14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 17, 196) oh ¥ « YOUR . Malle 2 ac ed 2 Building Trades . PLASTERING & J23- 4871 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 i ---- A ona = ld PRIN TN £ eS A 2s fume at 4 Ci THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Sed it and a i sg: hid ta a x 4 VRE aa rt iT et nt ep git al Sl ti 2 OFFICE HOURS: 8 \. M. to 5 P.M. Sarurdey 8 to BUSIN ICE DIRECTORY ESS SERV [Driving School BOR CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting LEARN Service. Complete bookkeeping service i! TO DRIVE 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res, | 7 5. { at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cors Standard ond Automatic Doy ond Evening Lessons 728-0091 MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars. Gov't, Licenced instructors, Day or evening appointments. DIAL 725-4773 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI Gardening and Supplies GARDENS and lawns rototilled and levelled, grass, hedges cut. 725.7887, Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM 723-3528 DEWAR and Co., Accountants | and Auditor 'edar Glen Bldg., tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA J 220 | T Chartered a 135 Simcoe Street North, Ajax, ANDER, HUNT s and Auditors Bankruptcy, 64 King B, L. Yale, CA; CPA. and "Company, "Certi 172 King 725-3509 Chartered South, CA, ed Trustee in Street East, Oshawa; Friedlander, B-Comm., ST. HOPKIN fied Public Acciuntants, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario WILSON and BURROWS, Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street Oshawa. Ronald F D. Wilson, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- 'Guaran- teed. automotive parts and accesso pies. 145 King Street West, Oshawa 728-1607-8-9. "Five bays to serve you." Barristers LOUIS S§. HYMAN, Q( citor. Notary. Alger Street East RA monies available GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Soli eitors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South Dial 8. Residence phones: J. M Greer, BA, Sc., 1368; Terence V Kelly, PA, BCL RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246 Mortgage loans available BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA, Solicitor, Notary Public Street East 2381. Res., RUSSELL J. MURPHY Barrister and Solicitor, East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-2971 JAMES A. MacDONALD. BA, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Barrister, Soli Bldg., 37 King 3-4943. Mortgage E rR KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Now the time for Spring clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs. Top soil and sod. 725-6047 barrister, 36 Yu 3 BA, 6 King Street Money-to Lo Loan [Rug and Upholstery MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONDS --TO PAY OFF YOUR BILLS CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. covered like new. Get the best for less 142 Simcoe 728-6451 for a free esti. iat Sledern Upholstering, {Sou Call fon. CHESTERFIELDS re-built, like new. Why pay more? 0 Bond Street West. Dial oii recovered Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed astrenses re-built. Oshawa Uphoisiety 1 --TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE --FOR ANY WORTH- WHILE PURPOSE EXAMPLES OF ONE OF OUR PLANS AVAILABLE Loon Boal. Term Owing 5 Yr Nil ! {Surveyors printing, 12 Bloor Street East. H. FLIM AND "TROLLO {Land Surv East. Good Advertising and Good Merchandising GO HAND in HAND You Pay Borrow Monthly $1600 $37.69 P.1, | 2000 47.12P.1. 5Yr. Nil | 2500 52.89 PL S5Yr. .Nit | MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE ALL COSTS Other plans with lower mon- thly payments available For appointment call operator DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, on tario Land Surveyor, commercial biue- "Ontario , 216 Adelaide Avenue and ask for ZE 7-6540 NO TOLL CHARGE. BARFRIED TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, makes. Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue. , all 157 ENTERPRISES Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assn 72910 (Fred. SPECIALIZING IN SAMSON TOWERS ANTENNA INSULATION Mortgages MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, ( Osh. awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin- ity. Residential, acreage, apartments, business. Members of Ontario Mort gage Brokers Association. Summerland Securities Limited. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5-3568 $12,000 FIRST mortgage (commercial) for $11,500, repay $125 monthly: five years, 8 per cent Call anytime. MO 8-4249 Free Estimates 725- 7844 22 2 WHY Baca we give real service available CREIGHTON, MURDOCH tary Pu § Simcoe Creighton, QC; Drynan, G. 1 gages arr JOSEPH P. FRASER, DRYNAN and Barristers, Solicitors, No ., Bank of Commerce Bldg.. reet North, 723-3446; ;T. K N, Fraser, QC; G. K Murdoch. NHA mort. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling. Now is the time to kill crab grass ond chickweed Seedling, sodding, nursery 725.1721 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh deily, sod for truck- ers in the field. Special con- tractor rates 725-8504 LOAM - GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, OADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 u DRIVEWAY GRAVEL | MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8.8232 Residence, RA 5-3405 Jo MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD . SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- Money to lpan. denry Block, 2 Street East. RA 3-4697. Resi dence, Dial RA 3 4029. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor 5 King Street Telephone: Business RA 3-2201. dence, RA 8-5373. 7. T. SAL ERS, tor, et Office i, Barrister East Resi BA, barrister, solici Simcoe Street North 3741; Residence, 725-5542. , DAVID L., Soli- citor, mcoe South, esi- dence 4, al McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for fest mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North 3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC., ¥ gar F. Bastedo, Qc. HU MPHREYS, _ BOYCHYN and WILL- N. Solicitors; R.- D.| Humphreys, ac: Boychyn, BA W. A. Hillman, 'LLB: 36% King Street Fast Phones: Office725-1177; Res., 725-6404 or Whitby MO 8-2761. 725-5203 Money to loan JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solici tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street CEMENT GRAVEL roosgsses amansea 7+" *| SAND AND FILLING | i EVANS LOAM AND : M, RU NDLE, Barrister, er, Soll- { ON rT OLE panini, J GRAVEL SUPPLIES, | RRA i DORAL Te Bagi, 725-5 5279 OSHAWA Solicitor, Notary Public, 51%4 Simcoe HOME North. 728-2891. Res., 728-2765 LANDSCAPING Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN \ N Landscaped designing, scd- COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING ding, seeding, weed killing. Complete garden service. SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 728-6366 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades ALL eavestroughing, sidewalks, stoops Barrister, 725-9592. HOLLAND NURSERIES | and LANDSCAPING 725-7442 For satisfactory service, landscape designing, main- tenance, sodding, spraying 199 GARRARD RD plastic wall tile, wood. Insurance wah, floor coverings. Free esti 4 STATE Auto Insurance, ork._suarant 3% ---- to 20 per cent, six months to pay sonal service at your home, DON'T MOVE, = IMPROVE TYPES building repairs, roofing, | chimneys, fireplaces, 728-0394. Gordon May cleaner. Chim gas linings in Free esti ocal neys b mates CERAMIC working Save up mates For call AUTO INSURANCE If ore a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 209% Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate Ontario through this of- tice Half-year payments. Call us today and compare --omple free parking. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 360 Kng St. West 723.2265 ORATE out GLAD CALLED you 728-5103 St Eg 110 K East, Oshawa AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LTD. ottage, sarage supply: Fac- we can {borne. FIRST and second mortgages, arrang ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, 01 Dundas W MO 8-3338 FIRST and second mortgages, agreements purchased and sold. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street East. 723.7232. fast . same day . ef- ficient , . , save money . , experience , . , satisfied. "Sale Hen King (and save) Service $2.50 Tubes checked, tuner, cleaned, best picture. A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same doy! Repairs? As good as new! TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 728-678) SAMSON T.V. TOWERS 728-8180 OSHAWA T.V. 361 GIBBONS ST. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Drive In ond for glass Optanatvists set up . H. . TUCK. RO, 'Optometrist Please NE, accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex. amined at home. Dial 725-4587 F "RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optometry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Col- Evenings by appointment. 723- 4191 Painting and Decorating Al PAINTING and paperhanging. EE Jensen, 651 after 5 p.m PAIN 'ree estimates, clean work, reasonabl prices. Ask for Angus Mac- Lean. 723-29239 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Fall Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITB DAYS MO 8-523] NIGHTS 725-7426 SANDALWOOD PAINTERS Interior -- Exterior --= ON OSHAWA." % JAX VACATION Y LEN & LOU'S T.V. "vice 728-1367 WH 2-4085 Well Drilling-Digging PAAR + Donrne | TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CONTRACTORS Clean-outs and deepening. Painting, Paperhanging COMPRESSOR WORK. Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 728-3864 DAYS MO 8-5231 Spray Painting. < NIGHTS 725-7426 -- W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. PO BOX 3 NOTHING IS TOO BIG or too SMALL Personal Service PETER PAN DAY Nursery, all or day, 8.30 to 5.30. 581 Simcoe Street North. 728-2604 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH Trail Riding, Go-K Swim Pool open 2 to Daily Information: 725-2737 Off Harmony "Rd. "North Karts 9 pm TRY OUR BAR.B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, french fries, hamburgs, shakes MODERN" GRILL WE DELIVER--725-3887 half chicken fish and hot dogs, with chips milk LET US MACHINE WASH YOUR WALLS, HOMES, tobe sold in a ory Engineered Stylemaster Buildin Many to om. Move next Lawn Mowers POWER lawn mowers sharpened "and | repaired; also bicycles, and outboard motors. Rosedale Marine 725 8065. in mont WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK 723-3224 Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort basements dozer. MO 8-5612. stucen patching and done. Free estimates » on digging, bull ¥REE est and gradi pther repair work + CLIFF BROWN "| GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Delivery RA 8-8951 Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- i ged and insured. 728-3661 STS. mpt purchased, Creighton, doch, NHA mortgage Fraser, Drynan MONIES FOR MORTGAGES ies available First gages at 7% per annum without bonus Monies also available Second' Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sole purchased | M. F. SWARTZ Builder's reasonable Dressmaking FURRIER and DRESSMAKER | Alterations, Remodelling Low Prices 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 Want. Ads Don' t on on New, Short and at term Mortgages rates 26% King St. Fast, Oshawa, Ontario. 723-4697 Registered under Mortgage 9 Brokers' Registration Act Cost-They Pay | #age. Mortgage and agreement of sale arranged, and Mur- OFFICES, etc Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping CALL DUNBARTON TE 9-1864 Day or Evening Free Estimates EASY-GLIDE INTERIOR WALL WASHIN DUNBARTON classified ad The capabilities of classified are almost limitless. You can buy (or sel) big things like Plumbing Heating i ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel. ing, new and used materials. Reason. able rites. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931 J. Foley ALL plumbing and heating supplies, Phone 725-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. ing, 255 Simcoe Street South houses or ten-ton trucks, you wish. And, just as easily, you'll find buyers for more modest-sized items like jewel- BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps lery or roller skates or baby buggies. One thing that isn't big is the cost of classified. oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night Only 214 cents per word for twenty-five words (minimum) for six consecutive insertions Three cents per word for three Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstery and re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, } 75_ Charles Street, 7212 consectutive insertions and four cents per word for one or Call The Osh- owa Times Classified RA 3- two insertions WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR VALUABLE RUGS AND FURNITURE When you can have them professionolly cleaned by a member of the National In- stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 ears experience NU-WAY 3492 if you hove something to sell. Read the classified for anything te buy 123-3492 748-4681 | CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Chorge 3 CONSECUTIVE 225 248 INSERTIONS 375 4.13 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Abcve rates apply only to eoriginai orders for consecutive insertions. Subseauent Insertions ordered ot o later date constitute @ new original order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 per month. Each initial letter abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure, counts as @ word. Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m the day be- 12--Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) CASH FOR SCRAP 11 | WE Y. STEEL, METALS BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Etr, Open All Day Soturday Phone collect, UL 2.3691 days; evenings. DO YOU KNOW CHRIST'S! __ [18--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED, sa salesmen or salesladies for ator, stove, free dryer, Ontario's youngest but best food plan. way. Tel Best freezers, Nf foods and 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent nt 26--Rooms for for Rent INGLE Fk beds, cooking 230 double to gs Ho ing Moe rin TV aerial, Telriger, paved drive 723-9141, 26914 RETURN IS REAL SOON? Are You On Fire For God? TRANSLATION ARMY CHAPEL Needs Bible Workers (solaried) 179 Gerrard East, Toronto, Phone 923-0729 FM. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. 723-7333 308 Bloor St. E. fore publication except Births Memoriams Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am. Deadline for Lost end Founa andr Cancellations 8:30 a.m, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Soturday 8-12 REGULATIONS=-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise: ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more then one incorrezt insertion of any adver nt, nor beyond the price 2 for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification in the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thar that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter currectly but assumes no liability of advertisement are contained It any inaccuracies in ary form therein. NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W, Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city, 2--Personal ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, July 18th 19th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, BOARDING, p pickup and delivery White Hart Kennels. | BOARDING kennels, new modern fire. proof kennels, spacious runs. Telephone Picker WHitehall 2- 1237 trimming, de. - Neeing, board. na Kennels. 7 BE AUTIFU L training, Board, baby budgies ready for talking strain. Apply Mrs. 114 Elgin Street East. 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY | for dead and disab) farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, collect, 24-hour, seven-day service. DEAD farm stock picked up prom Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 115. 7--Trailers . GLENDALE cabin trailer, ex- cellent condition, reasonable. Apply 500 Green Street, Whitby, Phone MO 8.2349. HOME made cabin trailer, all plywood, 10 feet long, 7 feet wide, 5% feet high, glass windows. $175. Call 728-8059. EXPLORER tent trailer for sale, sleeps four, very good condition. Fad 610 Fernhill or telephone 723-4830 SLEEPING TRAILER for sale, included, $300, Good phone 728-4 8047 DON'T strain over household chores. Painter: landscapers and any other ser; you need are offered to you ev in the Oshawa Times Classi hitch condition. Tele-| vday fled 8 Section. GOING CAMPING? See Our Display of GLENDETTE TRAVEL TRAILERS All Models at Cook's Trailer Sales Highway 2, East of Oshawa | 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent LARGE, new three-bedroom « cottage, inside bathroom, on Lake Scugog - Ca sarea. 728-2295, TWO-BEDROOM cott modern, plumbing, hot water, beach, fishin, scenic location, Highway 28, Paudash| Lake, $40 week. Available July 15-22, also July 29 through October 15. Call | Bancroft 3414 or write: D. McLean, | RR 3, Bancroft, Ontario. Cedar Brae Cottages, FOR SALE -- cottage at Rice Lake, Curtis Point, near Roseneath, right of | to lake, dock, low taxes. Phone 3398. LAKE BALSAM -- large housekeeping cottages for rent, indoor facilities, hot running walter, sandy beach, fishing Contact Murchison and Robson Real-| (tors, Fenelon Phone 71. lcoTTAGE on e Dalrymple. Avail | able week of July 15 also August 19 and on into September. Call 723-3625 COTTAGE for rent at Crow Lake, Mar- | mora, Phone 723-9605 after 5 p.m. WESTLAKE Wellington twobed. | room cottage for rent, $35 weekly, all conveniences, good fishing. Telephone 728-8105. and fully equipped, available anytime. Telephone 728-0318 8 after 7.30 p.m FOR RENT -- Small snack bar, MODERN beauty salon, three dryers, two styling chairs, fully equipped, steady clientele, good location, owner leaving country. Exceptionally priced at $1,100. Apply Box 3, Oshawa Times. 5,000 FT. NEW FACTORY Brick and block, three office rooms, two washrooms, three truck doors, 18-ft. ceiling, very open floor area. Could be warehouse, etc, Low rent, Phone RA 5-3668, , owner, 'FOR speaking preferred, central. low | 1687. 51 Colborne East home close to downtown. Telephone RA 8-2795 20--Room a and Be Board i ONE very nice room, board opt optional, | LB eekly. 758. 13--Business Opportunities noox and board, $14 weekly, | two gentlemen willing to share, new 0 f 100 Buckingham Avenue. . ingle three cooked meals. TV, clean| 9087. home, central. 725- YOUNG gentleman, fri endly home, geod meals, TV lounge, Eoalis Phone 7. LOVELY country estate, for e elderly | gentlemen, reasonable rates. Write Box 1104, Oshawa Times. lemen, cked, facilities, ROOM and board for two home cooked meals, lunche: privileges, parking |123--Wanted to Rent THREE-BEDROOM house, by "reliabie| tenants, school, preferably close to separat Write Box 211, Oshawa Times. THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland, Road district, east of Simcoe Street. Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post Office. TEXACO CANADA LIMITED has a modern established ser- vice station to lease on Sim- coe Street North in Oshawa. An excellent opportunity for the right man to enter into business for himself, We invite inquiries from oggres- sive individuals who are onx- ious to become independent business men A station manage- ment course is offered to suc- cessful applicant. $3,500 capital required. Write-- TEXACO CANADA LTD.| c/oT.F. TALBOTT Box 233, Whitby, Ontario or phone 728-4231 Oshawa central, noski, service Coin-Metered, Licensed WESTINGHOUSE Loundromat Laundry Store Receive training, advice and lo- cation assistance from a pioneer of the coin-operated laundry store. No experience necessary. Generous financing of the neces- sary equipment ot lowest monthly installments. Complete service and parts centers located neor | you. IF you are considering own- | ing your own COIN-OPERATED LAUNDRY STORE -- and pride yourself on good business sense, compare the profit potential and leadership of the Licensed WESTINGHOUSE Loundromat store before you buy. Over 10,000 sucessful stores are proof positive of the consumer preference for prestige, Licensed, unattended WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT STORES Coll or write today for details, ALD CANADA, LTD. 25 Belfield Dd., Rexdale (Toronto) Ont. RO 6-7255 14--Employment Wanted FAMILY man, 32, salaried position, wants 12 years perm anent experience, office and stockroom procedure, some THREE-ROOM heated apartment and|728-1904. sales and showroom experience. thing considered. RR tario, or phone UL | EXPERIENCED 3 Any- Uxbridge, On- salesman with Will start for low 101, Oshawa Times. salary counter and variety store. Apply to 345 | Ritson Road South. [PART-TIME waitress wanted. iManager, The Mall Restaurant, awa Shopping Centre SHORT order cook, experienced | prefer- red hut mot. essential Apply. Genosha Hotel Ubffe¢ Shop Apply Osh. -- | 125-6343 8 am 24--Houses for Rent LOVELY seven-room house for rent, close to Motors. Apply J. Bar-| Real Estate, 18 Bond Street] West. SIX (small) room, clean house, all con-| veniences, coal furnace, garage, Hall Street near Oshawa Dairy. reliable tenants. 34 Mill Street. SIX-ROOM brick house, 1la-storey,| paved drive, $95 monthly, vacant July 15, Phone 728-5895 MODERN five-room » bungalow fo Ie Tet, | town line east. Phone 723-2879. FOUR-ROOMED house to let. Apply at 9 Edward Street, Ajax. THREE-BEDROOM house, tral, clean throughout, $95 Only very ry cen: ing, E, St ~-- three-room unfurnish. |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bathroom and entrance, heavy | di Sule home, separate entrance, ground _|apartments, Colborne East, $30. | $89 stove, {washer reasonable rates. - Call 728-8402. LIGHT ng room, alse furs - inished room, Landry Facilities. Apply 105 Mary Street. ROOMS for Teak for JeSlaen, om on Apply 23 Elgin | Street Ea Bast. Phone refrigerator, free use of on. 728.3546 dryer. Immediate pos- ed apartment, suitable for couple, Tele- phone 728-2267 for more particulars. | THREE- ROOM _ apartment, near + Shop- ping Centre, newly decorated, TV out- let, laundry facilities, parking. Com. pletely private I 728-5179. room, very very central, phone 728-4594 or call at 45 Drew Street. TWO large Soom. So Sompletely furnish- ed for light including lelectric mete ns, television, {use of washing machine and dryer, cen: pping centre. uty wiring. Apply 767 Simcoe Street South, 728-6! __PICKERIN ment, three rooms, tral to downtown and sho Adults, $15 weekly. 725-5227. CLEAN, furnished 1 rooms, private en- trance with parking facilities. Apply Si Albert Street or r_teleph: furnished apart. self-contained, in oor, $55 monthly including garage, TWO furnished roo; wo adult only. WH 2513, trance, and bath, suit nurses or couple, * FOUR-ROOM two bedroom apart: Brock Street West, available now. {ment newly decorated, furnished or un. {Phone 728; 2423. rnished, stove, refrigerator, Jaundry | ARGE clean room « or housekeeping Huai parking. Reasonable, Apply {roo 23 m, reasonable. Bi |Gibb Street, Apartment 1, uth' GM. GM. Telephone 725. i258 close to (Street entrance. a arge furnished r m with Iarge Simcoe /TO A QUIET busine couple, a m a well. |p v |contained five-room apartment with 630 fuishe coe Street' ou only, Abi ve, refrigerator, TV tower and ga. g rest North, e, on scenic Grandview Street in NEWLY decorated light "housekeeping Oshawa. Possession August 1. Tele-[room in newer home, private entrances phone Mr, Anderinga, 7: 728-6781. |&irls only. 162 Warren Avenue. 728-2359 APARTMENT -- very central, modern|*1'F_6 two Ioomna, oth stove, refrigerator, washer a ryer, available August 1. I T i Apartment 2, 45 John Street. 723. A RACTIVELY Li FURNISHED ROOMS OUR nice clean rooms, in private si ein and cupboards, near Available in private home, u elephone 723-9788. wo , Tour. roomed "apartm. ents, sepa 82 PARK ROAD N. rale baths, large basement, parking {and laundry facilities, rent as aouse or Call ry >and 7 pm. |separate. Telephone 723.7088 728- 8671 J MONTHLY, modern one or tw edroom apartment, new apartment 27--Real | Estate for Sale {Sscarated, centrally located. 728-4211 or COURTICE -- ~ modern, 7- -year-old brick 528: and stone two-bedroom bungalow, with {NOW RENTING « One and two bedroom | conveniences, large lot (135°-210"), possession, close to schools, exchange for 3- or {August 1, self-contained. Many extra's. |More bedroom house in Oshawa. Will $109. Call Gower Realtor. ase for the difference in value, {728-4651. |ONE or two furnished | housekeeping FIVE room brick bungalow with ga- |rooms, all conveniences, sink and cup- iy all conveniences. {board parking. Near south GM. 268 * Mala Er ------vetpm--------tima Avion |*wo-nEDEGOM apartment, available | ga Telephone CO BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR or [2 496 Simcoe North or r 728-3945 FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, Close {to North GM on Agnes Street. to So gnes Street. Telephone Available August 1. Phone 725-7295. SIX-ROOM house, near South GM plant, good bus Jervice, Sarking facili. | 7. ties. 'Apply 641 M a SEVEN-ROOM 1, on paved road, five miles a of Port Perry, All modern conveniences, double 2 rage and garden. Phone or write B Wanamaker, Seagrave, Ontario. Phon| 985-2651 FIVE-ROOM house for rent, | Ajax, available immediately. WH 2 4754. 30 HARRIS AVENUE, (home, attached garage, newly deco- rated itable for executive type man. Apply 76 Harris Avenue for further information FOUR-ROOM house, on Noi rth 8 Street, close to school. For more I. mation, telephone 725-5905. Sout Phone new modern | [tained "| Four-Ko0M apartment, all conveni. | ences, laundry, parking, hot water, bus | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE at it Joor, Apply 165 Verdun Road. RA 725-6588 723-2537 We list photo Co-Op FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH | Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" [875 FOUR - ROOM self - ntai apartment, new stove and refrigerator, | n apartment house, close to downtown. | Telephone 725-4569. [$55 MONTHLY -- - three un unfurnished (rooms, heat, light, water, parking in-{ uded, close to hospital, North GM. th Telephone 725-9298. | | FURNISHED ~-- three - room, self-con- ni apartment, east end, available | immediately. Phone 725-7530. | FURNISHED two - room apartment, |newly decorated, private bath, laundry |facilities, close of bus stop, adults {only. Telephone 725-9685. | | THREE-ROOM a apartment, heat heat, hydre {washing Business hydro, | Jscies included, $55° month. i; NO ATTENDANTS NECESSARY 25 Apts. & Flats fof Rent THREE-ROOM | |apartment, heated Suit. |able for couple with one child, Apply 210 Chadburn Street. ATTRACTIVE two-room aj artment, un furnished, every or yeniaiee, stove and refrigerator rking unfurnished basement | (private ntiahve) (bath, heavy wiring, very central. 28-5603 or 419 Albert LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 101_Simcoe St. N. 7 23 oy LOVELY three. room ground floor |apartment, entirely separate, newly decorated, two entrances, beautiful large patio, flower beds, tile kitchen | and bathroom, refrigerator and stove heavy wiring, laundry room, oil heat. |ed, large Parking aap ce, $65 for right -- oman eT i unfurnished, adults only. Very Sentral, 725- 5380. | THREE-ROOMS newly "decorated, pr pri |vate entrance and bath, heavy duty |cLE N., f located. Telephone | AN wiring, 1725-4497, centrally PRIVATE SALE BROOKLIN {for quiet pin fy 55 Albert Street after | six, furnished, two-room a apart. | ment with private entrance and park-| ling f For further) details tele- |THREE-ROOM apartment, main floor, | stove | boards, 1725-3938. APARTMENT, in new apartment build- | ing, four rooms and bath, stove, fix. TV aerial, washer, dryer, at 299 MN trave. Open for inspection. 725 S61 |FOUR-ROOM apartment, | stove, refrig- erator, TV tower, washer, dryer facili- ties, parking, convenient to south plant Telephone 723-2734. LARGE two-bedroom cated on Lansdowne drive, August 1, stove, refrigerator, and dr dryer. Telephone 725.3412. and refrigerator, built-in eup- three-piece bath. Telephone To-| able sher Three bedroom bungalow, stores, Quiet price phone 728-5204. after 6 p.m [COME! COMPARE! five rooms, taste. {fully decorated, every convenience, {new apartment building. Children wel. |come, $95 monthly. Telephone 728-56 5690. £. | BACHELOR apartment, ideal for |young couple, fully equipped, TV out- (let, parking, $79 monthly. 161 Mont. | rave Avenue or 723.4534 evenings. [862.50 MONTHLY - tractive, new, one . bedroom apartment, private bath- room, built-in cupboards, etc. Tele- phone 725-5423 or 725-2267. THREE-ROOM | apartment, . unfurnished, | | sitchen with cupboards, sinks, heat, ranch style close to schools, fenced yard, shrubs, neighbourhood. Full $13,200 ONE N.HA. 'MORTGAGE Phone Evenings 655-4895 i" and up, modern one or droom apartments, ula, refrigerator, tove, washer, ryer, paved parking. Telephone RA ith 6674. two- bath. Available August 26. Taunton Road West, 250 Telephone 725.7462. UNFURNISHED three-room apartment | with or without stove and frig., private immediate possession. Apply 421 Ridge- ohanical background, desires employ- | bath and entrance. Mary Street close way. | ment, anything considered, references. |!0 hospital. 723-2104 Write Box $70 MONTHLY, for cosy two-bedroom all completely apartment, trally located, 16--Female Help Wanted |ist of August. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for lanch| THREE-ROOM electrically equipped, cen- ults, referred, vacant; hl ement | apartment, near south GM. Reasonable. | Abstainers only. 1213 Sun Valley Court| 725. 1356. new apartment| [va close to bus, 680 Wilson | Road South. 728-3664. $80 MONTHLY modern two-bed. | {room apartment in apartment building, refrigerator, stove, modern kitchen, four-piece bathroom, mear North GM. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD Insurance 167 SIMCOE §. Office Hrs. -9% pm. THICKSON'S RD. 3-bedroom brick bungalow with ottached garage. Oil heat, hardwood and tile floors, storms and screens, many extras. Call and see this one. Ask for Mr, Sware Realtor THREE large newly decorated, un- furnished rooms, three-piece bath, built. in cupboards, ample parking space, 9 am. {FOUR toon rooms, s, including » separate bath, furnished, or will rent| |unfurnished, Simcoe North district, rea. sonable rent to reliable couple, Phone | Mr. Clayton, 725-3501. Evenings, 725 14914. | SAVE money by 1 regularly / shopping | the| Oshawa Times Classified Pages, They are filled with amazing values, NEW "one-bedroom apartment, equip- | , free washer, dryer, $75. 285 Mont. | Pr: 728-5345 M apartment on Simcoe fully eouipped. Phone fo'5 poi. BEDE: Street North, voman for light hou |ing and baby sitting. Live in. Ti (mELP WANTED = --- Female, qualified ay nursery supervisor for Ajax. Sub. mit 100 details to PO Box 757, Ajax, Onta Need money to bol- ster the budget? Four or five hours a day will bring you a good income, CALL COLLECT RU 2-4782 TILTING "boat | trailer, heavy duty, | &| foot. new condition. Telephone {5 3738 DANCE hall, , with modern equ) equipment, facilities, picnic grounds, dance pavilion and recreation area. For further in- formation call 728-0529 COTTAGES built to specification on your lot. Reasonable Expert workman. ship. C. Cox, Fenelon Falls 90. LAKE SCUGOG -- lakefront, five. room cottage for rent after August 26, mod- ern conveniences. fully equipped. safe beach, fishing. Telephone 985-2214. HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver Lake, electricity, running water, refrig- erators, good swimming and fishing lamworth 40RB-1, James O'Neill, Erinsville LEARN a foreign language. Competent teachers advertise daily in the Oshawa | Times Classified Section, Turn to Class- ification BD Instruction today and start to learn a fascinating new lan- guage 12--Anticles Wonted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking | Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc, bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 'RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. | son. 17--Male Help Wanted | about 16 to work 3 around snack bar, board and room plus wages. | Gord s Pavilion, East Beach, Bowman. { bat man to assist meat experienced preferred. Apply son. Stroud"s Food Market, Street North PART TIME sales type men to call on! rranged leads, Need car, no actual sell- ing, salary. Phone 728-4232. Till 9 p.m A BUSINESS of your own! Sell house. hold and farm necessities. No dull Commission, bon trial Openings in vour surroundings. FAMI. LEX PRODUCTS, Dept. T..7-, 1600 Del- orimier, Montreal cutter, in per-| 54 Simcoe | REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Experienced in the selling of Real Estate preferred Must have car and ambition Apply-- METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD 40 KING E 728-4678 |18--Male or Female Help Wanted £100 A WEEK could be vours if you can work 20 hours a week, have a car and can follow directions. Write Box 40 Oshawa Times. sea." period. | {TWO room |bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator. | Parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. COZY four rooms, bath, private en. trance, nice location, central, duplex. | | Telephone 728-0581. n washer, brick, 725.6544 or 725. 8342 $900 DOWN $900 rooms, clean, Grsenuveq A hed v : oe 1% wn Call "Mr, Applsty,, 725-6544 or 723- $75 MONTHLY Madern kitchen, spacious ving + tod; Bedroo 5 1aigé dryer, vefrigerotor, | stove, TV outlet, ample park- ing. Wentworth Street. Tele- phone 725-1424 or 725- 5 714 VACANT LOT TWO heated apartments, second and third floors, private entrance. 74 Bond, East or 725-9303. ADELAIDE TERRACE New modern 2 bedroom apartment. Stove, frig, TV outlet, broadloom floor, park- ing space, laundry facilities. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., Apt. 2. LARGE APARTMENTS Available in Modern Building Stove, refrigerator, Vv, parking, laundry, locker, hardwood floors, painted ta your liking. Call et 101 Craydon Rd. Apts, or Dial MO 8-3092. NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modern 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- 778 HORTOP 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms -- free use of auto- matic washer and dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt 1 With foundation in, water and sewer in. terms, Eosy Call Mr. Ratcliffe, 735. 6544, 7-ROOM SPLIT Only $14,900 with double brick and block garage. 2 rooms rented for $50 monthly, 2 baths, stone fire- place. This is a good buy. See this now by calling Mr, Siblock at 725-6544 or 725 4362 { 26--Rooms for Rent | BED-SITTING room, private ba Th broadloom, lovely patio, cooking privil-| cies, everything supplied. Large better! ome, near hospital. 725-3053. ln three unfuroisned | irooms, private entrance, bath, heated, | {heavy wiring, cupboards, sink, hot and | {cold water, Immediate occupancy. | 655-47 4. |FURNISHED apartment and single | {housekeeping rooms, private Smrance, | |central, parking, reasonable. 96 Centre | Street. ONE SINGLE room, close to Nor North | |General Motors and hospital, suit one gentleman, $6 weekly. Phone 728-6387. | | |27--Real Estate for Sale | Mortgages Arronged, Bought and Sold Member O. D. R. EB. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED | 40 KING ST. DIAL 728-4678 $1,000 DOWN 8 large rooms -- 2 kitchens, storms, screens, storm doors, forced air oil heating, large treed lot on paved street, close to school, bus, shopping. Home in immaculate condition. A real large family home or could be sublet. A steal at $10,- 000.00, balance on 1 mortgage. After 5:30 call Joe Maga at 725-9191 MEADOWVALE STREET A home complete in every way, 1V2-storey brick, gorage, paved drive, etc. This home must be seen to realize its value ot only $12, 500.00. Shown by appointment only. WILSON RD. SOUTH hot water baseboard heating, plus extra large recreation room, finished den and loundry room ond 2-pe. washroom in basement, large landscaped lot. A real gem ot only $12,500.00 6 rooms AFTER 5.30 CALL john Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 Jos Maga, 725-9191 Everett Elliott, 723.92%0 ARAL LE LF 2 2 ra