The Oshawa Times, 22 Aug 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA 1imMEs, iwesssy, August X3, 198) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 24--Houses for Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simeos FULLY furnished two-room, upstairs, Sirget North. Telephone 798-6348, ? a.m, suit Staple, range, Phileo refrigerator, to 5 p.m. | Heat, lights, water supplied, | close. 728-8862. FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove and FURNISHED basement apartm en f, Docs path. 1 built-in Sivbonra, three. very aly arse ba bai robot TWO rooms with Kitchenette and pri fier, insulated, garage wo opin vate bath, partly adults. | further details telephone 723-9128. Also one light housekeeping room, fur nished, central location, parking. Apply! 235 King East. LARGE, two-room apartment, wove, Feltiyerator, also one fur ly 24 Charles Ap! Shrent Coehind Oshawa iter. THREE-ROOM apartment in _|bullding, immediate possession. No chil chil. n, pl 103 Wilson OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Seturdey ad Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 20--Room and Board ROOMERS or boarders, clean home, single beds, also use of family room, close to South GM, 728-2817 ROOMS or room and board, for jo or three gentlemen, close to South GM te (plant. Telephone 725-3955. ROOMERS or boarders, clean home, single beds, also use of family room, 16--Female Help Wanted NEED EXTRA MONEY? $30 and more can easily be earned by showing ou fubulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to + |friends and neighbors, Our exciting, 80- |page, full-color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. No experi ence necessary. Send no I Wri {today for samples, on approval of Ho "|ly Christmas cards and {ree catalogue. {Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, ta East close to South GM. Apply 1367 Oxford WANTED -- , also | Street. a cleaning woman. Apply In person. goOM and board, lunches Sandalwood Restaurant, 1626 Simcoe gentlemen to share, single beds. Street North, No phone calls, please. [phone 723-6721. YOUNG woman for general housework ROOM and board for two gentlemen, |S in Willowdale. Must be experienced | willing to share, home cooking, lunches {and fond of children. European prefer. | packed, laundry if desired. Telephone lephone 725-2201. 17257919, OPERATING ROOM registered nurse ROOM and board for gentlem immediately, small active O.R. five-day | joan quiet home, first class hom week, call back service, Apply Cottage cooked meals, lunches packed. Close ppreciate! New modern Hospital, Uxbridge. to everywhere, free parking, 81 ark parment, five large oom, wal » YOUNG ambitious girl to work ia] Foadioont, oo ath, A vesutls saleslady in local music store. Must|ROOM AND BOARD avaliable, nek lent location: TEASE | have Junior matriculation. Apply in per-| gentleman school teacher or . 4 son Tuesday or Wednesday, 9 to 11.30|;man, Private home, bus at door. Write MODERN, quiet two bed base am. Mr, Ed. Wilson, Wilsoz and Lee Box 327, Oshawa Times. ment apartment on 18 Gibbon Street, {Limited, 87 Simcoe Street North, ENT board, privat ~ |Adults or with children over 12, Avail aha EXCE oom for | LADY "to take charge of widowers|gentieman, in adults' home, all conveni. ble September 1st. chine in clean, quiet home. {home. Live in. 725.0820. Phone after 5. |ences. Cadillac Avenue South, Tele- THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or 720-8130 for further particulars. FREE room and board for woman with | Phone 725-1777, unfurnished, 1240 Simcoe Street North. | FURNISHED small child, in exchange for light duties | ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, sepa-| ous i door, available tand care of children, Small remunera- rate beds, good meals, near North G tion. Box 231, Oshawa Time | Telephone 728-0723, WAITRESS required, "experienced, full | |22--Store Space & Garages Cal Tor time, Must be reliable, Apply Southend | Restaurant, § Bloor Street East, or partly furnished, awa. STORE or office for rent, i Prince 312-RO0OM apariment, heated, reason- cose" bo bug Sind, shopping. 1 Reasonable 3 Street, west side near King, November|,yje rent t ated, A | rent poly rew Street. {WOMAN or housewife to show new easy 7116 sooner. Telephona 728-8175. Jane rs Ladies' Wear, loe ply | [FOUR-ROOM apartment, welf-contain- 126 --Rooms for Rent | selling product to people, make $70 0 more per week, Telephone 728-4091, "joi | 23--Wanted to Rent loi Au 530 Albert Street of telephone | BRIGHT, furnished bedroom in quiet Ap. | T BEDROOM house tn Rossland 'home, very central location, eontinuous PART-TIME waitresses required, modern ar-conditioned coffee shop, 728-6070. ply Genosha Hotel, Oshawa Hoad district. east of Simcoe Street YOUR. room apartment, stove and hot water, only five minutes to down AGENTS, clubs, etc. Sell Canada's Please veply to Bos 100, Oshawa Post reirigerator phut. in cupbos:d. three. town. Telephone 725-0393, finest Christmas cards, Over 300 items Office foie trie en piece bath, Telephone 723-3038 ICELY furnished large room, in pri. uding religious, everyday and per- WIDOW desires three-room self-contain- Two - bedroom apartment, all conven. 'vate home, for gentleman, private bath- sonal cards, Wraps, s and novelties. ed apartment, in quiet adult home. Cen- jences, immediate possession, paved room ard entrance. Apply 444 Fern. Prompt service. For colored catalogue tral location, near bus. Reasonable parking space. Telephone 725-0191 | hill Blvd. 723-7070, and samples on approval, Jeandron rent. Telephone 723.9791 giving details. THREE rooms and ball. private ep SINGLE room Tor cae gen |trance, stove and frige in quiet home, | central. Apply 182 Atho) widow preferred. WO co Greeting Card Co. 1253 King Street Ham ilton, _Onta i! sin |24--Houses for Rent : Aor "7 Buren swe --emaiciely formed rooms Toe treet light housekeeping. Apply 302 Jarvis ptember 1, executive's a STENOGRAPHER bedroom home, Simcoe THR Ri apartment, self-contain. Street. North, near high and public schools. ed, clean, furnished, private entr yr Life Insurance Company, Phone R. Schofield, Schofield Insurance | Adults only, Telephone 725- 3094. Irelrigeraior, 'sink. cuphonda: prion. pening for intelligent young [NEWLY decorated four-room, self-con-| {suitable for one or two Jentionien, Ap woman, profficient in typing h le door), | 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [2 EEE [PRIVATE SALE ~ three-room cottage, nz x 17, on cleared lot, 80° x 85° {vate road with access to private io |One hour from Oshawa. Ideal for chil- | dren. 728.0215 after 4. | COTTAGE, Lake Scugog, three bed- rooms, lake front cottage, Furnished, |inside conveniences, Full price, $2,500. Phone OL 5-3287. CAMPERS 75 ACRES COTTAGES boats for rent, excellent fish- ing, sandy beach, pony rides, foe "PIONEER VILLAGE BUCKHORN LAKE 728-2301 11--Aticles for Rem For |NICELY furnished bright "clean "room for entlenien, sult one or two. A 358 Pars Road South or telephone CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge packed, Tele- Food Freezer Services (Money to Loan -- | Accountants F MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527. IF YOU ARE MONIES FOR 135 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, po AN AVERAGE MORTGAGES FAMILY g Monies avoilable on First 723.760: Mortgages, at 7% per annum YALE, FRIEDLANDER, tin] You can have both eo deluxe without bonus, and Co, Accountants and Auditors.] mccesl 19 cu. ft, freezer S. T. HOPKINS and Company, ( Ser fled Publie Accountants, 172 ing! Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 735-3509.1 qda's youngest but best food M. F. SWARTZ plan -- we supply 95° 3 of Short term and Builder' Mort- your food including all of gages at rea rotes. and Co., Accountants ar Glen Bldg On Ontario 2221 ONE furnished bedroom with kitchen, suitable for couple or two ladies, local ed centrally. Telephone 728-0863 even- ings for furthe, LARGE Rr rou wi with pri. Road | vate entrance for rent on IE 728-5253 or rly He Celina Street. ROOM and bo suit gentlemen, nice clean, quiet home, first class cooked meals, lunches packed. Close to everywhere, free parking. 82 Road North, CENTRALLY Jovated furnished with use of kitchen and washing ma- Telephone 3 CONSECUTIVE | INSERTIONS 2.25 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.13 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive, Insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at © or date constitute @ new original er Professional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each Initial $ and ¢ sign word, on WILSON Accountants, Oshawa. Ronald ¥ Edmond Burrows BH, E. DEWAR and Auditors, Ce tario Street, Oshawa, Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- teed, antomotite parts and 145 K Street West, 8 8.9 ive bays to serve BOB CLANCY'S Ontarlo Accounting | Service Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res, Second Mortgages King § B. e ¥ « iy ¥ Friedlander, B Com m., presantly eating for less than Me Figages and Agreements --- you are. now spending for for Sale purchased. food alone. Through Can- 3% Simcoe Street South, D. Wilson, CA,| CA. 728-2571, fetter abbreviotion, figure counts as © King St. East id nal All Cla: ified Advertisements UXBRIDGE 0 EO So FOOD & FREEZER ; Memerloms Cards of Thanks which PROVISIONS be accepted until 9 am, for Lost ond Found and Call your Oshawa representa- v ot 725-8977 ext. 2 sonable bedroom privileges. __|gentleman, five minutes four Somers, Apply 23 Drew Streel off King y | 8 Monies also available Licensed Trustees in Bankruptey, 64 plus oll the food you are and BURROWS, Chartered | your favorite ncme brands. 2 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel choirs, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches ond canes, also roll-awoy beds and slenderizing machines Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, 725-1644, 12--Articles Wanted WANTED one complete set of mechan. hand tools with chest. Must be In Telephone 728-4979 giving 5 MONTHLY - de |apartment, immediate self-contained, close to Shopping Centre. | reet East. nwo. clean rooms for rent, will rent Registered Ur Brokers' Regi der Mortgage -- tratio | Guaran ation Ac Accesso. Oshawa you." 8:30 am, Office y 8-5, Soturday 8-12 [Mortgages IFIRST AND BECOND mortgages, ar. ranged. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, 101 Dundas West. MO 83338 will not be advertise erwise than in nor for more thon one insertion of ony adver nor beyond the price o single wsertion of in which error | lc reserve the right | fair condition ng according to details tive nc for Barristers He HP. PREYS Bar riting, incorrect tisement charged for the odvertisement na WILL- Gardening and Supplies : MORTGAGE Br CEDAR TREES for hedges, (etc.), any gun Whithy, Ajax, . size, choice quality guaranteed, free de-| aint' "Residential, ac Street ecinity, Re fential, a Res livery, For estimates, telephone MA 1, iness. Member +3 Bowmanvil s Bro) 3 725-5203, na gage Broke land Securities ney 1 : Street North, Oshawa MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD S/ S G 0 5 5 1 SWARTZ Barristers, Solicitors, No AN EN BR 5. FIRST and second LANDSCAPING & Nimements. jurcrmsed - nick pry He GARDEN SERVICE Street Kast HYMAN, QC Sollei Let us look after Alger Street | aarden and lawn while you're i943. Mortgage pL avail ---------- - m------------------------------------ cation C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please 728- 3755 ir 8 pm. pay accounts at downtown Dominion Dia fence phones Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex I. M 723-3368 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL |amined at home. Dial 725-4587 3 ' I; rence Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 of Er BOYCHYN YCHY Bow lle, Osh and vi loans, many Mort ¢ Summer g 112 Simcoe Phone 725 to class ify od its own clas In the case of d Call 725 1548 ments The Times wi res iontible for more spoce 'thor in which the actual error WANTED The publishers endeavour f Optometrists or den Aga ol SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS ot advertisement are contained it any inaccuracies in ary form TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 therein, | sllect) 500 USED cement blocks, 8°, wanted East ay aedverthe- 12, Sal. mortgages. o | not be held and sold, Hen Barristers, 31 King nr loan, F Block, | Street Hast, 722.4697 723-4029 Resi 7232 King LOUIS § your East Barrister y K IN GREER and KELLY t Barristers, Soliel Street South. | beautifully Doctor of Optom oi] heated, 1 decorated, | RICHARD BLACK. CEMENT GRAVEL 5 SAND AND FILLING EVANS LOAM AND GRAVEL SUPPLIES. ER, Associate Barristers and Soll 725.9% eile | LOAM-GRAVEL [5 EUSSELL er Sus 18.2071, Street SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL jEAINTING id LOTS LEVELLED NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers | JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl t A ot Publ 13 King Street NHA and private SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. for insurar interest Fast rtgages arranged MACKEY, Fonts and Decorating IPAPER HANGING ice desires the with Allan BA, Barrister, 6% King Res Yus-2127 snd THOMAS H. | BRUCE v and painting decorating of Horn your Phone Wants Parts for 0 and met etc bought, Open Saturda ay all day, Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities | PROFITABLE variety stores, snack bars, or restaurants for sale, within the leity or on highway, with or without liv- | ling quarters. Ernie Holmes Realtor, | wrecking cors | scrop iron VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W work TRUAr Next to Western s, exterior and inte 728.4401 reasonable rates. Telephone exchange used TV, radios ices to top e home Van PH JONES, BA 24.28: RT painting by Don, at ates, Telephone CO 3-2780 or reason Tire tradesman and East, Oshawa, Ontario Ay JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, 726.2558 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub | TRACTOR, LOADER WORK| 5 apartment We buy, sell, washers, Reasonable Rates furniture DIAL 725-2156 OSHAWA omnes ats HOME LANDSCAPING 728-8232. and so forth at pr stone service sta in centre of Sun three loan newly -- Oshawa, to st, 405 . SALMERS, BA, Ba 1314 Simcoe Street 3741; Residence, . DAVID L., Barrister Solict- imcoe South. 725-9592. Res to Shopping Centre. Suitable for gulet. rooms, private entrance, bath, heal ink, not. vod occupancy heavy wiring, cupboard: PARK ROAD and King, large four-room ir room 603075 Tuned apartment, in pew six-plex, refriger tor, stove, free laundry facilities, paved TWO large rooms, completely furnish. ed for light housekeepl parking, dults. _728- 3871, including electric refrigerator and te evision, use Landscaping designing, sc | couple ding, seeding, weed rilling, Complete garden service. 728-6366 E. R. KNOWLTON eve: Blog, LANDSCAPING SERVICE tG K | NHA mort-| Top soil and sod, Repairing and lawn maintenance patio ond sidewalk slabs. WE DELIVER- a Apply Mrs Barrister, 725-6047 4 Simcoe 3 Mg | Ar 4 CROSS TOWN REGISTERED German fe. | [Plumbing Hosting wale, five Tele. | SOD SUPPLY i 2 | A-1 rolled fertilized sod, Pi ng WH 2.12 cut fresh daily, sod for truck. fel bia x ! - ers in the field, Special con- ng, new I I th RE RD De - tractor rates, a 725-8504 N Apply 630 King Street West, ster, Solid. | North {Personal Service PETER PAN Day N 5.30, B81 | Start earning substantial INCOME PROPERTY income. Represent Avon jx close to school and bus, CONFECTIONERY garage. Available September 1, STORE |to E. E. Healey, Port Perry. ; |TWO-ROOM a built-in | THREE-BEDROOM ranch bungaiow, [cup boards ang sink) unfurnished. Apply | four-piece v a See z [comely degre Avaliable Septem ONE- and two-bedroom apartments for NACRE fam Yiage of Troms: Seven rooms for owner plus gouble house Siw oe Svante two apartments, four garages, VLA, only $12,900, excellent terms. work shop, two parking spaces. Yearly income thirty- ber 1 Phone 7 723.9635 | rent, immediate possession, adults. Ap. {LARGE "five Toom brick bungalow, ail Ply 13 John Street, Apartment 1, Tele Walter Frank, MA 3. 3% Bowmanville, D. W. McQuay Real seven hundred. Income from the con be increased , central, $90 per month, Phone 723-9358. a FOR RENT or sale: 500 down serials easily. Priced to sell, Call nelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810. |UNU SUAL three-room apartment, pri- HLY -- house and Yate bath and entrance, natural fire. for this 7-room brick Yome, centra located, four bedrooms, W. J. lrvine Vickery Real Estate $0 M |garage. Ritson Road South. Telephone Place. Picture window with lovely view, "room, modern tiled <i din Phone or bal | Simcoe Street X-ROOM house on Rossland Road | {TWO four-room self contained apart: | op 'washin; double ments, near shopping centre, For fur-| el -3363. Adults, $15 weekly. 725.5227, Write ther particulars 27-Real Estate for Sale Associates Lid., 723-2265. LARGE farm house, May be rented [tained apartment: three-piece bath. oy - with or without surrounding acreage room, stove and refrigerator, laundry | NICE { and shorthand. Good start- 17", res), Five rooms, hot, cold run-|room, parking. Reasonable, 33 Gibb ice Tomah 'and ing salory. Modern air con- |ning water. No inside conveniences. Street, Apt. 1, Simcoe entrance {Park Road. After 5 od B Xing and ditioned office Congenial |728-159. |THREE - ROOM apartment, in apart-| Avenue working conditions. Oshawa SEVEN-ROOM ment building, bright, clean, washer, scCOMMODATION for teacher, To- Shopping Centre. 5 .day |1Va-storey house, 1, parking, Available September 8. ronto west, every convenience, large ; R [front and large g } Shopping Centre. Apply 212 Ste. | main floor front room. Reduced rate to week, pension, medical ond |entious and appreciative only | venson Road South. one away weekends. Write 101 Arm- ce plan. available, If [need apply. Telephone 5. THREE room modern apartment, se sop- adale Avenue, Toronto 3, Oni ed in a pleosant per- FOUR-ROOM lower duplex, heat and arate entrance, laundry room, with OF ONE furnished | light ouakeopity manent position, for inter | light supplied, newly decorated. us Jrithout heavy duty range. Telephone 1, room, with closets, builtin cupboards, view, call Mr. W. A. Hyde fa-2u1 Street West, Oshawa, hone 72 ink, refrigerator and stove. 723.7855 Sarl o + 13-13 . |NICE two-room apartment, private en. blocks from downtown. 728-0558. . | MopERN "three-bedroom brick bunga. (trance, free hydro and water, use of |TWO large, furnished low, close to all schools, available Sep. washing machine, bus at door, reason. {downtown. Apply 24 Charlei Rg Gl RLS tember 1. Phone 725-9641 after 7 |able. 723-9613. + [aTmacrive. ihe COMPLETELY furnished new lower du-| THR apart- Pb iy oe ai aa |plex, three bedrooms, heated, automa-|ment, $65 monthly, Bloor and Park FOR PLEASANT TELE. |§C% cher, dryer, TV, near ail schools, (Road or Central. Call 728.5133, Lioyd| abbey 31 Gana Blvd. 'Norts. Tels PHONE WORK IN OFFICE, (shopping plaza, private drive. MO Oshawa Lid.) Realtor. THERE PART TIME TO SUIT YOUR- |8:5670. ___|s3 MONTHLY and up, Modern One: |hermy. SELF. SALARY PLUS BONUS, buys {his + fiveroom brick or two-bedroom Apartments, inser cen lie. | 9 L c ~ n * |home, carries for $82 monthly, interest aparimen uildings, all conveniences, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | DODD & SOUTER HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS FOR and principal, Room in basement now beautifully decorated, located, | Street available | | PAINTING & DECORATING [204 King Street East, 72 | EVENING. | renting for $32 monthly, Why pay ren b674 or 728-5282 "|LARGE furnished housekeeping Bias Fhe ti hat SE -- coffee b3 oly Mote " Live in your own home and save, Calll=--= clean, utet, close to hospital. Call 1738 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] NTRAC [10 LEASE -- coffee bar. Apply Motor PHONE 728-3882 FOUR-ROOM apartment teif-contain and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. CONTRACTORS anyone inthe city. [City Bowling Ltd. Telephone 723.3212 £ 748-3882 Irwin Cruikshanks, 728-3123, Li oy a|fP RODE aps ain | 5984 after § p.m. Yelepho 'Business 733.2201. Re Painting, Poperhanging Apply 78 Richmond Street West, after MORNINGS 9-12 FOR Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) Realtor A IRINg ace, hot moter maludod, ONE pei one double bedroom, sepa. defice, 728-5373, a Ploy, Full Wall Murals, Team. oo APPOINTMENT OWNER moving to Hawali for year, Sepa ate entrance. 723-3096. iy 8, parking. Telephone Tasos, Eh RE W 2--Peisonal A ao a eens some [EE rahe sparing 1s Slain Stree Eas RON ¢ / - - fon and restauran s 157 Bi VS] S., WHITBY FELECIFIC Day Nursery now in oper. derland for sale. Highways 7 and 12 BE AN AVON TV, automatic washer, dryer, MO ecorated, all conveniences, close | rs oa a t Official opening in September. Beautiful condition, with ldrge paved 8-5670 HTS 725-7426 728-2412 for interview parking area. Gasoline of your choice | FIVE-ROOM Brick bungalow, very cen. Cash, house or apartment as down REPRESENTATIVE tral, olf Heated, sun porch, double Far. {payment, Balance over 20 years. PO lage. Occupancy September with one ELECTROLYSIS Box 20, Osaws |year lease. Telephone 728-1131 before pa p.m. evenings 725-1423 Removal of superfluous hair, \arie Murduft will be in hwaa, August 29th and th. Phone Génosha Hotel dates for appoint. CREIGHTO MURDOCH, in a convenient neighbor- hood. We trgin you. Call Y OU BAR-B-QUE D Chic te, CHICKEN half chicke fish and aogs, " MODERN GRILL these ment 3--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL © budgles strain | collect. RU 2-4782 T7--Male Help Wanted THOMAS M. RUNDL eitor and Notary F Street East. P RD H. N , Barrister, Soll- 6% King ready for RIC DONALD. store several schools, shopping, ete. Suit MEN needed at 'once. No sales experi- LOVELY FI "storey brick home, fully iness couple or two school teachers. landscaped, fruit trees in back yard, phone 725-3342. necessary. Transportation sup- Average $1.98 hourly. For ap- 1036 Cedar Street or phone 728-5422. $85 rrp ep aan large rooms, cupboards, |sink, hot water in kitchen, upper duplex. telephone 728.2383 between 5 per month. Available September 1. No children. Abstainers only. Parking space available, Telephone 728- FOUR-ROOM two-bedroom a partment, stove, refrigerator, close to Re nd BASTEDO. Shepherd, 1725-0891 nished or unfurnished. Convenient od ake wir ing room, oil heated, and prey M GIBBON months. 3-552 {ence plied {pointment, and 8 SELL Canada's newest product, made|25=--Apts. & Flats for Rent in Oshawa, full or part-time. Make $100 . _--- - lor more per week. Telephone 728-4091 FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | with two-piece private bath and hea FUEL oil salesman, full or part-time, duty wiring, near bus and South GM. and main office, ing, Jaundry ache | Commission basis. Apply Jack Perry, Telephone 725-7703 ties. Telephone 7: 4017 \Harry OQ Derry 110. ___ | TAREE-ROOM apartment, private bath [TWO heated apartments, wend and MARRIED couple to manage 1i-plex and entrance, heavy dufy wiring, TV third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 apartment building in Whitby, live in| aerial, bus stop at door. Avaliable im-|Bond Street East. Telephone 725-9303 for with rental allowance, Write Box 146, mediately. Telephone 728-1944 further information. { Oshawa Times, ow: WARM, nicely furnished basement| GOOD LOCATION -- two- or three- | apartment, Including electric mantel, room apartment, Will rent reasonably 1S THIS YOU 3 ? {automatic washer and dryer, teachers /if care is given to child while mother | preferred, very central location, Tele. | works. Telephone 1300. ; {phone 725.1362 for details, |Four-RoOM apartment in quiet home, YOU are preferably married |yygNisHED basement apartment, suit. [all conv h priva and own a car. Age 28 to 45. able for one or tw® school teachers, Would prefer a Soule, $65 You ore a self-starter who available September Rossland Road | monthly. Telephone 725- Ta STORE -- con plon. your own octivity, | est district. Telephone 725-4154 for |yHREE-ROOM oir" basement ood | 4 details, apartment, close to South General Mo. . on go You are ambitious and wont gov RGoM apartment, ali conveni-|tors, heavy duty wiring, laundry faeili. business compare the better things for your family. |ences, laundry, separate entrance, hotties. $55 monthly plus hydro. 723.9742. profit pe and leader- If this is you, telephone us, ship of the Licensed WEST- We are on exponding worlds INGHOUSE Laundromat Store wide insurance organization. We want a good salesman water free, bus at the door, Apply 183 | before you buy. Over 10,000 ond are prepared to give exe Verdun Road. Telephone 723. 3096 | APARTMENTS successful stores are proof cellent training. Sales experi THREE-ROOM bright, ea apartment, | ip HR MB posses. in modern building. Avail« sion. Dial 723-9128. able now. Laundry, parking, positive of the consumer pref- THREE-ROOM apartmen hardwood floors, 'frig, stove, ah . A iow Cicanlag ership of pres: | nce preferable but not essen (hiial™ avaiable Sept TV Gal MO 83092 o tial. Salary plus commission Call MO 8- with excellent group pension, after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd., life! and medical benefits. Apt. 5, Whitby. Please call Mr. Foreman at the Genosha Hotel on Thurs- day, August 24th anytime, 723-2533, $11,000 FULL price for this six-month- old, for $88 monthly, Interest, taxes. Wilson Realtor. ask for Dick Young, tele) or 723-7183. and heating supplies Stark eer new modern fire, | ous runs. Phone BOARDING kennels, , he: proof kennels, spac 728-2868 OWN A SECOND BUSINESS . OPERATE IN YOUR SPARE TIME A Coin-Metered Licensed Westinghouse Laundromat Store Con Give You FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE ups sale. ! nan. 725-0579 for Bookkeeping BOXER, Nd, Very offer male, fawn, #ood with Telephone year and a half children, $25 or 728-9122 BEATTY APPLIAN ES -~ : CES 4---Market Bosker NUMBER ONE Barn, equipment, pu Moret Basket TOP SOIL mers hot woter and Thc He Fe cen Rios North, Vy 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 forced Se Thy 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 Wi 723- 3162 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD GRAVEL STONE LOAM ti Y | mat collec 723. -3528 LANDSCAPING y oly | clean-up, A rk pis (031 1 Boa stres Vo 2 ; STINGHOUSE y J, Pp {oa LAUNDROMAT STORES rolling. Now is the time to CUSTOM JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa:| kill crob grass ond chick Don't risk your copited on ; 3 Che Of apitad on un- sodding, nur | GRAIN DRYING tried equipment and inexperi A BRANSTON enced distributors. Call or Whit Reasonable rates. Ful'yl weed. Seeding, equipped and insured. Phone 723-3661. | sery stock write for details Telephone 728-6865 or 725-6837 L. SCHAPEL HOUMAN EPIN TAX FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 . 728-4879 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR 725-4330 -- 728-5109 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE $9,900 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. EXCELLENT BUY =~ Living room, dining room, kitchen, and one bedroom on first floor, two bedrooms and bath on second floor. Oil heat, garage, ond nicely treed yard. Attractively decorated. Don't miss seeing this home, Call anytime to inspect. Owner will carry mortgage. COUNTRY HOME Country living end atmos- BOOK KEE 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Yeodes i oir 1 : service, Business . RASPBERRIES Pick your own large ER wi RTN amette raspberries for 10c. a pint pL UMBINC AND HEA 1 ING at u homko's, MQ 8-4606, Bring your own ORONO 1782 I or Nigar containers \ you are considering own- ONO 82 wy or Nign | , J own COIN-OPER- 5--Farmers Column RY Foun urself anal at nz basements | ---------- MO 8.3612. an Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS 1 he ed aner. Chim gas linings in dd. Free est YEAR-OLD David Brown diesel] actor, in good condition, May be seen! 161 Bloor Street East, Oshawa | and pride sense, X tentio ' DEAD farm ! ne ect, will Fur MONEY stock picked up promptly, | Hampton, COlfax 3-2721, Farm, T Ltd. 115 disabled 11604, | wall tile, woodwork ; Fron estimates. | rone, Tor for dead and far Vivian, Markh seven-day service roofing, fireplaces, Gordon HARDSAND complete hour, McCORMICK in running is. Rodd Appleby, mont 836R3 Derring order, for 6 feet sale, cash, | pull type, as | RR 1 Ashburn, Clare- | after 6 covered Our rates J Anteed OWNERS--shingling, fiat roofs, Telephone | , blow sulation, caulk. per, Whitby, MO 8-4538 HOME all types sidin ing. Phil Har Caftage |are reasonabl tires i [Surveyors [DONEY AN AND {tario Land Sur 0) printing, 12 Bl H. FLIM AND Land Surveyo st. Phone 728-1936 after 5. mmm] THREE-ROOM fiat, also two rooms on | TWO BEDROOM TRIPLEX ground floor, Apply 97 Albert Street | after 1.30 p.m. Also chesterfield ig | Attractively decorated, stove, frig, washer, dryer, parking for sale. ak = | TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, suit | New building, Lansdowne Dr. Adults Only, 725-4842, FLEISHMAN, Commercial Blue Street East, 72 ive] TROLLOPE Adelaide able for couple, no children, parking 20 d B 4 space, Apply 195 Albert Street. --HKOoOom an oar | PONTIAC INN room and board avail: | ON BE RON able home cooked meals, lunches pack- -- ed TV lounge. Telephone 725-0078 | 2 BEDROOM Lo $105 IN DUPLEX Ontario Avenue 5 7 725arm Instruction Ea LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School TV--Rentals Ballet, Tap, Pre-School Registration -- Dressmaking FURRIER and DRESSMAKER rs, 681 ALD CANADA LTD, 25 Belfield Road Rexdale (Toronto) Ontario Have for further particulars. PRIVATE room, three meals a day, New, Alterat ond. Sam odelling. 22 ROWE STREET insurance 728-6706 Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE School Instructors ntrolled Cars al Ssturday Morn., Sept, 9, Masonic Te ple, Centre Street. 723.7253 mm 7--Trailers Purchase your de-humidifier ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save ) per cent, six months to pay. F service at your home, c AUTO INSURANCE If you ore a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 20%, Preferred $10 down =~ $7 Remove ir vision = from BUY NOW AND SAVE See Our Display of GLENDETTE TRAVEL MEAGHER'S NING WwW, 723-3425 the up or all only $7 per IN STOCK i rts and ice at 5 King St TV - Radio Repairs Highway 2, East TRAILERS Cooks Trailer Sales of Oshawa : | 14--Employment Wanted TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all makes, Thom / s on Electronics, 157 Elliott Avenue, 7234702 (Fred). 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent RO 6-7255 |five- or seven-day week. No shift work ers. Close to town and buses, 173 Ritson {Road South for two] meals, | 202 ~ ROOM and Young | gentlemen, good home-cooked after | single rooms, good beds, Apply Tele- King Stroet East WHITBY -- Room and board, a bright sunny bedroom in clean home. Tele {phone MO 8.4581 for further particu lars Agents for the Fantastic {PRIVATE BOME---room and board- fo CA L- JE gentleman, laundry done, parking, 217] | Edward Street, close to Garrard, Ross-| OUTBOARD MOTOR [land Wes. vis-mt2 | {ROOM and board, near South GM plan | Runs B hours on gallon of Telephone 728-0864 4 KINDERGARTEN board suitable married woman {small children, {phone 728-7642 15--Agents Wanted teac her desires to look during the day. Immediate possession. 559 and 561 Lonsdowne Drive, 20-ft, living room, good- sized bedrooms with plenty of closet space, bright kits chen with table and chair area, balcony overlooking garden, stove, 'frig, washer- dryer, TV and parking in- cluded. Convenient to Coro nation Public School. North of King Street on Wilson Road North, | & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms --- free use of auto- phere, with city conveniences. Six year old 1Va-storey, with double garage, situoted on e lot 75 x 200, just off Hwy. 401. The 18-ft. modem kit- chen has a picture window in dining area, living room, bedroom, 4-pc. tiled baoth- room, ond family room on first floor. Two large bed. rooms up. Close to school, Toxes only $170.00. Easy terms, the owner will cary mortgage. fuel CHRYSTAL SALES LTD, 7 Rickwell Rd, Hamilton drivers enjoy the lowest rate Ontario through this of- Half-year payments. us today and compare free SCHOFIELD Ter INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 360 King St. West 723-2265 matic washer end dryer. $90 MONTHLY and Automatic Evening Lessons "726. 0091 RCURY SCHOOL SAFE DRIVING | equipped cars, ced instructors. fare § BEAUTIFUL four-room cottage for | sale. Overlooking Paudash Lake, fur. nished, treed lot, good fishing and hunt. | Ing $3200 terms or $2500 cash. 725-8755. | ST. % TILTING boat trailer, heavy "duty, 16. foot, condition. = Telephone OL {ROOM AND BOARD for two gentle. | men, on 131 Park Road North. Call Call or write mom Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733 or |ROOM AND BOARD for one gentle. | RU 7-9387 evenings Apply 213 |man. French cooking. lunches packed: 3005 Bathurst Street, Toronto _Montrave Avenue. Apt. {16---Female Help Wanted {parking. Telephone 728-476 foun -- m---- 738. ICLERK. TYPIST with least "three! ROOM "AND BOARD 0 LOT Lakefront, 85 x 200, sandy, Crystal |76Ars high school, for general office |food, lunches packed if <>sired, Iaun-| PARKWOOD MANOR Lake, 80 miles Oshawa beautifully | work, Apply in own hand writing, giving [dry done, television, Rossland and Sim. | (KING AND PARK ROAD) treed. hydro, $1800 cash. Box 430. Pri {previous experience to Box 224, Oshawa coe area. Parking. Apply 708 Carnegie| | PROGRESSIVE UTILITY "OPERATION IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments. REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF paved parking, T.V. outlet CASHIER-TYPIST WHITBY, ONTARIO FROM $85.00 MO 52563 | Ho Baagy DUTIES: Handling Accounts Receivable, 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. Balance and Banking, General Typing Inquire about our special offer at $82.50 FOR INFORMATION er DO BOY IT --| QUALIFICATIONS: Banking experierice pre- ferred, good knowledge of general office 725-7272 725-5787 BUNGALOW -- 2 ACRES V.L.A. APPROVED \ Priced at $10,600. Just out- side city, and convenient to school, 5-room stone ond frame with garage, large kit- chen, 4-pc. tiled bathroom. Immediate possession. McLAUGHLIN AND SIMCOE N Seven-room, two-storey brick, with garage, all in excellent condition. The living room hos a natural fireplace, full sized dining room, panelled family room, with two-piece stove, powder room, three good sized bedrooms, and bath. in fice Call ample 1.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 Op arking at ms n evening OSHAWA T.V. Free Jol ntments Survey Lawn n Mowers SARA : timates HAVE your lawn mower precision - {sharpened. Free pick up and delivery {Telephone 725-4360 Well Drilling-Digging ond e SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installation: Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings, replaces, furnaces 726-3538, WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. USE THE 723-3224 SSHAWA TIMES | Money to Loan CLASSI Fl ED Mortgage A) loan v1 ro Sr ut COLUMNS Suitable Tele Fridge, SERVIC iT OR I.V. and RADI CALL 728 All Work ( OF HA WA ELECTRONICS C! TIONAL VALUE ji 3 $12,900 723-3454 723-3240 725.3867 725-4330 Members Oshawa and Distriet Racal Ectote Bod. WANT TED VEENHOF | routine LY CLEAN QUT 5-day - 35-hr. week -- Apply stating age, marital status and experience to: BOX 229 OSHAWA TIMES Roy Flintoff ... Phyllis Jubb ..,. Irene Brown .... Lucas Peacock Complete employee benefits Ba Ares NHA mortgage arranged Fraser, Dryaan and Mur teed |FiEm from your own boat year. | e Classified Find it in th section todas, Telephone 728-3864

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