to "Ted". Talk "Cosh" to the New Cor Dealer ond "SAVE". 'S0 FORD, new tires, also '53 Chevrolet De whitewalls. Apply 323 Verdun Road 'any {time, "PONTIAC sedan Laurentian, two. {1one, automatic, one owner car, excel lent condition, low mileage. Phone 725- | ans, {58 PONTIAC coach, 3011 series, me- | ehanieally -body A.l, black, new paint job, seat covers. All new trim inside, |white with red and black. Like new, | 8405. 728-1890, '5 PONTIAC Laurentian, white, four. door sedan, automatic, ~whitewalls, power equipped, many extras, . | ehanically Ti h 723-4127 109 MG SPORTS car, never raced, whitewalls, radio, extras, excellent con- dition, low mileage, $1,300 will finance. Telephone 725-8143. '4 BUICK sedan, A-1 mechanically, good shape all way round, signals, heat. jer. 1212 Cedar Street. 728-5680. {1938 CHEVROLET -- Belair four-door, | Ught blue; complete with "radio and | washers, in good condition. Telephones {728.7452, i550 FORD sedan ve "automatic, uy equipped, private, good | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 | | SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. reds up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S 723-9421 |31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S G# RAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723.7822 | CARS WANTED le sn NPY ob SEPIA oN cuble feet, Tan- atta, A five piece excellent chrome suite, in eondition; 10 hp cH hod wus tpment, New, used, buy, sell, trade service. Bil Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook: Top ox akon oo ea alts for mi is ceed fon, CO 3-3341. TENTS, tarpauling, camp cobs, ground ih id Dihaws ya Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723- BEAVER jig saw " Beaver table sa aril Ro * wood lathe, vise. Apply 515 Brock Street Whitby, after 4 A -- tures lessons. "hand Bop The Rev. Reg-|BUS Id C. White, Newtonville, oc- a the pulpit at Sunday morning 11 a.m. wars) held at Brooklin United Chure! The minister led rei reading of Psalm 94, a GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP ongratulations to to Robert o Batty, ay exhibit 'Beech: croft Victor's Thor" was ed. Grand Cham i i Guernsey iendid|at the Canadian National Exhi- 25.350 bition last week. sive Serip- Pi ant 35--Legel NOTICE To D CREDITORS Bhai end others hav- ing claims against the Estate of MARTHA RECALLA, late of the City of Oshawa, are requested to send full pare ticulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the TENTS, camp torus, enic Jie Street West, 725-6511, suit you, 16 FOOT boat and trailer, with 38 horsepower Evinrude motor. Excellent condition, Apply 45 John Street, Apart ment 1 after § p.m. 14 FOOT Cyprus strip boat, year old; 15 horsepower; '55 Evinrude. $300, Ex- | cellent condition, 725-4047. {IMPERIAL Loyalist maple dining room | | suite: table, six chairs, side board and | corner cabinet; also two end tables and Street {coffee table. 830 Somerville after 7 evenings, ee chr Sleeping bags, lan. lan. Tire Store, fH Terms fo 1 on or befors the 15th doy of September, A.D, 1961, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have been recelv- ed. ERNEST MARKS, QC, Solicitor, 17 King St. East, _Oshowe, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS USED portable 1961 Von Shrader up- holstery cleaning machine. In new con- dition. Bargain at 0, Telephone WH 2-24 32--Articles for Sele phone MO 8-5270 after 5.30 p.m. PRIVATE 53 Meteor, customline, very condition, new tires, extras. Private), miles, 48 miles per gallon, 72 Cadillac | Avenue. |55 PONTIAC two-tone, 6-cylinder, au- tomatic, low mileage, radio, excellent condition, mew tires, extra's. Private. {One owner 725.2251, '59 AUSTIN Sprite, good SINGER portable sewing nichings 14+ conditioned and guaranteed. Se 'Sewing C jitany, full price $40. Ajax WH 2 fo and } MO 85467. Pile - - Site cuble foot, Gibson, with 40-pound freezer, 00, in good condition, Telephone 725-4460 for further details, BABY ¢ carriage, | grey, Thistle, converts | b ar bed. Purchased year and a half | -- throughout. - Buyer must be willing to {take over payments. Telephone 728-3927 {for further details. = 3m BUYS '84 Chevrolet in very good | rpning order, $25 down fo reliable | adults. "Stew" 725-1667, CHEVROLET condi 7857283. y MeCLARY r refrigerator, like mew, Also "or McClary electric stove, with coal annex attached, in perfect condition. Tele o 743-2456. TIE annual rental sale. oe «excellent tires, motor custom radio and signals | Telephone 725-1667 I'58 AUSTIN A-55 Cambridge Al condi. ition, inside and out, Batya for quick sale. $750. Telephone 725-39: » ZEPHYR (Ford) Hrd § cylin. 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel. ont condition, $1,200 or nearest offer. 728.117 '59 BUICK, low mileage, two tone blue and white, good condition, automatic, radio, whitewalls. 741 Beaupre Avenus, 728-5004, and body, "Stew" "5% VOLKSWAGEN stationwagon, nine Passenger, washers, radio, rear heater Tos comping, Sew five. Better A Ps Cup- 58 TT EE condition, 6 ey- Liner, two-tone green, Telephone 725. i956 BUICK Super, 4-door hardtop, , radio, white walls, power 'equipped, $845 Apply 289 Malaga Road opposite "Pa rts" "|RANGE, electric; tennis set, pal sale away prices. « Tents, sleeping bags, 'camp cots, air mattresses, stoves, lan. terns, coolers, etc, yo 1961 5 or Gale {outboard motors Also one 10 hp Scott, Brand new sleeping pags to Sear at $2.95 each. Hurry our stock won't last long. Hilltop Motors, T208801. REFRIGERATOR Westinghou, cuble fost, in excellent ine oa phone 728-8042 for particulars, FURNACES, forced air, ten antee, $2.25 per week, no ment. Package deal $130. 725.4729, ar guar own pay. Telephone Quebec heater with oven, $8. Tele 723-777 6 evenings. CONTINENTAL bed, 36 inches. In condition, Also Youth. bed, ark wood, $8. Telephone saa, refrigeraior, dr wid 6 th baby carriage, 'three. plece chesterfield, deep freeze, boat, 3206 trailer, gas range. Call 728- BOAT ru 15-4oot 2 inch sion large mirror, |cURTOM (in he" dash) transistor car radios from $39. Dominion Tire | a { Stores, 48 Bond Street Vest. 53 DODGE two-door hard {motor, new clutch, all good irdiop. ro-bull cus tom radio dash, Must sacrifice, Tele. nis inoiding a Atouisories, trailer hp outboard exceptional t 91000. 7283100, ny SR boat, 14% foot, iraller and Ello moton, 32 hy oll ia' vost condition. Apply 203 Ril RY ye phone 728-1160 after 6 or 48 8 ENVOY for sale, white, with red leather seats, in very good condition throughout, gear shift, Telephone 723 2104 for further details, '85 BUICK hardtop, good tires, motor and interior, some body work requir : | SINGER portable sewing machine, conditioned : i and Wusraived, sews beau. tifully, full price $40. Ajax Sewing Cen- tre. WH 26561 and | 'MO 8-5467. REFRIGERATOR, 1987 FRIGIDAIRE -- 11 cubic feet, $15; | lephone sen tires, most all Eh $3 and wp. B. Goodrich 8 Stores, 7284543, Te- |g EAL \L ELECTRIC console TV condition, $60, en. | Mahogany finish, A-1 on Tereny 1 725-7488 for more pt BUYING or disp |apptianc ete, |experience. Coitax 3-2204. |B. | flares. Ry y, Plan. 725-43 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib eral trade-in allowance. Frees demon sration. T 728-4683, WRECKING 104 Athol Street East Everything must be sold. Hot Water Heating, Boiler, Radiators, Bath Tubs, Sinks, Pipe, Doors, Windows, Hard- wood Flooring, Garage. Lum- ber of every description. COME OVER AND LOOK AROUND Salesman on job. | St. Clair Housewrecking Company Liimited ar Bh Emer, 3 years' t] QODRICH Siorer ~ Tires, bat. rators, id AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD HENRY STACEY, DE- CEASED. ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said Richard Henry Stacey, late of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Bricklayer, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of June, 1961, are re- quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executors of the estate of the sold de- ceased on or before the 20th day of September, 1961, ofter which date the sald Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the soid estate, hov- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED ot Oshawo this 28th doy of August, 1961, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Si Street North, PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better tor less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. FOOD & FREEZER | Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for Gladys Kent end Howard Stacey, Executors of the seid Estate. W.|deadline tions on bus. PERSONALS Sympathy is ex aud Mrs, Ropman 0 Ban Gibson, mn aret Ellen Harlock, at yl were held at Mackey Home, Lindsay, on Aug. 26, at 2 p.m. followed at Union Cemetery," Broughsm. 1 fi . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, en joyed a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, at Greenw Mr. and Mrs. with relatives at Beaverton on. Sunday Pleased to Thearon Kivell home on Friday" * awa General Hospital. Speedy recovery back health is wished for Mr. George --| Avery, father of Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, now a patient at Osh- awa General Hospital. 6,000 MILE TRIP Mrs. Joe Holdershaw has re- turned home from a 6,000-mile. . trip to the Prairie Provinces, Lake Louise, and other ts of dnc Bs nis back to is Rehig Ds jons were Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Rodd, Greenbank and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rodd of Uxbridge. Sympathy is extended to Mrs Thomas Dowling, on the deatt of her husband, on A Thursday, Aug, 24, at his late Coronation Gardens, ha i Funeral held. in the Robinson Hunera) Chapel on Saturday, AE 26, ot 26, at 2 p.m. Interment Cemetery, Ballantras. WEDDINGS GO ON LONDON (CP) --- When the Centaur bers had to 2 Justpant weddings scheduled for Now the ship is due home 2 2 and an weddings may be rescheduled, avoidable delay." MERRY MENAGERIE Life-time warranty the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no oblige- tion. Zenith 9-6100. cuble feet, in excaljent Sondition, toler 728-8042 for fu Tre ed. Make an offer at 458 M utter 6. '61 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan auto. matic, transmission, radio, other ex. tras, 4000 miles. Like mew. 723-3924. # CHEVROLET, two door, only 6,000 inlies, two. tone copper and baige, load. ed with extras. 130 Warren Avenue. 1853 PONTIAC for sale, in very good condition. Cheap for cash, Telephone 7%- 2840 for further r particulars, CHEVROLET | Belair, V8, 'power brakes, power steering, Aotomatie transmission, Call 725.3568 from 9 for r_information. 18 your cash reg hi equip) sales tax button? If not call ton, Asi Ashburn. NIAGARA heat and massage pad, also hand unit in ease, baby bath, high chal wooden rocker. condition. Telephone 723-3621 BABY carriage Lloyd blue and white, also folding playpen rectangular com- plete with pag in good condition, Tele- phone 723-3568. REFRIGERATOR 9 cu. ft. good condi- tion, $50, jor dulek sale! In good work. 0. with a Hamil T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- _vanized. Guoronteed one | year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 a 723-3513. 55 CHEVROLET four-door Bel air, beige and brown, automatie, radio. Very clean. Telephone 728-5179 for more particulars. 6 WHITE and turquoise Bel Air sedan in perfect mechanical sondition ~|radio, heater, snow tires, open for of fers. Telephone 725-4840. 1350 MORRIS MINOR for sale. Good tires, fair for So, Can | oy be seen at 568 Grierson Stree 1936 BUICK super kt hardtop, automatic, radio, power ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, satiate free. Terms. Order early. 72 743-4989, BABY'S bath with table top. 3 'good condition. Make an offer. (telephone 728.8113 for further "|WE pay highest prices a He city for ed Furniture used furniture, Pretty's Store, 723-3271, 444 non, South, Admiral T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with alls channel ontenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. * TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-678) LIVNG roo; le- vision ws 'McClary electric range 36", bac! up lights. Telephone 728-0079 for details, condition and fully If Apply 239 Gliddon Avenue, Ay tor further parti culars. TK bh Bel-Air, one owne top shape, radio, good tires, clean on helsary Telephone one 725-4933 for further niorm mation - 'mechanically a Seelent, radio, clean inside, V-8 dynaflow. Apply 42 Park Road South or hy 738- 6038. TUMBLER-FREE with 83 worth of Open gasoline at The Hilltop. 10 am. until IOI0K, '59 CHEVROLET cmp te in good |All and canopy, from | window With 723-3048, steel beds, ig 2 jy binet; winter cloth. ing. 2-6273, , P PAINT, Sh exterior, $3.98 gal. colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh- awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street, 723.7624. SELLING furniture} We'll buy it. Re stoves, ete. For Hh cash offer er (tact 19 Prince t. Phone 28.0181, CHROME ik suite, four chairs, coral, black, $35, Also an original Justhe mantel clock with chimes, $30. CAMPING tent, size 9° x 12 with floor zippered door and screen covering, good condition, '60 PONTIAC deluxe two-door, black, hits tires, like new. Can trade and finance. 723-7970. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd A 12 Open evenings or weekends GAS stove, four burner, brand mew, has never been used. $80 cash and carry. Apply 5 John 'Street, Oshawa, 8 am. to § p.m. 15-FOOT moulded pistely 7096. boat, eotn. Johnson motor. Telephone 7s | WHOLESALE | adios A at FR Te 18 Simcoe Hog a depot for Osh LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery ma- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons . , . 1.49 ond up Kitchen drapery materials. 69¢ up Drapes made to order by ex- WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE | 449 Ritson §. 728.0921 | perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made dropes aot discount prices. 'M & C DRYGOODS GOOD RE-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North WH 2-6410 AJAX D TIES J ' and 4a i 'e regret the un- - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Aves 30, 1 9 19 "= Rev. C. White Is Speaker i» he | Lesasnsad = he HR ae =i Patti and Paul, children of report Mrs. -- from two weeks' stay at Osh- . to services were oo 2 ¥ £4 "She's my ideal-~I understand 8 bucket of ul she ots SOD mies on COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows and Prime windows and doors only $40, Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable TTY Call ALEX VAJDA, 723.9851 HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK SWAP COLUMN PRIVATE SALE «FINE FURNITURE | at the home of Mrs. C. W, Siemon 106 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE Aug. 29 to Aug. 31 from 2 to 5 pm. end 7 to 9 pm. Early Canadian and Jackes ond Hay Period Furniture---- Circa 1830 to 1860, includ- ing Sideboard, Walnut Sofa, Secretaire, Prayer Chair, Din- ing room Furniture, Electric Stove, Work Table and many other' items. 74 Celina Street 723-7827 SALE NOW ON Now is the time to replace those draughty wooderi doors and windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain- able. Reid Installations 725-4344 | shop, contal; |34--Lost & Found | WALLET -- lost on Simcoe Street) | South, snack bar ang oor] money, Finder please Simcoe South. Iberal ning return to 329 reward, BORDER ~ Colle, Black » with white white | ma Friday. Answers ast uy William and | "Guy. { Mary, Telephone 725- If you're longing for a cozy, charming ploce to live, look in the for-rent columns of THE OSHAWA TIMES that's where they are , . , rooms, houses, apartments! Books For Sale SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS! LIST YOUR NAME --~ PHONE NO, -- SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE ONE INSERTION 50c Books Wanted GRADE IX 0LC.V.l. Mrs. Bill McFeeters 28 Aberaeen Street 725-1726 GRADE X 0.C.V.L Mrs, Bill McFeeter: 28 Aberdeen Street 725-1726 i GRADE XI! { 0C.V.L Mrs. Bill McFeeters 28 Aberdeen Street 725-1726 GRADE XII 0.C.V.l Mrs. Bill McFeeters 28 Aberdeen Street 725-1726 GRADE Xi GRADE IX GRADE X Used ot Donevan Randy Johns 725-3453 GRADE Xi

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