Madeleine Ashmore Becomes Bride of Donald K. Pollock Madeleine Phyllis, daughter of Mrs. John Garnet Ashmore of Oshawa and the late Mr. Ashmore, and Donald Keith Pol- lock, son of Mrs. Edward Bourne of Oshawa and the late Mr. Gerald Edward Pollock of Markham, were united in mar- riage recently. The ceremony took place in St. Andrew's United Church with the Reverend George Tel- ford, DD, performing the double- ring rites. The organist was Mr. E. Kel- vin James and Mrs. Dorothy French sang. The bride was given in mar- riage by her brother, Mr. Rob- ert M. J. Ashmore. She wore a full-length gown on princess lines of pure silk organza and Chantilly lace, styled with an Neat Surroundings Create Impression Of Well-Kept Home If you want your outdoor eat- ing area to reflect your indoor tidiness, certain areas call for special and rather constant at- tention. Nothing gives guests a poorer impression than shaggy grass, unclipped borders along the paths or flower beds, weeds in the garden, weeds shooting MISS JUDY La MARSH M.P. Outspoken Polit ician Wins Attention in Commons By JOHN E. BIRD up between flagstones, flag- |stones spotted with grease, or dusty unkempt looking furniture. Dad and the boys will be less {adverse to patio keeping chores than they are to housekeeping chores so make them respon- sible for grass-cutting, clipping, wedding, etc. Whoever falls heir to the job) of removing spots from the|¢ flagstones may need a little di-|18 {preciation of the financial posi-| rection. The most efficient way Canadian Press Staff Writer [tion of MPs, aggravated by the|of doing it is to wet down the OTTAWA (CP)--A refreshing new personality with a nimble] mind and a flair for caustic| cost of commuting between the| capital and tHeir constituencies. | In her own case the demands] area with a hose in the evening, sprinkle with dry sal soda con- centrated and let stand over- comment has emerged in the on her time are so great that pijght. Next morning, another Empire waist and V-neckline, re-embroidered with sequins and seed pearls. The gown featured a bustle back of lace and organ- za offset with a beauty bow and her shoulder-length veil was se- cured by a coronet of rhine- stones. She carried a white Bible crested with pink rose- buds and white satin streamers. The Bible had been a gift to the bride when a little girl, from her Sunday School superinten- dent, Mr. Elmer Lick, for at- tendance at Thornton's Corners Sunday School, and she had put it away for her future wedding day. The matron of honor was Mrs. Edward Wood, the bride's sis- ter, wearing yellow nylon chif- fon, The bridesmaids were Miss Carol Reid and Miss Karen Ashmore in lime green organza. They wore rhinestone tiaras and carried multi-colored carnations and pink roses. Mr. James Pollock of Willow-| dale was best man and the ush- ers were Walter Magee of yormley and Herbert Payne of Seagrave. The reception was held on the lawn of the bride's mother's home on Thornton road- north. | Receiving, Mrs. Ashmore wore a lilac printed jersey-arnel dress, trimmed with suede. The bridegroom's mother was in blue lace over taffeta. Each wore white accessories and a corsage of white carnations and pink rosebuds. The honeymoon was spent in Huntsville and surrounding dis- trict. As the couple left, the bride was wearing a lilac bro- caded linen suit, white accessor- and a corsage of pink rose- buds. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock are making their home in Whitby. FABRIC TALKS Tips On Buying Velveteen Favorite For Fall Sewing By BEA BRIGHT Velveteen and velvets are fab- rics that have been on the mar- ket for many years and are still very popular in the cloth- ing field. Most velveteens are made from cotton. It is a pile fabric that is distinguished from velvet because of the shorter length of the pile yarns which are char- acteristic of velveteen. Velvet fabrics may often have a sheen or glossy appearance and may be woven from silk or some of the synthetic fibres. When you buy velveleen and velvet you must look twice if you want to be a wise shopper. Unfortunately, there is a wide range in the quality of velvet- eens and velvets on the market today. Here are a few simple tests that will help you identify quality velveteen and velvet: 1. Hold the fabric to the light. Generally, the denser the fab- ric, the better the quality. 2. Look at the underside of the fabric. Diagonal lines iden- tify the twill-backed velveteen which indicates a superior qual- ity of velveteen. 3. Pull out a tuft of the pile from a seam edge. If the pile forms a ""W", the pile is anchor- ed securely. If it forms a "U", the fabric is a plain or straight- backed velveteen. This type of pile may be removed readily with abrasion in wear and in dry cleaning. When you buy velveteen gar- ments, make sur2 you are get- ting top quality fabric. This will ensure you that you will get a garment that will give you top performance in wear. Velvets or velveteens should never be pressed but should be steamed. Let your dry cleaner freshen garments made from these fabrics. They have equip- ment designed especially for looking after these fabrics. . i FOR SUPER VALUES! ROUND BATH SPONGES In colors of blue, pink, green, orange and yellow. Useful and practical. Get a differ- ent color for every member of the family. WITT 77 W WN If your thirst demands a lively lager, reach for an Old Vienna-- it's a move in the light direction. LAGER BEER MRSS reach for an Old Vienna House of Commons as one of|she has, in effect, abandoned| hosing, a scrubbing with a long| OIL the Liberal Opposition's top crit- her law practice--a "financial handled brush and a rinsing, ics of government policy. | catastrophe." and all evidence of stains are Judy La Marsh, 36-year-old] "The present financial situa-|gone. | PAINTINGS? lawyer, has been MP for Ni- tion in which members find, You'll find sal soda invalu-| . agara Falls less than a year|themselves can lead to only the|able in dealing with your own| but already speaks and acts|wealthy or semi retired people|patio responsibilities . . . keep-| like a veteran politician in|being able to afford the luxury|ing the furniture and the bar- matching wits with opponents. [of indulging in federal politics," | becue gear clean. In solution you The only woman in the Oppo-|she said. "Nobody works the can use it to sponge down plas- sition, she has definite ideas/hours we do for the money we tic covered chair pillows and the which she's not afraid to ex-|get." garden chaise mattress. You press in forcible language. She] MPs receive $10,000 annually. can also remove me odd spol on has the ability to coin snapp canvas coverings by scrubbing retorts during the heat of "ie SMALL QUARTERS : with the washing soda solution. | bate and, like many women, a| Miss La Marsh lives in a one- {ising a long-bristled brush and| knack for having the last word, room flat in Ottawa. She has|the sal soda solution, you'll-do| She was elected to the Com-|Closed her home in Niagara|fast work of cleaning the furni-| mons in a byelection Oct. 31,|Falls and boarded her pet mini-|{yre, too, whether it's wicker, | 1960, succeeding the late Wil-|ature poodle, Mimi. ratan, or wrought iron. SPECIAL 20 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE See . . . Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. EAST liam Houck for whom her late father W. Clayton La Marsh had had been Liberal campaign manager. | During the byelection cam- paign, she vowed that if she] was elected "Mr. Diefenbaker| will have to listen to the voice of Niagara." TANGLED WITH PM It wasn't long before she was taking on the prime minister Her greatest domestic prob-| lems are finding enough time to| do laundry, get clothes dry-| cleaned, shop for food and| new clothes, especially stock- ings, and get her hair done. The Parliament buildings are| equipped with many facilities] for male members, including] barber shops, a tailor shop,| steam baths and massage serv-| ice, '"They're even going to pro-| | and other cabinet ministers who|vide an exercise room with are expert at cutting opposition members down to size. She de- scribed one of the prime min- ister's TV speeches as a "Cheshire cat recital" and called Finance Minister Flem- ing's June budget a "deformed child." But she gives the prime min- ister credit for the appointment of Canada's first woman cab- inet minister, Immigration Min-| ister Ellen Fairclough of Ham-| ilton. She says future cabinets should include women, but only if competent women are among the ranks of the majority party.| Veteran political observers on Parliament Hill say Miss La Marsh would be a strong candi- date for a cabinet post in the event the Liberals return to power, A woman of many talents--/ she speaks and writes Japan- ese--Miss La Marsh is both enthusiastic and critical about the lot of members of Parlia- ment. She says her greatest satis- faction has been in suggesting ideas to the government and having them taken seriously. WORK LONG HOURS Miss La Marsh complains that the public doesn't appreci- ate the amount of work done by conscientious MPs. In the heaviest going, they have to rowing machines for the men." | But there was nothing for the women. "Women parliamentarians want at least a sink and a hair dryer along with an operator, if only for a few hours a day," she said. "We're as much con-| cerned about our appearance] and our figures as the men." | Miss La Marsh served with the Canadian Women's Army! 7 Corps during the Second World War, working near Washington as an interpreter in Japanese! for Allied intelligence branches. She learned to speak and write Japanese during a special army course at Vancouver. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW In the morning and during the daytime be on the lookout for tricks; be circumspect with those you meet; pay strict at- tention to business. Late evening favors entertain- ment, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that during the year to come you, will enter a phase in which you are concerned more with things| mystic. You will gain a clearer perspective in the conflict be- WINS FOUR PRIZES A consistent winner in the Canadian National Exhibition Handicraft contest, Mrs. Mary Wakely, Hortop avenue, has | won four prizes in the Work for the Blind section this year; a first prize for a. pair of fancy knit socks; third prize for a baby's three-piece knit- | ted set and a second and third prize for crochet work. friendship. Chalk it up to ex- perience. And experience it will be. Financial and social currents " ONTARIO require a RETAIL SALES TAX VENDOR'S PERMIT? Retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and all others who sell goods as a normal part of their business must apply for a Retail Sales Tax Vendor's Permit. You are required to have your Permit by September 1st, when The Ontario Retail Sales Tax Act goes into effect. If you do not have this Permit, you will be unable to buy tax-free the taxable goods you purchase for resale. Also, if you eell goods after August 31st without being registered as a vendor you will be in default under the Retail Sales Tax Act. It is in your own best interest to fill out and return the official Application Form at once. Otherwise, you will not be sure of receiving your Permit before the final deadline of September 1st. With your Vendor's Permit you will receive a convenient sum- mary of The Retail Sales Tax Act as it affects your particular line of business, work from 9 a.m. to about 11|tween domestic interest and oc-|will converge in December, and p.m. while in Ottawa, and still cupational necessities. You will|vou may have greater social look after their constituency likely find new ways to increase pleasure in business. If a house- business. your income. Be sure to help | wife, you will have company at "Yet some people think we along this influence. your domestic chores. | don't work full-time." Next October, you will have] A child born on this day The public also had no ap-lan evanescent and misleading would make a good detective. | it Suvi APPLY NOW to be sure of receiving your ) Vendor's Permit before September Ist. { No more big Heating Bills! Don't let big, seasonal heating bills upset your household budget next winter. PERMIT APPLICATIONS ALREADY RECEIVED ARE BEING PROCESSED AND WILL BE ISSUED ON AND AFTER AUGUST 18, AND BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1. Retail Sales Tax Branch, Office of Comptroller of Revenue, 4 Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario Please send me a Permit Appli Form together with detailed information on The Ontario Retail Sales Tax. if you have not received an official Application Form MAIL THIS MAME COUPON TODAY Start the new heating season with our "Little Bill" Budget Flan. This popular and convenient plan spreads your payments in moderate, equal monthly amounts over the heating year. And there are no interest or carrying charges. h Let us help you to @ more comfortable winter ---- "Little Bill" is In more ways than one. Telephone 725-3581 your ond we'll give you a free estimate of your monthly friend-in-need payments -- there's no obligation, PHONE 725-3581 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA | yw -.--"elyy,y.s AP ,........s A Al, PHILIP T. CLARK, Comptroller of Revenue