WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 | A fire started by lightning on Saturday evening caused more than $1,000 damage to a Whitby Township home on Taunton road west. Damaged was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faulkner when lightning struck a transformer in front of their home and fire followed hydro wires to their home. It was the third occasion in recent days when lightning has damaged buildings in South On- tario County. At thet ime of the fire, the Faulkner's two children, Wayne, 10, and Roseanne, 12, were away swimming and Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner were alone in their home, It is believed that the lightning bolt struck a trans- former at the road in front of their home and wires leading Lightning Fires 'Township Home east of the Faulkner home, that of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Yar- row, was also damaged by the same bolt but did not catch fire, Prior to the arrival of the Garrard Road Fire Brigade and the Whitby Township Fire Bri- gade, from Brooklin, a garden hose was used vainly to quell the fire in the roof of the Faulk- ner home. Fire fighters man- aged to contain the fire in the roof and attic of the home. Meanwhile, neighbors in the area rallied to the emergency and moved most of the furni- ture out of the home to the front yard. Besides setting fire to the house, the bolt also blew out the faulkner's television set. Although damage was set at about $1,000, the Faulkner's were unable to move back into from the transformer to the house set fire to the attic. The house immediately to the their home Saturday evening and spent the night at the Yar- row home, WHITBY PERSONALS WA Plans For Meet BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- The Mt. Zion Woman's Associa- tion will meet on Wednesday, July 12, at the home of Mrs. Richard Day. Mrs. Thomas Risebrough and Mrs. George Pickett are in charge of the program. Further plans will be made for the afternoon tea and ba- zaar to be held on July 15 on the Alan Manderson lawn. A large number attended the 150th anniversary of the Pick- ering Township celebrations. A large number attended the 150th anniversary of the Pick- ering Township celebrations. On Tuesday evening a num- ber attended the Holstein Twi- light meeting at Mr. George McDonald's at Beaverton. Miss Gladys Disney attended the 4-day conference course for the 4-H members at Guelph. The Mt. Zion Sunday School and community picnic will be wood Conservation THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 10, 1961 § held on July 22 at the Green-|times the total of the same per- Park.liod of 1960. Please bring your baskets for TEACH AT HOME the noon hour lunch VICTORIA (CP)--A visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Pagan of{teacher will be appointed to Toronto spent the weekend with|teach basic subjects in grades I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones be-|to VII to children confined to fore leaving for England this|their homes by sickness or in- week. . firmity. Most of those helped Mr. and Mrs. Orr Graham|Will be children returning from spent the weekend with rela-|hospitals for extended convales- tives in Buffalo. cence at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Hayes of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Jamie- son, Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones attended the open- ing of the Claremont Conser- vation Park A number attended the De- coration Service at the Clare. mont Union Cemetery on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones and family had Sunday tea with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Evans with the Evans families. PAINT end WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. 5., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.LL. Paint Dealer Yous Gyptex, Paperhenging Full Well Murels DEADLY OUTBREAK Measles killed 351 persons in Hong Kong in the first three months of 1961, more than 10 WHITE Miss Margaret Mowat, Kent | Mr. Don Yeo, son of Mr. and NEWSPRINT 4V2-1b. pkg. _ONTARIO COUNTY HEALTH UNIT NOTICE OF MOVING approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale ot . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times | 1 street, has returned after visit-|Mrs. Don Yeo, Sr., 212 John| ling friends, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-|street west, has completed his ert Maier, of Head Acres, Union|second year term teaching at| Springs, New York. Parliament Oak, Niagara-on-the-| | Lake, and is now attending Mc- Mr. George Brown, of Athol/naster University in Hamilton street, is celebrating his birth-| for the summer. day. His friends wish him many Mrs. R. C. Taylor and chil- happy returns of the day. | dren have returned from a Mrs. Harry Thompson and week's vacation spent in Wasa-| p her daughter Gwen spent the|ga Beach as the guests of Mrs, | Brock Building, corner of Dundas and Brock Streets, holiday weekend in Orillia. | Mabel Robins. The weekly ead Shop mel Private Ronald Arthur is on a| a e hom Mrs. {30-day leave. Ronald was sta- Batherson, Dundas street west, tioned at Camp Borden and is my A iad Bg BR [now posted in Ottawa, 9 Trans- 4 |second, Mrs. Edna Henning: | °™* Company. [low, Mrs. Mary Woodward. A # | delicious lunch was served 2 | Whitby, celebrated her birthday J |the hostess. Next week thei, pigay Best wishes are of- {group will meet at the home Of fered to Mrs. Winters from her ® | Mrs. Edna Sawyer. {many friends. "| Miss Mary Lou Jamieson, of Whitby, accompanied by her friend, Miss, Dianne Balch of Fort Erie, left this week by air As of Thursday, July 13th, the office of the Ontario County Health Unit (Whitby Branch) will be located in the new W. E. MacBEAN, M.D., D.P.H., M.O.H. end Director. Mrs. Gary Winters, of Port Mrs. E. Taylor is spending a week in Belleville as the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Jermyn. Miss Mary Ann Hardy, daugh- [ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hardy, to, spend two months in the Brit-| |of Athol street, is taking a sum- |mer course at Northam Col- ; lish Isles, France and Italy. | 1 | | CEDAR CREEK |legiate, Toronto. Miss Hardy is CEDAR CREEK M i s sa teacher at Aldon school, Ajax. | |Carol Larocque has bought thel Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. | |old Cedar Creek school from|pichard Sandrelli, is celebrat- oh Gordon Harris of Port Perry. ling his second birthday on Sun- #9 | Mrs. John Den Boer's father|qay Friends of the family wish * [and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Da-\pDean many happy returns of vid Knibbe of Holland, are visit-| {he day, ing the Den Boer family for| Mr. J. A. Hamilton, of Osh- a few weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Elgin White of awa, father of Mrs. Thomas AS FOLLOWS 12x12 © 12x24 24x24 1 Ln sil aolosd. RED GREEN bee i NEW The headquarters of the works department of Whitby have been moved in recent days to a new building on town's sewage treatment plant. The former headquar- ters were on Mary street east, which now will become WORKS DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ' Victoria street east, near the the property of the Whitby PUC. The new building, shown above, was part of the town's Port Perry were last Sunday afternoon visitors with George Kilpatrick. Mr. Wellington Somerville of vaged from the razing of the Toronto is a patient in Port | Linton, Whitby, is celebrating {his birthday on Sunday. Friends wish him many happy returns of the day. ONE T02Y JO YOU FREE BROOHIRE ON AT DESIGNS CHARCOAL old town hall on Brock street south was used for the con- winter works program and struction of the new building. much of the material sal- | --Oshawa Times Photo POLICE A promotion and an ap- pointment in the Whitby Police Department were an- nto re rantie iho Ohad George Rankine. Morley Nicholson, 27, left, on the Whitby Force since October, 1955, has been promoted the rank of Corporal. His to | a | (Ontario and Alberta sent road i [tolls soaring during the week-|{Montreal, when a car in which 'lend. A survey by The Canadian) # |local times Friday to Sunday PROMOTIONS duties 'become effective July 23. Richard Sandford, right, clerk and radio operator in the Police Station -for aver a | year, has been taken on the | force as a probationary Con- | stable. He is 21 years old and gets into uniform on July 15. --Oshawa Times Photos to clear the starting line of spec tator boats more than 200 craft. i injured in a two-car crash at| { |Gananoque, Ontario, Alberta Death Toll High By THE CANADIAN PRESS | when a car in which he was rid- Multiple fatality accidents in|ing hit another Sunday. Tylo Damm Hahn, 21, of he was riding was in collision Press revealed no less than 34 Sunday near Kitchener. road fatalities across the coun-| try, 14 in Ontario, from 6 p.m.| ACCIDENTALLY SHOT | Patrick Murando, 46, of Ha- midnight. | milton, accidentally shot by his Multiple fa t a 11 ties included Visiing heplew:Saturday, four killed at Walsh, Alta., when| [Richard Cox, 48, of Thames. Bear and a school bus collided | PLS riding crashed with another head-on, three killed and seven 'ohicle in St. Thomas Sanday. and three killed] Robert Place, 24, of Warren, near Oakville when a car hit a|Mich., drowned Friday when his pedestrian and collided with a|canoe overturned on the Mont- bus. real River. Ten drownings, four in On-| Paul Wright, 16, drowned near tario, two in each of Newfound-| Bobcageon Saturday. {land and Quebec, and one in| Kenneth Ridler, 12, of Tor- |each of Saskatchewan and Brit-| is A olin 1 Ie 1 foht various swimming other fatalities boosted the coun-|} try-wide toll to 52 deaths during| {the 54-hour period. Quebec had six fatal road ac- est of five children killed in a in a ark near Terra Cotta, Ont. cidents, Alberta eight, Saskat-|head-on car crash near Ganano-| chewan and British Columbia/que Sunday. : . two each, and Manitoba and! An unidentified woman killed which numbered | prince Edward Island one each, Sunday in a four-car crash on onto, was drowned Sunday while conservation! Mrs. Maria Vassey an expect-| {ant mother, and her two young- Creek resident. . Mr. and Mrs. Georg of visitors with Mr. Frank Harris. Mr. and Mrs. David MacCul- lock and family spent the holi- | day weekend with relatives in| Eastern Ontario. Rae and Ian | stayed for the holidays with] |their grandparents. | | Miss Laura Brown and Mr.| and Mrs. Sam Longmoor of To- {ronto were Saturday afternoon | visitors with George Kilpatrick. | Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Laros | and Mrs. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. L. |Falkenham in Oshawa. | | Charles Parm visited Mr. and Mrs. George Parm and fam- ily in Oshawa on Monday af-| ternoon. | Perry Community Hospital. Mr. | Somerville is a former Cedar| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kearnan attended the funeral of the late |Mrs. Edmund McDonnell. e Laruz funeral took place in Bucking Hamilton were Thursday|ham, Quebec. The ¢, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. Mrs. Andy Marshal and Mrs. | {Thoms. Wadge of Quaker road. "Thinking of going | § CAMPING? Brampton | ille, when a car in which he|spent Tuesday at their farm on | This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT !! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! CALENDAR -- Of -- WEEKLY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments MO 8-3552 Whitby New Car Sales 107 Dundes East MO 8-3610 WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS NEW AND USED CARS Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods at Prices That Save! , Used Car Sales 1006 Brock South MO 8-4911 i" AT 4 Tents, Camp Cols, Air Mattresses, Camp Stoves, Coolers, Len- CORNER | terns, ete. MO 8-4511 C 1 PORTSMAN' 103-5 BYRON S. ED) RENTALS | VIGOR OIL STATIO Opetated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New ond Used Tires DIESEL OIL LACROSSE 15 at 8:45 p.m. THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS! OLA Senior A League -- Brooklin at St. Catharines on Friday, July 14 at 8:30 p.m. Port Credit at Brooklin on Saturday, July OLA Junior A League -- Long Branch at Whitby on Thursday, July 13, Community Arena at 8:30 p.m. Whitby Red Wings at Hastings on Friday, July 14 at 8:30 .p.m. OMLA Juvenile League -- Kitchener at Whitby on Monday, MO 8-3483 WwW -™ Vo Sate TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You have to play a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E. MO 8-3410 Phone MO 8-3644 July 10, Community Arena at 9:00 p.m, Whitby at Kitchener on Wednesday, July 12 at 9:00 p.m, {Only Newfoundland, New Bruns-| Highway 17 east of Rockland. | - 51 Entries In - n of wick 1 Nova Scoti i | Big Ocean Race m srt of sug Cong ich gui avs Sess seali or ah : . | The survey does not count na- MARBLEHEAD, Mass. (AP) Tuna sailed by Lieut. Maurice |y,,,.) deaths, industrial fatalities The biggest Marblehead-to-Hali-|Carey, RCN. She was well|qr known suicides. fax ocean race started Sunday placed just astern of Jack Willo-| The Ontario dead: when the Boston Yacht Club son's cutter Contessa at the, Charles Wilbur Plain, 23, of sent away a record 51 craft in 8UD. Sarnia, when his car crashed the 360 - mile ocean contest| Late Sunday night, a heavy Friday night on an Indian re-| jointly sponsored with the Royal fog enveloped the fleet and the | serve. Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron of wind died down. | - Louis Michael Leveille, 7, of Halifax. | Accompanying the fleet as es- | Port Colborne, drowned Friday The racers were hard on the cort craft are the Canadian|in Lake Erie, wind in a six-know east-north- frigate HMCS Swansea and the! Robert James Lynch, 26, Den- east breeze as the four classes U.S. coast guard cutter Acush- nis F. Leeson, and John Earl started after a 15-minute delay net. | Ouimette, 25, when their car hit | BROCK: Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 | monoxide poisonin THEKE'S NO NEED TO BE "BURNED UP" OVER A CLAIM LIK E THIS . . 501 Brock St. N., Whitby GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive MO 8-3566 WHITBY BASEBALL 13. All Games at 6:30 p.m, Centennial Park at 6:30 p.m. TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Finest Quality Merchandise at Rock-Bottom Prices Come in and Convince Yourself School at 6:30 p.m, SOFTBALL Oshawa Legion Minor (Bantam) League -- Victor's at on Monday, July 10, Hillcrest School, Game at 6:30 p. Lakeshore Minor (Pee Wee) League -- Whitby at Port Hope on Monday, July 10. Port Hope at Whitby on Tuesday, July 11, Centennial Park. Whitby at Bowmanville on Thursday, July Legion House League (Pee Wee) -- Royals vs Kiwanis on Wednesday, July 12. Lyndview vs Silver's on Thursday, July 13. B and R Transport vs Telegram on Friday, July 14. Ail games at Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc. (Midget) -- Beaton's Dairy at Whitby Canadian Tire on Tuesday, July 11, UAW at Whitby Canadian Tire on Thursday, July 13. Both games at Hillcrest South Ontario County League -- Brooklin at Port Perry (Jrs.) on Monday, July 10 at 7:00 p.m, Pickering at Markham on Tuesday, July 11 at 8:00 p.m. Whitby at Port Perry (Int) on Tuesday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m, Port Perry (Int.) at Whitby on Wednesday, July 12, Centennial Park at 8.00 p.m. Port Perry (Jrs.) at Brooklin on Thursday, July 13 at §:00 p.m. Mt. Zion at Pickering on Thursday, July 13 at 8:00 p.m. WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The Best in Bicycles" 106 Colborne St, E. MO 8-3746 Whitby .m. YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM {a parked vehicle Friday night WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:30 in Tara, JULIE... NO MAN Could FORGET HER... Daniel Francis Grummett, 18, g Saturday in| NO WOMAN FORGIVE HER.] USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 Barrie and District Ladies League -- Varcoe's (Barrie) at Whitby on Tuesday, July 11, Centennial Park at 8:15 p.m. Whitby at Newmarket on Thursday, July 13 at 7:00 o.m. LAWN BOWLING Tournament -- Men's Doubles (Twilight) at Whitby Club on Friday, July 14 at 7:15 p.m. RON ARMSTRONG MEN'S SHOP Looking for a Fine Men's Shop ? Try This One For Size! WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 FREE PARKING eo Seaforth. | Kenneth Frederick Carlyon, 34, Albert Malchow, 41, and Cuthbert Davey, in a car - bus| crash on the Queen Elizabeth Highway Saturday. Peter Sutton, 21, of Dutton, WHITBY BARGAIN CENTRE 118 Brock St. N. MO 8-4081 WHITBY ® Open Friday Night Till 9 pm. K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8.283" Oshawa--725-0181 Because . . . SATISFACTION is ONE of OUR PRODUCTS MR. DOUGLAS GRAHAM OF WHITBY SAYS... "I am certainly satisfied with the settlement received from the ACADIA Insurance Co. through the Stuart Roblin Agency", WHY NOT ENQUIRE ABOUT THE ACADIA A+ PLAN FOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL INSURANCE NEEDS. STUART C. ROBLIN 102b BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-2855 | found dead in his car of carbon] MGM rasers GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA ANTHONY FRANCIOSA *2 ERNEST BORGNINE = AN ARCOLA PRODUCTION SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 WHITBY COBB IN HOSPITAL ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Ty, Cobb, baseball's Georgia Peach| of yester-year, is back in hos- pital for observation and treat- ment of recurring ailments. A spokesman said Cobb, 74, was readmitted June 5. His condi- (tion is fair. The baseball im- {mortal has been in and out of hospitals for a couple of years |with complaints ranging from |diabetes to bursitis. a i ws LUANA PATTEN / Cinema Score snd METROCOLOR Adult. Entertainment PLUS -- Second Feature Attraction "THE CAGE OF EVIL" Starring -- Ron Foster and Patricia Blair l