------------, f6--Rooms for Rent /GHT housekeeping room. | [shed room, I #5 Mary rR 5 Mary Stree! room, also facilities. 28-0764, wi | r-|T! Apply lences, N COLUMBUS --. three unfurnished 35058 after 5. Tooms, private entrance, bath, heated, heavy wiring, cupboards, sink, hot and 30 SCENIC ia water. Immediate occupancy i ---------------------- ' CLEAN furnished room with kitchen, in quiet home, central, Telephone 723-9225 LARGE unfurnished room for rent ADP Prince Street or telephone suit gentleman. HOUSE for sale -- FURNISHED room, $5 weekly, gente. man only. Telephone 723-2853 CLEAN, large, fully equipped house- <i garden, near public and separate full basement. Shade and fruit trees.|Buckhorn Lake. 27 --Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale house, all 15 mile north Maple Grove sites available, ready west of Bowmanville, pa v ed ices. Call Mr. Siblock at 725-6544 or 725- best condition, South, to go. Paid serv-| | garage, School, oad ------ - ~--!53,900 BUYS unfinished five-room Lun- acres with stream near|galow, iarge lot, basement in, roof on, FOR SALE -- in-|drained clay loam, 100-acre Burketon, $6500 terms. Call W. Frank |stud partition and cieling joists McQuay and Kidd Realtors. MA 3-3393| stalled. North section. Good chance for| house, Bowmanville. | handyman, Hurry and call W. McAuley water, ~ - ~-- | Realto! Private, Whitby. MO 8-5765. Four-year-old, three-bedroom bungalow, | - fireplace, aluminum windows, fenced $6.900 Telephone 728-3713. Large lot. Off No. 2 highway, close to n = mn pew | Dus and school. Low down payment, | LOT 49 x 130 Jers, for, into and | Call Vié Hulatt, Douglas L. Gower Real- [telephone 725-1953 or - lovely | tor, 728-465 MO 8.4928. a Three-bedroom, schools PORT FERRY frame bungalow, large Kitchen {dining area, 24.ft. living room, lov {en view from 12-ft picture window, 8 piece (313 SCENIC acres, "with trout pond and| |27--Real Estate for Sale i- | APARTMENT sites, 6, 8 or 10 suite| OPEN for inspection Saturday after-| noon, brick bungalow, 94 Wilson Road priced , $9,000. Low down payment. MA |4362. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd.. Realtor./to sell, low down payment with easy ~y >. hea torr {terms. Jones Realtor. 6% Prince Street. rolling well large insul brick] barn, imp shed, hydro, lots of | immediate possession. Full price | r, 28 Prince Street 723.2512 or $8900 half down. Apply Margaret Bal- {lard, Broker, Sunderland. Phone 124R2 FULL price. 4-room bungalow, BACK lot 100 by 200, level entrance on i ormation 3-ROOM storey and half, brick home, fenced lot with paved drive and gar keeping room, suit one gentleman. bathroom. including large vanity withitwo streams, new three-bedroom cot-|ace close to bus and shopping. Income Phone 725.7922 or apply 58 Nassau twin sinks. Ful] dry basement withitage, located near Kendall, $9500 with possibilities. Taxes $250. Asking $13.50 Street. finished den. $4000 down. One NHA $3000 down. Call W. Frank MA 3-3393| ith $2000 down. Richmond Street East ONE large furnishea room with large mortgage, Must sell. Telephone Port Bowmanville, McQuay and Kidd, Real near Oshawa Boulevard. 725-6915, furmshed kitchen, adults only 620 Simcoe Street North : Apply THREE unfurnished rooms on bath. room floor, heat, light and water sup- lied, close to bus line. $60. 728-1732. fits, use of refrigerator. /LARGE front furnished bedroom an! kitchen, refrigerator, stove, sink. Apply 51 Colborne East. } "LARGE room for rent for one or lwo Telephone FURNISHED apartment and single housekeeping rooms, private entrance central, parking, reasonable. 96 Centre Street. SINGLE room, also double room with single beds, cooking privileges, central, reasonable rates. Call 728-8402. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available 82 PARK ROAD N. Coll in private home, between 5S and 7 728-8671 p.m. 27 --Real Estate for Sale $100 DOWN, three-bedroom ranch style bungalow, selling for low price of only $11,500 this homie call Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5123. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Realtor. BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Realtor Simcoe St. N 728-5123 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 4] GLADSTONE AVE 101 728-4651 We invite you to inspect model homes in the Taylor, Poplar anod Farewell Avenue area. Open 2-7 P.M an unbelievably To inspect at Lid. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR 725-4330 728-5109 PRICE REDUCED OWNER TRANSFERRED Eight room, two storey brick, with double garage, paved drive. Natural fireplace in living room, family dining room, one four piece bath- room, and one two piece, five bedrooms, with walk in closets. Storms end screens, and on early possession, Now priced at $12,900, EMERSON AVE N.H.A, RESALE 5%: % Ranch bungalow. Living room hos stone fireplace, dining area. Four piece tiled ond colored bathroom, com- . pletely finished recreation room, paved drive, and nicely landscaped and fenced yord Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Jan Miller 725-2993 Irene Brown 725-3867 Lucas Peacock 725-3454 Members Oshawa & District Real Estote Board We List Photo Co-Op | | Perry 985-2522. tors. JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE NEWCASTLE, PHONE 3341 100 Acre Farm, located 2% miles from Oshawa, partio zoned residential with stream, WENT From Ona, 5 wes Pak nd mis cottage] down payment, $65 monthly, for building |OPe 3 SE (728.5123 or * 728-2236 anytime, ain for quick Realty Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. location home B: road. Beautiful large or small camping centre. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate try. Apply 765 Rowena. PRIVATE SALE ~~ BROOKLIN lorge barn, etc; 8-roomed 728.655 home with all modern Son Business ...... -6228 Tires bidoom: conch style veniences. Poved roads. Price Res. luviiiNees 728-4879 bungalow, close to schools, ond terms ringed, SER dt _-- stores, fenced yard, shrubs, located 9 100 Acre Farm, i veighbourhood. Full r ace | BUYING OR SELLING Shiet neighbourhood u Hea, go LLOYD CORSON m, good L-shaped bonk- drive shed, etc; 8- $1 3,200 house, running hot : old water. Price $22,- D. W. WILSON, REALTOR ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE 000. Terms OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone Evenings 92 Acre Farm, 87 acres work- the best of land, large 725-6588 723-2537 We list photo Co-Op 655-4895 shaped bankbarn, silo, gor- age, etc 8-roomed home, heavy wired. Running water in all buildings. Asking $16,- METC ALF 000. Terms arronged l] JB Ace fom 8 ww REAL ESTATE LIMITED wood, remainder mostly work- able 2 barns: goed 9-roomed 4 i AST DIAL 728-4678 home. Price $10,000. Terms. 40 KING ST. EAS : DAIRYFARM, 200 acres, paved road, good bankbarn, water bowls, drive shed, silo, WILSON ROAD SOUTH A cozy 1% storey 3 bedroom brick home, large with dining area (electric stove included in sale), also a playroom modern kitchen etc, 8x med rick Tove in the basement for the children. The grounds are well cared bhi Se hintry, wii for with large very private rear garden. $2500.00 down - total $30,000. Terms price $12,500.00 2 Acie Farm, all we {cable RESTAURANT BUSINES creek, prox ed fil $18. A . thriving restaurant business in downtown area near four 3.10omed hams, Asking 212 corners. Will sell or trade for home, $11,000.00 for business Acre DAIRYFARM with ond equipment -- good lease all pure bred cattle and ma- MAPLE GROVE cr nery. Milking parlor, large On highway No. 2 approximately 7 acres good nursery or garden bulkcooler, 80° x 80" loafing land with small orchard. Total price $5,000.00 with approx. bam 7 roomed home with $2500.00 down convenience rice and terms arranged MASSON STREET 75 Acre Farm with' some ma- Attractive 212 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, r kitchen, chinery and 2 cows. 6-roomed natural fireplace with mirror, vanity in bathr /. aerial, I) barn. Price venetian blinds. Priced at $17,250.00 . erms Almost new, large size, brick AFTER 5:30 CALL bungalow with garage attach- | John Kemp .... 728-2392 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Bl Joe Maga 725-9191 Everett Elliott 723.9290 Many extras. Price $16,900. Terms GARAGE, GROCERY STORE, NEW HOMES -- MARY SI SNACK BAR, SERVICE STA: | . TION with modern 5-roomed bungalow, Excellent buildings. New N.H.A. financed homes on Mary St. This top residential Over $100,000 turnover | location offers convenience and grac close to shop- yearly. In tourist centre on | ping, bus service, public, separate and high schools, busy highway. Price and | terms arranged. All serviced with sewer, water, curb, ond qutters. Modern RESTAURANT, : sta- bungalows built by R, Jeffrey Construction comes complete with tion with modern | quar mahogany trim, storms, screens, ceramic tiled bathrooms with vanity, divided basement 3,995.00 w 1795.00 down, ters as a going concern, on No. 12 Highway. Price and terms arranged Contact exclusive agent, to see model of ese fine homes, acai. A win modem | | loyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited $2,760.00. Asking $15,000. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728.4678 E erm 5-roomed brick bungalow, AFTER 0 CAL oll modern conveniences, on Joe Maga, 725-9191 Dic 725-6243 10 acres. North Bowman- Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 ville, with small bam, gor- A | oge. Asking $14,000 with $3,000 down U COME C 7-roomed home in Newcastle BEAT THE SALES TAX | with extra lot, 3-piece bath, IR NE be + | t t electric water heater. Asking | YOUR PLANS our prepaid serviced lots, extras, location, crafts- $7,000 with $1,000 down { manship' and low, low prices, giving you schools, shopping, Acreages with streams, lots, | transportation and pleasant surroundings. Check our models etc. Prices from $750 and up Frank Hunter Open for inspection all week from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. FAREWELL AND TAYLOR AVE DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR and see. 725-2974 or OL 5-4636 | Donald Mountjoy MA 3-3950 | Lorne Perrault, Clarke 2231 WHITBY CLASSIFIED PHONE 728-4651 FOR RENT: Three-roomed apartment heated, Avail. Self contained. Ground floor, hot and cold water. Large lawn ahle August 7. MO 8.4426. FOR RENT -- Small furnished apart and stove, private bathroom, for August 1 0 Trent Street aa Telephone MO ment, main floor, refrigerator 21 B-3160. FOR RENT sd] © kltchenoite, stove san ator, suitable for couple. Perry Street Telephone MO _ Two furnished rooms, Apply 405 8-470 FOR SALE immaculate condition, '60 Fiberglass boat, upholstered seat lights, windshield, 35 hp Evinrude, key starting; OU-50 trailer, paddles, jackets, skiis, many extras or 508 Byron Street North ROOMS FOR RENT: Large, clean un life MO 8-4014 furnished rooms, central, close to bus, reasonable rent, available ly. Telephone MO 8-8315. "SALE: Nicely decorated nardwood and tile floors also carport with asphalt drive expenses and taxes low immediate. two- ven roomed house, Oil heated, throughout, Fuel For appoint ment call MO 8.3984 or apply 339 Perry Street after 5 p.m 1956 CUSTOM Royal Dodge VR, perfect condition. Would trade hargain. Phone MO 8.3167 BC SERICES. service for small Complete businesses, pared, income tax returns automatic A hookiieeping weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre MO 3.8252 OFFICE space for rent, three offices. approximately 600 square feet central location, Whitby, $75 monthly. MO 8.5841 FOR RENT -- Three-roomed unfur nished apartment, ground floor. pri. vate bath and entrance. MO 8-2776. NEW house for rent, Kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, couple, one child welcome, Telephone MO 8-5167 after 4 FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, two bedrooms, $65 monthly, and hydro, Telephone MO 8-4494 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 No Down Payment. No obli- gation, The BEST for less 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, opproximately $16.95 per week assures family of 4 GOOD LIVING, and is your total cost for food and freezer. ECONOM- 1ZE with ECONOMART, MO 8-5381 Qur food plon available oil qualified freezer ewners, to including heat TO BUY or sell real estate call Helen | Allan, MO 8.4065 or MO 8.5765. W. Mc- Auley Realtor FOR SALE -- Modern six-room brick bungalow, oil heated, landscaped, hard- wood floors and tiles. Centre Street stow & Olsen REALTORS South, Whitby. Immediate possession Phone MO 83186 FOR RENT Three-bedroom, two. | 4 storey house downstairs washroom, oil { sores howe downey wireim. CONTENTMENT IS YQURS den, "$100 tently avaiable «Seph.. 1 } Phone MO 8.2180, ' Buntwith cate 0, few, ¥40 his red brick bungalow enjoys a central location where you can sit on your verandah' evenings STUDENTS! A super value, approxi 30 sheets of letter size typing er (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- Oshawa ond watch the ball games in the park across the street. Hot water oil heating with modern kitchen and bath, two bedrooms, Hf Dundas Ses Oifice. Whitby dining room and wide, paved drive. Sound inviting? It is, and 5 i only $11,900 with terms. Call Paul Ristow at 728-5107 or ALES lady wanted, full time. Apply 25.8152 Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza 725-8152 evenings ROOM and board for gentlemen, Apply 901 Walnut Street MECHANIC WANTED ! FOR RENY I'hree-bedroom split Not just a gas station but a full time business specializing in level house, near high school. Avail 5 | Pres f able August 15th, Call MO 8.2430. towing service and general repairs resent owner paid for EPIC tanks: seated tn saniiars property and stock in five years Price includes equipment, way. new tanks Installed. Walter Ward, residence and refreshment business. Substantial cash or pro- 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563 perty required as down pay Call Howard Forder at 728 FOR RENT Two. bedroom apart 5107 or 728-2155 evenings ment. in apartment building, close to chools and shopping. Parking, I 1¢ . Brooklin or. 5 WIT after 5 rn, > SCHOOL SC HOOL SCHOOL | A | Yes, three of them within a few blocks, public, separate and CUSTOM -BUHLDING- | high-school._Madern brick bungalow with three large bedrooms, Renovations, odditions, rec- | colored bath and roomy lot. Owner has purchased--ether--pro- reation rooms, structural perty. Compare this at $12,500, Call Paul Ristow aot 728-5107 landscope features. Designs or 725-8152 ond estimates free. CHAS. DAWSON CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. MO 8-2104 JUST OUTSIDE CITY New home and 5 acres of land close to city with all conveniences and oil heated. Property is suitable for market gardening or small animal ranch. Woods on corner of 3 bedroom bungalow -------------------- lot. Listed at $11,250 with $2,000 down. To .see this pro- BOATING AND perty phone 728-5107 or evenings 728-2155, CAMPING EQUIPMENT COOL SERENITY FOR RENT Serenely situated near a cool, green valley, this charming 3 Tani [ sizes. $7 5 ne bedroom home waits in beauty for appreciative Its lovely, i en +» Ql sizes 1» per long lines include attached garage, recessed entrance and out- week side planter. An inviting dining area opens out onto shaded Sleeping Bags ers, lan- ! raised patio, where a cool supper could be conveniently served. Requiring approximately $3,000 down, this attractive bungalow could be the one you've been looking for., More information is available by calling Joy Dell at 725-3283 or 725-5107. terns, stoves, $2 weekly, Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $340 ond $45 per week, Outboard Motors, ofl sizes, $15 ond ur JONES AVENUE Boat, > h.p motor and trailer, $35 per week Nine yeor old br duplex with double garage, separate en- 14° Runabout. 25 electric trances ond entirely self-contained. $3,000 down. and the ond trailer, $85 weekly balance on one mortgage To inspect call Hilda Ristow at Canoes ond Cartop Boats 728-5107 or 725-3605 evenings. $15 per week | We also rent, repair and sell BROOKLIN VILLAGE lawnmowers, garden tillers, 2 bedroom bungolow with all conveniences and garage. Land- power tools, scoped lot 60 x 140. Listed ot $8,000 with convenient terms . rt For inf tion: coll 'Howard Forder or 778.5 eninas WILDE RENTAL |. 55; iomenon soli (howard Force on 728 5107 or svningy Service ond Sales ne oR p P « >t : TS a i, | 788107 19 ATHOL ST. W. , 725-6165 MO 8-3226 I OSHAWA ($8,900. EIGHT year old frame bunga- low, two bedrooms, excellent condition, 4 aved |! on EE Louk Stream. 1 paved open first mortgage. Ask for Bill Horner 0 ne __| COZY, COMFORTABLE sale, Schofield Associates, Cail Henry |g, oo) poWN -- mural stone bungalow, ) 215 bedrooms, with or without furniture. Sacrifice for cash. Owner leaving coun- | | SUBURBAN LOTS ;29--Automobiles for Sale |'53 FORD convertible, best offer around !$150. Wayne Watson, 278 Jarvis Street. 32--Articles for Sale 100 FT. x 200 FT. $120C Telephone 725-5679. HANDYMAN'S OPPORTUNITY 6 room Insul Stone home with partly completed gar age on 107 foot by 300 foot lot -- asking price $5,500. TERMS $1100 DOWN KAWARTHA ST. 3 bedroom brick, modern kitchen and tiled bathroom, oil heating fully landscaped, convenient to 'School, Bus and Park. TV aerial storms and screens -- $95 Monthly Principal, Interest and Taxes Asking price $11,700 2 BEDROOM insul brick - ADELAIDE WEST. Ideal for retired couple, hot water oil heating, landscaped TV aerial, fire- ploce, garage convenient to Bus, walking distance to Downtown -- asking $8,800 TERMS. R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-6228 46 KING W. After 6 P.M. Contact Pat Donevan 723-7313 Bert. Peyton 728-6228 Bill Irvine 728-2868 Don Smith 728-4879 28--Real Estate Wanted THREE - ea area, po Ti bedroom by st or south, in north or north- substantial down payment Write Box 216 ssession. Osha mes. t first house rly land G he 7 29--Automo es for Sale CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear radios, from $39.95. Store, 48 Bond '38 FORD convertible in beautiful con- '34 Chevrolet pick-up '36 Chev, $100. dition, good Try I | 21" COLOR ADMIRAL television, 1960 deluxe console, cost $1,195. Will sell af) half price. 725. AWNINGS, can Tire |fr imats Chair, treet West. Sacrifice. n good running condition. transportation. No rust, Trade accepted. 728-3346. Ame PONTIAC convertibl VA parts, teed rebuilt machines. ee Cleve Fox, 412 Si imecoe North. CUUM cleaner repair: attachments, brushes, Prompt service, | table rentals. | all makes, { guaran- | Estimates free. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-| ice. 728-0591 anytime. THREE piece chesterfield suite, very »* n aight 8, in good ¢ able. Apply 248 Greenwood Avenue. [FOR sale! 1949 MG, four passenger, |convertible. Rebuilt motor, Cash $350 IMGA COUPE, 1958, 20,000 miles, radio, {white wall tires, wire wheels, continen- tal kit, safety belts, $1,350, RA 5-0585. 221 College Avenue. '3% MILLMAN deluxe, grey and white, whitewalls, vinyl upholstery, good heat. Call 728-4235 er, fi 1958 CHEVROLET 7% ton pick up, $375. C I phone Road South. 33 wo tone, four-door hardtop, V-8 moto whitewalls and snow tires, good condi-| INGLIS t "61 GMC Y4-ton truck, only 200 miles s $. Whithy age, 226,Celina Street 5 OLDSMOBILE, two-tone, Telephone 728-3132; reason radio, | , in g part |ment 8, 304 Simcoe Street South after 6 p.m. [WHOLESALE prices on RCA Vielor car| radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie- tor "30 JOHNSON motor, bo: service depot for Oshawa. clean and well kept. or appointment. 300d condition. Telephone MO 8-51 #30 PONTIAC, take it away $65. 725-8556 or BUICK, automatic ion, $650. 728-4260. on Road South. 975 275. Evenings 7-9 or Saturday all da; MO 8-2848. 3 FORD fordor, clean, good conditio for quick sale. easonable 23-9408. 53 PONTIAC, $150. Apply John's G 38 SUPER deluxe Vaux A-1 condition, Telephone 725-8427. fully $130, 4173. FORD, overdrive, good nota an inside. body needs a little wor lephone 723-3291 equipped, s. $250 or 28-6656, best offer. t '38 PLYMOUTH Fury, four-door hard- "36 MGA. convertible sports car, cus- om io, red interior, rrard, Oshawa, after five. 1, two door, V8, in ve One owner ele- apply 595 Harmony transmission, price 6 p.m. TV antenna, good condition, very rea- sonable for quick sale. Telephone r, 728-4192. automatic dryer, "Citation" | model, $125, Owner moving. Phone 1725-3894. priced right. Robinson Motors, 574 Rit- ONE 7.9 Westinghouse upright freezer, in perfect condition. Telephone 655-3546. various sizes. Apply > 2 n, Telephone all, $800, in DEBAKER, good body and mo Telephone or k ry all 725. ready to -1716. nd trailer, | Telephone BABY carriage, pink and white, chrome | trim, convertible. Best offer. Telephone 725-6126. 21" GENERAL Electric TV, very good condition, $65. Telephone 725-7488 after GLASS windows, |72 Church Street 10 CU. ft. Frigi Moffat electric range; Coffield w: machine. All new condition. Reason-} able. 725-9801. |ONE heavy duly range, and one re. frigerator. Highest cash offer. Monty's|tar Pradesh states. Simcoe Street BA South at USED tires, u B. PF. in 2 -- and pi NASH Rambler, radio, reclining HARLE Telephone | ition ton. WE pay highest prices in the city fOF | mre Service ibb. Station, _ most_all sizes Goodrich Stores, ART shoppers find exceptional # Classified. See it now. §: 725-4543. on I | or a good mooring boat, , $30. Telephone 725-7581. Davidson motorcy Cash deal. Telephone 72: ,» CO 3-2241. iit. 9° PRAM boat, for fishing, hunt oars -1 con- A 7431. | time-honored homely remedies| --|USED parts and repairs for a'l makes| that spell relief from the burn- reasonable of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors/| easy "185 to $8 guaranteed recondition=d wash. facing price, good condition, Apply S. Greene, | 0 14 SoC Lh v's Market, Hamp. |as effectiv northeast corner Rossland , i used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Car. Store, ' 723- NEW and 1, 444 Simcoe South. | 32--Articles for Sale lawn mowers, tillers |-- reget ---------- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 21, 1961 15 Indian Recipes Against Heat MELONS ARE POPULAR By RUKMINI DEVI 4d { di Press Corresp BOMBAY (CP)--Beating the heat is the biggest problem for; the vast majority of India these days. ns With day temperatures spiral. ling all over the country--in| some places in north and cen-| : A tral India the thermometer has|ture starts shooting up, one is registered 115 degrees--a be- advised to be in one's seat at wildering variety of recipes and|the sprawling government sec-_ remedies 'are adopted by the retariat. Then on, until one re- tires for the night, it is just a These range from modern air- question of ensuring bodily air conditioning to ancient '"mud-|conditioning as per grandma's packs" which the late Mahatma advice. There are mountains of green Lord Mountbatten, India's last and yellow melons hawked by British viceroy and governor-'sireet vendors outside govern- population to beat the heat. Gandhi once recommended general. Heat waves to] iment and business offices already have New Delhi, Bombay and Cal- Beating the New Delhi heat is a ritual by itself. The day be- gins with a long brass jug of sweetened buttermilk, said to be the foundation to keep the sys- tem cool. A light meal is taken at 9 am. and before the tempera-- in' claimed many lives in northicutta. For an extra cent, iced capital, the most popular way, lof dealing with the situation is ur. [to apply for "casual leave" an niture buys under "Home Furnishings" flee to the Himalayan valleys. But this escape route is op only to the well-to-do few. For the majority of the capi- tal's harassed citizens, it is t ing sun. Some of them can ditioning. a will b en | he be {India, mostly in Bihar and Ut- melon juice can be had. . i | Split cucumbers stuffed with In New Delhi, the national pepper and salt are a favorite with most New Delhi govern- ment workers. It is said that a d/ slice of green melon and a piece of cucumber washed down by a glass of buttermilk is such a |sure weapon against heat that jone can move about even in a temperature of 120 degrees. On his way home at 5 p.m. | the sufferer is advised to stop at ; ; call Clone of the wayside kiosks and e as costly air con-\pave a glass of sour lime juice. __ This is a must for cyclists who have to pedal for miles--and every third man in New Delhi - depends on his cycle for trans- i i | THE kind of a renter you want e | 55 MORRIS, no rust, paint Tike, new, top, lots of equipment, very cleanin engines, 74 Barrie avenue. | reaming Oshawa Times Classified Ad|POIt. good condition, $495 or best offer. Tele- Robinson Motors, 574 Ritson Road PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. yo .orrow, Dial 723-3492 to get it started. | phone 725-8905 5 South. All Solprs, Guaranteed, flat, gloss. muTToy Br LBEER A PROBLEM Oshaw Hardware an A rie, 1 90. 3 xs eend : . CHEVROLET Belair coach, custom 30.-A bil Ww d Church Street, 723.7624. ore, 8 ra Toad De oo 09. The discriminating have a pa- radio, two-tone, discs, signals, outstand --Automobiles Wante - FEAT ar eee | thetic faith in the cooli ual- 7 2 Auto SELLING furniture? Well buy it. Re-\ (5 pyNngyupE, take trade or sell.) ng qa 7 Auto 3 7 condition. Only $345. Easy iz LAKESHORE Wreckers want |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact board motor with tank and battle! Telephone 725-3774. ry. |ities of beer but a bottle of good {Indian beer costs not less than 350 or best|60 cents. German or English beer can be had only in the d. '57 electric (black market. condition.| Another difficulty is that the prohibition - conscious govern- 4 _|ment has closed all public bars STOVE, refrigerator and dinette suite,(in New Delhi and beer can be {consumed only in the privacy of One does not fight the Indian |The brain, too, has a part to {play in the struggle. 3 JLEMOUTH Savoy: (Sylmar 725118] 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. power flight, motor, br s end |, 3 i = 00D used coal furnace 0 | i" 3 55 BUICK special, excellent condition, | TAKE over payment on Si table | © Fi transmis , body e Phon ell condi £ over payment on Singer portable| . Py 250274 after 6. x One Would like to trade for '39 to "60 Chev. sewing machine, four payments of slo, |oter. Telephone 725-720. = = ; rolet or Pontiac and cash. 15 Mill|Ajax Sewing Centre, WH 2.6561 or MO 35 HP JOHNSON. outboard & PONTIAC : Layrentian, four-door | Street 8-5467. starting model, excellent sedan, automatic transmission. power - BE EE : : REISER Ce De steering, radio, low mileage, Call DAVENPORT, easy chair, china cabin. | hone 725-3733 before 6 p.m -- 728-5205. et, sideboard, extension table and YOUTH bed. Excellent condition. For = i : N chairs, floor polisher, double bed. Ap-|information phone MO 8-4323. 38 BUICK Century, convertible, fully ply 198 King Street East. power equipped, including six-w : "i i and windows, li new, low or clean cors we deal up or T. Mahogany, plywood boat, teenee 'all in good condition. very TSRSONIOLY Can finance. 723-7970 day or n wr ier i of railer, tarpaulin, 40 hp electric Royal priced. Telephone 728-1966 5 to 7 p.m. : wo down. Liens paid off Scott. 304 William East. SOP Sr Te Si dav Tor SLOWS wi | he home. '39 AUSTIN Sprite. Telephone 3 - RITORES i NY Se GOLY and, ples 21 day fo } o a between 5 and 6 p.m. for more infor HEN set wi our chairs, tur-|dren no charge). Long, 9-hole th, 4 b eid NICOLS MOTOR SALES |i ClEN 6 arconl, chrome and cop.|but exciting course). Bring the family summer with his stomach alone. FOR SALE "15 Chevrolet, v Zoot 512 BROCK ST. N WHITBY per, coffee table, telephone table and to enjoy a picnic in the park at Bow : as YR : t. Apply 63 West, up-|V n any. running condition. Apply T. Lawrence MO 8-8001 seat. roy 0 King Street West, up-|Valley near Beth et] 58 '56 OLDSMOBILE, standard transmission, Subway Trailer Park, Whitby perfect radio 5. RR 3, Thornton's Road South 728-3030 '533 CHRYSLER hardtop V8 futhy equipped. Best offer. Apply 327 Lake shore Road '54 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, $295 A-1 condition. Telephone 728.3290 after 5 '56 MONARCH. two door hardtop, A-l condition. Apply 20 Toronto Street South, Uxbridge, Ontario "56 AUSTIN A55, small mileage, a very clean, economical car. in extra good mechanical condition, best offer, easy 725-1667 or 728- terms. transmission, /ROLET four-door, in good condition. be sold on the weekend, cheap. 728-2805 MERCURY sedan, custom tone, in good condition 5747. FORD good sha sedan, rad radio Telephone offer. block heat $225 or best Telephone 65. "60 VOLKSWAC deluxe, 14,400 miles Pr 1958 DOD MA J ivate 5668. 6 cylinder, aut Regent, 0 condition, good tires matie, radio, windshield washers, in A-1} co ndition. Telephone 728-0860 '57 CHEV, two door hardtop, sapphire blu walls, tion. Best offer "35 CHEV. owner car, Max motorcycle, almost new. Telephone . 725.8323. 32--Articles for Sale 1e metallic, white top, radio, windshield washers, A-l MO 8-8493 Belair, low top condition; mileage also white condi one Super Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 Opeh evenings or weekend VOLVO Most dependable the road and The leader on track JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ D.K.W N.S.U Sales and Service 488 KING STREET WEST 728-5175 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sett. Easy"terms--Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m of A few reserved bids, will be sold highest bid ders. Good selection of late mode! cars. Trades accepted sale. others day to 0 25 Grenfell St, RA 8-5179. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have o tment a Used Cars CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or better than 209% on their cor surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare ample free parking SCHOFIE| | ince A ia 360 KING ST. Wt 723-2265 [ of $25 or in=- LC oT standard | Must CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 4494, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR clean cars. Trade Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-942) 723 Res Good or down, up 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Broke 'Specialists, complete brake service. Motor tune- up and general repairs. KING ST. W, 723-7822 67 REFRIGERATOR, stove, washing ma- beige br chine, beige davenport suite, gym set, record player. SCANDINAVIAN living room loom rug, suite, | hi fi radio and German make, three. complete with swings, slide, teeter tot- peice bedroom suite, box springs and | mattress, only one year old, perfect ter us of ers and stoves ton, CO 3-2241 THREE abl phone 725-0672, trailer, tourist t c. Apply ter crinoline. Like new. Telephone 3954. ete. Phone ED parts and wringer type w 728-0754 after 5. piece e for rec Colborne Street A lengih wedding dr 12 with crown and vei shers, 1 hp motors | RECONDITIONED tele $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash-|Get one for the cottage. Parkway Tele-| . Paddy's Market, Hamp- | vision, 918 Simcoe North. » -- --___ |BED, double, continental, reasonable. sliced cucumber, chesterfield suite, suit. | 0552. CL id room or cottage. Tele-|MGyIE projector, Kodak showtime,| - ----______|8-width automatic threading and 12' PLYWOOD boat, 5 HP motor and control, Also good quality screen ent, cooler, stove, lamp, |70 inches. Both slightly used. Reason- West, able. Call 725-2228. wae |HOT AIR furnace with stoker, $50 or| ze | best offer, Telephone 725-5132 for in- hoop | formation. RA | FOR THE relief of ove 'ns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. TS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store, 48 home rental. Slim! condition, 728-4260, Telephone 728-0552. flashes or high blood pressure the sults are amazing with a 60-day cou | Also re hi Bond Street West. 725-6511. "Terms to|Street st. 728-4501 sui OFFICE, equipment. lin appliances, etc. experience. COlfax 3-2294. t you store, butcher, resta New, used, buy, sell, BUYING or disposing of used furniture, Call Elmer, 30 years' Playpens, | TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, groun WOULD you like to own a sheets, rentals, Church Street. 723-7624. TY, PING paper on sale, letter Oshawa Hardware, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots | $20; ; trade [240 R ) P service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook-| n1SCOUNT prices on baby furniture, 4 | tresses, $6.88; save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. | BICYCLES, $39.95. Tents, boats, em |tors and trailers, new and used. | 7 ano in |minion Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West, | 723-4724. excellent condition. Owner moving. Sell. | 725.6511. i SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. frigerators, TV' stoves, tact 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131. ng at $200. 728-5240 after 6 p.m. _|3™p-GOODKICH Stores -- Tires, bai- ING room furniture, chesterfield teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, = tele. 5, end tables, drapes. Call 725-5703 | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. af r 6 p.m. washers, ete. For top, cash offer S$ your cash register equipped with a ales tax button? If not call Bill Ham on, Ashburn Re pianos con- il- (LARGE baby crib, baby stroller, ran. gette, steel cupboards, desk, table, all | LARSO ! n very good condition. 19 Elgin Street East COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price. We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, camp cots, air mat- tres coolers, lanterns and outboard motors Reason- rates Reserve now. 128-0891 VOLVO PENTA ENGINES BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont 655-3641 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with alls channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 | 0- | SW mo Ros sof $16! dis: 2s 25 Fiv tre forced air, ten $2.25 per week, a-bed suites, newest 9, stylings, count price $84; cents per ft. ve piece chrome suites, {20 Chureh Street. FREE TUMBLER | WITH $3.00 GASOLINE | | | | | | | | | | N COMBOARD | FOOD & FREEZER | PLAN tried the rest ve A Now try the best. Eat better for | 80% groceries sup- well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats, Life-time "warranty freezer, t | anteed by Sy ping No jown payment. Call now f demonstration no obliga- tion, Zenith 9-6100, AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 vyeor. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 pss |RUG, 9 x 12, Harding, turquoise, hard- y used. Telephone 723.7653. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| Free demon- year guar-| no down pay-| Package deal $130, Telephone MO 8-5846, 723.2588 or PISCOUNT prices on quality furniture, discount price $77, Three piece bedroom suites, chest, dresser and bed, mis-matched conti- |nental beds, hundreds of coils, discount price $42. Wall to wall floor coverings, Bunk beds, complete with springs and mattresses, from $48. arborite | tables, four heavy duty matching chairs discount price $29.95. Spring filled mat. | ses, all sizes, discount price $16.88. son's Discount Furniture Store, ducing Rite Centre, 204 Kin, speed | ht, hot re rae. 1 £ 5) 58° "Avoid solid foods, drink huge {quantities of liquids, keep calm and think little," says an old (New Delhi hand with 40 burn- |ing reasons. sions from $35.|ing summers to his credit. | But despite the comfort of | buttermilk, melon juice and' no govern- Iment in Delhi has, through the centuries, taken an important . 70 x| political decision in summer un- less forced to do so by compell- | "In summer you meditate, in |winter you act," runs a folk song of Uttar Pradesh. PONTYPOOL rangette, $10; chesterfield, large full panel baby cribs, discount $8.88; high chairs, strollers $5.99; rockers, walkers, seats, commode chairs, sets. Store, 20 Church Street. | price $17. Car-bed baby carriages $19.95, $7.88; spring filled crib mat- car- kindergarten Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture | 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Budgie, yellow and g ers to name of "Billy", Teen, vicinity sland Road and Grierson. Reward. an- 35--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARJORIE VIOLA ALLEMS, Merchant, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of MAR- JORIE VIOLA ALLEMS, late of the Village of Brooklin, in the County of Ontario, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of June, 1961, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentatives of the said de- ceased on or before the 12th day of August, 1961, full particulars of their claims. immediately ofter the said 'date' the "'soid Personal Representatives will distri- bute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED aot Oshawa this 12th day of July, 1961. LOUIS WESLEY ALLEMS and FRED YOUNG, Executors, By their solicitor, Bruce V. Mackey, B.A, Barrister & Solicitor 362 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. ap, | ERATOR, $39; <ontinestay bed; | 10:. | itson Road South after 6.30 p.m. @ Somerville, duff. jon the supervisor. {a three weeks' holiday. lis busy | Walter Curtis, PONTYPOOL -- Douglas Smelt, Bethany, has just finish- ed installing a new oil furnace in the church. Mrs. John Payne visited with friends in Toronto on the week- nd. Vacation School started on {Monday afternoon, continuing |for ten days with Mr. Jim There are about 50 children register- ed from Pontypool and Bally- Bruce Fisk is back to work section again after Peterborough, installing aluminum {windows for Jake McClaren in | the Wozney building. | Wilfred Richardson took a {chartered bus load of 40 some | people to Bobcaygeon on Thurs- day and to Mount Albert, Tues- | day, to trim trees. | We understand the Bennett | Paving Co. has the contract to lay the asphalt on the main street from sidewalk to side- | walk. The work to be completed | before the street dance August 11 | Mrs. Charlie Rusk had the = |Jisfortime to fall in her own home breaking her arm. COBB WROTE BOOK SANTA BARBARA, Calif. | (AP) -- Baseball immortal Ty Cobb finished his autobiography My Life in Baseball, only six weeks before he died of cancer, *" a man who helped him write it said Thursday. Al Stump of Santa Barbara, a magazine writer, said the 125,000'- word book will be published in Sep- tember. Cobb died Monday at | Atlanta. | MERRY MENAGERIE SPECIALS for HOME FREEZERS BEEF Hind V4 Front 4 Sides Loins -- Shoulders Hams Custom Cut Wrapped and Frozen PLASTIC SAC CARTONS AND WRAPPING PAPER OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE | 81 William St. West DIAL 723-3012 WA) wim) [Vinny : © 1961 Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved za Distributed by King Features Syndicate. 7-21 "Sometiraes I think Sam has an inferiority* aamplex! S------ 1 i | ¥ FL ER A