The Oshawa Times, 10 Aug 1961, p. 16

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"16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 10, 1961 sams] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [x oS -- 2--Personal 16--Female Help Wanted |23--Wanted to Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent, 26--Rooms for Rent THREE - BEDROOM in Rossland {LIGHT hou room, FELECIFIC Day Nursery now in NIGHT Sag shop cashier required. 44 Sondde | sekeeping centrilly : tion. licial opening in September. Apply Box No. 307 Oshawa Times. [Road district, e of coe Street. X ldcated, parking space. T \ ; RY EN rane for interview, - fs woman to work In Ples Boz 100, Oshawa Post room, nsporta three store and lunch counter. coe N F Yong to ly ng Bg Preferred but mot essential, 950 Stmooe | IN EAE, ul ; 27--Real Estate for Sale 18th phone 725-6793. TO or x while works. Telephone oa. mm Soqvetienees of August. Tele; Street North after 7 p.m. --|LCB Store. Telephone MA 3.2391, 96 ELECTROLYSIS [Mole Help Wanted us immey sow: | | Accountants Driving School |Money to Loan CLASSIFIED AD RATES | Vian om Lo ond 8 section today BE hp ve rooms, | | Co Marie Murduft will be In [salesman for Oshawa - Whitby districts, | PELIABLE tenants would like five. OR . paved drive and garage. Fenced rear 135 Siren Street Norn, Oshawa: Ajax, VING 3 ConsecuTIve room A WH 2.0890, OF SAFE DRI RTIO 225 248 30th, Phone Genosha Hotel | reesei (ONE or two Bousekeoping Fooms, part: furnished or shed on. [full price. To inspect o ' rfl hair, 2 : self-contained furnished a $1000 DOWN -- six-room house with Et rma "Tat MERCURY SCHOOL d CT Bath || Mare Mardult wih be |Site or OS RRS wri. pls' icine She ral Ind and Ir Oshwoa, August 29th ond |e make appointment for interview, | gill} ] Telephone 725.7801. Deron extras, centrally located. only $10,500 Modem dual equipped cars. vi | or inte y furnished, unfurnished for one 728-6286. S. D. lg Beg Pom mm ESSE | MORTGAGES [Eid ana | Hiern a my tn rs Gl = ond Street West, . eric Day or evening appointments. | "* not oe within 7 days. the Oshawa Times. ind Beatty Avenue, Oshawa. wel. DIAL 725-4773 | Charge rote will a | 3--Pets & Livestock TWO men to work 6 to 9 p.m. dally, tor, eu , air B. E. DEWAR and Co. Accountants Go 0ed by --TO PAY ALL Above rates apply only to original 1 WS 1 Si. 24 Houses for Rent conditioned, very canal avaiable Tato Bleest: Osama, Ontario HA 8.2031 B. Rathertod YOUR BILLS Geant Isat ons ordered arg || CERMAN Shepherd, = female. Jive fumes. SEVEN-ROOM brick Rouse, four bedi. "Telephone On sequen month: J (rooms, two athrooms, 0 hens, BED ROOM ey ---- WILSON and SCORE Chartered MERCURY TAXI || later date constitute @ new original bs rig {DEPENDABLE married nan, vo de. hardwood floors, garden trees, mice dis. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street Sou in new . apartment building, all electrical : : -- ordar | BOARDING kennels, new modern fire. |Special' Pay to start. Steady work. Write trict. near schools, hopping, $99 MO vr le ol Ba Gardening and Supplies TO PAY OFF A Professional ena Business listings | Sing RB LR Phas Ti |s-8668. equipm: pping Centre, Tele- 1 ! | proot G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. | MORTGAGE ga 2 ver month tor 3" lines dolly Pickering WH 2-1237, AVAILABLE September 1. sxeculive's| pov woo REALTOR en ---- ho TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER | [BEAUTIFUL baby budgie ed, ground floor, all conveniences, laun- ne" Te ana story] SANSENG BROS. --TO BUY A HOME bi initial fetter abbreviation, nnd et street | YOUNG MEN I > > Insurance (¢. Fate: Shirenne Toy pg" "neluded. N.H.A. RESALE Of road, ol 'Parate entrance. 2263. King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, LANDSCAPING & § ond o sign, figure. counts 8 8 || rrr D elo Tabrador Re. 16 - 20 Fr . quiet tw base.| 6% N.H.A. Mortgage con "CA; F. F , B Comm., CPA. GARDEN SERVICE --FOR ANY word Box ehorge T5¢ additional. (triever pup (female). Telephone 725- Tai oil heat.|ment apartment on 18 Gibbon. Strect.| ries for only $57.60, Prine SF HOPKINS 1nd Compan King Let us look after your PURPOSE must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- [9844 | Must be neat in appearance, |ed, modern conveniences, Will lease for Adults on wits children over 13. Avall-| cipal ond Interest. This 2- Sel Bu, Shiv Brice' ISI, garden and fawn while you's fies, Bors U0 | ~4 Varker Basket | 500d charocter and pen: 15 Ranh Ty ARNE ett 0 ia] Ir oH. Soedroom buon emoriams, Car lity. A minimum of Grode : : . o| low is the test buy i hi gerd unt 9 om, | ality \ tained, two-bedroom, heavy wiring, two neatest buy in Auto Parts 728.3755 after 8 p.m. Low Monthly Deadiine for Lost and Feund and arioles. Bensonanie prices, "Higoma| 9 education. Must be free [(X we schoo, hen @, $05 month: separate. enirances, $50 per menth.| town. Storms and screens, KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran. Payments Cancellations oF 30 Sn § |Orchards, Thickson's Road Nort to travel %, ony 2d sl y Phone 725.3004. ~~ ~~ deep i fully londscaped teed, automotive parts and accesso-| Hours: Daily Saturday {mile north of Taunton Roa cities in Canada. ust be [THRE BEDROOM Brrr fully mod. ™ EE-ROOM basement apartment.) wit lovely garden, picket flea, 15 King Strest West. Oshawa, DRIVEWAY GRAVEL No Bonus RE A Yin: will fof bu | GLADE. SL00 a duzen, assole BOE] ready to Torre immencter | 1IREENEDROOM hoyle. BE Centre. | ance ld bath, siove, re-| fence, T.V. tower and rotor, ? CEMENT GRAVEL etponsible for errors In advertise: a "8 Taunton Road West or(. jt. hired. Excellent poy to | iephons er § ekepsone 725-8869. is going for only $12,400.00. No Extra Charges : : ' | mants submitted otherwise thon in ea Start. Transportation pro- [ONE three-room apartment, central] OWner has purchased other BILL'S CUSTOM SAND AND FILLING writing, nor for more than one TES, yellow beans, potatoes vided. We train you at our | EUREE BEDNODH WE back x Boll $45. Also, partment, $70) interest ond must sell, Coll '28- . i t dver N leiophone MO 8.4035, After AUTO TRIM AAVEL SUPPLIES. Rebate For piv | en pr ae | | hours call ae | expense. This is year 'round [close to South GM. Write Box 350, Osh. | Moat! elephione._ 134-1475, Jack Sheriff for appointment - . Times, THREE-R with bath-| to Y. R ment charged for a single insertion of {lyr EEN Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks) employment jawa ent inspect. You won't be 137 KING STREET WEST 725-5279 epayme the advertisement in which error | Also black cherries. Telephone | {TWO new houses for rent with attach. 100m, heavy wir vrivate entrance. sorry you did! Specializing seatcovers, convertible Loans Life Insured to classify advertising according to || -- | 5--Farmers Column occurs. And also reserve the right Lo Apply in person only between [ed garage or carport, complete with Sreet. Telephone To Apply 25 Division ) Sidon Sdvertiiing SERRE IES. Jar Vor 03 | 1 ond 4 pm. on Thursday 5 Cite Se Din 4 Vor | MODERN HE, He DO YOu ops and rep own clamtintion, = [pick them yourself, bring your contain yo \4" Birch at the Genosho |i ODERN four-room apartment, in nice p 1 162 | LOAM-GRAVE! in the case of display Fin hela [| ers. Apply 'south end of Glen Road off r. Birch at | enos| |728 {quiet home, all conveniences, private, ENTERTAIN? HONE 728-4 { L SUPERIOR ery Ta Yown will viol 50 ea | Wentworth Street. | Hotel. No phone calls, on and Park oad district house SOUrance, near bus, business advan or | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL that in which the actuol error |__Please. | Cl 7283158 Tord Realty: Demmmonable: sion. Apply 397. Mr. McNaughton. 723.) in O recreation room 15 x 26 Barristers LOTS LEVELLED Discount Limited occupies The publishers endeavour | | | Realtor. Y297. | feet, complete with bar, BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, ||] to reproduce all advertising ate | TOO much room? Rent your spare LABORATORY |STX-ROOM brick house, oil heat newly LIVING room, dinette area, two bed-| Out on the patio made com- Solicitor, Notary Public, 361% King TRACTOR, LOADER WORK THE FASTEST GROWING correctly but assumes no tained | 700m to the reliable tenant you find decorated, garage, $95 monthly, on Ca.|T00mS, bathroom, kitchen with refriger- pletely private by a high Street East 728.2381. Res, YU3-2127 ot advertisement are conta |through an Oshawa Times Classified TECHNICIAN ok hone 728-2387. ator and stove, laundry facilities. 1055 bevel-sidi ol FAP JOREE BE sat THORS ON Reasonable Rates ALL CANADIAN LOAN it any inaccuracies In ary form fisg pial 723.3492 today. Sphone -- (Ravine Road, 725-2981. ove! siding fence also en- GREER. Associate Barristers and Soli.| DIAL 725-2156 COMPANY therein. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. We require a high school grad [Sia O0M Bouse on Rossland Ro 8d SELF-CONTAINED 3vioom upstairs fiosng a beautiful lawn and citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. | Phone collect, Hampton, COax 3-2721.| our quality control labor- |garage. Available September 1. Write|2Partment, $75 per month. Telephone | "OWEr garden? If so, then Mortgage loans available, 17 SIMCOE ST N. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Lic. or ugly rary Healey, Port. Perry. 725-4145. 38 Brock Street West, | you should see this 3-bedroom - ee Le | . to AA ; Bers asi Soliettor, 8 King street | OSHAWA 725-6541 NEW BUSINESS Find bridigh] Ror Sia 1 Sm and prior lab experience pre- MONTHLY rents | furnished seven. Wows vartment. fursisied or Ny bungelow a high East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2071 (HOME LAN DSCAPING Open Every Night | collect. 34-hour, seven-day service lerved but not required. Rot- ee Sea ng; © 03e to Scho Street or Telephone 723: rr. ond shopping, oa: bus i A. MacDONALD. BA, LLB, i = oe ; | : FIVE-FOOT sickle bar, slightly used.| ory shift work, brand new bom FURNISHED, two (large) room years Barsister and Sobeitor, ahd Notary Pub-| Landscaping designing, sod- Until 9:00 Unlisted Numbers Apply 868 King Street West, Golf Driv.| plant, excellent benefits. [Hove ROOM hungaiow with $200 down. i ve eto el 20m old. One NH.A 'mor jie. The Commercial Building, 26 King ging. JSasding, weed killing, Oftices Throughout Ontario | ing range. Please apply in person to fore, and principal. Separate and pub- (let. clean, quiet, near hospital. 728.5964. Samies for oy $87.94 which est, Oshawa, . . omplete garden service. | | | lic schools one block away. Bus service COMPLETELY self - contained base. incipa interest, and available . i b; DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister 728-6366 | Mortgages 00 VALLEY CREEK | Attention: Farmers TENCO LTD. jt Jor Sons: Craickehanae ot Jou) jr 129, | triple Pr teers abd, with eT She Sxtrs. and Solicitor, 2614 King Street East. [MORTGAGE "loans, Bowmanville, Gh. | FURNITURE | ; Lioyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. | Telephone 725.9087 Yor ie iif tails. Oh {ig BAN: Re cinity. ns oh Tiree Thresher and Hammermill A division of the Coco-Cole [Six-RooM house, 91 Nassau Street. FIVE-ROOM apartment, private en-| trees too! sarki 4 > SWARTZ and RONALD E R KNOWLTON business. Members of Ontario Mort: | 145 KING W. Belts, 50° x 6 x 4: $45.00. Co., Ajox, Ontario. Telepns Pa5-030; ster ste, TID Fi Ra Fairer. 2973 CALL ANY TIME MAN Ba Nits, Ne. . . (gage Brokers Association. Summer. Next to Western Tire 2" Belting: 22c per ft.; 3": Pp 7250 3 ne Carter Noy te oan Hanes. Blok LANDSCAPING SERVICE [land Securities Limited, 112 Simcos Al A Re PSHAWA BOTLEVARD af King Street. FURNISHED apartment, privae bath, | | Kf i taries. Money to oun... Henry Block, |Street North, Osha Phone 725-3568. 728-4401 33c ft; : 69¢ ft. Specia REAL ESTATE For rent -- six-room two-storey home, |TV outlet, suit teachers or business OO! or the sign of £26 King Street East, | I 8nd. sod. Resaitin RE a second ar prices on endless farm belts, wall to wall carpeting, hallway and|lady, heat, lght and water; garage, th Sh if ' dence, Dial fon BE Io Joi ao To ig il ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, We buy, sell, exchonge used all types of rubber hose, plas- S ALES N stairs, reasonable, 726-4933. laundry 723-7035. e Sheriff's star, JOSEPH P. MA! a : wel 101 Dundas WMO 8-338. Bai : i te. M FIVE-ROOM fr bungalow, tied TWO heated e ig Poo len ast ond sidewalk slabs. po second mortgages, Sale furniture, washers, TV, radios Je Poe, tuber bons, etc, A kitchen and Er and third flow: Ths bng LQ Bond Deal with confidence ng » hy Tro "1 screens. Call before 4 p.m., 725-4961. East. Telephone 725-9303. ii 725-3405. < |agreements purchased and sold. Hen-| and so forth aot prices to top withi 4 hours. : piso oid cos a bie Re hot Baas BA, Barrister, Soiicl:| 725-6047 inick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King gn a low grices 2 Pin 2 : Excellent opportunity for the |FGUR bedroom home on King Street| TWO.-ROOM apariment, Bear South | 25 ONTARIO ST. or ete hi Simeon Street Norn. Sire East 137302 Syne 4 : conediie, Murr. have god Prone abe nh atm Sogsmataon (GM. Tesonabi: Teiepbine TIE 41S DIAL 728-1673 Office 725.3741; Residence, 725-5542, | | ry | ; . schedule, ust have good one 723 vaiadle september 1. CENTRAL -- two iarse Cg as SOWA DAVID L., Barrister solic CROSS TOWN | Optometrists |TV - Radio Repairs Snowden Industrial car. Experience helpful but SIX - XooM brick bungalow, all con. rooms, sink, cupboards, Private en. tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-9592. Re: SOD SUPPLY C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please R bber & Plastics not necessary if really sin- Jeniehees, close to, Sehouls. and Just, france, Be hid oS tinny | dence, 728-0264. pay accounts at downtown Dominion|Ty, RADIO, ear radio repairs, all u cere. Training supplied. For |CLASS 25 -- ASEMENT apartment -- . DE WITH MeGIBBON snd BARTEDO. Barristers. A-1 rolled fertilized sod, Dat ot ots = Eltiots "Avenue, a (Fredy 7) 91 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA confidential interview call ing room, with avi . : 3 s Bout moorigages. 30 Simeoe Strest Northi| cut fresh daily, sod for truck- |p DIAN Deciar ST Ohio. T--Trailers J. A. Sheriff = Realtor 728- 25--Apts. & Flots for Rent closet, inodern Kitchen and bathroom, Realtor and 7253566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; ers in the field, Special con- feiy, the examination of eyes, contact| SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT 1673. FOUR - wom apartment, wove and DEY Jodoraied, east Ss Close, neral Insurance Edgar ¥. Bastedo, QC. | tractor rates, lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. IT DAY OR NIGHT CABIN camping and utility trailer for built-in three. | $55 monthly. Telephone 728. INEWCA LOUIS 8. AYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- 725-8504 Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. TV d RA DIO rent. Reserve your trailer » now, for 8| Member Oshawa and District [piece bath. Telephone 725.3938. FIVE-ROOM self-cuntalued hi ariment; | STLE PHONE 3341 citor, Notary. Alfer Bldg, 37 .Y. an Real Estate Board. TWO-BEDROOM | a on Bear Street 00] ren t 4943. Mi e | n rati in new and used traflers, Monty's BA : 725-6343, welcome. Telephone CO 3-2628. 36-acre; fo 9 0 a prove lg 40: Maries N MBER ONE ointing o 4 Dues bh Yo CALL 728-5286 Service, Simcoe South at Gibb, 725.9131, Sy, Nor, 7, ? am. SODERN four Toom apartment, vil water on ng » gy GREER and RELLY, Barristers, Soll-| U E anteed, free estimates, exterior and inte | All Work Guaranteed wi ' THREE - ROOM apartment, vate Private bathroom, cupboards in kitehen.| garage: 8-roomed wi rties eitors, ete. 7% Simcoe Street South. | rior work, reasonable rates. Telephone | ummer Frope bath, heavy-duty wiring, near South General Motors, heat, hot 1 728.2558 ud OSHAWA | stop at a CB JO 1946, water, parking included. Apply 234) © modern conveniences, Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J. M.| 7 Greer. BA, Se., a Terence V.| TOP SOIL 2. ELE: RONICS | __ for r Sale or Ren Rent | OSHAWA 'THLY and up, Malaga Rosd. mr ep veg | Asking $18,000. Terms. Rel oh 0 3 6-YD. LOAD--$B.00 [Fasmanis price. ak or Aves sas ELECTRONICS iiss oxiamstrie -- commas svat or tom apm a ay IIREEROON spaiiicis, one or Resi TBAT. UE ws hoy es Lean. 723.2639, J FH Agun ie an Bi Elid REQUIRE AN EXPERIENCED |ijariment hundings: il convéniences, (lished: one unfurnished. fewly deco.| 99-acre form, located 9 * Barrister and Solicitor, 6 street! 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 | beautifully decorated, centrally located. [F2ted. close to Shopping Centre, for miles from Oshawa, stream, East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82971, SAM SON 725-1241. 1 00 quiet couple. Available now. 725-3777 ly as 3 | PIGEON LAKE -- five room cottage | FL R is.eeMor7as. 020 0 0 EY King West, lorge L-shaped bankban, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB. 723- 3162 | DODD & SOUTER Tres [for sale, 75-it. lake frontage. Will sell | TWO large bedroo large living [7 b partment, all conven.| "Oterbowls machine shed, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- PAINTING & DECORATING TV T WERS or 8 La \/ room, broadloom throughout, modern TWO - bedroom : apartment, all conven- lie | Building, 288 King |furnished, reasonable down payment.| s » lences, immediate possession, paved etc; 8-roomed house, hot and . Re amends I Cheat AS HARDSAND LANDSCAPING CONTRACTORS Oo |725-4541, CO E G | kitchen, garage, ground floor, five min. parking space. Telephone. 735.0 ) BE oy : tes from South GM Business couple t. Telephone 7250191. | cold running water, kitchen Painting, Paperhanging Antenna Installations | TILTING boat trailer, heavy duty, 16-| SALESMAN |preterred or ene child. 157 Bloor East. THREE. or four-room apartme , self-| cupboards. Consider house CREIG 7 | | Full Wall Murals, | ' foot, mew condition. Telephones OL tained, | CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and| A complete garden service, Gyptex, Fu ed t, 1725-6924 |contained, newly decorated, $65 a| MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| clean-up, fertilizing, power Spray Painting Len & Lou's T.V. [i Neves t= Hemera Salary plus Commission |THREE-ROOM unfarnished ba ement | lonth. API 339 Albert Street. 722. | PN meipiic, Bank of Commerce BIE! rolling. Now is the time to kill 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 725-7844 or 728-5804 IWOBEDROOM cottage for rent, fur. All Employee Benefits apartment, heated (private entrance), | 185-acre farm, north Osh. 4 Simcoe Stree i 5917 Ll » vel ces . i" - Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G K.| c¢rob grass ond chickweed. DAYS MO 8-5231 ng Topalbig p gi agl Car Necessary bath heavy wiring, Vary Sontial, Aa awa with 2 miles highway 5. L Murdoch. NHA mort-| Seedling, sodding. nursery | NIGHTS 725-7426 T V TOWERS |Jasper Forman, 43 Francis Street, Lind- Apply Personnel Offic 210 Chadburn Street. APARTMENTS frontage, | arge L-shaped JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Soilcl. Stock Personal Service : = T. EATON COMPANY LTD. ri iartment,_giove or Ed in modem building. Avail- benkbem, lo. machine shed; . for and Nota, Public; 1844 King Street 725-1721 FERRER FAN Day Norm 20 nit 361 GIBBONS ST. CAMPERS Oshawa Shopping Centre piece bath, Telephone 725.3938, | able now. Laundry, parking, Fy vomed house wih mod. Boi Pl ------ee [day 830 to 5.30. 381 Simcos Street 728-8180 75 ACRES 7 OOM aparts hardwood floors, "frig, stove, rice ond i v e terms arranged. THOMAS ¥. RUNDLE, Barriser, soi C Sn. - | Terms, Open evenings COTTAGES SALES REPRESENTATIVE new | dt ous" To Li oY on : : Street Fast Phone 723-1763. ACM AULA TRY OUR OSHAWA T.V boats for rent, excellent fish- Conadion manufacturer of |PhoRe_ 725-2251 or 234 Dearborn, i - | cre farm, large L. y "4 + Ys ng, sandy beach, pony rides, FOUR.ROOMED self-contained apart.| after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd., shaped bankbarn, water } DONALD. mA Samer, LTD BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN ng lighting equipment is seeking ment, private entrance and rah, Bary Apt. 5, Whitby, | top, machine shed, ing Free Survey at-- 3 798.2765 Chicken plate, halt chicken a salesm ith ne he duty wiring, TV outlet and stream; Res.. 728-2765 GRAVEL -- STONE hn arch ties Hah on ond. estimates PIONEER VILLAGE esman with experience in ror uty et and cup- 7. hei ra0e, ; the "general lighting field". 5. Apply 375 Mary Street : ba dl eit 8; : chips, hamburgs, hot aogs, i BUCKHORN LAKE a line ve part 0 BEDROOM Teen eniences Asking Hamphreys, QC; 'C'S _Bovchyn, BA: LOAM milk shakes, "99 WHY 728-2301 products, available: to com. ) free laundry taciitien, TRIPLEX i down, East. Phones: Office, 735-1177; Rens 723-3528 MODERN GRILL $8 1 mercial, industrial, institu- (parking, adults. Telephone 728-3971 | 50-ocre farm near Bethany 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 82761: 725. WE DELIVER--725-3887 Because we give real service |} 1=----Articles for Rent tional and provinciol accounts | THREE unfurnished rooms, private sn.| Attractively decorated, stove, with 60° x 30 bom op, 3203. Money to loan, Insura ce | fast... some day. .. ef only. Age no borrier, car trance and bath, Sak and cupboards, frig, washer, dryer, parking. | roomed house. Price $5000. Bookkeeping ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| LET US MACHINE WASH | ficient... save money... | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT | necessary. Draw account and 38" ren, "gicome: cent 735.939, New building, Lansdowne Terms. to 20 per cent, alx months to pay. For YOUR WALLS, HOMES | - axperience . . . satisfied. | FOR RENT OR FOR SALE high commission available to THREE rooms and bath, private en. Dr. Adults Only, 725.4842, personal service at your home. call | 100-acre farm, | 1% 725. OFFICES, etc n , i man who qualifies. Only trance, stove and frige in quiet home, 4 located 2145 L SCHAPELHOUMAN "8 Speedy. Accuraie. Fc.pripping | Ye In 9 50" Service Hospital ot BN ig men, Yih soles experience |vidow preferred. Apply 137 Huron 26--Rooms for Rent Wifes pax Oshawa, partil C 00! iG | CALL DUNBARTON TE EA (864 . : / y. you are in- : ONE clean newly decorated housekeep. | : paw SRvict, ome Tax | AUTO INSURANCE Day or Evening Tubes checked, gloss and | cone alo rollovey back | [ares Col Mr Gouthier at |ROSSLENS Rost Work Trevor aie hea Site or | 0005, 100° x 30° bomkpoms o\/ , oh 0 3 P lass ar i - nl an, i > RETURNS. It you are a careful driver Free Estimotes tuner, cleaned, set up for ond slenderizing machines. Hotel Genosha, and arrange sh Sau Street, Ci0% to town. Apply 3 Nas. drive shed, etc; 7-roomed schools, churches and shopping. Park. > EASY-GLIDE for personal interview. ing. Reasonable. Telephone 72 R Steel. house with all modem con- you may save $10, $15 or best picture Price and terms available for down payment. . Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, re TK COLUMBUS -- three unfurbished| veniences, LER STREET hh 70 . ° INTERIOR WALL WASHING THREE - ROOM furnished ap ot, (rooms, private entrance, bath, heated, 68 Orta Sater thom, 20%. Postered DUNBARTON A TOWER? | P __ ___ | LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE [iif ing: tom, Seton seme A FES Sage 725-9953 {drivers enjoy the lowest rate Plumbing Heating TRY US' [12--Articles Wanted REQUIRED nis 120 i cupboards etc. : Pan 200. -acre DAIRY FARM on ---- in Ontario through this of- |. oing Te | - SelephONe TTT To aha Apartment single| Paved road, close to school, Building ) Trades _u¥ fice, Hall-veor payments ALL ™ PES "of repairs and remodel. | Moving antenna? Same day! | WANTED A large company providing a ONE ' Bains ments ele rl 1 pri gM ce,| good bam, bulkcooler, cement TOUR local chimney cleaner. ; Chime Call 'us today and compare [amie rates. Botiosces fo erials. Tissue | Repairs? As good as new! much needed service for on equiped. aisle Cr este 7. [Street parking, eisai. 8% Centre| silo, machine shed, etc; 8. ea armen rhea bts Fons ot omple free parking 3. Foley. TRIO TELEVISION | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY farmers ond rural dwellers |gsss. CLEAN Turnished room, afi "genfis.| "0omed brick house, running ' 723.2007. ' ALL plumbing and heating supplies. | "AND FEATHER TICKS requires a man to 't |MODERN two-bedroom apartment, om central, continuous hot water.| Water. Price $20,000 with orig. ir wa grt SCHOFIELD mune Hii Tali SUE 5) ponp easy | TURNER PR Rl Rone Je orl $5000 down ingles and re 8. No Jobs| nic Ji Si ry et Sout] . for Cemen. Ey Jou y SURANCE ASSOCIATES L jing, 283 Simcoe Street South A 278-6781 723.2043 723.3374 will have the opportunity to Telephone 723-4368, oe mo yenis) afhel rooms Tor Feb atric HARDWARE STORE ord MO 8-8003 or 725-6937 | 360 King St. West 723.2265 | h ¥ ONLY $75 includes heat and hydro, television, two blocks north i CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- BEATTY APPLIANCES V--I | (collect) establish himself in o field Modern, very clean, unfurnished fous eekly. Telephone 728-6697. propane gas business in If floor sovert . Free estimates. LGWN Mowers Rentals --------oT EGY that pays well with repeat [room upstairs apartment, Separate village, No competition ing. « I tioof" sovering mgs br Barn, equipment, pumps {= business that comes in every |trance, three-piece bath, adults only y. double * room, gentlemen Price $6,500. Stock ot in. Work guaranteed. 723-0830. -- (POWER lawn mowers sharpened and ESSO SH SHAW Th to 1d 223 Etna, Four blocks south Ritson only; cooking privileges if desired. Ap- oc in- ALL TYPES building rep: roofing, |repaired: also bicycles, and oubvard | Purchase your de-humidifi year. e man w cou Brewery. ply 135 Celina Street. voice price eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, motors. Rosedale Marine. 723-8063 oil burners, hot water and $10 down -- $7 per month, AUTO WRECKING CO. handle this may be o retired' |= ROOM apartment, furnished, NEWLY decorated room, + ¢aiFaL sidewalks, stovifs. 723.9994. Gordon May. | jive pr To poees orn! © forced air furnaces, batnioom Remove the dampness from or semi-retired farmer--or--{stove, refrigerator, you 0 gentleman or lady. Telephone 725-2249, | GIFT SHOP on Main Street, | Pp Want: f ki » 8 young couple, no J YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. sharpened. Free pick up and delivery. fixtures, parts and service your basement. Rent a tele- ants cars for wrecking. business man because age up (children, very central, 74 Drew Street| yERY CENTRAL, furnished room,| Bowmanville, with good turn. neys built aid repaired, gas linings bo | Telephone 725-4360. ! PARTNER i ly $7 k Parts for sale, also scrap iron to 60 is no hand Yi or telephone 723-4726. preferred. Abstainer. Tele:| Over. Price $6,000. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free i E | vision -- only $7 per wes and: rete) y oP en 3 indicap. Younger i El [2 mates 723- | PLUMBING AND HEATING | from. tals, etc, -bougl men will also find this attrac- |THREE-ROOM. self - contained apart. Phone 728.4504 or call at 45 Drew WE SHARPEN AND RENT | GpoNG 1782 Day or Nignt | Open Saturday all day. Phons tive to because jt will |ment. unfurnished or furnished, heated, Street. S-roomed winterized cottage ildi T des | ALMOST EVERYTHING MEAGHER'S i serie): eneavy wiring, parking. Steven. GNE single, one double bedroom, sepa| in Newcast} Building Tre | b 725.2311 89 BLOOR E provide a lifelong income and [son Road North, near Woodcrest School. | ate. mens. prin s Telephone 735-6186. p astle with 6 acres. HOME OWNERS--shingling, flat roofs, Give Us A Call-- Rug and Upholstery 5 King St. W. 723-3425. " security, Write at once to [Available September 1. 725-5179. 65 Elgin Street East. rice $6,500. Terms 35 types Sling, ben ala on, sak | ' CHESTERFIELDS re-uphe the Sales Manager, Box 817, [TWO rooms, large apart LARGE furnished front bedroom, cen. ing. Phil Harper, Whitby, MO 34553. _| STAN"S re-styled. Free estimates. Seo our mate | Well a 16--Female Help Wanted LONDON, Ontario. ment, with sink and cupboards, self tral, parking spaces 10. Sen. 3 wemes home with extra my = | : rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, EXPERIENCED waltress wanted -- oontal y vate nirance, pring oxE rr me Sg ot, furnace, electric water artage CORNER KING 3 SURK S75 fa a bake SL | Ww WARD APply Ritson Drugs 264 King Street 18--Male or Female Help ram 730.792, ot room in private home. Kitchen op- heater, hardwood floors. Price JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa- 723 3224 |CHESTERFIELDS re-buflt, recov East. Whithy. red | 3 ir al, very close in, near Oshawa 6,500. 1 Reasonable rates, Fully - [Uke new. Why pay more? Our rates| WELL DIGGING BY WOMAN for care of two children in re- Wanted | Clinics wit Indies. Apply 29 Charles y ams. and insured. Phone 723- y jare jeugonable re Eaton sustaniesd | MACHINE turn for Toom wud board Fig! mall K clerk with references, oT | & 2 BEDROOM 4-APARTMENT BUILDING y remune n in i . » of NE large furni mod SET Saw dor Your spare TV a 5 ome to Loan 0 Bond Street West: Dia bia SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |Oshawa Times. i TE er or ions ate. ta B APARTMENTS oF YS i) Rg ith ol dh or Tenvierieay Dial 723-3492 today to get your ad CLIENTS' money to loan on first mori : om - WHITBY, ONTARIO AGENTS, clubs, ete, Sell Canada's fin. block from Glecoff. Apply 125 Clarke| !M €ach apartmen ent |CHESTERFIELDS and old ch: arid. a Rs Ser a gs eee mi, | WHITEY, ONTARIG es eT Rec and Based LA SALLE COURT -_ [in 760 oN Asking NH including religious, everyday and par | _____ a oe $2,000 down t Modern Upholstering, 142 Si TELEPHONE vo. "Furnished housekeeping rooms, w Dressmaking Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. {Souths call Upholstering Pla Php 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. sonal cards. Wraps, toys and novelties [ROOM and board for gentiemen, nice, kitchen with sink, doch. | mate. " P.O. BOX 329 finan service. For colored catalogue (clean, quiet European home, first class | 725-38 iE ator, heavy d and samples on approval, Jeandron home cooked meals, lunches packed. sult couple] 7-roomed home in small vile i -- Greeting Ca 0. © 8 ver: i vi . Apply 23 Drew Street P FURRIER MONIES FOR WHY TAKE CHANCES | Gre opi, Si" King Street Close e to everywhere. 81 Park Ro od) or 728-6485 off King East. Five minutes walk or at ere We, am! n. . ee eet ------------------ i and DRESSMAKER | MORTGAGES | mw, vous vaumste TYOUARE ey ema ory sn avi ro Aosta TRAE TWO BEDROOM [LARGE sims Sosempig o| SAPARTMENT HOUSE in New, Alerotions, Ren elling. | Monies available on First 'OPENING A NEW can" oasiy be earned. by "4/518 PER WEEK, one or two gentlemen APARTMENT Gentleman only. Apply 468 Simcoe conveneinces in each apart fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, te Mortgages at 7% per annum When you can hove them | friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80-|™iLng to share, single beds. three North. Telephone 723.746b, ment. Oil furnace, etc. Price LOW Cc undry, 4Y5-rooms newly decorated, |---- 22 ROWE STREET without bonus, professienally, Sitcned if id (age, tuileolor catalogue Rakes | clear Ae metls Central: Taser. ' hr bie pi ig ve futuished roomy, hat, wate and and terms arranged : - 1) r------------------ 4 ' Ld » ho J pe 728 6706 Monies le available on Ee Chatiane in BUSINESS fd necessary. Send no money. rie 800 ROOM for two gentlemen, single or washer ond dryer. Prices re- phone 728-8862. ny S-roomed ranch style, new - Con or i 0 fs ly Vv AL ate » a en Pp) i . ' Mortgages go gi PRR years experience, : EET Lrts 1b Aeproval. 8f Jove. 355 Bulalie Avenue, y Yied mmedicte. possess LARGE awl) tated bed bans| bungalow with all modem Driving School for Sale purchased. NU-WAY i. 728-4681 GET YOUR SHARE 'OF | tomaron Card Co. Dept. E ROOMERS or "boarders, lean n home, DOUGLAS L GOWER ing facilities. Apply 732 Albert Street conveniences. Hardwood and BABY SITTER wanted from 7.30 a.m, |single beds, alse Ure. of Sumily room, . or telephone 728-7722, tile floors, basement, etc. LEARN M. F. SWARTZ Surveyors THE PROFITS to, 430 p.m. dally. Telephone 725-8864 close to South REALTOR--728-4651 Price $8,000 with $1,500 . > DONEVAN AND FL rio $15 PER Va -- ne beds, yoEARN, Shot am ond Bude (BESTS CEE 0 LIST YOUR PHONE [SATE SR EE Bhan ti 1 rT TRAC TIVELY | = at the Mortgages et reasonable |printing. 12 Boor Street E " Dy salon. Telephone day time 728-|ing. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. id APARTMENT UR ~ We have ocreoges with h roles 3 edo 0422; evenings, 726-2280. ; ! streams, lots, cottages, busie 3 : . 21 | ROOM and hoard for young gentle. Available in private home " Owe ! 26% King St. East, East. Phone 7 1g Adelside Avenue N THE PERATING ROOM registered gr friendly home, good meals, tele.' - 4 rooms -- tree use of auto ) P nesses and all types of farms, Tr e 13 Oshawa, Ontario i ately, small active O R. five-day 'vision. English s eaking oreferred 51 tic washer and dryer 82 PARK ROAD N ual Controlled Cors / . call buck ge Apply Cottage Colborne Street Hast. 725-7657 f " " 25. hh ond Automatic 723-4697 TY - Radio Repairs ES NEW BUSINESS Hospital, Uxbridge. EC . |HOME away from on singe and $90 MONTHLY Call between 5 ond 7 p.m pis or 6554656 2974 Day ahd Evening Lessons Registered under Mortgage TV. RADIO, ear radio repairs, WOMAN to care "for small child + ST i lunches packed, parking, fen] Apply 213 | JM. a o | Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 728-0091 Brokers' Registration Act Riley Avenue, Torin amaiea ir Unlisted Numbers Rte "ola: Write Bux 30. Oahaws lonlz. Senionis GA yrwiarsed. #1 Montrave Avenue. Ast, | 728-8671 Lome Perrault, Clarks 23)

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