14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 8, 1961 Sy _ Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity BIRTHS | Strong Reboun TORONTO WE LY STOCK QUOTES This Week 1961 This Week: 1961 This Week: 19951 DUNN -- Lloyd and Jean (nee Wal- Sloe k Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Stock Sales High Low ® Ch' igh Lo t Noll and Jean lige Wal By. The Canadian Erem : oe ks ales gh Lo 0 [4 5 1 Close Ch'ge Hig w Steck Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low daughter, Cheryl Anne, 5 Ibs. 10 ozs. G1, Power 115 $38% 38% 38% +1 39 26% 0il Fl Sol 2500 1 44% M-3% 8 4 born July 5, 1961, at the Oshawa Gen- Advances outnumbered deciines by 336 to 217 on GL Power w 1405 $13% 13 + 4% 1% 6h 3 Falcon 13127 $63% 61% 62% 0% 37% eral Hospital. . . the Toronto Stock Exchange this week, Issues un- GN Gas 5 ; 2 8% Y % -- GNGas 280 p 5 $48 y . Faraday 6500 172 161 162 --8 198 113 = JAMES -- Norm and Grace (nee changed totalled 199. edn ' ~ GN G vt 975 5 9 E ; I t 5 Sproul) wish to announce the arrival Volume for the week was 7,160,045, down from CNGas Bw 5 31 3 All Rox 1150 3 3 16 Ain Tung 30: 7 7 7 gt thelr aon. Robert Henry, 3,108. 12 By JACK LEFLER overs, July figures are ex- the previous week's 9333000, Total sales for the. : Great' West 65 163 165 413 185 115 Al 1880 181 176 178 ~2 215 1 atima ih ® WM Nu ozs, on Wednesday, July 5, 1961, at By JACK LEFL : s, Jul gures b year to date are 330,951,782. (Quotations in cents G Wpg Gas 6 : : Alminex 81 1 178 ~~ 213 3 Francoeur Nob 44 4 [3 Oshawa General Hospital. NEW YORK (AP) -- The pected to be about 10-per-cent unless marked $3.) s G WpE Gas v_ 5 se 15% 15 17g 1 Am Leduc 8500 8 74 B + % Frobisher 16340 11% 10% 11 second half of 1961 got under below June's. However, the in- % Si i G Wpg 56 w 3030 540 5 525 --25 5 Anchor 2800 6% 6% 6h--1% 12 6% Gaitwin RE RET WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Greyhnd b 16% + Anglo Am 1041 $14 10% 13% 43% 14 540 Geco Mines 4490 $24 22% 23% + % By The Canadian Press Guar Tr i Ee ga Gira Asamera 1200 40 40 40 52 28 Genex . 2000 8 8 8 Hardee oh --1% 3 ¥ Gnt Masct 4505 5 56 56 --4 114 --1 Bailey S A 5610 755 720 750 +430 885 490 Giant YK % 101 10% = % A HAPPY occasion -- The birth of 4 : id 3 your child. To tell the good news fol way this week with business in dustry expects a strong re- - ihe Osnaweithe United States slow. Never-/bound in August and Septem- The ian of bith 35st telephone RA theless, hopes of improvement ber on a stepup in purchases This Week 1961 Hardee pr RESET ; 83492. The rate is only $1.50. in the next six months held/by automakers. ; Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Tel os 1 tv ae 18 Bailey 2 vr gay 30% 2% 3004. a3 Glacier 1500 15% aw 14 high. This, of course, is predicted be ; Horne Pf 505 355 350 +5 i Ban 6025 166 160 160 - 170 75 ino Mga BL BRL a The four - day American In-jon the anticipation that there INDUSTRIALS YS a a A Bata 1500. 6 S12 6 + 8: 34 GF Mining 14500 18% DEATHS dependence Day holiday whieh|will be no auto strike. Negotia- Dom Tar Bi446 $201 19% 14 Hur Erie 0 $42 Py hi Britalta 1300 255 247 258 305 200 Goldray 0 17 ended July 4 and the usual sum- tions between t he automobile Con Gas 48434 $18 17 3 8 jmp Pio : 28% 1 34 Cand D Granduc 5605 340 slackeni si r i Ini . PR 2547 $179 173 mp Inve 9" i Gule 1859 4 JAMES, Wessley Angus mer slackening of business ac- companies and the United Auto MB and PR 23247 Te Wh 1 Imp duvest i > 3 Calta den : Quleh Jin a Suddenly at Oshawa Hospital on Thurs tivity combined to put on theiworkers Union are proceeding| Steel Can 24208 874% 7am 74 Imp Inv pr 185 244 241 : Cal Ed 1455 $18 1% 17% -- % Gunnar 22898 900 day, July 5, 1961, Wessiey Angus James brakes. at an uneventful pace. Mass-F 19105 $13%4 12% 12% imp joy 2 20% 21 i Calvan Con 100 265 285 285 290 285 Gwillim 6000 4% Muriel Watson, loving father of Mrs.| Output in the steel industry oils hp lie wy a3 84 88 avert. YO. 36 3. Mi e-ln HarMin = luo 8 R. Spitz (Helen) Toronto, Mrs. Ean dipped for the sixth straight CAR OUTPUT DROPS / imp Tob 5 $15! s : Sine tamerina ry J 103 H of Lakes: 2400 4 Hton (Snir ey) Onan, Coie sath year, Week. June production was Output of cars this week Pamoii uu oC a he COlLLw 11200 7% 5% 7 --2 : Heath H The late Mr. James is resting at Mc (about 8,500,000 tons, down|dropped to an estimated 86,000 Nosthea) iol , I Ac 430°pr 33 $933.8 : Be ow, pus Neon omoT 5 High Bell 000 ST Intosh Anderson Funeral Home. Serv-|,...,q 550000 tons from May. units, compared with 125395 Yan Can 3s 2p 34 + Y 1'Ac 2 ! 5 C Chieftn 12600 80 76 80 Howey "220 235 Lee nthe pe or en Cemetery. With steel orders from the|last week. | Devpal n°" 6 3 8 1 Ac 275 pr 735 $55 55 5 % dn Delhi 7480 475 450 460 Hud Bay 63 at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. Ly. . Th lov t pict "Oh South U 9s 9 Ind Mineral 365 4 0 Cdn Dev 1140 410 405 405 513 Hydra Ex 4 Edith. Bently Shea) automobile industry off because The employment picture con Ingersoll A 1 ens 10 big Nog 2 Lis 30 a Hyun 2 a Gest at Fariview Lodge. Of approaching model change- tinued to improve but the un- MINES Inglis . AER, le" 3 High Cr 4200 26); 25 25 ox Int Moly Whitby, on Saturday, July 8, 1961 employment situation remained en AR aaa jnland 0) J 1 ; 13 C Homestd 4587 114 107 110 +10 135 | Int Nickel 2 5 loved wife of Lorado 253750 185 153 nland Gas 4 L A Cent De 6061 655 625 2 5 Irish Cop Edith Bently Shea, be f sour, Inland G pr 1s p--1 2500 12 3 Be Rex Loucks of Whitby and dear mothers . The number of people work- A Arcadia 183850 49 42 NM Gas wis 146 3 5 oar 123 175 175 175 8 Jron. Bay a 158 eA I oison d en ling reached a new peak of 68.- Murray. M 1s 91. MW n+ Int, Bronze 30 $1615 16% 16% +43 16% C Dragon 4733 14 - 1% 2 J Waite 5000 25 Naval Rita (Mes. D. King) of Simcoe, 700,000 in June, up 1,900,000 Northgate 101471 ~70. 62 3 1 Stoniepr. 158 SEE. Dh qn 33m SMe Mac PNB BE nM Jacobus Me 0 ; . . D. r ! X J 4 ,900, 2 500 59 g +1 4 Es C West Pete 422 22 232 8 Jaye Expl 1500 13 de A wr Fg te | il over a month earlier. Bogzan > Int Util pr A had Dey-Paj 300: 72 82 53 4 3 Jobrke. Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Y uveni es Unemployment, swelled by Juproy Sow 75 75 $ Dome Pete 16635 9% 810 910 +110 0 Joliet Road West, Pickering. Funeral sprvice 900,000 job - seeking teen-agers Inter PL $7314 25 + Ya y Pousnic 2 5 : Junsm C Monday, July 10, at on . 900, J S g 1:4 er P : ds 22 + ; namic 1 52 52 --I8 Jow Te (hioement Brougham Cemetery. TORONTO (CP)--Police said just out of school, showed an Industrials ] SH Pipe = Mid 1H 0 Kenville 5000 Friday juveniles who broke into|jncrease of 800,000 in June over! bs 7 A A 1 z Ete XK Kerr Add 10283 AON: ES? Tor "at Lambert @ parked car Thursday night/May. The total of 5,600,000 job-| --------This Week-- 196 Jofterson 0 sma Ba B+ OW 0G Farge 2500 30 30 3 Kirk Town Lodge, Agnes Bertha Pearson, wife of and scattered deadly bug killer|jess was the highest for any Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Jock or : 390 3 in Fr Pete pr 1550 400 390 36 0 39 Kapan the late Thomas Frank Pearson (for v be in danger of y 3 . ok rT 1 ' 4 Gr Plains 2620 $12 11% 114 -- 1 eae TO a : boned me. AT0UNG A) g June since before the Second aid Jock C B pr 143 Athy Br Plains x Dn 32 1a 1le-- It erly ath r Jock ! ther of William and the late Evelyn. death. : World War. ehh oh Kel p 2 Th Home Oil B 3752 910 890 8% --30 resting at the Earle Elliott Funeral They appealed to the juveniles Shipping got back to normal Abitibi 7399 $4314, 41% 4 iy 7 i 3 : HB Oil G $1415. 17 va 5% 8 Labrador Hi , 2287 Yonge Street (North of ro . spit a ¢. . Arlen shi & , m- Abitib 370 $25'% 25 514 1% 250 2 , a' Jump Pnd 2000 16 3 15 --1 24 L Dufault 2¢ Esiinton>, Memorial service in Chapel |10 report for hospital examina- ynder agreements between own Abs ; 4 4 20 = th 2 dump (200 16 SL a] 3 Dufay 2.5 Monday 2.00 p.m. Rev, Benson Jones tion before thallium sulphate ors and some striking unions cad-At 560 $1 3 ' { Ta gon a a officiating. Interment Park Lawn Ce takes effect. The poison, which and a Taft - Hartley injunction Acad-AU A 4% $22 + ; i. 307% a1 N Lamaque 2 etety! {PATRINg ON premises): was in the back of an extermin-'wpich compelled other unions Acad-Ad pr. $5 $957 990 3 A : 7 7 11 Pele on 6 5 Tansis -- ator's car, is deadly if inhaled. {5 go back to work Alta ist 1300. 225 30 Ye / 08 ; We Long Point 4400 42 38 pe " " 2 or 24 it Alta Dist vt 3500 185 17 17 8 Lafarge wis 1 Majtrans 15000 2 RRCW FUNERAL = {The effects take 12'or 2¢ hours; Prospects of & strike in say. 0," Don Cem om do 2 ap om Yanko oe 3 GE to be noticed. Lil jr other big industry evaporated An Gas : 2% + Lon Cem, pr 1 egal Wo , Mayfair 3050 145 : 1 DOW also can kill if] ¢ C » Cor ; na ambton L As 33l4 a0 28 id Medal 10173 210 : 16 1 t CHAPEL : The powder Bis 'bed through when Kennecott Copper Corp Alta Gas pr : Laura Sec 3 7a +1 Midcon 7680 29 27 28 1 Lndhst : b d pri swallowed or absorbe UBM and the Carteret, N.J., refinery Alls Gas pr 106% 107 Levy 70 $114 1 ] : Mill City 342 18 18 ; Lynx Kindness beyond price (he skin in sufficient quantities, ; io Climax. ea, 4 ER oy Levy pr 510 23% 2 3 ! go Nat Pete 5600 272 263 270 41 135 Macassa of American Mela Alta Gas wt 4 Lob Co A : ' tel i 5% a. 2 : A ; 1 1 ob Co 19 $42 G 424 30 N. Cont a on Mocay yet within reach of ali ; Inc., reached one - year wage mh 79 os ik Fon A wis 3205 Siovs dtsa 10 3 3" 0 N Cont 1 nw Macdon 728-6226 0 C t t agreements with the Union of Alig Cen w 437 730 6 6 ) 10h Co 2 1 i 3543 NC Oils 250 225 225 70 15 MacLeod 7100" 100 100 ne-Len Boos Mine, Mill and Smelter Work- Algoma 0680 $44 42 ar. ; . : : NCO wis i 32 Madsen 16300 229 208 A ob G 1 $32 2 | 3 gy 3.2 Northid 18 16 Magnet 9000 5% : 390 KING STREET WEST ers. Alumini 12295 $357 35 . : Lob B pr 365 $33 a4 33 3 2 a et : so Loeb M 1 : 1 Maneast U at 1 y - EN Alum 1 pr 700 $22% 214 3 : 8 ut sv LOCKE'S FLORIST By Imperial 0il Alum 2 : 1635 $47 ! Vin PR 5 ! 17: A ; Okalta 600 38 37 5 ' oi Rd - - 1 py yp " \ + Analog 450 325 3 3 1 Maher 2 sac Pi 33 9 py re " runerol_omongements ond | toronto cpysemice sa Belgian Prince | in... , 005 2 2 Wht wn EEE Ha fw ie he Biome gm eda i Nor floral requirements for all operators Friday were no- | hg Tod stim i 4 M Leai M pr 781 10 a 104 ) Permo pr 55 3 7 1 Maritime 39450 Arg * Mass-F ' « 2 i Peruv Oils M 27800 occasions, tified by Imperial Oil Limited | A Sa It ; y Argus 250 pr 237 $52 : Mass-F pr 2 1 1 Petrol : Rh in aE 3 OSHAWA SHOPPING of a one-cent-a-gallon increase Ordered Home pei Snatiidggiey ; : on Macs F oh 108 10 ia 3 Polat, : - [A 2 v0 025 CENTRE in gasoline prices for a two- Ashdown B = 175 12 1 Maxwell i A oy Place 56 : Maybrun 5633 7 6% cogk i ' 2G , ; y ti a 2 : Ponder 8 47 59 3 Mcintyre 5345 $39%c 36% 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Week trial period. VIAREGGIO, Italy (Reuters) Atlan. Ac 360 1 Met Stores 84 8 8% 7! De Gs 1 ai : Meluty i » 728-6555 The increase, effective Mon- Prince Albert of Belgium and Atlas Steel | 18417 333 3 Met Stores 1 + 1% Rauger 1900 105 99 ) NM pe day, is to 40.9 cents for stand- his Italian-born wife, Princess Auto Flee ; § a 4 Mid west 3 2 1s 1 9 1380 Rocky Pete y 4 MeWat ard grade and 45.9 cents for/Paola, have left their seaside Auto Fab B 135 3 0. Molson. 3 0 S27 3 : : Sappliire 0 7 a 334 Mentor f Br ank Mo 2 ¢ 5 1 ! a : § | ' oe woh OSHAWA premium grade. ip yiia iil here Zid Teporls Bank bongs A : Molson i v5 & Secur Free 400 390 3 5 480 370 Meta Uran 30600 5 y y - y hav "order ] : 37 - ¢ I is b= 424. 48 ; South U 9% 9 22 9 Min Corp 3200 NUMENT COMPANY No reason was given and Im- they have been or ered home Bath Pow A . J Mor Ine 4 South 1 7 5 | 3200 » MONU perial Oil officials have refused to Brussels by King Baudouin. Beat Liber 142 a 18 i Mont Loco 10350 Si 1 - St 13 Spooner in a Ya ag MinOre 8 SPECIALIZING IN to comment. The Rome newspaper Tele- Bell Phone Ne 54 8 55 Mont Frast's i + s Me Wright 41053 102 Monuments, Markers, Sym p------------------------ -- ~ resa reported Friday night un- Bowater pr $ + al 46} Nor Drig yen 1 141 Tie Z Mutt -M suo 28 % 5! i 3 + wl urray x15104 91 79 : t 5% r 2 a Br 15 1 Memorials, Cornerstones, der a Brussels dateline that Rep Ta 5 : Nat Drug pr 2 ! 4 Tidal 6130 6 1 Nama Cr 2000 13 12% Note A Swe S tH d Prince Albert, Baudouin's Bowater 1075 $77 87 . ' N toe B i 3 $ : Trans Can 1625 415 41 Nat Expl 2525 8% 8 od 3 " . yr Car 2 Tr 17 p i" ry RR. 4, KING ST. E. UPPOITIIYAI0 Te, "ni paola had "fied 698 525 For i he 0 SUA Th GN--1 MC a (0 Doo 13s 13 1a Nello". foo 1 Ph. 728-3111 or 728-8876 . home Thursday following strong - $36 56 +1 : 2 a Wi : ] + ; : Un Oils 13817 127 120 ; New Alger 4700 4% PIC ALIA AS DI RB fat hl WEA ' re y ; 13 31% + 36 3p 1 Un Reef P 18325 36 34 3 : New Ath 5150 GIDEON Bibles are a continuing A | t criticism in Belgian newspapers / 1 2 ) 3 3 3 AYRE : X morial. For placement contact funer ma alla 0n of a "scanty" bathing suit worn ) 581 y +1 0351 $1044 9 2 y 3 Yasue 4000 9) b : New rd yoo director or phone RA 3.2327. Faroe SRxE. son ._ by the princess and clashes be- i 4 ah -- 3 Vor. Tans W120. S60 4 , W Cdn 0G 32 9 N Goldvue 1000 KINGSTON: (CP)--The Onta- o..." 'he prince and press : > il pr 150 $8 2 Wsburne 5 50 47 % -- % 61 1 N Harri 1000 io Municipal El ical Associ- f : 3 B35 4 5 Wstates 35 133 138 New Hosco 13000 rio Municipal Electrical As hotographers here | 4 : ; ¢ 458 000 IAM 4 Seid gs be amal-P grap! . : Ar 3 aK S%%% 53 y W Decalta k 83 8; : New Jason 4700 ation Friday voted jor k A friend of Paola said he ' S14% 13% 147% 4 Ta 12 Oteah Cm. 45 Su ! W Lease 300 3 5 N Kelore 5000 . # . . 151 1 150 143 M i 1 111 ndfa 4 10 A 3 Newlund 48950 gamation of northern and... ont jt was not so much the 15% 15%: : Office Spec 200 t Me yan Can 4500 3% 24 NO Mylam a 33800 48 CUTHBERT -- In loving memory of southern electric power facilities|y, oping suit which upset *'some- : 4 13% 13 8 1 ont "Laan 00 3 : \ : Re a oy ST et Wie pay here. : Soka body in Brussels," as the '"'gay - 10 SOR 49% 5004 + 5 Oshawa 2 Nie 5 Those ve love We sever loss, I a ciatus Disc , life which two led while on va- ows 2 é ; » Page-Hers 2 2 J ; . Ny 54333 59 54 8 For always they will be was the last of nine districts Ini cation here." 250 iE to batier ors 4 p : in Mines Nor 2 el HE emvtred, Invatured, Ontario whose approval was -- ee Burlington 4 1 18 18% + 2 2 1 Pe ne nor g Nex Fs 300 is (08 308 and B Nisto 3000 4 3 3 a erred by Tom and Eliza. needed before the Ontario Hy- Burns sd Penmans 31 31 33 y Q A Nor. Acie 560015 94M Cal beth McGhee. dro-Electric Power Commission Phantom 97 y , Abacus ' 0% 10 10 --1 Noranda 5053 $497 48% 49% +1% 5 . ! MARNIEN -- In loving memory of a could proceed with plans. All but Bonds Firmer { es ga Yow Corp. 2 al a Acad Uran SE On Rk Norbeau RCA A ! dear husband, William Marnien, who, one approved the commission's | Cal Pow 9 33 2 aa i ie Pres Elect 2000 J TE 0 Advoes Js 45 +10 : Norgold. En 12 Pe a IER sever brief in a series of similar T di D Can em pr 3 4 3 aN Cr or 847 1 ) 5 Alba Expl 3 3 3 Normetal 3235 290 275 +15 Love and remembrance last forever. meetings since June. Id ing own an Foils Jon $1732 $7 18% QN Gas wis 5100 3 180 2 +100 335 1 Anal Hare Norpax : 3s adly missed and lovingly remem-| The amalgamation is planned hy 20% + 2 Rapidly Tew BO 1 his, Anglo Hur N Coldstrm 19265 120 109 hin. Ang Rouyn bered by wile Florence to provide increased service tol Canadian bonds were firm CI F 4% ssa. 50 8 BS Robin Ang Northgate ~~ 101471 70 62 1 Ansi v \ . J A 4 1 7 Sil } A : solder BB MORDEN -- In loving memory of Southern Ontario from proposed this week but trading declined Can Malt M1 i. 8 % 61 Roe AV Can 7164 3% bh - ; Arcadia wis 7600 N Solder a a ear ie end mother. Fes generating plants in the North. actively in. some sections. pack 2 } 8% 59 +1 1% 4 Roan ik 8 37 7 ' Arjon 3000 Norsp A wis 2050 61 60 6 Cod Knew that she was suffering, Power from the North will be, The Government of Canada Can Perm 1 7 5355 A Arcadia 13350 Jos Car ew 13 mis That the hills were hard to climb, cheaper than building new short terms showed small gains Cem : et Alan €C-- 1300 13 3 " 7 Norsalie 000 12 12 12 v v - pil . § ' orp < ao a: i Sd A slry eyelids plants in the South, the com- of five-to-15 cents, as did the Can Wire B 7 ; 2 7 St MoTce ; 7 9 5 Atlin gut 16700 9 8 8 3 5 5 Ever remembered by husband mission decided. mid and long terms. En Bake AE HR 5 50% 438 Salada-§ 1 173 A Aumathe $y i. 4 0. % 85 Andrew, son Douglas and family The next step will be decided] The Canada § Ce hon 1a 8 Salads: wo ; 0 46 Py 3 Aunor i 0 : Obaska 3000 8 NELSON -- In loving memory of a at an OMEA directors meeting|1, 1965, closed. at $97.25-897.75, CBAL A wits 292 375 +25 530 2 Seven Arts 13133 $13% 11% 13% Bankene : Bate 2 Onn in dear Sister, Alice Nesom, whe fell lin Toronto July 19. If approval ahead 50 cents. It was one of CRALL wy : AA ; ; Shawin 10730 § " 30 2 Bankfle 1% x1 Oieary 000; 13% asleep July 9, 1958. : ; oy v : dn Can / : . Es 1 Shawin A 7 4 2 ) 1 p 2 A . v y | brs 184 The bitter grief that first 1 felt, is given Ontario Hydro will ap-'the biggest gains during the dn_Celan 279 y+ 1% 2 Shawn 'A pr " » aos 293 Bary Expl 3 3 3 Orchan 6900 154 When God called you away, proach the provincial govern- week. The 45 - Sept. 1, 1983, Cel 175 pr 34 "wn. Shawin B pr 200 $49%s 4914 Base ne, \ Ormsby 0 2 Has been sweetened by anticipation o , > P 'ang Jose Pp 3.75-897.25 Chem 4 A an one . Silverwd A 1620 $11 11 11% 12 ask 93( 5 sisko 900 a Of joining you that promised day. | ment with the proposal Lo Canada closed - at $93.7 Si C Chem wis 8960 2 5 ne Silverwd B $ 3-Dug r ) Pac Nick 50 8 --Never forgotten, Sister Lena unchanged on the week. he & llieries 250 , 7 Simpsons 512 1 3 Beay Lud Ek Ye Dardmag 5 W IYo-Dar.ch . " olli pr 20 +3 81 ate Icher 50 5 A 4 >ardee 1 CNR five-per-cent Oct. 1, 1987, : Slater pr FS 4 i : Beth 70 1: 15 ; Parr M 195 TOMS -- In loving memory of our| : : : 75 5 curt W 2600 1% i i Slater. 1nd 7 ? dear son and brother, George Cuthbert, | al Iel closed at $98.75-$99.25, up 2 Drawm pr ! 1% 1 12 Southam Bevcon 10 1 Pato 27 who passed away suddenly July 8, 1936. | cents. «Dredge 3 ] Stafford Bibis . ' ¥ ao Baymast ie Always smiling, happy and content, The 91-day treasury bills sold ( Loved was my son, wherev = Frbks A I ay yo X Pav 1 % 1 % 174 14 Bicroft 3 3 Sal ran To a beautiful Ti6 a pd Discount Plan at 3.63 per cent compared with « last week, while : « « wt He be EE Fairbks B 11 83% y 4 2 Radio Bidcop 4 5 Peerless F Pr 1 pr 1 . y 3 St Wire C Black Bay 5 6% 61h --1% Perron He died too soon, everyone's friend 2.57 per cent F Pr2 pm : a 37 Stedman Birdulac 9 82 9 Pick Crow membered ped and always will be re-| TORONTO (CP) -- Discounts, the 182-day bills sold at 2.77 per ¢ Margaret. of up to nearly 28 per cent on cent compared with 2.74 per Gas In w 300 2 1 3 Steinbe A 2 Broul Reef 28% 28% 28% + le I 5 Pow Rou I I I berg ] - " rail freight carried by Canadian cent. Day-to-day money traded Shiusky wt 3 iad Ster Tr $ PEEL 6% 5 Brmswek 5 460 5 445 5 . Preston | 9 y y S Pro 7 16% 1 14% Jui ros . railways in lumped small ship- at 2) per cent most of the C Hydro Car 1 10% 1 2 s Spare y 2s ¥ 1 Buff Ank 2350 122 11 Que Ascot e 1C 1S) ut u | ments will start July 31. week. an arconi 54 5 ge V5 Tv A suptest ord hae Buff RL 1000 Wh t 4 Que Asc A joint statement by the Ca. The provincial market was Cp Ik! } g 7 3 Switson 1100 180 73 20 1 ° Sue Lap =m F213. 0% .% nadian National Railways and!/firm and corporate prices re- on 5 16% 1 % + § dip 3 Que Lith , o Z . w, ; . Uowi wil au the Canadian Pacific Railway,mained ainchaaged in light trad Li 2 4 Cable 116 12% 11 Q Metal 81 8 65 y 1 , i y iss - 2 ' yo p 4 Tamblyn BES S225 LY & Bu 2 J t - b rt ghar iri 4 Cdn Oil § $10 - LR dann G 577 $66 64 di 1 g amp Chil 338( +35 1025 355 uemont RAI Bow cB i said the new rates will apply toj/ing. A new $2,500,000 ue of v : 3 ¢ Chib 23380 910 065 985 3 I less-than-carload freight in On-|first mortgage sinking fund by CPR 11728 + 1 Thorncliffe 1505 S10% 9 = 9 amp RL 93 $13% 13% 13% + % 18% Radiore : 7 n TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian i 3 Cdn Pet pr f 3 a , 1 5 5 +1 5310 57 C Tung 2 h | p . ' ap-! Pr , 7 ; 4 et pr 1 ARC ! Tor-Dom Bk 4011 $65 63% ngsten ; +3 2 Rayrock {tario and Quebec. It will not ap- Premier Steel was well re Cdn: Te y y 39) Jorpom 0 14% 1 dn Astoria 8 5 : 4 3 Realm . 2 "lo » je! ( T0OLor Jelcle Jroduction visi iy to shipments unsuitable for ceived. It was offered at $100 to Cin Tire A 173 SI | te $1 46% 3% ola aha ¢ Dyno 595 84 4 Rooves 1 pared with 9,453 last week says pickup and delivery, such asiyield 6.25 per cent and was y ckers 1 4 17 16 Frm 4 As dd 2 v - « NA 23 i 3 > Renabie . Sh #3 the Canadian Automobile Chom. perishables, explosives and live- quoted at the end of the week CWN G a 16% . ] 2 5 575 $40 0 C Nwest 3566 5 " q Rio Algom 6517 935 g stock at $100-5101 CWN Gas 5p 500 $22 2 ; T Fin B ris 2330 $16 : 666 5 - -- ( : C ; Sec B = 3 +17 Steel Can Bouzan 93640 59 49% 59 +9% 34 Pitch Ore Gas In pr 3965 $5 oO 5% 4 ¥ a0 Steel C rts Bralorne 4804 610 595 605 760 3 Placer 30 A th * Silica 25 9 9 ! Rio Rup 6666 5 ber of Commerce in amish mo" Fin wis 56 1610 an-Erin 5 2 3 Rix Athab 13600 31 8 Production to date thus year is ockshutt 5 5 1 84 4 3 Ya 1 T Fin wis 57 3720 1 15% 1 Cariboo FEN OTL RR 5% 1 Rocke a 1 tina at CONOR tie Col Cell 5 Liga Can PL 10084 ] assiar 779 $y 131 13% 8 15 § Rockwin 30800 16 eats 55" SE BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT EE Re 80 Ral LE OBA Lo fe 2 compared with 260.028 in the ' Conduits site 11% 1 is . : Gas 200 ent ore 15089 84 r corresponding period last vear Can Bake £2 hest 14700 32 ade oh 'on 481 ester 700 32 1 2 ; 3 00. 5 I --made up of 191.118 cars com- Con Gas nt sui hib Kay 10000 14 131% Sane 18 ( C ( % ( 8 17 0g , 49 « i x a: : 3 S « 314 4 9 pared with 213.356 and 39.834 # : ' Corby vt 1910 $18 y B14 a 19% 18%c 19% +104 1 15% Chib M 1600 ? : > 1 126 "ks co~ipared w b Cosmos 500 $1 1 12. 0 $3818 58%4 5 Chimo 23100 48 ; : t 177 . A530. 440 trucks pared with 46,67 al 1 | £6 Craig Bit 100. 15 } 3 : ; : 3 Chron 4200 670 : Sigma 420 1 1 1 - 3 247% 247% 247 . Coch "Will 6650 395 4 3 Miller 39 37 hy gE « : : « { « « « C heskirk 13700 4 4 In : Ww 1 169 158 Car production by companies | Crain RL 290 sil this week and this year to date Crown Trust 73 ; 4 Un Steel Mem XBL {Ee 0.32 15 10% $3 : . : 52 Met 4632 26 3 Stan 5¢ 5 105 with figures for last week and Crown ri toy Ye ) Viceroy A oniag 17100 90 5 7 the corresponding period last Market Th m | obs 2 0814 33 97 Yoomy 8 on. Key 51000 25 24 2 : ; Steep R 3 780 year in brackets are 12] e Poa 8 3 : AWE W i Bellekeno 21666 1414 - 7 Sturgein 2 215 21 American Motors 144 (180). | Dik Soak 598 18% 1 11s 20th Veh Rip S00 us or Ty > 3 tn 8 Sud. Cont 2 re al 3644 (ni): Chrysler 1.202 By JOHN BELANGER Hefty gains however, went to Dom Elee 2 + Bla 3 Wester» Pmt sie i Pr Discovery 8630 265 25 0 ' Sullivan, i 11 (1,089), 26,503 (31,471): Ford 2.-| Canadian Press Staff Writer Ro Toronto - Dominion and D Pndry 8621 8 50% + 3% 0 4 West C Brew Bi $3213 3diac 32! ' ! tooo in : gy Srborst 49 13 140 (2,563), 55.221 (59,894); Gen.| Toronto's stock market Nova Scotia in moderately 3 asses 2 $1 ve 13 BE by rere W100 3000 20 eral Motors 3,928 (3,840), 102.- adopted a "let's wait and see" heavy trading : Dom § 8391 § 2s 7 West Fair A Halliwel 70300 46 5 457 (119,699); Studebaker-Pack- attitude this week, as volume Motors were better with U.S om 4 pi + $221 2003 1 2314 19% West Fair pr 100 1 ik Tila ~ Marhen ity : Taureaniy FH ard 78 (159), 3,293 (3,292). plunged to its lowest point in Ford and General Motors ad- Dom e300 31 3% 1 lal on 3 1 ) samy 2 on M and 8 9% 27 2 490 130 months amid rising prices vancing $3 and $1 respectively,| Dow Brew 100 $30 : Won bth 2s $00 3 Mocwon 90 2 Bm im 8 ; 150 71 : Left leaderless by Wall The base metals market ig- : i West A wis 9405 $10% 10% 12 Mosher 5400 175 17 7: . Tie 1000 4% Street's close due to the U.S./nored industrials' lethargy and Yodo | "s White Pass 425 $6% 6% 6% 4 on Negus | SHE 3 A 18 1S 8500 60 Aer A a | ; tes mad freon Inv }: 4 5 Ww TA 251% 25 % orthlan 900 5 Towag 1000 8 Independence Day holiday on{moved to a new high in heavy Eddy Match 2 2 7h 2 Wood 4 A rid 0 Persh 660 84 - : Tribag 8500 37 By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Tuesday, the market squeam-|trading on Wednesday. Metals Fddy 1 & % 1 Wdwd A wis 1060 97 . : n ons Que 5040 3 : Trin Chib 3000 10 |ishly pushed volume to its low-|passed the "200 mark' and set- ¥mp Life nel : : Zenith 8 560 Red Pop 300 5 hy 1% 1t.Shaw 5125 Lid, common 20 cents. Aug. 1 est mark since Nov: 24, 1960,/tled at 200.04. In the seniors, Exquisite : 1 3 1 Ble C Sannorm 34500 9 9 t Asbestos record July 17 : * "land ~ maintained the patternigains were mainly fractional, Fam Play 5 ] 18418 - 3744 Qurb Conwest 6831 370 3 65 10 3 n Keno West throughout the week. but were nevertheles consis Fe al ) 55% 37 : g Iie d op-Man 1082 6 : 270 14d. Class A 17% cents, Aug.| The slow trading did not hurt, tent. p 29720 4% 3 ' Asbestos 2796 1 25g hr nd 21663 121 : 2 Sr Can i 5 ord July 31. : : : 5 7 y urva 3 15, record July 31 index reached its highest point,week, with trading in golds. Nt § 133 1 C.ving : : J ourvan pu 3 Yespar CG Inv jo:am Ad., 37% cents, Sept. 1, record!=g= , \ : ; . - raigm 4 w Am Lu. 17 2 pt. 1, recordisgs 6g ag many brokers and Western oils were actually Forg_Tom 12k 12 12 | © Inger SY . a 20 Tas Ht Weadon y Foundtn 1 1 2000 3% 3p 3 Hage Werner p NE es "as |Predicted the attainment of the the seniors, Consolidated Mic Frosst A 360 $19% 194 3a 15 o 22 D'Aragon 3500 23 TR 3 1 W Surf I $1.32, Aug. 15, rec ord July 24,| Fruehauf 350 3 430 3 14% 1 : Deer Horn 10800 24 27 ; 2 : Willroy future Dome were all ahead Gat 5 pr i Ha 103 1 ! D , 2 y Va" Toy Delhi Pac ; g 4 0 § upont - ' L Delnite 9 9 - > Yong Waly tL hy > rs 5 sen Bake 2 1 ) dupont pr 2 g i 1 4 753 Denison ] 96 95 7 sar 1 ROME (AP) )-- Vacationing the inevitable drop. The index|dustrials up 4.87 to 594.00; golds G Dev 17 1 7 Maves 2 1 2 ve .24 200 Dicknsn 3 : 265 "HG 10300 Pr a Int P $31%% J : 1 . tains or sea shores received|low. Most groups were ahead onltals up .04 to 199.18 and west- GMO. 2200 60 80 4 5 - RE pap Ponalda - p . Zenmac 2 G P Drill Lob Ine Duvan 9? 9 h Zula 60 6 2 Zulapa 7030 5 3 214 creased by 15 per cent this{taken by steels, refining oils and! Index changes at Montreal GP Mig 1 . 4 . » ! : - 2%: 5 3 . GS Wakes a Miaclayen 215 22 2% Curb . ) Conduits National Company, | Exquisite B 1 * Regcourt 12500 5 y Mining 10500 Great West Coal Company Anglo-Nfld 1713 1 Cop Corp 6450 17 5 2 Fon 5 : , |prices. Thursday the industrial] Coppers were mixed on the ibr 3 8% + 2.5 CD Sug ; Be oulee nee 3 Seva A Ventures 16283 erial Flo - Glaze Pg y a Imp, aints since 1934. Industrials soared to|poor Ford US n.rk a PUA va Iv " fu LG 1 y i Steinberg's Lid., Series-A pfd, market observers cautiously better, but not noticeably so. In Fraser 19 $2 2314 ; 2 i 4 Pering 1500 ; ge magic '600 ark" the near ailey Se y : : a 600 mark" in the near Mac, Bailey Selburn A and Gatineau D OiL Cloth 1 23 ) 24; 2514 1914 I'Eldona 1308 7 FARES HIGHER With Friday however, came, 'Index changes at Toronto: In- Gat 515 pr Italians flocking to the moun-|fell, while volume remained|unchanged at 82.95; base me- Gen Dynam 30 3 } ' 2 3 HA 8% " Dome g a 2 97 Yukeno 100 news that train fares will be is ak week, the leading being|ern oils down 39 to 95.05 G P Drill A Maciiren t ' month. Ttalian railway fares utilities Banks up 61 to 65.03; indus Globe A 2 ' A ) Ogilvie 835. § 1 47 : . \ ; have been among the lowes! in|BANKS MIXED trials .3 to 325.0; utilities up .4 Goodyear 60 5146 14504 14 15 12 Price. Br aio : 2 A Bulolo eas 508 7 . p 0 ce ye 0 orour ip ng i 48 iB 4 = Goodyear pr 260 $449 44 ® : 8 3.0 " 1 y 4 3 Gaspe Cip 25 $26 2 2 20% 1714 Europe} at about two cents per ne group which was mixed to 146.0; papers up 4.9 to 511.5 Goer 100 8155 15% ; Sangamo { 3 g 8 ; 1 Pand. Ore 0s go 2s 28 mile. lon the week was the banks.'and golds up 1.28 to 79.60. GL Paper 1568 821% 30 ' Zeller's Eldrich 73 pt Yukon Con . &