19 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 12, 1961 JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT! Fabulous A More Kiddies Getting Ulcers By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DUNN SP DOLLAR SALE One Dollar will buy a suit, shirt or a pair of trousers. Yes, buy une gar- ment at the regular advertised price, and for only ONE DOLLAR get an- other similar garment. Where else can you get such value for ONLY ONE DOLLAR. MENS SUITS Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! . . . Specially purchased and exceptionally low priced. Featuring handsome single breasted, two or three-button 'models in the latest styles for men and young men. Care- fully and meticulously tailored by one of the leading manufacturers . . . tailored to add a note of distinction to any man's appearance . in sizes to fit men and young men 34 to 52. Regular, short, tall and hard-to-fit ECONOMY RANGE 9.90 21.00 save 1.00 save DELUXE RANGE 9.50 1.00 save CUSTOM RANGE EXTRA USE YOUR CREDIT Topics this week: Ulcers in childhood, the chance you might get mumps a second time, and the amount of food needed in hot weather. ULCERS IN CHILDREN Parents should be aware that ulcers are not orly a pos- sibility in their children--but may actually be on the in- crease. In the last four years, there has been a noticeable increase in the incidence of ulcer. in children between the ages of four and 12, says Dr. Jerome Weiss of New York City. These children usualy show a strong need for love, praise and appreciation--so limitless that it usually is not satisfied by the mild reassurances the child receives through the day. These children are usu- | ally well-behaved, tense and anxious to please. REPEAT PERFORMANCE If you get mumps on one | side, can you get them on the other? Probably yes, answers a doctor-expert for the Ameri- can Medical Association. But it isn't very likely. If a mumps virus strikes one side, there | is some general body protec- tion against new attacks, but | not as much as there would | be in a case of measles, for instance. But several virus agents or bacteria can cause the swelling of mumps, and | diagnosis of a first or a sec- | | ond attack may be in error. | HOT WEATHER DIET The idea that you need to | eat less in hot weather may | be wrong, especially if you're working. | U.S. Army researchers found | that eight healthy young men working outdoors under a hot sun, or in the shade needed more food and calories than men working in cooler climes. The increased calories needed were probably due to the heat load which increased blood action, sweating and en- ergy use due to a raised body temperature. DIABETES SUCCESS Boston doctors report they | have had 82 per cent success | a A Increased desire for educa- | More than 40,000 persons are | ta sketch the beauty of the tion has made summer enrolled in courses this year. | Rockies. courses at Canadian universi- | Summer students at the Banff | --(CP from ties and colleges popular. | School of Fine Arts in Alber- Board) 'Confidential Firing Impossible-Senator OTTAWA (CP)--"You cannot|the government, he did not feelfthetical question, senator," Mr. fire a man confidentially," said bound by his oath of secrecy.fCoyne said, with a barely-per- Senator Arthur Roebuck (L-- He had done this before the gov- ceptible smile while the com- € Ontario) in the tense Senate ernment attacked him in public fmittee laughed. | with 55 patients over a period banking committee, and even said Senator Louis P. Beaubiend Senator Brunt Mr. of three Jears wiih one y the ernor James E. Coyne (PC--Quebec). a; fo hether| NeW oral anti-diabetes drugs, Saver The governor said he felt jficovie 1» his Opus on rietier called Phenformin, (trade It was one of the few ex-|Was his duty to inform the pub-ysank of -anaca pension und; name DBI). cursions into wit by committeellic. It was all bound to becomeybylaws should be published in| Of 43 of the patients who members Tuesday as they cross-Public knowledge in any event.jthe Canada Gazette. Mr. Coyne| had been on a diet and insulin, examined the embattled Bank) sggg yp TOLD said that since the bylaws did| a|| but three were able to re: of Canada governor. It brought] y ga¢ at this point that thejnot require cabinet approval, duce their insulin intake by laughter and temporary relief t0/g3 voar . old Senator eo thought never entered his| an average of a third. National Film 9.50 SUIT EXTRA SUIT pressed NO DOWN PAYMENT SPORT COATS | MEN'S SLACKS AND Economy RANGE BLAZERS 995 Ar" sae8.95 PAIR 1.00 Modern two-button, three-button single Custom RANGE breasted and link models, tailored f EXTRA the latest fabrics in solid Ti ie 14.95 PAIR SAVE 1395 1 the pent-up emotions in the hot,| 40 his quip. ind hot, smoke-heavy room. Senator Roebuck: "Were youl «yoy must have had some Mr. Coyne was being ques-itold at that time (when Financej "eg ia VISIT TO PEKING tioned as to why, in releasing|Minister Fleming asked the goy{oPinion." Senator Brunt said. | oo (AP) -- The news| private and confidential lettersiernor May 30 for his immediate "If the thought never enters| | and information in his fight with| resignation) that it was a prigyour mind, how can you have|paper Yomikuri reports that an opinion on it?" Mr. Coyne Kenzo Matsumara, a leader in vate matter, and confidential, . and that you were to keep it'replied. Prime Minister Ikeda's Liberal New Check For Quakes secret?" "That doesn't bother Brunt," | pemocratic party, will make a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mr. Coyne: "No, sir, I do notfsaid Senator David Croll (L--|.. at? think it would have made much;Ontario). private visit" to Communist China in August to discuss Sino- difference if I had been." Mr. Coyne said he would have | Senator William Brunt (PC--§to seek legal advice on the Japanese relations. He was in- Ontario): "I must say we allinoint, lvited by Premier Chou En-lai, MELCHERS basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, grey .00 and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 46. Talls EXTRA and shorts included. Harris tweeds also PAIR in the group. Mr. Coyne maintained " was 'no rule of law or moral- Toples this week: Pros. ity" that could convict him for| pects of predicting earth- quakes, views from a satel lite and transistors. PREDICTING QUAKES The chances of finally being able to predict bad earth quakes may be advanced through a modernized net- work of 'quake recording sta- tions. Sensitive new instruments soon will be installed by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey technicians in a world network to gather uniform knowledge about the nature, location, fre- quency, energy, and mechan- isms of thousands of shocks jiggling this earth each year. The equipment is being in. stalled at 125 existing record. ing stations in 65 countries and islands, with reports to be an- alysed in Washington. Instal- lation of instruments is ex- pected to be completed by late 1962. SATELLITE VIEW Now you can have your own pictures of how the clouds and this planet look from a satel- lite Pictures taken by Tiros I, the world's first experimental weather satellite, now can be obtained on order from the national U.S. weather records centre in Asheville, N.C. Tiros I took more than 20,- 000 pictures of the earth. Pic- tures in the first seven 100-foot reels are publicly available 'now in. the form of 35-mm. positive transnarencies for projection, or 33-mm. duplica- tion negatives from which opa- que prints can be made. LILLIPUTIAN Transistors so small that 20,000 could be fitted on one postage stamp. That is the promise in new experimental transistors --the workhorses of electron. ics--developed by Radio Cor- poration of America research- ers. Each transistor is made by depositing thin films of ma- terial, by evaporation, on an insulating base. Utlimately, said RCA spokesmen, it could shrink the basic circuitry of a computer to the size of a book page. Computer circui- try now ranges in size from about a large hat box to a walk-in clothes closet. HALO A special rocket launched by the U.S. Air Force has de- releasing such letters and mem- oranda in his own defence. Senator Brunt asked Mr, Coyne whether there was any-| thing in the Bank of Canada Act that would prevent the bank's board of directors from recommending even now that he be reappointed for another seven-year term starting next Jan. 1. COMMITTEE LAUGHS "I think that is a very hypo- Distillers since 1898 HUE DY WT THE VERY DRY White Rum There's also a wealth of information in the introductory pages of your Telephone Book, tected a dense band of ultra- tiny meteorites surrounding the earth somewhere between 47 to 102 miles up. Your new TELEPHONE BOOK has many new and changed numbers Save time and trouble! Avoid wrong numbers! o Look them up! « Jot them Be sure to bring your Bi Numbers up to date! If you'd like new booklets --regular or pocket size--give us a call at the Telephone Business Office, or drop in for them, They're free. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 7 v down! « Dial carefully! lue Book of Telephone save] 6-95 save] 8.95 MEN'S Sport Shirts Brand name sports shirts made from the finest cottons. Long sleeves, short point collar with sewn-in stays and breast pockets, ""Sanforized" for safe, easy washing. Blue, grey, tan, black, ellow and olive. (14-14}2) Small, (15-1514) Medium, (16-162) Large, (17-172) X-Large. ExTRA 1.00 save 2.95 39:50 1.00 save] 8.95 100 sme 395 TREMENDOUS BARGAINS! 5.95 zp 1.00 sue 4.95 MEN'S LASTEX BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' COTTON CORD TEE OUTDOOR SPORT or oil | Bathing DRILL SLACKS | SUITS | SHIRTS | gpopys | SHIRTS Size 6 to 14 In Antelope, khaki and Navy and Black rh IIo 16 Sor | XTRA SHIRY Reg. to 4.25 Cc SAVE 95¢ 99 Special Price Reg. 2.95 2. 2for1.00 | 1.00 Car EXTRA SHIRT 1.00 LINN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR 1.00 EXTRA PAIR 1.00 EXTRA TROUSERS | ONE DOLLAR WITH THE PURCHASE OF SPORT COAT OR BLAZER 1.00 save] 8.95 199 Economy RANGE 9950 Custom RANGE 3 4.50 EXTRA TROUSERS Deluxe RANGE EXTRA TROUSERS 1.00 save] 8.95 EXTRA SHIRT REGULAR PRICE EXTRA SHIRT REGULAR PRICE EXTRA SHIRT Special Price! 1.00 SAVE $1.95 "Where Smart Men Shop" 36 KING ST. EAST IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M.