28 THE OSHAWA Times, , July 20, 1961 Ontario residents will have to pay the three per cent sales on all purchases made in U.S. or other provinces. But don't have to pay at the how it would work: Say you buy a $20 pair of shoes in Buffalo. You would either declare the purchase at Customs or bring it in under the $100 exemption after 48 hours in the U.S. in the normal way. You would not pay the sales tax at the border. On arrival back in your home, you would send a note to the sales tax office and enclose the 60 cents tax. Printed forms will be out presently so you'll just have to fill them out and enclose the tax. The same procedure would be followed in the case of pur- chases in other provinces. Supposing you mailed the same pair of shoes from Mont- real to Toronto to avoid Que- bec sales tax you would still be required to send the 60 cents to the Ontario sales tax office. Fines of $10 to $20 can be imposed for failure to send in the tax after making a pur- chase outside Ontario. BALSAM By MRS. LORNE JONES BALSAM and MT. ZION--Mr. Bert Wilson celebrated his 84th birthday, Sunday, July 9. Cousins Misses Katherine and Fannie Gordon of Galt helped to celebrate the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Empring- ham attended the funeral of the late Mr. Kenneth Cain at Agin- court. The Cecil Disney family, the Earl Disney family and Mrs. Frank Disney attended the Dis- ney picnic at Kams Kamp near Tyrone. : The sympathy of the commu- nity goes to Mrs. William Birkett of Stouffville in the loss of a loving husband, Mr. Birkett. Mr. and Mrs. Birkett lived in the Balsam area for a number of years. Misses Gladys Disney and Doreen Jones went on the 4-H bus trip to Guelph. Messrs. Winton White and Murray Jones were guests at the Malcolm - White wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson and daughter have moved to Claremont. The tea and bazaar was held in the church basement, instead of the Alan Manderson lawn owing to the rain on Saturday. The proceeds amounted to $76. The ladies felt they were well awarded for their time and effort. The Monthly Woman's Associ- ation met on Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Rich- ard Day. The August meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Harbron. Mr. C. Simmonds of Glen Major is going to take the church service in August for the Woman's Association. All enjoyed a dainty lunch. A number from here attend- ed the Junior Farmers' Day at Peterborough on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harbron, | Lloyd and Mrs. William Har-| bron attended the Moat picnic at the Greenwood Conservation Park. [ Miss Anna Wilson of Peterbor- ough spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. { Mr. and Mrs. Glen Manderson| and daughter accompanied Mr. | and Mrs. Dick Ward and fam- ily of Claremont to a cottage at Shadow Lake over the weekend. Mrs. Morgan Evans of Clare- mont spent the weekend with) her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Jones. NEWS IN BRIEF ON CONDITION THE PAS, Man. (CP)--An as-| surance that farmers will con-| form to sound agricultural prac-| _ tices is written into *'lease-op-| | tion" agreements through which settlers soon will be able to get | nd on the nearby 90,000-acre| squia land reclamation proj-| HIGH-POWER LINE | COURTENAY, B.C. (CP)--An| engineer who designed 500,000- volt transmission lines for Rus- sia is working on similar plans for the Peace River Develop- ment Company, it was an- nounced by W. C. Mainwaring, president of the firm. QUERY CENSORSHIP BIRMINGHAM, England (CP)--The Warwickshire county councli has urged Home Secre- tary Butler to inquire into the existing system of movie and television censorship. The coun- cil recently banned showings of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. VACATION SCHOOL BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP) School is still popular even dur. ing the regular school summer| holidays, Nancy D. Clark, di.| rector of the Brant Avenue United Church vacation school, reported registrations exceed | ing the shighest estimates with =; ae high of 86. I - - - on the New 1962 Cars NOW!-only at Canadian Tire! A FULL YEAR AHEAD OF THE "NEW CAR" MARKET en SUPER-LASTIC TW |N-PLY MvLon 87 - at CANADIAN TIRE'S WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS What worries you most about travelling at highway speeds -- legal or otherwise? The ALLOWANCE SALE PRICE possibility of a tire blow-out? That's one worry you can forget, according to the evidence of FTER MILEAGE WITHOUT safety piled up by the amazing new Super-lastic Twin-Ply Nylon . . . PRICE Al OVER' ig Fp olD TIRE _TRADEIN e HERE ARE THE FACTS -- Super-Lastic ® DARE TO COMPARE -- Examine this new TWIN-PLY NYLON is SO SAFE that millions Super - Lastic Double - Strength TWIN - PLY ----t OR o% i Aviv : NYLON Tire -- FEEL IT! You'll be amazed 600/16 9.95 to 11.95 (12.95 of miles of driving on over 100,000 of these tires at the lightweight, flexible resilience. Like a in the past test year have not produced a single, h i bo the TWIN-PLY NYLON --_-- champion Xer, e 650/16 11.95 to 13.95 14.95 solitary reported case of a blowout . And "rolls with the punch," that's why it soaks in i d absorbs every variation in the road sur- 95 13.95 less than 1/100th of 1% showed bruise damage an 550/15 | 10.95 to 12.95 | 23-55 : face -- resists heavy impacts that cause breaks 350/1> 1 95 12.95 after driving over the roughest, toughest roads. and blowouts in the kind of tires you've been 640/15 9.95 to 11. ee © DOUBLE-STRENGTH TWIN-PLY NYLON riding on. --_-- 11 a% 12.95 -- contains by weight the same amount of ® GET THESE NEW, FINER FEATURES 670/15 9.95 to La a finest DuPont Nylon Tire Cord, but by being NOW! -- but only at Canadian Tire. From a erm ri 12.95 13.95 twice as big, is twice as strong as the tire cord service life angle, Super-Lastic Double- 710/15 10.95 to ---- used in conventional tire building. This new Strength TWIN-PLY NYLON could command , 11 O% 12.95 method allows the production of a tire that is a much higher price; but in keeping with 750/14 | 9.95 to » ALL MUSCLE" -- like a well-trained athlete, Canadian Tire's 40-year-old policy, the con- izes) Tire Installation--50c extra so completely flexible and ready to respond sumer price is our factory cost, plus a small, TUBELESS -- $2 exira {west izes Plus 5-Year Guarantee instantly to every call for action, Yes, flexi- direct-selling profit margin. Investigate Super- Road Hazard Insurance bility is the secret of the success of the new Lastic Double-Strength TWIN-PLY NYLON Double-Strength TWIN-PLY NYLON. this week-end . . , at CANADIAN TIRE. uazano INSURED plus vean GUARANTEE CREDIT YOUR "EXTRA" NO-COST PROTECTION AGAINST TIRE FAILURE TERMS Canadian Tire safeguards your fire dollars Super-lastic Passenger Tires are Road-Hazard Insured against blow- Available at all Cana- outs, accidents, glass cuts, stone cuts or other normal driving hazards which make a tire unfit for further service. dian Tire Stores. Customer pays only for service rendered. SIZE wes (mcs arm auowaner stmt | The fabulous new SUPER-LASTIC "ust | FOR 4 SIZE | REECE | ON YOUR OLD TIRE | TRADEIN | Foi THe | TRADE. 525/16 | 17.50 10.95 to 12.95 13.95 | +1 560/15 | 23.45 | 11.45 to 13.45 590/15 | 23.45 | 11.95 to 13.95 540/15 | 24.75 | 12.95 to 14.95 esis | 34.40 | 14.95 to 1698 Tero -| NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME - you can get 670/15 | 27.40 | 13.95 to 15.95 ons [31.20 | 15.95 10 183 "1895 | the BEST features of both NYLON and TYREX 78 | 20S | 17.95 10 19.95 | 20.95 cords combined in one Great New Tire! | 760/15 | 34.05 17.95 10 19.93 To 300/14 3320 15.95 to 1. Ss 23.95 No longer do you need to ponder whether the exclusive qualities and features of NYLON "800/15 36.50 20.95 to 2.9 > or TYREX are best for your kind of driving . . . Super Lastic NYTEX combines the best a 3400 7.95 to 19.95 20.95 i i i d drivi free from any trace of features of both for smooth, quiet-running, high-speed driving . . . free from any 850/14 34.00 17.95 to 19.0 = extra "morning thump" annoyance. CANADIAN TIRE ENGINEERS labored for years to produce Toeest-12 a 4 ol RE extra NYTEX -- the ultimate: in tire comfort and: safety « » + and now. it's yours, at Canadian _Tire's Wholesale Discount Savings. __ EAT OUTDOORS IN STYLE! -22-piece' PICNIC SET rs al i i tena -- LIMITED QUANTI Handsome 22-piece Picnic Kit -- perfect for family outings, camping trips, quick- serve T.V. snacks, children's parties, Ser- vice for four includes -- 9" sectional plates, cups, knives, forks, teaspoons -- plus butter knife and cake slicer or pie @& server. Handsome '"mix-match" color combinations in durable plastic. BUY NOW! SAVE 3% Now is the time to get all your home and auto needs. Remember . . . NEW SALES TAX BECOMES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1st. DON'T WAIT! ached Canopy -- Wool Filled RET 88 GIVE PASSENGERS MORE ROOM TO RELAX | - SC 1) BRN) vous v " for the youngster going SAR JoP CARRIER KIT = The most popular "FLO-LINE" ALL STEEL CARRIER KIT -- Prac aa ' ¥ b OT oY, sleeping on age carrier in the country. Hardwood cross- ¥ oe CN e porch. (senerous size bars, weather-resistant varnish finish. Oversize DC°\ 8nd a real dress-up number. New -- rubber i 30" 70" with 18" zip- suction cups with safety hold-down straps. Carry Cushioned pressure pads on contoured metal , in, 6 kd P luggage, ladders, water-skis, ete. plates eliminate suction cups; fitted with rain- We hm Per Wits Royal bine Specify 42" bars for European cars; gutter safety straps. Baked enamel finish. Car- LIMITED TUR ED CANOPY. Red Ka- " bars for standard CATS ............ 6.95 ries all the load you can safely put on top of QUANTITY i % 3 a » Red the car. B57" overall for standard cars. 49" A sha lining, wool filled. 54" bars for oversize overall for Imported and SPECIAL aug Feature value! loads ... COMPACE CREE... ciiiisinnsiseers 11.95 i § i Ba 4.98 "SAFARI" PORTABLE LAN- S-POWER KARL VOIGHTT BIN- PICNIC REFRIGERATOR THERMAL OUTING JUG ¥-Gal. COOLER JUG -- MARDWOOD FOLDING TERN -- For plercing beam and OCULARS -- 30-mm. coated op- -- New, sturdy polystyrene Keeps 1iguiids of solids ot Fibreglass tmswiation STOOL -- 11%" x 1%" perfect spot. 3" swivel head on tics, separate eye focussing, ad- construction, thick insula- square design is a real keeps contents tempera- x 13%"; folds compact adjustable swivel. 3-way switch justable eye width. For hunting, tion ensures cold contents. space saver. Triple insul- ture controlled; replace. ly. Ideal for cottage, with flasher button. Complete vacationing, etc, With tan leather Attractively styled, in blue ation; Large pouring able glass liner. Plastie camp, beach, etc. Natur . . t. Carrying handle. 1- drinking cup; concealed Ps with 6-volt battery. carrying case. Size 19%" x 11%" x 13". Fallon Cars BE hndle. 4 pouring spout. al varnished finish. ANADIAN TR OSHAWA WHITBY OPENING SOON Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. Bruce R. King, Prop. For Your Convenience : ASSOCIATE STORE 115 SIMCOE ST. S. 311 BROCK ST. N. CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE ORDER STORE 728-6272 MO 8-5828 IN PORT PERRY sozgas a EES sagekdAxB . 23REREEOF CERES Lb u