The Oshawa Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 15

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verve seg 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale HANDY? NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOW -$595 DOWN Allowance of $200 if you do your own decorating and sodding. Hhateriol rio] supplied and $395 will be your full down payment. REAL ESTATE LTD. 725-1186 NEW HOMES -- MARY ST. New N.H.A. finonced homes on Mary St. This top residential Jocation offers convenience and gracious living, close to shop- ping, bus service, public, separate ond high schools. All serviced with sewer, water, curb, ond gutters. Modern bungalows built by R, Jeffrey Construction comes complete with mahogany trim, storms, screens, ceromic tiled bathrooms with vanity, divided basement -- $13, 995.00 with $1795.00 down. Contact exclusive ogent, to see model of these fine homes, Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 NP ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage, 725-6243 John Kemp, 728-2392 Joe Moga, 725-9191 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 APARTMENT sites, 6, sites available, ready to go. Paid serv- ices. Call Mr. Jmiock at 725-6544 or 725-| 4362. John A. J. Bo 8 or 10 suite] OPEN for after- |noon, brick South, best Lun. terms. Jones Realtor. 6% Pri Prince Street. bungalow, 5 Wilson Road condition, garage, priced lahood Litd., Realtor. [to sell, low down payment with easy "58 Ten Ri deluxe Vauxhall, $800, in A-1 condition, Telephone 725-8427. $3,900 BUYS 1 galow, stud partition and cleling joists stalled. North section, Good chance for handyman. Hurry and call W. McAuley Reations 28 Prince Street 723-2512 or 5765. , basement in, A on FOR SALE -- 100-acre rolling well aise don, ba jn | drained clay loam, large insul prick house, barn, imp $8900 half down. App! lots of water, immediate possession, Full pelos 29 Kitsimcblles for Sole 32--Articles for Sale "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, July 20, 1961 15 '53 PONTIAC, $150. Apply John's Gar-|CONVERTIBLE °59 MG Sports car, 226 Celina Street. good condition, all extras, low cash bs Srade for bigger car. Tele- phone 725-8: FOR SALE .. Restaurant equip. Large shot point automatic grill, three Dartient stainless. steel sink with fix. tures, six plate electric coffee maker and other items. 728-2324 58 paling Bl four-door, good condition. transmission, in be sold on the weekend, cheap. 728-2805. ToD Sou Te bo owe + FS Sell. jute, in good 728-57. oe a; three-bedroom ranch style bungalow, selling for an unbelievably low price of only $11,500. To inspect | 728-5123, Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. $1000 DOWN, six-room home with oil vate drive and garage. Only $10,500 full price. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286, §. D. Hyman Realtor. $13,900, a "buyer will appreci- ate the many attractions this custom built ranch bungalow has to offer, an this Re call Irwin Cruikshanks ats heating, storms and screens, patio, pri- derful SIX-ROOM nouse, sunporch and |age with two acres of land near eva Park on paved road. 723-7405. to sell and neither would you if you home, but a transfer to|lor it and let's offer by Dick Young 725-6588 Wilson Realtor. ly lard, Broker, Sunderland. Phone ah ONLY $11,500, the owner doesn't want FOR SALE -- "52 Ford. Good condition. 0 8-421 seen at 587 , radios, excellent con- $395. Best offer. Phone M Ma; Fee phone 728-5323. ar mechanically, good tires, King 53 8 sedan, good block heater, etc. $225 655-4885. '56 OLDSMOBILE, ul pe Ritson Ro: i») PLYMOUTHS, choice of three smart finishes, West Motors, = STUDEBAKER, good ad and mo- 60 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, 14,400 miles. | Private. MA 3:5089, 725.4173. Inspect 1953 FORD, overdrive, good motor, clean inside, boty needs a little work. 723-3291. 50 OL $100 or best SIL 1961 "licence Sites: [best Telephone 728-2391. 1952 MERCURY sedan, custom radio, two condition. Telephone good haps, Tieec'|99 Elgin Street East. ing at $200. 728-5240 after 6 p.m. LARGE Db: crib, baby stroller, ran- OE Sesic, Janie, a1 in very vol, COLOR ADMIRAL television, 1960 cost $1,195. Will sell at Pelt Price NoRcE rerigerator Scu, ft. like new, . Apply 647 Gibbons Street. 1958 DODGE Regent, 6 cy! Buckhorn Lake, Telephone 728-3713 BACK lot 100 by 200, level entrance on 1960 PONTIAC, Strato-chief sedan, -auto matic radio, ,_ auto. [free matic, radio, windshield as in A1 728-0860. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, blue LOT 49 x 150, terms, for telephone 725-1953 or co 32628. area of fine homes and s, close to everything, carries for just $94.15 monthly, interest, principle and taxes. For more information call and ask for Dick Young 725-6588. Wilson Realtor. 3 implement sheds, water in Modern house, oil heated furnace. Pro- BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N. 728-5123 ductive land one mile from Port Perry, $32,000 - $10,000 down. W, J. Carnegie, salesman, H. Keith Limited, Port Perry. Telephone YU 5-2881, PORT Perry area, 200 acre farm, 180 workable, 10 acres bush, 3 large barns, Telephone 723.2828. '55 NASI tion, Best offer. MO 57 CHEV, two door hardtop, sapphire white top, walls, windshield Jashers, Al Wale: iy parts, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. 7 Qeaner Repair Serv. 728-0591 anytime. iH radio, seats. $250 or best offer. Telephone 728-6656. $150. Wayne Wate, 278 Jarvis Street. '56 MGA convertible sports car, cus- tom radio, red interior, reasonable price, good condition Apply S. Greene, first house northeast corner Rossland and Oshawa, after five. 7-ROOM storey and half, brick home, fenced lot with paved drive and gar-| age, close to bus and shopping. Income] possibilities 3 Faxes th $2,000 do . Oshawa poulevard. 725-6915, $8,900, EIGHT year old frame bunga- low, two $250, Asking $13, Richmond Street East ph 1956 PLYMOUTH, two door, V8, in very excellent condition. One owner car. Telephone 728-6286. T '53 FORD convertible, Bet offer around {THREE plece <hesterficid Nuits, very in good part. ment 8, 304 Simcoe Street South after on 1 p.m. CUSTOM (in the dash) radios, from Store, 48 Bond Street West. $39.95. Try Dominion Tire LIVING room furniture, chesterfield Fi end tables, drapes. Call 725-5703 x '58 FORD convertible in dition, Sacrifice. in good running condition. "36 Cheva Tele- good transportation. No rust, Trade 28-3346. '34 Chevrolet pick up SELLING farmiiare? We'll buy it. Re TV's, pianos, stoves, For top offer ot 19 Mh Street, Phone LCS '52 AUSTIN A40, good one 723-3334. 59 PLYMOUTH Fury, four-door hard- low down payment, $65 monthly, on LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FULL PRICE $8,900 7-year-old bungalow in very METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 GIBBONS STREET Ranch bungalow with carport -- natural trim, tiled bath with vanity, well landscaped. A most attractive modern kitchen with large eating area. This is real value ot $14,900.00, with os low as $3,000.00 down. SIMCOE STREET NORTH Executive 2142 storey family home -- B extra large rooms, natural fireplace, in gracious large living room. Chestnut trim, large entrance foyer, hot water oil heated, high divided base- ment large treed lot. Shown by apointmnt only, RITSON ROAD SOUTH--NEAR KING 3 suite apartment -- and ideal investment -- one 4 room and two 3 room self-contained apartments, in excellent condition. Monthly income $215.00. Priced ot only $16,900.00 with rea- sonable down payment. Call to-night to inspect this fine in- come property. AFTER 5:30 CALL: 728-2392 725-9191 John Kemp Joe Maga 725-6243 723-9290 Dick Barriage Everett Elliott good condition. Gwner will hold one first mortgage for balance with monthly pay- ments of only $65.00 month- ly. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 7285123 open first mortgage. Ask for Bill Horner 728-5123 or 728-2236 anytime. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd., Realtor. top. 3 Jots of equipment, very clean. Motors, 574 Ritson Road Eosinmn 'S55 CHEV. Belair, low mileage one owner car, top condition; also Super $6,900 FULL price. 4-room bungalow, full basement. Shade and fruit trees. Large lot. Off No. 2 highway, close to bus and school. Low down payment. Call Vic Hulatt, Douglas L, Gower Real- tor, 728-4651. Max almost new. T white wall tires, wire wheels, continen- tal kit, safety belts, $1,350, 221 College Avenue. 314 SCENIC acres, with trout pond and two streams, new thre cot- tage, located near Kendall, $9500 with $3000 down. Call W. Frank MA 3.3393 Bowmanville, McQuay and Kidd, Real- tors. for appointment. Good condition. Telephone MO 8-5110. {50 SCENIC acres with stream near | Burketon, $6500 terms. | McQuay and Kidd Realtors. MA 3-3393 | Bowmanville. |HOUSE for sale -- | -- Private, Whitby. Road South. 55 BUICK, automatic Four-year-old, | fireplace, ae windows, fenced |garden, near Pubiie and separate [schools. MO 8-49: PORT PERRY -- Three: bedroom, new S. MACKO REALTOR 728-4661 324 BALDWIN ST. 5-room modem brick bunga- low. Nice bright kitchen, good size living room. 3 good size bedrooms, rec-room, large londscaped ond fenced lot. Close to all schools. Asking price $12,300 with substan- tiol down payment. For ap- pointment, call S, MACKO, 728-4661, J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR 741 KING STREET E., OSHAWA 723-4471 HAVE YOUR OWN GARAGE! Garage, body-shop ond gas mps, 20 miles from Oshawa, Building 38 x 60 feet, oil ed. Very good income. Owner has to quit, Full price in- chiding been $15,000 with very attractive terms. "| In Brooklin; all con- x 140 feet. Full price Immac: i f ly y $8,000 with oonabie. amt d, 2V2 miles east of Highway 401 till 300 farmlond, rest bush Asking price $3,800 THIS IS A BARGAIN: 78: 150 150 Stes SENERAL EARM, 19 mile miles ro Oshawa, 135 Acres rooms stucco House. Full _ 85s, 000 win with Tr 100 Acres Beefcottle Farm, just north of Raglon. Good house ond steel barn. Full price $18,000 with Terms. 73 Acres Farm on Rosslond Road West. Partly zoned residen- ol. Good house ond steel bom. Price $750 an ocre. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY -- WHITBY 10 Acres of Industrial Lond on Hoskins Street. Owner forced to sell. Price only $1,900 per acre with Terms. WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES We speak English, German, French and Dutch. $10,500 FULL PRICE C-1. Commercial property, corner Bond ond McMillon Dr. 6-room, 2-storey brick home. Ideal for all commer- cial use. Lot 40 x 60. For full information, call §. MACKO, 728-4661. FOR FRIENDLY AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL 728-4661 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR 725-4330 728-5109 54 GRETA STREET Drive past this attroctive two ond a half storey home, and give us a call to inspect. The large living room with no- tural fireplace, full sized din- ing room, and halls are broad- loomed. Modern kitchen. Oil heating. Three-car garage. A quality built home in a choice location, BALDWIN STREET This three - bedroom brick bungalow is in excellent con- dition, just three years old, but all the extras taken care WHITBY CLASSIFIED of. Four-piece tiled bathroom, plus shower in basement. Aluminum storms and screens, Koolvent awnings, and large FOR RENT ~-- Three-bedroom split level house, near high school. Avall- able August 15th. Call MO 8-2430. Auley Realtor. TO BUY or sell real estate call Helen Allan, MO 8-4065 or MO 8-5765, W. Mec- yard, beautifully landscaped and completely fenced. Priced at only $11,900, FOR RENT -- Small furnished apart. ment, main floor, refrigerator and Li Diivate bathroom, for August 1. t Street West. Telephone MO| wood floors and tiles. South, Whitby. | Phone Mo. 8-3186, FOR RENT -- "Three-bedroom, "two. storey house downstairs washroom, oi! heating, large grounds, garage, gar- den, $100 monthly available Sept, Phone MO 8-2180. Ton "RENT -- "Two "furnished Tooms, small kitchenette, stove and refriger- ator, suitable for couple. Apply 305 Perry Street Telephone |} MO 8-470. yor SALE *60 FOR SALE -- Modern six-room brick bungalow, oil heated, landscaped, hard- Centre Street Jnmegiate possession. 1 $12,900 Seven-room, two-storey brick, with. garage. . Natural fire- place' in living room, dining room, panelled family room, with two-piece powder room. Three good sized bedrooms 1 ed seats, meld, 35 hp Evinrude, key lights, windahie trailer, paddies, life Jackets, Sis, many extras. MO 8-4014 or Byron Street North. FOR RENT: three roomed self contain. ed heated apartment, Hew 1ecorated main floor, central. MO 8-5947. FOR RENT: Modern two - bedroom apartment, Available August 1. Apply, Wiliam Middistom 608 Brock Street South, MO 8- ST -- Porque blue budgie, name Suzie with yellow beak. Lost on Henry and Highway 401 area. Reward. MO 8-3440. paper (news print) for only $1.00. ply Oshawa Times Office, iif) Dundas Street West. Ap- Whitby, 901 Walnut Street. FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments, {in modern building, stoves and refrig- |erators. MO 8.3591. way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom {schools and shopping. Parking, br SALES lady wanted, full time. Apply " | Brookiin. OL $3611 after § p.m. Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza. STUDENTS! 'A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing ROOM and board for gentlemen. Apply SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Phone MO 8-2563. apart- |ment, in apartment building, close to In with bathroom on second floor. Forced hot air oil heat- ing. Nicely landscaped yard. Just off Simcoe N. close to Dr, Phillip's school. Phyllis Jubb .... Jon Miller .. Irene Brown ... Roy Flintoff ... 723-3240 . 725-2993 . 725-3867 . 725-3454 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board We List Photo Co-Op frame 8 , large kitchen and |dining area, 24-ft. living room, lovely [view from 12-ft picture window, § plece bathroom, including large vanity with twin sinks. Full dry basement finished den. $4000 down. One mortgage. Must sell. Telephone Port 985-2522. "HOWE & PETERS l REALTORS 67 KING STREET EAST 725-7732 COLLEGE HILL DISTRICT $8,900 full price -- Out- standing value in this 6-room, beautiful condition, modern kitchen, new forced air oil furnace, aluminum storms and screens, lovely 248' deep landscaped lot complete with apple and pear trees, low down payment with balance on one open mortgage. Call Rolande Tiermey, 725-7732 or 725-5207. with NH GOING, GOING ONLY 3 LEFT New ranch style clay brick bungalows, forced air oil heating, 3-bedrooms, 4-pc. bath with vanity, sodded lawn. Convenient to Public and Separate Schools, Bus at door. $800 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,950 N.H.A. mortgage for Balance JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Visit our OPEN HOUSE 1408 OXFORD ST. South from Phillip Murray 2:30 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 9:30 R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-6228 46 KING W. 28--Real Estate Wanted THREE - bedroom bungalow, facing east or south, in north or north-west area, substantial down payment. Early | possession. Write Box Oshawa Times. 29--Automobiles for Sale 55 MORRIS, no rust, paint like, new, good condition, $495 or best offer. Tele- phone 725-8905. [] '53 CHEVROLET Belair coach, custom radio, two-tone, discs, signals, outstand- jog yondition, Only $345. Easy terms. 8 1758» PLYMOUTH Savory es, f poder flight, 'motor, bra! bod; 725- 9274 after 6. 61 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering, radio, low mileage, Call 728- 5205. "58 BUICK Century, convertible, fully power equipped, including six-way seat and windows, like new, low mileage. Can finance. 723-7970 day or night. '58 KARMAN GHIA, low mileage, two- tone, shortwave radio, very clean, washers, white walls and wheel discs. Telephone 725-7166. |'59 AUSTIN Sprite. Telephone 728-3927 between 5 and 6 p.m, for more infor- mation. FOR SALE -- '48 Chevrolet, very good running condition. Apply T. Lawrence, 58 Subway Traller Park, Whitby, cylinder, ront end Phone ro Be io for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared, income tax x returns. MO 8.8232. FFICE ce for rent, three offices, OE ras if square feet, central] Jocation, Whitby, $75 monthly. MO 8-5841. RENT -- Three roomed _unfur- ome apartment, ground floor, pri vate bath and entrance. MO 82776. NEW house for rent, Kitchen, living CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, additions, rec- reation rooms, structural landscape features. Designs and estimates free. CHAS. DAWSON [CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. MO 8-2104 Be your own landlord for only 000.00. or picnic park. Stocked trout ties, ond timbers galore. yoom, two bedrooms, couple, one child welcome, Telephone MO 8-5167 after 4. idiot Batted tude OOM apartment for rent, two bedrooms. $65 monthly, including heat and hydro, Telephone MO 8.4494. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 No Down Payment. No obli- gation, The BEST for less. 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week assures fomily of 4 GOOD LIVING, and is your total cost for food and freezer. ECONOM- 1ZE with ECONOMART. MO 8.5381, Our food plon available to ell qualfied freezer owners. BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 ond $45 per week. Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 and up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric and trailer, $85 weekly. Canoes and Cortop Boats, $15 per week. We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools, WILDE RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whigy MO 8-3226 lan- and an extra cottage. lent terms, 7 ROOMS -- Seldom do we list such value on this one, tate. First time listed for this exc roncher. CALL US TH OSHAWA SHOPPING AFTER HOURS Ken Horn ..... 723-7963 Lioyd Corson .... 723-2537 orated home ready for immediate occupancy. low down payment. $ $ INCOME HOME $ $ 15% net retum on this income home. Four apts, all rented. $3,900 down. Full price $19,- COUNTRY HOME -- TROUT STREAM BY2 acres of beautiful woodland glades -- ideal for camping stream, natural swimming facili- Price includes 2-bedroom home, and Asking price, only $11,500.00 with excel- ONLY $8,500 as this, a 2-storey, newly dec- Low, low taxes Must be sold to close on es- 6 ROOMS -- WELLAND AVE. eptionally attractive 3-bedroom Nearly new, this brick home comes complete, with all the extras for only $13,900. Easy terms. IS WEEKEND WILSON Realtor CENTRE PLEASE CALL: Dick Yoyng .... Charlie Rankine . 725-6588 723-7183 728-3682 tion, $650. 728-42€0. Road MGA COUPE, 1958, 20,000 miles, radio, RA 5-0585. 58 HILLMAN deluxe, grey and white, yl y, good heat. er; clean and well kept. Call 728-4235 1953 CHEVROLET 1%; ton pick up, $375. 1950 PONTIAC, take it away $65. Tele- Call W. Frank [phone 725-8556 or apply 595 Harmony transmission, two tone, four-door hardtop, V-8 motor, s and snow tires, good condi- '61 GMC %-ton truck, only 200 miles, prised right Robinson Motors, 574 Rit. South. '53 PONTIAC Ee straight 8, In good condition, reason- able. Apply 248 Greenwood Avenue. '55 OLDSMOBILE, two-tone, $550, Ti 728-3432, American radio, By JAMES NELSON Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--Hear ye, hear ye: The Honorable Patrick Ker- win, chief justice of Canada, has *|--in short--taken over the gov- ernment. It wasn't a revolution. It's all very proper, constitutionally. Mr. Kerwin, 71, who today marks the 26th anniversary of his appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada, now is offi- cially described as "his excel lency, the administrator." He automatically assumed all the powers and authorities of the Governor - General when Maj.-Gen. Georges P. Vanier IS your cash register sales tax button? If not call Bill Nami: ton, Ashburn. 32--Articles for Sale WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ D.K.W. - NSU. Sales ond Service 488 KING STREET WEST 728-5175 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Street North, Your autiorized RCA Vie- tor service depot for Oshaw: USED tires, most all -- $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725.4543. SMART shoppers find exceptional fur- niture buys under Hsing F THE kind of a jester Jou want will be reading Oshawa Times Classified tomorrow. Dial 723-3492 to get it artad. 13 FT, boat, condition, $80. 342 Garrard Road or oF telephone 728-5509. 15 EVINRUDE, take trade or sell board motor with tank and battery. T 725-3774. in Classified. See fi T1t. > PRAM on, 1 %r fishing, hunt- ing good mooring boat, oars and Plas, "530. Telephone 725-7581. HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A-1 con- dition. Cash deal. Telephone 723-7431. USED parts and repairs for a'l makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3- WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers and engines, 74 Barrie avenue. GOOD used coal furnace, $50 or best offer. Telephone 725-7209. 35 HP JOHNSON outboard, '57 electric starting model, excellent condition. Phone 725-3733 before 6 p.m. YOUTH bed. Excellent condition, information phone MO 8.4323. STOVE, refrigerator and dinette suite, all in good condition, very reasonably priced. Telephone 728-4966 5 to 7 p.m. SCANDINAVIAN living room suite, beige broadloom rug, hi fi radio and record player, German make, peice bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, oly one year old, perfect condition, 7: For PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. BUYING A CAR? TRY WELLMAN'S 725-7981 --NEVER UNDERSOLD --TOP DOLLAR FOR . . TRADES --WRITTEN GUARANTEE --TERMS TO SUIT YOU "JULY SALE" '61 RAMBLER CLASSIC, Gleoming black with matching red interior, whitewalls, disc, washers, license, gas, ready-to-go. us avi to $500.00. mw PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 1 owner, full equipped, 12,000 original miles. A family buy. Sale Price $2195.00. OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 's cor just traded in. Low mileage. Fully equipped. Sale Price $2195.00. CHEV, BEL AIR 4 DOOR HARDTOP, Finished in Autumn yellow and Frost white, whitzwalls, radio, washers, {i immaculate condition, 60 day guar- antee. Sale Price $1435.00, PONTIAC LAURANTIAN 2-tone, 1usiv, A-1 body ond mechanically, Sale Price $1295.00. CHEV. DELUXE, 2-tone, whitewalls, chrome dic, automatic 6. "'Sharp", Sale Price $1195. 00." CHEV, DELUXE, 2-tone, radio, whitewalls, In out-, standing condition, 60 day guarantee, ale Price $895.00. FORD FAIRLAINE, T- bird engine, automatic, 2-tone, whitewalls, radio, top value. Sale Price $878.00 MONARCH LUCERNE, Fully. powered automatic, 2- tone. Don' t miss this One". Scle Price $235.00. STUDEBAKER, 1 owner, rade in on new car. "A real gas saver." Sale Price $379.00. FORD Completely recon- ditioned. 'Special This Week Only. ** Sale Price $235.00. BUICK SPECIAL No rust, good mechanically, Fish. erman's special. Sale Price $98.00. PONTIAC DELUXE radio, whitewalls, "Cleon". Sale Price $110.00. YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE KEN and ED. AND TEST DRIVE THE 1961 HILLMAN SEDAN NOW ONLY $1879.00 OR 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC "It's Rambler by far in a compact Car", WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. Your Authorized Rambler - Hillman Dealer Since 1947 CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders. Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St., RA 8-5179. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. All colors. Susranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street. 723-7624. TENT Samping rater, used one year. Telephone 7. » Fi televisions from $35. Get one for the cottage. Parsway Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe North, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- TV's, planos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. BED, double, Rea, reasonable. 728-0552. TAKE over payment on Singer sewing machine, four wa ments of Ho. Ajax Sewing Centre, 2-6561 or Mi 8-5467. CAR racks, used once; 8 mm movie camera; all purpose TV aerial; baby car bed and seat, All in excellent con. dition. 728-1876, . DAVENPORT, easy chair, china eabin- et, sideboard, extension table and chairs, floor polisher, 4 dovble bed. Ap- ply 198 King Street 15-FT. Mahogany, i boat, teenee trailer, tarpaulin, 40 hp electric Royal Scott. 304 William East. MOVIE » Kodak 8-width automatic threading and s; control. Also good quality screen 70 x 0170 inches. Eom h Hishtly used. Reason- able. Call HOT AIR hi with stoker, $50 or best offer. Telephone 725-5132 for in- formation. FOR THE relief of overweight, hot flashes or high blood pressure the re. sults are amazing with a 60-day course. Also available, reducing machines for home rental, Slim-Rite Centre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. hine, b af size KITCHEN set with four chairs, tur- quoise and charcoal, chrome and cop- Pers coffee ale, {slaphotie table and Zea Apply 630 King Street West, up- stal 18' CABIN cruiser, "59, 35 hp Mercury, life jackets, water skis, $750, or best offer. 723-2967. and a dress, 9-10, Also selling '56 Vauxhall Cresta. 725-8911. REFRIGERATOR, $39; continental bed, UP |s20; rangette, $10; chesterfield, $10:. 240 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. Supreme Court Judge =| Takes Over Government flew to France last weekend for a six-week summer holiday. Since Gen. Vanier will be out of the country more than 30 days, the administrator fills his role as the cornerstone around which all the parliamentary, ad- ministrative, military and judi. cial arms of the government of Canada are built. RETURNS IN AUGUST : Gen. Vanier will return to Canada late in August to take up a month's residence at The Citadel in Quebec City and Mr. Kerwin, chief justice since July - 1, 1954, then will revert to the role of a deputy to the gover nor. Mr. Kerwin issued a proclame ation of his assumption of the duties of administrator at his summer home in Beaverton. It was published in a special extra edition of the Canada Gazette. Mr. Kerwin and other Su- preme Court judges have acted - as deputies to the Governor General frequently in the past, for such ceremonies as giving royal assent fo bills passed by Parliament and proroguing ses- sions of Parliament. But a deputy has no power to |dissolve Parliament and call a general election. That is a func- tion that can be done only by the Governor-General, or, in the event of his death, incapacity, removal or absence, by the ad- ministrator. RECALLS INSTANCE That was the reason Prime Minister Diefenbaker flew to Quebec City Feb. 1, 1958, to ob- tain former governor - general Vincent Massey's formal con- sent for a general election. While Mr. Massey was in Que- bec City, Chief Justice Kerwin as deputy could have exercised any of the governor-general's powers except that of granting dissolution. Rumors of an imminent elec- tion were rife around Ottawa before Parliament adjourned '|last week for a summer recess but informed sources say there is little prospect of one now. BUYING or disposing of used furniture, appliances, oP Call Ener 30 years' CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 REFRIGERATOR, stove, ma- chine, beige davenport suite, gym set, complete with swings, slide, teeter tot ter ete. 728-0754. after 5. USED parts and repairs for all makes 3 Jeinges type washers, % hp motors TENTS, Ee camp CEDAR CREEK tot. Sheets, rentals, Oe Hardware, 8 Church Street, 723-7624. DEcoTNT ices on baby furniture, large full baby cribs, discount price $17. Chrbed baby carriages $19.95. .88; high chairs ton, CO 3-2241, 38 'wash. ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- | _ FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST , North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends UNTIL MIDNIGHT sets. Store, 20 Church Street. THREE plece chesterfield suite, suit- able for rec. room or cottage. Tele- phone 725-0672, 12' PLYWOOD boat, 5 HP mol tor and trailer, tourist tent, cooler, Ad lamp, So Apply 40 Colborne Street BOGE length veading Siem size T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 St. East, 728-6781 10 or 12 with crown |crinoline, Like ew. Felepnone TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best peless Ha town, Dominior Tire Store, Bond Si treet . 725-6511. "Terms * CEDAR CREEK -- Ron Ki. bzey of Detroit is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. ss; | Frank Ouimet and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Farr. -jell and Larry and Jim Parm, re|all of Toronto visited Charles and Sam Parm last Saturday. Charles returned to Toronto with thm. Miss R. Falkenham of Oshe awa visited her sister, Mrs. | Ronnie Larocque, last week. The Rev. Harvey Bishop, Mrs. Bishop and daughter and son of Winnipeg, Man., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Ford Mills of Magnetawan suit you OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant equipment. New, used, buy, sell, trade service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Bi . lin, COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price. We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing $25 DOWN $25 PER MONTH TO RELIABLE ADULTS '54 PONTIAC. COACH Very Reliable. $399 '54 CHEVROLET Outstanding Value $399 '56 AUSTIN AS50 Robin's egg blue -- Just like new. $499 '55 CHEVROLET Try it! Buy it!! $699: Refinished -- Reconditioned -- Certified roadworthy, SELLING OR BUYING "STEW IS WORTH TRYING" 725-1667 - ANYTIME very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 GENERAL Electric refrigerator, good condition, $75. Apply 310 Elgin Street East, Apartment 3. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib, pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. BICYCLES, $39.95. Tents, boats, mo- tors and trailers, new and used. Do- Joinion' Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West visitd his sister, Mrs. Victor Larocque and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton and sons attended a family pic. nic at Stone Park, Greenbank, on Sunday afternoon. It was Mrs. Willerton's father's, John Wilson, 79th birthday. About 45 Hiembers of the family attend. icf heater, "Teco", § gallon tank, new Sondition, 4 room Sapacitss $50. MANCHESTER -3607 from 4.30 to 6 HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, camp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors. Reason- rates, Reserve now. 728-6891 B. F. RR Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. RUG, 9 x 12, Harding, turquoise, hard. ly used. Telephone 723-7653. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar- antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- ment. Package deal $130. Telephone MO 8-5846. VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers gars fo for wrecking. Highest prices paid. '55 BUICK special, excellent condition. Would like to trade for 59 to '60 Chev- rolet or Pontiac and cash, Street. want 15 Min NT prices on quality furniture, sofa-bed suites, newest stylings, reg. $169, discount price $77. Three piece bedroom guites, chest, dresser and bed, discount 'price $84; Mismalched ooh nental beds, hundreds of coils, discount price $42, Wall to wall floor coverings, 25 cents per ft. Bunk beds, complete with springs and mattresses, from $48. Five piece chrome suites, arborite tables, four heavy Sry matching chairs discount price $29.95. Spring filled mat. tresses, all sizes, discount Dries $16.88, Ed Wilson's Discount Furnil re, 20 Church Street. AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 T.V. TOWERS $55 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 40-ft. structure with all. channel antenna, all galvan- Ized, guaranteed 1 ear. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 St. East, 728-6781 ADAMS CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494, Res. 725.5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Brake Speciolists, complete broke service, Motor tune- up ond general repairs, 67 KING ST. W, 723-7822 FURNITURE 40 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 2 - piece Davenport Suite, $169.95 volue, brown ond tangerine stripe. Sling-back Deck Chairs, bright, colorful. 2 for $4.88 Step Tables, Coffee Tables clearing at cost . $5.95 each Sunlite Saran Lawn Chairs, lovely color. Choice $5.88 each. 30" Continental Beds, spring- filled, heavy quality ticking, $29.95 each. TERMS TO SUIT 34--Lost & Found MANCHESTER -- Mrs. Ane nie Toombs entertained on Mon- day evening in honor of two brides to be, Miss Donna Innes and Miss Margaret Anne Mas- terson. The guests of honor re- ceived many lovely shower gifts. All enjoyed a sing song with Mrs. Toombes at the Hammond electric organ. Nancy and Bobby Hurst, Mid- land, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Ruby Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. 'E. W. Crosfer' and Gerald, Miss Hilda Munn and Clark Harrison of Toronto visited the former's mother, Mrs. F. Crosier on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fielding and Elaine visited in Midland on Sunday, Elaine remained for a holiday. LOST -- Lady's glasses, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, vicinity of Eaton's. Tele- phone 728-6516. LOST -- Black wallet, containing all papers, on city bus on Saturday. Re- ward. Telephone 723-7717. Los? -- Budgie, yellow and green, an- to name of "Billy", Adsily FRENCH MARINE PARIS (AP) -- France's mer- chant marine now lists a total of 783 ships aggregating 4,600,- 000 tons, nearly double the ton- Rossland Road and Grierson. 723-4724, ard MBE of the 1939 fleet of 670 MERRY MENAGERIE Cs --- wh by King ata YOUR BUDGET NO OUTSIDE FINANCING UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY the sun "Wake wp, feary! It's almost up" Aime for you get

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