The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1961, p. 15

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26--Rooms for Rent 27--Resl Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale APARTMENT sites, 6, 8 or 10 suite sites available, ready to go. Paid serv. ices. Call Mr. Siblock at 725-6544 or 725- 4362. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtor. FIVE room brick bungalow with ga- 90-ACRE farm, six-room house barn, two trout and streams, three miles ot} high highway, Make ideal summer home. BUICK, automatic transmission, MoToRCYCLE NSU, very le. $245 cash. Trade or terms. ,1to hand], condi-{ Nichols Motor Sales, MO 8-8001. easy [EASY chair, television, exchange for ill aise At ag m ~ Oshawa Times Cla rage, all col? 3-2257 Hampton, rates NEAR Jackson's Point, cottage lot for sale or will exchange for lot in Osh. ro Whitby district. 725-2608 after 6 m. THREE-BEDROOM brick k bungalow, oll heating, 474 Lakeview Avenue, $1 ji down, immed immediate possession. 7: $900 DOWN, spotless owner-built prick bungalow, off Park Road South, many pe 3 must be seen to be appreciat- Frances Hallowell 725-4344. Joseph hed Realtor. you. PRIVATE TN two bedroom 'bungalow, fent to sl 725-247 all conveniences, large lot (135°-210°) close to schools, more bedroom house in Oshawa. pay cash for the difference in 728-1563. REACH joan prospects at low cost with Ad. Dial A RA 3-3492 today to. the low storms and screens, tile floors, conven- hopping centre down town. 30.900, ,PATRenis to be arranged. Call ail -- modern, 7-year-old | brick and stone two-bedroom bungalow, with exchange for 3- or win value.| 4, newly painted, A-1 T 728-6449. '53 PONTIAC, two tone blue, good con- dition, custom radio, good motor and tires. $250. MO 38-5110. lded paceship all equipped, tH i motor, Armson trailer, ag nals, stop and running lights. Bargain, 1533 Lakeside Street. ---- |i§1 GMO J4-ton truck, only 200 miles, ced right. Robinson Motors, 574 Rit- son | Road CUSTOM (In _ DE the dash) car PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | All colors Suaranpeed, flat, Hoss, Oshawa Church Street, 725.7624, Tire T furniture in town. radios from $39.95. Try Stores, 48 Bond Street Weal, 52 METEOR automatic, radio, no rust, new brake job, $175. 113 Rossland Road East, phone 723-4909 1950 MORRIS Biori, newly overhaul shape. $1 65. sofa bed suites, Better quality smooth top mattresses, normally $69.50, discount price $29.88; 1961 car-bed carriages, discount price $19.95; three-piece bedroom suites, dis. bo price $88. Wall to wall "loor coverings, 25¢ per foot; chesterfield and|;, newest stylings, reg. ce $77; coffee tables ®t. 8 wood boat with accessories, new trailer. $500 or best offer. Must sell 723-3635. By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- A cavalcade of BUYING or disposing of used furniture, appliances, etc. Call mer, 30 years' experience. COlfax 3. WILL sell privately, china, etc. Tuesday to Saturday, 18th -- rn 2-4 and gs tn each 22nd July, Whitby, 806 Byron Street C eT U COME C BEAT THE YOUR PLANS, our prepaid servi manship ond low, low prices, transportation ond pleasant surroundings. SALES TAX iced lots, extras, location, crofts- giving you schools, shopping, Check our models and see. Open for inspection all week from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. ; Pe FAREWELL AND TAYLOR AVE. DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR PHONE 728-4651 MUST be sold. 53 Dodge Regent sedan, paint and interior clean, $169, pri and step tables, discount price $8.88. Ask for Morley Purtell, Ed Wilson's A-1, whitewalls. Best offer, Telephone 728-1201. "56 OLDSMOBILE, full power. May be seen at 587 Ritson Road North. Tele phone 728-5323. 1959 MONARCH fordor sedan. In excel lent condition throughout, soft tutone finish, power steering, radio, $2,245. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. '55 PLYMOUTHS, choice of three smart rust-free finishes, radios, excellent con- dition mechanically, good tires, $395. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. '54 CADILLAC four door, power steer- (eae power brakes, custom radio. First class condition. $895 or best offer. MO 29-- Automobiles for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale in "53 CHEVROLET sedan, delivery truck. Telephone 725-6498. 1957 CHEVROL LET, middle series sedan, turquoise with whitewalls, very good Sou! engine, new automatic transmission, radio. x nd [69 PLYMOUTR Pury, four-door hard. top, lots of equipment, very clean. {M0 8-3331. Ritson Road jo55 CHEVROLET, real good motor. ur, Robinson Motors, 574 METEOR tudor, 6 cylinder, custo dio. A very hard to find model. Sale |price $1,245. Seaway Motors, Whitby, Excellent tires, radio, $145. Seaway and brakes, and radio, im. door, bE ET {i 58 CHEVROLET Must private. MO 8-5152. be sold on the weekend, cheap. 728-2805, be sold on Le We -- ------------ "59 AUSTIN Healy convertible, excel- lent condition, exceptionally priced at $1,795. Call MO 8-3192. "53 DODGE, tires, liable gosto Best offer, after 6. four door, , body. A good running, re- 728-604 hardtop, equipped with power steering 1555 METEOR sedan, 5 PPOITE four door holiday Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. ~~ A-1_ condition. This car is spotless! Sacrifice price! $1,345. Seaway Motors, Whitby. MO good radio, |8-3391. 1957 MONARCH fordor sedan. In beau. | {tiful tutone finish. Excellent condition| t] lhed '49 CHEVROLET. Telephone 728- 5737. 1961 DODGE %-ton pickup, long box, | less than 2,000 miles. Brooklin 655-4812. se ---- pst MERCURY sedan, custom radio, 0 tone, in good 5747. SINGER Gazelle, private, red Jeath- tpholstery, window washers, Ti , La overdrive, 36 miles gallon. 725- 7946. 33 PONTIAC, jo and lights, A-1 condition. Can be fi Phone 725-8555. 1 og $1,295. Seaway Motors, thy. MO 8-3331. radio and directions hi: ) FORD tudor, V-8 motor, custom *|radio, tutone green and white finish, 181,495. Seaway Motors, Whitby. MO CONVERTIBLE '53 Chev. BelAir, auto. matic, radio and whitewalls. This is a lovely car for someone. Cash, trade or terms. Nichols Motor Sales, MO 8-800! terms. AN Cn0s 56 GMC dump truck, good condition, reasonably priced. 23 Erle Street. 723-4736 after 7 p.m. 56 METEOR, nine , ranch condition, MO 4537 'after 6. '60 PONTIAC station wagon, V-s, radio, [a 3331. Simca, $00 1550 PONTIAC, radio, heater, good ru | ning Apply 1457 Oxford '53 METEOR custom line, four door 725-8323 , like new; "56 Meteor, four door a good shape; 30 Mercury, four door, best offer; "50 Meteor, five pas- senger coupe, radio and signals. 728-5221 before 7 p.m. LINCOLN Capri two door hardtop. Porte condition inside and out Disl 723-4256 or 304 Golf Street before 8 p m. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have o good assortment of Used Cars. Trade your boat on @ car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends VOLVO MGA COUPE. 1958, 20,000 miles, radio, white wall tires, wire wheels, continen.| {tal kit, safety belts, $1,350. RA 5-05 0585. 221 College Avenue. clean inside and out, fully equipped, A-1 1. | condition. Apply 373 Olive Avenue. '55 CHEV. Belair, low mileage, one| owner car, top condition; also Super| Max Jhkoreyeie, almost new. Telephone | 1951 PONTIAC sedan, , | Street. 1758 HILLMAN deluxe, grey and white, whitewalls, vinyl upholstery, good heat. er, clean and well kept. Call 728-4233 for appointment. turn signals, [ back- -up lights, good motor and tires, {new battery. Telephone 723-4728. 1953 CHEVROLET % ton pick up, $375. Good condition. Telephone MO 8- 5110. |1950 PONTIAC, take it away $65. Tele- 1947 OLDSMOBILE automate, A-1 condition; 2%-ton GMC stake tru $125 each, Telephone 723-9973. yadio, {phone 725-8556 or apply 595 Harmony k Road South. matic, radio, ready for the open road. Will take best offer. Sales, MO 8-8001. 56 MONARCH four door sedan, auto- Nichols Motor 54 CHEV. two door. Two to choose from, Nichols Motor Sales, MO 8-8001. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want |cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. | | 725-1181. | 54 CH Telephone 725-6917. EV. sedan with radio and heater. $ ALL CASH $ "52 AUSTIN 20, good condition, Tele- phone 723-3334. For clean cars we deal up or NAGY MOTOR SALES Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 1957 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE A-1 Condition, 18,000 miles, Automatic. Fully equipped Call 133 BALDWIN ST. 725-7435 Most dependable. The leader on id road end JAKE & BILLS GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 HOLIDAY SPECIALS $ '54 PONTIAC COACH Very reliable. $399 54 MONARCH Best in town!! $399 '56 AUSTIN AS50 Robin's egg blue-- Just like new. $499 '58 CHEVROLET Try it! ! Buyit!! $999 Refinished -- Reconditoned Custom radio in most, good tires -- Clean ond reliable --LCertified roadworthy. $25 DOWN $25. PER MONTH TO RELIABLE ADULTS SELLING OR BUYING "STEW IS WORTH TRYING" 725-1667 -- 725-5101 ANYTIME CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders, Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St.,, RA 8-5179, MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Leins paid off. ES DODD MOTOR °° 314 PARK RL. S. | 723-9421 | hil per ment, Package deal $130. T *|8-5846. 113 FT, boat, {Garrard | Road or telephone 728- Discount F Store, 20 Church Street. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, Telephone FURNACES, forced air, t ten year guar- antee, $2.25 week, no down pay, PP Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay cars, filled with happy, excited children, accompanied by teach- ers and parents, left Brooklin United Church on Wednesday afternoon, July 5, en route to Greenwood Conservation Park for the annual Sunday School and Congregational Picnic. Although the morning was dull and cloudy, the sun shone out in the afternoon, to bright- en the hearts of everyone. Upon arrival at the park, first item on the agenda was swimming PLYWOOD boat and Master Craft trail. er, good condition. Call WH 2-0611 days; evenings WH 2-3904. WATERLOO garden tractor, plow cul- tivator and harrow, 3 HP; two Ariens jet tillers, new; 5 HP outboard motor, A-1 condition. a Feirusnn's BA Station, Hampton, SELLING furniture? We'll ey it. Re frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con tact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 33--Swap and Barter POLAROID camera, large size, flash and case complete, worth $150. Swap for acetylene welder, 728-3395. 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Black and tan hound. Tele phone 723-4166. LOST -- cat, since July 4, 4, viemity Nipi- gon ~ sian, Jortotde shell color, clipped ears. Annapolis, long-haired, part Per {18 FT. Pen Yenn cedar Lapstrake boat, 50 HP motor and Holsclow trailer, Can Francis. Please telephone 728.2177 REWARD, and games while adults unpack- ed lunch baskets. Second item was races and sports supervised by superintendents and teachers of Sunday School pupils. At conclusion of games, groups of hungry children wend- ed their way to the picnic tables, loaded with delicious food prepared by ladies of the congregation. Rev. S. J. Hiller pronounced be seen at 968 Chevrolet Street. ASTRAL electric apartment size refrig- erator, reasonable. Apply 33 Arlington {or telephone 728-0968. [18 your cash i equipped with a |sales tax button? If not call Bill Hamil- ton, Ashburn. | GRIZZLY .22 single shot rifle, new, $13; {small rocking horse, $5; man's suit, charcoal, medium, unused, $10. MO 8-8624. WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie- tor service depot for Oshawa. DISCOUNT prices in our trade-in de. partment, fabulous savings, hurry for these, Chesterfield sets from $9: ches- terfield chairs, $5; three-piece bedroom |suites $19; odd beds and springs, $5; three-piece chesterfield sets, $19; chairs 182; tables $5. Ask for Morley Purtell, Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, 20 Church Street. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543. large three FOR SALE Restaurant t equip. Hot Point automatic grill compartment stainless steel sink with fixtures -- and 6-plate electric Soke maker -- and other items. 728- SMART shoppers find exceptional or Rieire buys under "Home in Classified. See it now. THREE rooms of furniture for sale, almost new. Will sell separately. Tele- phone 7: 348: m. BATH sels, » sump pumps, rs, pressure systems, piping and fittings, ce- ment mixer, wheel barrow. roto-tiller, lawn mowers, boat, motor, trailer, '56 car. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South. | 7-4. 9 PRAM boat, for fishing, hunt- ing or a good mooring boat, oars and pins, $30. Telephone 7235-7581. 21" ADMIRAL color television, 1960 de- luxe console, cost $1,195. Will sell at half price. 725-0266. | KITCHEN chairs, kitchen chrome set |and a desk. Telephone 725-5113 after six, BOAT for sale, 14% ft. cedar strip, fiberglas bottom, 25 HP Johnson, con- trols, and trailer, 725-7434. SPACE heater, "Teco", 5 gallon tank, new condition, 4 room Sapasity, $50. Telephone 728-3607 from 4.30 to 6. 36 new condition, USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241, OUTBOARD hydro plane class C and D, P motor, yun two hours since re- . $385 or offer. Telephone MA wuit- ec. room or cottage. Telephone + chesterfield suite, able ic 725-0672. {LARGE three wheel bicycle, maroon, | good 728-2295. 31--Aut Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIAL.STS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE UP. AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 | BATHROOM stool and tank, hand lawn mower, TV aerial, pressure pump, Good condition, Dial 728-3270. PICNIC tables for sale, reasonable. Will deliver. Telephone 728-2465, 17 Rus- sett Avenue. 119 FT. outboard cabin cruiser, $800 or trade for smaller boat. Apply 124 Wii son Road South. WALNUT dining room suite, GE refrig- erator, Beatty washing machine, guan. 32--Articles for Sale HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A.1 con- dition, Cash deal. Telephone 723.7431. USED parts and repairs for a'l makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors] $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and soves Paddy's Market, Hamp- | ton, CO 3-2241 WE pay mighest prices In the city for| used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers and engines, 74 Barrie avenue. BED, double, ntal, reasonable. continental, Telephone 728-0552. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North. {SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. [irigerators, TV's, washers, planos, WHITBY CLASSIFIED | toves, ete. For top cash offer contact (a Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. re Sewing Centre, WH 2.6561 or 4 ¥OR BENT: Two bedroum apartments, in modern building, stoves and refrig- erators. MO 8-350. FOR SALE -- fivercom house, three bedrooms, oil heat, private, sentra Would sell or rent. Phone MO 5-369 901 Walnut Street. main floor, frig. and stove, private bath- West, Phone MO 38-3610. RENT: Modern three roomed isin ground floor. Fridg. and |Z stove, very central. Ph Phone MO #2 #2398 nove, ny PTIC tanks cleaned the "sanitar; Sav. oe tanks installed. Walter Wa 'Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563. pul tte A super value, approxi. park hn 630 sheets of jester of gril (news lor only ohn wor Whitby, BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 -$15 per nek. Bags, Cool I Sleeping gs, Coolers, lon- terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 ond $45 per week, Outboard Motors, oll sizes, $15 and up. Boot, 5 hp. motor and trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric ond trailer, $85 weekly Canoes ond Cartop Boats, $15 per week We alto rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundes East, Whitby MO 83226 No Down Payment. No obli- gation, The BEST for less 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week assures fomily of 4 GOOD LIVING, ond is your total cost for food and freezer. ECONOM 1ZE with ECONOMART MO 8-538] Our food plan cvailable to all qualfied freezer owners. FOR SALE: Girl' s bicycle, good cond). tion. Phone MO 8 2696. FOR RENT: 1 Two | furnished rooms, | small kitchenette, stove and refri ator, suitable for couple, Perry Street. MO 8-447 0. apartment. Private bathroom, air An $65 preferred or elderly people. MO pv BOOM and boaid for gentlemen, Apply [€ room. For August Ist. 210 Trent Street|BOAT, moulded plyw FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished | CAR racks, v camera; all purpose. Tv Vuerial; ba bed and seat, All in excellent con- FOR RENT: Small furnished apartment | Vir By 728-1876, ood, Mercury motor, 20 HP, in good condition. Rea- (sonable. 791 Stone Street. 728-2953. y Pty EB, tity of quart jars. Telephone MA 3-3135 1H Street, Bowmanvill BOAT trailer, good condition. $65, Tele- phone 728-5869. 15 EVINRUDE, take trade or sell, {board motor with tank and battery. Telephone 725-3774. |PROPANE gas cook stove with gas heating section, perfect condition, ideal {for summer cottage, equipped with in- | stallation. CO 3-2458, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt hi 35--Legal grace. Approximately 125 chil- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Greater Oshawa Community Chest intends to apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof for the passing of on act that Greater Oshawa Community Chest, notwithstanding Sub- section 2 of Section 79, of The Corporations Act, RS.O. 1960, Chapter 71, be author= ized to give notice of meet- ings of its members by pub- lishing such notice at least once in a daily newspaper published in the City of Osh- awa in such manner as the by-laws of the Corporation may now or hereafter pro- vide. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 21st day of June, 1961. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, Barristers & Solicitors, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. PAVING I ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE | DETACHMENT BUILDING COBOURG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Depart- ment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:30 p.m. (E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1961 for the Paving Work at the Ontario Provincial Police De- partment Building, Cobourg, Ontario, Plan and combined Specifico- tion ond Tender form ond Tender envelope, may be ob- tained from, or viewed at Room 6527, Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with terms ond conditions os set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Deputy of Public Works, Ontario. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. July 11th, 1961. free. |Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- |vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. 115 5 CUBIC foot Westinghouse freezer, al- : {most new. Sacrifice. e. Telephone 725-7687. TENTS, §, tarpaulins, ¢ camp cots, ground sheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 --. [Church Street, 723-7624. |BALLERINA length wedding dress size {10 or 12 with crown and veil, hoop EY noline, Like new. Telephones RA camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. terns, plenic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store, 48 tHond Street West, 725-6811. "Terms to suit - you store, butcher, restaurant {equipment New, used, buy, sell, trade {service Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- lin. | GENERAL Electric refrigerator, good condition, $75. Apply 310 Elgin Street |B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- | E ue | toTiOS, tele. {yislon. Kelvinator . Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. refrigerators, mpton. VOLVO PENTA ENGINES BC SERVICES Complete bookkeeper service for small businesses, rorniy, main floor, central. MO 8-5947. WHITBY: bungalow, 3 bedrooms, heat, immediate. To rent, with option FOR RENT - ground room apartment ample parking. Phone MO 8.2786 MEN! Why not buy in July your made. discount of 10 per cent. Labor increase in near future of 6 per cent. New On. tario retail sales tax of 3 per cent. You jean save up to $12 on 2 new sult {Order now, take delivery in fall. {Mercantile Department Store, Whitby, | Ontario. FOR RENT: Four room flat, bath and garage. Apply 1427 Dund Street East, Whitby. monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 58-8252. FOR RENT: three roomed self contain. ed heated apartment, newly tecorated, oll floor two- with fireplace, to-measure suit? Save -- Summer Sale private as | LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all. channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 | Bast, Apartment 3. "|TYPING paper on sale, | white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and letter size, riger Apply 305, [Er Jointer, $45. Telephone CO 3-2572 save, 4% Ib_pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2 00 | Circulation Department, Oshawa Times (CHESTERFIELD chair, , odd dishes, suitable for cottage. Telephone 723.2787. CAMERA movie, Bolex new, $460 value, Must sacrifice, cash. 723-9821. GO-KART, with 5 HP engine; also com- plete miniature racing car set with ac- cessories. Telephone 725-1348, GARDEN cultivator, Planet junior Tuffy, new: 4 cycle brakes and Strat. ton motor. Sacrifice. 337 Simcoe South. 723-4425, KENMORE portable washing fineh skill saw; both in 8 mm, 3 lens, $298 machine; condition. BICYCLES, $39.95. Tents, boats, mo- tors and trailers, mew and used. minjen Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West. 1 REFRIGERATOR, $39; continental bed, |$20: rangette, $10; chesterfield, $10;. |240 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. PHILLIPS hifi (4 pleces. Retail $750, one year old), and your choice of 30 albums. Price $300. 725-0717 after 6. DUPLICATOR, used Ellams rotary type. Surplus equipment. Good working order, $15. Telephone 725-2611. HILLTOP CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, cdditions, ree- reation rooms structural landscape features. Designs | and estimates free. CHAS. DAWSON MO 8-2104 CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD.| RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, camp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors Reason rates. Reserve now. 728-6891 COMPLETE SALE OF GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon | ERIC C. BRANION | MO 82660 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS ALUMINUM car-op carrier, as new: | chesterfield suite, suitable for rec. room or cottage, very reasonable. Telephone 728-8282 FREE TUMBLER | WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL MIDNIGHT T.V. TOWERS Finest Quality Very Low Price, We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 $55 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized guaranteed 1 year TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 ONTARIO HOSPITAL, COBOL JRG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the De- apartment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, On- tors; until 3:30 p.m. (ED.T.) Thursday, August 3rd, 1961] for the Paving and Drainage of the Parking Lot at the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario, Plons, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes ond Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De portment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (Emp. 3-1211, Local 2-2943). A $1,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performance Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordonce with the terms ond conditions as set forth therein, A Deposit of $25.00 cash, or cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- tumed in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- Yeited. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister Department of Public Works, Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, July 13th, 1961. dren and adults sat down to enjoy picnic supper. Hearty vote of thanks was voiced to everyone who assisted with games, picnic supper, and|® supervision of children. Highlight of the evening was the presentation of an oil paint- ing to. Mrs. Kenneth Holliday upon her retirement after ten years as leader of Junior Choir of Brooklin United Church. Dianne Crawford, assisted by Nancy Thompson, two mem- bers of the choir, presented the gift to their leader, on behalf of Junior Choir and members of the congregation. Mr. C. S. Thompson spoke very highly of the faithful serv- ice rendered by Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, leader of Junior Choir, "her untiring and ceaseless efforts over the past ten years (without remuneration) in train- ing these young boys and girls to sing; the formation of the) Junior Choir under her guid-| ance, whose music greatly en- riched the special Sunday serv- = Sunday School Holds Picnic Family Day and Christmas at Brooklin United Church." UNITED CHURCH NEWS Rev. S. J. Hillier occupied the pulpit for the Sunday morning worship, held at Brooklin Unit- ed Church. His message to the congregation was based on "The Wideness of God's Mercy." Guest soloist, Mr. Eric Harrison, chose as vocal selection the beautiful aria from Elijah by Mendelssohn, "Lord God of Abraham." Organist, Mr. E. A. Winkler, Oshawa. BAPTISMAL SERVICES During the morning worshi on Sunday, July'16, the rites of infant baptism will be conduct- ed by Rev. S. J. Hillier. Par- ents are requested to contact the minister as soon as pos- sible for necessary arrange- ments. On Sunday, July 23, Holy Communion will be observed, led by the minister, assisted by elders of the church. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pilkey, Douglas and Roger, Burlington, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 15, 1961 15' PONTYPOOL erick, Peterborough, were visit- ing in the village on Sunday afternoon, also i. and Mrs. By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL -- Mrs. Lena Palmer, Beeton, and son Mel- ville, Toronto, visited the H Richardsons on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Green left on Friday noon for their new home in St. Catharines. The Ladies', Men's and Juve- nile Lodges attended the Orange Walk in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rupert, Manvers Station, has purchas- ed and already moved into the house, formerly owned by Mr. Ancker, Toronto. Several from here attended the LOL parade to the Anglican Church, Bethany, on Sunday evening. Mr. el Mrs. Freeman Eddy, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Payne on Wednesday afternoon. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Jim McMullen, Sr., who fell a couple of weeks ago and broke a bone in her hip, is pro- gressing nicely in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. She is now look- ing forward to getting home soon. She is in her 91st year. Mr. McMullen keeps quite smart also; he is 93. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fred- were guests during the k at Mrs. Charles Pilkey's, Dur- ham street. Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey, who recently attended convention in Japan, and en route home spent several days at Honolulu, entertained host- ess and friends with colored slides of their trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Boake, June and Ralph, spent Sunday visiting at Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilson, Cathy, Wendy and Beverly, re- turned home Saturday from a week's vacation at Balsam Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hodson and children, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ruby Sonley, are planning to leave shortly for a motor trip to Florida and points south for summer holi- |days and a well earned rest. Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Ottawa was a guest on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Charles ices held at Easter, Christian!Pilkey. Little Carol Crawford under- went tonsilectomy operation on Friday and is confined to Osh- awa General Hospital for a few days for ear infection. Little June Boake also had a tonsilectomy operation on Fri- day and is recovering rapidly at her home. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. John Batty and fam- ily on the death of her father, Thomas H. Lakey, on Wednes- day, July 5, in his 80th year. Interment was made at Ken- dall Cemetery, Utica, on Fri- day, July 7. BABY BAND PICNIC The annual Baby Band Picnic will be held, weather per- mitting, on the beautiful spaci- ous lawn at the home of Mrs. Gordon Cook, on Wednesday afternoon, July 12. In case of rain, picnic will be held in the Christian Education Hall. Moth- Ernest Nicholson, Leskeard. PONTYPOOL -- The follow- ing is the list of promotions for SS 9, Manvers (Pontypool Sr. _ lass owaons "lroom) (Alphabetical order): GRADE 8 TO GRADE 9 Brown, Laverne; Chapman, Douglas; Colvin, : (H.); Fallis, 8» ' lett, Ralph; Rusk, Richard, Van © Dam, George; Van Wieringen, John; Webb, Marilyn; Willis, | Dennis. GRADE 7 TO GRADE 8 Strong, Richard; Sutch, Ronald ; (H.); Van Dam, Gary. GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7 Fallis, Elaine (H.); Fallis, ~ Kathy (H.); Gilbank, Lois (H.); Lethangue, John; Man- etta, Shoual; Willis, Linda. GRADE 5 TO GRADE 6 Brown, Murray; Chapman, * Billy; Colvin, Charles; Colvin, George; Colvin, Muriel; Davis, 4 Valarie; Hyland, Elaine (H.); Hyland, Ralph; Mucha, Ricky; ~ Strong, . Van Dam, * Brenda (H.); Willis, Sandra. SS No. 9, Pontypool Jr. room promotions. The following" names are in alphabetical, order: Honors--(Hon.) is 75 per cent * and over. : GRADE 4 TO GRADE § - Marie Davis (Hon); Vincent © Davis; Wayne Fallis (Hon.); . June Hyland (Hon.); Frederick Rusk (Hon); Melville Strong; ; Brenda Van Wieringen. i> GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 4 Randy Bradley (Hon.); Joan_. Chapman; Shirley Colvin; Dean» Fisk (Hon.); Dale Hyland" (Hon.); Bryan McKay; Debbie, Opsitnik (Hon.); Linda Richard ; ardson (Hon.); Linda Richard - son (Hon); Linda Stro ng: (Hon.); Carole Webb. GRADE 2 TO GRADE 3 Gerald Urry. GRADE 1 TO GRADE 2 Kathy Comar (Hon); Vickey Curits (Hon.); Nancy Davis® (Hon.); Peter Gillis (Hon.); Debbie Richardson (Hon.). f Teacher -- Mrs. Marjorie * - a ers, please note. Edmunds. Positive Proof OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS ...Do Get Quick These Advertisers Obtained Immediate Results From Oshawa Times Classified The First Day! sulated, built - in cupboards, bus, Reasonable rent. RA -- COMFORTABLE four-room house, in. water. Lovely location overlooking jake, handy ROOM and 'board for two, close to South General Motors. Telephone --. BUNK two All very good beds, continental double bed with boakease headboard. apartment, new beds, ator and stove. Television phone re opr teese a GERHARD Heintzman Upifie p bine, in ex cellent condition, Apply R. beds, WASHING mach: lounge chair and hot water tank, RA SCOUT archery 14. RA ine, good condition; 3 lawnmower; uniform size 14.16; fibre glass bow; sports jacket, boy's. size PORTABLE milking machine, new, fingle unit. Telephone -- for mors [Ss $75 MONTHLY -- eight -room bedroom house, modern conveniences, close to public school, present tenants transferred out of town. Telephone --. Sour « 1% JOHNSTON cond tion. Phone FURNISHED 2% room apartment, erig., stove, washer, TV, radio, dishes linen supplied. RA --. in very Whether You're Buying or Selling YOU TOO Can Get Quick Action From Oshawa Times Classified Ads Telephone 723-3492

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