¢ ¥ AR HOUSEBOATS INCREASING IN POPULA RITY AT PO RT PERRY YACHT CLUB THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 31, 1961 19 a. Old Ice Races Widely Cheered Port Perry, on the west shore many noted events. The first of Lake Scugog, began as a tiny | Canadian Speed Boat Trials village in 1833. It is centred in|were held on Lake Scugog in September 1954 and a world re- cord of 57.052 miles was estab- lished. But all the sports do not take place on the water. Basketball, baseball, and hockey are popu- lar games in Port Perry and records have been made in each of these. The High School Bas- ketball team always stands near the top and in 1958 the High an area of good farm land noted especially for its dairy and poultry products. Through the years many of Port Perry's sons have gone forth to great achievement in various fields -- education, en- gineering, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the armed forces, religion and politics. Several notable events have taken place in this town. In the early 1900's the Ice Races on Lake Scugog were events of nation-wide impor- tance. Many famous pacers raced on the kite-shaped track. In January of 1908 'Lady May" and "John McEwan' paced a dead heat, their time equalling the world record. Lake Scugog provides a play- ground area within easy driving distance of the busy industrial communities bordering on Lake Ontario. During the summer s season, boating, fishing and swimming are all enjoyed and many families have cottages here. The Yacht Club which em- braces both sail and motor boats, is located on the water PERRY ST. Port Perry WELCOMES YOU THE HOME OF PURE SPRING GINGER ALE * PORT PERRY BEVERAGES 985-2151 School boys won the COSSA Service (entre WELCOMES YOU TO PORT PERRY GAS o OIL LUBRICATION MINOR REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES & ACCESSORIES CUSTOM WEED & FERTILIZING SPRAYING COR. SCUGOG & UNION STS. PH. 985-2252 Senior "B" championship. (Welcome Jo. Port. Perry Coal, Fuel Oil and a full line of Lumber and Builder's Supplies Specializing in the Cottage Trade e FREE DELIVERY e Over 80% of our lumber and Build- ing Supplies are under cover. Just another step to serve you better. FUEL & LUMBER | SCUGOG & WATER STS. 985-7951 front, and has been hosts for 1 MILE NORTH OF WHITBY ON WEST SIDE OF NO. 12 HIGHWAY A complete line of farm fresh fruits & vegetables APPLES - PEACHES - PEARS - PLUMS - EGGS - CIDER - APPLEBUTTER : HONEY - BOX AND POTTED PLANTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TILL 10 P.M. BC ------------------ .. eee C .