- -_.r ne VE SE ET ey \ 32--Articles 'for Sale '60 CUSHMAN Highlander scooter. buddy seat, etc. Excellent condition. MO 84741 or 725-0508. [REDUCING perfe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 10, 1961 SOLINR PERSONALS SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston of Columbus enjoyed a motor trip to North- {ern Ontario, | Mrs. Addie Tink visited Mr, and Mrs. Percy Dewell and fam- ily, Hampton. Evelyn Hockaday spent the weekend with Dianne Tink. Karen Lunn, Peterborough, holidayed last week with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Langmaid and children. Tommy Langmaid spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. nn and family, Peterborough. and Mrs. Wrightson ed, routng board. Avply| Wight, Miss Lillian Hoar, Bow- ~--|manville, Mrs. F. Monroe, Ot. 29--Automobiles for Sale 17 '60 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, one owner, V-§ automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, etc. Only 10,000 mileg. Can trade and finance. 728-5179. ht posture 7 CHEVROLET convertible. Tele- ost, et condition. Call WH 2-1046 phone Brooklin, 655-3467 after 5 pm, (DJ&X. == USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. '61 SHEVROLEY Biscayne, 4dool|B ¥, Goodrich Stores, 723-4543. t hs dds is 4,000 miles, Re Te Py stom radio, whitewalls and positrac.| PAINT, interrio, exterior. $2.95 gallon, tion, Like new. Can trade and finance. al Soong, Suarantend, fist. os , {187970 day Niu Church_Street, 723-7624. 1953 CHEV. coach, in good condition, |yACUUM cleaner rena makes, radio, signals, heater. T Fatty M_ cleaner yepaics, al Baris 728-4970. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. 728-0501 anytime. 27--Real Estate for Sale |LUNCHROOM for sale or exchange for house in country with creek on prop- y, radius of 25 miles from Oshawa. Must sell due to illness. Immediate possession. Phone Cobaconk 22 R 14, or write Box 61, Norland, Ontarie. NORTH-EAST section in eity. Brick VLA bungalow Sell with lot or three acres of land. City water. A it phone 725-4433. SMALL four-room house four acres of land, three miles east of N le No. 2 highway. Phone Newcastle 3361. A THREE-bedroom semi-detached in Lake Vista Gardens, $700 down. $10,300 full price. Private sale, or will rent. Ajax, WH 22074. $6,080 FULL price, 3-room bungalow, Jot 65° x 130°, oil heat, city water, low taxes. $500 down. Call Bill Horner, 728.5123, Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd. SIX wr cent NHA brick bungalow, automatic, etc. Best offer. 725.9231. newly decorated, fully fenced a and-| -------- _- one---- i $1300 down. Teleplione 723-4390. » PLYMOUTH, = condition, 0 FETE I a NG YOR Pr Ty a | 35300 DOWN for this income property |o7es. consisting of eighteen rooms, three] ---- bathrooms and a two-piece washroom. |1960 Store with licence ,11 rooms of furni. jouable ture, three block garages, parking for|73-1545. ATA nea 14 cars, Gas heated. For more infor-|:5p ZEPHYR (Ford) four-door 8 eylin- mation call 728-5836 after 3. ____|der, 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel- PRIVATE six-room brick, two storey, fells, Sondition, $1,200 or nearest offer. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car deep lot, will accept late model car {as part down payment. Apply 608 Som- erville. radios, from $39.95 Iry Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 27--Real Estate tor Sale DOUGLAS L GOWER 4) GLADSTONE AVE 728.4651 $900 down, $9,500 full price Terms arranged, ocres of land, needs some decorating. 5 good size rooms, garage ond immediate possession, Call Sally Walker. $9,900 -- 1 acre of land, Town Line Rd. Well kept and owner says sell. Four rooms, double garage, Make a date to see thiz home. Coll Ossie Martin $13,700 Welland Ave, Spac- ious five-room brick bunga- low. A real buy at this price, Top area close to all schools, shopping, playground ond churches. Call Vic Hulatt $13,900. Low down pay- ment, Stevenson Rd. North, Immaculate condition. 5 large | THREE bedroom bungalow, twe years|St . n West, airy rooms. Must be seen os [old: with built-in garage, built-in stove|5y MERCURY pickup, good mechanic home is loaded with extras and oven, living Jom readies med, ally, body good, ble, Te drapes, twindows, fireplace, large » 17288974. Call Mary Clarke hae other extras. Will take a $10,000/ ---- TY MATE PORE TTT Dup! iting house as down payment. Write Box 149 Re aac Salat, anda s plex a Bib ting tor new {Oshawa Times. rag} s Clean ear. a ed owners, Vendor leaving ® PRIVATE sale, $500. Five room brick| 58 BUICK deluxe hardtop custom radio, city. Features double garage, {Ravan with recreation room. 6 per| clean, Ive tone, Must el Sop or Dest large landscaped lot, 2 bath- [cent interest. Telephone 728-4380. pifer. Terms. » Ew : a g 3 rooms and all self contained. PRIVATE sale, good clean seven room |'96 OLDSMOBILE Holiday, four-door, 3 ke, $13,900 with $2,500 down Bargto. Dower Mooring and Dive and terms arranged, Call Doug Gower. brick house, four bedrooms. Will sell or Taio Tie. Car in ercelloes condition wg | A P A exchange for smaller house anywhere, 2 elaide Avenue East, Osh.| Will be sold for closest offer to $975. i . Ay 163-Adelnde ad Private MO 85152. =~ = ~~ [35 EVINRUDE Lark, ny Lakefield '88 PONTIAC, two-door, radio and heat- cedar strip, tee-nee trailer tarp, elec- bag vetoing Ra beg Bl Re Bg LK $350 OR near offer, '55 Chevrolet, good offer. Fa wh shape. Telephone 728-0747 Ld WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator in good '80 PONTIAC strato-Chief, six cylinder condition, $79. No down payment. #8. automatic, fully equipped, low mileage, | Der month. Private Telephone 723-2150. REALTOR Bo trade-in, financing can be arrang-| AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, 725-4330 728-5109 ed. Telephone 725-3391 after 6 p.m. |free estimates. Chair, table rentals 5- -- - 41 GMC 2%-ton truck, good working Cleve 12 Simcoe North. order, $100. Also wrecking '48 and 51/MODERN h furniture for sale. COUNTRY LIVING Oldsmioble and Poutac T [MODERN house furaiture for sale. 723-9973. 1 k i j -- NE Ea -- OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant Situated just east of City "33 CUSTOM Ford in excellent shape, equipment, New, used, buy, sell. trade | Limits, ong ar Highvay als se in excellent shape. |uervies. BI Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook. | , ond schools. Six year 3 em " LS cami mae old one and a half storey with [Private sale. -- | '37 CHEV. sedan delivery, turquoise, FURNACES, forced air, ten year Guar double garage Thsi home |SIX room house, all conveniences, hard- make cash offer. R. Corbett Box 25 antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay | Ot. Sedric vi {wood floors, good condition, large lot, Uxbridge. Ulster 2.6273. ment. Package deal $130. Telephone hos all the extras, scenic view garage. Buik Street. For further in 54 BUICK automatic, A: mechanical. 725-479. { from the family room, modern formation phone 723.38. ly, good body. Private. Apply anytime |j5 EVINRUDE, take trade or weil | kitchen, with separate dining $1,000 down, mura! stone bungalow 621 King Street East. Telephone 725-3553 hoard motor with tank and battery. | ores. Three good sized bed- -|bedrooms, with or without furniture.lor 725.2166. Telephone 723-3774. : ' {Sacrifice for cash. Owner leaving coun: | ---- - FT: = | map aA rooms with double closets. |" A00ic 765 Rowena 61 CHEVROLET Impala convertible, RECONDITIONED televisions from $35. 17 #. living OH heat. (tery 1a wena. automatic, six-cylinder, whitewalls. Will |Get one for the cottage. Parkway Tele: ing Easy Serre. available finance. Apply 745 Mary Street. vision, 918 Simeoe North. L . p-- me Priced ot only $12,900 EMERSON AVE 5V4% N.HA Five-room brick bungolow Lorge living room, three nice sized bedrooms. Nicely dec- orated and in spotless condi- tion. Carries for $54.00 a month principal and Interest. BROOKSIDE ACRES New split level. Spacious living room hos a stone fire- place, full dining room (these c. iio a -- | 728-6674. 1936 BUICK Super, d4-door hardtop, | USED pa and repairs for all makes --- : - Misses Evel Hockaday and automatic, radio, white walls, power|of wri: washers, 14 hp motors|1s' BOAT, 12 HP Viking motor and : 1sses ! yn y 1 83 guaranteed reconditions Dianne Tink and Mrs. W. Par- roomg are broadicomed), Very lorge modem kitchen equipped, $845. Apply 289 Malaga Road ($5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. Tes:nee trailer. Telephone 728-0668 any- p . rinder enjoyed a bus trip to the has a built-in oven and stove, ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- kL _ Tr n, " VING roller, able veways, BUYING or disposing of used furniture, |®ic. Also \ralier" and Aid equipment Thousand Islands with Hamp- appliances, ete. Call Elmer, 30 years' Used in contracting work. Good condi-|ton ladies. experience. COlfax 3.2294, bi rR a. t od Mr. and Ms Een Pascoe and TEN . % 143% FT, Lakefield Mohawk, windshield, hters, rougham, visite: inhi SC TRIE LL Po gh Reng Bi iy Sougite Mrs. J 2 ay yy Tae Te EH Si | dies Mi ie WE pay highest prices in the city for(s275 Also Evinrude 714 HP in new con.| "x retty's Used Furniture 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and Stove, TIFT, 444 Bimeoe South, iy Ry Wise, 9 3 family visited Mr. 'and Mrs. SINGER portable sewing machine, ex- Lloyd Metcalf at their cottage Orig oe {at Rice Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ed. wards, Listowel, spent severa! days at Mr. J. Kivell's. fomily room 13 x 16 is fin- ished In mahogany, ond hos e two-piece tiled powder room. A few steps to second level (with wrought iron rail- ing) hos three lovely large bedrooms, with double closets, and 2 4-piece tiled both- rooms; 'one bathroom is off the 12 x 13 master bedroom. The house comes completely decorated, hos stone planter, storms, screens, fully lond- cellent condition, $40, inal # CENT bonus, five piece Kitchen $180. Ajax Sewing Centre. Telephone MO 83-3447. KEDRON PERSONALS scoped, and double garage. ONE OF THE BETTER REAL 53: Chey. 2ivadsxawidereg pA A | WH 2.651 or 34 DISCOUNT prices on all quality furni. By MRS. H. A. WERRY KEDRON -- Services at Ked- ESTATE VALUES. Why not see this house now, we have - 2 ly 99 cents with h ] 723-9102 ie TnL LS ture, spring. filled mattresses only $16 Trade your boat on a car {floor coverings, many colors .23 cents ron have been withdrawn for the first two Sundays of August. the key, so call anytime Roy Flintoff .... 725-3434 plece bedroom suite $119, two-piece sofa New or Used matched continental beds, all sizes, Rev. Hugh Crosier will conduct Phyllis Jubb .... 723-3240 27--Real Estate tor Sele $8,500 FULL PRICE -- six-room brick home with double detached garage. --Real Estate for Sale 27--Reel Estate tor Sale Pay $0 principal and interest, small 1$100.00 DepositEiias Ibu. Cal Bab Stavensea at Ta4286. BALANCE OF $500.00 ON CLOSING |S. 'D. Hyman Realtor. Ralph H. Vickery ey er, boo utituly aw Shedrem, tricic feorvs | REALTOR css doors A OTe ae ee ens | "46 KING ST. W, a Eo a Wer 728-6228 ROSEHILL BLVD. gage. 6-room storey and e hafl clapboard, private drive, large lot, oil heat. Taxes $145, Priced to sell. BESSBOROUGH DRIVE 6-room bungalow, 1230 sq. ft. broadloom on living and dining room, large recreation mahogany panelled, fireplace, executive type home AFTER 6 CALL Wm, Irvine 728-2868 Don Smith ,... 728-4879 Pat Donevan .,., 723-7313 Bert. Peyton .... 728-6228 | | 32--Articles for Sale TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. terns, plenie jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 725-6511. "Terms to - --- | R Leonard del $! --- cu. ft. GE washing machine, odds ends. 219 Mitchell Avenue or 728-0754 after 6. SEA FLEA. red and white, 9 equipp- ed with steering wheel, $75. Telephone 723-9308 before 3 p.m. ONE only Lloyd baby carriage, blue and grey, like new, best offer Call 725-9734. MeCLARY four.burner electric range, nearly new. Two walnut chairs, uphol- stered seats. Dial 725-1241. '58 MERCURY Monterey hardtop] power power brakes, radio, 20,000 m Best offer. 725-3187, § a.m. day to Friday. 1951 OLDS 98, A-1 condition, radio, 1S your cash register equipped with a sales tax button? If not call Bill Hamil ton, Ashburn. ~~ eR FURNACES, forced air, fen year guar. | ses A gales, per week, Do down PAY-|1o FT, ALUMINUM trailer, complete ment, Package deal $130. Telephone J i 0k probe Psion i pn 725.4729. En ; sleeps two, Awly Alto use Supslies, TYPING r sale, letter size, [453 Simcoe Street South or phone white pewtprint, ny in bulk Tots ue 725-1501, Reasonable offer ac: dl, dave, 4 Ib vke. $1.00, § Ib pig. 32.00. GNE boy's racing bike, like new, Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. |exiras, $40. Telephone for direction BEAT the tax! Order now, aluminum home 723-9008. ae siding, awnings, storms, soft siding,!niNING room set, arm chair, double bed, single 282 King Solesstaff Res. : Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 Mildred Bilida MO 8-2ie7 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY, ONT. MO 8-5853 PRINCE ALBERT HOME 6-room stuccd house, Nearly-new with modern kitchen, bath- room, oil heating, hardwood ond tile floors. Close to school, bus, shopping. Con be bought for $2,000 down. Ful price $11,500. DNTENAC, 14,900 miles. Rea. offer accepted. T [natural ree estimates. Oshawa i S stone, Fi Aluminum Sales, 725-7922 a B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Dat: (30 Tv MAST comolets with = - ; teres, Kelvinator refrigerators, 'fele- tonne, braces ami wiree son any tawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 735-4543, d. refrigerator, ideal for sum- Taylor. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| mer cottage, $50. Anytime after 4 p.m. Teddy Lunn, Peterborou 728-1488, : ' d is holidaying this week at Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid's. eral trade-in allowance, Free demon-|728-1 NE RR stration. T 728-4683. WANT a better job? It may be waiting Sally Langmaid is with her under "Help Wanted" in the Classified section today. Look own SINGER portable, one year guarantee, (cousin, Karen Lunn, Peterbor- {0 2. Take over payments. Call ough, this week. i < --| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Tadior daly a: Parewey Tv 00 meat |Jr., and family attended the Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie-! Cook family reunion at Cedar |tor service depot for Oshawa. ____|Park, Hampton, EE i re Soak Conk So ih excellent ®» Er. ls : [electrical driven. $85. Telephone (Mr. Bll Cook, Mr. J. Cook and | 728-4073. oo --- Miss Linda Vernon, Richmond UPHOLSTERED armchair with down Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chsnlon, and ables, coffee tables, semi' | prank Westlake, Jr. and family Ls hrtathant dae Card wall" Mr. and Mrs. Fran Westlake Pm. 830 Somerville Street Jr., and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Land, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and faniily attended the Youngman- Leach picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngman, Ponty- poo! BROOKLIN AREA Highway home, new modern brick home. 6 rooms with large living room with fireploce, 3 bedrooms, 124 ocres. There is a second older house which is rented. See this property at $14,500 CHESTERFIELD suite, chrome set, baby buggy, all im good condition. Telephone 728-3310, 14FT, PLYWOOD utility boat, with deck. Telephone 725-8574. COMMERCIAL type stainless steel, three-day fish and chip fryer, exhaust fans and warming ovens included. Ac. cept offer. Teleph 725-8883. JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD Ltd. 167 Simcoe | CONTACT MERVYN B!RD BROOKLIN PHONE OL 5-3159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS 46 EGLINTON E., TORONTO 35 Agen 'hroughout Ontario offering Provincicl-wide service since 900, SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 Realtors Insurance e RN) miles from Oshawa, li-mile of trout stream, beautiful location for camp or| homes. Priced to sell with terms. Scho- field Associates. Henry Stinson 725-0243 NICE semi-bungalow, seven rooms, hot water heating, aluminum storms and screens, heavy duty wiring, good in- come home. Price $11,500. Down vy: |ment $800. Easy payments Apply Park Road South JAMES STREET -- five.room bunga- low, situated on large lot. Nicelr deco- rated. Basement apartment. Reason. {able down payment, Telephone 725-4541, Office Hrs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. $600 DOWN $600 3.year-old rug brick home, 6 rooms. All storms ond screens, and doors, Rec-room with bar, good-size rooms, close to school, bus and shopping centre. Carries for reasonable monthly payments To inspect call Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. BROOKLIN 6-room insul stone home with full basement. One block north of arena. Asking only $6,000 with $1,500 down. A well-kept property. House is clear. Call Bill Ratcliffe ot 725-6544 DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENCY Executive type home, located in exclusive Oshawa area. 54 rooms, carport, Extras golore: twindow end screens, vacu flow, wood panelling in living room with wéod beams, Built-in stove ond oven, dishwasher, garbage dispos- al, hood rype exhaust fan, rotor TV antenna, fenced-in yard. Must be seen. Call now for Bill Swarbrick at 725-6544 or 725-8342, MITCHELL AVE. $11,900 full price, S-room bungalow with attached gorage on large fot, spotless th , newly decorated, Inspect this now by calling Anthony Siblock 725-6544 or 725-4362. WESTMOUNT AVE, 2-STOREY BRICK Plenty of living space for large family. Basement apartment rented. Cork floors in living end dining room. 2 bathrooms, 1 2-pc, Xs GIRL'S bicycle, plywood wardrobe, foot stool, rope block and tackle, pipe | fittings, grass catcher for lawn mower, | shovels and other articles. 439 Fair- lawn Street. 5 CRIB, large size, good condition. Ap. [234 655 Ritson Road North or telephon 28-4070, o TWO bedroom mites excelient coadi.| MT. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe tion. Telephone 728-4459. {and daughters, Brougham, were 2 CU. FT. chest freezer, like new, best guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry offer. Telephone 7281362, _|Knox and sons on Sunday. SINGER treadle sewing machine for] Mr, and Mrs. Rae Pascoe sale, good condition. Telephone 723-9456, and children visited on Sunday YORK air conditioner, Y-ton window } with the A. Beevors and Bill it, good » 110° volt. Tel Ew ad Yui, T elepiione Skuce, near Minden. pay 478 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 ON MOIRA LAKE Sand beach, good fishing, two bedrooms, hydro, drilled well. Completely furnished, Two miles from Madoc. Price $2800. J. M. Caverly, Realtor, Madoc, Ont, | NURSING HOME LICENSED FOR 20 PATIENTS Fully equipped, serves a large orea, New oil furnace ond wiring, beautiful location in Village of Madoc. $8000 down, balance mortgage. M. Caverly, Realtor, doc, Ont. BILL MCcFEETERS VICE PRES REG, AKER PRES $8,200 WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5-room bungalow has spacious modern kitchen with dinette Master bedroom 16 x 12 modern. Good size living room ond 2nd bedrooms, The payments, taxes and heating costs are very low. College Hill area, call Don Strodeski, evenings 728-8423. JUST LISTED -- CADILLAC AVE. NORTH A bargain, $10,500 with reasonable terms. 5-room brick bungs low in this convenient location to school, stores, etc, Nicely decorated, paved drive, best quality aluminum doors and win- dows. T.V. cerial. Act fast on this one and moke an offer. Call Henry stinson, evenings 725-0243 INCOME HOME Large brick income property but a few minutes walk to down- town, 3 apartments plus 2-room with 2-pc. both in basement Now rented at $160 per month, Listed at $14,500 with $2,500 down. Open to offers. Call Russ Reeve, evenings 725-4840 OVER 1900 SQ. FEET 7-room brick and stone ranch bungalow with attached garage 22' long living room, separate dining room 13 x 13, 4 extra large bedrooms, completed rec. room 40 x 13, with natural fireplace. Located at entrance to Grandview Gardens, close to schools, bus ond shopping. To inspect, call Bill McFeeters, evenings 725-1726. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board LAKE RESORT HOME -- in Bewdley on Rice Lake, the heart of Ontorio's fishing ond boating. This lovely home has been reduced in price for quick sale. Owner in England. Two years old, gleaming white, breezeway ond goroge, 3 bedrooms, 20' living room, finished recreation room. Dozens of extras. Only $11,500 with excellent terms OWNER FED UP -- commuting to Toronto, Will sacrifice lovely 5-room brick bungalow -- 3 lorge bedrooms, 4-piece tied bath, nicely decorated ond equipped with aluminum |CONVE "38 Parisienne Pontiac fully automatic, power steering and josie. Telephone 723-3398. / '57 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Automatic, new tires, snow tires, very low mileage, Best offer. Cash preferred. '52. | Business Res. ite ce) bonus with all suites. Ed Wilson's dis. count furniture store 20 Church Street. 17 CU. feet floor mode] deluxe freezer, nearly new, Call 728-5380 any time. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 33--Swap and Barter WILL swap six-room house for thr or four-room home. Call at 209 Di Street after 2.30 34--Lost & Found Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have @ good assortment of Used Cars. {SELLING furniture? We'll buy i. Re- | ™V's, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con. tact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1181 |GARAGE equipment for sale. Numer |ous pieces and special tools. 723.9231. - FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLIN® AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT bed set $139. Three-piece large bedroom set, double dresser, chest and book- |per ft. SMITHS SPORTS lg Eg ha aan "pon: SUPERTEST a $29 | services on Aug. 20, and Aug. 127, at 10 a.m., but Sunday schoo! {cases $2.99, chests $17, desks $14. Ed Furniture North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. sessions are withdrawn until | Wilson's Store, 20 | Church Street. Sept. 3. Miss Lynda Hopkins was a recent soloist at Kedron, |SINGER sewing machines, used, from [$20.95 up, All guaranteed. Kina Sewing i phone with the vocal solo, "Can the ee World see Jesus in Me?" Machine, 165 Simcoe South. Tele {728-2501 ™¥| Mr. and Mrs. M. Walter and Dorothy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Honey, Fenelon J Ma | LS. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 PARK RD §S | | home, Call Steve Zurbo 725-6544 storms ond screens. Landscaped and fenced lot. Carries for only $85.00 principal, interest ond taxes -- one 6% mort- gage for balance. Call today for particulars. N.HA. RESALE -- 385 Welland Avenue brick bungalow. Asking $13,900. today. 32% N.HA. RESALE -- Extra large 3-bedroom bungalow with built-in vanity end bed in master bedroom. Large fomily- size kitchen. Newly decoroted and complete with new lined dropes -- finished recreation room, paved drive and nicely hedged and londscaped lot . Asking only $12,750 -- good terms ~ WILSON Realtor, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 | AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL: Ken Hann 723-7963 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Dick Young 723-7183 Lovely &-room Immediote posession. Call | | | Street, Whitby. Telephone 725-4302. |conveniences, will lease for $85 monthly | a ee -- -- ---- +100 monthly. Telephone MO 8-4155. STUDENTS! A super value, approxi $20. Independent Sales, Whitby, MO |ply Oshaws Times = Office. Whithy. | $69, good buy. Many other makes and apartment, air conditioned, All cons eni. FOR RENT: Two unfurnished rooms Priced from $69. Independent Sales and | one lady, immediate poscession. ADPIY| FOR SALE -- Good used combination | Two. bedroom FOR RENT three-room apartment, (AVAILABLE immediately, new three-| stove and refrigerator. 233 Palace room bungalow, oil heated, modern |to reliable tenants, or will sell very FOR RENT -- three-bedroom bunga-|low do 'n payment, 725-8349, ; | low, oil heated, on Maple Street East, - = | -- mately 630 sheets of letter size typing | FOR SALE -- Good used chesterfield, [paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap 5.2081. {1111 Dundas Street West FOR SALE -- 17° TV, reconditioned, (FOR RENT -- Furnished threeroom | models. Independent Sales, Whitby. MO ences. Central Phone MO 8-3242 | 2081. FOR SALE --Good used refrigerators. | r, heated, hardwood floors, |Service, 309 Brock Street South, Whitby, | sink in Hig central, suit couple or MO 83-2081. ; 224 Kent Street. MO 8-2233. od Sadie hii three-speed record player, i -|$39. Independent Sales, Whitby, MO | FOR RENT apart . ¥ biol $90 and $100, in modern build. 1. | ing, stoves, refrigerators. Telephon: MO 8.3591. OR SALE -- Modern brick bungalow, | [three bedrooms, oii heated, hardwood | looking and tiles, fireplace, landscaped Sectiin, diate possession. Phos . | Imme. | ne MO 8-3186. MOBILE home prospects are for your ad In the Cl Dial 723-3492 now to place the Ad that/FoR RENT _ Geven.room house, $80 will put you tn touch with them. (session: eat incinded, \mediute POs- | 'T-Two-bedroom apartments. |session. Apply Cochrane Street or a SE odern building, stoves, refrig. telephone MO 84707. Te | erators, MO 8-3591. {FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms, | NT: apart Ly ish room boii ow or wn roomed | and kitchen, electrical appliances, heat, partment, with pull out souch Cen light and water supplied. Private en-| tal. Phone MO 88634 after 4 p.m. | trance. Apply 231 Palace Street TIME CAN EARN MONEY fz, B05 Siti Bad Four or five hours | sersENt and houses tor rent. daily representing some equipped, $80 and up Schatz. ' mann, Realtor, 2 8-3338 Plrineln AVON [FOR RENT -- Two-room unfurnished apartment, second floor, private bath,| {one child welcome, $55 monthly. In.| {clude heat, hydro. Phone MO 8-370 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary FOR RENT Camping end boating equip- ment, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, We also sell end repair, lawn mowers and outboard mot WILDE RENTAL and SALES ' 1413 Dundas St. E.--Whitby ¢ MO 8.3226 pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8232 Cement Gravel, [Kurt Meyer, 728-4487 {BO SERICES. Complete bookkeeping COSMETICS posh tor a a Seesiy, T.V. Advertised $OR SALE - Bunralow. Hallett Street, at . 414 years old, attac gar CALL RU D478 | ee | GRAVEL - LOAM | Driveway Gravel and Eill Delivery Monday to Set. Noon "ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 Ors SERVICE Irene Brown .... 725.3867 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Rec! Eestate Board We list Photo Co-op or 728-0569 Mortgages Arranged; Bought ond Sold Members of O.D.R.E.B. STEPHEN MACKO 187 KING ST. E. 728-4661 6 SPACIOUS ROOMS 2-storey modern brick home en College Hill, with 3 lorge bedrooms, large landscaped lot, Plenty of privacy. Close to General Motors. A terrific buy et $11,700. For appointment call 728-4661 REALTOR Member of Oshawa end District Rea! Estate Board METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 VERDUN ROAD A real buy! 7-rcom 1}a-storey home, garage, 10 fruit trees (bearing), lot 42' x 261', new furnace, house in excellent condi- tion. Asking only $8,500.00 with $1,000.00 down. Balance on one easy payment mortgage. GIBBONS ST Modern 5V2-room bungolow with carport, wall landscaped, tiled bath, patio, panoramic windows, storms and screens, not- ural trim, e in immaculate condition. Terrific volue at $14,900.00 with $3,000.00 down KING ST. E. y and attached garage, beautiful large landscaped lot, broadloomed living room, fireplace, built-in breakfast nook, etc. This is @ choice property at only $17,000.00. Shown by appointment only. AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp 728-2392 Marion Drew 725-7610 Joe Mage 725-9191 Everett Elliott 723-9290 S-room ranch, breezewa J. J. VANHERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-4471 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY -- WHITBY On Hopkins Street, from 1 to 10 ocres . Choice location only $1900 per acre HAVE YOUR OWN GARAGE! Garage, body shop and gos pumps. Building 38 x 60 fest, oil heated, Very good income. Approx, 20 miles from Oshawa. Owner hos to quit. Full price $15,000 with ottractive terms Price 73-acre Investment Farm on Rossiond Rood West. conveniences and seteel barn. Ask for information House with A very productive 100 ocres general farm, 90 acres workable, L-shaped barn, cement silo, 8-rcom house. Heavy wiring and water-pressure. Full price $17,000 with terms 100 acres farm, 75 acres workable, A wonderful stream is winding through the whole length of the farm. Fully ized house, 7 rooms. Bathroom, oil fumace (hot water baseboard rads), tile Moors. Full price $35,000 with terms. 100 acres beefcottle farm just north of Raglan. Good house and teel barn. $18,000 vith terms Manchester, {ences 6 rim new ™ Qoiaye, nose wir Asking price $10,500 with terms We urgently nesd lifings for farms end housss. . 10 KING ST. E Near Oshawa Bivd., full é- room brick, family home, central location, hot water by oil heating, divided bath- room large recreation room, private drive, $3,000. down gives possession, call Sid Martyn 723-9810 WEST WHITBY Large rug brick ranch bunga- low, glasses in breezeway and extra large attached garage, aluminum storms ond screens, TV antenna, all on a very large nicely landscaped 75 x 269 ft. lot, asking less than $16,000 with terms, call Frank McCann 725-8741 $11,500 FULL PRICE Large 5-room brick bunga- low, spocious and modern kitchen, large living and din- ing room combined, 3-bed- rooms ond 4-piece tiled bath, full size, high, divided base- ment, located close to shop- ping centrs, Call Sid Martyn 723-9810 WHITBY TRIPLEX Central location, fairly new brick building, three self con- tained apartments, asking $5,000 down, one monthly payment on balance, zall Frank McConn 725-8761 or evenings 728-9821 To buy or sell and do it well Call Snelgrove | | CAR INSURANCE UNTIL MIDNIGHT Careful drivers ere preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better n 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. { { } COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low price. We also carry Canada's finest Awnings and Porch Railings. Very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 SIAMESE cat, Seal Point, blue eyes, small, female, neutered. Lost August 7, hawa area Telephone Toronto eol- lect, PLymouth 7-8431 or office, WAI nut 1-8979. $25 reward LOST -- Blonde spaniel dog, answers to name of Mickey, lost in vicinity of Farewell Street and Harbor d. Anyone with information please tele. phonie 725-4215. LOST, green budgie, answers to the name "Peter". Telephone 725-8974. LOST, light red cow, 700 Ibs., vicinity of East Whitby and Darlington. Tele. phone B 655-3464. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road cnd track, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 | | BUYING OR SELLING SEE x 6" Dry Spruce. No. 2 grade, dressed four sides, Delivered price $78.00 per mbm; cash and carry $75.00 mbm. Minimum order 200 b.m. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED COURTICE 728-1611 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | 29--Automobiles for Sale '51 CHEV., automatle, low mileage. [New car condition, $1 8.00 p.m. 725-8342. L175. Call after | |'58 MORRIS station wagon, good dition, new battery. Best offer. Tele. phone 725-0459. '52 CHEVROLET hardtop, immaculate condition ter 6 p.: . Apply 323 Verdun Road af. WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW.COST LIFE. INSURED 2% x x 3 OK x x »* 2 WM » HXHR HOMO = » HMM XW bd POON FOO * THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | | 30--Automobiles Wanted T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all channel antenna, afl galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 WANTED to "purchase choice Pontiac | and Chevrolet used ears, Harcourt Motors, 16 Mill Street, Port Hope TU| 6281. WANTED good used car, GM preferred, for one karat diamond and some cash. Phone 725-8132. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S 723-9421 | T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structurse with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ |For clean cars we deal up or | | { { Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31---Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Brake Specialists, ¢ brake service. Motor up and general repairs 67 KING ST. W, 723.7222 down. | i } 1 | ! } Between 9 a.m, and 5:30 p.m. | SPECIAL SALE FOR MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY 1V4 in. aluminum combina- tion storm doors with locks, two keys, door holder, all hardware, Zee Bar Construc- tion, lifetime guarantee, one week delivery. Regular $69. Special $54 Call REGENT ALUMINUM 728-4491 COLOR TV. FOR SALE 1960 Console Admiral Color Television with hi-fi sound Cost $1,195 seven months ago He moving rice. new hotf Pp Talachene 725.3231 sel 35--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, August 10, 1961 without my written consent. -- Earl Leon Mur- ray, | TENDERS WANTED FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Building Construction - Vik- ing Rugger Club", and ad- dressed to T. V. Kelly, 715 Simcoe St. South, will be re- ceived until 5 p.m, EDS. T Friday, 18th August for construction of flat-roofed block building epprox. 450 sq. ft. floor area, containing showers and heating equip- ment, Specifications and drawings are available at Greer & Kelly, 7V2 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa on deposit of $5.00 certified cheque (returnable) Tenders required--- 1) For complete building and equipment 2) As above but omitting plumbing end water heating. Successful contractor is to obtain |Falls and attended the garden {party held for the opening of | Friendship House, Fenelon Falls United Church, Rev. C. Fisher, minister. Miss Patti Rosnak accompan- ied her aunt, Miss Rose Palmer, and .Mrs, Nellie Palmer, on a motor trip to United States where they were guests of Mrs. Jessie Young, South Bend, In- diana, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Weales, Ricky, Betty-Anne and John en- joyed a camping trip along the north shore of Lake Superior for their holidays. While enjoying a swim one afternoon they were surprised to find Kedron folk, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, be- side them. | Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Werry re- |turned on Wednesday after a {motor trip around Lake Superior {and into states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. En route they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nichol, Mount Hope, Wisconsin, and later guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lester J. Love, and mem- bers of their family, of Joliet, Illinois. Miss Olive Luke was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, prior to leaving on an extended motor trip to the East Coast, with Misses Marie and Helen Cole of Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ball, and Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Ball, of Ux- bridge were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Werry. | Building Permit. Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. For information zee J. Stephen- son, 846 Simcoe St. North, 728-6925. TENDERS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BURKTON STATION ONTARIO Sealed Tenders proper! identified as to contents will be received by Board of Educatoin S.S. No. 7 Dar- | lington for the general con- | tract for two - classroom | public school. Blueprints, Specification and Tender Forms may be secured by | General Contractors only, from the officer of the archi tect upon 'the deposit of $25.00 which will be re- turned upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition | | | | Tenders for a stipulated sum only will be considered Lowest any tender necessarily accepted or not Weir, Cripps dnd Associated Architects, 1216 Yonge Street. Toronto 7 Qotario. 2 craps of fine hay. An outbreak of measles caused severe illness in many Kedron homes, but most of the afflicted families have now al- most fully recovered. Mrs. Richard Moses was vocal |soloist at the military wedding of Jean Malcolm Cook and James Millet in Toronto recent- Y. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee are enjoying holidays with the lat. ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton, at Browning Island, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke, To- ronto, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy and visited friends in Kedron community, on their return from a three-week motor trip to the Maritimes. August 17 has been chosen hy the executive of the United {Links class for their summer wiener roast, to be held in the early evening in the Mountjoy woods. For further information please contact the president, Miss June Davis. An interest. ing program has been arranged, Many flattened fields of grain are oresentinz a harvesting problem in this community Abundant' rains made 'for long soft straw, but also for heavy