BIRTHS JRELAND -- Bob and Pauline (nee Boyle) are happy to announce the birth of thelr daughter, Ellen Marie (6 Ibs. 11% ozs.) at Cobourg General Hospital on Tuesday, August 15, 1961. SEWELL -- Fred and Diane (nee ) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son, Cameron Wayne (6 ibs, 8% ozs.) on Thursday, August 17, 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. E. Waldrom and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sewell. TRAN -- John and Joan (nee Pither) are proud to announce the birth of their son on August 17, 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Weight 7 Ibs, 14 ozs. A brother for Wendy and Cindy. Thanks to Dr. Cuddy. A GOOD NEWS STORY -When you announce of r child In the Oshawa Times, clippings of the no tice are available for Baby's Book, Family Tree Records and to mall your friends and relatives in 'hose far-away places. To place birth announcement, call The Times Classified, phone RA 3- Oshawa 3492 ALLIN, Rosanna Entered Into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, August 17, 1961, Rosanna Montpetit, beloved wife of Gordon Allin and mother of Wayne, in her 34th year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Sat- urday, August 19, at 3.30 p.m. Inter. ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Aug. 18 (Quotations in cents unless marked $ 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex~ rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous day's close.) INDUSTRIALS 11 Nes igh ba Block Con Gas Crush pr Dist Spag D Bridge D Fndry D Scot pr Dom Store n 335 726 $19% 1 625 $19 10 $103 905 $42 675 $20 220 103 1% 42 210 Lows.m. Ch'ge "2 «2 $17% 17% 17% % 8u $17 17 220 215 Jefferson Jockey C Jock C pr Jock wis Kelvinator Labatt Lakeland M MacLeods A MB and PR 2125 M Leaf Mill Mass.F Mass-F 5% p Metro Stores z15 Met Store pr 225 Molson A 2115 Molscn B 24 Molson pr 22 Mon Foods 25 Mcore 625 N St Car 175 NO NGas 2100 Nor Phone 100 Oshawa A 250 BOTIMER, Flora At the Cedars Nursing Home on Thurs- day, August 17, 1961, Flora Newberry Botimer, beloved mother of Mrs. K. Snover, Mrs, R. Hoard, Millington, Michigan, Mrs, V. Terry, Flint, Mich- igan, and O. A. Botimer, Oshawa. Fu- neral service and interment at Milling- ton, Michigan on Monday, August 21, (For further information call McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home.) BROWN, Ellen Suddenly, at her late residence, 414 Masson Street, on Thursday, August 17, 1961, Ellen Jenkins, beloved wife of the late Robert J. Brown and dear mother Cdn Celan Chem C Collieries Frbks A CF Prod 2 pr 35 C Gas In p 3600 C Imp Bk C 110 Cdn Oil 795 CPR 1835 Cin Pet pr 500 Cal Cell 115 Cons Bldg 1050 Cons Bldg p 330 Today's Stock Market Listin Sales High Low s.m. Ch'ge 18% 18% -- % 195 1 61% 48 365 355 365 $21% 21% 21% $47 4TH 4T% + $15% 15% 15% + % $63% 63% 63% + % 25 225 225 7 $47% 4T% AT -- 200 $70% 70% 70% -- % $8% 8% 365 365 $11% 11% gs on Toronto Exchange Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 14 14 14 6 2H un xu 67 61 67 ~1 8% 8% 8% + % $11 nn 62 61 61 47 47 350 350 350 105 05 105 230 230 230 Mh 31 Ww 6% 6 6 $45 M4 4&5 $12% 12% 12% 6 6 $ 2 5% 15 I Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $11% 11% 1% 170 168 170 3 35 3% 200 169 415 159 43 7 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1175 826% 25% 26 + % 700 290 + QN Gas 980 $5% 5% 5% + QN Gas wis 560 165 160 165 +5 Radp Gri] 100 $11 11 11 + Roe AV 150 $6% Rotham 800 $14% Royal Bank 195 $79% 7 Royalite 150 z15 $11 1770 624 102 250 150 220 u Sales 100 500 300 1500 700 1100 Stock Irish Cop J Waite Jacobus Joburkt Kerr Adl Langis Latin Am Macassa MacLeod Madsen Martin Matatch Melntyre Min Corp Min-Ore N Harri New Hosco New Jason Newlund New Taku Noranda Norpax N Coldstrm Northgate Opemiska Orchan Osisko Paymast Bales 1500 1900 6000 Stock Pac Pete Peruv Oils Place Provo Gas Sock Page-Hers 103 Premium 2% + % 900 201 100 169 100 415 1370 159 1000 43 800 7 4000 110 110 1500 46 45 45 3% 3% I 1000 515 485 2 -1 11 Russell Sa ada-S Shawin' Shaw A pr Silverwd A S.mpsons SKD Mig 8: utham St Pav 205 Steel Can 1185 Steinbg pr 50 8 Propane 200 S Prop wt 610 Texaco 100 'Tor-Dom T Fin A T Fin 57 w Tr Can PL 'Trans-Mt Un Gas U Corp pr Un Stpel Walk GW Wat Equip Weoast Tr 210 Weston B 200 Weston 4% p 25 West A wt 330 Wdwd A w 200 Curb Asbestos C Paper Dupont Lob Inc Price Br +2 -1 +1 FEE SFE Fo & M " Advocate 3050 510 ---% Agnico At in-Ruf Bary Expl Beav Bieroft Bouzan $14 13% 13% $74 73% 73% $28 28% 28% -- Wu $16% 16% 16% + % 315 300 315 +20 $50% 59% 59% -- % $69% 69% $53 $15 21% $13% $20% 20% 220 $29%4 29% 29% 100 363% 6% 6% + % 235 $544 5414 54% 100 375 375 375 $18 18% 18% $21 21 21 13 53% +10 14 83 67 +H -1 z10 245 410 130 560 810 -1 15 + % 730 21% 158 13% -- 33 20% 13% 14 57 §7 7% 490 49% 025 160 --1 270 +15 950 1 215 --$8 8% 365 --5 11% + 89 +2 - 925 925 160 160 270 260 960 950 2 22 16% 16% 169 167 19% 19% 19% 9 9 9 14885 550 480 535 2000 16 16 16 100 117 17 117 200 $13% 13% 13% 1000. 6 6 600 $10 10 210 $25 25 1500 $97 1 91 41 $11% 11% 11% 32 825 825 825 16% 168 900 41 32% 32% + 45% 45% -- % 25% 25% + W 16 16 --% 50 50% + % $3244 $45% $25% $16 $50% OILS 1300 100 500 1700 1000 1428 z50 345 25 100 52 Steep R Sullivan Sylvanite Teck-H Tormont Trin Chib U Asbestos Un Keno Upp Can Ventures Willroy Wr Harg Yk Bear Young HG Zenmac Balley 8 A Bail 5% pr C Delhi C Ex Gas C High Cr Cent Del C Mic Mace Fr Pete pr Home A 130 HB Oil G 205 $14U 14% 14% Long Point 5000 32 Medal 400 217 211 Midcon 1000 25% 25 i 00 1500 1000 5% 5 5 27% 2h 2TH $54 54 M4 3% 36 36 $86% 86 86 Hollinger Hud Bay Inspiratn Int Nickel 16% 16% 16% Sales to 11 a.m, 352,000. + % 21 --6 Hh 2% -- % + be 10 24% + % 675 -h of Robert Jenkins Brown. The late Mrs. Brown is resting at Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Service in St. George's Anglican Church, on Saturday, August 19, at 3:30 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. CANNING, Morley Leggest ' In Oshawa General Hospital on Wed. nesday, August 16, 1961, Morley L. Canning, beloved husband of Isabel Walker and loving father of Mrs. A.V. Larway (Joan) Toronto and John Can- ning, Beaconsfield, Quebec, brother Percy A., Oshawa, and Clarence E. of Toronto, The late Mr. Canning is rest- ing at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Home, Oshawa. Service in the chapel on Saturday, August 19, at 2 p.m. Inter- BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT BCE Deal Leaves Wake Of Chaos ment Union Cemetery. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Two| Court judge. He says this is the weeks after the provincial gov-|only way justice can be assured Deri pi igi Oshawa Gen- ernment took over the Britishito both investors and taxpay- eral Hospital on Friday, August 18, 1961 | Columbia Electric Company, fi- ers. Donald Carnochan, beloved husband of inancial houses still are uncer-| Resting at the Armstrong Funeral [tain how nearly 50,000 investors Investment Dealers Association Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel Monday, August 21. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. (Friends N : are asked to call commencing Saturday| About 25,000 persons hold pre-|"restore confidence in the con- evening.) |ference shares in the company, ditions for investment in private FERGUSON, Xn Wianitrea Ivalued at $104,000,000, for which|industry in B.C." Entered into rest awa { ig re Wednesdsy, August ie, Compensation has not yet been. USING CONFUSION Hel, Ea or pria, : | The B.C. Bond Dealers Asso- ihe late Chaflen An gust and] Some 22,000 have shares 0 : : Sith Er. Resting at the Armstrong|B.C. Power Corporation which Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial has received $110,000,000 cash| service in the chapel Saturday, August|s,. the entire issue of ordinary 9, .m, Interment Zion Cemetery.' J T (Xu "Lady Foresters will hold » mem. shares in B.C. Electric but js preterred shares. It said in a orial service at the funeral home on left with holdings in six other el .er Friday evening at 7:30. companies. LAVIOLETTE, Lome lly. sak The preferred tors Entered into rest at the family resl- haus heen promised provincial-| . dence, 325 Oshawa Boulevard South, Ag Hise a tual Premier Bennett, Oshawa, on Thursday, August 17, 1961, 'government - backed perpetua Leona Vitolena Vernette, beloved wife honds bearing the same value of Leo Laviolette, and mother of Wayne |, 14 'interest rates as the stock cal agent for the Crown-con- tha' Armetvong Funeral Home, Oshawa, they held But for the moment|trolled B.C. Electric board, has with high requiem mass in St Ger (they cannot get a penny for declined comment. da August 19, 6 am. interment St, their blue chip investments: : Toe bona dealers expressed HE A ig ey he have nothing they can sell, ag shareholders beca B e day evening, 8.30 p.m.) r. Gordon Shrum, new head of the B.C. Electrie Company,|they say the perpetual bonds said last week the new bonds Promised by the government will be issued within 10 days or|Will neither be worth as much of the late Harold Skinner, and dear ®"' Joe pay She ate 1apelt k iter » ax as di e utility stock. Rother of Marjorie Mn. J. B.D: GIVEN CHOICE They say the dividend dispar- rd, Gordon, and Alex-| The B.C. Power Corporation ity will be due to the fact that T |shareholders have the choice of such bonds are not eligible for carrying on in business, withthe 20-per-cent income tax re- the remaining holdings and the duction granted on dividends money received for B.C. Elec-|/from corporations such as B.C. tric ordinary shares, or selling|Electric. to the Crown. It was this tax benefit which The government has given the attracted many small investors corporation's shareholders an|to put their savings in the pre- offer of $38 each for their shares| ferred issues, they say. which remains open for two, The dealers say the promised years. {bonds will be unattractive on The shares, which stood at the market because of the un- viously inequitable treatment' SEINNER, Elsa At the home of her daughter, Herbert Street, RR 1, Oshawa, on Friday, Aug- ust 18, 1961, Eliza Johnson, beloved wife Street East, for service in the chapel on Saturday, August 19, at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST {Thursday closed at $33 on the association has urged that re- {Toronto Stock Exchange. {demption dates be fixed for the LOCKE'S FLORIST | Directors of the corporation bonds and a sinking fund be set Funeral arrangements and {have not decided whether to|up from which they would be re- floral requirements for all |Fécommend staying in business. deemed. occasions. In the meantime they have said] Meanwhile, they are urging OSHAWA SHOPPING they will seek a better offer|the government to issue some CENTRE {from the government. form of interim transferrable 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Liberal leader Ray Perrault certificates of deposit which 2 555 has urged the whole question of would enable the preferred % compensation be submitted to|shareholders to market their in- GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me. |arbitration by a B.C. Supreme !terests. morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. mmemoriam Active Trading BROWN -- In memory of a = At Stockyards mother, who passed away August 18, 1960. Into his loving arms. TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter sows gained a $2 premium We will always miss you Although we know in our hearts You were so tired that God took you t 18, 1960. --8adly missed by Rose and the boys. common and fat eder lambs mostly JONES -- In loving memory of Annie Jones, who passed away August 18, My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her, In a home that is lonesome today, --Ever remembered by husband daughter Pat and family. --Sadly missed, Alice and Chris. steers, heifers and yearlings stags 17.50 on a dressed-weigh BROWN ~ In loving memory of Mis. traded actively at prices fully basis. Alice Brown, who passed away August|50-75 cents per hundredweight| Sheep and lambs: Good han- [Righe? his week at the public Gyweight lambs 21 plus a gov- . ernment subsidy of $2 per head p[ -- da YES - 3 Joving memory, of ous | Cows opened steady and on choice and $1 on good; August 18, 1960. ih : {closed 50 cents per hundred bucks discounted $1 per hun- eer memories will linger forever, weight lower. Bulls were firm dredweight: common d - 3 0 : : and me Years that may come candot sever (and replacements traded activ-/dium lambs 16-19: My loving remembrance of you. ely at strong prices. Veal calves|sheep 8-10; ' Dave. | nembered by Gladys and|yere $2 per hund re dweight! sheep 3.7: fe higher, hog prices were uneven|1g. {and lamb prices unchanged. Cattle JucsIpts, estimated at " *|about 7,500 head, were some 2,-| Cl H U d 400 head more than last week| alm e se and some 1,100 head more than| . ' the same week in 1960. Receipts $50 Bo Bill NOX = In loviig memory of 2 dear | TIO Western Canada totalled gus Maude 492 head, an increase of 80 head mother, Maude Knox, who passed wy Yast week. LONDON Ont. (CP) -- Donald: A silent thought, a secret tear, ~ C. Mitchell, 30, of Windsor, | Keeps her memory ever dear. Slaughter cattle: Choice charged with passi | Time takes away the edge qf grief, steers 22.50-23, sales to 23.50 and! ois 1 Passing. counter: But memory furns back every leaf. | 4 eit United States money here, | --Always remembered by daughter 0d head lots and a few lots of ya given five Canadian $10 Edna and son-in-law Ted. fancy handyweights to 23.90; pie ite ~ medium 19-21; common 16-18.50: by 3 customer 1 a tates, bill | ; 1 2% by a customer in a brewers' re-| - choice dry-fed heifers 22-22.50, tq; | CARD 0) HANKS sales to 10; good heifers 21- $21 store, 8 Witness lestified] {22; medium 19-2050; common| yn... 0, is charged with pass-| MeGREGOR -- We wis 0 16.18.50; ice - ings |, harge Ji ur "dsepest thanks to" ai our' neigh 29 sau ge noice - fed yearlings yg" a counterfeit $50 U.S. bill rs, n ah' ; i i | wind a aves BL 21.50-22.50; good cows 16-16.50; ata Sly clothing store July; 3. flowers and cards. Special thanks tomedium 15-16; common 14-15; . aig was adjourned to hams Funeral Home and. 'Créseue [CANNErs and cutters 1-14; good AU8- 21. neighbors and friends who were so kind (heavy bologna bulls mostly 19 Robert Livingstone, casher at loss of a loving mistand. ang father. (19-90; common and medium 16-/{€ brewer's retail store, said Nis, Genny, band and father. 18.50. Mitchell tried to get change for| -- Shi. Trsnain. Replacement cattle: Good? $50 bill at the store but was re- NO INSTALMENTS steer stockers 20-23, selected fused A Tislomer gave him int DANVILLE, Que. (CP)--A 21. lots of stocker calves to 26.50; Jatian money for it, apparently | y ty common and medium stockers e leving he Yas earning $1 by| year-old man here fined $160 for| and stock heifers 18-20 not paying discount. driving while impaired offered J . 4 | Thomas McEwen, salesman : Calves: Choice vealers 30-32; at the clothin store id Mit to pay it off with $5 down and good 28-30; medium 25-27; com-!chell paid f RB a v ith $5 a week. The offer was re-| mon 21-24; boners 15-19. a $50 Ra Hei og t riding jad; bor he was given 15 days Hogs: Grade A 27.70-30.20; feit when it was deposited at. . beavy sows 10.55-21.25; light|the bank the next day. President A. J. Milner of the| with interests in the huge util- of Canada also has called for PF!" lity will come out of the deal. (arbitration which he said would| ciation has protested that "ob-| |has been afforded holders of Schwartz. Premier Bennett the, [situation is causing '"'confusion| shareholders/and consternation" among in- the prov- ince's finance minister and fis- $33 on the day of the take-over, usual perpetual feature. Their good light| | |ilarly, Malcolm for himself and] The government said thethese drugs in 1959 totalled American Cyanamid accused/three firms control about 70 per $250,000,000. the government of harassment cent of the market for three of The indictment charged that and maintained complete inno-the most widely-used antibiotics, until November, 1953, American cence. or wonder drugs--Tciracycline, Cyanamid's A ur eo mycin and McKeen for himself and Pfi- Aureomycin and Terramycin,|Pfizer"s Terramycin were prac- zer called the government's/valuable in treating infectious|tically alone in the antibiotic charges "positively not true." |diseases. Their retail sales of|field, and non-competitive. U.S. Drug Makers THE OSHAWA TIMES, Prdey, August 18, 1961 13 TORONTO (CP) -- The stock market Thursday featured higher prices and volume, with a handful of spectacular gains to some individual issues. Eddy Paper A had the big- gest individual rise, up $5, while Ford of Canada recouped some of Wednesday's $8 loss and rose 41% on a volume of 50 shares. Power Corporation advanced 3 3, in late-day trading on a turn- over of 398 shares. Many one- point gains were scattered across the board as trading be- came brisk in the late afternoon. Windsor Firm ToBuy Scarfes BRANTFORD (CP)--A Wind: sor paint manufacturing firm, Rinshed - Mason Company of Canada Limited, is seeking to buy the 84-year-old Brantford paint firm of Scarfe and Com- pany. Limited, it was announced Thursday. The Windsor firm has offered $15 a share for Scarfes Class A and B shares. Mrs. H. C. W, Scarfe, chair- man and president of the Brant- ford firm founded in 1877 by her husband's father, said the board is' recommending that share- reached a new a gain of %. to 600.94, base metals 207.32 and western oils .36 to 94.88. Golds slipped .03 to 88.04. Volume was 1,546,000 shares compared with 1,295,000 Wed- nesday. 'Prices, Volume Both Up Thursday The day's best groups were utilities, refining oils and banks and financial institutions. Imperial Bank of Commerce high of 71 with Among refining Oil, Impari \Interprovincial, R oy a lite Trans Mountain. Papers were weak but Crown Zellerbach reached a new high of 60 with a one-point gain. On index, industrials rose .94 1.07 to Base metals were highlighted by strong gains in the McIntyre- Ventures - Falconbridge group. Ventures and Falconbridge rose 1% and 134 respectively, the for- mer reaching a new high of 64 and then backing down to rest 63%. McIntyre Porcupine gained 2% to equal its high of 44 with a volume of 3,390 shares. Gold trading was light and prices declined near the close. Campbell Red Lake and Giant Yellowknife fell 3 and 14. In weak western oil trading, Pacific Petroleum, Hudson's Bay, Bailey Selburn A, Home B and Central del Rio all gained a few cents. .. holders accept the offer. The Scarfe company operates branches in Montreal, Ottawa, | Toronto, Peterborough, Hamil- ton, St. Catharines, Kitchener, London, Owen Sound, Windsor, North Bay and Trois-Rivieres, |Que. LEAVES FOR US. GENEVA (Reuters)--Averell Harriman, chief American dele- gate to the 14-power Laos con- ference, left here by air today jor Washington for consulta. ons. Indicted NEW YORK (AP)--Three of the largest manufacturers of {wonder drugs in the U.S. were {indicted Thursday on charges of |price - rigging and monopoly. The government said the result {for patients, druggists and hos- pitals was "unreasonably high prices." Named by a federal grand jury were Chas. Pfizer and Com-, pany, Inc. and its president, John E. McKeen; American Cy- anamid Company and its board chairman, Wilbur G. Malcolm; {and Bristol-Myers Company and its president, Frederick N. Schwartz in behalf of himself and Bristol-Myers denied any violation of anti-trust laws. Sim- NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Essex Packers Ltd, year jended April 1: 1961, $63,164, 29 cents a share; 1960, $182,626, $1.14. International Utilities. Corpor- ation, 6 mos. ended June 30: 1961, $4,733,815, $1.42 a share; 1960, $4,750,749, $1.56, Mailman Corporation Lid. year ended April 30: 1061, $411, 567, $1.35 a share; 1960, $729,- 437, $2.53. Provo Gas Producers Lid., 6 mos. ended June 30: 1061, $658,500; 1960, $348,351. To Boycott | US. Ships | In Canal | 1 ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A| resolution to boycott ships of United States registry passing] [through the Welland Canal was| |adopted Thursday night at al | meeting of Local 212 of the Ca-| [nadian Brotherhood of Railway, | | Transport and General Workers| (CLC). Starting date for the boycott is to be set early next week after a meeting at Montreal of officials from Quebec locals, The move will be made in re- taliation against boycotting of the Northern Venture by the Seafarers' International Union (Ind.) at Duluth, Minn. The Northern Venture is owned by Island Shipping Lim- ited, Bermuda, and managed on {the great lakes by Upper Lakes Shipping Company Limited of |Toronto. It carries a CBRT | crew, | The rival SIU attempted to stop the ship from leaving Port |Weller Dry Docks Limited here a month ago. An Ontario Su- |preme Court injunction was is- sued against the picketers but they had to be dispersed by po- lice after the reading of the iRiot Act by St. Catharines Ma- |yor Ivan Buchanan. | DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Asbestos C o r p'o ration, Ltd., common 30 cents, Sept. 29, rec- ord Sept. 8. Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation, common 50 cents, Oct. 2, record Sept. 15. Canadian Celanese Ltd., com- mon 30 cents, $1.75 series pfd. 43% cents, $1 series pfd. 25 cents, Sept. 30, record Aug. 25. Gatineau P o w e r | Company, common 40 cents, 5 per cent pfd. 50 cents, Sept. 15, record A BRADING man yourself | Be a ug. 31. Silknit Ltd., common 25 cents, 5 per cent pfd. 50 cents, Sept. 15, record Aug. 31. Union Acceptance Corpora- tion, Ltd., common 10 cents, 2nd pfd. 15 cents, Oct. 1, record ept . THREEFOLD FAME Russia's Sergei W. Rachman- inoff, composer, pianist and| conductor, became best known for his Prelude in C sharp |Minor, written when he was 20. CARLINGS BRADING