27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estote for Sue 27 --Real Estate for Sale |27--Reel Estate for Sale SIX SPACIOUS rooms, 2 storey brick home a College mi 3 90. of privacy. yg to General Motors. | 5 A terrific buy at $11,700. For appoint. ment call 728-4661. a SMALL farm (48 acres), 2 houses iy ank barn. tage on busy located midde] of built-up area. Suit able for Sbdiviging or peciaiized Price oni tre Fo Box 54 542, La Lakefield, Ont, FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 SIX ar cent NHA brick bungalow, newly Sora, lly, fenced ant | Jand. CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS $13,175--%1175 down $12,700--$975 down These are for custom-built homes only, featuring the highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the lotest in new homes for easy and comfortable living. JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 7284678 SHERWOOD oe, ice on home hoice location, 6 rooms, fireplace, ou A to Soul flagstone patio off dining room, good set lot. Must be seen to be appreciated. Full price $13,900 wit down payment, Balonce on one 5% mortgage NEAR ANNAPOLIS 4 ; des h le bungalow, brick and stone trim, thr IRI a ap boxes, wired for dryer, large modern kitchen, oak and tile floors. Extremely good value at full price of $14,000. AFTER 5:30 CALL 723-9290 Marion Drew 728-2392 Joe Maga SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 BILL McFEETERS----Vice-Pres ern | Business... | | | 725-7610 725-9191 Everett Elliott John Kemp REG. AKER--Pres INVESTMENT PROPERTY : -- 52' x 414' with railroad siding at rear © $00 = 0) on property. Zoned for various types of manufacturing Call Don Stradeski, evenings, 728- 8423 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Terrific buy in a large ranch bungalow with attached garage Hollywood kitchen, extra large dining area, beautifully fin ished rec-room, owner leaving city. Call Russ Reeve, evenings 725-4840 NEAR ST. GREGORY'S Beautiful 9-roomed home suitable for Doctor or large family This home features large living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in china cabinet. Comfortable den with fire: place ond built-in bookcases. 2 bathrooms plus basins in 2 master bedrooms. Finished rec-room, h.w. oil heating, double garage. Beautiful grounds with shade trees, Call Henry Stin son, evenings, 725-0243 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Impressive 6-room, 2-storey brick, close to schools, hospital and transportation. Living room 22 x 12 with natural fire ploce. Seporote dining room, 3 good-size bedrooms. Paved drive to almost new garage. Owner transferred and anxious to sell. Call Bill McFeeters, evenings, 725-1726 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS $12,500 Three lorge bedrooms, family size kitchen and easy to furnish living room with plenty of wall space, equipped with those sxtras that moke the difference. Excellent Ache! area. Call Poul Ristow et 728-5107 or evenings 725-815 COURTICE S$ room bungalow with attached garage. Fireplace in living room, large kitchen. Only 7 years old. Offered at $10,500 with a substantial down payment. For more information call Carl Olsen ot 728-5107 or evenings 725-3412 LARGE FARM 300 acre form, 100 acres excellent farm land, 200 acres pas ture ond bush, Creek ond valuable highway frontage. Well dec oroted home with bath, barn in excellent repair. Offered at $21,000 with liberal financing. Coll Howard Forder ot 728-5107 or evenings 728-2155, SWITZER DR. 5 room bungalow with attached garage in excelient condition throughout, Owner leaving town. Listed at $13,400 with $1,900 down. Call Carl Olsen at 728-5107 or 725-3412 evenings 50,000 TREES 100 acre Christmas tree farm, 50,000 frees planted, 10,000 to sell this yeor, Owner transferred and will sacrifice. For in- formation call Howard Forder at 728-5107 or evenings 728 2155. 2] GRANDVIEW NORTH Fromed by trees and situated on a wide, ravine lot, this = room ranch style with attached garage hugs the landscape and takes full advantage of the private setting and unlimited view. Floor to ceiling fireplace divider, extra powder room and spac- ous, centre hall plan. Shown by oppointment. only, Call Paul Ristow ot 728-5107 or 725-8152 evenings RETREAT 56 acres pork land or hideaway with wooded ravine and ever flowing creek. A natural for fish ponds, swimming pools or just quiet country living. Fifteen minutes drive from Oshawa, one mile off 401 highway. Listed ot $6,000 with good terms, Far jeg metion call Howard Forder ot 728-5107 or evenings 728 1 ) | | 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: 3-room apartment, self contained, heat, water. Apply 610 Dun. | das 's West. Call Apt. 1 for key. FOR SALE OR RENT: Excellent value, seven room residence, four bedrooms, | firepizes. Sorter lob, garage, newly dec. orated, school facilities, ju heating. FOR RENT: Large three roomed apart. A it ment Slt ont, ound ors at] pply 326 Kent Street, Whith, [sTUDENTS! A super value, approxi hot and cold water. Available im- in, MO 8-2900. | matery 630 sheets of letter size typing ~|paper (news print) for only $1.00 A FOR RENT -- Fumished three.room| ply Oshawa Times Office. Whitby apartment, air conditioned. All conveni. 11 Dundas Street West, ences. Central. Phone MO 8-3242. | ------|FOR SALE --Good used refrigerators. For WENT lures Toom aaron from $69. Independent Sales and e a rigerator. Ties k Street Street, Whitby. Telephone 725-4302. (Mo 8 Sek Street South, Whitby. FOR RENT -- three-bedroom bunga- FoR SALE -- Good wd i low, ofl heated, on Maple Street East, radio and three Sheed' re som Ao $100 monthly. Telephone MO 84155. __ 1839. Independent Sales, FOR SALE -- Good u id, | $29 piadependent Sales, MO FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms. completely furnished bedsitting room and kitchen, electrical appliances, heat, light and water supplied. Private en- trance. Apply 231 Palace Street. __|FOR RENT -- Two.room unfurnished | second floor, private bath, one child welcome, $55 monthly. In. clude heat, hydro, Phone MO 38-5709. SEpme tanks cleaned the sanita "Whitby, 4 ro. TALE -- 17° TV, reconditioned, $69, good buy. Many other makes and models. Independent Sales, Whitby. MO 8-2081. FOR RENT: Two floor, heated, hardwood #ink in kitchen, central, suit couple or one lady, Jmmedists possession. Apply 224 Kent Street, 8-2233. [ray new tanks installed Walter rar FOR RENT o.bedroom apart. 204 'Chestnut West. Phone ments, $90 and 0100, y modern bulld- | spare nd hot ing. stoves, refrigerators. Telephone 1Aral iii fg he Noises ro re MO 83591. mann, Realtor, MO 8.3333, Evenings! MOBILE home prospects are looking Kurt Meyer. 728.4487. for your ad in the Classified Sectiin. pr SE} % Dial 723-3492 now to place the Ad that|gervice RICES. Complete book eening will put you Is touch with them. | monthly or as desired. Statements ore. FOR RENT Two.bedroom apartments, pared, income tax returns. MO 88232 390, 18 'modern stoves, refrig- FOR SALE. - Bungalow, Hallett Street, erstors. MO $3581. Whitby, 414 years old, attached gar- WANTED TO RENT: Vurnished apart. age, decorated, landscaped, 5% per ment with one bedroom, or two roomed | cent A mortgage. Phone MO 84665. apartment, with pull out eouch Cen tral. Phone MO 8-8634 after 4 p.m. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 Hig FOR RENT Comping ond boating equip- nent, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden: tillers, power tools We also sell and repair, lawn mowers ond outboard motors WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 Dundas St MO 8-3226 | ~ three {GARDEN Hill, hh Toom brick, hydro, | 13 ares a |screens, Near school. MO weekly | $5,000 FULL PRICE -- six-room brick SMALL four-room hose four acres of Rome with double detached garage. land, three miles east wf ste 3001, No. CR oe eh ada Ca ih sate ath hl |29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale | 32--Articles tor Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 11, 1961 13 "57 CHEVROLET convertible. Tele-| WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car phone Brooklin, 635-3467 after ! 3 pm. radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe | 5 $60 principal and interest, small hone N down payment required. BF ighway. Street North, Your authorized RCA Vie- 1851 OLDS 98, A-1 condition, radio, |tor service depot for Oshawa. etc. Best offer. 725.9251, good |buy. Call Bob Stevenson Ae 793.8286, 96,39 FULL price. lot nl 130%, ofl Beat, oi city water, low j£.-0: Hymap Reniths. $500 down. Call Bl Horner, 181000 DOWN = is, room hose with 798.5123, Lloyd Realty Oshawa Lid. + | paved drive and garage. Fen Tear pred $5000 DOWN for this income property| wi Paty yith many consisting of eighteen rooms, three yard extras, centrally located. Only $10,500 full price. To \nspeet call Bob Steven | bathrooms ng 8 twee yahoo, son at 728-6286. 8. D. Hyman Realtor | Store a aking for n= s heated. For more {pressure system In sue acre land. Tem | ation call 728-5836 after 5. 3 ALMOST new, baby's s exib, A! make, 58 PLYMOUTH, good -|in 9920, linder, two-tone green. Telephone eg GESTETNER nk "older model, 07 electrically driven, $5. Telephone 728 8-4973. UPHOLSTERED ar armchair with down cushion, end tables, coffee tables, semi- sheer wall to wall drapes, mi wall mirror, break-front desk. Sion after 7 p.m. 830 Somerville Si 11960 FRONTENAC, 14,900 miles. Rea. sonable er accepted. Telephone 725-1545. ud ZEPHYR (Ford) four-door . cylin. et, 30-35 mpg, iy owner, clean, excel lent miles north of Pi ope. |$4,000. Phone Garden Hill 17 R 14. [PRIVATE six-room brick, two storey, {$1,500 DOWN, balance $89 per month | |includes taxes, Two year old bungalow, |38 fe: down payment. Apply 605 Som paved drive, aluminum storms and |erville pladnddtusn 723-3094 |NICE se semi bungalow, seven rooms, hot 7 ROOMS, 1% storey modern brick water heating, aluminum storms and home, adjacent to Bathe Park. Clean as screens, heavy duty wiring, good in- 2 pin, 4 bedrooms, large modern family come home. Price $11,500. Down pay- kitchen, Oil heated, nicely landscaped ment Jo, Easy payments, Apply 478 and fenced lot. NY - garage, Cen- | Park South. |tral location. Only $2. own sale or for unt price $12,700. One mortgage for hal P| Lose in noon to with creek on prop 753 lance, easy terms. Call §. Macko Real "erty, radius of 25 miles from Oshaw: {tor 728.4661. ._ Must sell due to illness. {THREE bedroom "bung: alow, two years | possession. Phone Cobaconk 22 R 14, or old. with built-in garage, Bult {8 stove white Box 61, Norland, Ontario, and oven, living room broadloomed, fon in city. Brick |drapes. twindows, fireplace, large lot, |SoRTm-EAST esti with Shy od many other extras. Will take a $10,000( J 0. "0 rn city water. Appointment "9 house as down payment. Write Box 49 hone 725-4433, {Oshawa Times, PRIVATE sale. $500, Five room brick (JAMES STREET -- five.toom buss: bungalow with recreation room. 6 per {low. situated on large lot. Nicely deco- cent interest. Telephone 728-4380. {ante a Basement at Telepho A Ratan, 2 able down payme: 'elepho PRIVATE SALE 3-YEAR-OLD N.H.A Private sale | PRIVATE "sale, good clean seven room {brick house, four bedrooms. Will sell or exchange for smaller house anywhere, {Apply 145 Adelaide Avenue East, Osh- {awa {$1,000 down, mural stone bungalow, 3% 1 bedrooms. with or without furniture. | Sacrifice for cash. Owner leaving coun try Apply 765 Rowena. Built-in oven, ceramic tile 4.piece bath. Extra large lot MUST SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE - $12,900 OR OFFER Phone 728-5431 North section, five room brick bungalow, good large living room, modern through- out, full size basement, ce ment block garage 17' x 25', Lot 70' x 333' choice gorden land well planted, suitable V.L.A. Priced to sell, substantial cash balance easy terms. Tindall Real Estate, 725-0429. 2V2 ACRES 5-room modern bungalow, 20 ft. living room, oil heating, city water, an excellent loca- tion for market gardening ot nursery stock. $1500. down reasonable terms on balance Immediate possession RICHMOND ST. E. ONLY $13,000 Desirable location just west of Oshawa Blvd, owner.'s spa- cious, well constructed 2 storey rug brick home con- sisting of 6 rooms, Large living room with brick fire place, hardwood floors throughout, oil heating, paved d rive, nicely landscaped. $3,000. down. One mortgage on reasonable terms. For further particulars call Wes Elliott 728-0541 or 725. 2363 ERNIE HOLMES | REALTOR 204 KING ST. E 725-2363 Anytime D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S. OPEN 9 AM. - 9 P.M. DAILY WHITBY MO 8-5868 TORONTO EM 3-9603 WHITBY BUSINESS LOCATION Immaculate six-room 1Va-storey residence, 9 years old, ottrac- tively decorated, full-size dining room, extra 2-pc. washroom, oluminum storms and screens, paved driveway, detached garage 14 x 22, pleasingly londscoped Zoned light industrial, on comer lot 4912 x 192', permitting a variety of commercial ond industrial uses. $14,700 with terms, Call Mr. Lunney. HILLCREST DRIVE Beautiful ranch-type bungalow with carport and paved drive Six spacious rooms and divided basement with recreation 'room facilities, Situated on a high, large and completely landscaped lot. Many extros. To inspect, call Keith Lunney HENRY STREET A long, low bungalow with attached garage and paved drive way. Seven excellent rooms ond plenty of space for a recre- ation room. A wide, fully landscaped lot close to the high school. Aluminum storms ond screens and some broadioom in- cluded. For on appointment to inspect, coll Mr. Lunney BYRON STREET NORTH, WHITBY Three good building lots in General Residence zone $800.00 each or all three con be purchased for $2,100.00. Call Mr Lunney RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES - TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS LOTS -- INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- BUSINESSES | | W. Schatzinani | REALTOR 101 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY MO 8-3338 Top location top house, minimum price. Featuring: lorge 3-bedroom ranch bun- galow, attached garage, lovely decorated, storms, screens, nicely landscaped, 12 block from schools, bus ot door, ga fine home for $2,850 down $15,300 full price Country Home, large rooms, 4-pc a bath, big lot, close to school, paved road. $7,500 with $1,000 down, low payments. Even- ings call Kurt Mayer 728- 4487. | 29--Automobiles for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 53 "3 MORRIS station wagon, good con-\'S7 CHEV. sedan delivery, turquoise, dition, new battery. Best offer. Tele. make cash offer. | phone 725-0459. | Uxbridge. Ulster 2.6273. |'57 CHEVROLET hardtop, immaculate, | condition. Apply 323 Verdun Road af. og BUICK automatic, A-1 mechanical. [ter 6 p.m, [1953 MERCURY haif-ton truck, 8 cylin. or 725-2166. |der, in good condition. Reasonably | priced. Telephone Whitby, MO 5003 104 BUICK Super, 4-door Ragin] automatie, aie, white wall: after 6 CONVERTIBLE, fully | brakes. Telephone 723-3398. 58 Parisienne Fons onpone "Parts" wer |52 CUSTOM ¥ Ford in excellent shape, | also a '35 Dodge in excellent shape. Phone 723-7043. '57 CHEVROL fr STATION WAGON Automatic, new tires, tires, very low mileage. Best offer. Cash preferred. '52- '53 Chev. trade considered 7239102 'CLEAN- UP TIME ' And That Means HUGE SAVINGS FOR YOU AT WELLMAN'S 15 1951 - 1956 USED CARS Priced $75 and Up | Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd 912 | | Snow Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. SUMMER SELL- A - BRATION I I | '61 GMC V2 ton long wheel base -- less than 300 miles '58 Dodge 4-door V-8 euto matic and radio '57 Dodge V-8 automatic ond radio -- real sharp ¢ar. '56 Plymouth V-8 automatic and radio. '54 Chevrolet radio. | | 4 { Drop in today and see Ken or Ed for a Free Demonstra- tion without obligation. "No Down Payment To Reliable Parties." WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. 725.7981 Your Authorized Rambler Hillman Dealer Since 1947 2-door with Mony more to chose from. ROBINSON MOTORS DODGE - CHRYSLER DEALER (OSHAWA) LTD 725-751C deep lot, will accept late model car Tmoaodiate $550 CLAY BRICK BUNGALOW | R. Corbett Box 23 body, Private. Apply anytime |621 King Street East. Telephone 723-3555 Apply 289 Malaga Road GIRL'S bicycle, Arn] "wardrobe, foot stool, rope block and tackle, pipe fittings, grass catcher for lawn mower, shovels and other articles. 439 Fair. lawn Street. CRIB, large size, good condition. Aj ly Bs Ritson Road North or telephone 1,200 or nearest offer. es 1176. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire| | Store, 48 Bond Street West. '55 PONTIA® sedan, standard six, radio, clean car. Call 725-7934. 5% OL E Holiday, 1 ia top, power steering and radio ete. Car in excellent condition and will be sold for closest offer to $975. Private MO 8-51352. 53 PONTIAC, two-door, Tadie | ad heat- | er. Telephone 728-3625 afte OR near offer, '55 A LD. 'wood |shape. Telephone 728-0747. "60 0 PONTIAC strato-Chief, Sx cylinder fully no trade-in, financing - arrang. ed. l. Telephone 725- 3391 after 6 p.m. an A wuites, excellent condi- tion, Telephone ' 728-4459. = as 20 CU. FT. chest freezer, like new, best offer. Telephone 728-1362. YORK air conditioner, %-ton window LA, good as new, 110 volt. Telephone 1 18 BOAT, 12 HP Viking motor and time -nee trailer. Telephone 728-8668 any- ime. TENTS, camp cots, pi ng bags, lan. se' $40. $180. Ajax Sewing Cen P- lity Oshawa Boulevard North TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, Foutala, sOAmawy Hardware 8 Chureh Street MERRY MENAGERIE SINGER cellent condition, tre. WH 2.6561 or MO 8-3467. 33--Swap and Barter WILL swap six-room house for three or four-room home, Call at 209 Drew Street after 2.30 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Lara White gold Omega th and ey evening, Reward. Telephone 725-0435. LOST -- Biué Point Siamese cat, icin. Riel mond Street, very light markings, an. swers to the name of Whitey. Reward. 728-4678 © or 728-4234. SIAMESE cat, Seal "Point, blue eyes, small, female, neutered. Lost August 7, Oshawa area Telephone Toronto col. lect, PLymouth 7-8431 or office, WAL nut 1-8979, $25 reward I LOST, gre name "Peter". oy 2s. rt, LOST, light red cow, 700 Ibs., vicinity of East Whithy and Darlington. phone Brooklin 655-3464. $1 GMO 215.ton truck, good working order, $100. Also wrecking '48 and '51 D1gaiabile and Pontiac. Telephone 9973, terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 725-6511. "Terms to you REFRIGERATOR Leonard deluxe 9.8 cu, ft. GE washing machine, odds and | ends, 219 Mitchell Avenue or 728-0754) after 6. SEA FLEA, red and white, 9° equipp- ed with steering wheel, $75. Telephone 723-9308 before 3 p.m ONE only Lloyd baby and grey, like new, 725-9734. 10-FT. ALUMINUM trailer, complete ly furnished (refrigerator, range), sleeps two, Apply Alto Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe Street South or telephone 725-1501. Reasonable offer accepted. | | ONE boy's racing bike, like new, with| lextras, $40. Telephone for direction of home 723-9003. {DINING room set, arm chair, double! |bed, single bed, ironing board. Apply 2 King Street West 50° TV MAST complete with rotor an | tennae, braces and wires, $325, also | Frigidaire refrigerator, ideal for sum mer cottage, $50. Anytime after 4 p.m.| | 728-1488 (os FORD, very reasonable, For de- |tafls call 723-3201. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compore-- ample free parking SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 VOLVO Most dependable The leader on he road track. {JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-092) blu, €| Call| carriage, | best offer | | - [28 nd | WANT a better job? It may be waiting | under "Help Wanted" in the Classified section today. Look mow SINGER portable, one year guarantee 89 lown. Take over payments cal} LL 23901. GUITARS, double pickup, Gibson FTA [fy and single pickup Gretch archtop | | BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ton, Ashburn. HOT, hot, hot! Portable Alrcoolers for | {30--Automobiles Wanted sale, regular price $89.95. Now $59. A WANTED good used car, GM preferred, |fow left. Live In cool comfort and call for one karat diamond and some cash, 7 725-3812. Phone 7858133: DUCING machine, Stauffer posture | {RE LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers Want rest, perfect condition. Call WH 21048 cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. | Ajax. 1 fri |vsED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up |B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543. PAINT, interrio, exterior. $2.95 gallon, | {All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. | Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § Church Street. 723-7624. | - -- VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv 0391 anytime, FURNACES, forced alr, ten "year guar | ~(antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- Meat, ade deal $130. Telephone! 7 | TYPING | paper "on Teale, Janis 'size, white newspHIt, buy in bulk lots and save, 434 Ib. pkg $100, 8 1b 25 $2.00. Circulation Devartment, Oshawa Times. BEAT the tax! Order now, aluminum siding, awnings, sf natural stone. Free estimates, Osha Aluminum Sales 7 Spanish electric guitars; also Fender amplifier. 725- 1348 [THREE corner glass cabinet in good {condition; space heater. Apply | Montrave, } {used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture | | Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. 18 your cash register equipped wi sales tax button? If not call Bill Homi | SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. | NICOLS MOTOR SALES 1512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Brake Specialists, complete broke service. Motor tune- up and general repairs, 67 KING ST. W. es, bat- Kelvinator refrigerators, ar vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-43 FILTER Queen Sales and Po ib: eral trade-in allowance, Free demon- stration, Telephone 728-4683. CHESTERFIELD suite, chrome set, baby buggy, all in good condition. Telephone 728-5310, COMMERCIAL type stainless steel, three-day fish and chip fryer, exhaust fans and warming ovens included. Ac. reasonable offer. Telephone UD! , 14° Lakefield cedar strip, tee-nee trailer tarp, elec- tric controls. Excellent, 725-9478, make offer, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, MODERN house furniture for sale, Owner transferred. _Telephone 728-8562. OFFICE, store, butch equipment. New, used, buy, sell, pride Servies, Bil hb A | | wa 35--legal TENDERS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BURKTON STATION ONTARIO Sealed Tenders properly identified as to contents will be received by Board of Educatoin S.S. 7 Dar- lington for the general con- tract for two - classroom public school. Blueprints, Specification ana Tender Forms may be secured by General = Contractors only, from the officer of the archi- tect upon the deposit of $25.00 which will be re turned upon the return of the plans and specification in good condition Tenders for a stipulated sum only will be considered Lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted Weir, Cripps and Associated Architects, 1216 Yonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontario. 434 muse |WE pay highest prices in the city for | NOTICE to SUPPLIERS] of BALED STRAW for SEEDING Separate sealed bids marked "Bid for Supply of Straw, Port Hope, No. 7 District" will be received by the District Eng- ineer, Mr. G, F, Wetherall, Port Hope, Ontario, until 12:00 o'clock moon, ES.T. AUGUST 15th, 1961 Specifications, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes may be cbtain- ed from the Distiict Engin- eer at the above address. The lowest or eny quotation not necessarily accepted DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO : Port Hope, District NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Morley Moore, deceased Creditors of the above named deceased, who died at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, on the 6th day of June, 1961, are requested to send particulars of their claim to the under- signed on or before the 31st day of August, 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Oshawa, this 8th day of August, 1961. Parkhill & Yanch, Barristers and Solicitors, 26 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, Oswald Moore. | 723-7822 '32--Articles for Sale SINGER sewing machines, used, from $29.95 up. All guaranteed. Elna Sewing' Machine. 165 Simcoe South. Telephone | 728- 2391, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, {stoves, etc. For top cash offer con. t 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. FURNACES, for forced air, ten year Lo $225 per week, no down 7, Package deal $130, Telephone RECONDITIONED televisions from $33. Get one for the cottage. Partway Tele- on, 918 Simcoe North. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- GARAGE equipment for sale. Numer- ton, CO 3-2241 |ous pieces and special tools. 723.9251. ~-- | BUYING or disposing of used fmifite, T.V. TOWERS appliances, ete. Call Elmer, 30 ve 2204. $55 experience. COlfax 3- 17 CU, feet floor mode] deluxe freezer, 40-ft, structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- nearly new, Call 728-5580 any time, ized, guaranteed 1 year 1415 FT, Lakefield Mohawk, windshield, TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 T.V. TOWERS ning _ lights, 2 no edomeler, cushions, 40-ft. tower structuree with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- "onized Guaranteed one OSHAWA T.V. $275. Also Evinmnte 7% HP in new con- dition, $125. See at John Ware, 50 Wil. 1 lames Point, C m------1 -- pa ------tu-- ! , five-piece kitchen | chrome suite, only 99 cents or spring- filled mattress and matching box ! Spiings only 99 cents with purchase of a ving room or bedroom suite, three. a bedroom suite $119, two-plece sofa |bed set $139. Three-piece large bedroom |set, double dresser, chest and book- |case-bed $148. Two-plece living room suite with swivel rocker $166. 99 cent bonus with all suites. Ed Wilson's ei count furniture store. 20 Church Street. DISCOUNT prices on all quality furni- ture, spring.filled mattresses only $16 floor coverings, many colors .25 cents matched continental beds, all 8, per ft. Car bed carriages, $20. Mis. discount price, $42, playpens, $8: arbor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATES OF ALVINA ESTHER FLINTOFF AND WALTER FRANKLIN FLINTOFF, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the estates of the said Alvina Esther Flintoff, late of the Township of Dar- lington, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of August, 1957, and Walter Franklin Flintoff, late of the said Township of Dar- lington, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of August, 1959, are re- quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned solicitors for the Administra- tor of the said estates on or before the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1961, after which date the soid Administrator will proceed to distribute the said estates, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa this 31st day of July, 1961, ite coffee tables, $7, unpainted book- cases $2.99, chests $17, desks $14. Ed| Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, » SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 COLOR T.V. FOR SALE 1960 Console Admiral Color Television with hi-fi sound. Cost $1,195 new seven months ago. Reason for sell- ing: moving. Will sell for half price Telephone 725-3231 FOOD & FREEZER | PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time the only one guaranteed by Io | Church Street. FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL MIDNIGHT COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low price. We also carry Canada's finest Awnings and Porch Railings Very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 1" x 6" Dry Spruce. No. 2 grade, dressed four sides. Delivered price $78.00 per mbm; cash and carry $75.00 m.b.m Minimum order 200 b.m OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED COURTICE 728-1611 A warranty freezer, Good Housekeeping No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9.6100, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for S. Roy Flintoff, Administrator of the said estates. 'BRITISH BRIEFS By M. McINTYRE HOOD |Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- The South Buck- ingham Labor party has passed a resolution to go forward to the annual conference. It says: "This conference is of the opin- {ion that voting at all parlia- mentary and local government |elections should be made com- pulsory, with suitable penalties attached." An official of the party said: "We feel that re- [ous would be vastly different lif everyone went to the polls STAY-AT-HOMES LONDON -- The success of President Kennedy's "stay-at- home" appeal to Americans is reflected in the number of vis- itors to Britain in May. Al though the total increased by 10 per cent compared with last year, to more than 170,000 visit- ors, the number of Americans among them dropped by 10 per cent to 42,300. Traffic from Europe increased by 14 per cent to 66,000. FLOWER BED VANDALS UPMINSTER, Essex -- Po- lice are watching for an acid thrower who has been destroy- ing flower beds in a park at Up- minster. He has showered the beautiful Clockhouse Gardens with chemicals and badly burn- ed the cricket pitch at Horn. church. A council official said: "This is a new twist to the wan- ton destruction that goes on in our parks." CANDIDATE FIRED BATTERSEA -- South Batier- sea Liberals have fired their, parliamentary candidate, Wil- liam Mattinson, for persistently advocating election pacts be- tween Labor and Liberals. A meeting of the association's ex- ecutive voted 12 to 4 in favor of a motion expressing 'no confi- dence" in the candidate. CALLING SEVENOAKS SEVENOAKS, Kent--All the known communities bearing the name of Sevenoaks in the world are to be contacted by the civic authorities of Sevenoaks, Kent They are to be asked to submit all possible information about themselves. The knowledge gained will be used in a mam- moth exhibition the town is staging next year, dealing with its history. EEL MENACE ENDED CHRISTCHURCH, Hants -- The hero of Christchurch, Hamp- shire, in fishing circles is Rob- ett Mallett of Bingham Road. He has landed a 25-pound eel at Hengistbury Head. For weeks the eel had smashed anglers' tackle and all efforts to catch him had failed. Mr. Mallett suc- ceeded in landing the elusive eel after a 20-minute battle with rod and line. COTTAGES MUST GO SALTASH, Cornwall -- Two 100-year-old cottages in Saltash are to be acquired by the town by expropriation and demolish- ed. The cottages stand in the way of an attractive view for motrists crossing from Plymouth into Cornwall by a new river road. The minister of housing ruled that they could not be {allowed to remain and spoil this Laborites Urge Enforced Voting WAGES ARE HIGHER LONDON The average earnings of the British working man have gone up to a figure of slightly over $42.00 a week, the ministry of labor reports. This higher than the figure of six months ago. NO CUT IN HOURS is approximately $1.50 LONDON =~ A claim for a four-hour cut in the working week by the 85,000-strong Trans- port Salaried Staffs' Association has been refused by the Railway Staff National Tribunal. The ar- bitration decision, although not binding on the parties, has been accepted by the Union. JOBS CHASING WORKERS ROCHESTER, Kent -- Jobs are chasing workers in the Med- way towns of Rochester, Chat- ham and Gillingham, The pres- ent total of unfilled vacancies is the highest since the war, and there are only 926 people looking for jobs. Since spring, the number of unemployed has dropped by 400, and the num- ber of unfilled jobs has gone up by nearly 800. MAY RE-OPEN AIRPORT CROYDON ~- Croydon Air port, closed 18 months ago, may be reopened for business men flying their own planes. The rapidly-increasing number of firms and private individuals who have their own aircraft has forced the government to re- consider its controversial deci. {sion to close the airport. HIGH TOWER PROPOSED LONDON -- A $28,000,000 con- crete and glass tower bigger than the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and almost three times as high as St. Paul's Cathedral, has been proposed for an area in London just north of St. Pan. cras. The tower, it is claimed by its sponsors, could be a showpiece for British industry, and become the world's market place for Britain's export trade. MAY LOSE FARMS TICEHURST, Sussex--Thirty Sussex farmers are in danger of losing their farms. They have been told that within 10 years, their land would be flooded to become a giant reservoir to serve a large area. The farm- ers are suggesting an alterna- tive scheme by which water could be pumped direct from the River Medway to consumers. $75 MILLION ORDER LONDON -- The Bristol Air- craft Company has reported that the Swiss federal govern- ment has placed an order for its 'Bloodhound' guided missile system. The order is said to be worth between $75,000,000 and $90,000,000. AFTER 66 YEARS LOWESTOFT, Norfolk--A bro- ther and sister who had not seen each other for 66 years hace been reunited at a Lowes- toft holiday camp. They are E. R. Booth of Chessington, Surrey, and Mrs, Grace Nether- cell of Hamilton, Ontario, Can- .da. Both were born in London ut were separated when Mr. Booth was five and Mrs. Neth- ersell was two. They had nol met since. iview. {35--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts | contracted in my name by anyone on or | after this date, August 10, 1961 without my written consent. -- Earl Leon Mur- ray, CITY OF TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION SEALED TENDERS, addressed te Chairman, City Property Com- mittee, c/o City Clerk, and en: OSHAWA " dorsed 'Tender for Demolition will be received until 5:00 P.M. (D.S.T.) MONDAY, AUGUST 21st, for the demolition of a two storey frame house, barn and two accessory buildings (excluding garage) located at No. 266 Ross- land Road East in Oshawa. All material to become property of successful bidder Tender Forms and further infor office of the undersigned Highest or any tender not necess | 1961 | 1 mation' may be obtained at the |sen. Keeling Stars As Stampeders Take Opener REGINA (CP) -- Rookie sen- sation Jerry Keeling quarter- backed Calgary Stampeders to a 20-10 Western Football Con- ference victory over Saskatche- {wan Roughriders Thursday night before some 12,700 fans. Fullback Ear] Lunsford | counted two touchdowns for Cal- gary, halfback Lovell Coleman one: and the other two points | came on converts by Doug Han- Jegina's points came on a {touchdown by halfback R | Purdin, a rookie from No {western University, and & Tield goal and a convert by guard Reo Whitehouse. arly occepted F. E. Crome, P. Eng., City Engineer, Oshawa, Ontaria Steve Owen's Roughriders 7-6 halftime lead as » | Stampeders' offensive machine began picking up steam in the second half. i