WHITBY And DISTRICT | Council Jolted By Invitation Race Held FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Mem- bers of the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club attended an Invita- | tion Race for Blue Jays at Lake | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Augist 17, 1961 § a 1 family have moved from Bay The Frenchman's street to 'Moorlands'. softball team begin play-offs Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buck and|this week against Pickering David are spending this week at| Beach. The winner of this series Stoney Lake. will then play the winner of the The Frenchman's Bay Rate. Fairport Beach -- Brougham payers' Association is holding series. {its regular monthly meeting on FBR Friday evening, August 18, =tf| Bay girls' ONTARIO (County) CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES R.R. No. 1, LOCUST HILL, ONTARIO Surgical, In-Hospital Medical, Major Medical Insurance T I crease Plea of Bays at the summer home of wairport United Church at 9| FAMILY YEARLY PREMIUM $52.00-SINGLE $26.00 {p.m. This is an important meet- . : . ax nn I Thete were 19 Blue favs trailing and all members are urged, CO-OP is Collector, Ontario Hospital Insurance to attend. ' A rare plea for an increase in for fire protection that we can- admitted, but it would a'ter that Owing to the stormy weather The Frenchiar's Bay Power] CONTACT: Mrs. I. L. McLean, Sec.-Treas., R.R. No. 1, Locust Hill taxes was laid before a shocked not get." he said time, and strong winds, the races 5 : Whitby Township Council on There are 12 houses in the 'we can't fix something we scheduled for Saturday were|Squadron Ls holding 5 annual | Mn. J. C. The . hs 8 olin Wr. L R. Sondisae; Assure Whith Monday afternoon. area serviced by the one private don't own," replied Councillor postponed Three races were ene a entre Sang on Ym : Mr. ty alles ibis Mrs, J. Tooly, RRS Pickern y A deputation of residents from road, said Mr. Morrison. The | Frank Thompson Councillor held Sunday and the results| ay, Augus SHARPENED - REPAIRED Mn oY ekingie Columbus Mrs. eoly, g Eastborne Beach, south of the agreement with the owner of the john Dryden agreed: "There were as follows: Skippers Race! Happy birthday wishes to All Makes and Models \ vi Don Mitchell. Brooklin Mr. E. Lick, R. * 3, Fb Whitby Pickering Townline, property indicated that theljsn't anything we can do." -- First, Ross Fertile; second, Tommy Brown who was three orismon' S Mn. Goode Squire R.R. 1, Pickering Mr. E. R. James RR. 1, Pickering said they wanted the cost of re- bridge would be kept in gwod! Owner of the land on which] Nick Schoendist; jira, Nevilieiyears ald on august Hand Lb gro ingly Downey, RR. . Oshows ", airing a private road into their shape t 9 Lawrence. Scrambles Race -- Pamela ern who will cele-| a ic . am a by A Township A visitor to one of the the J 2 houses, me lucaied Yada First, Ross Fertile: second, Eric|brate her first birthday on 103.5 Byron "Mo 8.451) Mr. Clarence F.Werry, Vice-Pres., R.R. No. 2, Oshawa The cost load of the repairs to houses is likely to go through Township before Council could B'enkarn; third, Tom Simpson i 17. . a ----------_--,SD the road and a bridge would be|the bridge one of these days," anything, said Councillor CY Race -- First, Carol eased for those living in the cried another resident Thompson. Schoendist; second, Gail Car-| area if the Township spread the Mr. Morrison said there are fo michael; third, Mary Tomblin. | 4 ain the bridge but He pointed out that the Town The winners received trophies| cost among taxpayers, they sug- five stringers in the bridg ship had never tak 8 pri- ap, ; gested. "our are broken Shp had never 'taken over a pri- and shirts. All the members One of the members of the There is nothing we can do vale Youd, on the fire tect and their guests won owas A ROT « 0 we P » if the 4 'e protection ,} time. Accommodation was deputation, John Morrison. told so we wanted to know which they can't get. Able 11 attended | Township would be interested in Council he was a fire captain with a Toronto department. looking after the road and add- From his experience he knew|ing the cost to the taxes, no pumper could traverse the Mr. Morrison he said The Township might not make anv money during the first ar couple of years, Mr. Morrison bridge in case of a fire NO PROTECTION "We are paying $1.28 per ye 3 % in Mp "ANGLICAN CHURCH WEDDING All Saints' Anglican Church | Norman A. George, Whitby was the scene of the wedding and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Harri- of Mr, and Mrs. J. Harrigan. gan of Glasgow. Scotlaiid. Mr. Formerly Miss Constance | and Mrs. Harrigan have es- Anne George, the bride is the | tablished residence in Osh- daughter of Mr, and Mrs awa. Officials are continuing their Occupant of a houze next investigation into the Locust Hill the airport, Mrs. Gordon Hager- plane crash which took the lives man, said she heard the plane of four people early Wednesday. flv over her he ouse. The explo Kilted when the single e ne, sion minutes later sounded like private plane nosedived into the a truck on the highwav", "she Markham-Toronto airfield were said J Wesley Harper (44) of Wreckage from the plane was Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred scattered over a wide area in Chafen of Green River and his|dicating the small aircraft daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ken Chaf-istruck the ground with a ter en (21). also of Green River rific force Harper, a chiropractor, was Markham Townsh Police believed to have been the pilot. who investigated the accident Doubt surrounds how the crash occurred during the clear calm morning. Witnesses were were Sgt. Robert stable Evan Kelly Hood and Con vague in their description of the ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 4 plane's flight First at the scene of the crash were {wo brothers who had been| __ working at a nearby CPR freight siding. Because of the noise accompanying their work they said they were unable to hear the explosion when the plane plummeted into the ground My brother Ken first saw the crash." said Alvin Wilson of Whitevale "We jumped a wire fence and raced to the twisted plane. We could smell gas long before we got there.' Upon arriving at Homeowner's Policy Does Work of Four the aircraft the brothers said they found one] Modern fire Insurance -- one woman lying outside of the| Homeowner's Policy does the plane and another halfway out job of 3 Seoarate policies, of the cockpit. Both men were So C088 less Ask about it soon still inside WM. MH (BILL I felt the pulse of the woman MIDDLETON Tra tbo ald BY. Woon whi, ont 4 4370 I'm not a doctor but I think : " : State Form Firs and Cosmalty Company they ere all dead when we go ---- Head Office--Taronts, Ont BROCK Evening Shows At 7 & 9:20 Saturday Matinee at 1:30 (Whithy) 9 NATR AM Like € Mave K cost CHEVAIER, ©... you CAN gy, SEE ITI OURDAN on "or { The Rim Yo t wert if U8 57 STARTS with 1 yr M. JACK CUMMINGS WALTER [ANG ory & 9.20 PM, ii ANSE RMS i Sst ie ud aaa o the Haliburton district Fire Cap- tain Morrison said Toronto resi- said dents pay $2.50 a year and can urday evening have 25 trucks at the place of fire within minutes "This is not the case in our area," he said Councillor Thompson asked the deputation if they had thought of hiring a grader from a private company This proposal was turned down by the deputation on the grounds that it would cost them too much Deputy Reeve John Goodwin summed up Council's position He said the road and houses were on private property, there- fore. if the members of the dele gation have a complaint only recourse is through Civil Courts WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. Malcolm of Ajax are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. For occasion they were entert at dinner at their the the ained the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Frank Crowe of 405 Chestnut street east Mr. George K. Thompson of Orinda, California is visiting his niece Mrs. Victor Maffey of 600 Byron street south, for a couple of weeks Corporal George Edwards, sta. supplied and they all the dance at Bigwin Inn on Sat- Mrs. John Henderson had the misfortune to break her leg and injure her other leg in a fall at Parry Sound. She was confined to the hospital at Parry Sound for a week but is now home Peter Kendell received a broken toe when his foot was caught between a boat. and a at Cobourg. He was treated pier at the Ajax Hospital and has his foot in a cast Mr. and Mrs. E. Craig and WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V>-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Alse Available in 9.1b. pkgs. FOR TYPING CARBON COPIES OFFICE ETC IDEAL PADS INNER MEMOS, On Sole at . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times tioned in Kingston, spent last weekend with his parents, Mi and Mrs. A. J. Edwards of Perry street. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Ellis have returned from a two-weeks' va cation spent in Hornepayne as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. William M Emorey and family have re- turned home after spending the summer months at their cottage at Westlake Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans and their son Harry spent their two-weeks" vacation in New: foundland visiting Mrs. Fvans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barnes Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Fallaise are now back at their residence, Green street, after spending a few weeks at their cottage in Mrs, Hazel Campbell of New Richmond, Quebec is a house guest of her daughter and son in-law, Mr and Mrs. James Fal low of Green Other guest is Mr. Don also street Fallow TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whitby, Ontario. To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Whitby bearing date of the 2nd day of June, 1961, a sole of lands in arrears for toxes in the Town of Whitby, will be held in the Council Chamber at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 11th day of October, 1961, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub- lished in The Ontorio Gozette on the 1st day of July, 1961, and that copies of said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office this 20th day of June, 1961. JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby. of New Richmond Best Buy -- Save lle Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-0x. Tin 2 FOR 39: Best Buy -- Save 6¢ Paramount Fcy. Red Sockeye Salmon 12's Tin ok) Best Buy -- Save 17¢ White or Colored Eddy's White Swan TOILET TISSUE ROLLS 99 VALUE CHECK'D-MEATS EXTRA LEAN, CRYOVAC HALF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS Lb. Choice Young Tender, Completely Boneless LEG'0 LAMB "For Frying, Broiling or Barbecuing" 69- BEEF STEAKETTE 99 Extra Lean, Well Trimmed. No Waste BUTT PORK CHOPS ™ ""* . 995° Fresh, Mild Seasoned uw 49° Country Style SAUSAGE wB5H* IDEAL FOR Freak ON A BUN) Tasty, Spiced Just Right "Cryovac Wrapped" POLISH RINGS Best Buy -- Save 8¢ Red & White PEANUT BUTTER Homogenized -- 16-02. Jar 29 Best Buy -- Save 4c Green Giant FANCY PEAS 15-0z. Tin 2439: Feature -- Save 7c Dole FRUIT COCKTAIL 20-0z, Tin ].00 Feature -- Save 4c Black Diamond OLD CHEESE 12.02 Feature -- Save 26¢ WEDGE 29° Clearing Sale USED CARS & TRUCKS Feature -- Save 8c AJAX CLEANSER Je OFF PACK 2 35° Society DOG FOOD 2¢ Off Deal 20.0Z. TINS & Golden Hour POPPING CORN Feature -- Save 25¢ PKG. 1-LB. 19+ We are offering AT CLEARING PRICES our entire stock of used cars and trucks; every unit must go to make room for new model trade-ins. Just a few days left to purchase a good car or truck before Tax 3% on September 1st, 1961. SEE US NOW & BUY AT NEW LOW PRICES: 2 1961 Dodge 8 Automatic 2-door Sedens (Police Cars), aot prices far below the market. Thoroughly raconditionsd, 1-- 1960 Vauxhall Station Wagon ee, Tw 1415 1--1956 Chev. %4-Ton Pick- Up. Clean and ready for work '115 1--1954 Mercury F700 Heavy 1--1959 Chev. Model 1111, 2.dr., a smart, clean $ family car; tapendants 1099 truck with dump body and So1958 Pontinc 2-41. Sedon. | hoist. A clean, sharp truck; B.cyl. motor 1525 ready tor any '1295 J 338 ids. 4d. [Ton a | 1--1961 GMC Fleet Side Pick. quality 1695 up. vied in our "1778 1--1958 Chev. 2.dr. Sedan, o | CONdition clean, dependable 11955" Pontiac Sedon De. *1525 family car livery, a smart delivery $ 1--1958 Chrysler 4dr. Sedan. jth of 495 Power equipment. Clean. 3--Cheoice '57 Pontiec 4-dr. choice car Sedans. 1 automatic. See "1626 these for dependable $ 1--1956 Buick 4.dr. Sedan. | 'ToNIPOMtation 1295 Reville moter' and automatic. | 1--1956 Pontiac Sedan, with lean and smart $ 8.cyl. motor. $ ot A good car 895 1---1956 Dodge Regent, model D61, clean end smart $, ot 650 1--1956 Desoto Sedan, motor Chevs. & Pontiacs rebuilt, power equipped $ Priced Teo 1-owner cer 895 Sell $ 550 EASY TERMS. OPEN TILL 9 PM ' SEE A SALESMAN TODAY -- BUY NOW AND SAVE TAX A limited number of Pontiacs, Vauxhall and GMC Trucks still available. WHITBY MOTORS LTD. NEW CAR SALES USED CAR SALES 107 BROCK ST. E. 1006 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY OPEN TILL 9 P.M, 1--Choice 1955 Buick 2-dr. H.Top. Clean, depend- $ able, sharp car 195 1955 Fords, Wagstaffe's PRECOOLED TENDER SWEET FRESH FOR HEALTH LEMONS ONTARIO GREEN SWEET PEPPERS ™' GRAPES No.1 Ib. CORN-ON-THE COB 'CALIFORNIA MALAGA ave 4c--SUNBEAM 1.01 J BANANA GUEST CAKE .. 35+ | JAMS & JELLIES 51.00 LUSCIOUS Petre sone 0 Shelf WHOLE CHICKEN "5 09s York Brand Features! KAM Luncheon Meat er ge MEAT BALLS 12-0Z. 3 5 ¢ TIN YORK BOLOGNA 12.0Z. 3 9+ TIN YORK Lunch Tongue 12.0Z. 59¢ TIN YORK Chopped Beef 12.0Z. 39- DOZEN 45¢ DOZEN 49¢ 6 FOR 25° TIN purchase SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL McKENNA'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE ST. N. BROOKLIN BROWN"S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE