The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1961, p. 8

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[4 8 4 45 6 Bab YWCE DAY CAMPERS ENTERTAIN PARENTS The YWCA has been holding 'a successful day camp which closed yesterday. ' The camp, held for three weeks on the YWCA grounds at 199 Centre street, had 142 campers aged 8:12. . The campers were di- vided into 11 Indian tribes and each tribe made its own totem pole, drum and cos- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's kditor 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 21, 1961 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Gle-|at the home of Mrs. Gordron coff and sons Terry and Kevan,| Holbrook, Pine avenue, for Mrs. formerly of Tennyson avenue,|Alex. Kidd who is to leave left yesterday to take up resi-| y | Belleville. Each of the neigh- dence in Whittier, California. : {bors brought snaps of their fam- On Thursday afternoon a fare-|jlies to be entered into a photo well tea was held in the garden| album during the afternoon and | pr ted it to the honored | guest with a suitable gift. Tea SOCIAL NOTICES was served by the hostess assist- ed by Mrs. Harry Bennett, Miss | Gail Anderson and Miss Deborah Holbrook. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Hubbell wish to announce the engage-| ment of their daughter, Dian: 'Mary Fernandez to Mr. Robert Jackson, son Feted Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson, | all of Oshawa. The wedding will take Place on Saturday: August Mary Alma Fernandez whose 19, a Sy in Bing. {marriage is to take place to- United arch. imorrow morning at Holy Cross J o : Roman Catholic Church to Mr. ENGAGEMENT Graham Robert Northam, has Mr. and Mrs. George H. Flim poop feted by many hostesses. lof Whitby wish to announce the Co-workers and friends held a | ir tor . p engagement of their daughter, surprise shower at the home of re Com of M7. and Mrs. George| Mrs. Oscar Black, Westmore- |S. Linnell of Woodstock. The land avenue, where the bride- § | marriage will take place in to-be was presented with a floor : [Hebron Christian R e f o r m e d polisher. Mrs. David Young and |Church of Oshawa on Saturday, Mrs. Sam Stark served refresh- {August 5, at 2.30 p.m ments. A surprise miscellaneous shower was held at the home of e, 0 | ENGAGEMENT { Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sa- Mrs. Carl Walker, {mells, Port Perry, announce|s {the engagement of their daugh- shortly to take up residence near Trousseau Tea, Showers Held For Donna Gertrude Samells Mrs. George Wesley Samells,|Mrs. Murray Wood, Miss Inge |Lilla street, Port Perry, enter- Voigt, Mrs. Earle Geer, Mrs. itained at her home recently in|Ellsworth Kennedy and Mrs. {honor of her daughter, Miss| Carman Bailey. {Donna Gertrude Samells, whose] The Missess Heather White, {marriage to Mr. Bruce Vipond| Karen Kennedy, Maureen Wood | ackey took place Saturday in and Brenda Geer were in charge {the Port Perry United Church.|of the guest book. Assisting in | Mrs, Samells received, wear-|the trousseau rooms were Mrs. [ine a sheath dress of turquoise|yijliam McCabe, the Misses and white printed silk and aMarilyn Reesor and Elizabeth |corsage of pink carnations. As-|St John, Mrs, Jack Dowson, |sisting, the bridegroom's moth-Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman, Mrs. |er, Mrs. Howard Mackey, wore Roger Hope and Mrs. John white and blue chiffon and a Beckett. Out-of-town guests were corsage of yellow carnations. present from Toronto, Oshawa, The guest of honor, chose a Bowmanville, Brooklin, Scugog two-tiered white afternoon dress Island, Manchester, Prince Al and her flowers were white and hert and Welland. red carnations. . Pouring tea were Mrs. Wright| Miss Samells has been enter- A "|tained at several pre-nuptial Crosier, Mancheste), grandmoth- joc 'A personal shower held Mrs. Stanley|: . 4 Ploughman, Port Perry; aii Margaret Addison, Hall, Vie- Mrs. E. H. Gimple, Toronto. ora Niverss vy. yd er college Assistants to the hostess were © 5 : pid h 2% 218 She {Miss Jean Samells, Mrs. Robert| | Chibi F aos ne Rowland, Miss Lorna Parley | Louise Pickard, held 3 'mis |cellaneous show bride-to-be was entertained by|of her oF ig og the home friends and relatives of the Ben Pickard, Caleb Street, Port prospective bridegroom at a/Perry. In Oshawa, Mrs. M. S. buffet luncheon. Soanes, assisted by her two | A miscellaneous neighbor- daughters, Mrs. Peter Gilbert hood shower was held at the and Mrs. Charles Smith, enter- {home of Mrs. Harold Calford tained at a miscellaneous show- {Emmerson avenue. Mrs. David er at the home of Mrs. Charles {Bathe and Mrs. Calford served Smith. Another miscellaneous |the refreshments prepared by Shower was given by Mrs. Stan- |Mrs. Stanley Smagal and Mrs. (ley Ploughman, Cochrane street, {Robert Mattis. Port Perry and Mrs. Robert | eh Rowland Mary street, Port Per- | Mrs. Joseph Larocque held a,c "ap ther" bridal attendant, Imi . ' . Imiscellanentis Shower & hat was hostess when former Scu- jJome s $ SOUth. lone Junior Homemakers sur- { Mrs. James Smart and Mrs.|prised Miss Samells with a Charles Donaldson served. kitchen shower. ; After the rehearsal this even-| Following the rehearsal, the |ing the bridal party will be en-bridal party was entertained at |tertained at the home of the the home of the bridegroom's ter, Jean Marie, to Mr. Earl | AN AUGUST BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Hubbell | and her fiance is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jack- | son, all of Oshawa. The wed- ding will take place on Sat- urday, August 19, at King Street United Church. --Aldsworth Photography The engagement is an- nounced today of Miss Diane Hubbell and Mr. Robert Jack- son. The bride-to-be who grad- uated from Teachers' Coliege, Toronto, and is a member of the teaching staff of Corona- tion school, is the daughter of HOUSHOLD HINT soap and water be used to.clean Experts in the leather-uphol-|the leather as there is definite Victoria] bridegroom's parents, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard stered furniture field urge that|danger of damaging it if any quare, Ontario, where the'Mrs. Robert Northam of Ajax.'Mackey, Caleb St., Port Perry. nothing but mild castile-typelother cleaner is used. tem pole are, left to right, Lynne Twentyman, Pamela Martin, Sandra Smith and Diane Storie. Mrs. Mary {wedding will take place on Sat- Johnson was the camp direc- |urday. August 19, 1961, at 2.30 tor, with Miss Ursula Streeter [0'clock in Port Perry United as assistant director and Miss |Church. Carolyn Storie as camp assist- | = --Oshawa Times Photo tumes. Yesterday there was a fashion show to judge the best costume and Parents' Night to close the camp. Singing and dancing demon- strations and a skit were put on by the campers. There was an exhibit of crafts in the craft shop. Seen putting the | finishing touches to their to- | ant. {Gordon Bailey, son of Mrs. {Carman Bailey, Welland, and {the late Carman Bailey. The Dorothy Barber =. PLANNING AUGUST NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs. George W. Samells of Port Perry have "announced the engagement 'of their daughter, Jean Marie, to Earl Gordon Bailey, son of Mrs. Carman Bailey of "Welland and the late Carman Bafley. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Au- | gust 19, in Port Perry United Shirley M. Wiles ' Becomes The Bride| '0f James Acker | At Northminster United Church recently, the Reverend H. A. Mellow heard the mar- riage vows of Shirley Melba Elwood Patterson Exchange Vows The marriage of Dorothy Jean Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber of Oshawa, and Ellwood Neil Patterson, son of the Reverend and Mrs. a i Joseph Patterson of Verona, On- Wiles and James Bobbie Ack-|iaui0 was solemnized recently er. 2 lat Courtice United Church with The bride is he Yaugnier of {the bridegroom's father officiat- Mrs. George Washington Wiles|ing. of Ajax and the late Mr. Wiles| The wedding music was play nd the bridegroom is the s50n|ed by Mr. Frank Walters and of nh and Mrs. C. P. Acker of Mrs. Eldon Essery sang. shawa. Given in Marri by Mr. | Mr. Douglas Murray Wiles William Welsh the bride wore ~ |gave his sister in marriage. She a floor-length gown of peau-de- % [wore a full-length gown of white soie satin. Appliques of re-em- |[peau-de-soie fashioned on slim|broidered alencon lace with| lines and falling into a chapel seed pearls trimmed the high train. A crown of material |sabrine neckline and the skirt matching the gown held her|which fell into a chapel train. shoulder-length veil and she car-|/A crown of pearls and rhine- ried a nosegay of stephanotis. stones held her fingertip veil Matron-of-honor for her sister and she carried a white Bible was Mrs. Cameron Butler, and covered with red roses and lilies Miss Barbara Fagg and Miss of the valley with satin stream- Beverley Ann Wiles were the ®'S: Church. Miss Samells is a graduate of the University of Toronto and has been teach- ing at Ridgeway High School. offers - (Yonsumers' (tas another new service!" *Subject to approval of rate by The Ontario Energy Board) Now ... a Natural Gas FLAT RATE WATER HEATER Mr. Bailey is a graduate of McMaster University, Hamil- ton, and has his Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto. --LeRoy Toll Photos bridesmaids all in sheath dress- es of azure blue taffeta and or- ganza with small circular head- {bands and matching veils. Miss {Diane Heron was the flower |girl dressed similarly to the oth- er attendants. All carried nose- Miss Janet Barber was the maid-of-honor in nile green silk organza, The bridesmaids were the Misses Patricia Burkitt and Donna Burkitt both in orchid silk organza. All wore matching headdresses and carried cres-| For the family whose hot water gays of white feathered carna-|cents of white and pink {tions. The ring bearer was Mas- | gladiolus petals. Miss Mary Ann |ter Stephen Yarmie. |{Bresik was flower girl dressed Mr. B. Wayne Brooks acted as|Similarly to the maid-of-honor. Many Hostesses Entertain For Mary Evelyn Terwillegar i nila ori atc td i Miss Mary Evelyn Terwille-jther, Mrs. William Anderson, Edward Vickery. |Essery and David Patterson. gar whose marriage to Mr. Mil-| William street west. A reception was held at the] A reception was held at the ton Oscar Arnold takes place| The East Group of the WA Flying Dutchman, Bowmanville, |home of the bride on Hillside tomorrow at Centre Street Unit-|of Centre Street United present-| where the bride's mother re-|a@venue. For the occasion the ed Church has been honored ated the bride-elect with a num-|ceived in a street-length dress|Pride's mother wore turquoise several pre-nuptial events. |ber of pieces of cornflower cry-|of beige organza over flowered Silk organza over taffeta with #.oThe: sister-in-law of the brides stal. silk, taffeta with, matching, acges, | White accessories. The bride- tobe, Mrs. Gordon Terwillegar| Relatives of the prospective sories and a corsage of yellow BrOOM'S "mother was in" bite assisted by her mother, MIS. pridegroom and a number of roses. Assisting was the bride. Pure silk with beige accessories. Ross Gillespie, were co-host-\triends from Calvary Baptist|groom's mother who chose a|Each wore a pink corsage. As the couple left for a wed- esses at amiscellaneous | be with a generous gift of|dress over taffeta with beige|ding trip to Northern Ontario, needs are moderate or who wants to enjoy the benefits of automatic water heating at lowest cost! Church ted the bride-to-| i i shower held at the home of MIS. [pe wi Presenied he e-to- pure silk toast chiffon sheath Terwillegar, Glendale avenue. d : ; Mrs. Walter Winter and WEL bg x - ea orias and a corsage Ofjthe bride was wearing a pure | 3, 3 l Ses. daughter, Irene, were co-host- uncle of the future bridegroom. |} The bridal pair left later for esses at a miscellaneous The gift was presented by al, woqdi i . {lace jacket and white accessor- shower held at their home on cousin, Miss Dorothy Pallant. |o wedding trip through the New| Aa Athol street east. The guests pithy VB y * |England States. For travelling ies. The newly wedded pair will ete close. frionds from Centre On Saturday Juv Is, 2 Hous (the bride wore a three-piece |live in Toronto. Street United Church. seau tea was held at the ome | silk suit in apple green with of the bride-elect on A gne s|black patent accessories and a Miss Marilyn Fletcher assist- : ed by her mother. Mrs. Percy Street. Receiving at the door Sorsage of white feathered car- + | nations. Fletcher held a kitchen shower were Mrs. Roy Bishop, aunt of| at their home on Adelaide|the bride-to-be, Mrs. Albert > NOTHING TO BUY P NO INSTALLATION CHARGES P NO SERVICE FEES silk shantung dress with a pink Street east. Those present were , with whom the bride-to-be d attended Sunday School, CGIT and Young People's. The choir of Centre Street United Church made a presen- tation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Britton, Burk street. The bride-elect was pre- sented with a number of pieces of cornflower crystal. Mrs. Ronald Kellington, West- dale street, was the hostess at a miscellaneous shower. The guests were members of the Evelyn Goodwin Group of Cen- tre. Street United Church and some friends from Calvary Bap- tist: Church. The nursing office and the members of the educational staff of the Oshawa General presented the bride-to-be with Joe pieces of her chosen cry- Members of the 1959 graduat- ing class of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital of which the fu- ture bride is a member gath- ered at the home of Miss Bev- erley Bear, Elgin street east, | for a miscellaneous shower. Miss Bear was assisted by her mother, Mrs. William Bear, and another classmate, Miss Dor- othy Anderson and her mo- Arnold, the prospective bride- groom's mother, and the bride- to-be. Tea was poured by the! bride-to-be's grandmother, Mrs. Albert Terwillegar, a great aunt, Miss Mabel Oldfield, a icousin, Mrs. David Morris and | a friend, Mrs. Walter Winter. Those Betty Arnold, Miss Betty Pal- lant, Miss Lois Terwillegar and Mrs. Robert Colby. The wed- {ding gifts were attended by |Miss Jean Terwillegar. The shower gifts by Miss Beverley Bear and Mrs. Gordon Terwil- legar, and the bride-elect's per- sonal things by Miss Gisela Mayr. Mr. Herbert H. Terwillegar entertained the bridal party at his home following the wedding rehearsal. serving were Miss| | MAKE YOUR HOME ® More Beautiful ® More Valuable with UNIT STEPS A SMART MODERN ENTRANCE You Can Be Proud Of! ® LAST A LIFETIME ® Built-in Safety Tread Closing for STAFF HOLIDAYS From July 31st to Aug. 7th EASTWAY CLEANERS LTD. Kingston Rd. E, 725-6498 HAMBLY Concrete Products Hwy. No. 2 between Oshowe end Whitby DIAL MO 8-4159 * Terms Available * FREE ESTIMATE UNIT SIEP "GARDENIA ~ CUIR DE RUSSIE NO. 22 = BOIS OES ISLES 28 KING STE. 28 King St. E. 723.4621 OPEN EVENINGS J $ = 00 Only 3 a month supplies the Automatic Water Heater (equivalent to a 1000 watt electric element) and pays for the gas used! onsumers'(t\as TELEPHONE 723-3468 re mt cm ee ey | The Consumers' Gas Company 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. | am interested in more information on the GAS FLAT RATE WATER HEATER: NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO

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