27--Reol Estate for Sale [27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale . 19 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 24, 1901 NEARLY new five-roown brick home, $8500 FULL price, ix redne home, in|SMALL four-room house four acres three bedrooms, oak floors, oll heated, Pay $60 per month land, three miles east of Newcastle No down 3561, excellent condition, - paved drive, well located, $10,500 low|principal and interest, low pay-|2 highway. Phone Newcastle 27--Real Estate for Sale | 27--Real Estate for Sale down payment, Gerald Barrow Broker.|ment Call Bob at 725.3852. 728.6288 S. D. Hyman Realtor ble garage, medium. po baths, dou (BRICK house, located Oromo main CE Tide lot, Jocated inl6 a brick hun chard. 3 on two or four Street, oil heat, conveniences, good gar-( Mancheste; x selling at $650. newly decoral of, fully fenced jand- acres. Must el make offer. Trade den. Apply Mr. K. Fralick, RR 1, Port Telephone 985-2095, Port Pe: Iscaped. $1,300 728-4390, 655-37 |Perry or 985-7826. 3 INVESTMENT OR BARAIN WITH $6,000 OR $8,500 CASH Solid 5-room brick bungalow with attached 3-room opartment on 75 x 200 foot nicely landscaped and hedged lot, Everything In tip-top condition, big living room with lovely view, plenty of cupboards in bedrooms, kitchen ond dining room, 4-piece tiled bathroom -- and 1 bedroom, 1 livina room, kitchen and 3-piece bathroom in attached apartment with separote entrance. Divided basement, garage, oil heated, storms and screens. PHONE CO 3-2642 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 CADILLAC AVE. $12,900 -- Three-bedroom brick bungalow, poved drive, nicely beautifully landscaped, 4-pc. bath, close to oll schools. To inspect call John Field, Days 728-1679. Evenings Stephen MACKO REALTOR 187 KING ST. EAST 728-4661 TWO ACRES IN THE CITY OF OSHAWA Custom built, 6-room spocious ronch-style bungalow Attached . Extra large living and dining room with valance boxes. fom: omily-size kitchen with ample cupboard space. Large tiled bathroom, built-in vanity. Three large bedrooms. This home is focated on two acres of high ground with fruit trees, berry For further particulars call S. Madko 728- 4661 _ OWNER BUILT 5 ROOM MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW Attached garage. Al workmanship, nicely decorated in spotless condition. Large finished recreation room. Extra shower and stool in basement. Aluminum storms and screens. Well lond- scaped lot, close to school and stores, bus in front This home now reduced 10 $13,300 with substantial down payment, For Friendly Dependable Service Call S. Macko Realtor 728-4661 Jen, BUNGALOW, buff-brick and California met. redwood, three bedrooms and recrea 728-0472 any time INGLE furnished Foom, alse two for d rooms, light sooking privileges, y . IEEE EEE = ; erry. | oC ------- OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE - PARK ROAD NORTH Take time to drive to 852 and 858 Glenforest St. tonight fo MN Tick Dunge: see these beautiful S-room brick bungolows bulft by O'Malley pp Tl Ri] Js. Construction. Both homes feature carports, nicely finished ma- iSestiens available. Call Jan y hogany kitchen cupboards end many extras. Priced at $15,« 725-6031 595.00 with low down payments, (Continued on Page 20) HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 for refined adult home, central, parking Telephone 723- de- 723-3519 4 4 i REDUCED $700. MUST BE SOLD Whitby -- 3-bedroom solid brick bungalow, aluminum storms and screens, 2 storm doors, well decorated, fenced yard, close to school, bus at door. Low down payment. MO 8-5409 G. NEWELL "| PICKERING--REALTOR 81' x 136' brick bungalow, attached double garoge, sun- porch, four bedrooms, living room, dining room, study, two 'bathrooms, three-piece, four-piece, divided basement. $17,500. Terms. Neor schools and shops. Whitby, | 80' x 220', beautifully treed, | ultra modern electric home. used by roomers only, Apply 154 Mary {HET ,358 if to downtown, Suit girl. 475 King 1 725-9683. LARGE furnished room for rent, suitable for one or two gentle. , Telephone Taos any the for of telephone, central loca- pply 180 Bruce Street for fur- 725-8150 vg further eo lars. ATTRACTIVE clean, furnished bed. room, suitable for refined person in private adult home. Central, parking space available. Telephone 723-3519 for details. Four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen 11 x 15. ~~Recreation room, carport. Carries $102, tax included $16,500. Whitby $2,200 down, $11,900. Brick, 6-room, 4-piece tiled bath, basement. Aluminum storms ond screens, nicely landscaped. Carries $84, tox included. Ajax. Lot 55 x 150, serviced. Whitby. $3,500. Direct line to Pickering, NICELY furnished bright clean room for gentleman, suit one or two. Apply 356 Park Road South or telephone 728-0146. ONE furnished bedroom with ~iichon, | suitable for couple or two ladies. Cen- | trally located. Telephone 728-0863 even-| ings for further particulars, | 27--Real Estate for Sale | RESTAURANT, business chattels and| stock, Sentral location, a bargain for $8500. Terms. W. Schatzmann Realtor, | 101 Dundas Street West, Whitby. MO| 8-3338. | MR. EXECUTIVE -- SUBURBAN MASTERPIECE -- truly o de- lightful country setting for this spacious split-level home set on o large landscaped lot with several huge shade trees. Extra-large living room with curved bay window and natural fireplace, family room, kitchen, dining and 3 bedrooms cll on the large plan, plus drive-in garage and 2 bathrooms make this o must for you to inspect today _ 6-ROOM BRICK -- ONLY $10,800 -- here is on attractive 2-storey fomily home in tip-top condition throughout. Nicely landscaped lot, private drive and garage. Must be sold -- make an offer. SACRIFICE SALE -- owner must now sell this lovely S-year-old brick bungalow. situated on large 72 x 124 londscaped lot. Full price $12,500 and carries for only $74.00 per month principal, interest and taxes. Seeing is believinb. Call now to inspect ¥% ACRES with seven-oom house, e, in age of Pickering for sale or rent.| Telephone WH 2.6753 for further par- | Lor ws 2. Wile yomn h of | 2 vi a ee Houd, WHA appro Pickering .... WH 2.5770 | SCHOFIELD | swgze® WILSON Realtor 360 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 Best Buy Save 4c SHIRRIFF'S--GOOD MORNING MARMALADE SALADA TEA BAGS es 723-2265 REG. AKER -- Pres BILL McFEETERS -- Vice-Pres. LOOKING FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SIMCOE ST. NORTH-COMMERCIAL 100 ft. frontage x 165 ft. deep, A choice commercial location for ony type of business. SWIFT'S PREMIUM FULLY COOKED SMOKED | | After hours please call: | Lloyd Corson 723-2537 | Kenn Honn 723-7963 | |] Dick Young 723-7183 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 D. W. McQUAY, Realtor WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S. DUPLEX Located on lovely Riverside Drive S., lower floor has large living room with fireploce, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and 4-pc. bath. Upper floor same as lower except no fireplace. Fully rented to reliable tenants. DUPLEX-CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. 2 unit -- 4 rooms up ond 4 rooms down. Each unit consists of 2 large bedrooms and modern kitchen, large living room and 4-pc. tiled bath. Seporate meters, ,hot water oil fired. TRI-PLEX Only five years old, nicely decorated. Three apartments all rented, close to schools and buses. Good retum. APARTMENT BUILDING 4-unit opartment building located on Willam St. E. Walking distonce to General Motors. Rents of $280 per month. Could be increased. Exponsion possibilities, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-KING E. 12-room brick 3-storey building with private drive to large workshops at rear. Fully rented income would be approx. $300 per month _ ATHOL ST. EAST 8-room brick 2V2-storey home with goroge, located on @ large well-landscaped lot. Could be used either as a single residence or for income purposes. Has a kitchen upstairs, property has been rented before. Oil heated FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL-- DAYTIME 723-2265 EVENINGS Henry Stinson 725-0243 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Russ Reeve 725-4840 Don Stradeski 728-8423 WHITBY CLASSIFIED en 9 am. to 9 p.m. Daily WHITBY MO 8-5868 TORONTO EM 3-9603 COCHRANE STREET 4-bedroom brick residence with ottached garage in a prestige neighbourhood in Whitby, within a block of Catholic Church ond Separate School Bright ond cheery living room with stone fireplace and thermopane windows, extra large kitchen with built-in dutch oven and surface Siemens, small den, aluminum storms and screens, tiled b Land: d lot 71 x 130. Reduced to $20,500 with "ob. 000 down. Value, loca- tion ond a fomily home combine to make this listing @ stand- out. Call Mr. Parikhal. $9,900.00 5Y42-room semi-detached brick bungalow. Vendor will toke $800 down, total price only $9,900 Call Mr. Parikhal. $9,000.00 S-room clapboard bungalow near Whitby on lot 75 x 200. Aluminum storms and screens. A compact home of value, 2 blocks from school. $3,100 down. Call Mr, Parikhal. RESIDENTIAL ACREAGES -- TROUT STREAMS FARMS -- LOTS -- INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- BUSINESSES. FOR SALE -- Rotary tiller, reasonable. Telephone MO 8-4149. FOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished | Ef Apurment on ground floor with private and entrance. Telephone MO ae for further particulars, REPOSSESSED furniture for | sale. Pink frigidaire refrigerator and stove. 1960 GE 21" TV, platform rocker, two davenport suites, two rangette, space saver, Singer Feather- weight sewing machine and many other |=: ° useful household articles. Contact Ross McLean, Baseline West, 1% miles west of Ontario Hospital. Phone MO 8-5740. BABY SITTER required while mother Jyotks. Five-day po» Telephone MO ee RENT room apartment, including heat, hydro and heavy wiring. Telephone MO 8-8315 for further details. FOR RENT -- two.room unfurnished Mpastinent, second floor, private bath, child $55 monthly Heat, hydro. "Phone MO 8-5709. some equipped, $80 and up. mann Realtor, MO 8-3338; Kurt Mayer, 728-4487. FOR SALE: Wilton rug 9 x 10°, in good condition. Also white enamelled baking cabinet, Telephone Mo 8-3646. FOR SALE: Three bedroom bungalow, evenings, 5% per cent mortgage. W. rt 8 Realtor, MO 8.3338; nings Kurt Mayer A RELIABLE housekeeper eve- required, full | time, live in or out. Phone MO 82981. matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. Pen heavy duty Gurney stove. MO | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary | way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT: Bachelor apartment, self stove and fridg., private en- ee Adults only. MO 8-2780 after oy Oshawa FOR SALE: Modern brick bungalow, three bedrooms, oil heated, hardwood and tiles, fireplace, landscaped. Tmme- diate possession. Phone MO 8-3186. IN TRIPLEX, beautiful two-bedroom! apartment, on main floor with balcony, e a refrigerator, six rooms, May be seen at 607 Centre Street. FOR RENT -- two-bedroom apartments, $90 end $100, in modern building, | stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. FOR SALE: Late model Ci auto- rosley matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. ment, heavy duty Gurney stove, MO WANTED T0 RENT: Wurnished apart. ment with one bedroom, or 'wn roomed ent, with pull out couch Cen tral. Phone MO 8-8634 after 4 p.m. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 erator, stove, light and heat supplied. W. Schatz-| Apply 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Tele. phone 725-4302 for further details. pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252. $1,600 DOWN © Mtached garage, northwest section of price Three oo Se wer Jia i level paper (news print) for DRESSMAKING -- -- Lady's a and tions. | AVON COSMETICS WANTED capable woman, general housework and answering business tele. phone. Five day week. MO 8-3762 or| Brock k_ Street South. FOR RENT: Three bedroom room split level evel | house, near Henry Street High School. | Avatiabie immediately. . Phone MO| Kitchen suites CAMPING trailer for sale, sleeps six, 20 ft. x 6 ft, 8 in. opened; folds 10 ft. x 6 it. 8 in. x 30 in. . Telephone MO ) 8-2533. ATTRACTIVE one . bedroom apart. ment, modern building, $80 monthly, all conveniences. Selecione MO 8-4147 days; evenings MO 8-808 FOR SALE: Heavy duty range, in ex- cellent condition. Telephone MO 8-2661 for further particulars. $1,500 DOWN or best offer. $12,500 full price, three year, six-room brick split fevel bungalow, decorated, storms, | screens, sodded, shrubs, swing, dang. ling bar. MO 85423, b Sang: THREE . room apartment with refrig- BC SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- ye bungalow, jSecarated, storms, screens, s © shrubs, i» ling bar. Mo » 8-5428. swing, Sant FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto- only $1.00. Ap Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street ¥ West. chil m's wear, suits, coats and altera- rs. | Mm. . Bradford. } MO 85-8666. In your own exclusive terri- tory, sell an unconditionally guoranteed 'product which is advertised nationally on T.V. CALL TORONTO RU 2-4782 coLLECT FOR RENT Boots, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, camping, garden and lawn equipment, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITBY -- MO 8-3226 J. A. SHERIFF, Realtor 3 TERRIFIC BUYS NHA 6% RESALE 3 year old, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, double closets in all rooms. Lawn and patio surrounded by a beautiful flower gar- den made completely private by high decorative fence. 15 x 26 récreation room with bar. Only 2 short blocks to Public and Separate schools. Bus stop at door. Carries for $87.94 Principal, Interest and Taxes. $2,500 will handle. A home you must see. INCOME PROPERTY 11 rooms composed of 3 self-contained opartments. Monthly income $175.00. Centrally located close to schools, shopping ond bus. A really good investment. Full price only $13,900, $1,200 DOWN North-west section. 5-room bungalow, 1100 sq. ft. Located on a lovely landscaped lot 64 x 130 feet lined ot one end with elm trees. An immaculate home with Public and Separate schools both nearby. All large rooms ond extra large kitchen just loaded with cupboards, 4-piece bath with vanity, paved drive, forced air oil heating, T.V. tower with rotor. Owner will take back balance on one open mortgage. Call now on this oe. Tomorrow could be too late. Asking $12,300. Make your er, 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 Open to 9 p.m. . Member Oshawa and District Real Estote Board. Best Buy--Save 15¢ PREM rd) LUNCHEON MEAT 12-0Z. TINS Best Buy--Save 29¢ SWIFT'S PARD DOG FOOD Best Buy--Save 24c SURF 18¢c OFF PACK TINS FEATURE--SAVE 7¢ FEATURE--SAVE 14c¢ NU MILK INSTANT SKIM MILK POWDER FEATURE--SAVE 14c--GENERAL MILLS CERE ALS CHEERIOS, WHEATIES, TWINKLES FEATURE--SAVE 9¢--CLARK'S 3-LB. PKG. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND FROM 4 PM. TO 9 PM. FULL PRICE $14,575.00 ONE N.HA. MTGE. AT 6%% FEATURES STONE FRONT BUILT-IN VANITY CLAY BRICK MAHOGANY KITCHEN CERAMIC TILED BATH PARTITIONED BASEMENT PIERSON WINDOWS SEPARATED LIVING ROOM SEE THIS ONE ! "77 MORE LOTS AVAILABLE" DIRECTIONS: King East To Athabasca<--Two Blocks South to Kingsmere -- (Just east of Seventh Day Adventists Church) 5.D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET Doug Bullied, 723-4391 Horold Segal, 725-1772 Bob Stevenson, 728-1903 Lome Hartford, MA 3-2455 Winse Bradley, 723-2006 BEANS with PORK FEATURE--SAVE 11c--DYSON'S PLAIN OR GARLIC DILL PICKLE NO. 1 GRADE -- ONTARIO NEW POTATOES MILD HOME-GROWN CUCUMBERS "*' NO. 1 SALMON FLESH ONTARIO CANTALOUPES IN CHILI SAUCE 20-0Z. TINS 24.01. JARS 3 PACKED FULL OF JUICE FOR TRUE ORANGE DRINK 10-LB. sac 29° nor. gge ten 19° SIAN HEINZ BABY FOODS 10 --1.00 | 89+ 3 na 79* 75¢ 1.00 js BUTTER "<== PICNICS FOR FRYING OR BARBECUING las STERKS © A mics SWIFT'S PREMIUM BARBECUE STYLR | Wink SINE SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- FLAT 1-8. RINDLESS BACON SWIFT'S PREMIUM MOCK C PICKLE HICKEN To. || LUNCHEON MEATS SLIVE Loar & CHEESE Vr on oe' i mE HEE cee me a FEATURE--SAVE 9c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 ~=63* FEATURE--SAVE 10c--SWIFT'S. PREMIUM BEEF STEW FEATURE--SAVE 6c CREAMY SMOOTH ICE CREAM FEATURE--SAVE 4c--Red & White 3 ics 69* ict sox AR Q* 10.18. 85° FEATURE--SAVE 4c | GRANULATED SUGAR Bakery Feature--Save 4c SUNBEAM HONEY Each 29¢ NUT RING BALLET -- 4c OFF PACK SERVIETTES 250 Ae PER PKG. AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD FULL 24.02. 9 Je RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS 3 res. 27° RED & WHITE -- PREPARED | MUSTARD 1g== Jar FROZEN FOODS WELCH'S Grape Juice 39¢ PEAS & CARROTS 2-1b. 45¢ 17¢ 6-oz. Tins ¢ with$500 purchase SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL McKENNA'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE ST. NORTH MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONT. Poly Bag BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN, ONT.