THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 20, 1961 3] OSHAWA'S "BAD BOY" HITS NEW LOW PRICES Open Daily 9:0-9.30:x |] ® 55 DOWN DELIVERS sarunoavs open 9 AM. To 630 Pu. |} @ No Payments til Oct. Foon . i» | BRAND NEW ADMIRAL § Dumont 4-Speaker St SY 1 21 rn TV S T be a E 01 IRONS Four speakers, dual amplifiers, flip-over jewelled eart- rey front trols, push-pull, ou-off control, new "Golden ; Combinatio TE a tg or ure tube. Tilted and tinted ridge, 10-record automatic, all speed, allsize record - optic filter. Super range finder. changer. Detachable speakers in ome compact cabinet, - yele e : 1 a rics Wirihiihosan di... ANY nd . eam. 3-WAY STEREO : mess I.0 ketis oi d $ 95 1 2 DC i he. eh 20-PIECE FISHING KITS Sonplett NO MONEY DOWN -- WITH TRADE Lo J > TOE : ar VACUUM Jd 3 4 Portable wire 4 1a | BSN @ RECORDERS 43 CLEANERS Television a -- D ITALIAN ELECTRIC | ky El © MOFFAT 16 4 x is 53 ssn pi I b 3 30° RANGES Laine ORGANS NO MONEY DOWN -- WITH TRADE FULLY AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROLLED Across-The-Top Freezer | M6LIS FULLY AuToMATi REFRIGERATORS | «ar nm fhomC ress | WASHER 1281201 TO CUSTOMERS .. ® no money bown -- with TrabE "PRICES AS LOW AS THE MASS | 10 oroRE poass [] 1961 Consoles-2 Speakers 17 CU. FT. CHEST meen 123" TELEVISION FREEZERS POLICY OF THE High-gain sensitive tuner, signal monitor, channel guard, "BAD BOY" balnced deity one 'nie byfrir ugiront speakers 5-year factory warranty. All-welded steel constructio in P . 8 Counter-balanced lid. Adjustable temperature control, usin ge CAN MAKE 'EM ne ; o bye | § = Thats othe Fomperiers coll 3 Ca m e Bad Boy" of the App- To ; Rg PR ) OSHAWA STORE KING STREET EAST JUST EAST OF CITY LIMITS 625-pound frozen food capacity. 5-year food insuranei 728-4658 NO MONEY DOWN -- WITH TRADE §