4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 17, 1981 DRIVER ESCAPES FLAMING CAR AT AJAX | Times photographer was on | of Highway 401 and the Liver- | The driver of this totally gutted car escaped unhurt shortly after noon on Satur- day, when a fire started in its rear end An Oshawa Aussie Team Trains For Brick-Toss Title SYDNEY (CP)--An Austral fan team is making a bid for international honors in brick throwing. Almost every fit man of the New South Wales coastal town of Stroud, 153 miles north of Sydney, Is using his spare time, secretly or openly, alone or with team mates, to developing a technique for gripping a brick, then heaving it as far away from him as he can. They are striving for berths in a six-man team to represent the Australian Stroud in inter- national competition July 22 against brick tossers of Stroud, Ont., Stroud, Okla., and the Stroud in Gloucestershire, Eng- land. The United Kingdom and American Strouds are reported to have been in competition with each other for several years. Recently, the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce discov- ered the existence of a Stroud) (pop. 700) in Australia. They wrote to the shire council sug-| gesting participation in a chal- lenge brick-tossing match. The challenge was accepted. Over - |chucking are permited. Ajax The car was driven by Mrs. Walter Mittler of 44 Montgomery Avenue, Brooklin. The Pick- the scene to shoot this graphic | pool Road, picture as flames and smoke wrecked the car, which was parked on the south shoulder Hot Rod EDMONTON (CP) -- A squad of Alberta hot-rod artists is out u p e of down to the finer points of the I Ee ge game ing a souped-up monster around Textbooks on bricklaying re- in reckless disregard of life and fer lightly to "standard" bricks |imp. as weighing nine pounds. The! The only provincial group of men of Stroud, however, -say jis kind, the 175-strong Alberta that a brick by any measure- provincial Hot-Rod Association ment is still a brick so they are js gaining support among a going fairly strongly for a spe- growing body of the public. cially - made sample weighing Members average 19 years of only five pounds for contest pur- age and are using safety pro- poses motion and demonstrations of For practice, however, they their mechanical abilities to en- use bricks two and in some in-|list public confidence. stances four pounds heavier and High on the list of their sup- even soak them in water to in-/porters is Alberta Highways crease weight. Thus, when they Minister Gordon Taylor, who get into the contest arena, hand- |p r o vides occasional stretches ling a five-pound brick will be for drag-strips. A stretch of the child's play. Trans - Canada highway heat Rules for brick throwing ap- Medicine Hat, some four - lane pear 10 be as liberal as those in highways in the Edmonton and catch - as - catch - can profes. | Calgary areas, and airport run- sional wrestling--with no holds| Ways have been used at differ- barred. ent times. Bricks may be "motivated" STRIP IS GIFT from a standing or running posi-| The minister gave a 1320- tion, from inside a 15-foot circle. |foot section of obsoleie asphalt arm, under - arm and highway to Edmonton's Capital City Hot - Rod Association for The Australian brick throwers|use as a drag - strip. Twenty and the point where the brick from his toss bites the dust Team candidates are getting Safety-Minded 'Chamber Honors Orono Students | | | By MRS. KEN. GAMSBY | ORONO -- The Orono Cham- ber of Commerce met on Thurs- day night when the Chamber decided to again honor the Honor students of the Orono High School as was done last year. The chamber will recog- nize the accomplishments of these students at a dinner meet- ing when they will also be pre. sented with a memento, Mr. H. Duvall was put in charge of making the arangements along with the High School principal, Mr. A. Witherspoon, BA. It is expected that the dinner meet ing will be held in September or October, Mr. L. Aslett, secretary of the Orono Chamber, informed| the meeting that all arrange- ments had been completed and permits receives for lighting the Orono sign at the south of the village Mr. D. Found and Mr. C Armstrong reported that the an-| nual Colt Derhy had netted the chamber a sum of around $350 over expenses. This compared favorably with 2ther years. | Mr. H. Duvall reported to the |chamber on the successfulness lof the recent Bicycle Rodeo in| which close to sixty children] {from Orono Public School parti {cipated. The winners of the six divisions will receive a cup| while those in second and third| places will receive a silver dol- ering Fire Department put out |lar, The awards are to be made, the blaze and Whitby OPP in- lat the annual street fair to be > held in Orono on August 16, ORONO BAND The Orono Band is now in full rehearsal preparing to make a public appearance at the Orono Park on Sunday afternoon, July| 30. At this time the band is to Ipresent its Sunday concert .at the park. The afetrnoon concert will commence at 2.30 p.m. The program will include a number of Overtures by noted be composers along with martial| airs and lighter selections. The band also has in its repetoire special arrangements to pre- sent day popula: tunes, The concert will be held under the shelter at the park and should create comsiderable vesigated --(Oshawa Times Photo Gang which tested He said a car manufacturing official once told him that many| changes the young enthusiasts come up with, eventually are! incorporated in mass-produced cars. interest. STRESS SAFETY Members of the Ganaraska Main objects of the APHRA|River Conservation Authority are safe-driving 'promotion and|recently gave most of an after- competitive events to stimulate/noon to a tour of its various interest in automobile operation, |lands, including the pond at ownership and enjoyment. Garden Hill and Cold Springs. The association and most of| Main item of business had to its member clubs penalize mem.|d0 With making an offer to the |bers convicted of driving of- Canadian National Railways for fences several parcels of land. One : : piece in particular that was aM drag - racing meets ontioned lies west of the Mol- is on safety. Cars|, : J . {son Pond bottom at Port Hope pass safety checks before enter-| oars are scattered throughout| ling, and ambulances, fire ex-| : } . "X* Hope Township {tinguishers and first aid equip- y He A i Dent are on hand. The authority agreed to make stats a donation of $50 for prizes for No injuries or major ac-/the Durham County Soil Judg-| cidenis have occurred during|ing competitions to be held in| supervised meets in the prov-| July. ince. A letter from the Ontario De- Hot - rod club members con- partment of Lands and Forests tribute their time, monev and|/advised that the department cars to worthy causes, aid per-| could see no biological objection sons with car breakdowns and to having a fish ladder built at promote interest in the drag-|Corbett's dam in the Ganaraska must, of course, River at Port work with his fellow for the common does not merchants wealth. Orono could do with such an organization which could only in the end, if it were active, be of benefit to everyone, PERSONALS Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Ball and son John of Aylmer and Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mrs. N. Porter. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and Olaf of Niagara Falls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph last week on their way to their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird of Gananoque. Sunday visitors with Mrs, Heber Souch were Mr, and Mrs. . P. Rickaby, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Conlin, Harmony. Mrs. E. Porter of Sherbrooke, Quebec, is visiting her father, Mr. Wm. Davey and her sister, Mrs. D. Found, Mr. Found and Mary. Mrs. H. Branton and three children of Windsor are visiting with Mrs. Os. Cowan. | Mrs. Elizabeth Smith passed away on Wednesday, July 12. The funeral will be from the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Fri. day afternoon at 1.30. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carman, Michael and Mark are visiting] with Rev. and Mrs. John Kitch-| rainfall squeeze in the north- en and Olaf at their cottage| ern Great Plains. Rain last near Apsley. | Pranksters early Thursday PROGRESS REWARD morning set fire to an auto tire x . 4 | on the main street in the busi. BEAMSVILLE, Ont. (CP)--| ness section. The episode was Marie Belchior, who knew no) grercised : around id yi English when she came from ames shot some 19 feel In e Te iia nd prigter. still Portugal to Canada three years, on duty, extinguished the fire 89, won the highest. award in| with an extinguisher English at Beamsville Public| A gathering of 12 friends and School this year. relatives spent a very happy|------------o evening on Wednesday, Jug 3, Mrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | . 4 3 Lioyd King, Orono, to honor | heir recent marriage. Barbara Bathgate on her forth-| Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ellicotts| coming mariage. and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Elli-| Miss Marilyn King and her cott attended the Stephenson re- sister, Mrs. James Gamsby, union at Geneva Park on Sat-| were very gacious hostesses. urday. Barbara was presented with a Mr, five-piece place setting of her Norman BISMARK, N.D. -- A Bur- leigh County, North Dakota, farmer has only this stubble to to show for his barley crop after a high-temperature, low- | Gordon Hodgson and) DEAD DRY IN NORTH DAKOTA AREAS week helped some fields, but | it came too late for this one | drought area. and many others in a six-state Howard Malcolm Jr. on ) 2-NEW STARTLI NG HITS! A NIGHTMARE THAT HAPPENS EVERY NIGHT . .. PEEPING TOM Adult Entertainment . In COLOR Lei fag 'In the Nick' & 'Ugly Duckling' LIFTS THE LID OFF THE UNDERWORLD ! CONCRETE JUNGLE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- a ------ L L 4 spent Sunday with his| -- daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caulwell at Fairport | Beach. chosen dinner ware. Congratulations te Mr. and BROUGHAM Mrs. Floyd Petch on the birth BROUGHAM -- The Women's of a son. Association met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.. Crocker Miss Ethel Seebeck on Wed- of Agincourt, called on' their nesday evening with a good at- aunt, Mrs.: Mathews on. Sun. tendance ; day ? ne » The president, Mrs. Willson "5 ° : { : opened the meeting and wel Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of To- comed all present. ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. The minutes were read by D. A. Beer on Sunday. Mrs. H. Miller due to the ab-| Congratulations toe Mr. and] sence of the secretary, Mrs.|Mrs. John F. Hamilton on the Pascoe. The devotional Was birth of a son. The first grand- taken from Matthew 5, ver-| ses 1-16, nad given by Mrs. son for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathews due to the absence of Mrs. George Gray who gave and report that it is indeed| worth while. It is especially en DAVID TOMLINSON PEGGY CUMMINS DED ATTRACTIONE racing meets Hope. The depart-|wo interesing readings. 3 J DE EE ot ment asked for the feeling of The meeting closed with the ioyed by the children. the Author' on this matter. theme Hymn and prayer follow-| -- petitive machines J ed by a dainty lunch served by| the hot - rodder's mechanical NEW CAREER ony 17 s Miss Seebeck and Mrs. Connor. | ability. A Calgary dragster Pa pichel ne. RR 3 Sunday visitors at the Fred home were Mr. and holds one of the fastest Al-|dent of Orono, is specializing in| : Mrs. Elwood White and son| berta times, with acceleration auto mechanics. With his grades David of Kitchener; Mr. and from a standing start to 152 throughout high school, he has ars. Norman Banks, Pickering; | been top of his class for the | Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Raven of| past two years. He plans 10g, a50da, Mr. and Mrs. Don complete his apprenticeship at Duncan of Brooklin: Mr and! a local firm if possible and then, nic "Ron Hamilton of Brough- after winning Me jourzevmens am; Miss Beverly Creig and papers, to wor towards the Tien Tar ultimate qualification of a tech- Me Jim While of Toropta, Mis. nologist, which will take a solid ™ = =O t to. Mr WA nine years night school ongratulations to Mr. and Sports interests include track and field teamwork, especially cross country, and hockey and President for the 1961-62 term |paseball away from school is John Chalmers, 22, of E.dmon- Tony is a grandson of Mr fon, working toward a bachelor and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Orono of education degree at the Uni- versity of Alberta. Orono apparently is not alone He. heads a group of young. the absence of 8 merchants sters concentrated in Edmonton, {common interest ure discussed Calgary, Medicine Hat and Red or are set forth. The Port Deer. Most of them have|Hope Guide heads an editorial "An Important Task' and con she seho yor 1 finished schooling and work at! inues by emphasizing the im- jobs ranging from garage me- portance of merchants' division chanic to civil servant They note that Cobourg is mak They put hundreds of hours of | INE an Stout trough Jhon leisure. time. and. between: 3500 Chamber of Commerce of form ling such a committee Cobourg and $1,500 annually into their pac cuffered a complete col hobby lapse of its merchants' division Chalmers, writing in the first, The Guide siates "It is well] issue of the association's! known that merchants are indi monthly publication, Benchra.| vidualists, but in these days of cer, says: "While our sport is rapid transportation il seems as not the province's most popular, plain as day that the small town, it is what I feel fo he possibly retailers will not survive if he the fastest-growing young man's sport in Atherta-- 1 forsee the dav when we will have regular drag-strips, and when hot rodd ing and drag racing in Alberta will become a No. 1 spectator sport." will compete in the town's show-| miles west of Edmonton, it may rounds. To add variety, therebe called the Taylor Dragway. be live sheep - carrying He is also helping a drive for a permanent drag-strip of of- . rec. ficial specifications -- paved, 60 Chapman orecast| cer wide, level and three- quarters of a mile long, with space for repair and mainten. ance cenires. Highways Minister Taylor ex- HITS 9 FEET POLIO VACCINE plained his support of the hot- The Australian Stroud formed Second stage of an anti-polio rodders in an interview. These an international brick throwing .amnaign in Czechoslovakia be. 2r¢ young men who are not pre- committee with schoolteacher 1961 with f yA pared to accept the engines Lance Chapman as president.|[230 IN with free vaccina-i ee 5,16 production lines, he He has been consistently putting tions for children up to 15 years said. They are interested in 80 to 90 feet between himself of age. making extensive modifications Meanwhile in Stroud, Ont., a, village 50 miles north of Tor-|8" onto, members of the Innisfil Will Township police force are get- races ting a team ready for the con-| President test. Like its Australian name-|the likelihood of brick throwing sake, Stroud, Ont., is in the sweeping the country like a competition for the first time bushfire." this year. their com- demonstrate! woe Sidney JANES Eric BARKER Kenneth CONNOR Charles MAWTREY Konnath WILLIAMS Leslie PHILLIPS {Hamilton. Several have attend- YOU'LL NEVER FORGET YOU Mrs. W . d th t sh hich i ¥ , The busta was taken by eel Te at Rate] FIRST PINCH"! Lg } \ Hamilton miles an hour mile. SEEK SUPPORT The provincial association was born in November, 1959, when youths who had formed hot-rod clubs in several Alberta centres joined in a quest for more pub- lic support and better racing fa- cilities. in a quarter- FOR A LIMITED TIME | PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 TONIGHT! "oioirict ohn 4:00 SHOW STARTS 9:30 PLUS THE LAUGHS FOR AND LOVES OF CASH McCALL! ONLY ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS, LICENSEE 11V2 Simcoe St. South] 2 SHOWS ONLY! Call RA 8-1681 |=, 1') 00 and 7:30 P.M. OPEN DAILY 1-10 P.M, as en. THUR. JULY 20 * . uy THIS OFFER FOR ADULTS ONLY MATINEE EVENING ADULTS 40 ADULTS 1.00 STUDENTS 40 STUDENTS 30! Children 15: Anytime BUY TICKETS NOW! FRED BERTELMANN WALTER GILLER fron WARNER BROS. resonceen® Serves ty LENORE OIFURE sng MIRON ERSRONE Patent iy MENEY BLANKE . times ty ST SVR ONE OF THE ALL-TIME CREAT ENTERTAINMENTS! COLUMBIA PIGTURES PRESENTS A GEORGE SIDNEY PRODUCTION FLAS a L Tronviinn TPaven: Theat THE SENSATION OF "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS" OPEN TENNIS NEAR LONDON (AP) -- Wimbledon dropped a veiled hint Thursday! that it might defy the Interna. {tional Tennis Federation and {throw next year's tennis fourn- ament open to professionals In a guarded statement, the! club--a leading campaigner for open tournaments--said it would have to give careful considera- {tion to the nature of next year's | Wimbledon in view of the deci- {sion of the federation in Stock- holm Wednesday. The federation approved open {tournaments in principle, but @lelayed for another year a de- cision on how they might be run. That would rule out open tournaments before 1963 The All-England Club, the for-| mal name for Wimbledon, ear-| lier thus year said if open tourn-| aments were nol approved, it would have to "consider its own position in relation to world |lawn tennis." | FEATURE TIMES 12:30 3:15 6:00 . LAST SHOW 8:45 * Na * * - - * 3 GUEST STARS: . » J 5 " J Cinemascane Color CO-STARRING DAN DAILEY SHIRLEY JONES PRICES MATINEE . .75 EVENING - 1.00 CHILDREN - .35 | & FRED ASTAIRE DEBBIE REYNOLDS TAB HUNTER LILLI PALMER GIYMERRL FEATURE AT: Sn Jpaoy! AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT PIA (E22 Shown is St. Gertrude's Ro- | man Catholic Church on King street east, which is one of the city's newest church buildings--having opened in 1960, although the parish is | more than eight vears old The Church is located at the top of Fargwell avenue and has a membership of more | denominations than 300 families--Iif x typical of many new church buildings in the city of various religious 2:15-4:30-6:45.9:00