THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 22, 1961 3 a Pleads Guilty Is Fined $50 "I didn't know I hit him so hard," explained Arthur Thomas Johnson to Magistrate CAPSULE NEWS | Ford Displays Middle Series DETROIT (AP)--Ford Motor Company showed off a new mid- dle-sized series and a two-seat Thunderbird Monday as it pre- viewed its 1962 models to the press. The middle-sized series is a 115-inch wheelbase fair- lane line, in between Ford's compact (109.5-inch) Falcon and its standard (119-inch) Ford. COULD GET DEATH WASHINGTON (AP) -- A bill providing a possible death pen- alty for aircraft piracy was passed by the House of Repre- sentatives Monday. Similar to a the country Monday night. They had stayed out in support of 3,000 striking electricians de- manding a wage increase. WOULD GIVE LOAN HONG KONG (Reuters) -- Communist China has agreed to) give Ghana an interest-free loan of £7,000,000 ($20,160,000) be- tween 1962 and 1967 '"'without any conditions or privileges at-| tached," the New China News Agency reported today from Pe- king. The loan is part of a 20- year agreement on economic) and technical co-operation be- F. S. Ebbs, while facing a charge of failing to remain after being involved in an aceci- dent. He drew a senten $50 fine or 10 days in j Magistrate's Court Monday. Johnson pleaded guilty charge, laid after an A two-car accident on Simco street south in which $50 dam. age was caused to an auto owned by Emanuel Schumbri. Constable J. A. Kehoe told the magistrate Johnson said he had had five pints of beer on the night prior to the accident. tween the two countries signed last Friday while President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana was in Peking. DRIVES, PLAYS FLUTE NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) David Waterhouse, 18, of Stam- ford, Ont., paid a $35 fine in city court Monday. Police said he had been playing a flute while driving an automobile in heavy traffic. A companion in| the front seat was steering the car, police said. EXTENDS PROGRAM WASHINGTON (AP) -- The measure previously approved by the Senate, the bill would authorize the death penalty, on recommendation of a jury, when i | force, violence or threat of force lor violence had been used to | seize control of a plane. 3 ELECTROCUTED MEADVILLE, Pa. (AP) -- _: |Three men were electrocuted 'land a fourth was critically burned Monday when a crane boom touched a high voltage : | power line. ANNOUNCES PLAN NICOSIA (Reuters) -- Arch-| ) | bishop Makarios Monday an-| House of Representatives has nounced a £61,970,000 ($173,516,-| passed and sent to the Senate a 000) five-year development plan bill authorizing an extra $50, for Cyprus which he said was|000,000 for the salt water con- the biggest in the island's his-| version program and extending tory. The archbishop was mak-|the program for five years be- ing his first address to the|yong 1963. The bill passed with- House of Representatives herelout opposition by voice vote as president of the Cyprus Re- Monday. So far five experi- public. mental conversion plants have ASKS SURVIVAL TALKS been authorized under the pro- Did You Know ... In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have o Full-course Dinnr for ONLY 95e¢. a Dine At . . . OSHAWA'S NEWEST RESTAURANT Featuring Stecks & Beefburgers MAYFAIR RESTAURANT SIMCOE S. PLAZA (Simcoe S. ot Ritson Rd.) FREE PARKING " L- i hi % 2s | a pe id : L # hi ih | |] | | | | CENTRAL ZONE WINNERS Winner of the Central Zone | In winning the award, Mr. | of Canada. Invited were com- championship award in com- | Patton placed in five different | petitors from Central Ontario petitions at Dunnville, Ont., | categories: scale, first; proto | and the northern United Aug. 6 and 7 was William Pat- | speed, second; hand launch | States. Participating from Osh- ton (right), of the Ozhawa | glider, second; rat race, sev- | awa were: Mr. Patton, G. Cloud-Chasers Model Flying | enth; combat, ninth. The con- | Gunn, B, Fletcher; R. Howe, Club. With him is Ross Dean, | test was sponsored by the | C. Star and R, Dean. a past-president of the club. | Model Aeronautics Association --Oshawa Times Photo. FORT ERIE ENTRIES | 9. Menantic, Fitzsimmons (B)| 118 Wednesday, August 23, 1961 | 10. Flashing Top, Parnell (B) 100 {(A) Bill Beasley entry |(B) Windfields Farm entry Von Rich, NB 116 | Pen Wise, Borgemenke 111 EIGHTH RACE Bon Reply, NB 122 |Claiming all $2500, Purse $1900, . Sherona, NB 111 |Four-year-olds and up, One . Janie's Dance, NB 114 |Mile and three 16ths . Wind Wave, Robinson 111 1. Bobby Pin, NB 112 . Vee Gee Cee, Hale 119 Estanceria, Parnell X112 3. Aptly, NB 119 . Mayfair Mews, NB 119 Epic Fields, NB (A) 112 |4. Agincourt, NB 112 [(9) Farshore, NB (A) 112 |5. Battling Way, Behrens 109 FIFTH RACE Sir Benjamin NB 112 . | 6. Scarboro Girl, NB (A) 109 Claiming all $2500, Purse $1800,! 6. New Door, NB 117 Canadian foaled three-year-olds| 7. Gray Ben, Borgemenke 117! | 8. Sun Ep, Dittfach 117 | 9. Sagarius, Adams 114 {10. Bull Marine, McComb 112 (10) {(A) M. J. Hawkins and E. M. , Mary's R ew ard, Behrens Ryan entry POST TIME 2 P.M. CLOUDY AND SLOPPY AACS Ibs, XX.7, XXX-10 Ibs. opmmsahes oo [FIRST RACE | 2. Maidens, Claiming all $7500,| 3. # Purse $1900, Two-year-olds, 81a! 4. * |Furlongs a SR, | 1. Harry Hotspur, Morreale 5 . 12 Room Size RUGS! Wall-to-Wall Broadloom! Choose from the largest selection in Oshawa Discounts up to 50% NU-WAY 2. Costafortune, NB (A) 109 : | 4. | 5. . Spurned, NB (B) 119 . Prince Sparkle, Bor ge-/6 Furlongs, Division of First menke (C) 119 |1. Edgor's Sister, Borgemenke . Rhonda Nite, Borgemenke| 116 116 | , Lady Pilgrim, Despirito X 108 . Apache Princess, Harrison ia ERE BES Ses st * XX109 GARY OAKES 11.Snow Ballet, Gonzales X109 12. Ballydown, Coy (B) 116 ALSO ELIGIBLE: King's Me- 111 . Dutch Miss, Roy 113 Oui Miss Su, NB 109 ASKS INTERVENE MONTREAL (CP) -- Concil- t/for the shortage. the 'Motor City.' "You'll know it's us. We'll be improvement to the approach o walking." has now been completed and the Both are looking forward to poyse on the property painted. oing back to school in this,|This painting and landscaping| {program has added much to the| {the hospital on Alma street." CITY AND iator Cyprien Miron Monday {asked Quebec Labor Minister {Rene Hamel to intervene per- sonally in a wage dispute involv- {ing 50,000 workers in the Mont- real building trades. Some 36 unions are involved. AVERT BLACKOUT DUBLIN (AP) -- The Irish Congress of Trades Unions di DISTRICT rected a return to work of alll 'Boy, 4, Hurt Near Home Four-year-old Gary Oakes, of 631 Taylor avenue, was today described 'in serious condi- tion," in Oshawa General Hos- pital, the result of being struck by a car in front of his home thod, Dittfach (C) 119 (12 and 1) (A) Tedoreen Farm and Mrs. Farms and Addison Hall Stable (C) G. R. Gardiner and G. M. Bell and G. M. Bell entry SECOND RACE Claiming all $2500, Purse $1800, Canadian foaled three-year-olds F. H. Merrill Jr. (B) Kingfields| 2 3 4 5. 6. Diameter, Potts 118 7. Melody Belle, NB 111 8. Teresa Ruler, Fitzsimmons 111 9. Happy Divorce, 113 Robinson | | 9) QUINELLA BETTING [SIXTH RACE |"ORDER OF ALHAMBRA"| 1962. 3. . Golden Turkey, 107 . Cusmet, NB 107 Musical Prince, NB 119 [(12) (A) W. Wilkerson entry BUT NOT FOR OSHAWA! Your home needs sturdier roofing and sid- ing . . . BROWNS LUMBER's top-quality, weather-tighting Roofing and Siding. Order [SEVENTH RACE |"DUCHESS STAKES" Purse 187500, added Three-year-olds |and up, Fillies and Mares, One Mile and one 16th, Turf Course | 1. Sweet Lady, Roy 114 | Bonnie Bird, Annesley 111 111 Sarano, Fitzsimmons 114 Bull Tour, Harrison X18§ 5 L] 8 9 9 9) 2. 3. 4, yours this week on Easy Budget Terms. WE CAN RE-ROOF AND RE-SIDE THE AVER- AGE 6-ROOM HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS $18 A MONTH ! Keep pests where they belong . . . outside your home. See us for window and door screening. Connect your home and garage with a cozy breezeway. All materials for the average Bieezeway as low as $12.00 per Month. OSHAWA'S HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE BROWN'S | 9 3 4 5 6 -- 2h gm X 3 a on Nir IRS LT AE Te MARGARET LISTER, left, teaching in Oshawa schools. | change basis. The exchange is and Virginia Grant are seen Miss Lister will teach kinder- | made possible rough the on the patio of Adelaide House. garten at Sunset Heights and | 1eagte jit king mpi They arrived here from Eng- Miss Grant will teach grade | {o; hers have come from Eng- land last Friday, and will live three at Adelaide MacLaugh- | land to Canada on a one-year at the "Y" for one year while lin. They are here on an ex- | leave of absence. Progress Se n 2 PS Teachers 'rogress see | - 0 N Ww g ~ ram-to develop an economical i n ew In TORONTO {CP) -- Dejenes BE nod of converting salt wa- rom ng an | W. A. Holland, Administrator Fae ter to fresh water. i | Rade gh big army to conduct nuclear sur-| WILL VISIT CAPE There are 94 shopping days med for the near future. A day at ing that the pro ress on the new| vival classes in armories across] TRINIDAD (Reuters) -- A until Christmas. Far more signi-|the Canadian National Exhibi-| 08 J of the ples General| Canada. Suburban York Town-| delegation from the West Indies ficant at this time, there are 14/tion is another item on their Hospital was progressing favor- ship's general purposes commit-| Federation will visit Cape Ca- days until September 5, which|busy schedule. ably and that construction was|tee decided at a meeting Mon-|naveral Aug. 29 to 31, federal means 'back to school' for thou-| Miss Lister and Miss Grant|,, = 2) to 60 days in advance day to make the request. | headquarters announced Mon- sands of Oshawa boys and girls. will reside at the YWCA. They | o¢ schedule . LANDS OK day night. West Indies Prime| For Miss Margaret Lister and agree that the Adelaide House is| «we are hoping," he said, "to SHANNON (AP) A Super| Minister Sir Grantley Adams! Miss Virginia Grant, this means|a beautiful place to live and pe in a position to place the two LA y+ airh A {will lead the delegation. i i are Sur ov W ; i : Yh |Constellaiton airliner flying 104 teaching for the first time inlare sure they will enjoy staying pottom floors in operation in Oc-| 7's" servicemen and their fam- Canadian public schools. in Oshawa. They also agree that|iober and the other floors as|; ot pone trom Europe landed) | Miss Lister and Miss Grant 'no one walks in Oshawa." they become available. This| zetiv in Ireland Monday after arrived in Oshawa from Eng-|When they tell people they ac-| will, of course, be of real assist-| at LY back far out over the| land, Friday, Aug. 18. They are tually walked from the "Y" to ance to the operation of the hos-| yuo nife with engine trouble. | two of 59 teachers sent to Can- see the Adelaide MacLaughlin| pita The Seaboard World Airlines| ada on an exchange basis for school, everyone is amazed. "During the past months, re- plane touched down at Shannon one vear. This exchange is Will they seek an extension novations have been taking|i "g, ness on three engines. made through the League of the of their one-year leave of ab- place on the property known as| British Commonwealth and sence? Miss Lister said if they| 'The Burns Property', lying im- STILL GET NEWS Empire liked it here they could probably mediately west of the new wing.| BERLIN (Reuters) -- A big Miss Lister comes to Oshawa stay, but Miss Grant added that| This is being renovated to pro | overhead sign that flashed world from Cershalton, Surrey, where graduates from teacher's college | Vide accommodation for interns news in electric letters across) § she taught a kindergarten class. in England would be few next| 2nd it is hoped that this will be| the West Berlin border into East) { She said that in England chil- year, and in all fairness, they|Put into operation by the end of | Berlin from 1950 to 1959 has dren start kindergarten at an|should return to assist with the September or early Octobe? 7 been restored as a result of the earlier age than in Canada and teacher shortage which will no During the Summer the Sioun S| East German seal-off " Yost they learn to read and write/doubt exist. Teacher training | Surrounding the hospital have Berlin, it was announced Mon- b i i , inc been receiving attention and the|day, efore entering the first grade. has recently been increased from| i ticular] ident at She is in direct exchange with two to three years in England, | €ffort $. particu any ev si Miss Gra» Trull who formerly and this change is responsible the corner of Alma and Simcoe taught garten at streets where the landscaping Heights school. Miss Tru. will be teaching Miss Lister's class|g in England. Miss Grant, from Newport,| Mon., will be teaching Grade 3 at the Adelaide MacLaughlin school. She is teaching in place of Miss Elaine Bell who has] gone to England to fill Miss Grant's position. Todi Bagi bod ii a ASE DEBENTURE NEW HOURS workers at power stations across| at suppertime Monday. 6 Furlongs [Claiming all $4500, Purse $2000, the Teacher's Federation. Trips| Board of Education has ask-| Attention Motorists who use| The child suffered a fractured| 1. More Water, Borgemenke Three-year-olds, 6 Furlongs have been arranged and a toured council for approval of $275,- | the city's Athol street west park- 0 = = left arm and leg, head injuries 121 1. Durham, Coy 112 of General Motors has been plan- 0 i debentures Jor = Oshawa ing lot. Beginning tomorrow, rganizations gna 2 Possible ruptured Spieet. : Royal Tide NE i 2. Sugartown Pie, Behrens (A) = vd. north school, to be built in the hours will be: 8.30 a.m. to 9| " v . Fee Xpress, 21 116 . |p.m. A half hour is being aro Con ratulated 1:4 Howarg McDougall, 19, of) 4. Sweet Dish, Dittfach 109 Cantina Charm, Borge Starling Shoot GIVES POLICY ped from both ends of the sche-| g | "Witnesses said the boy ran| 3 Jamaica Belle NB 110 menke 107 Central Park Blvd. north dule as the two shifts of men| Sticking to its year-old policy| from behind an asphalt spread-| ona ity Kid, Harrison 4, Sweet Peg Fitzsimmons oy S t F T - h homeowners, between Brent. Who operate the lot go on a 40-| of not proclaiming special days|er working in front of the Duke| 7 Cpanse Route, Potts 113 . Bricker, Harrisol I e or onig wood and Humewood streets,|hour week. The lot will still belor weeks, city council last|of Edinburgh School, and into| g' Chonoakee, Hale 121 A have asked council to hurry and open Monday to Saturday. {night refused to proclaim a '"'Le-|the path of the McDougall ve-| o' yroie wig NB A Mason street starling;nay curbs and gutters in their | |gion Week in Oshawa" or en-|hicle. © ed's Missy, m shoot is planned for tonight.|s paivicion All 13 persons who $350 DAMAGE |dorse and "International Credit Only one lane of Taylor av- ) Members of a local rod and gun signed the letter live on the Damage was estimated at ap- Union Day". enue was open to traffic Mon-| club will do the shooting under oc" cae of tha street: the east| ProXimately $350 when cars Ald. John Brady recommend-|day as work crews were pour-| THIRD RACE the jurisdiction of the Oshawa iq. io (iil argely undeveloped driven by Edward J. Appleton,ed congratulations to both|ing a layer of hot mix on the|Claiming all $2500, Purse $i00, Police Department City Enzincer Fred Crome. ex. 25, of RR 1, Brooklin and An-|organizations | westbound lane. The boy appar-|Four-year-olds and up, Foaled Council last night readily 5 05" 40" iy €%"| gelo Colaveccia, 33, of 173 Bloor| The mayor and council were ently was playing with other|in Canada, 6 Furlongs { gave approval to a $20 expen- plane X14 e city's policy sireet east. collided at the in-|invited to attend a public Le-|children at the school. | 1. Lady Herne, Dittfach 117 diture for shells. not 9 install curb and gutter tersection of Ritson road south|gion meeting Oct. 26 which will] Gary, the son of Mr. and| 2. Mister D.P., McComb 119 "There is much dissatisfaction ny on evelopment Is 80 perland Bloor street east at 5:45 open a week long series of ac-Mrs. Robert Oakes, was rush-| 3. Lauralane, NB 111 - in this area and we get re- mpeed. - {p.m. Monday. No one was in- tivities "to celebrate 35 years|ed to Oshawa General Hospital 4. London Town, Coy 116 quests every year." explained |jured in the mishap. |of Legion work in Oshawa". via civic ambulance. Fran Wright, Parnell X 106 Mayor Christine Thomas. "Be- agm | ' sides, it is dangerous for people Competition = INVITATION SENT walking on the sidewalk." Council received an invitation | Mayor Thomas said the last Hom ihe Board of Fdueaiion to OBITUARIES starling shoot was held in 195 K CRA attend the laying of the corner-| : When about 300 birds were shot. een at flote ot Se BeW RS Med ALEXANDER SOBANSKI _|Bowmanville, on Saturday, Aug. Biagal, # bid 128 | Competition is keen as the suo 28 at 3 bo: | Alexander Sobanski died in| 19, was held at the Armstrong FOURTH RACE Menelodie, McComb 109 CRA Games and Activities Fes. o ¥ Pm, the Oshawa General Hospital, | Funeral Home Monday, Aug. 21|Ciaimi : 3 OCVI S d ts i i : _"LiClaiming all $2500, Purse $1800, 5. Skinny Minny, Borgemenke tu en tiva] continues. Perhaps the LOW TENDER Monday, Aug. 21. at 3.15 p.m. She was in her 85th| canadian foaled, Four-year-olds, (A) 118 most colorful event of the festi-| Orville 0. Calhoun submitted He resided at 323 Central year. ; and up, 6% Furlongs, Divi-| 6. Purple Bow, NB 123 Pl T D val is the Arts and Crafts Dis- the low tender, with $200 to be|Park boulevard south and had| The service was taken by Rev. sion of the Third | 7. Chic Miss, Dittfach 123 an ag ay play. Twenty-two CRA super- paid by the city, for the demoli- been in poor health for the past|Clinton Cross of St. George's|'y pated pa) Despirito X106| 8. Kitty Girl, Coy 114 {vised playgrounds compete in tion of buildings at 266 Rossland two years. | Anglican Church. Interment fol X - en OCVI students will be selling! this event road east. He was born in Poland, June lowed in the Oshawa Union| tags on Sautrday, Sept. 9, as| Throughout the eight - week 29, 1889, the son of the late Mr.| Cemetery. ay | they kick off a drive for $35,000 summer program, arts and LOWER RATES and Mrs. Andrew Sobanski. He| Pallbearers were William to finance an overseas goodwill/crafts is a part of the daily New, lower gas rates, will be was married in Toronto, Feb. g,| Kelly, Franklin Ring, George YOUR MEAT DOLLAR GOES trip by a 60-member school|schedule. The supervisor of the charged by the Consumers' Gas|1923, to the former Patricia Du-| Urquhart, Alfred Wilkins, Bruce, band in 1962 playground is to save the art- Company on all meter readings|dek. | Ridout and Roy Nesbitt. ) : The band hopes to take part work of the children for the com- on and aher Oct. 1 of this year.| Mr. Sobanski was a resident FUNERAL OF FARTHER AT BU EH LER S n the World Music Festival at petitive display. Quantity and Council has received a copy of of Oshawa for the past 31 Kerkrade, Holland, in June and quality are two major factors in the order of The Ontario Energy|years. He also lived in Black-| Mas. 1014 S. MoySoY Meat S ecials/ Wed Onl ! JJuly of next year. A short tour judging the exhibits. Board approving the new rates. stock and Fredricton, N.B. Hel es ; SIvice id ol P - : yr op If Vianney after Yee thats ond ue Jhdges Jocided FIVE CALLS |was employed by General Mo. EY rie ies oe TENDER S at Eastview's "Aqualand" dis- i LALLY < | VS e el Students hope to raise' the play merited top my The| It is reported that during pa Sor ve St Hedwig s Tor may, Sug >, bi i 2 BLADE STEAKS LB 49¢ bulk of the money by concerts theme was well executed under| Period from 9 a.m. Monday un-| on Catholic Church and a rustiong's d ners Sine : and private donations, as well supervision of Adele Planeta, [til 9 a.m. today, the Oshawa ember of the Polish Alliance. | am on Ad ug. 21. Shel} TENDER as the tag day Following is a complete list of Fire Department ambulance| Besides his wife, Mr. Soban.| Rey nd Ward of West:| Says Francis J. Francis, band winners and the themes of their went out on five routine calls. ski is survived by three daugh | oY Cuitcd Ch Sook aa) CLUB STEAKS LB. 59¢ director: | displays. In the same period the depart-| : git | mount. Unite urea took the; "Th i dard of th part-iters, Mrs. Henry Korosky (Es-| service. | MEATY e musical standard of the| 1. Eastview--Aqualand ment was called out to douse tella), Oshawa; Mrs. James| Int t followed in the Osh-| band fully justifies the trip.| 2. Fernhill--Around the World|one fire--a grease fire at the|lakas (Sophie), Oshawa: Misawa Union Cemetery. | There are obvious merits in re-| : he|Lakas (Sophie), Oshawa; Miss awa Union Cemetery. | P ; in 80 Days Rosebowl Restaurant, Bond St anski {Pp y villi LBS lation to current thoughts on Sunnvside--atric: , {Mary Sobanski of Toronto and| Pallbearers were William Hos-| roup and self-discipline tu- 3 ysice--Alrican {W , at 6.40 p.m., Monday. No|one son, John Sobanski of Osh- kin, Howard Hoskin, Ray Hos-| LEAN RIB Eroup pune. =u Radio--Indian estimate of damage has been aw di 2dwe oki 5) f dent exchanges, cultural ad-| 5. Sunset Heights--Fairyland | . ava, kin, Edward Hoskin, Everett] vancement, general education| §. Baker Memorial Wander. | made. He is also survived by one Warne and Sydney Parsons. F Bs. through music and international land | sister, Mrs. A. Sawicki of To! | SHOUL relations." 7. Kingside--Neptune ronto and three brothers, Thom- FUNERAL OF DER 8. Harman--Holland CELEBRATING |as and Frank of Oshawa and| DONALD T. CARNOCHAN PORK H COMING EVENTS | 9. Southmead--Display gud Anthony. Toronto, and yi cmorial Sepvice for Donald; LBS. 10 0. ord |four grandchildren. | Thomas Carnochan was held at : Le Lb A BIRTHDAYS | The body is resting at the the Armsirong Funeral Home, y FERNHILL Bingo to-night at the Ava. 12. Congratulations and best |Armstrong Funeral Home. High|Monday, Aug 21 at 2 p.m. Mr. wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- Woodview--Indian | : | : Jon, at 7.30 p.m. 20 games $6 and $10,(13, N 3 ranPi {Requiem Mass will be sung at|Carnochan died at the Oshawa seven $40 jackpots. Door prizes. lg orth Oshawa--Disneyland |St. Hedwig's, Thursday, Aug.|General Hospital, Friday, Aug. Gertrude Colpus--Chinese KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, AUG. 22nd |18. Dr. S. J. Phillips--Hawaiian Storie--Disneyland Northway Court--Young Art- trict who are celebrating their birthdays today: Gail Thnat, 430 Rodgeway; | Kwiatkowski as the celebrant. | Interment will follow in St.| Gregory's Cemetery. | |24, at 10 a.m. with Rev. Felix|18. He was in his 58th year. The service was taken by Rev, George Telford. Interment followed in Mount Tender EATN A ~~ ~-- as y LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. | John Ihnat, 430 Ridgeway; |» Mrs. Irene Thnat; 430 Ridge- way; Mrs. Annie Dzikewich, 443 Bloor street east, Phone 723-3474. ists at Work Connaught--Display Bathe--Farm Lake Vista--Display Rundle--Masks Thornton's--Display FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 53 and 51 TEAM 2 JUBILEE PAVILION TRUE-TRIMBEEF ({ + 723-3633 T > 27 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH DIAL 725-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO +4 {Lawn Cemetey FUNERAL OF Pallbearers, all members of| MRS. MARGARET POLSTON the Parks Board, were R.| Memorial service for Mrs. Davies, H. Smith, F. Moore, D.| oy atgatet Polston who died at|Johnson, J. Dusty, and J. Pat-| ood Nursing H o m e, |terson. 18 19 { 20. 121. an. | 12 KING E.