THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 17, 1961 | . . one mile upstream from the upstream from the control) Edward Broechel and David 2 . DRINKING TOO SOON? RIDE SHOTGUN 10 -- Niagara ver rus |structure. IScott of Guelph had pleaded not Will Go To Trial EEL NY. ict SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)-- | Works approved are: guilty to the charge. They were Ysverwhelmi v ieht of publielBord tol 4 have. Beth" | 1. Addition of five sluices in Bccyse of hindering ine pas On Murder Charge IE cl Order patio men ots ara ze or pprove a control structure above the Gan S Handed sage of three young Greek im- opinion tavors raising the legal|riding as guards on flights out (Sir Adam Be hydro - electric] g migrants, telling them they] NEWMARKET (CP) -- Low- drinking age to 21 from 18 inlof San Antonio since last week WASHINGTON (AP) -- The pant. : Stiff Wa ing {wanted to clear the Greeks out|o); Guy widdiefield, 37, of New-New York State, a Presby- when President Kennedy ' an- i int C ission| of town, 1 Bo Gets $10 000 I ton! 2. A wall parallel to the Ca-| "The Greeks are good mehv market yas committed for trial|terian minister has told a state nounced he would order such a ' Ontario and New York state for|nadian shore from a point 1,700) cuprpH (CP) -- Magistrate bers of this community and they Wednes ay on a charge of mur-| legislative hearing on liquor move, the San Antonio Express ! ; work along the Niagara River. feet: upstream from the control|A. S. Mitchell warned Wednes-lhardly ever appear in this|d¢" in the June 25 shooting of/laws. Rev. Paul Hagen, repre-|said Tuesday. Most airline TORONTO (CP) -- A six-The plaintiffs were also gps commission said the|structure to 2,000 feet below itlday he will crack down on any " totes Mi + |Donna McDougall, 14, of Kes-|senting the Olean Ministerial spokesmen were mum about the year - od Peterliofoush Boy. awarded costs of $1,590. works will have no effect on|to provide a channel for ice gangs which attempt to form|{C0u rt, Magistrate itchell wick. Donna's mother, Mrs.[Council, was one of 13 speakers move, but a spokesman for whose father claimed an injec-| The settlement provides fori present water flow over Niag-|Past the Beck plant intakes and here, when he sentenced two said. "If you have and friends! Dorothy McDougall, 57, said at|who appeared at a public hear-/ American Airlines confirmed tion the boy received as a baby|dropping an action against Drs.|ara Falls nor would they im-|through the control structure. men to 30 days each on a|who think they can join you in a preliminary hearing the shoot-/ing Tuesday on the issue. Eight that border patrolmen have injured a nerve causing para-\Donald R. Clark and James G. pair the scenic beauty of the| 3. Removal of the top of acharge of causing a distur-|a gang they will find they will|ing occurred at her home while favored raising the age and five been riding American flights on lysis of the left leg, WasiFrid of Peterborough. Niagara area. They are about'submerged weir about 250 feeti/bance. be severely dealt with here." Widdifield was living with her. argued against it. a spot basis. awarded $10,000 damages Wed-| -------------- } nesday against Peterborough Civic Hospital. The boy, Michael Thompson, sued through his father, Fran- cis Thompson, for $150,000 dam- ages and costs. Mr. Justice D. R. Morand approved the set- tlement Three months after his birth April 24, 1955, the boy developed what appeared to be a bad cold and was given penicillin in: jections in the left hip while patient in the hospital. Mr. Thompson claimed the person Or persons making the| . injéctions negligently caused aj} £ | needle to strike and perman-{ § ently injure the sciatic nerve, | E : : with the result that the left leg} £ : was paralyzed. The boy now has to wear a steel brace i 1 ; Under the settlement, $10,000 : is to be paid into court to the 4 : boy's credit and his father is to receive $2,154.45 from the hos pital, $675 of which is to be held os in trust for the boy's future} = | medical and hospital expenses. py To UAW | DETROIT (AP) -- Big three| £ 4 I sources indicated Wednesday a| contract package offer likely| will be made to the United Auto| Workers union by General Mo-| tors, Ford or Chrysler -- and| ; maybe by all three -- next P » | | week. EN A os ® © No offer is likely before Tues- day, the day that the UAW has : . : ; ; promised Amesie Motors ho T-Day is coming September 1st! From this day onward, you wili be paying a 3% sales tax on all answer to its surprise profit- 7 4 . a 4 Sharing offer. The Boil Lf new and used cars. If you are planning to purchase a car shortly, be wise, buy now and save that three - year contracts expire] : 3%. Aug. 31. UAW Big Three departments all are conducting strike votes. re FOR THE BEST USED CARS ... CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION the ballots are counted would be met with a "sweeten it" de- 1960 1960 1959 1959 1959 T959 mand after the anticipated strike authorization. rau. ENVOY | CHEVROLET | CHEVROLET | BUICK |gLpsMOBILE| FORD Aug. 29 to pick a strike target if a walkout is to be ordered. Ee SUPER CUSTOM 2-DOOR, very clean. 2.DOOR SEDAN. HARDTOP COUPE. HOLIDAY SEDAN: ADOORISEDAN ith ; Fully equipped : 3 Top Value. Y equipped, Equipped. automatic and radio. 1345. 2045. 1645. 1995. 2295. 1495. Overseas 1958 1957 1957 1957 -- 1957 Investment | | CHEVROLET | BUICK |OLDSMOBILE | DODGE | wpvpoipr | PONTIAC LONDON (CP) -- Britain has rs Rng gg 2-DOOR CUSTOM. Radio. | 4-DOOR. Radio & Automatic. | SEDAN. Power steering. | SEPAN. V8, automatic, CONVERTIBLE. Radio. Metallic Grey. Hydramatic. radio. SEDAN, deluxe model. area, but experts say the move will not make much difference 12 in British capital expenditures ° 1645 in Canada. 45 1295 Ld 1195 . * ° [ J The reason, financial author- ities say, is because Canada's 1956 1955 1955 SpE OLDSMOBILE 1956 1955 CHEVROLET 1955 FORD tarnishe adly in the recent years of ec i ssion. Sy wwororcours, | CHEVROLET | OLDSMOBILE | "75" "°°" | DODGE |... fields, notably the six - nation Fully equipped. 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN | COUPE. Fully equipped. with radio. HARDTOP With radio. European Common Market. Banking sources said this week's comment by the finan- 1095 845 H45 cial editor of the Sunday Tele- LJ Ll [) ° ® graph virtually summed up the view of those who had surplus money to invest overseas MAKES COMMENT ® The Sunday Telegraph writer y said the North American coun- n fl try is acquiring '"'the financial |. | Ba | HE BN reputation of one of the more -- unstable South American repub- lics." "Hard on the heels of the un- edifying public squabble that re- GS ( TO GET | cently led to the acrimonious BRAN D N EW A resignation of the governor of ( > Such the Bank of Canada comes the : H i " of news that the government of the province of British Columbia has summarily and without the right of appeal expropriated the priv- ately - owned British Columbia Electric Company, SHATTERING BLOW "This is one of the most shat- tering blows to the cause of in- ternational investment for a long time." \ Although British investors 1 > IF COMING 3 may not be looking on Canada ks of J : BY PARACHUTE | as a promising field, there were expressions of annoyance over g PLEASE the treasury's new tough steps bo . Ey » el ie oulloy of ating. CLEARING A T 7 EN USE OUR ese § ps were announce ¥ . ¥ last month by chancellor of the ¢ ROOF exchequer Selwyn Lloyd as part 7 ow of ENTRANCE of a program to deal with Brit- 0 d . : ain's current economic crisis. 4 3 The Financial Times, in both ia 4 a report and an editorial, ex-| bly plains the investment curbs as : \ an outcome of a government feeling that much of Britain's , foreign investment was not yielding the country a sufficient return. "The emphasis now is being placed on short-term returns," the newspaper's front-page re- port says "If a project can be shown to benefit the balance of payments . within a year or 18 months-- setting up a new sales organiza- tion would be an example -- it can expect approval. yA "But permission for longer term projects such as factory ' Bram Lrg] 20 BOND West OSHAWA 725-6507 held." )