The Oshawa Times, 13 Jul 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson FISHING, x vi 2 Lae A . W. McMinn is turning the hay in a blistering sun at one of the Ontario Hospital 4 Some of Whitby's citizens are bearing up under the cur- rent heat - wave remarkably well. Seen here are several of | | | | (SS farms situated inside the Town of Whitby. The hay is turned several times to dry the more thoughtful ones fish- ing at the marshy south end of Lynde's Creek at Whitby's Base Line. Although not many | fish became prey of the oH R PASTI before packing it for winter fodder. At some Whitby loca- MES ; were : [New Party had acted strenuous- ; |Queen's Park and at Ottawa. New Party Begins «wos Stumping For Votes MP "Tommy" Thomas and have reduced this debt to just the Provincial Secretary of the over $19,000,000. New Party, Peggy Steward, ad-| "The Ontario three per cent dressed a predominantly female sales tax is regressive legisla- gaiiering of the newly formed|tion that will hurt those in the Prince Albert New Party Club/low income group more than at the Prince Albert SS No. 7\anyone else. The government Public School Tuesday evening.| should tax the raw material and Whitby's New Party President|{rycking industries more. Tom Edwards chaired the meet-| «pp o1q line parties do not ing. {wish their campaign funds Mr. Edwards thanked the peo- sources to be divulged. This in le of Prince Albert for turning|itself is an issue. I am certain out in force for the first public|that the New Party will make meeting in the small agricultur-|some progress in the next elec- al community. tion." He told the gathering that the| Provincial New Party Secre- tary, Peggy Steward, the second speaker of the evening told the audience that the New Party ly against the Governments at THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 13, 1961 5 Beaton's Dump Canada Tire By BOB MUNROE Beaton's Dairy of Oshawa dumped Whitby Canadian Tire by the score of 9-4 on Tuesday night in Whitby. Johnson weni all the way for Beaton's while Aberman, Botten and Moore pitched for the Whitby squad. Oshawa scored all of their runs in the first three innings, getting one run in the first in- ning then adding three more in the second inning. The Whitby crew managed to get one run in the second inning which made the score 4-1 in favor of the dairymen. CCF has been dead for a long time. "A wave of interest has been shown towards the New Party because of discontent for the old parties. Our country is being run by people who hope for the best. "The New Party has seized the imagination of the press. The policy of the New Party will be democratic and will be decided by debate and discus- sion at the founding convention. "The Conservatives and Lib- erals have conferences and con- ventions but the right of decid- ing a policy is the right of its leaders. "The New Party ideas have been built for the past three He said that the recent Royal York strike was one more rea- son for the formation of a New Party in this country and prov- ince. He then introduced the first speaker of the evening, Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas told the audience \that there was little to differen- tiate between the Conservatives and Liberals in government. He said that some of the Liberals the Conservatives. "If we can get the right in- dividual to run for the New Party in this riding we can top Michael Starr at the polls. We feel strongly that there are cer- tain measures this government could take to provide everyone] with a job. | "When Prime Minister Diefen-| baker said at the last election| town sweltered in the sum- mer's first heat wave. --Oshawa Times Photo Thomson Move In S. Africa | tions, the temperature rose to son Newspapers Ltd., Wednes- day announced the acquisition of Odhams Press, South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. and its other sub- that no one would suffer what| |he probably meant is that no| |one would die of starvation but {there is a greater suffering than | physical and that is mental suf- |fering. "The present unemployment [situation is bound to hurt the Canadian economy. The Ontario |Government has been on a |spending spree. History will |show that the Conservative Ad- LONDON (Reuters) -- Thott- yinistration will be the most|Wings. extravagant in the history of {Ontario. { "In 1947 the provincial gov- |ernment was $500,000,000 in more conservative aii was the brainchild of The Cana- dian Labor Congress and the CCF. To belong to a New Party Club people have only to be in- terested in the club. v She told the gathering that in the last six months progress in establishing New Party Clubs has been telflfic. "Metro To- ronto has 36 New Party Clubs. There are 88 in the rest of On- tario, and 132 are in the process of recognition. Some New Party years. Tire New Party outline is In the third inning, Oshawa the result of hundreds of con- exploded for five runs, this end- ed the scoring for the Oshawa club. 'Whitby scored one more run in the fourth inning to make the score 9-2 for Oshawa. In the sixth inning the Whitby crew managed to score two runs but after the side was retired the umpire called the game on account of darkness. The final score was Oshawa 9, Whitby 4, MOUNTAIN AREA Switzerland has more than 70 mountain peaks ranging 10,000 feet and higher. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y>-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-ib. pkgs. ferences," said Mrs. Steward. In the question and answer period following the speakers, the question of Red China's ad- mission into the United Nations was brought up from the floor. Mr. Thomas said he believed we should recognize Red China but at the present this is impossible because the United States inter- feres too much with the Cana- Clubs have sprung up where the dian policy. Goalie LAWN MOWERS | All Mokes end Models § voitvmen' Corner 103.5 Byron 5S. MO 8.4511 IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale of . | WHITBY OFFICE & | CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times Loss Hurts Wings By CLIFF GORDON |9 record so far this year and Whitby Red Wings of the Jr..hope to get win .number five {OLA will host the Long Branch| here tonight. The team has been Castrolites at the Whitby arena playing a very pleasing brand of tonight in a regular league fix-|/lacrosse of late and appear to {ture with game time called for have more team spirit now than| |8.30. any time during the season thus| | The Long Branch team have far. | {not had too good a luck against| The fans have not been turn-| {the Whitby team thus far this|ing out as well as expected to) year as they have lost both their see these fellows play but there {meetings to the fast stepping has been a lot doing in town up | till now. So fans, let's see a full The Red Wings who have house, or at least half full house been plagued with injuries more for tonight's game. These fel-| |than any team in the league (lows get out there and work| {this year hope to have nearly their hearts out as they try to| . OF LAND Town of Whitby, Ontario. To Wit: held in the Council Chamber for arrears of taxes is being p on the Ist day of July, 196 may be had ot my office. Treasurer's Office this 2 managing f | Walford as joint managing di-(when the CCF came in power rector of the Rhodesian com-|in that province there was a pany. sidiaries. Canadian publisher Roy Thomson becomes chairman and James Coltart and Gordon Brunton join the board. Watling continues as director, with Gerald Cyril 1 P r this figure had a full line up for tonight's game. The group publishes 30 trade| aeons Last yeu - $1,000,000,000, It is not known at time of writ-/town in the sports world. The| and technical journals in Cape Some of this debt could have|ing who will guard the pipes|least we, the fans, can do is Town, Johannesburg and Salis-| bury, Southern Rhodesia. The name of the principalilevying a higher corporation day afternoon and he said he| Don't forget, for Canada's) company will be changed to|tax. d ; : s Thomson Newspapers, South Af-| "More spending by the people been called up from the Midget (the Whitby arena tonight at 8.30 rica (Pty.) Ltd. been avoided and some of the|for the Wings. We chatted with !cost could have been avoided by manager Ivan Davie late yester- id not know if Toy, who has |in the low income group could team, would be available or not. |alleviate some of the debt by| When asked who else he had in mind he reported that Frank keeping more money in curcu- mind : ping y | Wilkinson has been working out lation. "Compare the financial state| 0 3 of the Ontario Government with|g0al in minor lacrosse a few that of Saskatchewan. In 1945 years back. {and looked good. Wilkie played| On Saturday night the Wings The Wings have a won 4 lost!game. bring more glory to the county| TREASURER'S SALE FOR TAXES By virtue of e warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Whitby bearing date of the 2nd day of June, 1961, [J] sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the Town of Whitby, will be at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 11th day of October, 1961, unless the toxes and costs are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale ublished in The Ontario Gazette 1, and that copies of said list Oth day of June, 1961, JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby. {show them some well deserved {support at the box office. | {number one summer sport, be at| THEKE'S NO "BURN OVER A CLA to see the Whitby Red Wings {tangle with the Long Branch |Castrolites in a Jr. A Lacrosse |game. NEED TO BE ED UP" will travel to Hastings to play {the Legionnaires in a regular $155,000,000 debt. Last year they ardent anglers, the tempera- ture at the waterfront is Following are the promotion results of Sinclair Public School. Names of pupils appear under the class they have been pro- moted to. GRADE 1, UNIT 2 Teacher, Mrs. L. McMahon; | always cooler than down-town Whitby. ! --Oshawa Times Photo Township Council Studies Highway A suggestion that the com- mercial needs on Highway No 2 between Oshawa and the Town of Whitby be localized into one commercial block was tabled by Whitby Township coun- eil recently Derek Little of Municipal Planning Consultants said in a letter to council 'that some consideration be given lo eventual use of Highway 2 be- tween Oshawa and Whitby. Because of the heavy traffic on No. 2 and limited sight lines, Mr. Little questioned the ad- visability of rezoning both sides of the highway to commercial. "Traffic accidents could be- come a serious problem" if this was done he said. By centralizing commercial needs into one block, traffic control would be better, he said. His letter was prompted by an application to council recent- Mr. Little, a Site Plan agree- ment should be entered into by the township and the applicant. "We would suggest that such an agreement provides for siting of the building, type of construc: tion, . landscaping treatment, in- gress and egress lanes treatment of parking lanes. "The use of the Site Plan agreement Has become quite common in many townships and there is no doubt that the result has been an up-grading in com- mercial development." Deputy Reeve John Goodwin said he took exception to the claims in Mr. Little's letter about accidents. "It is not our problem," he said. "The Department of High- ways will look after it by fixing it up and possibly changing the speed limit." Council shouldn't be concern- ed about accidents on the high- way, repeated the Deputy nd | said this was explained at Plan- ning Board. The Board, he said, favors rezoning by request. | The reason why block rezon- {ing was unpopular, said Mr. {Dryden, was because if an in- | dividual sold his property that had been rezoned to commercial, anything could be built on it. |Council would have no control. Because more would be heard on the question at the next council meeting, members de-| cided to table the issue. | WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Andrew Gay and her| daughter Danielle left from Mal-| ton Airport for a two months vacation in Marseille, France,| visiting with her parents. | 1 Mrs. Kelsey Thompson is cele-| brating her birthday today. Her| friends wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pogue of| Jackson, Michigan and Mrs.| Pogue's parents, Mr. and Mrs;| Charles Clissold of Homestead, | A delegation from t Club attended a recent meeting of the proposed Metro- politan Toronto Junior * crete was derived from th tion. Several clubs from the Toronto area were students: Daniel Ashmore and Eleanor Hartwig. GRADE 2 Teacher, Mrs. L. McMahon; students, Marilyn Bell, Robert Brown, Elizabeth Cullen, Wenda he Whitby Junior hockey A" league.. Nothing con- e meeting as to the forma- Sinclair School's WHITBY SPORTS | Promotion Results PARADE By GERRY BLAIR GRADE 7 Teacher, Principal Mrs. L. Meek; students: Murray Ark- sey, Suzanne Campbell, Rosann Faulkner, Robert Green, Robert Morrison, George Sonley, Wil- liam Suddard, Gloria Woodward {and Glen Yakeley. GRADE 8 Teacher, Principal Mrs. L. Meek; students: Danny Bell, Lorraine Bryant, Robert Cor- nish, Wendy Dart, Judy Hart- 3; PLAN FOR ALL YOUR Because . . . SATISFACTION is ONE of OU MR. DOUGLAS GRAHAM OF WHITBY SAYS ... "I em certainly satisfied with the settlement received from the ACADIA Insurance Co. through the Stuart Roblin Agency". WHY NOT ENQUIRE ABOUT THE ACADIA A+ present to seek information. The Whitby club will delve further into the possibility of entering, should the new league materialize. The OHA is still hopeful of retaining the Toronto Marlboro club in the Junior "A" league, and also hasn't given up on the possibility of St. Michael's College Majors reconsidering their decision to withdraw. The Marlies are playing with the idea of entering teams in both the OHA Junior "A" circuit and the tentative Metro group. The On- tario Hockey Association have given the Marlboro's until August 1, to declare their intentions. A budget in the neighborhood of $15,000 would be required by the Whitby club if they were to operate. This in itself presents a major problem, thrown in with the need for Junior "A" calibre players. Whitby Abner's Essos dropped their second straight game in as many nights to the Port Perry Merchants Intermediates last night at the Whitby Town park, as the Merchants took advantage of every opportunity for a 10-2 victory. Bill Giddings was tagged with the loss, as the Merchants built up a comfortable 5-0 lead in the first three innings, and while leading 5-2 after a brief Whitby rally, added to their margin with four more tallies in the sixth frame, Port Perry only outhit Abner's by 11-7, but capital- ized on almost every scoring chance. Abner's are now faced with the dubious opportunity of trying to halt Greer, William Miller, Marilyn man, Bill Labanovitch, Margaret Wigston and Graham Zeisner. |Morrison, Peter Parrinder, Linda Riff, Cecilia Vander- |meulen and James Wilson. GRADE 3 | | Teacher, Mrs. L. McMahon; | | students, Allan Arksey, Barbara| {Brown, Eric Bryant, Patricia |Fawcett, Pamela Grylls, David Guest, Sandra Hill, John Hoar, GRADE 9 Karen Andrews, Paul Cornish, George Eenling, Dennis Hender- son, Karen McLaughlin, Bar- bara McQuarrie, Sharon Mec- Quarrie, Fred Ostertag, Karen Suddard and Szeslaw Szym- NEEDS. IM LIKE THIS -- R PRODUCTS PERSONAL INSURANCE STUART C. ROBLIN 102b BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-2855 czak. | {Susan Jay, David Marks, Lind- {say McIntyre, Gary Miller, Wendy Taylor, Renita Vander- Meulen, Gadwiga Szymczak, Marilyn Brisco, Sandra Miller and Gail Parrott. GRADE 4 Teacher, Mrs. J .Vaneyk; stu- dents: Angella Bell, Clarence Bell, Patsy Brown, Barbara Bryant, Lloyd Cullen, Danny Greer, Peter Makowchik, Deb- bie McLaughlin, Devorak Tay- lor, Monty Taylor, Wayne Faulkner, Nancy Fice and Wayne Hartwig. GRADE 5 Teacher, Mrs. J. Vaneyk; students: James Green, Paul Knibb, Helen Makowchik, Heath- er Miller, Randy Miller, Frank Perry and Patsy Turk. This is the SALE You've been waiting for HARTT'S MEN'S SUMMER PERFORATED |GRADE 6 | Teacher, Mrs. J. Vaneyk; stu- |dents: Dennis Arksey, Wendy | Arnold, Ruth Bryant, Joyce| ly for a rezoning. The applicant Reeve. Instead they should be piorida were weekend guests of| wants to have his property on|thinking about getting high|Mr Pogue's brother Mr. Loyal No. 2 rezoned to commercial in| class commercial development. |pooye and Mrs. Pogue of 206] order that a discount house] Block rezoning would mean | the undefeated skein of the Markham Aces, when these two clubs clash on Friday night at the Town park, starting at 8:15 p.m. Markham at the moment OXFORDS REG. 15.95 NOW could be established. Prior to any rezoning, {that council would loose control, said' said Councillor John Dryden. He| WHITBY "DESERT Starring . . . JOHN MIL Evening Shows aot 7 and 8:25 Last Complete Show 8:25 Toon wr G50 De Scie oe Mics Toney ncn» Richard Fath ; TECKNCOLON: BYALISCoPE wai sis. EI PLUS -- Second Feature Attraction ATTACK" LS and SYLVIA SIMMS High Street, Whitby. Mr. Leslie Thompson of Ham-| ilton is spending a few weeks at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Frank Threadgold of Gil- bert street west. Mrs. David Tiplady of Whitby | and Mrs. George Thompson are] spending one week at a cottage on Pigeon River. Mr. Alex Townson, Byron street north, is in the Oshawa General Hospital. His friends wish him a complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Trel-| (ford, Dovedale drive, their son| Michael and daughter Barbara, | {have returned from a week's vacation spent in Montreal where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trotter, sis- | ter of Mrs. Trelford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts, | | Byron street north, celebrated |their 57th wedding anniversary. | For the occasion a family re- union was held at their resi-| dence on Saturday. Twenty-five members of the family were present including grandchildren \and great grandchildren. are undoubtedly the class of the South Ontario County softball league by virtue of their unblemished record Abner's and Aces met on opening night, and went until the eighth inning tied 2-2 before a bases-loaded blast decided the eventual outcome. TOWN AND COUNTRY . . suffered their fourth str: Credit Sailors on Tuesday night in Port Credit, as the Sailors claimed a convincing 16-7 win from the Hillcrests. An orange ball Port Credit, and the OLA Senior league is giving serious thought to the possibility of introducing it into permanent duty. in front of the Brampton perfect opportunity of pu place St. Catharines Athl Friday night in St. Kitts. Brooklin Community arena, the Hillerests host the Credit Sailors, front-running Port of their first win over champions . . from the Barrie Varcoe's, the Town Park. Next action for the Merchants is tonight when they journ Tonight at the Whitby Community arena, the Whitby Red Wings host the Long time is 8:30 p.m. The Sailors moved six points out | . Whitby Merchants won a close one Crawforth, Peter Eenling, Linda |Hartwig, Frank Jay, Terry McQuarrie, Reuben Ferlecki and Clare Fice. Brooklin Hillcrests | aight defeat by the Port Tiara Mines Consolidates | TORONTO (CP)---Tiara Mines [Ltd. has advised the Toronto] {Stock Exchange that subject to| | shareholder approval it plans to| {consolidate its shares on the] | basis of one new share for 3%] lold shares, and to change its | {name to Tormont Mines Ltd. | | It advises further that John| {Frame and Company on behalf |of a client will underwrite 400,-| [000 new shares at 25 cents a share and. will take an option {on 600,000 new shares at prices (ranging from 30 cents to 40 cents a share At June 30 Tiara's issued| {shares totalled 3,435,366 out of} {4,000,000 authorized. The stock | has been trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange at about five cents a share. had its debut in lacrosse at Ramblers. Brooklin has a lling even with the third etics when they clash on On Saturday night in the still in search the defending Mann Cup 10-9, on Tuesday night at ey to Newmarket | I Branch Castrolites, Game (Marks, Peter McIntyre, Linda REG. 22.00 14 98 NOW LJ I 25 PAI LO KEDETTES The washable Summer Casual PRICED 2 48 FROM RS MEN'S FOAM-SOLED AFERS and OXFORDS REG. VALUES TO 8.95 5 98 NOW LJ Pe FIANCEES In Watermelon Red » Spindrift Green ® White e Bone. REG. 13.95 7 : NOW 98 fo 9.98 NO MAC & L MEN'S rforated and Nylon VAMPS or OXFORDS BROWN AND SOME BLACK W 12.98 MANY OTHER VALUES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION MO + Collins Shoes 3476 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. 119 BROCK S. WHITBY

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