THOUGHT FOR TODAY The housewife who can keep all her debts straight deserves credit -- and need it. dhe Osha Times WEATHER REPORT Clear, sunny skies predicted, with the chance of a thunder- storm late today. VOL. 90--NO. 167 iN ow OSHAWA ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1961 Authorized as Second Class Department, 8 ah THIRTY-TWO PAGES Space Shot Held Up Two Days CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.|about 30,000 to 35,000 feet over| (AP)--The second United States| the launching area at the liftoff man - in - space shot was|time. In the landing area there "scrubbed" today for the sec were to be scattered clouds at ond time because of weather. 2,000 feet. It was rescheduled for 7 a.m.| Visibility in both places would EDT Friday. be about 10 miles. | 3 High cloud cover which moved] The Redstone missile shot or- in over this launching site and|iginally was scheduled for 7 a.m. | prevented necessary visual ob-|Tuesday but was called off Mon- | servation of the shot caused the day night when weather men cancellation at 10 a.m. of to- forecast the heavy cloud condi-| |day's attempt to hurl astronaut tions over the launching area. Virgil (Gus) Grissom into space. Grisson took the delay in TUNISIANS FIRE AT HELICOPTER French Aircraft On Supply Flight CAPE CANAVERAL, Fa, Stride. (AP)--Project Mercury rocket- "I'm ready whenever you ers kept anxious eyes on the |sky today as the countdown progressed on the rocket that he told Williams. HAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY ! Tuesday night Grissom ate a are," PARIS (AP)--Tunisian troops, |today opened fire on a French military helicopter at the naval! It was clear that Bou: heretofore one of North Africa's most moderate Arab leaders to- TWIN TRAINER at the famous Shrewsbury School. He calls it a deka- logue. The twin-hulled boat can be used to train 10 row- This strange craft on the River Severn at Shrewsbury, England, was designed and built by Ron Sturges, boatman |was to send Virgil (Gus) Gris-|birthday dinner with his backup [som on his mission into space. |pilot, Marine Lt.-Col. John| The once-delayed shot was or- Glenn, who turned 40. Members iginally scheduled for 9 a.m. of the kitchen staff preparing |EDT, then moved up to 8 am. the special low-residue, high-| {by - elimination of a 'built-in energy meals for the astronauts| hold" in the hope that the rocket baked an angel food cake. It could be fired in advance of a was served with the astronauts'| possible buildup of unfavorable regular meal. | weather Grissom's suborbital flight Difficulties were encounteted, was to be a near-duplicate of| however, and holds in the couni- the arcing ride taken by Navy| down made 9:30 a.m. the earli- Cmdr. Alan Shepard May 5.| est possible time for blastoff. Shepard's capsule rocketed 116 A "built-in hold" in the count- miles high and 302 miles down down process is to minimize fir- range. the 15minute test ing delays by allowing for reached a speed of 5160 miles f™™ | ers at a time. A gangway al- lows the coach to give individ- ual coaching. --(CP Wirephoto) UK. Must Wait Week To Hear Austerity Pla LONDON (CP)--Britons have out of inefficiency and restric- been given the clear message|tive practices." that tough times lie ahead. | In the mewly-passed finance But it will be a week before they learn how much they'll have to tighten their belts to|apply excise and payroll taxes. cope with them. He is expected to include in his Next Tuesday, Selwyn Lloyd, austerity plan a 10-per-cent sur- chancellor of the exchequer, is|charge on import duties and al- scheduled to announce a series| most all merchandise bought in of austerity Bonne giiged at stores. jing e i-| The opposition charged in the ing home consumption. ¢ ate that Prime Ainister n concluding a House aemillan had brought Britain jpinmons debate on the eco: a near crisis financially at c situation Tuesday, Lloydihome and abroad through his 4 he would not propose justieconomic policies. term measures. The debate developed inte a pose additional sales taxes and Britain could not win stable, hattle between the big guns of | quick economic growth "untilipoth parties and ended when the we have made an improvement| House upheld the government in our export performance far 399 to 243. beyond anything we have yet! #chieved," he said GIVES VIEWS ; Without indicating precisely, Opposition Leader Hugh Gait- what his austerity plan will en-|skell diagnosed the economic tail, but implying it will be|crisis as a run on the pound, a fall in the gold reserves and wide - ranging, the chancellor said: a weak balance-of-payments po- more| sition. bill, Lloyd is authorized to im-| weather and technical difficul- an hour. E ties. It is a period of time not, Primary purpose of the flight | actually needed for launch prep-|was to give a second astronaut brief space-travel experience in|} |arations. ; | Grisson, 35-year-old air force preparation for later orbital | In addition, Gaitskell | Britain had a poorer export rec- lord than any country in world trade, her productivity rate was| |declining and the country was] experiencing rising prices. Repying for the government, | Reginald Maudling, president of {fe Board of Trade, said that | although Britain is doing a good captain, was to be rocketed to- flights, scheduled to start late|f Liberty Bell 7. available for this type mission. | Walter Williams, Project Mer-| = |briefing by weather forecasters. Explorers | he weather mep said there| ors. (Tol thi ne] Bi Cookie | ; improve: | g d dead early today after ment of $350,000,000 in the trade] TORONTO (CP) -- Cookie Gil- more than three days of ex- seas sales and imports. |gonauts of the Eastern Football|@nd Tom Arrold, both 25, were discovered by volunteer explor- ward the fringes of space in a this year or early in 1962. | said, [cur operations director, gave] T! would be high éirrus clouds) Fo d Dead { ORLEANS, Ind. (AP) -- Two ; longer is good 'enough. balance is needed. The balance christ today signed five one-|hausting searching. Gaitskell made clear the op- Conference. Financial term s| | ers narrow side passage 4,040-pound space ship named] Two more Redstones are} |the "go" decision after a 1 a.m. | Argos Sign gos Sign In Cavern } rp |stident™ cave explorers were|f Maudling said an fot is the difference between over-|vear contracts with Toronto Ar-|. The bodies of Raiph Moreland § | position will fight any attempt were not announced. : (Marker 233, 25 miles below the to {and said such a move would be "unfair and foolish." Harold Wilson, the party's econ omic affairs spokesman, [claimed that Macmillan's eco- {nomic policies were designed jto keep the Conservatives in |power, not to foster Britain's strength. competitive atittude in industry We want a much more critical] attitude toward costs, whatever) their origin, a relentless rooting Russians Ready East German For German Talks LONDON (CP)--Russia today |declared its readiness for talks on "the German problem' but claimd th West is 'playing a idangerons game', pver the Protestants Cross Borde BERLIN (Reuters) Hun- question. ; dreds of East German Protes-| The Soviet news agency Tass tants defied the orders of their quoted statements by Pravda on Communist rulers today and/the heels of notes from the turned up in West Berlin for the| Western powers expressing will- opening of the All-German Prot-/ingness to negotiate but warn- estant Church Congress. ing Russia that any move The East German Protestants against Berlin could lead to poured across the border de: "highly dang rous develop- spite a warning Tuesday by ments." Neues Deutschland, the main The notes, published Tuesday organ of the East German Com- by the United States, Britain munist party, that anyone at- and France, were followd by tending the congress would be an announcement in Bonn that "breaking the law of his own'the Big Four foreign minsters state." will meet in Paris Aug. 5 and 6. Moscow Radio said Tuesday freeze wages and salaries| [French Troops Managing director Lew man said the contracts: that the two-way playel jonly play out his option |five years." od "The signing of the contracts means simply that Cookie ha signed five one-year stand contracts with the Argonad Football Club," Hayman added. | ! 'Off To Tunisia PARIS (Reuters)¥France an-| nounced today that is is sending} paratroopers to Tunisia to re: of a mile inside the re uncertain how had been dead. and Arnold were Sunday night en flood swamped ind left the mouth under 16 feet of More! trapped ins when a qd , leader of rty, said the two] rsity graduate stu- pently had entered a Bsage in an effort to| pater. | "wife, Karen, 26,| the s Indiana' dents, #-¢ believe it anyway! Jeffrey Moreland Carey, 2, of 4th Ave., Oshawa, base of Bizerte, the French pre-|ward France, was determined to mier's office announced. enforce his threat to isolate The brief announcement from Bizerte and plant Tunisia's flag ® |the offices of Premier Michel in the disputed Sahara. | Debre said: {FORCES READY | "Tunisian forces opened fire, Members of the T Na. |about 2:15 p.m. with individual tional Guard and an estimated arms on a helicopter which was|7,000 civilians swarmed around supplying an isolated French|the land perimeter of the naval post on the perimeter of Bi-|base. Ambulances were parked zerte." 5 near hastily-erected roadblocks. The French announcement did L.oudspeakers blared martial not say whether the craft had music. Women screamed the been hit or whether there were|{raditional Arab war cry, and any injuries. the crowds chanted "Es-silah" | --arms--and "Al Jilah"--evacu. TUNIS (AP) -- Tunisia moved | ation. today against two French mili-| The base and its garison es- tary bases in a showdown effort| timated at 5,000 are supplied by to clear Tunisia of French|sea, and there was no indica: forces and secure a piece of the|tion of any attempt to block the oil-rich Sahara. channel leading in from the Troops and civilians massed Mediterranean. The French also along the land approaches to|can supply the base by air from France's huge naval base at Bi- nearby Algeria. zerte at the northernmost tip of, French President de Gaulle this former French North Afri-| apparently had no intention of can protectorate. giving in to Bourguiba. French Some 500 miles to the southCharge d'Affaires Raoul Duval "volunteers" were reported handed Bourguiba a note from moving across the border into|de Gaulle late Tuesday. The the French-held Sahara, headed| Tunis Radio said it "brought no toward a French desert post at|elements that could ease the tension." The broadcast added that de Gaulle "seems to ignore the fact that independence gives Tunisia the right to demand the liberations of all its territory." A Tunisian official com mented: "It appears a show of force will not he avoided ' sn French troops and the .unisian. people." frontier near the rich Edjele oil field being developed by France. | The movements were launched after France refused to bow to President Habib Bour- guiba's demand to start negoti- ations. by today on a French withdrawal from Bizerte. France retained the use of the © I der a 1957 treaty. Eichmann Refutes Interview Quotes # | JERUSALEM (Reuters)-- lem Sassen, a Dutch journalist. 'Are they biting? -- of course they are. Never fail in this spot. You should see the one that just slipped off my hook --aw, you probably wouldn't has found an ideal fishing spot for youngsters right on the edge of town. Want to know more about Jeffrey's 'secret spot'? -- Turn to page 13. --Oshawa Times Photo. had been at cave since Mon-| day. J | The two students, both exper- ienced cave explorers, entered Heavy Toll night that in rejecting Soviet the southern Indiana limestone, proposals for a German peace treaty the West is '"'aiding and |abetting the sinister forces | whith to "start ~another inforce the naval base at Bi! cave at 5 p.m. Sunday, an hour zerte, where Tunisia is conduct-|y oro sudden' rains "sent flood ing a campaign to oust French aters cascading along the un- troops. mc _iderground stream. h Information' Minister * Louis! > Volunteers were Gable 16 eh] In Ias an ba Terrenoire announced that para- {er the cave until early Monday | CRITICIZES 'HYSTERIA' troop units "have been, or are|after waters at the mouth re- BUENOS AIRES It spoke of "unprecedented being sent" to Bizerte, sealed off ceded. The painstakingly slow Argentine Airlines war hysteria" in the United ©arlier today by roadblocks set/search was hampered by fog, States and 4 ed Wst Ger. up by Tunisian "volunteers." 'debris and threats of more rain. lauter's call for firmnss 'can Mimico Payment Wasn't A Bribe [Lnit: seek ar Anis. Duke, born 39 years ago -6 crashed |; i i gy li b Spain, brought expressions of officials feared all of the 60 pas-|°N°¢k from throughout the sengers and crew members| World, including a message to aboard were killed. ther from Pr The flight a | Kennedy. Its contents were per- | ° Ulght, a non-stop runigonal and were not made public. | between Buenos Aires and the| Patagonian oil centre of Como- , ONY. hours before the crash, doro Rivadiva, was a favorite of MS. Duke had joined her hus- ding farewell to President Mo- hammad Ayub Khan of Pakis- tan. |and forth between the capital U.S. oil experts who shuttle back band at Idlewild Airport in bid-| |Adolf Eichmann today angrily] The transcript of the inter- refused to answer further ques-|view introduced in court quoted tions about a 1957 newspaper | Eichmann as telling German linterview quoting him as say-|police commanders during the ling the extermination of Euro-|war that the ending of "this |pean Jews "will leave us in{1,000-year-old scourge of man- {peace once and for all." {kind (the Jewish problem) will He banged his hand against leave us in peace once and for a file on his desk, containing a all transcript of the interview, 'Even if I said this at the lec. |shook his head vigorously and|ture, I would have been a fool 'said: "I will not accept these and a madman to have said it words to be ascribed to me. [to Sassen," Eichmann said. "From now onward I am not/ The former SS lieutenant. going to answer any further|colonel, who has pleaded not questions in connection with|guilty to the mass murder of this document. It is a com-|millions of Jews, demanded that pletely muddled up, untrue doc-|tape recordings of the interview ument, of which even the!/should be brought to court and ilanguage is indecent." iplayed, | But presiding judge Moshe| "It is quite possible that sen- Landau told him: "You will|tences I never said were added continue to answer questions|to the transcript," he said. until I tell you that you can Eichmann said he had written discontinue." a pamphlet on the "final solu- | Eichmann complained to the|tion" of the Jewish problem. {judge that he was being "grilled |His Berlin lecture was intended |like a piece of meat until it be-/to "make the pamphlet a best- |comes edible." seller." | The incident occurred while| It had never been published, |Eichmann was being questioned although it had reached galley- |by Israeli Attorney-General Gid- proof stage. He denied the at. {eon Hausner about an inter-|torney-general's suggestion that |view he had in 1957 with Wil-{50,000 copies had been printed. {only be regarded as a call for MIMICO (CP) -- Miss Mar-| The inquiry discovered dis-| The crash took place at Cha- JFK Reported Decision On B WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ation to protect West Berlin ident Kennedy was reported to- against Communist pressures. day to be nearing a decision on The Kennedy statement was military and diplomatic meas- timed to follow by about 24 ures the United States may take hours warnings of war dangr to meet the Soviet challenge given to the Soviet government over West Berlin. by the United States, The president scheduled a and France The three powers meeting of the national security told the Kremlin that the Ber- council this afternoon. The meeting was expected to deal fargely, if not entirely, with the Berlin crisis and is the third such White House gathering of| licy-makers in three weeks Py to this conference with If the Russians undertake, his diplomatic and military ad-|2% Premier Khrushchev has Visers; the president was due to Warnd they will do, to destroy make at a press confernce a!Western rights in Berlin and new statement of U.S. determin.| Western access to the city they will endanger "international CITY EMERGENCY |peace and security and . . . the PHONE NUMBERS lives and well-being of millions of people," the US. note to Moscow said : POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 U.S., British and French mes- sages on the Berlin situation » : making and they said found it necessary "to warn the Soviet government ousness of the grave dangers" of its course. were delivered in the Soviet, capital Monday and made pub- llie Tuesday. Britain| lin crisis is solely -of Russia's, they! in all seri-| {many. war.' { Pravda took the same line to- {day and added: "The Soviet Un- lion . . . was and is ready for # {talks both on the German prob- lem and on all other unsolved problems." jorie Kay. former resident of crepancies between an affidavit chari. a farmi this Toronto suburb, tstified and its text as published in the 30 miles Jarming Sent bow Tuesday she ing Jack Book, Torme Star by columnist 160 miles south of Buenos Aires. building inspector for the town, Pierre Berton. An airli : {$75 for a set of building plans. In one alteration, two words Lin airlie spofesian Said te he purchased for her. were inserted that changed the one of the airline's newest, had | It later turned out she could meaning of the original affi- attempted an emergency land- * erlin not us them, she said. davit signed by Gladys Kay, a ing and burst into flames as it Book is a central figure in former Mimico resident. touched ground. the probe into Mimico building Sanford World, Mr. Book's . The Western powers already affairs, sparked by charges lev- lawyer, read the affidavit con- NEW YORK (AP) Mrs, are planning to follow up this/elled by the Mimico Ratepay-/tained in a May 24 column to Angier Biddle Duke, descendant reassertion of their Berlin rights ers' Association. check it with Miss Kay. 9 Spanish aristocracy ik wile with a new round of notes some : c | i 4 0! e state department's chie 4 ©! Miss Kay also tstified Book| The affidavit dealt, among . ; ; ; weeks hence proposing negoti-\i;13 her municipal building per-|other things, with the purchase o protogol, died with 1we wher ations to find a way out of the, ic cot $400. This apparently of building plans by Miss Kay -°Ca'¥ prominent women an crisis short of a military show-|; oooh" cost of services, she from Mr. Book. "a pilot Tuesday in the flaming Aowh Secrets said. "It was not a bribe." Mr. World read: "In the sum- crash of 2 light plane in 'a Sage Socretary Rusk is scheq- Miss Kay testified the land Mer of 1959, I (Miss Kay) was| Queens fesidential ares. uled to go to Paris next month he owned was eventually sola;approached by the building in- The Beechcraft Bonanza, one : 9 , of its doors apparently swinging for meetings with the British $ Ss r y imi " h pA : spector of the town of Mimico, > and French foreign ministers onto Joseph Kastelic Limited 100 Look, to get information oben, plunged almost straight future Berlin moves. He also through her real estate agent. regarding building on the prop- down into a flower garden only will confer with West German yer Tuesday, ex-maver erty.' blocks from La Guardia Field. The Book was under "tremendous Aubrey Golden, counsel for|It exploded upon impact, spew- ) . the ratepayers' a sso ci ation,|ing flames and wreckage over ters' beginning Aug. 5, building Sduting the apartment rose at this point so say it dif-'a house it had barely missed. will be concerned both with : fered from the original affi-' The two other women killed what the Allies call "'contin- SAYS IN MIDDLE davit were Mrs. Arthur Aultschul, 29, gency planning" -and with dip-. Mr. Edwards, mayor when Mr. Golden noted the original wife of a Wall Street broker, lomatic measures looking to- Book was hired, said Book was affidavit read: "In the summer and Mrs. Stanley Warren Met- ward negotiations, officials said. the man in the middle btween of 1959, 1 approached the build-|calf, wife of an Auburn, N.Y., By *'contingency planning' one pressure group trying toling inspector, . . ." business executive. The pilot § the Western governments mean stop apartment building and an- - After Miss Kay reread the/was Paul Dubuke, 29, a Marine the plans they now are develop- other trying to promote growth. paragraph in the column at the Corps Korean veteran and ng to deal with any direct chal: The former mayor said Book request of Mr. World, she said: father of two children lenge to their Berlin rights that did an "excellent job" under "Yes, I know Mr. Berton had No one on the ground was in- may be posed by the Soviet Un- the circumstances and his com- it wrong onc and 1 mad him jured ion and Commumst East Ger- petence and honesty won "my it wrong once and I made him KENNEDY SORROWS Ivery high opinion." 'retype it." | The death of the beautiful Western talks, foreign minis-