27--Real Estate for Sale 30--Automobiles Wanted 32--Articles for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale LUNCHROOM for sale or exchange 38] PONTIAC automatic jy ry C3 Whitby M house in country with creek on prop-| pri] Yadius of 3 miles from Oshawa. | ue illness. Immediate '¢g9 OLDSMOBILE sedan, power possession. Phone Cobaconk 22 R 14, or|ing, power brokes, automatic, excel. write write Box 61, Norland, Ontario. ent Tow FOR this week only 1 will take ay over $2650, 723.2033, Teasonal fi neatly kept Some on Ny Street. Has|'8® PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, garage, paved Srive, large lot, L 1s t|0ne owner, V8 automatic, ralio, power price, Hane. Il Don Stradeski at|®teering. power brakes, etc. 10,000 Schofi 26.8423, | Miles. Can trade and finance. 728-5179. Ku SHEVEOLET Su Solver tiie, Tele- phone 7 after § p.m. 1958 STUDEBAKER, Silver Baus very clean, mechanically good. $1.200 eash. Avpiy 255 Tresane, Apt. 2, between § and 7, SIX-ROOM oe home with garage. Oil heat, hardwood and tile floors, all good size rooms, full asking price $10,500 with easy terms. Call Mr, Swarbrick, 725-6544. John A. J. Bola. hood Ltd. Realtor. [A aticiey tor Sale scooter, WANTED good used car, GM and some for one karat diamond cash. | Phone 725-8133. windshield, buddy seat, etc, Excellent MO 8-4741 or 725-0508. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. terns, plenic jugs, camp stoves. prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Street West, 725-6511. "Terms to suit you", Best posture Jost, perfect condition, Call WH 2-1046 Ajax. 34--Lost & Found a tires, most all sizes, $3 md up. B. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543. rir, interrio, exterior. $2.95 gallon, ors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 SIAMESE cat, Seal Point, blue eyes, small, female, neutered. Lost August 7 Oshawa area Telephone Toronto _col- lect, PLymouth 7-8431 or rg WAIL nut 1.8979. $25 reward Church Street, 723-7624 VACUUM cleaner Tera all makes, parts, attachments, bru guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. 31--Automobile Repairs Rentals. Vacuum Cisaner Repair Serv- ice. 728-0591 anytim WILL build 1500 sq. ft. custom house in half acre scenic lot in Greenwood. Write Box 142 Oshawa Times. NORTH-EAST section ig city. Brick VLA alow. Sell with lot or three acres of land. City Hii phone '$1 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 4-door, beautiful twilight metallic, 4,000 miles, lls and Poaiirac, nd finance. 723.7970 day or 51 MONARCH good FT caadition, maroon color, $80. Telephone MA 3 229% after six p.m. 1958 CHEV. coach, in good condition, radio, signals, heater. Telephone 28-4970. MODERN em three bedroom: recreation room, ear-port, NHA Teale, 2% years old, excellent location. 728-689. 729 Glenforest Street. SMALL four-room house four acres of 8 MERCURY HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Brake Specialists, complete brake service. Motor tune- up and general repairs, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 I8 your cash reRater eq uipped with a| sales tax button? If not call Bill Hamil | ton, Ashburn. | WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor ear radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie- tor service depot for Oshawa. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re:| frigerators, "s, washers, pianos, | stoves, etc, For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 land, three miles east of Newcastle No. 2 highway, Phone Newcastle 3561. A _THREE-bedroom semi-detached in Lake Vista Gardens, $700 down. $10,300 full price, Private sale, or will rent. Ajax, WH 22974. $6,500 FULL price. 5-room bungalow, lot 65° "x 130°, oil heat, city water, low taxes. $500 down. Call Bill Horner, 728.5123, Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd. hardtop, whitewalls, po wer steering, power brakes, radio, 20,000 miles, one owner. Best offer. 725-3187, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon day to Friday. 1651 OLDS ic: Bi A-1 condition, radio, est offer. 725.9251. 1959 BUICK Le Sabre, good condition, One owner, $1 ig or best offer. Tele. phone WH 2-3385. FURNACES, forced alr, ten year guar. | 32--Articles for Sale antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay-| ment. Package deal $130. Telephone JaviiG roller, suitable for hed in contracting work. Good tion, 42 Ritson Road South, 6 to 8 all hardware, hydraulic steering, run- ning Mig speedometer, Also trailer and other equipment condi- 14% FT. 14's FT, Lakefield Mohawk, windshield, | = cushions, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 414 Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 1b pkg. $2.00. | Cireulation Devartment, Oshawa Times BEAT the fax! Order now, aluminum | siding, awnings, storms, soft siding, natural stone, Free Sutimates, Oshawa i949 DODGE, g 3 17" TV; new, two ioe trafler. T 725-6648, CAMPING conversion in '59 Valks- |wagen station wagon, sleeps five, many | extras, excellent condition. Also Model BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD {ib m, $275. Also 7% HP in pew con- dition, $125. See at John Ware, liams Point, Caesarea, 17 CU. feet floor mode] deluxe freezer, nearly new, Call 728 = any time, G. sale. Numer a Jord, town sedan, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER GE for ous pieces and special tools. 725-9251. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N {58 ce good condition, 6 cy- linder, two-tone green. Telephone 10792. 728- [cash offer. USED frig. and heavy duty range, best Monty's BA Service, Simcoe Street South, 50 Wi. Sales, 725-7922 THREE HP Simplicity Taster, plough and dise, Lloyd convertible carriage, gator boat trailer. Phone 655-3738. | B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. 'Thrifty Bi Budget Plan. 725-4543, | FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- | 284 oral trade-in allowance. Free demon | stration. Telephone 728-4683, 23 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER OCVI AREA $10,700 full price with only $500 down. 7-room brick home on a large lot. Act fast on this one, call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 MARY ST. AND LARACOR $75.00 A MONTH $1000 down buys this brick three bedroom bungalow, 20- foot living room. Long term mortgage for balance. Quick- ly call Bill Millar, 728-5123. SACRIFICE NORTH WEST AREA Six-room ranch style bunga- Sell below construction cc 6% N.HA. Resale. Owner transferred. Must be sold, Call Irwin Cruikshanks, ot 728-5123 Lloyd Realty Oshawo Ltd. Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. North S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 $8500 FULL PRICE Six-room home in excellent condition. Aluminum storms, screens, doors, private drive, double garage, crystal chand- |'53 CHEV, %-ton Dewey, dood condi [tion, $375. 0) -5110. 3 CHEV. four-door ri = , good | tu |tires and motor, $325. Telephone MO {8-5110. 58 ; SPORT "coupe, Studebaker, | rubber, r price. T 728-1559. = '58 CHEVROLET BelAlr four-door auto- matic, looks and runs like a new car. A car 'anybody would be proud to own. Only $1695, cash, trade or terms. | Nichols Motors Limited, 512 Brock St. North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. 1960 FRONTENAC, 14,900 miles. Rea. sonable offer accepted. Telephone (ER I ERAT '59 ZEPHYR (Ford) four-door 6 ecylin- der, 30-35 mpg, one owner, clean, excel- lent condition, $1,200 or nearest offer. 728.1176. 755 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. Ideal car for someone only $605. Nichols Motors Ltd., 512 Brock Street, Whitby, MO |8-8001. |cusToM (in the dash) transistor car |radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire |Store, 48 Bond Street West. § 50 MERCURY pickup, good mechanic. ally, body good, reasonable. Telephone | 728.8974. |'56 FORD 6-cylinder radio, in very good | condition, Sacrifice. Telephone 728.2122. |" 57 OLDSMOBILE sedan, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio, etc. This is truly a luxu car, moderately priced |at only $1205 Nichols Motors Ltd., 512 [Brock Street, N., Whitby. MO 8-001. {855 TO 3495. We have a good selection lof cars in this price range. Come down and look around, Motor-bike, 80 miles to the gallon of gas, will sacrifice for |8174. First come, first served. Niche! Motors Ltd. 512 Brock Street, N., Whitby. MO 8-3001. '$1 CHEVROLET Impala convertible, automatic, six-cylinder, whitewalls. Will finance. Apply 745 Mary Street. good low t Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Bd RA 12 | Open evenings or weekends -|SINGER portable sewing machine, ex- ce Original pri cellent condition, $40. Telephone $180. Ajax Sewing Centre. WH 28561 or MO 8-5467 # CENT bonus, five-piece kitchen chrome suite, only 99 cents or spring- filled mattress and matching box springs only 99 cents with purchase of a living room or bedroom suite, three- piece bedroom suite $119, two-piece sofa AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 4 FT, Peterborough canoe, A-1 condi tion, half price; telephone gossip bench | with lamp, like new. 669 Shakespeare | Avenue, off Wilson Road South. 15 FT. ip with 45 1 . Paceship with 45 HP ' Meroury | motor "nd trailer, somplele wita ot trols, e large bed set $139. Thi chest and book- set, double dresser, case-bed $148. bonus with all suites. Ed Wilson's dis- count furniture store, 20 Church Street. ture, spring.filled mattresses only $1 floor coverings, many colors matched continental beds, per ft. Car bed carriages, discount price, $42, playpens, $8; arbor- ite coffee tables, $7, unpainted cases $2.99, chests $17, all sizes Church Street. Two-piece living room suite with swivel rocker $166. 99 cent ¢ | DISCOUNT prices on all quality y furpl .25 cents $20, Mis-|7 k- | width, as new, $50. Telephone 723-9088. boo) Gens Bd] -- Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, 30 OFFICE, steering ene], Oshawa Times. MODERN house furniture for sale. Owner transferred. Telephone 728-8562, BOY'S large CCM bicycle, in good con- | dition. Telephone 728-2088 after five, | GIRL'S bicycle for sale, in good con- dition, reasonable. Phone 728.3837 after p.m, BOX spring and mattress, 54 inch store, butcher, restaurant |equipment. New, used, buy, sell, trade jervice. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- T.V. TOWERS $55 A0-ft. tower structurse with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 lin. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar antee, $2.35 per week, no down pay ent, Package deal $130. Telephone 725-4 | 1» RTE, take trade or sell board motor with tank and battery Telephone 723-3774. RECONDITIONED televisions from $35. Get one for the cottage. Parkway Tele: vision, 918 Simeoe North. USED parts and ropairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and aoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-22 BUYING or No of used furniture, appliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years' experience, COlfax 3-2294. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low price, We also carry Canada's finest Awnings and Porch Railings. 'ery reasonable price. GL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 WE pay highest prices in the city for raits Pretty's Used Furniture used furniture. Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South, HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, camp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors. Reason- elier in dining room, Small down payment, only $60.00 a month principal and in- terest, owner will hold open mortgage for bolance at 62% interest. Be sure to see this one by calling Bob Stevenson aot 728-6286 to- night. $1000 DOWN $1000 Six-room home centrally loc- ated with paved drive ond gorage, patio, oil heating, large living room with fire- place. Only $10,500 full price. To inspect call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. 29--Automobiles for Sale | 57 CHEV. New car condition 8.00 p.m. 7258342. -- _ | wi rtment "58 PONTIAC 6cyiinder 4-door deluxe| © hove Ff goed asso en sedan. This car Is as good as a new | 0 se ars car, only one fourth of a new car price | . 30--Automobiles Wanted at only $995, Nichols Motors Ltd , 512 Brock Street, N., Whitby, MO 8-3001. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. CAR INSURANCE mss. WANTED to purchase choice Pontiac Careful drivers are preferred {and Cheyrolet used cars. | Motors, 16 Mill Street, Port Illje, drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 VOLVO Most dependable, leader on the road cnd track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE | FINA SERVICE ! 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 WHITBY CLASSIFIED STUDENTS! A super value, approxi: SEPTIO tanks cleaned pant mately 630 sheets of ot latter size typing way, new tanks tastalled. har w paper (mews print) for only $1.60. Ap 204 Chestnut West Phone MO BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 | | | | | | | mileage. | Call after "automatic, low $1,175 ™v CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cosh" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494. Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 (os | | | | The Harcourt) wed FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL MIDNIGHT BOE ELH NEED A NEW STOVE OR FRIDGE? BUY EM WITH A LOW.COST, LIFE- INSURED * x x M3 FORK x x =x x MOONS x HMM xx I x x x x » » x ox XK! XM MMM x x iat x x x bol x x x x HHHNN ltt td x x > HOXMXHR LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA rates. Reserve now. 728-6891 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 CLEARANCE | Of Used Refrigerators | HOME APPLIANCES | (OSHAWA) LIMITED 725-5332 SPECIAL SALE FOR MONTH OF AUGUST ONLY 1V4 in. aluminum combina- tion storm doors with locks, two keys, door holder, all hardware, Zee Bar Construc- tion, lifetime guarontee, one week delivery. Regular $69. Speciol $54. Call REGENT ALUMINUM 728-4491 | Between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. REWARD for information received for red CCM boy's bike, lost at Rotary pool Saturday; two red flaps, serial 14-4055. 1960 licence No. 900. Fhone 728-3395, WHENEVER You Have Anything TO SELL wi OF se A VACANCY TO RENT Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 123-3492 35--Legal RE--GOODS LEFT IN OUR STORAGE WAREHOUSE February 1959, for Mr. Levine, former address 21 Tudor St., Ajax, Ontario. If account is not paid by Aug- ust 14th, 1961, goods will be sold by auction, Coleman's Moving and Storage, Ltd., 85 Bond St. West, Oshawa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Greater Oshawa Community Chest intends to apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof for the passing of an act that Greater Oshawa Community Chest, notwithstanding Sub- section 2 of Section 79, of The Corporations Act, RS.O. 1960, Chapter 71, be author- ized to give notice of meet- ings of its members by pub- lishing such notice at least once in a daily newspaper published in the City of Osh- awa in such manner as the by-laws of the Corporation may now or hereafter pro- vide, DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 21st day of June, 1961. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, Barristers & Solicitors, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, - Ontario, TENDERS WANTED FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Building Construction - Vik ing Rugger Club", ond ad- dressed to T, V. Kelly, 7Va Simcoe St. South, will be re- ceived until 5 pm. EDS.T Friday, 18th August for construction of flat-roofed block building cpprox. 450 sq. ft. floor area, containing showers and hecting equip- ment. Specifications and drawings are available ot Greer & Kelly, 7V2 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa deposit of $5.00 certified cheque (returnable). Tenders required-- 1) For complete building ond equipment 2) As above but omitting plumbing ond water heating. Successful contractor is to obtain Building Permit, Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. For information see J. Stephen- son, 846 Simcoe St. North, 728-6925, M. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 8, 1961 13 IP HEAVY PAPER WORK FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Paper work is plentiful at | the Oshawa Fire Department Headquarters station. Daily reports from the three shifts must be checked and entered in the OFD activities log book | office clerk-typist, is shown doing at left. Capt. William Murray, seated, OFD fire pre- vention officer, has plenty to do in planning fire prevention material and exercises for the city. Capt. Robert Sled- ziewski, right, officer in charge of the OFD inspection department, assists Capt. Murray at regular intervals in planning ways of making Osh- awa residents fire cautious. --Oshawa Times Photo $1,050. rite go i | | NOTICE OF SALE | as Mrs. Marion MacKenzie, Swedish 'Has 3 Fi By JIM PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER (CP) -- Axel Wenner-Gren may be taking a second look at his British Co- the Social Credit government's full-scale entry last week into the field of public power. The biggest scheme that came out of agreements signed be- tween representatives of the Swedish financier and the gov- ernment in 1956--the multi-mil- lion-dollar development of hy- dro - electric potential on the Peace River--has been taken over by the province. Development of what remains under his control hasn't yet been proven as a profit-making ven- ture. Three companies still exist: 1. Wenner-Gren B.C. Develop- ment Company, the original firm incorporated when Wenner-Gren interests agreed to undertake a vast investigation into develop- ment possibilities of sparsely- populated northern British Co- lumbia. 2. The Pacific Northern Rail- way Company, incorporated last year to undertake construction at an estimated cost of $300,000,- 000 of a 700-mile railway from near Prince George north to the Yukon boundary. 3. The Peace River Power De- velopment Company, which had planned a $638,000,000 dam-con- struction project on the Peace River at a point about 60 miles west of Fort St. John in north eastern B.C. PURPOSE IS LOST The last of these may be out of business before the end of the year, having lost its princi- pal purpose for existence when the government expropriated its engineering plans and surveys {for the Peace project. These were turned over to the B.C. Electric Company, which as a Crown corporation has |been given r ibility for, Jlumbia interests today--that is what remains of them following Magnate rms Left B.C. It has not progressed be- yond the survey stage so far. Last month, the company told the government it will begin this fall to clear 100 miles of right-of-way from Summit Lake 30 miles north of Prince George, into the north. The government a few months earlier had given the company alternatives of proceeding or losing its estimated $5,000,000 in survey reports and studies, which were to have been taken over by the province if the com- pany didn't move ahead. NO PLANS ANNOUNCED Wenner - Gren B.C. Develop- ment Company has made no public plans for any major de- velopment under the company's name, Bernard G. Gore, managing director of Wenner-Gren B.C. Development, said in 1958 the company's undertaking was di- vided into five areas -- water power, transport, minerals, tim-| 2 ber and pulp and paper. The water power and trans- port developments have become known to considerable extent, but the company hasn't detailed extent of timber, pulp and paper and mineral explorations. The whole Wenner-Gren pro- gram in B.C. has had wide- spread criticism from opposition political parties, which claimed the government was giving away large pieces of the prov- ince. Premier W. A. C. Bennett always maintained nothing was being given away. When he announced the take- over of B.C. Electric Company {and of Peace River Power De- velopment Company surveys, he said he had killed the opposition critics' claims of give-away. But opposition spokesmen said Wenner-Gren may already have recovered through 'stock sales any money he had invested in | carrying out the various studies, which now are estimated to have cost more than $20,000,- 1000. public development of the Peace River hydro scheme. The government took over B.C. Electric last week, expro- priating the 75-year-old utility firm, which had grown into the largest single private company in the province. The railway project remains the second largest to come out. Ii SPECIAL VISIT TOKYO (AP)--The transpor- tation ministry says the Soviet Union has granted Japan per- mission to fly its first aircraft into Soviet territory since the Second World War. The plane will take 30 Japanese to Siberia in August to visit graves of rel- Giant Girl In Fair Condition TORONTO (CP) -- A 16-year- old Collingwood girl, abnormally tall because of a glandular dis- order, is in fair condition in hospital with a broken neck and facial lacerations after a fall in front of her home. Carol Hare, who cannot be ac- commodated in an ambulance or a regulaiton hospital bed, was driven from Collingwood to Toronto General Hospital Fri day night in a moving van. She was conscious but her arms and legs were paralyzed as the re- sult of tripping over a roadside curb. At the hospital the seven-foot, 10-inch girl is lying on two beds placed end to end and made level with four mattresses. Carol left school two years ago when she passed the seven- foot mark. Dr. Ronald Farmer said Ca- rol's pituitary gland disorder, could have been treated when she was a child. When she be- gan to grow abnormally, at the age of 10, it was too late, he said. The 350-pound girl, who is ap- parently still growing, has two Two-Word Solution By Sophia By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) -- Sophia Loren has a two-word recipe for avoiding nervous tension: 'Please yourself." The one-time waif of Naples in-less than a decade worked her way up from modelling to become one of the world's busiest as well as most beauti- ful actresses. Sophia took me to lunch dur- ing a noon-time break in the task of dubbing in English dia- logue for her 30th film, "Two Women." "I have the philosophy of a Jeasan, " she Teuarked "Take it easy; everyt is going t be all right." hog Lunching with Miss Loren is 4|even more of a treat than go- ing to see her in a movie. In a movie you only get popcorn. Sophia showed up in an undu- lating, sheath-tight pink dress. Her enormous green eyes, flecked with gold, gave her ex- otic face a strange look--as if she were half panther, half gazelle. Waiters fluttered up coo ing solicitously in several lan guages, "I love to eat," said Sophia "It's my only pleasure while working. I like any food that is spicy and full of sauce." Chattering charmingly, she went from an aperitif through a small plate of sliced tongue and ham, a dish of kidney stew. potatoes and vegetables, two glasses of red wine, two bread rolls, then wound up with a big slice of cake topped with whipped cream. WEIGHT NO WORRY She is a tall girl with a lot of lovely body to fuel, and so far she doesn't have to worry about gaining weight. It's a real pleasure to eat with a woman like that--particularly if you go as a guest, Sophia doesn't feel that suc- cess has changed her much since her childhood days when she felt herself to be a thin and gawky ugly duckling. She is poised, friendly, and completely self-possessed. "I'm very strong. I have al- ways tried to keep myself as naive and innocent as possible. "But I like to work hard, and don't believe in drifting. I never like to be taken by the routine of life--or to become tense and nervous. "It is a hard thing to do, but I try to look at things in a re. laxed way. "I think you get tense only by doing things you don't really want to do. So I please myself. I do only the things that please and interest me. Why not? brothers of normal height. When I get tired, I'll stop." MERRY MENAGERIE of Wenner-Gren's interests in atives killed in the war. TASTE THAT FLAVOUR Py Oshawa Times Office, 1111 Dundas Strest West ree 0 pped, WELP wanted, reliable lady "required in Tt. *% MO 83333 to mind two children whilé mother Kk, + Mover, 728.4487. works. Telephone MO 83-4103 FOR SALE -- Self . propelled garden eunltivator, A i ind three storm loors, ree window | , in. frames. Reasonable. 849 Byron Street pared, \Deoiiie 343 wus. Mosah North oil heated, FOR RENT _ Two bedroom apart |uooa floors and tile. ments, $90 and $100, in modern build- South, Whitby. ing, stoves, refrigerators. T | 0 8.3186. MO 8.3591. Fon uo iooking FOR RENT Three-roomed self. MOBILE home "prospects | are looking contained heated apartment with bath, tor your ad in tho Classified eas | Would suit a working couple. Reason Yia now to plac able il Dia i pot 35% in touch with them rent. Available September 1 or be- FOR RENT Two bedroom apartments, evenings. Immediate posses: $90, in modern building, stoves, refrig-| FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment, water, Apply Call Apart. erators, MO 8.3591 |self contained, heat and AVAILABLE Immediately, new three-|810 Dundas Street West. bedroom bungalow, oil heated, modern|ment 1 for the key. conveniences, will lease for $85 monthly [FoR RENT -- Modern to reliable tenants, or will sell, very apartment, ground floor, low do 1 payment. 7238349. = leat sundry and parking facilities THREE bedroom house for rent, Tv Available now. Telephane MO 3.3763 tower, Immediate possession, $100 per FOR SALE - Bungalow, Hallett Street, month Telephone MO 38-4168 Whitby, 4'4 years old, attached gar. NTED TO RENT: vurnished apart.| (age, decorated, wa a t NHA mortgage. Phone M two-bedroom 0 83-4665. oe and up. Sr {service for small nd grass . cutter attachment, | monthly or as desired. Statements orev |FOR SALE - Modern six-room brick Centre Sireei fore If needed. Apply 111 Palace Street centrally lo. landscaped, 5% per ment with one bedroom, or vwn roomed | oN FOR RENT spartment, with pull out couch. Cen tral. Phone MO 8-8634 after 4 p.m. Comping ond boat| ip GRAVEL - LOAM ment, cabin aay Cement Gravel, motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, Driveway Gravel ond Fill We also sell and repair, lawn to Sat mowers ond outboard motors WILDE RENTAL SERVICE ond SALES 1415 Dundas St. E.--=Whiftby MO 83226 Delivery Monda Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 {OUR KIND OF BEER GRISP AND GLEAR ~ LABATTS PILSENER IS (- PILLS | SAVE Of 24