OSHA Thursdey, , 1961 derworid, took a week to die cases as the disappearance of an, sirior down by 8 Kile? with 19 WA YiuES, ao, Suly 4, 18 after he was found on a Lauren-| Marion McDowell, 7 yearvid little to connect ° tian highway with three bullet|stenographer, when went a|crime, are almost i to ely EW F 1 | d holes. for a last ride with her boy eeling ing. that the dead solve. : . el A year-old drifter Jon t slayer the! But the police osophy is 1 en nn nso ve WOULDN'T TALK escort told police they were|case remains open." {that in Tux Jhllose case, E E T : It's my life," he told police. "cuddling in the front seat"| The whisper "vendetta" ran|somebody knows who did it-- R I°WER oy dont have to talk if I don't|when set upon by an armedithrough Windsor, Ont., thelor unwittingly holds the key. man who slugged him uncon-|night of Aug. 20, 1958. ver ( lose Bank manager Royce Smith|seigus. Antonio" Dipasquali, Italian|, And the fles are never Summer Cologne and Dusting Powder got in the way when three men : _|immigrant laborer, groped to . held up his establishment on|, Robert Fabian famed Scot-\ TRIBE or Oy factory Wits Gouda pas By BRUCE LEVETT take and by design. Some were|of underworld violence, and May 20, 1960. The killers led in to hel Eater, as parking lot. At 12:01 a.m. he Press Staff Writer (slain with cold deliberation and|Vancouver -- struggling with|stepped over his body on their|"? ep ely Dolce; | essed the starter and died in MAKE YOUR HOME The files never close on mur-|others in the heat of an unre-|the country's toughest narcotics|way out with the loot. somhsayers and hypnotist the explosion he touched off. || ® More Beautiful der. callable moment. problems -- have the most| Arsene Malo, 37, and Rejean|parion has or been seen| "Of course we know what itll @ More Valuable 59 Value As the list of unsolved slay-| In some cases the murderernames on the unsolved list. |Raymond, 21, died together on|since. is all about, but what can we with LIMITED TIME OFFER ing goo i coe aol own bt. fo ry. one a Monge cy pn 1 2 GET" oa' aly pes an Lap, 11, va 0 oh ie dot he me | 3) rope i ice| many reasons, cann 5 suburban Vi . Mi i a - i Bg LRN i bi years as unsolved. Provincial ya a gangland ntual siasing. [0 Of the most tragic cases in na Io - ehploves com vestigators blow the dust from| But the files remain open. |police show another eight. {each was shot through the back ie che Tere of Toronto, 3 coming. but it's come al¥ right." the folders, read again the tales| In the last 10 years, police] They include: |of the head; each had his fists eleyin : Slory or Tale. No Chiles case continuing of violent death and seek solu-|files have swallowed up such| ,.q. Ochsner, Swiss watch|clenched in his hip pockets gs. i tions in the light of new tech-lnames as that of Frank Battag-\;orter choked to death in|When the bodies were found. She posted her name on a|Apy, SOLVED nidues and later developments. lia, garotted in Montreal in 1956p: luxury apartment in 1956. The year 1958 was a bad one Supesmarkel bulletin board for Newfoundland, Prince Ed- e policemen say there is|within an hour of his acquittal pojice say the killer is known|for Vancouver. It left police|Pabysitting work. A killer ans-|yarg Island and Saske'chewan no such thing as an unsolvedlon a murder charge. and turned the name '"Cam-|with six unsolved slayings--|% ered the note and herireport no unsolved murders murder; that all were unsolved) Nobody has been brought to|eron" over to Interpol. * |three in one case. strangled body was found in a|juring the last 10 years. in the beginning and some just|hook in the Jan. 8, 1957, slay-| mne same year an unidenti- David Pauls, 53, was slain as Slow Covered field. That was in| = cia lists three. take longer than others. ing of Clint Burson, 44-year-old|soq male torso turned up in a|h€ left his home to pick up his arch 1959. a |: Yo unselved' slayings are ; he i fii a han oo g ba ndit stabbed as he 2 pved downtown alley. The head was i Working me. aay her file bears a nota-; nger investigation in New Here's wonderful warm-weather news from Shulton. After @ d e w weeks later, y W i y i fr Cie a i oe Uo ck ond fo he T3005, Sieh suns open | hover rb lion on st f Der owe there were 1,067 murders|penitentiary 14 miles north of gootres 'crushed and distorted|Pludgeoned to death in her bed pects have been checked outiness for police in Alberta Summer Cologne... pat on delightful Desert Flower Dusting "known to police" in Canada.|Winnipeg. beyond recognition by the killer who entered the|with negative results and, as of Do ; You Can Be Brouq OH Powder. You'll feel fresh as the fragrance itself. And, the attrac. Of these, 810 were solved. Still sought are the slayers : house to wait for the mother. |this date, the case remains un.| In Ontario, outside the Tor-|j o LAST A LIFETIM tive package makes thi ideal gift. On this basis, your chances of| > Bros. Vancoaver Larry Petrov had just been "aro Hellen Pauls, 44, died ashsolved." onto and Windsor cases, at|| ® Built-in Sa Tread package makes this an ideal gift. Buy several now, while getting away with it are about ol amny » » dj charged with possession of nar-|opo ontered the house from least four others are in the this special offer lasts. 25 per cent. How long you will igmetub anes Steet 13tn|cotics when he vanished in 1957.| yori Rewards totalling $14,- AUTO BLASTED police continuing files. get away with it is another mat- sag University golf course. 1ontS ter, his leg was re-1000 in this case have lapsed The Walter Hewlett case is al RCMP investigators report Concrete "au CrosCamata survey And sl unidentied are thea "MU Ean a he Ny oh et Warehouse manager was cases on thi books if oly n a Cross-Cana rvey,| . 4 . an unusua e of gun figure Ss s--if only : The Canadian Press found the|tiny forms of the Babes in the| priest Costello, 38, drank|in the case oe ol Sw Newred slain in a 1955 holdup. Several{say "I have nothing to report Products list of unsolved slayings longest| Wood," a young boy and girl--|q,vohninelaced creme de men-|turns up anywhere the Pauls/vears later a drifter died of a|this month." o Hho Ne in such crowded centres as|believed brother and sister =e the at a party in Ste. Adele|file is pulled from its drawer. heart attack in a rooming And police admit there are end Whitby Montreal, Vancouver and Tor-|Who By in igh 7h 4 hy North late in 1958 and died in|SITTER STRANGLED Mouse. There was little to iden-|slayings they never hear about|] '® DIAL onto. rover Te ig Park in Vancou. agony. Police say they believe| Toronto homicide detectives tify him. Police, noting a re' _the "Babes in the Wood" lay MO 8-4159 ug 8 GOLF COURSE KILLING Iver. Ithe poison was intended for an-|have a file with '"'murder" in|Semblance to the description of(dead for six years before a ry Yr at } Men, women and children {other person at the party. blue capital letters across the|the Hewlett killer, called backjgardener stumbled upon their| * To Antisble CRE (00) 0 8 have died alone and amid MONTREAL HAS MOST Ken (China Boy) Winford, 32, cover. ithe witnesses. grave. 13 crowds. They have died by mis-| Montreal, with its history'hanger-on in the Montreal un-| In it are listed such unsolved| Some were certain the man' Others, where the victim is Your Key to Better EVERYDAY Values SEE THE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES BEING OFFERED BELOW THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WOMEN'S | LET-GO CLEARANCE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ; HARD WARE Cotton Crepe Gowns Manufacturers Clearance MERA IR 2022" 2.69 | o DRESSES | High-Grade POWER | COLEMAN LANTERN MISSES PRINTED ® COATS MOWERS for Camp or Cottage COTTON SWIM SUITS | ® SUITS "SMOOTHY-MOW" MODEL WIND & STORMPROOF -- LIGHTS INSTANTLY , FANCIES AND PLAIDS IN SIZES 12-14-16 and 3 44 wens ere tee 309 | o CpORTSWEAR | am vie swe loss OO 97 | ge va $7.88 means "'extra money in your pocket'! 2 h.p. Lawn Mower, aot o Speciel Price which saves you 10.02! All Spring and Summer "SCOUT MODEL! 25 NP. 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REG, 3.98 9 INCLUDES CASE & GRIP tf EATON"S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 239