The Oshawa Times, 8 Aug 1961, p. 4

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licks, the CIA ean cite many successes. It correctly advised President Truman that Russia would aban- don a move against Greece and [Turkey if American support for {these countries was made em- phatic. It was correct in pre- |dicting the United States could § THE OSHAWA Times, Tuesdgy, August 8, 1961 BLACKSTOCK Settle Titles In PERSONALS Jr. Close Tennis [Foo .z Might Bring War & : : . ; OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|Laval-sur-le-Lac, Que. She set| meeting at the Community| WASHINGTON (AP) -- For|developing unrest in East Ger- i , |dian awa l tennis champion-'back Caro. Shannon, 12, of Path, Caesateg, with 3 indies! men in high places a recurrent any, Poland and Hungary. Tt break the Berlin blockade with ships start over again from Southampton 6-4, 6-3. and eg } 2. |nightmare is watching the world| completely underestimated the vi scratch today as some 50 United| Miss Snyder lost by default to, Mrs. S. Van Camp gave the stumble into a war nobody U.S. reaction to the Communist Probably its greatest coup was States players join the 200 from|Sandra Little of Halifax in the | hospital report. An invitation to|wants because of a breakdown invasion of South Korea. It ap- obtaining a text of Premier Canada in competition for 11first round of the open girls' Visit Solina Institute on Sept.|in intelligence operations. Iparently was caught off base Khrushchev's L amou . speech open titles. : |singles Monday. {14 was accepted, | This is the basic danger in|again by the US. landing in/downgrading Joseph Stalin The closed portion of the big Paul Kent of Sault Ste. Marie,| Mrs. Dalton Dorrell presid-| the present East - West crisis| Lebanon. 3 ; ; Aeatly ¥ 2 on § before 4 Mus title hunt at the picturesque |Ont. lost 6-4, 6-0 to Brian Flood| ed for the program. The motto over West Berlin. Each side Hazards of this lack of infalli- Telease oY he win, J » ; Rideau Lawn Tennis Club ended|of London, Ont., in the quarter. -- Industry keeps the body | jesperately needs an accurate Dility on both sides are enor- , atlo Aff HO " |Monday with five titles settled. final of the closed junior men's| healthy, the mind clear and the ccaccment of the other's prep- mously magnified by such a test ovie 5 ad ac a le : | The top junior men's and|singles Saturday. In Monday's/purse full -- was prepared by. ationc and intent. of will as Berlin. In Washington|seriously amaged ig women's singles crowns went to and Moscow, the key question! munist parties in Western es. first round of the open junior!Mrs. H. Bailey and in her ab. A " h ; word of. pat n C John Fraser, 17, of Victoria and|men's singles, he was defeated sence was read by Mrs. R.| look at the past record offic. gow determined is the other The Soviet Union maintains at Vicki Berner, 16, from Vancou- least two major spy networks in 6-0, 6-2 by Bart Engler of Mad- Ford. Nancy Dorrell gave a intelligence operations in Wash-| i409 Miccalculation in this case ver. ison, N.J. reading -- The Cost of High|\ngton and Moseaw 1s Anything could be disastrous. every technically advanced na- Fraser gained his title Mon- ~~ -| Living and the ut reassuring for a diplomat, mpe ppited States is a rela- tion. : i day with a 6-2, 6-4, 6-1 win over First, and foremost. is the Current! Events was given by Mrs, troubled by dreams of a holo-|jye newcomer to large scale Claude Savaria, 17, of Montreal network operated by the Com- in the best-of-five final. mittee on State Security (KGB) Percy Van Camp. Mrs. Dorrell caust peacetime intelligence opera- now introduced Mrs. Ormiston, The Cuban fiasco last Apeil tions. The CIA was founded in Fp : Fs Oshawa, and her friend, Mrs. contributed to a crisis in credi-|1947 but now is a huge bureauc- in Mosc: hich itself ; hi m- " ts rho hk 13 in Moscow which concerns itse erick: rea the Junior id I. Baker, Solina, and Mrs. Or- bility apparently casting a'racy employing 10.000 to 12,000 with political intelligence. Urban, 16, of Windsor, 6-3, 6-3. miston put on a fine plastic shadow across current reports people in Washington alone. The second net is that known The boys' and girls' titles demonstration. After all had ajof the Central Intelligence Appropriations are concealed as the Glavnoye Razayedvatel- id went to Barry Shakespeare, 14, chance to view all the productsiAgency. There are older ¢X- but expenditure for foreign in- noye Upravienye (GRU) which of Halifax and Rosemarie \ and give their orders lunch of amples of miscalculation: a ClA|formation . werk probably is specializes in the collection of Fletcher, 15, of Ottawa |lack of domestic help makes it hot dogs and freshie was serv-|chief reported to Congress there around $1,000,000,000 annually, military intelligence. fii : imperative for the husband to The KGB contains four die Shakespeare upset top-seeded|pe at home i i i |Bernard Holdup, 15, of Toronto| -- rectorates. including the notori- Korean tanks rolled southward Despite its hush-hush charac- ous second directorate, a terror- WAX SPACEMAN in 1950, Just two months ago ter, the CIA frequently lands in ist group that has no known AM DLL leas the takeover by a Korean mili- print. There have been a num- counterpart in the Western LONDON (CP)--Soviet astro. lary junta apparently caught ber of apparently well founded world. naut Yuri Gagarin is the new- U.S. planners by surprise, reports since 1948 that CIA| There is a sub-section of the est figure in the Tussaud wax- But the CIA has no monopoly agents have actively sought to second directorate known as di- works. A model of Maj. Gagarin on mistakes Since the end of overthrow three foreign govern: vision 9 which specializes in will go on display next month, the Second World War the So- ments -- Iran, Guatemala and|murder, kidnapping and black- to the figure of Soviet!viet intelligence apparatus ap- Cuba. The first two succeeded. mail for Soviet political pur- Khrushchev parently failed to detect the While currently taking its'poses |Bad Intellegence FATHERS' LEAVE FUKUOKA, Japan (AP)--Cily fathers are puzzling over a de- mand from the municipal work- ers' union for 'childbirth leaves' for husbands when their wives are in hospital awaiting a birth. The union said that ed by the group. Meeting closed was no evidence of trouble in| although lower estimates have by singing the Queen. Korea two days before North been published. 6-1, 6-1, while Rosemarie edged, | Susan Snyder, 15, of Kitchener 86, 6-2 donations of more than £9.000,- Terry Leach, 15. of Ottawa 000 to the World Refugee Year {won the juvenile boys' crown. appeal equalled three shillings. defeating Jacques Crotty, 15, of seven pence per person. Recent {Montreal 8-6, 6-1. compilations showed the per The sixth closed title was won capita total was bettered only close Sunday by Andree Martin, 13, of by New Zealand and Norway Premier THE COMMUNITY PAGE | Fax Vode FRIENDLY NEIGHBORLY SERVICE ER :» Huge Ocean | A GUIDE TO VALUES IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT tic boys and girls in the local-| Mrs. Grenwood relurned to ity of Brooklin have enjoyed! Toronto after two week's vaca- free swimming lessons at Pine- tion spent at home of Mrs. Vic- ridge Park, Whitby Township, tor Parkin. jsade possible by sponsarship of Torii oll on Wednesday a NO SHOPPING PROBLEMS, NO PARKING PROBLEMS, come as Club. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Spencer's. : you are when you shop at your local merchants. Your shopping ease is guaranteed when you shop with your local merchants, no need to dress up, no irritating traffic tie-ups, no parking prob- lems. Come just as you are, at just the time you want to come. It adds up in dollars and cents, too, for convenience sake, always shop at your local stores. REFUGEE AID LONDON (CP) Britain's RECEIVES TROPHY AT PICTON Lt.-Gov. John Keiller Mackey tation of the trophy Monday. At right is Jim Thompson, j owner and designer of the winning boat, Miss Supertest. (AP Wirephoto) Boh Hayward, centre, win- ner for the third consecutive time of the Harmsworth Trophy Race, stands with! Give Lessons On Swimming BOMBAY (CP) -- A massive exploration of the great Indian | Ocean, one of the earth's last Mrs. Carl Spencer unexplored frontiers, is to be {| carried out Nearly 50 research ships from . . 3 T+ Orox.| Britain, United States, the So-| Chairman of the Lions Club Dan Dys. Edgar C, Grex viet Union, Japan and South Af-| Committee (boys and girls) en cottage at Sturgeon rica will participate in the pro. Irvin Gibson, expressed appre- Lake DIUrgeon |... + jointly sponsored by the ciation and satistaction ai je Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hodson United Nations Educational, Sci sults of the season, whe the| and children, accompanied by entific and Cultural Organiza- ceeded expectations. KOE |i mother, Mrs. Ruby Sonley, tion and the International Coun-| first time in the history of Su 0 ved safely home from an cil of Scientific Unions. MSE SWING Classes, ioigle. enjoyable motor trip to Florida The Indian Ocean covers a to Cross instructor, Pat Midgley, and other points tal area of nearly 30,000,000 Port Perry, instructed Jean Sorry to report Mrs. Norman square miles, larger than that pers, Junior, In erred Af Gibson, patient at Oshawa Gen-|of the combined land mass of Senior Classes in | er 0 |eral Hospital, Cards welcomed. |Africa and Asia. Although the Swimming with excellent ret © and Mrs. S. J. Hillier|0cean comprises aue-seventl a 1 {the earth's surface, little hic Harson, Broan, rel 0 Tunsday fo send August he sari, xu tfa cr; Jie] Sident o Lions Club, presented! iends at Newfoundland and| conducted in the region so far. awards lo L108 3% New Brunswick on Sunday, Au-| A major objective of the ex:| ' snd examinations st a speeial gst 6. Rev. Hillier conducted pedition will be to find out] ANDY NAGY S The Lions Club are planning a services at his former charge Awhether the Tish Ep irs] BODY SHOP 24 Hour Towing Service : Chatham, New Brunswick. campaign this fall for funds, to] =n ors "mye jack" Keenan|for the benefit of mankind, par. pupd or purchase a Commun-|, 4 family were callers on Fri-|ticularly Asian and African ity Centre day at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur El-| countries where malnutrition is Textile & Carpet Mills Discount House SPECIAL! EXTRA HEAVY TWEED LARGE CHOICE OF COLORS NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing and Heating SUDDARD'S C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Sales--Service--Ports Keys Made Allen Robinson, Prop SPEEDY SERVICE, REPAIRS, IN. Rediators Repeired end STALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS, ALL SALVAG liott's, JAPER Sava E Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott, | The 1st Brooklin Boy Scouts(and son William, and Cubs will hold a paper sal-| Fred Brooks and daughter, vage collection, on Saturday, lie, Oshawa, on Wednesday al- August 12, commencing at 10!ternoon. a.m. sharp. RETURN TO VANCOUVER Please have magazines and) go oeant William R. Elliott,| newspapers tied securely and gCAR left Trenton on Satur in separate bundles ready for curb collection. Proceeds forlsyiahe io return to his base at the work of the above groups.'gez Island, Vancouver, E.C. ALS "Bill" Elliott, son of Mr. and 5 " PERSONAS Robson, Toronto, Me Artis Eliott, spent 2 k end at the week visiting with friends an was guest Jor wel i ---- |relatives at Brooklin and Osh- i . awa, prior to his return. His wife, Vonny and children, By-| U S Finds ron and Ellen, who have been, ded visiting with her parents at . Ottawa left by TCA on Tuesday, | t N August 8, to rejoin him, at their 1 e ew home in Richmond, B.C. I In K S Talk Warn Car Makers sy Lewis Guuick To Control Fumes WASHINGTON (AP) -- Soviet ; Premier Khrushchev's proposal WASHINGTON (AP) -- Auto- to "'negotiate in an honest way" makers must soon start equip- on Berlin drew generally skep-|ping cars with devices to con- tical reaction from congres-|trol exhaust fumes or Congress sional and diplomatic sources. |Will be asked to force them to US. spokesmen found little 9° it A c heote! Secretary of Welfare Abra- Hal Was ew o) Khrushchey's ham Ribicoff said Monday if] the Soviet leader's radio - tele. the auto industry does not come, vision speech Monday." up with a voluntary plan by| The White House and the January, al ask JLonptess, t J ; to require models to include sae depahument Te officially| air pollution control devices as 5 2 Speech. standard equipment. uU 5 oificials, However wi He Said FopreseRalive) of the expec e Berlin question to Automobile Manufacturers Asso- result in negotiations lite gus ciation, and engineering experts year. Not until then do theyiwhom he conferred with "are expect Khrushchev to disclose | zoing back to Detroit and pre- what concessions he may haveigent the matter to the proper in mind ; authority and give us an answer Senator William Fulbright,|as soon as possible. chairman of the Senate foreign| The auto men told Ribicoff the relations committee, said Khru-|industry is now testing such de- shchev was "more positive than | vices but it hasn't solved all the he has been before" in his | engineering problems. statement denyilig Dans for a new Berlin blockade, "I believe he wants to negoli- THEATRE GUIDE ate about Berlin," Fulbright | said. "Whether he wants to ne- Regent -- "Parrish". Shown] gotiate on the basis of what is| daily at 2.00, 4.25, 6.50, 9.15 yours is mine is another matter.| pm. Last complete show at Nevertheless, I don't see why! 909 p.m. we cannot take the position that these differences should be dis-/pja,a -- "wild in the Country" cussed." 1.40, 3.40, 5.40, 7.40, 9.45 p.m. Last complete show 9.30 p.m. BINGO RIOTING LONDON -- More than 200|Biltmore--"Horror of the Black embers of a bingo club in Museum" 2.18, 5.23, 8.31 p.m. TERY : 4 ? «| "House of Usher" 12.50, 3.55, Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury| . " d banged on 7.00, 10.08 p.m. Last complete Park, shouted an 8 show at 8.25 p.m doors for nearly an hour when there was no room for them in|Marks -- *'Sex Kittens Go fo the hall where the bingo was| College" 1.15, 4.45, 315 p.m.| heing conducted. Over 1900 peo. 'Seven Cities of God ple had been admitted before gy, o\ whithy -- "Elmer Gan the doors were closed because Shown daily at 6.55 and there was no room for any 9.30 pm. Last complete show mors. | at 920 pm. | try' a serious problem. Fisheries experts in India say visited Mr. not even a hundredth part of the Al-|Indian Ocean's food potential has been exploited. They feel the battle against Asian and Af- rican poverty could ze enhanced if only the fish supply in the ocean is harnessed. The survey will extend in the day, August 5, at 9.30 a.m. bY| north as far as the Red Sea and | will include the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal to In- dia's west and east ~ CHINESE FOODS By Popular Request We Will Be OPEN RICKSHA | Re-cored. | (I PHONE 728-4451 STEVENSON'S R OAD SOUTH COPPER PLUMBING JOBS. PHONE 725-3715 $2 WAYNE AVL PHONE 725.3979 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 4.98 sq. yd. Miss F. Mcleod, 847 Simcoe N. 75 Simcoe 81. 0 725.1611 { Closed All Day Monday Take-Out - Delivery Dining Bring your family or treat your friends to the best in CHINESE FOODS Open . . . TUES, WED., THURS. 11:30 a.m. till 1:30 a.m. FRI. & SAT. 11:30 a.m. till 3 a.m. | | SUNDAY 12 Noen till 12 Midnight Phone 728-1676 42 KING ST. WEST REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything In Builders Supplies, Lumber, Cool Wa Specialize In Summer Cottage Needs Free delivery In Lake Scugog Distriet Port Perry YU 5.7951 GUARANTEED USED CARS ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville FAST 24.HR. SERVICE NO. 1 FUEL OIL DNIPRO OIL CO. LTD. 190 BLOOR ST. EAST PHONES 728.0762 7 89 HAYDEN D. KEMP Imperial ESSO Service It's Holiday Change-over Time ® TUNE-UP © CARBURETOR Your Friendly degler serving the public for years 3A. FIORINI CONTRACTOR ® Industrie! * Commercial © Residential FREE ESTIMATES 76 BEATRICH 725-4647 SERVICE ® MINOR REPAIRS ® WHEEL BALANCING Complete tire and battery 1 ® CHEVROLET ® CORVAIR ® OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service Always e good selection of used cars on display. Phones Bowmanville MA 3-3922 or MA 3.3353 HOWIE'S B-A SERVICE Lubrication--Washing Tune-up--Towing Open 7 am. to 11 pm. Also Weekends PHONE 725-5337 SIMCOE ST. NORTH A. Orban, 325 Ritson §. ce. Free Pick-up end delivery. Phone 725-3680 288 BLOOR ST. WEST Time We will install or . repair all ® TV Aerials ® Rotors ® Apartment Systems We Feature @® SAMSON TV TOWERS PHONE 728-8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 Gibbons St, Every MONDAY From Aug. 7th On! BDAY SPECIALS! TAKE-OUT AND DELIVERY ONLY Delicious Deep-Fried CHICKEN WINGS One dozen '/» SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN GALT CARTAGE : We are now agent for MOTORWAY TRANSPORT and HILL THE MOVER ALL LOADS || Fully insured end handled ef- |} ficiently by union men, Storage |} and Packing Phones! OFFICE--728-4619 RESIDENCE---728-3371 153 CONANT STREIT SEE IF YOUR $3.00 order with. FREE Merchandise or Service FREE NAME IS IN ONE OF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of people living in Oshawa and District. Read the Advertisements in which you found your name and present it within one week along with a sales slip to the Oshawa Times Office, showing that goods or services have been purchased from ANY of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely free a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with one of the advertisers on this page. Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend Patronize The Business Firms On This Page LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning & Recoring New end Used Radiators PHONE 725-1633 42 BOND ST. WEST MOSIER SHEET METAL ES50 end GAR WOOD HEATING UNITS Sales--Service--Parts PHONE 725.2734 292 KING ST. WEST slaw Reg. 1.50 CHINESE DINNER For two Reg. 3.25 "If you can't come to us We will rick-a-sha to you." THE RICKSHA 42 KING ST. WEST with French fries and cole | STEPHENSONS' GARAGE SPECIALISTS IN frame streight- ening, wheel alignment, gen- eral repairs and headlight ser- I vice. PHONE 725-0522 15 CHURCH §T. FREE To The Customers Of The Week This Could Be You 1 ORDER INVOICE WILL BE DRAWN BEST IN QUALITY AND DESIGN Interior end Exterior Welding end Steel Febriceting, Designing -- Estimates Free OSHAWA ORNAMENTAL 728-1676 J RAILINGS I] 227 PEARSON 37. OSHAWA 723-4161 ON SATURDAYS GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING NOW MAPLE CLEANERS PHONE 725.0643 504 SIMCOR 5T. SOUTH PROFESSIONAL BROADLOOM CLEANING BY NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 728.4681 174 MARY ST. N. MEMBERS OF NAT. INST. OF RUG CLEANERS TED'S WHITE ROSE AND MARINE SPECIAL! ROYAL SCOTT COMBINATION BOAT . MOTOR - TRAILER HOTEL LIMITED 394 Simcoe St. South SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES ON OUR MODERN ROOMS PHONE 725.3743 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND 'GARAGE Specialists in Automobils Brake Work 723-7822 67 KING STREET WEST 7V2 h.p. Fishing Scotts New and Used R.R. NO. 4 OSHAWA, KING STREET PHONE 728.5724 Mrs. R. Ras, 43 Aberdeen VAL METTE PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs--Iinstallations FREE ESTIMATES 23 CELINA STREET 725-3279 INSTANT PERM 7 850 ~/ GENOSHA BEAUTY SALON 64 KING 8. = tor appointment call 725-2521

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