The Oshawa Times, 10 Jul 1961, p. 14

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27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Reel Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1961 13 16--Rooms for Rent en, light BOOMS for rent for gentlem tousekeeping privileges, close to down| ua. Avply 23 Elgin Street East. Phone $000 DOWN, five rooms, modern {chen and bath, recreation heat, $75 monthly, run until it. oll UVARGE housekeeping room, private en- France, main floor. Apply 218 Celina) 10 treet or tele) 728-5253. CLEAN, furnished room in quiet Rome. ia sentral, suit tleman. Telephone 723. 2s. ges Posie Bill Horner 728-5123. Lloyd Real Ltd. Realtor. room, paid. |7- 183 wood big river runs through; and pastures big a $1 tool house. This farm is good are cattle or cash crop. Plenty of arden, raspberries and a Beta , Sone rries, some trees. All 7 buildings tao condition. Apply owner, . Hussel, RR macnn eects at Zo 0 extras. must be seen to be appreciat- . Frances 125-4344. RRICED for quick sale. Highway Joes, TWO tion, just east of city limits, neat bedroom home, large living room lias BA, Raglan. OL 5-3528. and dining area, handy mod kitchen, 2 baths, garage attached. 0 1950 Ford % tons, "48 Ford 1 ton, '54 Chev., 34 Ford all new paint. Mike's NEW Su unt law 'mowers, tiers BED, double, 80 CREVROLEY Sodan 12,000 miles, 728.0552. and engines, 74 Barrie avenue. 32--Articles for i Telephone Storage shed or playhouse for the kid. color, Phone 75.3368 LUCAS PEACOCK dies in the back yard. Plants, trees, shrubs, garden space in abundance. Suitable VLA. Don't this one, To miss call Don Stradeski at Schofisid's, tween 5 and 6 p.m. '60 CORVAIR, 700, four-door like new, fully equipped. Telephone 728-4920 be- 72-220, evenings 728-8423. The price is $10,500. '57 CHEVROLET sedan with new AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North, USED tires, most all sizes, up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, $3 and 725-4543. ONE man's and one lady' CCM bi-| cycle, good aay ® Telephone 723-7647. PROPANE gas cook stove with gas heating section, perfect sundition; Fog inn for Rilmet Riv yg equipped wi stallation. C Little Hope <% For Girl auto- matic transmission, ak with Tadio and|'s9 EVINRUDE Lark 35, electric starter whitewalls, 725-0758 14-ft. Lakefield cedar strip boat, teenee 751 BUICK Tn perfect running condiion,| iraller, tarp, all controls. Ready to go. priced for itu sale. T For cash only, $875. 929 Masson. 23-3301, SELLING farnitnre? We'll buy it. Re- b Pplanos x, mo od hardtop a ise, Jadio, stoves, ete. rou top cash offer contact ply L ition. $1.30, Telephone 725-5250. FEC cu me i] ai PRIVATE sale, two oul two drawers three-piece bath, oil heating, 34 PONTIAC, grey, couch. good condi-| (ITEC white sonamel sink and taps. $7,500. Brooklin 655-4550. od Can be seen at 85 Bond West, Monday, '81 GMC t4-ton truck, only 200 miles, July 10. 600 DOWN Fon fu full price, six-room, priced right, Robinson Motors, 574 Rit-| 3 TaxE over pumas on Singer po er SIX piece ote its including buf- fet and extension table, excellent condi- tion. Telephone WH 2-3046. ble Oshawa Times Classified 1 RA A Ja today for ibe low ONE-third acre outside sity, owner needs quick sale, $300 down, $1,250 full price. George Christensen, 728-1248, or 725-9870. Joseph Bosco Realtor, FIVE room bungalow with large lot and vegetable garden, $10,500 full price. Apply 175 Burk Street. Kidd, Realtors, REDUCED TO $14,500 Attractive six-room brick bungalow on Euclid Street -- aluminum storms and screens, NICELY furnished bed . & sitting To room, with light housekeeping in private some, close to Shopping Centre, park- ing. Phone UNFURNISHED threeroom apartment with or without stove and frig., private bath and entrance. Mary Street close to 723-2104. Ad EALTOR 725-4330 728-5109 BESSBOROUGH DRIVE This charming ronch bunga- low has an attached goroge, breezeway, and double paved drive. Four large bed VACUUM cleaner Soh "all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran ,{teed rebuilt machines Estimates free, Renta Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. RA 8.0591 anytime. In Desert MOAB, Utah (AP) -- small footprints and a bundle of clothe ing found on a desolate mes spurred search parties today in the hunt for 15year-old Dennise 3 li f EIGHT-ROOM brick apartment, near North on plant. Tele: phone MA 3-2750, Bowmanville. FARMS, acre and lots. We have a good selection. Call W. McAuley Real: tor, 28 Prince 8-5765. bo EVINRUDE. take trade Astrol frig., 723-7877 BALLERINA Tongth wedding dress size 10 or 12 with crown and weil, or sell . 11 ft. car top boat, $30, uley Street, 723-2512 or MO garage. ONE furnished housekeeping room with trig., parking space; also two Jurgith THREE-BEDROOM schools and to son Road rooms, kitchen with frig. Apply 156 Agnes Street. 27--Real Estate for Sale BROOKSIDE Acres, brand new modern house, seven rooms. three bathrooms, beautifully furnished den, double ga- rage, lovely kitchen, built-in stove and oven, Jandacaping, low price. Call $700 CHEQUE won at the ve Oshawa Shopping Centre for a down paymel on a new home. Make an offer. ia after six. ting, Lakevi Loi moa). 00 000) il heal 474 ew Avenue, dig 28.6391. T.V. antenna and b exit to patio, well decorated and beautifully-kept home with lawn, garden and pri- vate drive. To inspect, call Keith Lunney ot 728-5107 doys or MO 8-2650 evenings. RISTOW & OLSEN WHITBY OPEN HOUSE 2 - 8 pm. -- 1408 Oxford §. Ochows. Only $800 down.: New, modern VICKERY REAL ESTATE OSHAWA BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N 728:5123 PRIVATE SALE Modern high quality built 3.bedroom bungalow -- im- pressive appearance, garage, finished basement. Owner guarantees: no hidden faults. Ideally located for pleasant living. Flexible terms. Offers welcomed. 292 HURON STREET PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- chen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mahogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional. basement. Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S. $13,750--3%1500 Down 725-3662 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BROOKSIDE ACRES EXCELLENT RESALE $18,900.00 buys this bun- galow with attached garage. Three bedrooms, Holywood style kitchen, L-shaped living room, situated on Glencaime, 6% N HA. financing. Phone for Bill Millar ot 728-5123. $13,900 $13,900 GLEN FOREST Ranch style bungalow with landscaping oll completed. N.H.A. 1st mortgage at 6%. Low down payment will do. Owner has moved, be as nosey as you like. Coll Ed, * Drumm, 728-5123 DOWN $900.00 DOWN 5-room, 1Va-storey, newly plastered, modem kitchen, oil heat, garage, low taxes, open mortgage, $70.00 monthly. Call Bill Horner ot 728-5123. Lioyd Reclty (Oshawa) Limited Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe Street N. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 4.ROOM HOUSE At Wilson Rd. North Oshawa. Lot B85 x 184. Contents in- cluded for cash buyer. $6750 or phone Business ...... master bedroom 12 x 18. PRIVATE sale, 10 acres with custom i Brock ment, sun deck, two fireplaces, recrea-| tion room, surrounded by 1 in most i begutitul setting, Call 2-3627 afte: 24 ft. living room, fith fire- place, dining room with ad- joining den opening onto a quarry tile terroce. Spacious kitchen. Two bathrooms, and Road, Pickering, ; walk-out base- arge trees, WH one powder room. Two ser- vant's rooms, or two extra bedrooms. Wall to wall BUYING OR SELLING broadloom throughout, Ex- terior features: large brick LLOYD CORSON ; i barbeque, 4 D. W. WILSON, REALTOR walks, and beautifully land- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE scoped and hedged lot. 725-6588 723-2537 ; V.LA. APPROVED We Vist photo Co-0p TAUNTON RD. E. 125-5936 evenings "HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 King St. E. 725-7732 FAMILY. HOME Ideal location, 3-bedroom split level, living room with fireplace, large picture win- dow facing a beautifully lond- scoped and hedged lot, 11' x 24' fomily room plus many extras, Call Earle Allen, 725-7732 or 725-7783 even- ings $14,600 NEW HOME 4 miles from Oshawa, lovely ranch style bungalow on lot 78' x 210', hollywood kit- chen, mahogany cupboards, fomily room 14' x 24', at- tached garage. Call Earle Allen, 725-7732 or 725- 7782 evenings. SUBURBAN Living is all the fashion, Here we have a large 4-bedroom split level overlooking the City of Oshawa. Ideal area for raising family, excellent school connections, double cor garage. Call Don Howe, 725-7732 or 723-9692, OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE Beautiful secluded location for this é-room brick home, modern kitchen, hardwood and tile floors, garage, nicely landscaped lots. Asking $10,- 950 with $1500.00 Sewn ond balance on one mortgage ot 6% %. Call Keith Peters, 725-7732 or 725-4162. FOR SALE 3-bedroom brick bungalow. 2 years old. Fully decorated. Owner transferred. Selling much below cost. Private sale. No Real Estate fee. Phone Whitby MO 8-5282 PRIVATE SALE | 7uo oom wi ste out frame, five room bungalow, Brond new five-room bark and garage. Forced hot air oil brick bungalow with stone heating. Lorge fomily kit front, situoted or. lanscaped chen. Three good sized bed- lot with three full-grown rooms, and 4 pc. tiled bath- maples ot rear. Hollywood room. Priced ot $12,200. kitchen, ceramic tile and This will sell quickly. Call us vanity in bathroom, mohoge today to inspect. any trimmed throughout, section basement. Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--%$1500. Down 725-3662 725-3454 725-3867 Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown, Jan. Miller 725-2993 Lucas Peacock, 725-4330 Members Oshawa & Dist. Real Estate Board METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 KING ST. EAST A choice 2-bedroom bungalow in a choice location. Large land- scoped lot, attached garage, birch trim, paved drive, ook and broadloom floors, tastefully decorated. Home is in immaculate condition. Shown by oppointment only. INCOME PROPERTY An ideal investment -- one 4-room, and two 3-reom self-con- tained opartments, in excellent condition. Monthly income $215.00. Priced ot only $16,900.00 with reasonable down payment. Call tonight to inspect this fine income property, NEW TRIPLEX Modern 3-suite apartment -- well rented, excellent income -- 3 stoves, 3 fridges, decorated, good location. Shown by ap- pointment only. AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Barriage, 725-6242 Joe Mage, 725-9191 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Modern three apartment, ground floor. Fridg. and stove, very central. Phone MO 8-2398 TE PV -------- oom apartment win Siepiae, parking. Phone MO 8. FOR SALE: 7 NHA Re NS build. Ly lots, or for custom built homes, 1,150 square feet, and garage soll HI after 9 brick, for only $e. Contact butter, 4-9664 roomed | MEN! Why not buy in July your made- |to-measure suit? Save -- Summer Sale |discount of 10 per cent, Labor increase in near future of 6 per cent. New ou. bail gxisy tax of 3 per ceat. AMPIE| can save up to 12 per cent n a |suit. Order now, take delivery in fall, | Mercantile Department Store, 3, (Ontario, FOR RENT house, central, vacant July. MO 8-3785, ag SEPTIC tanks al the sanitary way, new tans installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestn: Phone MO 8-2563. FOR Se iB room apartment, refrigerator and stove, unfurnished. Apply 233 Palace Street, Whitby, or 725-4302. STUDENTS! A super value, approxi mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- Ei Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 111 Dundas Street West, FOR RENT: Seven room house, avail "(0 Fig 1. 325 Brock Street North. |For RENT: Apartment, two nicely fur- |nished rooms, bed-sitting room and kit- {chen, electrical appliances, heat, light land water supplied. Private entrance. Apply 231 Palace Street. FOR SALE or exchange, four bedroo: room, two bathroom home in Toronto, for sim- lar accommodation in Whitby. BA |1 or write 227 Glendora Avenue, BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bogs, Coolers, lon- terns, stoves, $2 weekly Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 and $45 per week. Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up. Boat, 5 hp. motor trailer, $35 per week 14' Runabout, 25 electric ond trailer, $85 weekly Conoes and Cartop Boats, $15 per week. We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tdols, WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundos East, Whitby MO 8-3226 "No » Down Payment No obli- gation. The BEST for less 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week assures family of 4 GOOD LIVING, ond Is your total cost for food and freezer, ECONOM.- IZE with ECONOMART MO 8-5381, Our food plan available to oll qualfied freezer owners. and FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished [apartment private bathroom, air econ- couple; grerything included. 321 Palace Street, MO 38-4374. WOULD 5 sit day or night, ex- perienced high school girl. Cal MO {18-2503 for information. ROOM and board for gentlemen. A 1901 Walnut Street. oer FOR RENT: Four room flat, private bath and Jase, Apply 1427 Dundas $8,900 -- HANDY TO SOUTH G.M. Owner hos purchased other property and will accept @ reason- oble down payment with one mortgage for the balonce on easy terms, for this cosy well-kept home consisting of 5 rooms with 2 bedrooms ond large 3-pc. bathroom upstairs. Tastefully dec- oroted, oil heated, double lot, nice lawn ond garden, good goroge with cement floor. See It today, you will like it. Im- mediate possession if desired. $1,500 DOWN -- McLAUGHLIN BLVD. A nice home in an excellent locality containing 6 rooms with 5 rooms down and one large room upstairs. Hardwood floors throughout, very clean. Oil heating, fireplace in living room, good garage. May be seen anytime. Listed at $9800.00. Early possession, $7,000 -- GIBBONS ST. An ideal buy for the small home owner. Neat as & pin and as ©osy as a bug in @ rug. Hos 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, large bright kitchen, 4-pc. bath. Lot 60 x 300, with berries, several fruit trees, even a fish pond ond goroge. Low taxes $117. Terms orranged. ERNIE HOLMES, REALTOR 204 King St. E. 725-2363 . A. Uin, Salesman 725-3363 Pickering -- Attractive ranch bungalow, situated in an exciusive areo, featuring finished rec. room with bar. Patio, landscaped, storms and screens, nicely decorated. Mortgage carries for $89.71 inc. taxes, low interest rate. Coll Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. Triplex -- Each unit over 1100 sq. ft. L-shaped living and dining room, balcony, equipped with stove and frig., drapes, All leased. Make an offer. Call Audrey Moore. Henry St, , Whitby Re Attractive bungalow, , featuring L- -shoped whvin ng oom, g and ot room in basement, this well opt home is priced ot $14,000. Burns St. -- Attractive bungalow with attached gorage, 2 fin- ished rooms In the basement, beautifully decorated, fini ons and screens. Call Mildred Bilida, MO 8-2167 or MO Bums: St. -- Bungalow in excellent condition, built on o 62° lot, panelled rec. room, price includes drapery tracks and drapes. Full price $13,400. Two-storey commercial building, 50° x 75, built on a lot 200° x 133°, for lease or sale. Phone Olive Howe for further information. Inquire about our colonlal style uses, with carport te be built One mortgage. Sale price $12,950. Salestaff: Mildred Bilida ...ovnenssrisenis . Res. MO 8-2167 Audrey Moore .....veeeeeicnsccesase.. Res. MO 8-4088 Aurelia Kanoze ... . Oshawa 725-1457 OLIVE HOWE Real Estate 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 |Street East, Whitby, | FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments, 890, inmodern buflding, stoves, refrig: |erators MO 85-3591. |BC SERVICES Complete service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre. |pared, 'income tax returns. MO 8.8253. |For RENT: Unfurnished, self-contain- |ed, modern basement, three Joes bath, Arthur {suit two girls, reasonable, | Street, Whitby, MO 8-8033 CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, additions, rec- reation rooms, structure! landscape features, Designs | and estimates free, | CHAS. DAWSON CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. MO 8-2104 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill, Delivery Monday to Set. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. OFFICE HRS. 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. JACKSON STREET 5 room modem brick bungalow with | home? Here it is 725-6544 or 725.4 large kitchen. You need o @ 900d buy. Call Mr. Siblock now to inspect ot NORTH-WEST 3 yrs. old, beautifully finished 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow In immaculate condition. 4 pe. ceramic bath, double Panoramic windows with screens, close to all schools, bus & shopping centre. Asking just $13,900 with reasonoble down payment, carries for $104 month including toxes on N.H.A. mortgage. Call now to inspect, Mr. Appleby, 725-6544 or 725-3398. OLIVE AVENUE & RITSON ROAD 6 room brick bungalow. Hardwood ond tile floors, private drive & garage, nicely landscoped. Call Mr. Roteliffe, 725- 6544, MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD MEMBER O. D. R. &. B. Call Realtor. 725-4651. S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 "SUBURBANITE" $1,200.00 down Large roomy lot. Three full size bed- rooms. L-shaped living and dining. 8 minute drive from 4 corners. Easy carrying charges. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8.6286. DOWNTOWN" $1000.00 down--Two storey home. Landscaped ond com- close ho L. Gower, four payments of $10, '58 VOLKSWAGEN, in good condition, Apply Fina Service Station, 160 Simcoe|8- Street South, 728-0051. '58 VAUXHALL, top condition, 12.000 miles, radio, block heater, windshield pir snow tires. Best offer, 728-5968. | ideal for cottage, $20. P| Ain Sewing Centre, WH 2.6561 6r MO pre ga spring pi J, condition, kitchen cabinet, filled bed couch in $15. White enamel li glass doors, 723-4485, FOR a '54 Plymouth sedan, good condition. Telephone 728-8109 or 218. Cadillac Avenue South. USED lumber windows and doors fro; large Soltage, good Sondition, ve nals, 410! '58 CHEVROLET four-door, transmission, in be sold on the weekend, cheap, 728-2805. good condition. Must/uitute buys under t Home Furnishings" in Classified. See I! MART a find exceptional fur- 1955 PONTIAC, four door deluxe, two|ONE only, tone, V-§, standard shift. Excellent con-|$159, Terms $20 down, dition. Apply 246 Adelaide Avenue West.|Meagher"s, 5 King West. Te stereo hifi, $10 per month. recorder, $65; 156-GM 1 ton nineteen thousand miles, $950. 728-3395. POLAROID complete $75; battery tape | BATH sets, overdrive,|sump pumps, Mping "and fittings, ce- crinoline. Like new. Telephone 8-3954. HOME freezer with roast and steaks for sale, best offer. 725-2074. WHOLESALE prices on RAC Vitor car radios, only at Parkway TV, 918 Simeoe Street North. Your authori m RCA Victor service depot from Osh- awa TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, in lots and save, 4% [b_pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg, $2.00 Circulation Department, Oshawa Times PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, All colors, Guaranteed, fiat, gloss, c, Oshawa Hardware a 8 Church Street. 723.7624. ent mixer, wheel barrow, roto-tiller, '60 8 CYLINDER Pontiac Laurentian) sedan, low mileage, Honduras maroon and white, radio, power steering, auto.|--_ matie, whitewalls, electric washers. 725-6801, FOR sale: '56 Chev. matic, whitewalls, backup lights, fadiy (rear seat speaker), A-1 condition plete with patio, Needs a little painting. Full asking price only $10,500.00. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. '! FACTS! Five room brick bungalow with a detached garage. 56' frontage. 8 years old. Full asking price $10,500.00. A steal with only $3,500 down. Coll Winse Bradley at 728- 6286 "STAKE YOUR CLAIM" 2 acre lot just north of the city. Good deep well on the property. Cal Doug Bullied at 728-6286. "IMMACULATE" Two storey home in quiet res- idential area. Fuly londscap- ed and decorated, $1000.00 down. One mortgage for bal- ance. Call Harold Segal at 728-6286. OWNER SAYS SELL $3200.00 down--Three bed room brick bungalow with a carport. Excellent residential area. Must be seen. Call Doug Bullied ot 728-6286, "INCOME PROPERTY" 10 room home in tip top condition. Downtown location. Priced right for speculation. Good condition. Call Glen MacKinnon at 728-6286, "VACANT LAND" Right on No. 2 Highway east of Oshawa. Priced to sell, $1000 down, Call Lorne Hartford at 728-6286. {and take over payments. MO 8-5093. wipers, MOVING -- Large Tug, hard top Auto. cherry chesterfield, hostess chair, lum- side and out. Must be seen, $250 fe Mi MOULDED plywood peat, Hans Pp boat, motor, trailer, '56 ear 6 Chinn, Hillside and Park Road AIR conditioners, 5 ton Chrysler Afr. temp water.cooled, 3 phase 208 package unit, A-1, Also some small units. Phone Toronto, LE 6-2880 after 7 p.m, DOUBLE pickup Gibson Spanish clea tric arch top guitar, grey, fwashing machine, two . plece r, numerous - articles, suitable for -5015. cottage. Telephone 725. IS your cash register es i a Sales fax | button? If not call Bill Hamil ton, Ashburn, BIGGEST furniture discount in fown. 1961 Thistle carriage, car-bed Myles, 7 5 good ons Tl $450. {195 BUICK, four door Sedan, Al auto. | matic, radio, in or motor, Call 723.9579 or '37 Sandra Street West. | {best offer, _ Telephone 655- 4758. 59 PLYMOUTH | Fury, top, [iobinson lots of equipment, Motors, 574 very clean, Ritson | CUSTOM (in the dash) | "ear "four-door hard. ing or a good mooring boat, 74. 9° PRAM boat, for fishing, hunt. | oars| and pins, $30. Telephone 725-7581. | Road | FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- | stration. Telephone 728-468 | radios rom $39.95. Try Dominion Tire THREE. rooms of furniture for sale, [west |Stores, 48 Bond Street West. chesterfield suite, bedroom suite, 25" | . {88 FORD custom line, good rubber, Westinghouse range and refrigerator, | body and motor, excellent ec new condition. 643 Oxford Street. | Telephone 725-7203 [185% MERCURY sedan, ¢ custom Pin radio, {or smaller boat. {two tone, in good 10-FT. CABIN cruiser, Apply $900 or trade 124 Wilson | Road | 728- -5747. | "58 ISTIN Healey, overdrive, wire | wheels, good condition. Best offer. Tele- | phone 728-8315. NAGY MOTOR ALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. ot 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 : Open evenings or weekends VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road end track, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 | Wire $20; rangette, $10; chesterfield, CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better PETER KOWAL REALTOR BOWMANVILLE MA 3.2453 or MA 3-5868 100 Acres Farm at Ennis- killen, 6-room frome house with bathroom. Large barn Implement Hen house. loam. Askng 500.00. Terms shed. Garage. Choice sondy only $19, 49)2 Acres Farm on Hwy. 401 just east of Oshawa. 8-room stone house with all conveniences. Good bam. Small stream. Other build- ings. Ideal for a model farm, Price ond terms arranged. 10-room fumished cottage at West Beach. $3,000.00. Restaurant ond living quar- ters on Hwy. 2 east of New- castle, close to Government park. Very good potential. Asking $12,000.00 with terms, 2 building lots at Curv-inn, neor Newcastle. Priced aot $2,000 each We have many other listings Also we have a number of buyers for farms, Please ¢all for your require- ments, Salesmen: . MA 3.2624 JA; MA 3-3098 29--Automobiles for Sale MGA COUPE, 1958, 20,000 miles, radio, white wall tires, wire wheels, continen. bo kit, safety belts, $1,350. RA 5.0585, 1 College Avenue. CHEVROLET, low mileage, automa. tie, 6-cylinder deluxxe radio, two-tone, financing arranged. Private, RA 8-3496. '53 CHEVROLET sedan, delivery truck. | Telephone 725-6498. '55 BUICK Fardios automatic. Sacrifice Den offer. Owner leaving town. Phone WILLIS MOTORS Barton . . with water bowls and hydro, than 20% on their rar in. surance, Half-year nents, Call us today and compare---- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 REFRIGERATOR, $39; rte, $10; 10; 240 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. BICYCLES, $30.95. Tents, boats, m mo. tors and trailers, new and wu inion Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West, 725. price $19.95; smooth-top m tresses, hundreds of coils, regular 869. 0 discount price $20.88; three-piece at- tractive bedroom suite, double dresser, bookcase bed and large chest, regular 18189. 00, discount price $116; 6x 9 bor- derless floor coverings, discount $1.99; five piece chrome, suites, arborite table {and four heavy-duty chairs, discount| price $29.95; two-piece sofa bed suite, stylings, lovely upholsteries, {bedding compartment, regular $169, |discount price $77. Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, 20 Church Street. 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Lawn Boy mower, two weeks | ago. Serial number 602653. Reward. | Phone 725-6013, 35--Legal wr the effects left at 468 Simcoe Street of Mrs, Mabel Broadbent are not d before July 13, same will be a tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant equipment, New, used, buy, sell, trade 2 rvice. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- n, LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer, with 9 x 9° cabin tent. Telephone RA 5-8330 ONE dining room table (round), and four chairs; one bedroom wardrobe with sliding glass doors. Apply 213 Albert Street or phone RA 3.7857 after 3.30 p.m. RUG, 9 x 12, Harding, turquoise, hardly used. Telephone 723-7653. NEW Admire } stereo high fidelity and radio set, mahogany finish, For fur ther details "\elephone 728-8674. WESTINGHOUSE 24" range, four Con-o-rad Durtiers, excellent condition. Telephone 655. B, F, iid "Stores = Tires, bat- Series, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con tact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. PHILCO air conditioner, cost $385 new, last "gL, hit take half price or best T.V. TOWERS $55 4u-ft. structure with alle channel ontenna, all galvane ed, guaranteed 1 year. Rio 1 LEVISION, 17.1 Bond St. East, 728-6781 CURITY DIAPERS 30--Automobiles Wanted |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers [728- 181 want Sars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800! SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Leins paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. 723-9421 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Tell Cosh tn the New | Car Dealer and "SAVE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON"S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIAL.STS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 '|32--Articles for Sale |WE pay highest prices oR the city for {used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture | Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A-1 eon. dition. Cash deal. Telephone 723-7431. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. ELECTRIC razor service, parts makes, Cutting heads, cords, Meagher's, 5 King Street West. 723 TENTS, camp cots, terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 41 Bond Street West. 725-6511. to suit you." TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 for all ete. 34328. sleeping bags, | Jan "Terms 15 EVINRUDE, take trade board motor with tank Telephone 725-3774 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price, We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 or We have a good assortment of Used Cars. CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders. Good selection of late model cars, Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St., RA 8.5179. sell, and battery. FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Guaranteed Savings on your weekly food dollar -- For appointment free of charge and without obligation. Phone Commercial Food Club, 728-3496 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 733-4494 Res. 725.5574 SPECIAL $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Nothing extra to buy, free Selva, & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. 723-7827 VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont, 655-3641 HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, comp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors. Reason- sod at Stirtevant's Auction rooms rent owing. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF JOSEPH JOHN FLYNN CARRYING ON BUSINESS AS JOE FLYNN SPORTING GOODS OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Sullivan of Rockville, Conn., kid- napped a week ago by a man who killed her mother. z Despite the discovery, there seemed little chance that thi girl could have survived days in the scorching deser country. Sheriff John . Stoc said i still think she'll be fi dead." The Salt Lake Tribune sald the bundle of clothing, a F.0d of men's gray work Pauls, sums shorts and a red and brown shirt were wedged betw rocks on Polar mesa--an 38. | northeast of here where the chief suspect in the kidnap: slaying was reported to have stayed for three days after the July 4 abduction. The footprints were in the same area. The Tribune said Mrs. Nathan Ince, a cook at a remote Polar mesa mining camp, told inves tigators that Abel B. Aragon, 35, of Price, Utah, an "unemployed Second World War hero, was seen periodically for three days by miners at the camp. She said Aragon stayed by himself but once approached her and asked "Did you hear a woman screaming?"' Aragon, winner of the Navy Cross for valor, shot himself to death last Friday night when for| Officers stopped his car to ques: tion him. Investigators linked him to the slaying of Mrs. Jean- nette Sullivan, 41, the wounding of a vacation companion, Charles Boothroyd, 55, also of Rockville, and the kidnapping of Dennise. Boothroyd is recovering from face wounds. IN THE PROVINCE OF ON- TARIO. Notice is hereby given that Joseph John Flynn, carrying on business as Joe Flynn Sporting Goods of the City of Oshawa in the Province of Ontario, made on assignment on the 3rd day of July, 1961; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the at the hour of 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon in the King Edward Hotel, 37 King Street East, Room No. 225, Toronto, Ontario. DATED at the City of Toronto this 7th day of July, 1961. CHARLES LEE, CPA, Trustee Office of the Trustee 67 Yonge, Street, Room No. 411 Toornto 1, Ontario. 35--Legel NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS : IN THE ESTATE OF MISS IRENE M, JACKSON All claims against the Estate of Miss Irene Jackson late of Whitby, Ontario, who died on 17th February 1961, - must be filed with the under- * signed Administrator on or : before the 28th day of July, | 1961 after which date her Estate will be distributed. © DATED at Whitby, Ontario, | this 22nd day of June, 1961, | THE ROYAL TRUST CO. . 66 King Street West, ° TORONTO 1, Ontario. - Administrator By Dovid J. Cuddy, Q.C. | their Solicitor herein, - who » THE BANKR of property described below: 3-bedrooms, family sized li UPTCY ACT FOR SALE BY TENDER 1107 Henry Street, Whitby, Ontario. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee up to 1:30 p.m. (D.S.T.), Thursday, July 13, 1961, for the purchase Five room frame bungalow with attached garage featuring © ving room, large kitchen, 4-plece : bath and having a basement opartment, The abave being located on a 66 x 133 foot serviced lot more or less, located ot 1107 Henry Street, Whitby, Ontario, The property being subject to a first mortgage of approximately $5,800.00. Tenders must be sealed and Clearly marked "Tender re 1107 Henry Street, Whitby, Ontario", ond must be accom- panied by a certified cheque payable to the Trustee for 10% of the amout of the Tneder, which deposit will be: returned if the Tender is not accepted orforfi to the Trustee as liquid- ated damages if Tender is accepted ahd Sale norcompleted by the purchaser. Balance of purchase price to be Boid end pur- chase completed within 15 days of acceptance. The highest or * any tender will not necessarily be accepted. ' ren for inspection Tuesday, July 11, 1961 from 11 a.m. to : p.m. ¥ BERNARD L. YALE, CA. Trustee. Yale, Friedlander and Company, 21 Dundas Soranic, EM 6.7982 ond fle ii igabesns uare, Jota 2 ' aly hawa, Oris 728-6891 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guoranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. SPECIALS for HOME FREEZERS BEEF Hind V4 Front Sides PORK Loins -- Shoulders Hams Custom Cut Wrapped and Frozen PLASTIC SAC CARTONS AND WRAPPING PAPER OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE 81 William St. West DIAL 723-3012 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF EQUIPMENT AT PORT HOPE, ONTARIO SALE SD-61-90 The Department of Highways offers for sale by Public Auction the following: only only only only only only only only only only only Station Wagons V2Ton Express Trucks 2 Ton Stake Truck GMC 1955 Chev. 3 Ton Stake w/TGL 1956 Dodge 3 Ton Stake Dump 1956 Mercury 3 Ton Cab and Chassis Huber Maintainers 1948 Adams Grader 1950 Front End Loader 1947 Jaeger Compressor 105C.F.M, Horse Graders Auction Sale to be held at D.H.O. Yard, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario at 2:00 P.M. Local Time WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, 1961 TERMS: Cash or Certified Cheque (Cheque to be made payable to the Department of Highways Ontario.) ND) tt mi A) mt NJ me =e ON Successful Bidders shall claim the purchased articles within five days from date of Auction or articles will be subject to resale. Items to be sold AS IS WHERE 1S' without warranty. : Items may be inspected at the above location dolly 8:00 AM. to 5:00 P.M. (Local Time) from Monday, July 17th, 1961 till * time of sale. Further information may be obtained from: Chas. Abrams, Stores Disposal Unit District Stores Supervisor Department of Highways Department of Highways Downsview, Ontario, Port Hope, Ontario, Phone: CHerry - 4.2571 Phone TURNER 5-2481 Local 315. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO

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