Ee ------ 12 THE OSHAWA Tims, Tuesday, August 8, 1961 £5] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Ei |11--Articles for Rent 17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale RRIED 11+ LARGE ground floor, four-room apart.|SIX room house, all conveniences, hard. BURK Street -- five-room MARRIE] Stl © manage 11-plex | bungalow, SICKROOM EQUIPMENT |apartment i Whliby: live. In ment, private bath, inundry and wood | sod condition, 1arge lot, neat as a pin, deep lot, low taxes, T Y FOR RENT OR FOR SALE [Sih tons wowasee. Write Box 106, ing faci, host ght, "waler "sus gsraet, Bork Spot, J fea as ne LE Fer Hosp! Led whee] cho, rove soos, bet, ee BARGE ne be 7 BE TED es aro oda + mi nvelig walkers ua, REAL ESTATE WY Sree fot et re hegre paved street, lights, near Dial garden, poultry, fs farm and and green house, canes, also roll-oway beds Barking. oii gl A Dh = See--Sam apketts po Broker Brighton, Accountants Driving School Mortgages ond slenderizing machines. SALESMAN entrance. FOR REAL ESTATE |2ntario. Phone ? -- | HORTGAGE Toss, Bawmanvite, Ok || CLASSIFIED AD RATES [| Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, | 0 r furure for the |Temmmcoie for So "are. fo JOHN A. J hari red Atsountante, Tass] MERCURY SCHOOL [awa Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi 25 words or tems [| 725-1644. right man, Good breakdowns [child while mother works. Telephone DON S. SMITH B 0 L A H 0 0 D } a Ry Bi Bag iy Siuity, creas Cash Charge lI3a Articles Wanted i Experienc. WH 2.06%, . OF SAFE DRIVING business. Membeis of i Ghiario Mort sconsecuTve rticles Wante i Peanticl SUITABLE for four girls, five-room, Vickery Real Estate Modern dual equipped cars. |jand Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe : . BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting : i : al curities 6 CONSECUTIVE Must have a cor. For on op- ira) Oshawa, private entrance. Tele. i Realtors LTD. Insurance Service Gov't, Licenced instructors. [Street North, Oshawa, Phone 723-3568.|| © F0ceoinol 375 4.13 WANTED pointment coll S. Macko, |phone MO 8367. Business ...... 728-6228 167 SIMCOE S. Po Ra qu. Wes * Hist] Day SY EYEing SEDTiments: ATEN od econ moras Zu der. Salell 14" ot paid within 7 doys the SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Realtor ot 728-4661. TWO - ROOM Sachelor "apartments, 728-4879 Office Hrs. 9 am. - 9 pm. WE and Co. A Operated by Street East, 723.7232 Above rates apply only to originai || AND FEATHER TICKS 20--Room and Board tor, stove, three-piece bath, Private en, WILSON RD. SOUTH pe Rg LA Be BY Charge rate will apply trance, and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- Geo. B. Rutherford. .|| orders tor consecutive insertions. : tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8-2221 MERCURY TAXI FIRST nd second mortgages, arvand || & bsequent insertions ordered of © I. TURNER EXPERIEECED To ve Ta 3392. 8-room, 2-storey brick home, WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered 101 Dundas W, MO 83338. later date constitute a new original 723-2043 723-3374 and care for two children. Telephone THREE ROOM -- newly decorated, could be used os duplex or Accountan South, Gordeni ds li - order. 728-1457, private bath and entrance, heavy duty REALTOR 4-bedroom home. Close to rdening and Supplies Opton.etrists gp SN etsional ang Susiness tistings (collect) $is PER WEEK. one or fwo gentlemen Birla, Sil Suvbvanis, OF Gsnawa 728-5107 high, public ond separote per mon or ines y re, single beds, ce ------------------------------------------------ - YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER BROS. [GE TUCK. Ro; Opiometrial Please | och adaitional line $1.60 ~oaeg SHAW cooked meals per day, TV laundry,|#03 PER MONTH, two-bedroom apart: schools. Bus stop at door, and Co. Accountants and Auditors. SANSENG month. clean home, central. 725-9087. ment, free washe r and dryer, Aover NORTH END DUPLEX don't miss this. Call for Steve Jucensed in Bankruptcy, 51 LANDSCAPING & (Bar 74 pur Sires ovalids ex-| gen initio) letter abbreviation, | AUTO WRECKING CO. [ROOM for two gentiemen, single or ey Zurba, 725-6544 or 728- King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, amined at home. Dial 725.4507 $ and c sign, figure. counts as © : rh BR gg Ry ory paved drive, close to bus, 725-8653. For a young or retired couple 0569. CA; F. Friedlander, B Comm., CPA. GARDEN SERVICE F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optorn word, Box charge |5¢ additional. Wanis cers for essing. 235 Eulalie Avenue, ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, there is no more economical 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- etry, the examination of eyes, contac All Classified Advertisements arts for sole, also scrap iron pr) or ry : BPE AS 58 corde ond toe wh ys | ep Ho Gao | ih m5 O75 G0 | ond mut eh Sou, |e omit? Gt pd Gs Spr vor. Summe 55| | Y00 or, 0m 904 0% | 003 [LEONE MS » awa, On . 509. ore publication except irths, , lunch ked. Ph 725. i ) Auto Parts 728- 3755 yn, 8 Painting and Decorating a I in AS When i a FOUR-ROOM vpstaits apirimett, pri Way oe soi d i : io oS eau Lm. va entrance, 01 us, modern men nd one - jo Ba TT TTT TT I y-- after pm. PAINTING by trade x - Deadline for Lost end Found and 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. ry | Kitchen. One child welcome, Apply 176 gage Zoyme "iad ie Ton. Sharments. Completely med a bi gy hoe Supree anteed, tree estimates, exterior and inte | Conceliations 8:30 a.m. Office d rea, park. x, Roxborough Avenue. iat ther particulars call Hilda both --- respect -pc. les, 195 King ray West, Oshawa, LOAM-G RAVEL Yop, WORK, reasonable rates. Telephone Hours: Doin 2-5 Soturday 8-12 13--Business Opportuni ies ing. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. ies EO ROOM, apartment, _self-contain- ron 728.5107 or 725 oe ji] dry Sass oi ear 1.9, "Fivi ye you." 7 ---------------------------------------- ROOM ard board ed, stove, refrigerator, cupboards, air. 4 . F3%1697.89, "Five bays 10 serve you : The Cihawo Times wit mot be fl pp ry (ore 1 excellent location BOOM and board for (entiemen, nice conditioned, very entrar, available] 3605 evenings. Priced ot only $20,900. Call | PAINTING. Free estimates, clean work, | - sponsible for errors in advertise y Huroh & SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL reasonable prices. Ask for Angus Mac oti) submitted otherwise thon in ||$1900 full price Including stock or ex-|y,..." cooked meals, lunches Racked. 6992. 72 Church Street. Telephone 725. now for Jack Appleby, 725- BILL'S CUSTOM LOTS LEVELLED (Lean. 723-2939 writing, nor for more than one | change as down payment on a home.|Ciose to everywhere. 81 Park Ro ad 992 BEAMED CEILING 6544 or 723-3398, incorrect insertion eof any adver eet meer vera | SOULH, 4 wo: BEDROOM "apartment, in new Fl P | AUTO TRIM [TRACTOR LOADER WORK|™ oo ne cree | Famer, 2 Eaysna "The Bre OWN A SECOND Roo sm vost eve oman specimen wait! al seed] F REF LACE oy 8 ROOMS | 8, Val washroom, ever; ' 137 KING STREET WEST Reasonable Rates PAINTING & DECORATING || the advertisement in which sror [| py )ei\ Fee OPERATE |enee. Relephone T537483 + whom Yr Teton Se oon! erry. 1 Good iricome home, exikit specializing seatcovers, convertible DIAL 725-2156 CONTRACTORS i} occurs. Fis ai50 veserye ins Hight tea ROOM and board for young gentle. | half of double JDouse, three "| dining area, completed rec- chen. All large rooms, brick tops and repairs Painting, Poperhanging | Io classify adverrising aceording IN YOUR SPARE TIME |man, friendly home, good meals, Tl rooms, confaly 1,975, Telephone 723.| reation room, wide lot, house. Close to school. Lo- PHONE 728-4162 ! OSHAWA Syptex, Full Wall Murals, In the case of display advertine A Coln-Metered: Liconssd sion Eaglish skeaking prefarved. 9 4221, 8 am. to 4 p. groomed to perfection. Lo- cated in the East area. Call ¥ RN 2 gies lt ai att Spray Painting ments The Times will not be helo ' FOUR-ROOM contain-| cated in Grandview : Bill Rotcliffe at 725-6544. - HOME LANDSCAPING 107 BYRON ST. 5, WHITBY | "esponsvle for more paca' thar | Westinghouse Loundromat [93 wreq™y "Rony Hpi Xp oom | Call Paul Rise or 738-9707 Barristers | Landscoping designing, sod- DAYS MO 8-5231 Fin Li blige endeavour , Store Zen Give You THREE . BEDROOM house in Rossland gry Jurking ace, Aol Sater included. | "725.8152 evenings, i COUNTRY LIVING RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, TLE, ding, seeding, weed killing, NIGHTS 725-7426 to reproduce all advertising matter Financial Independence [TEX trios ap Oh am, TREE ROO Tare Srariiest. $11,900 full price, 6-room Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street) =~ 1000 garden service : correctly but assumes. ne lisbility ie : Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post 0M Sumished sveriment. 86 SWITZER DRIVE bungalow on large ravine fot, East, Oshawa, Ontario. Personal Service of advertisement are contain IF you are considering owning |Office. ae entrance, immediate posses.| 5-room b low with at- house only 5 yrs. old. City JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, 728-6366 PETER PAN Day Norssiv, all or Ball) To 20) inaccuracies 'nary: Yorm your own COIN-OPERATED (HOUSE or farm house, sult family of Hon. 728.3333, toched 9 convenience. See this now, by Jaritter and Solic ior and Not Ro, day, 8.30 to 5.30. 581 Simcoe Street|| "0 C LAUNDRY STORE -- ond |five. Limited to 10 miles from Oshawa |SODERN, quiet two bedroom Base old. Lore Irina on Years colling Tony Siblock of 725 Be Tue Commercial Bu ding, parking | North, 728-2604. | pride yourself on good bus- with option to buy. Box 202 Oshawa oni soartment on 15 Gibbon Street. ge living room with g . [ { Times. Adults or with children over 12. Avail-| notural fireplace, dining room 6544 or 725-4362. available. E. R. KNOWLTON TRY OUR 2--Personal | finess sense, compare the pro- | able September 1st. ond two bedrooms. An ideal Mortgage Arranged, Bought DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister Sor | fit potential ond leadership |24---Houses for Rent FIVE-ROOM apartment for reat, heavy| home for retired couple or | and Sold , 261 King Street East. SCAPING SERVICE -B- 3 FIC Day . i ems noes am Ren] A On Sete alr chicken | FA ia cote 1 Seietber| POU Laceomor Store ba. AYAABLE Sepemper 1. secs ue wig, Isls Bl pte] sil, far Owner "tons. |__ Members of 0. DR. € 8, dence, 728-5373, Top soil ond sod. Repairing Chicken plate, halt chicken aundromat Store be- large four-bedroom home, Simcoe St.|meter, built-in cupboards. Apply 34] ferred and will sell with only RR ~ with french fries, fish ond jean 728.2122 Jor inietview fore you buy. Over 10,000 [North, near high school and public|Albert Street | as RL Soatcitors, No. one Jon moinisnence patio | chips, haomburgs, hot dogs, | successful stores are proof Johool. otter ou Tse | FOUR - room Wpiriment, ove and | $1500 down For further i L S SNELGROVE orn King Sire at. TH5467. "Rea. milk shakes. ELECTROLYSIS positive of the consumer pref- | co aa oe four bed: piece bath, Telephone 725-3938. 728-5107 or evenings at dence, Dial 723.4029. 725-6047 MODERN GRILL erence ond leadership of pres- {rooms, two bathrooms, two kitchens, Fwo BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe| 725-3412. CO. LTD. JOSEPH F, MANGAN, QC, Barrister. | WE DELIVER--725-3887 Removal of superfluous hair, ige Licensed ack. mehr acon anopping, 395 3105 reet North. Telephone.7254343, § a.m. ' REALTORS King Sireet East. Oshawa, 738825 CROSS TOWN | Marie Murduft will be in | WESTINGHOUSE |a-8660. aa OR ime WEBBING'S HARDWARE | Residence, 725-3405 LET US MACHINE WASH | Ohawo, August 8 and 9. | LAUNDROMAT STORES [AVAILABLE September 1, executive's hath, heavy duty wiring, TV serial, us| Store ond _eight-room resi- | | | 2 W. 3 M large four bedroom home, Simcoe & i 43 PARK RD. S. £°F._SALHERS, BA. Barrister, Solick SOD SUPPLY YOUR WALLS HO ES. | 'Phone Genosha: Hotel on Re OOO oto |S10P at door. Telephona 728-1944. dence at King and Park Road Office 725-3741; Residence, 725-5542. A-1 rolled fertilized sod, . tried equipment and inex- BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister Soliel. cut fresh daily, sod for truck- | CALL DUNBARTON TE 9-1864 un pme apartment buildings, all conveniences, qo rki pos t BARGAIN? -- erienced distributors, Call |BLOOR and Park Road district house pegutifully decorated, centrally located. ge parking area at rear, hy fy, mR es in the field, Special con: Day or Evening | 3--Pets & Livestock be write for details. OE a rable. 725.6674 or 128.5282, y Available immediately, Suit- Just a few yeors old, large McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Yractor 9os 8504 Free Estimates BOARDING kennels, new modern fire. Balter 3 *| THREE and half room apartment, cen.| ble for retail or service type 5-room brick bungalow, over- Solicitors. Clients' funds a - EASY-GLIDE proof kennels, spacious runs. Phone ALD CANADA LTD tral location, heated. Available Sept, 1.| busnness. Call Carl Olsen at size modern kitchen, family ortg: 20 Simcoe Street North, INTERIOR WALL WASHING Pickering WH 2-1237 ' * {Sx -ROOM brick house, oil heat, newly Apply Black k's Ladies' W 728. fi on I C.., MeGinbon, Qc; . SENTTIFL Sots Bon i 25 Belfield Road decorated, garage, $95 monthly, on Ca- a 5107 or evenings at 725- size living room, 3 bedrooms Edgar F. Bastedo, GC. i NUMBER ONE DUNSARTON DEALT a El Rexdale (Toronto) Ontario |diliac Avenue. Teiephone 728-2387. (TWO 1 large bedroom ums, large Heing, 3412, and 4-piece_ bathroom plus 3 LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, B. Plumbing Heatin Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, | RO 6-7255 SIX.ROOM house on Rossland Ros d {kitchen, garage, ground floor, five min- BUILDER" rooms in basement, many 37° King Rng Hea... [GOARDING. ickep Spi delivery a Wen, Hote lp Joueo) sug us double |ues from South GM Business couple S SACRIFICE other extras including large i BB TOP SOIL [ JYPES of repairs and remodel vice. White Hart Kennels. WH 2.4953, [T&--Employment Wanted |b EE. Healey, Port. Perry. preferred or one child. 157 Bloor East.| Used as model to demonstrate Soroae, How only $1,200. es avi y . H -6924, H x " Bt uality, workmanshi - n, balonce on one open GREER sad KELLY, Barristers, soi-| 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 [able rates, Estimates free. Dial 725-6031." 4M i ot" Backet WILL give experienced care to ohil.| WHITBY -- Available immediately. TRREE-ROOM apartment, stove and Solity os hip. and n mortgage, call Frank Ma ope eitors, ete., 745 Simcoe Street South.| 10.YD. LOAD--$12.00 [Foley bdo iat |dren by week ly my | For | Dew three-bedroom bungalow. oil heat: refrigerator, close to, down town. Apply vidual styling, this low, red 7 cCann Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J. M. eT lale ' ALL plumbing and heating supplies. GLADS. SL 0a dozen, n, assorted co "colors. | further tion call 723 a ok Ben Bi ged Rd 130 William Street East. Phone 728-6133.] brick ronch with -ottached 735.574] or evenings 728- Sam Amie ee V) 723. 3162 [fein ond als Aral Mi Teme We NOh Sy re ST lo 0% Som orl EE MOON, mrt tn] Grog, cesad entonce on RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS Wl. ing, 233 Simcoe Street South. iE vellow beans, potatoes | ee BPaate achbok oll Moston 58 month bath. heavy 'wiring Very" Contra fers N.H A. financing ota iy CHURCH ST. ss0c! rristers and Soli. | for . Telephone MO 8-4035, After EXPERIENCED voman for lunch 4 able for couple with one iid. Apply Stops. 120 Ring Street East. 7asgus| HARDSAND LANDSCAPING | peacrv APPLIANCES | A154. counter, days only, excellent wages,|\y. Telephone 723.2625. 210 Chadburn Street, duced price. For inspection | Clean 2-storey family home ae loans available. A complete garden service, Barn, equipment, pumps {ELEVEN Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks Phone 723-7463. SU-BODM house, bats, hear Mitoheii | FOUR- room apartment, stove and re- call Joy Dell ot 725.3263 or es ric a UCE V. MACKEY. BA, barrister,| .j..,..,5 fertilizing, power ' ' 5 {old Wi black cherries. Telephone MIDDLE-AGED responsible woman to Av hd at. Apply frigerator, built-in cupboard, three.| 728-5107, chens, storms Soliciior, Notary. P shite wh & Ring] 7 lling. Now is the time to kill ESSO [723- & {mind two young children while mother) Avenue. . piece bath. Telephone 725-3938. : and screens, garage, Zoned Ea | Ean So inched | 1 Sums it woe ond |BSEBERNIS = pi fh oe ute 1.0 seb Fe Ct Sr ome pe sion | HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL | £33 ons Oh STE. i » » . " 2 a pin x. Apply Nic! » N , av . EE DTH Luni! Scedling, sodding, nursery forced oir furnaces, batnroom | ier $01 and Thickson Road, Whitby. | Exe RIENCED waitress Rin ted reat | Dus. Apply 641 Merritt Street. oained Apartment, avaliable Jum 7-room older home in need of Sid Hii EAR TA call East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-297] | stock. ixtures, parts Gnd Service. RASPBERRIES for sale, Call 725-2564 | East. | SIX-ROOM new bungalow with §Arage. THREE-ROOM spartment on first floor, some Spek; situsteq on a JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB. or apply at 47 Scott Road EXPERIENCED housekeeper fo live in| Adults, baby welcome, $125 per month.| newly decorated, all conveniences, Jaun.| Scenic ¥2 acre lot in country Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. | 725.1721 PLUMBING AND HEATING | JE ENCED oust eerer Telephone 725-1953, CO 3-2623. Pa aa, Coa a Hel village. Exceptional bry or COLLEGE HILL lie, The C 206 King ORONO 1782 Day or Nignt | 5----Farmers Column 1728-1457 THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, newly Phone 725-2251 or 234 Dearborn, $5,500 with $1,500 down. Large 7-room family home, West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Fh AGENTS, clubs. ete. Bell Canada Tin. | decorated, basement occupied, available FOUR. ROOMED self-contained apart-| For furth f large modern kitchen, dining available. NAN od DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Rug and Upholstery {FOR SA LE 300 bales of hay. Telephone est Christmas cards, Over 300 items Tat and re-| ment, private entrance and bath, heat, Povey obi prog +l room, living room, 4 bed- FRASER, DRYNA ulation mi ------ __ |including religious, everyday and pa F 17 necessary, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet and eup- i oom! DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| CEMENT GRAVEL | CHEST BFIELDS re-upholstered an d ONE 195 D Case tractor, good condi sonal cards. Wraps, toys and a oo FOUR-ROOM house near south GM, bokrds. Apply 375 Mary Streel, Oshawa.| Or 728-2155 evenings. ph m 8 ond 4-piece bathroom, sd Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg styled. Free estimates. See our mate ition, also plow and double disc. Bar. Prompt service. For colored catalogue all conveniences, $40 per month. Avail: KING and Park Road, four-room apart. ull asking price $8,200, 8 Simcoe Street North, 723-3346; T. x.| SAND AND FILLING | Dial Tor recovering. Daj ton Upholstering. gain. J. P. Lemery, RR 3, Rossland and samples on approval, Jeandron able now. 1141 Cedar Street before &|ment in new apartment building. re. V.L.A. APPROVED with terms, call Frank Me- Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G_ K. |75 Charles Street, 723-7212 | Road West. Greeting Card Co., 1253 King Street|p.m. 723-4955. { C 725-87 D G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort- EVANS LOAM AND Sr ee | |frigerator, stove, free laundry facilities,| (One and one. th ann 61 or evenings a ed FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow and garage |parking, adults, Telephone 728-3979. -eighth acres, 728-8921. Don't risk your capital on [Phone R. Schofield, Schofield Insurance $70 MONTHLY and up. Modern one.| for rent. Two heating sys- LOOKING FOR A Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping | these dates for appointment. Associates Ltd, 723-2265. or two-bedroom apartments, new| tems, two full basements, p i STERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered | {TOO much room? Rent your spare East, Hamilton, Ontario gages arranged. _. GRAVEL SUPPLIES, [like new Way 2ay. more? Our rates room to the reliable tenant you find | NEED EX ? 850 ore St. Elol Avenue. Available September 1. |SINGLE or double eae treed lot, Cope Cod plan JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- 25 52 9 are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran through an Oshawa Times Classified can easily be earned by showing our| Telephone 725-8128. oom home with bathroom, . East RA 26 0 NHA ne Ru vavel / % 7 Matiregacy 1 ro built. Oshawa Upholstery Ad. Dia) 723: 3492 today. |fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, HELL BEDROOM house, fully mod-| on fro hg Hove ¥ dere, Av nace and small bam, oi Jor. FREE INSPECTION DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80-1, "to biooks from Shopping Centre. | 1s orth-West Suburban, spae- mortgages arranged. 0811. Ph » page, full-color catalogue mak bd PI HREE unfurnished rooms, private en.| in village within walking dis- , -- . one collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721,|Page, ful catalogu Yes | Telephone 728-0414 between 7 and 8 i 9 ious 6-room ranch bi I 5 S CHESTERFIELDS i old chairs re-| v easy to get plenty of orders. No ex rie trance and bath, sink and cupboards, tan f ungalow THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- OSHAWA | and cl [Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Lic. 115.| peri poy trance and hath, sin) and cupboards, ce of store, schools and erg al ly y ed lik: Get the best for les ence necessary. Send no money, Wri gor and Notary Public. 8% XKinZl ACME HAULAGE |i Modern Dpholsteog, 112 Simaos|TOP MONEY for dead and _disabled|today Tor samples. on approval, of love: THREE PED ROON Sam aio Holy. | 15. Brock: Steet Eat TiS sed churches. Listed ot $10,000. places, 2 bathrooms, attach. y South. Call 728-6451 for a free stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, ly Christmas cards and free caialogue. (wood kitchen, fenced in back yard, THREE rooms and bath. privaie em| [information call Howard ed gorage along with AD an. Pative bf i Had LTD mate, {collect. 24-hour, seven-day service ee Sar Co., Dept. 16, 47 Eas close to South GM.. Write Box 350, Osh: trance, stove and frige in quiet home,| Forder ot 728-5107 or 728- oe jin aly oi Bo Ying b 4 ton {awa Times, i is eve ; | | = vi me. |widow preferred. Apply 137 Huron| 2155 evenings. plo JR LL, GRAVEL -- STONE i WHY TAKE CHANCES | 7--Trailers I saleslady wanted age FOUR-ROOM house, all conveniences, Street, 9s ing, call Sid Martyn 723- HUMPHREYS, SOYCHYN. af HIT. (GAB camping and utiuty troller | between 30 Must have neat ap-|oil heated, reasonable to good tenants. | 19 ATHOL ST. WEST 9810. MAN, Barristers, | 3 Boren, BA LOAM WITH YOUR VALUABLE rent. Reserve your trailer now, for a DeArance, pleasant personality. Apply Telephone 723-4888, | MODERN y To buy or sell and do it well ) RUGS AND FURNITURE |pleasant, economical holiday. Bargains Erwine's' Specialty Shop, 11 Simcoe | QUIET 2 BEDROOM OSHAWA Call Snelgrove 723-3528 Wh hove th in new and used trailers, Monty's BA |South. FIVE-ROOM - East. MO 8.2761; 725. en you can ve hem Igervice, Simcoe South at Gibb. 725-9131, BASEMENT APARTMENT a a mit), | Insurance | professionally cleaned by a | - Completely Modern EN ney member of the National In- 9--Summer Properties IDLE HOURS | | rT, goed | METCALF |ALLSTATE Auto 1 8 | Bookkeeping ED por ont ax meme io say" #up| stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 for Sale or Rent BUNGALOW frig. Free use 'of washer; |personal service at your home, call] YeOrs experience. | PIGEON LAKE -- five-room cottage | Make dollars, when you dryer. Parking. Adults or with | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 725-6881. | NUWAY -- 728-4681 |i sale, 75.41. lake frontage pr with If-contained, large, ildr L. SCHAPELHOUMAN [725-681 lf } fi. lake frontage. Will sell th self-contain children over 12 40 KING ST. E {furnished, reasonable down payment. use this time representing | three-room basement aport- Avail DIAL 728-4678 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING AUTO INSURANCE [Surveyors 725.4541. ment. Close to schools, Mai bgrpin 8 1 SERVICE, INCOME TAX DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On. TILTING boat trailer, heavy duty, 16. AVON transportation end shopping. COUNTRY LIVING ' tario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue. fi ew condition. Telephone OL ™ L.S. Snelgrove and 0 BEDROOM Just outside city Jmits -- large 6-room ronch on 106° by If you are ao careful driver | 5.3738 RETURNS printing, 12 Bloor Street Fast. 725.5632. | { you may save $10, $15 or oA TROLLOPE. Ontario TWO-J BEDROOM cottage for rent, fur.| COSMETICS | Co. Ltd. APARTMENT 167' landscaped lot, house in immaculate shape with storms, | 4)a-rooms newly decorated, screens, broadloomed living room, vanity in bath, recreation H T $25 on your car insurance or Land § yors, Adelaide A nished, all conveniences and boat. Avail- 06 0053 | beter han 20%. Freteed |san Pho amr "er 1 oh ham WR NR) oy drivers enjoy the lowest rate TV---Rental Fi . y . 43 PARK RD. S. rehigersren range, lockers, room, a. aw, close to school and church, Phone for appoint- Building Trades in Ontario through this of. |1¥~--Rentals en ------------ p---- ~ Call Collect 723.9810 washer and dryer. Prices ra- ment to inspect this gem. «Asking only $14,500.00. ng | fice Half«year payments, CAMPERS duced. Immediate possess. YOUR local chimney cleaner "| Call us today ond compare Purchase your de-humidifier ad ion, WILSON RD. SOUTH meys built and repaired, gas linings in- $10 down -- $7 per month, 75 ACRES RU 2-4782 25---Apts. & Flats for Reat| DOUGLAS L. GOWER aces vacuumed. Free est ample free parking. stalled, furnaces u ec © Remove the dampness from | COTTAGES TAREE oF fou i NSLS SOW 6 rooms -- hot water baseboard heating, plus extro lorge ree. nates. 723-2997 reation room, finished den ofd laundry room and 2-pc. wash- | : . for rent, excellent fish- new! i sd BROOFING, tar aod gravel SCHOFIELD your basement. Rent a tele boats , A {17--Male Help Wanted month." Apply 339 Albert Street. 128. asphalt shingles and repairs. No Jobs| |NSURANCE ASSOCIATES. LTD, | Vision -- only $7 per week ing, sandy beach, pony rides, Er 26--Rooms for Rent room in bosement, lorge londscoped lot. A real gem ot only 1 os 4 big or lug small. Esme en! | 360 King St. West 723.2265 | "rom. jot PIONEER VILLAGE pendants, to help handle local Business. * [roves apartment, near ARGE fi ront bedroom, een. $13,500.00. L. CERAMIC. plastic wall te, Somes | Lawn Mowers | MEAGHER'S BUCKHORN LAKE (Rex i, Guan mes, ~ "" |Gloclc save, Tarigoator opin =. Parking = iis CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH % oi i 249 = parking, y private. ewly decora! ousekeep- Work guaranteed. 728-0850. FOWER Tawn mowers sharpened ama| > King St. W. 723-3425 728-2301 WE tin ue {vo med af ee ere |per month, 723-7970. ing room for rent, suitable for one| Attractive 2-bedroom bungalow, large rooms, FA. oil heating, Be TL puny, eotaces. motors. in lo Marine. T2000 (TV - Radio Repairs |ment, transportation furnished. Average THREE-ROOM apartments, one Fir-(sau Sires! close to town. Apply 56 Nak-| go tomatic washer, ideal location for schools, bus, shopping, L: , firepl motors, Mar so SE [es eds Sean $2.06 per hour, For appointment phone nished, one unfurnished, newly 0 | ees sidewalks, stoops. fat Gordon ay AVE sour lawn mower "precision TV. WADIO. car radio Tepairs, a USE THE [728-2383 betwen 5 and 8 only. rated, close ta Shopping Centre, for IN COUUMBTS = 'hres wnfurmiched etc. Full price $11,900.00. vi leaner. sha ne: ree elivi 3 lect jes, 157] ule! le, Vv 3 3 cated, BE ir nd repatied, gas linings In. Telephone 725.4360, © | | Eliott Avenue, JZ (Fredy. OSHAWA TIMES {PUBLIC accounting firm requires sen. C's fey AT e0le "OV heavy wiring, cupboards, sink, hot snd AFTER 5:30 CALL: stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti TV. RADIO, car radio repairs, |emplovess advised of this ad. Write Tourroom _Apariment, with ger irae (mm diate ecoupaney. N mites 72329, WE SHARPEN AND RENT maka Thompson. Elscienics, 187 {Box 139, Oshawa Times. private bath is fn Kitchen, | So tids. Everitt Elliott 3.9290 John Kemp 8-2392 Trade ALMOST EVERYTHING Eliott Avenue. 723. 9792 (Fred). CLASSIFIED near South General Motors, heat, hot CLEAN large furnished single room or Dick Barriage 5-6243 Building Trades LM : COLUMNS | LABORATORY water, aking included. Apply 254 Bowsekseping ro room, Sloss to Routh GM. Marion Drew 5-7610 Joe Maga 5-9191 Malags WOME OWNERB--shingling, fat roofs, Give Us A Call-- | Aton Harper, oA S : A N S 1.V. TOWERS TECHNICIAN A ee oe: corner | rmsd "kitchen, aaall oo LAKE RESORT HOME -- in Bewdley on Rice Lake, the heart 361 GIBBONS ST. TV - Radio Repairs wi ire & hich school arod | entworth and Ravine, $95 620 Simcoe Street of Ontario's fishing ond boating. This lovely home has been Cartage CORNER KING & BURK STS, | 728.8180 P e require a high school grad | Telephone 728-3741, | FORNISHED a and _single| reduced in price for quick sale, Owner in England. Two years Jouve MOVING. ad wor ge. Owhawa- for our quality control labor- | THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, housek rooms, private entranee,| old, gleaming white, bree d 3 bed 20° 8 G » age. Oshawa: | 72 3 3224 | a pra) Thee gnizance;| old, gleaming white, zeway and garage, rooms, LF 3 | - | rms. Open ey i SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT atory. Science background [separate entrance, frig, stove, g reasonable, Centre| 4 "finish ti b ¢ ipued ang iapired. Phone 725.3881. | ! Yerms. Open evenings ! IT -- DAY OR NIGHT | and prior lab experience pre- (boards in Kitchen, near bus stop. "No Street $11,500 isin Rigg 67S of xia. . Only a ; fldren please. 725-6473 Tv nl OSHAWA T.V, T.V. and RADI ferred but not required. Rot- |= CE or wen Times Classifiair Aa MONEY to Loan LL Fres Survey 0 | ary shift work, brand new 0 BEDROOM ATTRACTIVELY OWNER FED UP -- commuting to Toronto. Will sacrifice Dial 7233403 today to get your 8d|CLTENTS' money fo joan on first mort CALL 728-5286 | plant, excellent benefits, TW FURNISHED ROOMS | lovely S-room brick bungalow -- 3 large bedrooms, 4-piece - purchased. NHA ines | and estimates i All Work Guaranteed | Please apply in person to | APARTMENT bun i tiled bath, nicely. decorated and equipped with aluminum Dressmaking {Creighton Fraser, Drynan. and. Mur.( | OSHAWA | TEN ™ | 4 rooms -- free use of auto- voilable in private home. storms and screens. Landscaped ond fenced lot. Carries for ?? ? WHY ELECTRONICS CO LTD. matic washer ond dryer. 82 PARK ROAD N only $85.00 principal, interest and taxes -- one 6% mortgage ----) 90 MONTHLY . for balance. Call today for particulars, FURRIER MONIES FOR Because we give real service | A division of the Coco-Cola $90 0 Call between 5 ond 7. p.m. NHA. RESALE =. 335 Wellond Avenve." Lovely Eoroam and DRESSMAKER. MORTGAGES fou a tome day . . , ef SAMSON | Co. Ajax, Ontaris, vomeTy21s Apt. 1 728-8671 brick bungalow. Asking $13,900. Immediate possession, Call . , save money . , . New, Alterctions, (Za nideling. Moni lab) First ° . . . satisfied, | ' today : REET Nrtonits or I 7 Por aime ton Ir lond er fice TV TOWERS EATON'S IN | TWO BEDRUOM [27--Real Estate for Sale | 5120, nHA RESALE -- Extra large -3-bedroom bungalow 4.4 ROWE Ci EE without bonus. $2.50 Antenna Installations OSHAWA TRIPLEX (ton down, mural stone bungalow, 2'8| with built-in vanity and bed in master bedroom. Large fomily- Monies also avallable on ' bedrooms, with or without furniture. 1 728-6706 Second Mortgages Tubes checked, glass and | L€N & Lou's T.V. | ceoiire an exeRiEncED [Shere for sath. Guner leaving em | Se KE ton room peed. dive, ond Poems 0 { | Attractively decorated, stove, |try. Apply 765 Rowena. drapes -- finished recreation room, paved drive and nicely Privine School Mortgages send Aarearranty tuner, cleaned, set up for 725-7844 or 728-5804 FLOOR frig, washer, dryer, porking. [i owls brick home in hospitai| hedged and landscoped lot. Asking only $12,750 -- good ng o! purchased. best picture New building, Lansdowne |area close to schools, low taxes, ga- LEARN M. F. SWARTZ A TOWER? [en Dyiing Digging COVERING Or. Adults Only. 725-4842. (Fie Hiodguom. Tosi. Soseph 'Bones T0 DRIVE Short terry and. Builder's TRY US! W. WARD | | 1'& 2 BEDROOM PRIVATE six on brick, two storey, Wi 1SO) N R It ote Mortgages of reasonable | moving antenna? Some dey! | WELL, DIGGING BY SALESMAN APARTMENTS EE AE Ave som eallor Osh Driving School ' 4 i Repairs? As good 1 E : Ovotessional instrustors 26 a St. Ean, apa > hil | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE All Employee Benefits LA SALLE COURT THREE bedroom bungalow, two years OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 Ontario. - . ~ v . arage Dus! Controlled Care 2 atari | TRIO TELEVISION WHITBY, ONTARIO" | . Sor Newsy TELEPHONE and oven." living "room biosdioomed: AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Davros, Sesning. Lowsons 1 M | mI BND EAT | MO 82563 CMO 83807 7 AGN COMPANY iro, 7 nae abseil ke 04g egistered udder Mortgage u 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. A Jagny; other extras. W su 810/ k Y 718 Li C . 926.00¢ 91 Brokers' Registration Act 278-6781 | P.O. BOX 329 or 728-6 85 al bl Payment, Wells 25x 10 Ren Ron 729.7963 Charis Revive Er EyH Oshawa Shopping Centre